Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?

Muslims will cling to any lie to confirm that their religion is true. Sometimes they make claims that are downright ridiculous.

A Muslim sent me the following video to prove that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible.

A Muslim sent me the following video to prove that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible.
The claim is that the chapter 5:16, of the Song of Songs, mentions Muhammad by name.
This chapter does not mention Muhammad. The Hebrew word mahamaddim in this verse is not a proper name and it has nothing to do with Muhammad. It means “delights” or delightfulness.”
To clarify the trick I will use the same absurd argument to prove that the Bible mentions my both names several times. In fact, there are hundreds of references to my names, Ali and Sina in the Bible. In the following biblical verses, I have highlighted my name for all the doubters to see.
Genesis 45:26 They told him, “Joseph is still alive!
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ, all will be made alive.
Colossians 1:21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind.
Ezekiel 1:16 They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike.
Jeremiah 6:13 From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.
Exodus 19:20 And the LORD came down upon Mount Sinai,
Psalm 68:8 the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, before God, the One of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel.
If Muhammad is mentioned once in the entire Bible, my both names are repeated hundreds of times in both the New and the Old Testaments. That is not all, I can find my name in pretty much every book. Is this a miracle or what? Doesn’t this prove that I am way superior to Muhammad, foretold by all religious, scientific, historic, fiction and non-fiction books of the past and present and most likely not in one but in many languages?
This is how Muhammad is mentioned in verse 5:16 of the Song of Songs. Do you see the deception? Isn’t it embarrassing that Muslims engage in such tricks? Obviously, they are not embarrassed.
All the so-called miracles of Islam are of this kind. They are deceptions. There are no miracles in the Quran or for Islam, anywhere. The only miracle is in the fact that over a billion otherwise sane people have abandoned reason and follow a man with a questionable sanity.
The verse 5:16 of Song of Songs does not talk about Muhammad any more than the above biblical verses talk about me. This is an erotic poem that a woman is singing for her beloved. It’s not a prophecy. It does not talk about Muhammad, Jesus or anyone else. In fact, as you’ll see below, Muslims have objected to the very existence of this poem in a religious text.
The translation of verse 5:16 is:
his mouth is sweet Hkw mmtqym
and all of him is delights wklw mHmdym
this is my love zh dwdy
and this is my darling wzh r`y
daughters of Jerusalem bnwt yrwshlm
Muslims select the first four letters of the word mHmdym and pass it through the SDL Translator. Of course,, the dictionary translates it as Muhammad. If I cut and paste the first three letters of Alike in the translator, the online translator will not recognize the world “alike” because this word is not entered. Instead, it recognizes “Ali” as a proper name.
Do you see how Muslims play their games of deception? Why smart people allow themselves to be fooled with such cheap tricks? It’s because they want to be fooled. Muhammad said that he is mentioned in the Bible and Muslims want to find him in the Bible at any cost.
Let us try to insert the entire verse in the SDL Translator and see if we still get Muhammad.
Copy the verse from its sourse.
חִכּוֹ, מַמְתַקִּים, וְכֻלּוֹ, מַחֲמַדִּים; זֶה דוֹדִי וְזֶה רֵעִי, בְּנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלִָם.
And paste it in the online translator.
This is what you get.
“His, sweets, is,.; this is my cousin and this is my daughters, Jerusalem.”
What happened to Muhammad? Muhammad was never in this verse in the same way that “Ali” does not exist in the word “alienate, alive or alike.”
At the end of the video, a shameless man by the name of Abdul Raheem Green lies and says a rabbi told him Jews will never accept Muhammad even though they know he is a true prophet. How shameless can one get?
So what should be done with these obstinate Jews who know the truth and still reject it? The answer was given by Muhammad Kadhab (Muhammad the liar).
“You will indeed fight against the Jews and you will kill them to the point where the rock and the tree will say: ‘O Muslim! O ‘Abdullaah (slave of Allaah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him.’ Except for al-Gharqad for it is from the trees of the Jews.” Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6985:
Here is how responds to this inane claim.
The Hebrew word mHmdym is a common, and not a proper noun (i.e. not a name).
The same word occurs again as a common noun in Hosea 9:6,16; 1 Kings 20:6; Lamentations 1:10,11; 2:4; Isaiah 64:10; 2 Chronicles 36:19; Ezekiel 24:16,21,25. In the last passage (Ezekiel 24:16, “the desire of thine eyes”) it is applied to a woman, Ezekiel’s wife (compare verse 18), and to the sons and daughters of the idolatrous Jews (verse 25). It would be just as wise to apply the word to Muhammad HERE as in the Song of Songs.
In Arabic many words are formed from the same root, but they do not on that account denote Muhammad. An ignorant Muslim might just as well assert that Muhammad’s name occurred in Surah 1, Al Fatihah, verse 1: Al hamdo lillahi Rabbi ‘lalamin (“Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds”). In the same way a Hindu might assert that the name of Ram or some other of his deities was mentioned in the Qur’an, because in Sura 30, Ar-Rum, verse 1, we read ” the Romans have been overcome,” where Arabic dictionaries give “Rum” as if derived from the root “ram”. This kind of argument is unworthy of men of learning and judgment.
A newsgroup article in regard to that:
Song of Songs 5:16 is no more a reference to Muhammad than it is to
Mumattaq or to David. Finding the name of Muhammad is child’s play.
Because Arabic and Hebrew share a cognate word [Hmd], there are of
course several other similar occurrences in the Hebrew scriptures.
The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dictionary lists…
Hmd (yHmwd) p covet, lust after
Hmd z delight, loviness
Hmdh n desire, object of desire
Hmdnwt covetousness, lustfulness
It is also interesting to note: Many Muslims are “outraged” that something like the Song of Songs by Solomon which is a love song and sometimes very open in its erotic language could be part of the Word of God, the Bible. But then, they completely “forget” this argument and try to find in the middle of this very same love poem expressing this woman’s desire for her lover the name of Muhammad and are not the least embarrassed by this. Have a look at the whole context of Song of Songs 5-6. The argument goes: This should not be in the Bible, such erotic language is unworthy of the Word of God, but it is a prophecy of Muhammad nevertheless.
A further problem is that even though Muslims need to find Muhammad mentioned because the Qur’an claims so, the Song of Songs is neither part of the Torah nor the Gospel, so that this verse wouldn’t help at all to satisfy this demand of the Qur’an even if it were to speak about Muhammad.

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270 Responses

  1. PapaRomeo says:

    This is what a mulsim converted to Christianity says about Mohammed.

    Mohammed, the founder of Islam (Islam, Arabic, to submit) was born at mecca, Arabia, about AD 570. He was the posthumous son of an almost unknown father, Abdullah by name. His mother died when he was only six yrs old. He was brought up at first by a grandfather, and later on by an uncle. A rich woman trader Khadija by name put him in charge of her caravans trading with Syria. At 25 yrs of age he married her, a widow of about forty yrs old. Early in life he showed signs of a markedly religious disposition. He was given to dreams, practiced fasting, retired betimes to caves in Mt Hira near mecca for seclusion and meditation. it is said that he was subject to fits of epilepsy. He claimed to receive many revelations from God through the agency of the Angel Gabriel. The polytheism, that is the worship of hundreds of thousands of gods, which he saw all around him, he rejected, and emphasised that there is only one god. He refused the Christian faith of three persons in one Godhead-Father, son and Holy spirit-and denied the truth of the scripture which says: “The Lord (Jehovah, singular) our God (Elohim, plural) is one Lord (Jehovah, singular).” (Deut 6:4).
    At first Mohammed’s claims met with little acceptance and much persecution. When about 40 yrs old he moved to Medina, Arabia, with about 200 adherents, including his wife, Khadija, his cousin, Ali, and his adopted son Zayd. He was encouraged to take this step, for he had received an invitation from some of his adherents in that town, who had prepared their fellow townsmen to expect his arrival. This Hegina (withdrawals) is said to be the real beginning of the Moslem era. At Mecca he was persecuted and his claims refused save by a few. At Medina he became the statesman, the executive, the mouthpiece of the new theocracy.
    The mohammedans trace their descent from Abraham though Hagar’s son, Ismail (Genesis 16). Their great book is the Qur’n of Koran, for which the most extreme verbal, divine inspiration is claimed. In it Jesus is acknowledged to be a great prophet of God, but inferior to Mohammed. They hold that our Lord was born of a virgin, and that He was the promised Messiah. They affirm that as the Koran superseded the Holy Scriptures, so Mohammed superseded our Lord, Mohammed made the most ridiculous claims for himself, saying, “I was a prophet when Adam was still between clay and water.” he claimed that God said to him, “Had it not been for thee, I had not have created the world.” The koran contains outstanding inaccuracies, such as the confusing of Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, with the virgin Mary, and depicting Haman, chief nobleman at the court of Ahasuerus, king of Persia, as a minister of Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Dr SM Zwemer says, “The koran has many historical errors, contains monstrous fables, teaches a false cosmogony and is full of superstition.”
    Islam sanctions slavery and the slave trade, allows each mohammedan four wives, and the co-hibiting with as many female slaves as he may possess. Mohammed at his death (AD 632) left nine wives to mourn his loss. The lot of a Mohammed woman is indeed very sad and melancholy. She is confined to the Zenana (women’s part of the house), and is cut off from all communications with the outside the world. According to Mohammedan law no part of the woman’s body from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet must be exposed to the public gaze. Yashmak, a term meaning a double veil, with slits for the eyes to look through, is one of the very sad sights; a Mohammedan woman, draped from head to foot in enveloping linen, gliding about like a ghost.
    The use of pig for food, alcohol, gambling and usury are strictly forbidden. Circumcision is compulsory.
    To acknowledge one God, who is righteous, and exacts righteousness in the lives of His creatures, on the surface may sound immeasurably better than the million gods of the Hindus. But when we see the fanatical and bitter hatred to Christianity in the part of the Mohammedans, we begin to appraise it at its true worthlessness, and its origin as Satanic in conception and development.
    We, whose happy lot has been cast in lands where the Word of God is honoured, can have very little idea how very, very hard it is for those brought up from impressionable childhood’s days amid heathen beliefs and customs to break loose from these impressions and embrace the Christian faith. In such cases it seems as if all the powers of darkness were let loose to contest each inch on the road. There is no halfway house, o compromise possible. A mother in her fanatical frenzy will think she is doing God’s service by putting poison in her son’s food, and gloating over his dying agonies, if he dares to question her beliefs, and look favorably upon Christianity. A Christian convert cannot earn his living save by moving far away to a distant place, where he is quite unknown. He is beset by dangers and difficulties unknown in our favoured lands.
    You can visit any islamic countries and witness the unbelievable, hellish power set in motion to prevent at all costs any of their co-religionists embracing the Christian faith. You have to witness it on the spot to realize how real and terrible are the powers of darkness. It is well stated in Holy Writ “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph 6:12). Christians can indeed be thankful for, and take comfort from the Scriptures which reminds us that “greater is He (the Holy Spirit) that is in you, than he (the devil) that is in the world” (1John 4:4).
    There are millions of souls struggled out of the darkness of Mohemmedans into the light of the Gospel of the grace of God, it is good to remember there are thousands, at this very time, exercised in the same way and passing through similar ordeals. Their victories may never be recorded in earth, but all are recorded in heaven, where “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenth” (Lk 15:10).
    Two things seem to operate markedly in such cases (1) A deep sense of sin and guilt, giving the strong urge to seek God’s forgiveness; and (2) a conception of God far removed from that of the heathen religions, attracting them to trust the Saviour of sinners. Christianity stands out in vivid contrast to all other religions in that it alone offers a Saviour to sinful men. It was no wonder that the late well-known preacher, Joseph Parker, when giving a lecture on contemporary religions, paused impressively, saying, “Remember Christianity is not one of them.” No it stands altogether by itself in its own divine glory.

    (From Mohammedanism to Christ, A testimony of Sheik Abdullah)

  2. KAPPUNNY says:


  3. Nizamuddin Sheikh says:

    Good Joke

  4. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Chuck, we have a consensus ad idem. Let the muhammadans prove us wrong. The world is eagerly waiting.

  5. chuck says:

    These claims of super-human libido are in fact proof of the obsession for sex he had. And this obsession came around after his alleged attainment of prophet-hood. Proof : only 1 marriage in first 40 years, at least 13 marriages and around 20 sexual partners in next 22 years.
    Also as far as sexual strength is concerned, he had 4 daughters and 2 sons from Khadija all before attaining prophethood although there is some confusion regarding 3 daughters. After the alleged prophethood was attained all he could show for his sexual strength is one son, Ibrahim, from the concubine Maria and even there is some dispute (some think that Ibrahim was a love child of Maria and another slave). Since the proof of the proverbial pudding is the pudding itself, it defies logic that when the pimp Allah bestowed prophet-hood and such enormous sexual strength all Muhammad could show is one, possibly illegitimate, child from scores of sexual partners!!

    The above proves: 1. He was sex and blood obsessed.
    2. He was sexually incapable after attaining prophethood.
    3. Since 2 is true and he made such a claim, he must have been a liar.

  6. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Slave mentality, your brother, who calls himself 'khanz', is inviting people to join muhammadanism. It will be the greatest tragedy for anyone who heeds such a dubious call. Designating Muhammad as a prophet was the most stupid thing which could only have been done by a deity ravaged by chronic insanity because that choice is an attack on common sense. The generations which followed that of Muhammad had been inspired by his acts/deeds' That is why the world has not known peace since then. That is why those inspired by those acts/deeds have declared war on humanity with a passion to kill anyone who catches their fancies. Ibn Kathir was prompted to say that "killing unbelievers is a small thing for us". Ayatollah Khomeini added that killing the unbeliever is a mercy to the victim. The casual way in which muhammadans treat the killing of those who are not their kind shows that they have thoroughly been infested by Muhammad's satanic inspiration. These are muhammadan 'divine acts'.
    You can now see the reason it is proper to judge allah because it has shown the poorest of judgements.

  7. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Slave mentality, you are further demeaning Muhammad by attributing only the sexual prowess of 30 men to him. Your literature says that he had the sexual strength of 100 heavenly men and each of such men has the libido of 40 earthly men. In all, Muhammad had the sexual strength of 4,000 earthly men. Your literature also holds that Muhammad was preoccupied with three things:"copulation, prayer and killing the pagans". To Muhammad killing pagans was a sport which he preoccupied his time and energy with just as people play golf or any other sport today. Describing such a creature as the devil incarnate is not good enough.
    However, the concentration now will be to further prove that he was a liar of no mean proportion. God does not ask any body to do something without a reason. Muhammad claimed and muhammadans believe that allah ordained for him to marry baby Aisha and the other women in his harem. In spite of the food "Gabriel brought him from allah, which gave him extra libidinous strength, Muhammad was incapable of impregnating any of these women, what was the purpose of allah's approval of the multiple marriages? Did the food give him extra power but rendered him impotent at the same time? The best evidence of the efficacy of this 'special food' would have been an unlimited liter. But there was none. There is also no independent proof that Muhammad was as sexually active as it is now being peddled. They say that the taste of the pudding is in the eating. In this case, there is no pudding as proof. The conclusion is;MUHAMMAD WAS A BIG TIME LIAR.

