Clash of Worlds
A Young Australian Muslim sent me a list of questions expressing his concern as a Muslim living in Australia. I believe they can shed light on how Muslims think and their concerns. My replies...
A Young Australian Muslim sent me a list of questions expressing his concern as a Muslim living in Australia. I believe they can shed light on how Muslims think and their concerns. My replies...
This interview was originally posted in 2009/08 ITF: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to the viewers of the Infidel Task Force. It is...
1) How would you separate the definition of religious vigor from that of a spiritual life? There is a big difference between spirituality and religiosity. Let me first define what I mean by...
This interview was originally posted on One of the most outspoken critics of Islam around the world these days is a Canadian man, Ali Sina, who is formerly a Muslim himself. He runs...