  8. chuck says:

    //Arabia that converted it into land of rich people from poor people //
    Arabia was as culturally and economically rich even before the advent of Islam.

  9. Sakat says:

    @Slave of Prophet
    First clarify ,why? are you running from pillar to post,why? can't you continue with the thread already in. I said it already that ,man made law is superior to your so called Mr.Allah's law .See how pathetic the Muslim world became today ,killing,killing and killing-everywhere lawlessness.This was there in ancient time, we were primitive then,blessed with the evolutionary sanity we understood the nuances of rights and duties.We realized that ,when one person is having the right at the same time the other is duty bound not to infringe the right of that person so simple for that, Mr Allah's primitive and animal law is not needed.On the basis of "Rights" and "Duties" we human beings codified law's and the society is beautifully governed by those law,s every one is peaceful.Muslim follow Hammurabi (Allah)so they are miserable, it is your own creation ,still you have not learn t the lesson from the past mistakes..

  10. Slave of Prophet says:

    I know we have no proof prophet was guided by Allah except prophet words. I know you say it circular reasoning. But we should remember it is only after prophet arrival in Arabia that converted it into land of rich people from poor people & All world going towards darkness before birth of prophet. Hindu/pagans were engaged in worshiping Idols. Idols worship leads one to destruction and in ignorance. And it is not the curse of God but curse of stupidity. Prophet was aware these people would not stop Idol worship and will lead to their generation also into darkness. So, was he was too harsh on Idol worshipers.

  11. chuck says:

    How do you know that Muhammad was guided by Allah? How do you know Koran was a divine revelation? So I can as well claim that I am divinely inspired and what I write next has just been revealed to me by Allah:
    "Slaves of Prophet are dirty swine"

  12. Slave of Prophet says:

    According to Islam Government is not for making law but following and issuing direction for implementation of Islamic law which were made by Allah. Now a days Muslims mistakenly following non-believers system of democracy.

  13. Sakat says:

    @Slave of Prophet
    We human's are capable and quite enough to make law for our self governance,and those law's are very much superior to any Mr.Allah's law.Mr Allah do not know the distinction between culpable homicide and Murder ; moral and immoral;rape and love ;toddler and Woman ; Mad Mohammed and Sane Jesus.Send him to our(infidels) School,we will fill his mind with morality and full of wisdom,so that he shouldn't repeat the mistake of 6th century AD once again.

  14. Slave of Prophet says:

    Law maker is Allah not human. Human are followers of law made by Allah. This is democracy of Muslim while in non-believers democracy parliamentary members have rights to make law but this is un-islamic democracy. Prophet was not pedophilia. Mother of believers Aisha got puberty at the age of 9. Even today many students who are below 13 or 14 but they have passed exams like IIT. So, Aisha also got matured enough at the age of 9 to have sexual relation with prophet.

  15. Sakat says:

    @Slave of Prophet
    Keep aside your Alla,judge by human law,if some one kill another we the people in the society call him murderer and punish him as according to the penal law.Suppose Mr Allah say any body can kill any one (As he showered all these traits to Mad Mohammed)and, people start killing each other then, there will be no more coming generation to salute Allah.If each pedophile is allowed by Allah to rape any toddler then, woman will discard conceiving of female fetus ,then again there will be no female no procreation and the end of human species .Tell me from whom Allah will take his adulation afterwords ,may be from pig's and dog's but then he hates them lot ,Yup!!! poor Allah.

  16. Slave of Prophet says:

    Who are we to judge the prophet if Allah had declared him prophet. His all acts were divine. 54 Years old Prophet did Nikah (Marriage) with 6 years old Aisha and he consumed his marriage when Aisha grew to 9. Sexual relation between husband and wife not rape. Prophet was the father of believers while Aisha was mother of believers. Prophet all acts/ deeds were only for inspiration to the coming generation and followers.

  17. Sakat says:

    You are absolutely true.

  18. Sakat says:

    @Slave of Prophet
    Every other criminal has got strength to Rape woman ,but when you rape a toddler (not woman) then that act is beyond the definition of any criminal jurisprudence,such person must be hanged in open.But it is a dilemma ,such people became prophets and real prophet/saviors are crucified in public and yet in pain they shower compassion on the perpetrators of such crimes on them(ex Jesus)·

  19. Slave of Prophet says:

    @saket & hate monger
    Yes, prophet (PBUH) did sex with with 9 years old girl at the age 54. But what is wrong in it? prophet had the strength & stamina to satisfy any woman even at the age of 54. Prophet was awarded stamina of 30 men by Allah. Prophet helped and did mercy on Safiya by accepting her as wife. Prophet did mercy on Safiya he did not kill her and let her alive though she was belonged to non-believers family.

  20. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Sakat, all the acts you have listed are evil and will make a rational human being to be ashamed. But because these were the things done by Muhammad his followers see them as virtues and the best of examples to emulate. The world of the muhammadan is turned upside down such that vices become virtues and vice versa.

  21. Sakat says:

    If you consider, " fact" as insult ,then you are blind to the practicality .If for example, here some body say's that Mohammed was pedophile ,he married a 6 year old toddler and raped her when see attained the age of 9,this is a fact how can you say it is insult.Again this Mohammed attacked the Jew's during night and killed them,he tortured kinana their leader to extract from him , the where about of the hidden wealth and,then killed him: his father: his children and,his clan and, on the very day raped Saffiya the beautiful wife of Kinana this is a fact , how come you call it as insult. Hey you ,if you are entangled in this cult (I believe so) and saluting this ,pedophile;road robber; thief Mad Mohammed as savior,then you are in great delusion.You are the product of 21st century don't get yourselves messed in this mad cult ,it will not take you anywhere.

  22. ANDRA says:


  23. chuck says:

    Jizya meant a tribute or compensation how can it be a tolerant tax equitable with Zakat?

  24. DPhysicist says:

    In Practice Jizya has never been so tolerant and sugar coated candy as you and your Muslim clan presents it, go and read History and Islamic destruction of other faiths and people… which is justifiable by Quran and Sahih hadiths… now that is also Islam in the very form as it was practiced and as they want to practice it… History is there with all its evidences and documented proofs. And if jiziya is not an evil then in principle why to give it a different name ? why not they simply call it "TAX" !! or some other Arabic word for the same…

  25. DPhysicist says:

    That same Gaza story all over again… when Muslims kill muslims its all right but when non-muslims kll Muslim then its a war on Islam. What a sick people, for current example, In Myanmar even Buddhist people retaliated over the actions of Muslims, and went on to rampage, and mass murdering Muslims, but what should be done in a politically correct way is that, declaring this as the internal affair of Myanmar. But no, since for the first time Muslims are being killed in some country, all Muslims in the world got united against Myanmar to save their terrorist brothers… all in the name of Allah or whatever… but still Muslims are the most peace loving people, in-fact they r so much peace loving that they make the people of other faith to rest in peace… lolz

  26. DPhysicist says:

    Thank you Chuck.

  27. chuck says:

    Here is a vain attempt from one of the muslim apologist:
    read all the comments and see how this guy 'sudeepta' destroys all his arguments.

  28. vijay says:

    My ancestors were from Central Asia, so i am Scythian(Huns) from the father side while from mother side , fact is that she is from Arya Samaji family(so being an inter caste i am all the more Anarya /Antajaya/Chandala/outcaste). But i give a damn weather i had a snake or monkey or any other ancestor. For me I am human and my fellow humans are all form one race(Puranas call from Sage Kashyap). Lord Rama, King Bharat, Lord Krishna or God Hanuman Ji are symbols of spirituality and spiritual enlightenment, they have nothing to do with human Aryan race but with whole of the humanity. Arya Samaj allegedly preaches supremacy of Vedas, it is only founded about less then 200 years ago. Their book is called light of "Truth" and not Vedas but understanding of Vedas as per Nyay Shastra. That book is full of deception or Chall(this is also a part of Nayay Shastra). It is full of intellectual savagery. Arya has literal meaning of being civilized but Arya Samaj is in fact the society of uncivilized. So this is also a deception only to use same "Arya Samaj". Your temples give a deserted look as most of your followers have become Hindu. Ramdev, working for RSS, has made en block transfer of Arya Samajis into Hindus. It is good sign but problem is Agnivesh and other congress or Leftist lead people, who are sitting on your resources and making your children and nation leftist and non believer. I started my spiritual journey as Sufi and found love to all humans as essence to my Khalasi or liberation. I have great respect for Christian saints as well as Jins(this is term also used for enlightened Jain religion followers and nothing to do with Arabic language Jinns) and Bodhisatvas. When i read Holy Puranas, i find same symbolism of love as they are in Sufi literature. There is a line of Nirgunapasak Sant Bhagaths(Saint Devotees , worshiping God without single or limited attributes/Sifat but with all attribute). Your book has hatred for them. Hatred begets hatred so even if i want, i should not hate your founder. Just change this attitude, that Raja Ramchandra Ji only belonged to any nation or race. Humanity is biggest of all. Go by Vedas and not by "light of truth". King Bharath also is role model for the universe as he did not give kingdom to his son but to person, he found was best suited to rule. There is Adi Dharma also present which is much more near to Sanatan Dharama, then Arya Samaj and most of their holy men are from outcaste. I respect them also.

  29. Sanatan Dharma says:

    Firstly, I would like to know are u not Arya Samaji? Your legendary ancestor like Rama, Hanuman, Krishna, Bharat etc. also were called "Arya" in scriptures.

  30. cookingasart says:

    Not only Jews should be killed according to the Quran, ALL should die if they don't become Muslims.! Here are some quotes from Quran: Quran (2:191-193) – "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." / Quran (4:89) – "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks." / Quran (5:33) – "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement" / Quran (8:12) – "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" / Quran (33:60-62) – "If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, We verily shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbors in it but a little while. Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter."

  31. vijay says:

    From an Arya Samaji claiming to be a Sanatan Dharmi such things are expected. A Gujrathi Brahmin devoid of spiritualism took the Fifth Philosophy of Justification by logic of Nayay Shastra and wrote a book full of Vitandavad(misinterpretation of text and critic based upon that misinterpretation) .

    You must know that if there is some tool, which could move faster then light, then time could be made the negative. If speed is increased or decreased with some tools, future travel is also possible. I am only studying this thing as yet. Our pineal gland, which Yoga/Unity with God, philosophy calls Sastra Dal Kamal(Lotus with thousands petals), has the capability to move faster then light.

    If your founder lacked that, then it does not mean that Swami Viveknanda also lacked that. We still have many enlightened people around with para normal experience, among all the human races , irrespective of race or religion. Sanatan Dharma sees the God in all and respect all. This is real Sanatan or eternal Dharma. What is occurring now is also there in some texts of Bhavishya Purana, while other are Bhrighu Sanhita and Nadi Shastras of south.

    coming to the case of the last Prophet(PBUH) of Islam. Being from the family of the Rakshas is not a fault. We have Raja Bali, Bhagath Prahlad, Rishi Vibhishan, Matha Thulasi to name the few, who are the worshiped by Hindus(term your founder hated). Anyway to all those Idiot Islamists, who do Dawah or invitation to Islam, by quoting texts from Hindu texts, they are in fact agreeing that the Hindu Text is divine. But they are not allowed by their faith to preach using the texts or scripture which is not the part of Mainstream Muslim world. They are just doing a hypocricy.

    As when we see our Brother Shabbir coming to condemn Hindusim, he quotes Holy Vedas and other texts. While his mentor Dr Naik or Zahil Hamid of Pakistan quotes the same text regarding the Prophet PBUH. Question is that if these texts are "inhuman" or bad , then how can they taken as proof for some thing good like the coming of the prophet. Should we say that these texts are from Allah as they talk about the coming of the Prophet, then does it mean that inhuman or bad things in them also are from Allah. Let us take the case of interpolation or adulteration in the texts. What is the proof that coming of prophet is not an adulteration into those texts ? Just to prove that prophet was in fact follower of their faiths and let Muslim also join their faith to follow prophet.

  32. cookingasart says:

    Dr. Sina, I think you misunderstood my comment, I am sorry. If you read carefully, there are several mentions in the Bible referring to the false prophets and there is one in particular (the one I quoted) that I think it's actually referring to this so called prophet Muhammad, saying that many will follow him (just like Islam) and that there made up stories (like the ones Muhammad said claiming he's a prophet and he has revelations etc). As a woman living among these shameful people I have no respect whatsoever for their religion and prophet.

  33. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Dr Sina, if my understanding of Cookingasart's position is correct, I think what he is implying is that even though Muhammad is not mentioned by name in the Bible, but there are references which will inevitably lead to him. One of such is that 'there will come false prophets and teachers' to spread perversion and turn people away from the path of truth. You often quote the Bible portion which says :"BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM". It is not difficult to determine that Muhammad was one of the false prophets going by his fruits.

  34. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    The reason muhammadans are fleeing their 'paradise' in droves for the land of the 'infidels' is because the system they find there is superior to what exists in their countries of birth. In the new countries where civilization dwells, everybody is treated equally. There is no recourse to creed or race. There should not be a stratified system where creed or any other consideration determines how one is treated.

  35. chuck says:

    Because that is discriminatory. The rule of land should be equal to all citizens whatever be the basis of those rules. Now you tell us "Why should religion determine how citizens are taxed in the same country?"

  36. Sanatan Dharma says:

    According to scholars Bhavishya Puran is a false scripture or adultrated scripture in which you can find stories even to 17th century .

  37. Maria_Islamic says:

    your words: "Why should religion determine how citizens are taxed in the same country?"

    Why should not religion determine how citizens are taxed in the same country? What is the reason?

  38. I-HATE-ISLAM says:

    Yes, there are many taxes in various countries but none of them is discriminatory or classified based on religion. Why should religion determine how citizens are taxed in the same country? Where islam holds sway, the none muslim is made to pay tax in a way that makes him know that he is a subhuman.Islam is dehumanizing.

  39. Ali Sina says:

    Can you tell us where Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible?

  40. cookingasart says:

    I'm sorry, you are wrong, Muhammad is indeed mentioned in the Bible "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping" :)))) Nice articles, I just can't get enough of your way of expressing yourself and the facts presented here. Thank you!

  41. Vinod says:

    Dear Maria,
    God will not accept his peoples to be his slaves … very selfish Allah and your prophet.. think over it.

  42. Vinod says:

    @ Maria.. you should learn and understand more on your quran, it is very much clear from your sources of quran that your beloved prophet is rapist, murderer, looter, greedy, etc. and all the good versus of quran is edited and copies by your muslim scholars like your teacher to make it perfect from other religion books. If you are a true muslim, one day you will repent it for yourself stated that quran is evil cult book made by psycho mohammad.

    In this modern age of high technology world, you can find and analysis from recent taliban rule and west and east pakistan army rule… they are purely on islamic based governments.

  43. Maria_Islamic says:


    So do you mean to say I haste Jew that is why I was specially talking about Gaza? No! I know what is happening in Kashmir & I often talk over it. And even innocent non-Muslim also should not be killed.

    Your words:
    ''good muslim elders are allowed and speeching hatred speeches on other religions in mosques on every friday''.
    Hatred speeches on others religion? So? What is your problem? You are saying this like non-Muslims never ever talk against my religion in their churches. If you see most of the non-Muslims are much smart in criticizing, condemning, slandering, mocking Islam both in Islamic & non-Islamic pages. What about all this?

  44. Vinod says:

    @ Maria,
    Now you are feeling the pains of killing of innocent civilians and what about muslims doing all these 1400 years killing the innocent civilians in the name of Islam and Allah. You are just talking of Gaza but you don't know what is happening in Kashmir, Kosovo. This is very simple Maria that I do have good muslim elders, who teaches me good thing of Islam but at the same time these good muslim elders are allowed and speeching hatred speeches on other religions in mosques on every friday…

  45. walking says:

    what is the full context of this verse then?

    “The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!” (Sahih Muslim book 41, no. 6985)".

  46. Maria_Islamic says:


    Where does Qur'an states every Jew must be killed? No It does not.

    They are also human beings.

  47. walking says:

    why dont you repost them?why would ali remove approved posts then allow you to protest his unethical behaviour?

    does the quran really stipulate that the jews are the natural enemy of muslims and must be killed?

  48. Maria_Islamic says:

    My comments has been removed , however, I watched the videos all Muslims leaders don't do so as these clerics (in the videos) did, they should stop that. And Palestinians hate Israeli's because they are under their occupation. While not all but most of the non-Muslims also hate Muslims & you also do.

  49. Ali Sina says:

    I deleted Julia’s comments and as the result your replies to him were also deleted (Yes Julia is a guy). I also banned his IP number. We don’t need members like him. He is not going to change and I don’t want this forum to be dragged to mud. I only allow misdemeanor from Muslims because it helps me to make my case.

  50. Maria_Islamic says:

    @Ali Sina:
    Have you deleted my last 2 comments meant for Julia? Why? Can I know why you did so? I had posted but I'm not seeing here now. Didn't I follow comment policy ? I remember I didn't abuse anyone but just gave some facts. Be honest at least. Come & reply If you're honest.

  51. Julia says:

    Thanks GUE.

  52. gue says:

    Good work Julia.

  53. gue says:

    Hamas sells Gazans soul on the media, so they can have world attention. Poor Hamas war will not make them, but they try to using they civilians of Gaza as "weapon" the term is the same, "suicide bomber". Hamas is doing "suicide bomber" by war at Israel. Poor Hamas.

  54. gue says:

    Which religion that heaven is a place to have sexual intercourse with 72 lady? the answers is ISLAM. What a moron Muhammad and his Alla.

  55. Demsci says:

    one further point. Upon inspection you could have reasoned that indeed it IS highly unlikely that the payments of Jizya or Zakat are the same. Because the alternative position would be that Jizya was exactly equal or less than Zakat. Very improbable and highly illogical, because if this was the case reasonable Muslim-rulers would have abolished the difference long since.

    So the 2 positions; Jizya higher and more coerced, therefore worse, than zakat or jizya equal to or less than zakat and equally obliged are highly different in probability. and the first position is much more probable.

    But Aminriadh apparently wishes us to see both positions as equally probable or wishes us to stay neutral on this issue and draw no conclusions.

    "Think? – Think isn't good enough. . . you have to back this up . . . else your think is completely made up. Else people will level such accusations:

    "You do not like Islam – hence you will make up negative things about it"

    The people who would level such accusations, they themselves would have to back this up, or else they would have made this up. As per your standards. I know that in such a case you would demand more evidence and in the lack of convincing evidence you would support ME.

  56. Demsci says:

    Oh, yes, I agree, many christians and atheists do side with the Palestinians, in Holland too.

    I myself am torn between Israel and many Muslims I know and like. And I long for peace between them. So that Israeli's can stop the occupation, in which they make so many mistakes.

    I know that the Israeli's think: Never again shall we be so oppressed or badly treated in the past and that this makes them do many questionable things.

    I wish you to compare humans in order to forgive humans.

    I know that the Germans in wwII occupied my Holland and at the same time other parts of Europe. I know, or think, that these Germans were infinitely worse than the Israeli's now are. For starters they shot or hanged vast numbers of people. If one of their own was killed they killed many more civilians in revenge (up to # 200 sometimes). They plundered, drafted young men to work in their factories, they despised the law and human rights. I know in war they did not care about innocent civilians and children getting killed. But I also know that the Dutch ONLY wanted the Germans to leave, but NOT to destroy or conquer Germany. This is the big fault in the thinking of the Palestinians, it seems to me; they do declare that Israel should be taken by them.

    I know that Israeli Arabs were informed that Israel considered letting them be citizens of a future Palestinian State; this was in East Jerusalem and in the Galilean triangle. And that the Israeli Arabs very much preferred and demanded to stay in the Israeli state. And especially the women, who admitted that the Israeli Democratic state was better to them then some Islamic state.

    And that IS the key; if anything Israel should be made more democratic and accountable, but already Israel obeys to high standards of democracy, rule of law, equality for men and women, freedom of speech, human rights etc. Did you know that even the Israeli president is not immune for prosecution, when he harasses women, for instance?

    Did you know that Israeli hospitals often treat Palestinians? And that Israel has complete freedom of religion? And equal treatment of Judaism and Islam?

    Interesting too is that most Israeli's are not very religious. Did you know that # 10 % of Israel's population is orthodox jews, called HAREDI. They have embarked on a deliberate fast procreation programme, they have maybe 8 children on average and they are growing very fast in numbers. The other Israeli's get approx. 2,5 children-birthrate. And the Palestininian birthrate is falling, it is getting under 4 children-birthrate. So I think both sides cannot overwhelm the other and peace is the best future option. Don't you?

  57. Maria_Islamic says:


    Your words:
    If you wish long extensive lists can be given to you how Israel behaves better than current and past other regimes, peoples, many of them Islamic.
    Re: Give me please.

    Your words: You are so wise about Israel, now please see the context of all the world, all the human race in all of history. Then you will find that Israels behavior is not worse but better than most.
    If its behavior is better than most still it is worse, not good.

    Your words: And please take organisations into account alongside nations. Al Qaida and Taliban not only match Israel but clearly kill much more, also in single suicide bombings than Israel. Iran per year executes hundreds of people. Much longer and numerical and morally much worse lists can be made about MANY countries and organisations.
    Okay, but here we are discussing Middle East issue. So Why should I point out all this you mentioned?

    Yours:Only a very naive, vindictive, prejudiced, unforgiving hypocritical person can study history and political situations and oppression and THEN STILL find Israel the worst.
    Sorry but I find Israel is one of the worst nations. I'm not against all the Jews but I'm against these war criminals. All the world doesn't side with Israel – Not all non-Muslims support Israel many Atheist even Jew support Palestinians.

  58. Julia says:

    "Resistance uses rocket only … They do not have a nuclear weapon, not even a plane or a tank … While Israel fights using U.S. weapon and possess a nuclear weapon. This is not war this is genocide."
    Has Israel used his nuclear weapon ? NO !
    Will the muslims like the Iranian muslims use it ? YES !
    The hate of muslims against the Jews has NOTHING to do with "Palestina".
    It exists already 1400 years, because the JEWS saw already then that Mohammed was an IMPOSTER !! And therefore your fake prophet hated themand DESTROYED ALL THEIR CITIES IN ARABIA . So don't wail !!! You (palestinians) can make peace every minute of the day….but you are TOO stubborn and BRAINWASHED with your Islamic CRAP !

  59. Julia says:

    What would YOU do if sombody wants to destroy you? This is what your "famous" genocidal hadith says ( already about 1400 years ago):
    “The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!” (Sahih Muslim book 41, no. 6985)".
    SO the evil begins ,(of course) with YOU MOHAMMEDANS.
    How can a civilised person believe such a vicious thing?? Think about this for once. It is PURE selfdefence what Israel does. It are not only the palestinians who want to destroy Israel , but more then a BILLION muslims. HOW EVIL !!!!

  60. Demsci says:

    Impressive list, Maria-Islamic. Keep it in your head and heart. So admittedly Israel was and is at times very bad and faulty.

    But what future do you propose in the 21st century? I think the goal must be states of Israel, Gaza and Palestine and peace.

    Israel will accept peace. Refusal of reasonable peace by Palestinians will result in more misery for Palestinians and more violent defense of Israel of which you are so aware. And because of the refusal Palestinians will be largely responsible for it. even for provoking the many crimes you mention above, because in peace Israel will stop the occupation and most of these crimes.

    you are so wise about Israel, now please see the context of all the world, all the human race in all of history. Then you will find that Israels behavior is not worse but better than most. If you wish long extensive lists can be given to you how Israel behaves better than current and past other regimes, peoples, many of them Islamic. For one example; Israeli occupation allowed Palestininians to grow perhaps fourfold in numbers.

    And please take organisations into account alongside nations. Al Qaida and Taliban not only match Israel but clearly kill much more, also in single suicidebombings than Israel. Iran per year executes hundreds of people.

    Only a very naive, vindictive, prejudiced, unforgiving hypocritical person can study history and political situations and oppression and THEN STILL find Israel the worst. Grow up, much longer and numerical and morally much worse lists can be made about MANY countries and organisations. Showing Israel's restraint when you do it. Compare for intense ASSAD's way of oppressing rebellion.

    The killing of children and Palestinians is extremely rare nowadays. Except when there is a burst of war like in Gaza. The killings of political opponents nearly always involves people who have killed Israeli's.

    The expansion of territory for Jews at the cost of Palestinians was true, but minimal to international and historical standards and Israel is willing to compensate for it since 2000.

    What difference does it make to victims just who the perpetrator is. Are the few victims of Israeli suffering more from the same crimes than the masses of other victims by other perpetrators, many of them Muslims? Would you talk the same way if the roles of Palestinians and Israeli's were reversed?

    Again and again, you pose as if you care about oppression, killing, rightful ownership of land, crimes against humanity and such. But what you clearly show is that you target a single people and ignore or are ignorant of so many worse other peoples, organisations. You primarily care about fighting and vilifying a single people, the Jews.

  61. Demsci says:

    "In other words . . . YOU yourself don't actually know. "

    Apparently and by the same token and standards, Maria-Islamic does not actually know either. after all her islamic tutors told her, she still does not know according to your standards. Or can you explain exactly what she KNOWS which I don't after all the evidence and arguments are examined?

    Are you sure to tell what you tell us to your fellow-Muslims as well? To Back Up everything they say, or else not to be believed? does this rule also apply to the teachers of Islam, of Maria-Islamic? or is this is a rule just for opponents?

  62. Demsci says:

    "Think? – Think isn't good enough. . . you have to back this up . . . else your think is completely made up."

    Here is Aminriadh, a man appalled by and protesting against lying. Presumably an honest, trustworthy man.

    Yet he advocates, about me, but clearly in general, so about all humans, that "your/ their think is completely made up:" only on the criterium that what a person states is not backed up by evidence.

    But this means this person speaks lies. and is untrustworthy. And Aminriadh, who himself expects us to see him as honest, hence trustworthy, advocates assuming people lie, and are not trustworthy. So does he see himself as a exception? Or does he perhaps admit that he too lies, or errs, EVERY SINGLE time he offers an opinion without presenting ENOUGH GOOD EVIDENCE?

    I have an alternative suggestion to his suggestion to nullify all opinion (in practice to assume people lie or err maybe) not immediately backed up by enough evidence

    (and he tries to decide often what is evidence and what is sufficient evidence, and he does not rely for that on some independent "jury", but on his own prejudiced self).

    I say: Believe in the honesty and knowledge of people and in the good reasons they might well have for what they have to say.

    But when about the same issue you become aware of two contradicting opinions, then weigh carefully, think and choose the truest and best working opinion.

    My way is demanding you to think, Aminriadhs way is lazy, and paranoid and contemptuous in regard to honesty and intelligence of his fellow humans. But I doubt it that he likes it to be judged in the same way as he judges others. Which by the way is MY strong point.

  63. Demsci says:

    Well, you see, Aminriadh, you sort of play the Democratic game. And people like me like it. Even if we get occasionally beaten and embarrassed.

    But we see ongoing freedom of speech almost as a mission, very good for the future of mankind, a cause to live and die for.

    And if freedom of speech is protected for a long time to come and endures, in the hopefully long lifetime of you and Maria-Islamic, then sure somewhere in the future the evidence for the nature of jizya will be fully laid out when Muslims dare ask for the proof/ evidence. And how sure are you that it will be positive for Islam?

    If Maria-Islamic, or other well educated, intelligent, independent thinking young doubting Muslims is honest enough to seek for the highest truths she can find. instead of sheepishly follow and defend all her loving community dictates to her, then she can find plenty of evidence of jizya's unfairness, in my opinion.

    But I assure you: Already in counterjihadistwebsites for Muslims like you and Maria-Islamic the historic evidence, replete with good sources, for thedifference between jizya and zakat and the historic meaning, interpretation and practice of Jizya, so contradicting modern-day principles of fairness, is there for you to find.

    And me not giving it to you, is just an excuse for you not looking for the highest truth you can find, In My Opinion. But don't be surprised if the next generation wants to find the highest truth available and confronts you with it.

  64. Sakat says:

    Often Muslims tend to take De-jure sanctions from Bible and Torah for the claim of Muhammad being the final Prophet .I have no objections for that ,even one Mr. Zokar Naik claims Mohammed was mentioned in Hindu scriptures and Buddhist scripture .again I have no objections .I salute Jesus for shoving mercy to his perpetrators even in pain ,I salute Buddha for coming down from his luxurious life to know what is the route causes of misery ,these are true prophets.The true Prophets have certain qualities ,foremost among it is to speak the truth on all circumstances (not Taquiya) ,Not to steal ( caravans of others),celibacy (not to marry unhygienic marriage of 50 year to 6 years old ). Not give civil code and criminal code ,it is the duty of the government .If I go with my findings , I can only say two people are prophets one is Jesus and another Buddha, and this so called Muhammad no where stand even as an ordinary being.

  65. Maria_Islamic says:


    16- What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody? Answer: Israel .

    17- What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque.? Answer: Israel .

    18- What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States , according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders? Answer: Israel .

    19- Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a civilian U.N. Refugee Camp in Qana , Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children? Answer: Israel .

    20- Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes? Answer: Israel .

    21- Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid to the world yet is the 16th richest country in the world? Answer: Israel .

    22- Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S. ? Answer: Israel .

    23- Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce foreign aid? Answer: Israel .

    24- Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We control America ?"Answer: Israel .

    25- What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing? Answer: Israel .

    26- Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children? Answer: Israel .

    27- Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks? Answer: Israel .

    28- Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 270 new settlements since the signing? Answer: Israel .

    29- which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 100 political officials of its opponent in the last 2 years while killing hundreds of civilians in the process, including dozens of children?Answer: Israel .

    30- Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?Answer: Israel .

  66. Maria_Islamic says:

    1- Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons? Answer: Israel.

    2- Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections? Answer: Israel.

    3- Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions? Answer: Israel.

    4- Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?Answer: Israel .

    5- What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?Answer: Israel .

    6- In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed? Answer: Israel .

    7- What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war? Answer: Israel .

    8- What country in the Middle East created millions of refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses? Answer: Israel .

    9- What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?Answer: Israel .

    10- in what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated? Answer: Israel .

    11- In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?Answer: Israel .

    12- In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?Answer: Israel .

    13- What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors? Answer: Israel .

    14- What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents from USA and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union ? Answer: Israel .

    15- What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon? Answer: Israel .

    To be continued (………….)

  67. Maria_Islamic says:

    Things the your bias media will not tell you, and must be taken into account:

    1 – The war was between the Palestinian resistance factions (groups) and between Zionists supported by America (armies).
    2 – Israel was deliberately shelling civilians and including 50% of children and women, and was not random bombardment as broadcast media promoted.
    3 – Global Media is biased to Israel altogether.
    4 – Resistance uses rocket only … They do not have a nuclear weapon, not even a plane or a tank … While Israel fights using U.S. weapon and possess a nuclear weapon. This is not war this is genocide.
    5 – The attack on Gaza did not begin by martyrdom of Al-Jabari … It began 3 days before through chains of attack claimed the lives of 7 Martyrs.
    Where parity … Where the war?

  68. Maria_Islamic says:


    If they claim they are killing terrorist in Gaza, they should not kill innocent kids, plain & simple.
    13 years old child used as human shield by Israeli, with many they do so.
    Do you also support this way of self defense?

  69. aminriadh says:

    "It is highly doubtful whether the payments, the sums, or the percentages of Jizya and Zakat are the same."

    In other words . . . YOU yourself don't actually know.

    – – –

    "were serving in the armies of Islamic Nations for a long time in history"

    Hindus used to head Muslim Armies

    Jews served in Muslim armies:

    – – –

    "Well, I am not so sure as you are about that. I think that the Christians were subdued and had no way of influence. . ."

    Think? – Think isn't good enough. . . you have to back this up . . . else your think is completely made up. Else people will level such accusations:

    "You do not like Islam – hence you will make up negative things about it"

    – – –

  70. madmo says:

    Maria take this example, Jizya was imposed on Hindus in India by some of the muslim invaders who eventually became the rulers. You claimed Jizya is the amount of money or a kind of tax received by the Islamic state "only" from those non-Muslims who live within Islamic country. Islamic state receives it 4 the protection of non-Muslims.
    Protection from whom?? Of course from Muslims if they are in power as the case was once in India. This is like a cheap gangster who, to protect the interest of common people and demands money in return.
    And you think its not inhuman? Doesn't it divide people?
    You state that taxes are levied on muslims in non islamic countries. Taxes are not levied based on persons religious beliefs, caste or color.
    Wake up maria wake up muslims..

  71. Sakat says:

    The foundation for killing of innocent children was first accosted by Mohammed , the children cannot be identified from sky ,however Mohammed could see the children of Jews brought in front of him. The coward Hamas hide under innocent civilian .It was Hamas which threw the first stone at Israel the retaliation is imminent ,everything is fare in love and war .Modern world not depend on God ,but on "survivel of the fittest theory"!,if you are not fit you will be wiped out ,Jews depend upon their mind not on gods mercy for their survivle ,see how a tiny nation survived amidst ugly demons with grit ,every one must proud of it.

  72. Demsci says:

    Oh, perhaps Israeli's use banned weapons, they have their faults too. We can let you have that point. But you can be sure that if the Israeli's would use all their power, they could be a 1000 times worse; the Israeli's say that they fight with their little finger only. And you do know what it looks like when an army fights all the way, don't you? You only have to look at Assads regime way of fighting for that.

    But if targeting women and children is your problem, and your intention is NOT just siding with Muslims no matter what, then you should also be against shooting rockets into Israeli territory. At least the Israeli's try to shoot at military targets, hidden somewhere between those women and children, but the Islamic rocketshooters aim ONLY for civilians.

  73. Demsci says:

    Well, at least I saw them, Julia! How grateful we are for MEMRI TV, which shows the world what Islamic clerics are saying, inspired by (their version of?) Islam. Moderate Muslims like Maria must know these leaders and what they are saying but they only show us Israeli reactions to it and the violence that these leaders cause done by Muslims.

    One of the hateful clerics even wanted to eradicate the Jewish race, just like Adolf Hitler! These clerics accuse Israel of fighting for faith and with great territorial ambition, while it is the Muslims who are primarily or only motivated by THEIR faith to fight the jews, and one declares Muslims would do it, even if Israel did not occupy Palestine! These clerics/ leaders/ speakers still blame Jews for actions against Muhammad 1400 years ago, as a reason to hate and fight present-day Jews! Blatantly violating our principle not to blame innocent children for guilty ancestors.

    So we ask ourselves; Is it really what present day israeli's do what Palestinians fight against? Or is this only their excuse? While all the time they fight Israeli's on Islamic grounds?! Forcing Israeli's to defend themselves.

    We may have different approaches but we are on the same side and I liked reading your posts a lot.

    And we do not oppose Maria herself but only this agressive (version of?) Islam which she favors. We hope for much more peace in the 21st century, through ((this version of?) Islam's defeat and decline.

  74. denialisnoproof says:

    She is not approving killing of children.
    She is just saying that it is the mistake of muslims to let hamas use them as human sheild .
    as you sow ,so you reap.
    If hamas launch the rockets israelis should counter the attack.
    It is sad that muslims don't even care for their children as they have become cultists. They put suicide vest even to their children . cult mentality is what killing muslims not israelis.

  75. Maria_Islamic says:

    Your words: "Hamas is hiding between their own people and so they offer their own children to be killed."
    Re: So you approved the killing of childrens.

    And for your knid info Israel is using internationally-banned weapons

    " Union of Health Care Committees (UHCC) charged that the Israeli occupation was deliberately targeting the children and women of Gaza by using internationally prohibited weapons.

    UHCC reported in a press statement on Saturday that such large numbers of dead and injured children in the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza demonstrates the clear Israeli targeting of civilians particularly innocent children.

    The Israeli targeting of children and women is a flagrant violation of all international norms and conventions, UHCC said, calling on human rights and humanitarian organizations and the World Health Organization and UNICEF to protect the children of Palestine from being targeted by the occupation".

    The union expressed deep concern because of the use of the internationally prohibited weapons by the Israeli army in total violation of the international laws. "


  76. Demsci says:

    I read it. You obviously know a lot about them and have a different picture of them than the media or we. And you seem to respect and love them. And you feel pain and sorry for them.

    But let us see who is to blame. Maybe for a change you can look at Israeli leaders whom you seem to despise as unreasonable, evil, beastly types. So that it depends on Palestinian sane adult human behavior to reach peace.

    And maybe on the Israeli side there are many patriotic soldiers worthy of much respect and love too.

    Maybe the leaders of these brave, kind, patriotic men you mention are to be blamed? Israel WITHDREW from Gaza. Why could not those HAMAS-leaders then keep the peace with Israel and build the economy up, to let Gaza become a sort of Singapore?

    Instead they see it as their duty to destroy Israel, to fight to the death, for decades, against a much stronger enemy, for LAND. Israel does that too, but Israel has only one tiny peace of land. The Palestinians, belonging to a huge community of Muslims, can withdraw, that community has 1000 times more land. And in the 21st century the role of land is as it's most unimportant. Other things matter much more then mere land. It is despicable to cling to land. Like a man who clings to a sack of gold in a river, who drowns because of the gold.

    And I blame their particular Islamic doctrine to keep fighting for that land for all the miseries the Gazans have to endure. Because that makes them allow to fire rockets into Israel, which is what triggers the Israeli reaction. And even if Israel is the Agressor, it still functions as their excuse, which HAMAS-leaders hand them on a plate.

    You seem to think that the number of casualties shows who is the agressor and who is the victim. But this uneven number of casualties only underscores:
    I. The stupidity of Hamas-leaders to want to destroy Israel when they might as well try to reach the planet MARS.
    II. The criminal use of the Gazans to use human shields, allowing those infants and seniors to become "martyrs" they can complain about.
    III. The much greater desire ability of Israel to defend it's citizens.

    As long as HAMAS-leaders, other Palestinians, Iranian government, and so many Muslims, keep as their goal to destroy Israel and regain it's land, most of the complaints about this Gazan crisis revert back to their responsibility. Because of this one unattainable stupid goal.

    This goal that intends to punish innocent Israeli children for what their guilty Israeli parents did (for arguments sake I admit that).

    Those that want to destroy the democratic successful state of Israel have no real right to want that, because almost none of them was robbed of land and possession themselves. Only former generations of Palestinians, dying out rapidly now, were robbed.

    So those who want to destroy Israel are agressors, intent on unnecessary war. They betray their own children and moderate Muslims like you.

    Peace with 2 or even 3 states, with Gaza independent, would be best. And the Israeli's now rapidly grow in numbers, while the Palestinian number of birthrates is declining. Israel soon will have it's own rich harvest of gas in the mediterranean. It's economy and technology are superior to almost all Islamic countries and the Palestinians. So fighting them seems futile, especially when it is them who offered peace with the whole Westbank or compensations for it, and Gaza, in 2000 and 2007.

  77. Julia says:

    Palestinians have no army?? WHAT AN EVIL LIARS YOU MUSLIMS ARE !!!!!
    This HATE has NOTHING to do with Palestinians. IT IS IN YOUR QURAN AND AHADITH .
    FOR 1400 YEARS !!!
    This article starts with this sentence: "First of all, it must be understood that traditional Muslims summarily hate all non-Muslims, period. However, they hate Jews more than anybody else on Earth."

  78. Julia says:

    To the "PEACEFUL"muslims, who LOVE the JEWS and Israel.
    See this "NICE" videos :
    What is your reaction on this , Maria -thing(s).? DON'T LOOK AWAY !!!

  79. Julia says:

    TO Stupid Islamic-maria kid(s) and the EVIL TAQIYYA muslimwoman teacher .
    Hamas is hiding between their own people and so they offer their own children to be killed.
    THÁT is what these cowards do. And this Hamas , who wishes to DESTROY every JEW, are chosen by these "peaceful" martyrs-people.
    As long as these "peaceful" martyrs don't send rockets and suïcide-killers, NOTHING happens to these "peaceful" muslims. Even "peaceful" muslims thousend miles away from Israel , like IRANIAN MULLAHS etc., want to completely destroy Israel. The whole islamic world is , because of Quran etc, filled whit hate against the JEWS. Where do you think all these rockets are produced?

  80. Julia says:

    Where is your answer or rather….the answer of your woman-"scholar"-teacher.
    Show us her TAQIYYA answer . So she can (try) to fool us and YOU TOO of course.
    "Are muslimahs DIRTY (najis) when they menstruate ? "
    And don't "forget" surah 2:222 😉
    Show us your EVIL answer and let us laugh!!!

  81. Demsci says:

    Look, Maria, I want to bring it to your intention that ….. the world is a big place. And it was Western countries who did allow much immigration, including that of Muslims. Now this was NOT allowed, or perhaps not attractive enough, in countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and also China, Russia and many other countries.

    so, I have no intention to reverse any immigration, but on the contrary to reach loving cooperation between Westerners and Muslims. Or at least the moderate part of Muslims. But it flabbergasts me why Muslims especially are so often hostile to the Western countries, who allowed many of them in, no questions asked, while being neutral of friendly to those countries who did not allow or attract much immigration, including Muslim-immigration.

    Remark; let Muslims make the success of immigration-allowing countries bigger than that of immigration-refusing or – disadvantaging countries!!! So that these last cannot claim to be successfull because of immigration-restriction, or of Muslim-immigration-restriction!

    Last remark; it is surely not the problem of almost all counterjihadists that Muslims have bad genes. The credo remains: we are not against muslims, but only against Islam.

  82. Demsci says:

    Hi, Maria, thanks very much for your reply. I read it carefully and take it into consideration.

    OK, you say it is Israel that starts violence. Perhaps. My position is that the democracy of Israel only REACTS and wants to be left alone. And does it want to destroy a non-existing Palestinian state, are Israeli's more sadistic than other humans? Do they get some prophit or satisfaction from starting violence?

    What if Israel starts? then still it is the responsibility of Palestinians towards their children to be realistic and not fight a war they cannot win, if they can have peace by recognizing Israel and be satisfied with Gaza and West Bank or even surrendering in part to Israeli citizenship. But noooooooo, they insist in destroying Israel; a mouse wants to destroy a cat, but complaines when the cat continues it's past behavior. Stupid mouse! Let the Palestinians go for a reasonable peace!

    And what if Israel only or primarily REACTS? In defence? The fact that more Palestinians than Israeli's die is precisely because the Israeli's and better defended. Don't the Palestinians and Muslims know it by now? What if, as is shown often, HAMAS puts it's own citizens and children in harm's way, by firing from out of densely populated neighborhoods and schools?!

    Please, let the Palestinians give up this madness and their support of these HAMAS-extremists. Wasn't the high Palestinian official not guilty of murder of Israeli's and the kidnap of an Israeli soldier?

    You have to develop an historic perspective. ever since states began to form, in Egypt 3000 bc, in Iraq # 2300 BC, with Sargon of Akkad, ever since then violent conquests of land and people was normal. The Muslims were not the only but among the most quilty of what you accuse the Israeli's of. Only they did it more recently, but guilty parents die out and innocent children cannot be blamed for the actions of ancestors. Otherwise give back Constantinople and the whole of Turkey to the Greeks. Because, sure as hell, the Muslims took this city and country away from the Christians and they did it with much more violence and oppression than the Israeli's.

    I do change my mind and attitude every now and again, can you do the same in your hopefully long life? Especially when you claim you do not just defend Palestinians because they are fellow Muslims, and oppose Israeli's because they are Jews? And although it does not exonerate Israeli's bad behavior, which is real, why do you single them out for exposure, when some Muslims, like Assad, Saddam and yes, the ayatollahs are so much worse than them? And also towards Muslims, by the way.

    And did you know that America gives as much or almost as much aid to the Palestinians and Egypt and Pakistan? And that Palestinians are supported by the OIC and the Islamic community by a very large extent? So I still think Israel is the David and the Muslims are the Goliath, even if you see the Palestinians as David and the Israeli's as Goliath.

  83. Demsci says:

    First of all, thanks for replying. I try to see the Middle Eastern conflict from your standpoint. And I hope we eventually can agree that a peaceable solution is the best, including for Palestinian future generations. By dividing the "holy land".

    Oh, I can see Israeli's making transgressions and mistakes. It is always possible to agree that they can improve their behavior a lot. But it also is vital to stipulate that they do not steal much land anymore, only a little bit, since settlements began. And that Israeli occupation still allowed Palestinians to get maaaaaany children and expand hugely.

    So occupation, though irritating, cannot be that bad, and the Israeli's do not kill that much (compared with Assad of Syria and Saddam of Iraq!). And day by day so to speak innocent children take over from "guilty" parents. And one cannot blame children for what parents do, this is a fundamental principle. Likewise earlier generations of Palestinians were robbed of their land/ possessions, but day by day they die out. And the new generations were NOT ROBBED. They do not have the same rights as the previous generations.

    But improving the behavior of Israeli's is one issue. But an altogether different issue is their entitlement to their current portion of Israel/ Palestina. If moderate Muslims openly declare Israeli's should go home, then they talk about destruction of Israel. And what normal human being could react with equanimity when the very existence of it's nation is hated and threathened so much as is Israel's?

    That is why I say that Palestinians and Muslims very unjustly provoke the "tigress Israel and her cubs (it's citizens)" and they do this also with many terroristic acts, to be sure. When you provoke a tiger or her cubs, you are responsible yourself, more than the tiger. You Muslims just have to become much more reasonable for your warlike attitude. And more realistic about your chances of winning, because those are slim, and why don't you see it and adapt? for the sake of peace for Palestinian children?

    Israeli's also originate in large numbers from Islamic states, and these refugee Jews, just as Palestinians, lost their homes and possessions. So if you are not biased towards Palestinians simply because they are Muslims, then please take this into account. And contemplate that Israeli's deserves their portion of the land.

    But yes, let the Palestinians be content with Gaza and the Westbank and compensation for settlements, in land and money. As Israel did propose in 2000 (Camp David) and 2007 (By Ehud Olmert to mr. Abbas). Palestinians must be considered adults and responsible for their decisions. And it was them that refused reasonable peace. And thus peace and prosperity for their children. They seem to love warlike Islam-version much more than their own children's fate!!!

  84. Maria_Islamic says:

    To the Western world, Gazans are shown as terrorists, radicals and extremists, however 'the media is the most powerful entity on this planet , it has the power to make the guilty innocent and the innocent guilty, and that is power'.
    So I must take this opportunity to tell you about these real men.

    These men, who you only know as extremists in balaclavas with AK47s are encaged in a city where freedom of movement has been prevented.

    Each and every home they live in contains 1-5 martyrs.

    Most of them are not even from there, yet as a result of Israeli occupation, they were forced to retreat there to further defend their brothers and sisters.

    These men, who you only know as bearded radicals, stand day and night guarding their women and children from enemy attacks.

    By day, most of them are doctors, teachers, bus drivers and shop keepers, yet by night, they arm themselves and stand guard, even though sleep tries to overpower them.

    They honour their women, they raise their children with morals, and drive and passion flows through their veins.

    They are not slaves of creation, but true slaves of the Creator, ready to live, fight and die for the sake of all that is good.

    They have watched their children be blown to smithereens. They have watched their wives be ripped up by bullets. They have seen their parents suffer devastating wounds as a result of white phosphorous.

    Little do they have of the many luxuries we take for granted, yet little do they complain.

    They remain steadfast in times of calamity, for they know their return is to Allaah, Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that exists.

    As bombs drop from unmanned drones and F16s, crippling the economy and leaving many jobless and homeless, their sense of brotherhood provides a means for them to strive on.

    When electricity is cut as a result of Israeli bombs, they act as caretakers for Allaah. Incubators are cut off leaving babies in vulnerable states, yet they stand hours upon end manually pumping the incubators to save lives.

    One may be a waiter by day, yet by night he becomes the leiutenant over his boss from work.

    These men pray to their Lord, sacrifice for their families and work hard for their people.

    They share tiny homes with their large families and put up with the harsh conditions.

    Many of them are from refugee camps and were unable to enjoy a mother or father.

    Do not be fooled by the media, for these are the very best of men, the best of hosts, and the kindest of people.

    Israel says it is killing terrorists in Gaza.
    Lets see who are these terrorists? Of the 24:
    15 are civilians of which:
    8 are infants
    4 are senior citizens
    3 are women
    And the numberof Palestine wonded?
    280 of which 197 are children & women.
    Who is aggressor?

  85. Maria_Islamic says:


    To the Western world, Gazans are shown as terrorists, radicals and extremists, however 'the media is the most powerful entity on this planet , it has the power to make the guilty innocent and the innocent guilty, and that is power'.
    So I must take this opportunity to tell you about these real men.

    These men, who you only know as extremists in balaclavas with AK47s are encaged in a city where freedom of movement has been prevented.

    Each and every home they live in contains 1-5 martyrs.

    Most of them are not even from there, yet as a result of Israeli occupation, they were forced to retreat there to further defend their brothers and sisters.

    These men, who you only know as bearded radicals, stand day and night guarding their women and children from enemy attacks.

    By day, most of them are doctors, teachers, bus drivers and shop keepers, yet by night, they arm themselves and stand guard, even though sleep tries to overpower them.

    They honour their women, they raise their children with morals, and drive and passion flows through their veins.

    They are not slaves of creation, but true slaves of the Creator, ready to live, fight and die for the sake of all that is good.

    They have watched their children be blown to smithereens. They have watched their wives be ripped up by bullets. They have seen their parents suffer devastating wounds as a result of white phosphorous.

    Little do they have of the many luxuries we take for granted, yet little do they complain.

    They remain steadfast in times of calamity, for they know their return is to Allaah, Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that exists.

    As bombs drop from unmanned drones and F16s, crippling the economy and leaving many jobless and homeless, their sense of brotherhood provides a means for them to strive on.

    When electricity is cut as a result of Israeli bombs, they act as caretakers for Allaah. Incubators are cut off leaving babies in vulnerable states, yet they stand hours upon end manually pumping the incubators to save lives.

    One may be a waiter by day, yet by night he becomes the leiutenant over his boss from work.

    These men pray to their Lord, sacrifice for their families and work hard for their people.

    They share tiny homes with their large families and put up with the harsh conditions.

    Many of them are from refugee camps and were unable to enjoy a mother or father.

    Do not be fooled by the media, for these are the very best of men, the best of hosts, and the kindest of people.

    Israel says it is killing terrorists in Gaza.
    Lets see who are these terrorists? Of the 24:
    15 are civilians of which:
    8 are infants
    4 are senior citizens
    3 are women
    And the numberof Palestine wonded?
    280 of which 197 are children & women.
    Who is aggressor?

  86. Maria_Islamic says:

    @ Demisci:
    I don't know what you're saying. You non-Muslims have their own excuses to raise objections against Muslims 🙁 You rely on bias media.

    Israel and the mainstream media always start the timeline too late. The fact is that after a 2-week lull in violence, Israeli soldiers invaded Gaza on Nov. 8, starting an inevitable escalation in which 6 Palestinian civilians were killed, including 3 children, and more than 50 others were wounded. The Israeli totals: 0 killed, 9 injured. On Nov. 14, the Israelis assassinated a top Gaza official and "Operation Pillar of Force" began. You decide: Just who is the aggressor?
    in Nov. 2012, 208 Palestinians were murdered after 77 Israeli air strikes, but the main stream media is reporting the death of the 3 Israeli. It's like a 208 Palestinians are nothing. What king of f**ked up world we live in ?!
    Israel says it is fighting in self defence but they killed 5 kids & injured 35 within 12 hours. What was their fault?
    One more example of bias media:
    See here,… .BBC wrote: Three Israelis have been killed by rocket-fire from Gaza, where 13 Palestinians have died in Israeli air strikes since it killed a Hamas chief on Wednesday.
    BBC's bias on its worst: Muslims "die" (as if by some natural cause) and Israelis are "killed", obviously by bad guys according to BBC.

    Over the past 3 days, Israel killed 27 Palestinian civilians, of them are 3 mothers, 4 elderly, and 8 infants.
    1.8 mill ion Palestinian civilians live under israeli siege since more than 5 years
    In response to the home "hand-made" rockets Palestinian resistance invented, which have hit occupied Jerusalem and occupied Tel Aviv, Israeli Occupation (Defence) Minister Ehud Barak called this evening 75,000 more Israeli occupation forces soldiers, perhaps his plans to invade Gaza. Not to mention the American made F16 warplanes, tanks and warships those are hitting Gaza by all known and unknown weapons..
    But, even in the "Operation Cast Lead" against Gaza in 2008, right Israel have murdered more than 1,400 Palestinians, and left thousands injured, Israeli occupation forces failed to invade Gaza.
    How Israeli thinks I fail to understand.

    Palestine have been under
    occupation since 1967. Since then, its
    people have been killed everyday.
    From unborn children being ripped out
    of pregnant women, to the elders being
    dragged out of their homes, beaten up brutally, knocked down on their knees
    and lined up to be killed. Mothers lose
    their children everyday, wives are left
    widowed and children are left orphans.
    Its people live in fear everyday,
    knowing that any minute, their front door will be kicked down by Israeli
    soldiers and will be shot down one by
    one. Knowing that their children,
    mothers and fathers may never return
    home due to being killed by the
    Zionists. children are seen as terrorists
    because they throw stones at the
    Zionists tanks and drones. The media
    has made it look like a terrorist state
    and its people as the enemy. The
    media makes Zionists look like the victim. The media makes it look okay
    for an illegal state under the
    International Law to take over the
    home of innocents. Palestine exists. Its people
    exist. And though It don't exist in the
    media's and Zionists eyes, though It
    don't exist on the map.

    Palestinians have no army, no navy, no airforce. israel doesn't even allow Palestine to get foreign aid (medicine/clothing etc).In contrast America has given israel weapons of mass destruction. They have atomic weapons and chemical weapons. They have a full army which includes airforce and navy. israel has already used its chemical weapons on Palestinians.
    This is not a war, this is GENOCIDE.

  87. Maria_Islamic says:

    I don't know what you're saying. You non-Muslims have their own excuses to raise objections against Muslims 🙁 You rely on bias media.

    Israel and the mainstream media always start the timeline too late. The fact is that after a 2-week lull in violence, Israeli soldiers invaded Gaza on Nov. 8, starting an inevitable escalation in which 6 Palestinian civilians were killed, including 3 children, and more than 50 others were wounded. The Israeli totals: 0 killed, 9 injured. On Nov. 14, the Israelis assassinated a top Gaza official and "Operation Pillar of Force" began. You decide: Just who is the aggressor?
    in Nov. 2012, 208 Palestinians were murdered after 77 Israeli air strikes, but the main stream media is reporting the death of the 3 Israeli. It's like a 208 Palestinians are nothing. What king of f**ked up world we live in ?!
    Israel says it is fighting in self defence but they killed 5 kids & injured 35 within 12 hours. What was their fault?
    One more example of bias media:
    See here,… .BBC wrote: Three Israelis have been killed by rocket-fire from Gaza, where 13 Palestinians have died in Israeli air strikes since it killed a Hamas chief on Wednesday.
    BBC's bias on its worst: Muslims "die" (as if by some natural cause) and Israelis are "killed", obviously by bad guys according to BBC.

    Over the past 3 days, Israel killed 27 Palestinian civilians, of them are 3 mothers, 4 elderly, and 8 infants.
    1.8 million Palestinian civilians live under israeli siege since more than 5 years
    In response to the home "hand-made" rockets Palestinian resistance invented, which have hit occupied Jerusalem and occupied Tel Aviv, Israeli Occupation (Defence) Minister Ehud Barak called this evening 75,000 more Israeli occupation forces soldiers, perhaps his plans to invade Gaza. Not to mention the American made F16 warplanes, tanks and warships those are hitting Gaza by all known and unknown weapons..
    But, even in the "Operation Cast Lead" against Gaza in 2008, right Israel have murdered more than 1,400 Palestinians, and left thousands injured, Israeli occupation forces failed to invade Gaza.
    How Israeli thinks I fail to understand.

    Palestine have been under
    occupation since 1967. Since then, its
    people have been killed everyday.
    From unborn children being ripped out
    of pregnant women, to the elders being
    dragged out of their homes, beaten up brutally, knocked down on their knees
    and lined up to be killed. Mothers lose
    their children everyday, wives are left
    widowed and children are left orphans.
    Its people live in fear everyday,
    knowing that any minute, their front door will be kicked down by Israeli
    soldiers and will be shot down one by
    one. Knowing that their children,
    mothers and fathers may never return
    home due to being killed by the
    Zionists. children are seen as terrorists
    because they throw stones at the
    Zionists tanks and drones. The media
    has made it look like a terrorist state
    and its people as the enemy. The
    media makes Zionists look like the victim. The media makes it look okay
    for an illegal state under the
    International Law to take over the
    home of innocents. Palestine exists. Its people
    exist. And though It don't exist in the
    media's and Zionists eyes, though It
    don't exist on the map.

    Palestinians have no army, no navy, no airforce. israel doesn't even allow Palestine to get foreign aid (medicine/clothing etc). In contrast America has given israel weapons of mass destruction. They have atomic weapons and chemical weapons. They have a full army which includes airforce and navy. israel has already used its chemical weapons on Palestinians.
    This is not a war, this is GENOCIDE.

  88. Maria_Islamic says:


    I'm not defending Gazans just because they are Muslims but because what I'm seening they are being tortured by Israelis. Why don't Israeli leave Palestine alone & go to their homes in California, Russia, Bulgaria or anywhere?

  89. Demsci says:

    I do not agree with you that non-Muslims only slander Muslims and do not look at their own actions? It is one of the most charming characteristics of the press in democratic countries (of which Israel is one, and you can bet that bad behavior by Israelis will be protested against by other Israelis) to vehemently criticize the actions of it's own side. It seems much more than criticizing their enemies.

    You, who indeed are brave to visit this website, see here only the counterjihadists-part of non-Muslims, but that is a tiny, although growing minority among non-Muslims. Many non-Muslims are neutral about Islam and Muslims and many non-Muslims often defend these against counterjihadists.

    But it often seems as if Muslims do not appreciate the non-Muslims who defend them, as they seem to notice only those who criticize and insult them.

  90. Demsci says:

    What about Gaza?!

    HAMAS rules there.

    But good Palestinian leadership should be concerned about future generations and their well-being. And understand that the Palestinians in all likelihood cannot defeat Israel totally in the near future. So it would be wise of good Palestinian leadership to leave Israel alone and to try to develop Gaza economically. That would be best for the children there, that is what they would be doing if they really loved their children and wanted their well-being, more than they love destroing Israel (which is in their official Manifest!, how do you expect Israel to react? Would you like your nation to be threathened to destruction?).

    What does HAMAS do? Knowing that Israel behaves perfectionably reasonable and even beneficial if HAMAS leaves it alone, HAMAS still allows rockets to be shot out from Gaza into Israel, now even to Tel Aviv, the most important town in Israel. How stupid can HAMAS get?

    Israel is like a tigress with cubs and what HAMAS is doing is like pulling a tigers tail and kicking it's cubs. If a person did that would you not blame him and not the tiger if the tiger turned on such a person?

    Maria-Islamic, can you not see the criminal stupidity of your fellow-Muslims, HAMAS? They are unnecessarily putting their citizens in harm's way, because of firing out from densely populated areas, and without provocation.

    Look, we non-Muslims were always chastized, even by other non-Muslims, when we painted all Muslims with the same brush. So we don't do that any longer. But if you moderate Muslims keep supporting such criminally stupid fellow Muslims like HAMAS, it is you who really cause us to paint you and them with the same brush.

    So distance yourself from HAMAS and do not defend them here, please.

  91. Maria_Islamic says:


    you non-Muslims only know how to slander on Muslims & don't look at your own actions. What about Gaza?

  92. Maria_Islamic says:


    The fact is that there is no killing.

  93. jazzn says:

    What ever you wrote Islam women is slave there is now heaven for you all. You say there is no killing but in fact…..? can you explain …it

  94. jazzn says:

    You just say to love another but now you say suck thing it is same with the Qur'an word. There is no consistensi.

  95. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    Here is Imam Bukhari telling of father Bakr having consent wrenched from his feeble trembling hands, at the persuasion (Intimidation) of Muhammad (Abul Qasim – booty distributor).

    Listen to Abu Bakr whine, oh no!

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Hadith Number 18. Wedlock, Marriage (Nikah) – Narrated 'Ursa : Muhammad asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." Muhammad said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she ('Aisha) is lawful for me to marry."

    Apparently Muhammad took a child (Aisha) what he wanted! So much for choice or consent

  96. Julia says:

    A typical TAQIYYA ANWER of this muslimah !! 🙂 ARE YOU ASHAMED ABOUT YOUR EVIL CULT?
    "Are muslimahs DIRTY (najis) when they menstruate ? "
    I will give you the answer you EVIL fake god Allah gave:
    Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 222:
    " They ask thee (O Prophet (saws)) concerning women's courses (menstruation). Say: ‘THEY ARE are a hurt AND A POLLUTION; so keep away from women in their courses and do not approach (have sexual intercourse with) them UNTIL THEY ARE CLEAN. But when they have PURIFIED themselves ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean".
    Please NO TU QUOQUE ANSWERS!That is stupid .You know that by now…I hope 🙂

  97. Julia says:

    We were talking about:
    "Can a Muslimah choose feely her huband to marry with ?
    Re: Of course.
    A Muslimah's Marriage is dependent on her choice.
    Can a muslimah CHOOSE FREELY? Answer : NO!
    1) She can NOT choose a non-muslim man .
    2) She needs the consent of her parents (father of course!).
    Btw. wht if the parents are dead?
    3) How can a little girl os 9 years old (remember Aïsha?) choose freely.?
    4) what about the Sahih Bukahri hadith ? :
    " Narrated 'Aisha: I asked the Prophet, "O Allah's Apostle! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?" He said, "Yes." I said, "A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet." He said, "Her silence means her consent." (Book #85, Hadith #79) ".
    Is this choosing freely, Islamic style ?

  98. Julia says:

    We were talking about:
    "Can a Muslimah choose feely her huband to marry with ?
    Re: Of course.
    A Muslimah's Marriage is dependent on her choice.
    Can a muslimah CHOOSE FREELY? Answer : NO!
    1) She can NOT choose a non-muslim man .
    2) She needs the consent of her parents (father of course!).
    Btw. wht if the parents are dead?
    3) How can a little girl os 9 years old (remember Aïsha?) choose freely.?
    4) what about the Sahih Bukahri hadith ? :
    " Narrated 'Aisha: I asked the Prophet, "O Allah's Apostle! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?" He said, "Yes." I said, "A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet." He said, "Her silence means her consent." (Book #85, Hadith #79) ".
    Is this choosing freely, Islamic style ? 🙂

  99. Maria_Islamic says:

    @glad hunter:

    According to Islamic Law, women cannot be forced to marry anyone without their consent. It is not a joke.

    Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messenger of God, Muhammad (P.), and she reported that her father had forced her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice . . . (between accepting the marriage or invalidating it). (Ibn Hanbal No. 2469). In another version, the girl said: “Actually I accept this marriage but I wanted to let women know that parents have no right (to force a husband on them)” (Ibn Maja, No. 1873).

  100. Maria_Islamic says:


    In terms of religious obligations, such as the Daily Prayers, Fasting, Poor-due(charity) and Pilgrimage, a woman is no different from a man. In some cases, women have certain advantages over men. For example, a woman is exempted from the daily prayers and from fasting during her menstrual periods and forty days after childbirth. She is also exempted from fasting during her pregnancy and when she is nursing her baby if there is any threat to her health or her baby’s. If the missed fasting is obligatory (during the month of Ramadan), she can make up for the missed days whenever she can. She does not have to make up for the prayers missed for any of the above reasons.

  101. Maria_Islamic says:


    According to Islamic Law, women cannot be forced to marry anyone without their consent.

    Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messenger of God, Muhammad (P.), and she reported that her father had forced her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice . . . (between accepting the marriage or invalidating it). (Ibn Hanbal No. 2469). In another version, the girl said: “Actually I accept this marriage but I wanted to let women know that parents have no right (to force a husband on them)” (Ibn Maja, No. 1873).

  102. Demsci says:

    Thank you for this great reply, Maria-Islamic. I was touched.

    Of course I wish you personally well and a loooong life.

    It is just that I think that all religions and lifestyles should have both their apologists and critics and that debate, discussion, even with insults, is beneficial.

    You say cannot rely on anti-Islam-websites. Well, for all mankind, for the future, for the future generations, YOU CANNOT RELY ONLY ON MUSLIMS either. You really should look at both sides and at other religions/ lifestyles, their disadvantages but also MERITS. If you don;t you are being selfish, lazy or downright naive. No matter how great and sweet your teachers are, the other religions/ lifestyles may be better. And why should your children have the same religion as your parents, when YOU can make a change. As once non-Muslims massively became Muslims. Why NOT go to the next stadium? If it's more true and better? And if judgment day never comes?

    I think that parents for themselves should invest much energy in finding the best religion/ lifestyle they can find and judge and discuss, both on merits and disadvantages, but most of all on whether is is the highest truth people with great effort can find.

    And that parents then say to children at age 20; look, we wish you a 100 years on this earth. And it would not be right that you feel pressed to follow our religion/ lifestyle. You are free to choose your own and we will love and support you just as much as if you chose our religion/ lifestyle.

    And this goes for adherents of all religions/ lifestyles. Really, give all equal chances and let the best one win. For future generations.

  103. Julia says:

    Maria-thinh said:
    "I think I'm not following an unpleasant ideology."
    Your evil cult will perhaps (?) not be unpleasant for you.
    But the non-muslims will not agree with you ! Read for example Surah 8 (spoils of jihad !).
    Look aroand in the world. Everywhere there are mislims there are problems, hate and violence against nonmuslims ; even among themselves.
    If you read the history it is like this for 1400 years. The estimation is 270 million deadly victims by Islam and there are of course even more wounded, slaves and raped women.
    Since 9/11 there have been about 20000 assaults by muslims.
    All in the NAME of ISLAM AND ALLAH !! Allahu Snackbar !!! Yep.
    Please don't come with your wellknown illogical "TU QUOQUES"(=you also). That is very,very stupid.This site is about Islam and Mohammed.

  104. Julia says:

    You just have to obey , Maria-thing …That's ALL.
    You must take ALL this humiliation for ALLAH. 😉

    I knw it is painfull for you muslims to be spoofed . You are SOOOO modest !
    You even think you are THE BEST OF CREATION". So how can these KAFIRS laugh about you ?? But we DO….!!!

  105. Julia says:

    But a every man (also young men =boys) can do NIKAH with slave girls (their right hand posseses) as much as he likes . YEP…THÁT will keep them PURE !! HAHAHAHA
    Quran: 70: 29 And those who guard their private parts
    70:30 Except from their wives or those their right hands posses (their slave girls), for indeed, they are not to be blamed –
    Quran: 23:5 And they who guard their private parts
    23:6 Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed –

  106. Julia says:

    HERE IS AGAIN MY QUSTION TO THE BAVKWARD ,BRAINWASHED MUSLIMAH MARIA-THING , because you did not react on this one !! hahahahaha!!!!
    Are muslimahs DIRTY (NAJIS) while MENSTRUATING ??

  107. Julia says:

    1) Shaih Bukhari:
    Narrated 'Aisha: I asked the Prophet, "O Allah's Apostle! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?" He said, "Yes." I said, "A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet." He said, "Her silence means her consent." (Book #85, Hadith #79)
    ARE YOU A VIRGIN, stupid muslimah ??? Hahahaha!
    What an EVIL answer of your FAKE prophet AGAIN !!!
    Do people of ,let's say 30 or 40 years old still need to ask permission? To whom if father and mother are DEAD already? ETC.ETC.
    Did you read what your EVIL muslim cleric Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari said?

  108. Maria_Islamic says:


    1) There's a Hadith from Bukhari which says Muslimah's willingness

    to marry is necessary. If She doesn't wanna marry none should force her.

    2) A girl or a boy ought not to marry without the permission of their parents

    as per Islam- This is the right way, as parents play a very important

    part in their children's life. Children ought not to disappoint their parents.

    3) A boy cannot have a girl friend & a girl cannot have a boy friend,

    this thing is not allowed in any way.This is the most wisest rule

    issued by Allah. This thing keep them pure & away from sins.

  109. Olamidee says:

    @ Julia, don't mind Maria, while her husband is F*CKING 72HOURIS in heaven ALLAH will give her a Vibrator!!!

  110. Olamidee says:

    But JESUS talked about people like mohamed, He called them ROBBER, DESTROYER, THIEVES and so many others names, BIBLE was written before quran. We CHRISTIANS are also WARNED in GALATIANS 1:8 about false preacher and corrupt people like Mohammed.

  111. Maria_Islamic says:



    I have read all your comments,

    it's good you're not mocking, insulting or

    disrespecting but just showing some things (as per your knowledge).

    And as you are much experienced

    (as much older) so you know well how to address.

    But I'm not saying that I'm agree with you .

    But wanna tell you somethings;

    Whenever I listen to the lectures of my

    teacher & visit Islamic websites it seems

    Islam is the most peaceful, truest & best of

    all religions. The things, here I'm bringing

    are not mere my own ideologies but I'm

    learning this from my teachers.

    I didn't visit anti-Islamic websites "except" 3 times,

    (this is the the 3rd one), Here I find many

    such things which I didn't find ever before.

    When people quote the verses from Quran,

    mostly they quote out of context & because

    of mistranslation it seems unpeaceful

    but when I learnt the same verses from

    my teachers they clear my confusion.

    Moreover all Hadiths are not authentic

    a number of hadiths were concocted by

    hypocrites at the time of Prophet (PBUH)

    & my teacher has told me now many

    non-Muslims also concoct Hadiths,

    I'm not saying that all non-Muslims do so

    but saying that they can do so as they

    hate Islam, they may b self sufficient

    as their burning desire is just to

    remove islam from the face of the earth.

    So I cannot rely on anti-Islamic websites

    because I know they hate Islam, they

    may be self sufficient & they can

    mistranslate & fit the verses into their

    own mean the way the want.

    However I'm still learning & analysing

    my faith, I know i should true to myself,

    I have firm belief God do exist,

    I hope He'll keep on very very true path, Amen!

  112. Demsci says:

    You say you are proud to be Muslima.

    But you belong to an organisation, Islam, which let' s IN almost everybody, who is born into it, under almost no conditions, in their entire life.

    So what is there to be proud of?

  113. Demsci says:

    I so hope, Maria-Islamic that one day in the future a child of you asks you whether or not you really thought hard about your religion, and whether or not you really made sure that you had the best religion by examing it and other religions/ lifestyles well.

    or that you just took the religion/ lifestyle you were brainwashed in and which felt well. But your child may encounter and examine divers religions/ lifestyles and question you about your lifechoices for yourself AND him/ her. (because when you choose Islam you in turn will help brainwashing your child).

  114. Demsci says:

    In short, Maria-Islamic, in my opinion it would be much better if you belonged to a subset of Islam that clearly explained what your version of Islam holds on important tenets of Islam and societal issues.

    In a subset that set conditions to membership of it, and that would kick out those who did not fulfill those conditions.

    That would also be much fairer to the rest of mankind and us counterjihadists.

    and the members of this subset of Muslims would not be beaten in discussions all the time by counterjihadists.

    But now Muslims are only a part of an organisation where membership is almost only dependent on birth and where membership is even obligatory on pain of death. This makes for a BIG group, but with many WEAK members.

  115. Demsci says:

    "Re: " If " she was really attacked in the name of my Allah, then thats really condemndable. He doesn't allow this."
    Islam is not against women's education in any way. education is obligatory both 4 men & women (Hadith) "

    Here you speak as if YOU know on certain issues under discussion what THE meaning of Islam is, what on those Issues Islam means or does not mean, what Islam's intentions and goals are and what they are not.

    But the Taliban disagrees with you, and among them are people who have studied Islam deeply, who are clerics. And there are also many who have gone to madrassa's, where they learn a lot about Islam.

    You do very wise to visit an anti-Islam-website in order to sort out tough questions, to make yourself either a better Muslim or a better human. And to strengthen those Muslims that want to live by certain standards and are prepared to be held accountable for them too. Who not just make assertions to counter-jihadists but still feel connected to Muslims who belie those assertions.

    It is not just counterjihadists that disagree with you in issues and tenets of Islam, it is hundreds of millions of fellow-Muslims that disagree with you also.

    In a way these other Muslim ruin a lot for you; they give your Islam a bad reputation. They clearly oppress women, they prevent very actively women- education and their free choices, like marriage-choice. THIS is a bigger problem for you than anti-Islam-websites are. Anti-Islam-websites are mostly FED by the words and deeds of Muslims.

    And your fellow-Muslims were mostly born into Islam and they are forbidden to leave it. They did not have to fulfill certain reasonable conditions upon membership. They are not obliged to know and practice Islam well, they are even allowed to declare and behave in ways that other Muslims declare Un-Islamic. But still never Muslims are thrown out of Islam.

    But still Muslims like you stay in Islam, and you do not even make a meaningful, universal distinction between you and those "born Muslims" who are a miscellaneous, ignorant, highly diverse group.

    Not only do you stay in Islam, but still you keep declaring on issues what Islam means and does not mean, wants and does not want. Not even making clear that this is your version of Islam,

    which is the opinion of those Muslims who can declare that they hold on to certain conditions upon membership and declare that those who do not adhere to those conditions will be thrown out of their version of Islam.

    In that way at least you can be accountable for your version of Islam.

    But you cannot be representing some kind of universal unspecified Islam and you cannot be one with, and allied to, all Muslims if you want to be consistent for and respected by decent other humans.

    These other Muslims simply ruin too much for you, and they will neglect and refuse to back you up on your assertions towards critical counterjihadists, instead fellow-Muslims will on countless occasions confirm counterjihadists and strengthen their interpretation of Islam.

    Now, what are you going to do about your problems with fellow-Muslims?

  116. Julia says:

    The logic of a muslimah:

  117. Julia says:

    No answer, of course, of the evil ,backward, brainwashed MULIM(mah)S !!

  118. Julia says:

    No answer, of course!

  119. Julia says:

    YOU ARE AN EVIL LIAR (that's what I think) or you arean IGNORANT.
    Surat At-Tawbah [9:111] – The EVIL Qur'an says :
    "They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed."
    Come on , don't be a coward or an hypocrite . Allah hates that . Blow yourself up ….but ,ALAS, you will not get 72 virgin boys to to NIKAH with all day long ,FOREVER ! HAHAHAHA !!!!

  120. Julia says:

    No reaction ,OF COURSE, from muslims NOR muslimahs.
    Backward people, these muslimSLAVES .

  121. denialisnoproof says:

    Thank you Allah you has saved us( Women) from such a boring, tiresome & unbearable burden of Khilafat.
    all please tell this muslim girl that ,muhammad murdered a woman as she was ruler of a certain tribe. He had her body torn apart ,just because she was a female ruler.
    Have you ever heard the story of fox and sour grapes muslimah hahahahah.
    according to islam you are just a piece of meat.

  122. glad hunter says:

    POWER WIELDING is boring, tiresome, unbearable and burdensome…………my goodness

    perhaps…..GRAPES ARE SOUR

    …see how brainwashed cretins see favours in exploitation

    up til when pisslam has followers like you mullahs have great future

  123. glad hunter says:


    ….HA HA !!!!!!


  124. Julia says:

    By the wa… stupid muslimah Maria-thing, I had still an other question for you:
    Are muslimahs DIRTY (najis) when they menstruate ?

  125. Julia says:

    "A real Muslimah (like me) never wants to b a Khaleefah."
    Silly muslimah.

  126. Julia says:

    To the backward and brainwashed muslimah Maria-thing.
    Here are some senteces from this article… for you to ponder. 🙂
    –"Inter-marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims is something that has been CLEARLY PROHIBITED in the Quran and Sunnah, thus not permissible in any way. The only exception to this general rule is the marriage of Muslim men with Christian and Jewish girls, and that also with certain conditions".
    –"Hence, a Muslim woman will not be allowed whatsoever to marry anyone besides a Muslim man, and even if she did, the marriage will not be valid in Islam."
    –"The answer to this question is that, women are somewhat weak and emotional by nature."…YEP , AND DEFICIENT IN INTELLIGENCE TOO . HAHAHAHA !!

  127. Julia says:

    NO,you LIAR ,you can choose freely your husband.
    You , muslimahs, NOT allowed to mary a non-muslim according to your EVIL Quran. Even if you love him sóóóó dearly. So you can NOT CHOOSE freely. Muslim men can "NIKAH" ( you know what I mean !) as much as they want, even slave girls.
    Oh…and my question was NOT If a muslimah's marriage is independent or dependent on her choice ! How sneaky you are ?? Hahahahaha!
    Here you can read THE LEGAL RULING for muslim(ah)s About Marrying non-Muslims
    ( by the muslim cleric Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari ):
    Oh… Please keep your silly excuses to yourself ! We know them ALL !

  128. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    Muslimah make bad rulers

    Sahih Imam Bukhari Volume 9, Book 88, Number 219: Narrated Abu Bakr: During the battle of Al-Jamal, Allah benefited me with a word. When Muhammad heard the news that the people of Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen (ruler), he said, "Never will succeed such a Ummah as makes a Muslimah their ruler."

    Muslimah, dogs and donkeys annul the modesty of prayer in Islam:

    Sahih Imam Bukhari Volume 1, Book 9, Number 490: Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a Muslimah" I said, "You have made us (Muslimah) dogs. I saw Muhammad praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away, for I disliked facing him."

    Muslimah crowd out hell according to Muhammad.

    Sahih Imam Muslim Book 36, Number 6596: Usama b. Zaid reported that Muhammad said: I stood at the door of Jannat and I found that the overwhelming majority of those who entered therein were that of poor persons and the wealthy persons were detained to get into that. The denizens of Jahannam (hell) were commanded to get into Jahannam, and I stood upon the door of Fire and the majority amongst them who entered there was that of Muslimah.

    A stones throw away.

    Sunan Abu Dawud Book 2, Number 704: Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: Ikrimah reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas, saying: Muhammad said: When one of you (Muslims) prays without a sutrah (barrier), a dog, a Muslimah, a pig, an ass, a Magian, and a Jew cuts off his prayer, but it will suffice if they pass in front of him at a distance of over a stone's throw.

    Ill luck in a house.

    Maliks Muwatta Book 54, Number 54.8.22:Malik related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Hamza and Salim the sons of Abdullah ibn Umar from Abdullah ibn Umar that Muhammad said, "Ill luck is in a house, a Muslimah and a horse."

    Islamic short spears as protective prayer devices against dogs, Muslimah and donkeys:

    Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 9, The Book of the Qiblah Hadith no: 773 Narrated: Awn bin Abi Juhaifah from his father, that Muhammad went out in a red Hullah,* and he set up a short spear (anazah) and prayed facing toward it, while dogs, muslimah and donkeys were passing beyond it. (Sahih) *Usually referring to two pieces made of the same material.

  129. Maria_Islamic says:

    @ Julia:

    Your words:
    Oh…I see your patience is gone.

    No my patience is not gone completely.
    Your words:
    What are you going to do now?
    Still bearing you.
    Your words:

    Re: No
    Your words:

    Re: Wrong.
    Rather He wants me to have patience. (Quran)

  130. Maria_Islamic says:


    Can a Muslimah choose feely her huband to marry with ?


    Of course.

    A Muslimah's Marriage is dependent on her choice.

  131. Maria_Islamic says:

    @ Chiulo-Ruiz

    Your words:
    can Muslimah ever hold the position of khaleefah, yes or no?


    Of course No.

    A real Muslimah (like me) never wants to b a Khaleefah.

    Its our Modesty.

    Khilafat is a hard Job – It will be good if a man do Khilafat.

    Thank you Allah you has saved us( Women) from such a boring, tiresome & unbearable burden of Khilafat.

  132. Julia says:

    This Mohammedan Maria-thing said:
    "Don't try my patience now I'm fed up of your behaviour."
    You sound like a true muslim now. ARE YOU THREATENING ME, EVIL KID??
    What are you going to do? Blow up yourself amongst some innocent men,women and kids?

  133. Julia says:

    This muslimah Maria-thing(s), says:
    "I'm a Muslimah, proud to be. "
    What is there in Islam to be proud about ? Tells us !
    Some things your fake prophet Mohammed stole from the Jews, the Christians, Pagans…?
    Or are you proud of the EVIL things this crazy man add to hismumbo-jumbo evil CULT?
    What exactly are you proud about what was and is NOT in already existing religions?
    ENLIGHTEN US KAFIRS ( a very bad name according to you muslims) !
    Don't be afraid of your imam, come on …SAY WHAT YOU THINK ..YOURSELF.!!!

  134. Julia says:

    The Maria_thing muslimah groop sai":
    "The Hadith doesn't confirm that the Muslimah (woman) has half intellect than a Muslim (man).
    it says women are deficient in her intelligence. Not exactly half. "
    I am a woman too and I say to you: SHAME ON YOU MUSLIMAHS !!! SHAME !!!

  135. Julia says:

    Still no (clear) answer from the muslimah group Maria-thing.

  136. Demsci says:

    Thank you for compliments and replying Julia, it means a lot to me.

    I daresay you are right. But this group of young doubting Muslima's is doing well to visit here. Many counterjihadists and ex-Muslims, they have pondered the TOUGH QUESTIONS of life, and their religion. they have not taken only the easy way of going with the flow of their community and parents and leaders.

    And these young, doubting Muslima's can come here to work out the TOUGH QUESTIONS about their CHOICE of religion, so hugely important for their long lives, children and the people around them.

    From us and our TOUGH QUESTIONS they can learn and become stronger so much.

    and I was talking about Muslima's having a warm fuzzy feeling about their religion and that they may keep for now.

    But can they not look at the Islamic UMMAH where they are in because of this?

    In that UMMAH there is no selection other than birth or saying the SHAHADA. the stupid rule even is that people can NOT get out of Islam, not even the evil and stupid ones. Let alone that there is some proper selection in this UMMAH. like having taking exams in Islam. or people pledging to adhere by it's tenets and rules as much as possible, or being honest and honourable. the people who do not fit these criteria should be thrown out. Instead Islamic Ummah forces EVERY MUSLIM to stay in.

    Maria-Islamic thinks counterjihadists like us interpret Islam the wrong way, and they deny Islam is women-unfriendly for instance. But they should realise that in past and present, in many Islamic communities, many pious Muslims also believe and practice these women-unfriendly ideas.

    and that problem they cannot solve, because they cannot throw these women-oppressors, evildoers, stupid, Islam-ignorant or Islam-misunderstanding an abusing people OUT of Islam. and they do not want to step out of Islam themselves.

    Let these young doubting Muslima's work out our tough questions!

  137. Julia says:

    No answer of the vil and backward Muslimah(s) Maria-thing !

  138. Julia says:

    Maria-Islamic is clearly a GROUP of backward half-brain muslimahs !
    Question to the halfbrain group Maria-thing:
    Can a Muslimah choose feely her huband to marry with ?
    Another questio": Are muslimah DIRTY when they mestruate?
    Another: Can a muslimah pray
    standing and bowing in front of muslimmen?

  139. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    as Salaam Alaykum Maria_Islamic

    Narrated Maria_Islamic; " The Hadith doesn't confirm that the Muslimah (woman) has half intellect than a Muslim (man). it says women are deficient in her intelligence. Not exactly half ".

    Aahaha, you must have me confounded with the Arab pagan islamic god and his partner the liar and criminal Muhammad!

    I do not think females are any more deficient in intelligence than males are. So I see the Arab pagan islamic god and his partner Muhammad as liars and misogynists (that or those that hate, dislike, mistrust, or mistreats females).

    Why is the witness of two Muslimah equal to the witness of one Muslim?

    Quran – al Baqarah (The Cows-Muslimah) 2:282 – … And bring to witness, two witnesses from among your Muslims. And if there are not two Muslims available, then a Muslim and two Muslimah (baqarah) from those whom you accept as witnesses …

    Masochist – tendency to derive satisfaction, from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself with a willingness to submit and accept humiliating abuse.

    "Proud to be a Muslimah" (reviled for your own good), indeed.

    Maria_Islamic, can Muslimah ever hold the position of khaleefah, yes or no?

  140. Julia says:

    This muslimah ( I repeat myself, I know) cannot, will not and dare not answer in a logical way. She is a slave , she said that herelf, so she can only answer in the by Islam prescribed way . She is not free to think as I showed with sura 33:36 , 5:101-102 .
    Many times the evil Quran says : Obey Allah and his messenger (=muhammed).
    Proof:read this (islamic site)
    You can read here also :
    "When Allah says "Obey the Messenger" this does not only refer to people around the Messenger (SAW) 1400 years ago, because the Qur'an was sent to all of mankind until the Last Day.
    39:41. Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Quran) for mankind. "

  141. Maria_Islamic says:


    The Hadith doesn't confirm that the Muslimah (woman) has half intellect than a Muslim (man).
    it says women are deficient in her intelligence. Not exactly half.

  142. Julia says:

    But this muslimah will not answer you in a logical way.
    She simply can't . I find it embarrassing how she dares to come with such nonsense. Her muslim brothers and sisters (with some intelligence left) must feel ashamed about her "performance" here.
    Thank you,Demsci.

  143. Julia says:

    You are really ridiculous! Maria-thing.
    "If you know Arabic then you can know the real meaning otherwise it's impossible to know the very real meanings. "
    You must be very,very stupid and/or brainwashed to think this is true.
    AMAZING !!!
    Arabic is just a language like any other language and can therefore be translated.
    The fact is that many people have learned Arabic, and therfore this language must have been explained to them. This proves that Arabic can be explained and THUS can be translated with the RIGHT meaning.
    SILLY GIRL !! Shame on you for saying such NONSENSE !!

  144. Maria_Islamic says:


    There're a lot of differences among these 3 words as are mentioned below 🙂

    1) Fed up
    2) Humiliated
    3) Crazy

    Isn't this your craziness ? 🙂 I don't think so but a little bitter perhaps 🙂

    Calm down! 🙂

  145. Julia says:

    The brainwashed muslimah Maria-thing said:
    "He (=the fake prophet Mohammed) never killed the Innocent."
    "Muhammad lead 26 battles of war. According to Islam, he was only a human, therefore we must assume that, after 26 battles of war, some innocent person must have been murdered as a result of Muhammad's assault.
    Think about it. Twenty six battles, no mere human could have managed all the elements such that no innocent child or passing stranger was wrongfully killed. No way, no how."
    There were about 800 man murdered ,some were BOYS (with nearly pubic hair ).
    Were these little boys ( age about 12 years) NOT innocent ??
    You fake Prophet was clearly a cruel and evil man !!!

  146. Julia says:

    To the backward and brainwashed muslimah Maria-thing.
    I hope that you will marry (NIKAH !) a staunch fanatic muslim man, who takes thw your EVIL book very seriously. Especial the verse 4:34 about WIFE beating. !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Listen to these imams etc.

  147. Julia says:

    To the brainwashed and backward muslimah Maria-thing.
    " The 1st word of 1st surah revealed by Allah is "IQRA" meang "Read".
    1) If this was the 1st surah revealed , WHY IS IT NOW Nr.96 in your evil book? HAHAHA
    2) If it really means READ, why DON'T you read your EVIL book and think about what it says.( Alif,Lam,Meem …..HAHAHA ).
    3)Read (if you really can) surah 5:101 and102 again. It says that you must "not ask questions". How can you educate yourself if you dare not ask questions ! SILLY KID . What evil excuses has you imam now ? 🙂
    4) YOU admit yourself that you are a slave . Read surah 33:36 again and use your (half) brain: "Now whenever God and His Apostle have decided a matter, it is not for a believing man or a believing woman to claim freedom of choice insofar as they themselves are concerned: for he who [thus] rebels against God and His Apostle has already, most obviously, gone astray."….

  148. Julia says:

    OF COURSE , no reaction on this one from the backward muslimah Maria-thing.
    Did your imam know NO answer ! Silly girl !
    NEXT !!!! LOL

  149. Julia says:

    Of course you are humiliated : "YOU SAID YOURSELF that you were FED UP with my comments. So you don't know what you are saying anymore and THÁT IS the proof that you are crazy. !
    NEXT !!! LOL

  150. Julia says:

    Muslimah Maris -thing says:
    "I'm a Muslimah, proud to be. "
    This means that you are proud to be brainwashed and backward.
    Thank for admitting >
    NEXT !!! LOL

  151. Julia says:


  152. Julia says:

    NO ANSWER ,of course, in this one either from the silly muslimah Maria-thing.

  153. Maria_Islamic says:


    You have lots of excuses for your mohammad's killings and funny how you have lots of excuses for all the jihad killings.. no force of course not!

    " If " she was really attacked in the name of my Allah, then thats really condemndable. He doesn't allow this.
    if you wish to remain uneducated

    Islam is not against women's education in any way.

    education is obligatory both 4 men & women (Hadith)

    The 1st word of 1st surah revealed by Allah is "IQRA" meang "Read".

  154. Joe says:


    do you not see the 14 yo who was attacked in the name of your allah? who was she attacking?

    You have lots of excuses for your mohammad's killings and funny how you have lots of excuses for all the jihad killings.. no force of course not!

    I take it that you will understand why thinking people of the west are sicked by what you call a path to God.. I certainly do not accept this as the solution for the future and Islam should be banned from the new world.. if you wish to remain uneducated and with no rights as a woman, well then that is your choice.. not sure what you are doing chating on this forum as you must know that women have only half the capacity of men.. so go play with you doll and leave this discussion for grown ups

  155. Demsci says:

    Mariah, Islam is some sort of organisation, is it not?

    And there are many other organisations, like political parties or ideastic foundations etc. But all or most do have conditions for becoming and staying member of them. Members must adhere to the same principles as the leaders of movements, otherwise they should be warned with misbehavior and dissident thoughts and thrown out if not improving.

    Whoever heard of a political party that not only not set conditions on membership but even forbade it's members to leave, in pain of deathpenalty? Like Islam, your allah, your mohammed, does?

    This make Islam a big organisation, but with many WEAK members! With in it, as you yourself said; many liars, criminals, even murderers. In the same organisation as you.

    Wouldn't you prefer it if Islam would be meant by God to be only for the people who met certain conditions, standards, qualifications? Like having shown proper understanding of all the important tenets of Islam? Like adhering to values like honesty and modesty?

    But no, in the same BIG organisation you are in, you are with so many bad Muslims, including big women-oppressors. And they get into worldnews. So the world knows this.

    And my question: Knowing the above could you find it in your heart, under certain circumstances to prefer, love more, appreciate more certain good non-Muslim leaders and ordinary people who lead exemplary lives

    THAN, OVER AND ABOVE, Muslims that are thinking in bad ways as described in worldnews?

  156. Maria_Islamic says:


    Your words:
    If YOUR way means that you should kill, humiliate and oppress me ,THEN your way is MY way TOO.

    No, my way is not to kill, humiliate & oppress you.

    I know very well what is your way.

    I'm neither humiliated nor becom crazy after reading your comments (Thank you Allah).

  157. Maria_Islamic says:


    Yours: do you accept that Mohammad personnaly killed people?
    He never killed the Innocent.
    Yours: do you accept that Mohammad started wars?
    No. He himself didn't start war. If someone wants to kill you with a gun, willn't you try to kill him with the gun?
    Yours: Do you accept that mohammad is the model that all muslims must apsire to?

    Re: Of course.
    Yours: So do you think the path to God is through killings, wars?

    Re: Of course Not.
    Yours :
    This is what islam is trying to force the rest of the world to accept or you will try kill us?
    We are not forcing you. Not trying to kill you either.

  158. Joe says:


    do you accept that Mohammad personnaly killed people?
    do you accept that Mohammad started wars?
    do you accept that Mohammad tooks slaves (captives or what your right hand possesses)?
    Do you accept that mohammad is the model that all muslims must apsire to?

    So do you think the path to God is through killings, wars and slaves?

    this is what islam is trying to force the rest of the world to accept or you will try kill us?

    wake up.. Islam is hell here on earth

  159. Demsci says:

    "If you know Arabic then you can know the real meaning otherwise it's impossible to know the very real meanings."

    There are plenty ex-Muslims and non-Muslim scholars who understand the Arabic of the Quran now. And Islamic scholars cannot beat them, simply because they believe in Islam and the non-Muslims and ex-Muslims not (or not any more).

    But also: The Quran is meant for all mankind, isn't it? And of the 1,57 billion Muslims most do not speak old Arabic. So for the average mind it is impossible to know the real meanings? According to you? at least by themselves? No translation will suffice for them?

    And so the people with average minds absolutely need learned intermediairees just to understand the word of Allah?!

    But perhaps not all intermediairies are understanding all of the holy texts perfectly. Perhaps many average Muslims receive faulty or only partial education about the holy texts and so hundreds of Millions of Muslims do not understand the holy texts properly. And perhaps that is why they are so divided in their interpretations and practices of Islam.

    And counterjihadists notice this big time now. And what are the Muslims going to do? Chastise the messengers only? Or address the rootcause of misunderstanding or not understanding of many parts of Islam by Muslims itself?

    And notice; in Islam there are NO conditions to be IN. A Muslim get's IN Islam at birth or at conversion, when (s)he has to say the Shahada. But other than that a Muslim has to do nothing to show (s)he is worthy, qualified for being a Muslim. No Muslim is ever kicked out of Islam for misunderstanding, misusing Islam or for not properly adhering to the 5 pillars of Islam.

    Being Muslim is NOT based on merit. Oh no! The very opposite is true: Muslims are not even allowed to leave Islam! On pain of death, or heavy penalties.

  160. Maria_Islamic says:


    Your words:

    No, no. I didn't give my own explanation, but gave the real explanation. I learnt this from my teacher, she is a scholar. I'm not sinning against my Allah.

  161. Maria_Islamic says:


    Your words: WHO TOLD YOU THE "REAL "meaning"?

    If you know Arabic then you can know the real meaning otherwise it's impossible to know the very real meanings.

  162. Demsci says:

    I suppose you are right. Most of what you say IS true. and it will get much worse too.

    But consider 2 sets of people: Muslims and Free Democratic people. They have in some respects much different laws.

    EVERYTHING you mentioned is LAWFUL in Free Democratic societies. And understand; This means that Muslims can do the same actions in regard to holy, beloved people and books of other religions or of atheist groups. This makes freedom of speech a fair law.

    Muslims have different rules, so Muslims must abide by them, obviously. But Muslims cannot demand that Free Democratic Citizens abide by Muslim rules. And (almost?) everything you mention is done in Free Democratic Societies, not in Islamic countries. Although it can be received and read there, but also it can be avoided there.

    How can Muslims be so arrogant or stubborn to impose THEIR rules on independent other people"s. How can you Muslims ask these other people to understand and respect you when you do not understand or respect the most important rules of the other people?!

    Try to understand that from the standpoint of Free Democratic People Freedom of Speech, including insults of all, by all, from all, is a very important rule and right. And do not try to criminalize it among Free people. Only Muslims have to abide by Muslim rules.

  163. Julia says:

    Sahih Bukhari above says ( quote): "Our prophet, the messenger of our lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute)".
    Do you even know what TRIBUTE means, silly girl ? I don't think so , therefore read the definition here:
    THINK stupid girl….THINK !!!

  164. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    as Salaam Alaykum, Maria_Islamic

    1. The Arab pagan deity's first class Muslims (original followers of Islam)

    Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of Muhammad. We are Allah’s helpers and the viziers of Muhammad. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and Muhammad has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah’s Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us. – Al Tabari, Vol. 9, p. 69

    Ali Ibn Abi Talib, said: Surely het said: Allah divided the earth in two halves and placed (me) in the better of the two, then He divided the half in three parts, and I was in the best of them, then He chose the Arabs from among the people, then He chose the Quraysh from among the Arabs, then He chose the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib from among the Banu Hashim, then he chose me from among the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib, and from them he chose me. – Ibn Sa'd, Vol. 1, p. 12

    2. The Arab (Quran) deity denotes second class Muslims (Indians, Malaysians, Pakistani, American, English, Egyptians, etc) – (adopted followers of Islam).

    Quran 3:110 – You (Muslims) are the best of the nations raised up for men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah; and if the followers of the Book (Christians and Jews) had believed it would have been better for them; of them are believers and most of them are transgressors.

    3. The Arabs, Islam (Muslims) recognizes third class persons as not Muslims (Non believers of Islam)

    Bukhari (53:386) – … So, 'Umar sent us (to Khosrau) appointing An-Numan bin Muqrin as our commander. When we reached the land of the enemy, the representative of Khosrau came out with forty-thousand warriors, and an interpreter got up saying, "Let one of you talk to me!" Al-Mughira replied, "Ask whatever you wish." The other asked, "Who are you?" Al-Mughira replied, "We are some people from the Arabs; we led a hard, miserable, disastrous life: we used to suck the hides and the date stones from hunger; we used to wear clothes made up of fur of camels and hair of goats, and to worship trees and stones. While we were in this state, the lord of the heavens and the earths, elevated is his remembrance and majestic is his highness, sent to us from among ourselves a prophet whose father and mother are known to us. Our prophet, the messenger of our lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); …

    Jizyah – (non Muslim in Muslim dominated (or conquered) country penalty tax)

    Dhimmitude – (non Muslims quasi – protected status)

    Maria_Islamic, from your word usage you are most likely a second class (adopted) Islamic follower?

  165. Julia says:

    If YOUR way means that you should kill, humiliate and oppress me ,THEN your way is MY way TOO.

  166. Julia says:

    YOU ARE RIGHT Chiulo-Ruiz, when you say:
    The arrogance of Islam and the Muslims when their feelings are supposedly hurt by "disbelievers disrespecting" their book (Quran) or false prophet is intolerable.

    When a book is fairly owned by whomsoever, who are Muslims to say what can and can not be done with privately owned property (Quran)? "
    Hello muslims …..are you killing to day some young girl for MY behaviour??

  167. Julia says:

    @ Brainwashed muslimah Maria-thing.
    Now you say: "Don't try my patience now I'm fed up of your behaviour. "
    Before you said Allah told you to be patient and friendly towrds the KAFIRS (very friendly indeed…NOT).
    Which one is it EVIL kid. This is typical behaviour of you TAQIYYA muslims. It is always DOUBLE!!
    SHUT UP , retarded HALF -brain muslimah !! Go bang your silly head against the floor praying: "ALIF,LAM,MEEM ,Oh allah destroy all those KAFIRS ,YUR ENEMIES !".

  168. Demsci says:

    Pfff, really Maria, do you really not know what Chiulo Ruiz is talking about?

    There is a big difference between the status of a NON-Muslim "Dhimmi" living in an Islamic country and the status of a Muslim living in a Not Islamic but democratic society!

    Muslims living in not Islamic but democratic societies do never pay more taxes than other citizens on ground of religion.

    But at least in the past many non-Muslims did pay much more taxes (Jizya is more than Zakat) than Muslims in Islamic state.

    In democratic societies by law there is absolute equal treatment and status for all citizens, Muslims included. All religions are treated in the same way in regard to building mosques, churches, temples etc. and in regard to proselytizing and freedom of speech.

    But in islamic states only Islam is free and promoted, whereas other religions are forbidden to proselytize and their followers face heavy restrictions. Often apostasy from Islam is punishable by law there, whereas of course apostasy from other religions into Islam is favored. This hypocrisy you will never see in democratic societies in their laws and practices.

    Islamic states vary in this, of course, but in Saudi Arabia (homeland of Islam)for instance it is forbidden to build churches and carry bibles. You imagine please how you would like it if a democratic nation forbade building of mosques and the possession of Qurans!

    In history and still in practice in Islamic countries there was so much discrimination done by the majority or leadership of Muslims against non-Muslim subjects. There are many examples we can give you. And the prescription to do that, that came from Islamic holy texts and from Islamic schools of thought. As Chiulo Ruiz and many others can show you.

  169. Demsci says:

    I repeat: Of course Jizya is much heavier than zakat. If there were no difference, then why make the difference on ground of religion at all?

    And to make people pay more tax on ground of the religion they have is outrageous discrimination in many democratic eyes. Modern democratic laws are much better than old Islamic laws that cannot be changed in this respect of taxes, based or based not on religion of taxpayers.

    So in democratic non-Muslim states there never is made a difference between Non-Muslims and Muslims in regard to paying taxes, so the Muslims pay just as much as the Non-Muslims when they are in the same tax-range.

  170. Maria_Islamic says:


    Oh! Don't you know non-Muslims do so? Do you want me proof? Oh really?

    in 16 or 17 sep (in last month) jewish American guy made the disgraceful & blasphemous video of my beloved & Holy Prophet (PBUH).
    In Afghanistan American soldiers burned & ditch The Noble Qur’an, tear its pages & dance over it while playing music, urinate over it.
    Furthermore, youtube is filled with, blasphemous videos of Prophet, Contemptible sketches & Cartoons. Go search, You'll find.

  171. Maria_Islamic says:


    Yours words:
    Jizya (paying protection money) and dhimmitude (third class status) is a disgrace and humiliation and not an honor as Islam tries to make it (jizya and dhimmi) out to be.

    A "Muslim" who lives in a country under Islamic state is called "Dhummi".

    How can you say that such a "non-Muslim" have 3rd degree status?

    A number of people of my Muslim Ummah also live in a number countries under non-Islamic state, paying a number of taxes, What about all these?

    Can you say all these Muslims also have 3rd degree status just because they r living in non-Islamic state & paying taxes? Really?

  172. Maria_Islamic says:


    Qur'an says fight them till they pay Jizya/tax & a good & peaceful citizen pays tax willingly. Jizya is paid by non-Muslims, the Muslims don't pay "jizya" but they pay "zakat" .

    Islamic Caliph also fight against those "MUSLIMS" who was not paying " zakat / Tax " to the Islamic State.

    In other non-Muslim countries my Muslim Ummah pay a number of Taxes to the non-Islamic sate. What about it?

    And in your country (whatever country u live in) you definitely pay a number of taxes; So if you'll not pay taxes then the state definitely take action (whatever kind of action it may b, 4 e.g they will send u to the jail) . Because a good & peaceful citizen pay his all taxes. Understand sister?

  173. Maria_Islamic says:


    Surah 9:111 says: "Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed." DO YOU SEE IT : "THEY KILL AND ARE KILLED ".!!


    They kill & are killed in the way of Allah to fight against terrorism, aggression & suppression.

  174. Demsci says:

    Dear Julia, I see what you mean and agree.

    You are doing really unbelievable work with a great goal and great passion here. I should validate more of what you say, but at least I give you many "likes".

    And I noticed that Maria-Islamic also got many "likes", so I guess she is part of a group who also reads the comments here. And as she is a young woman, the others may be young, and women also. And as she is open, we may as well be open, and hopefully both your and my comments will make them think as their comments do make us think.

    My comments may be long and difficult for them to understand, but at least they come from my passionate heart with the desire to let mankind have a great future.

  175. Julia says:


  176. Julia says:

    No answer of Maria Mislimah Thing on this one !!
    NEXT !!! LOL

  177. Julia says:

    No reply on this one ! HELLO MUSLIMAH MARIA ,ARE YOU THERE ????

  178. Julia says:

    Now THAT is Islam:
    Mawasat, Madarat, Mu'amlat , Mawalat , Alif,Lam, Meem, Nun , Saad, Qaf , Fajir , Falah, Fard ,Maqasid,Mubahala etc..etc…

  179. Julia says:

    Dear Demsci.
    This competely brainwashed muslimah Maria will never understand what you are talking about .
    Only a heavy shock can make her wake up out of her COMA. I try to do the best I can.
    But I am afraid that many staunch muslims cannot be reached anymore.
    Only the bright ones and the wishy washy muslims will eventually see the truth. And luckely there are many of them !!!
    And THAT will be the end of Islam. The beginning is there , I am sure of it ! The snow-ball is rolling !! Faster and Faster !!

  180. Julia says:

    Muslimah-thing Maria said:
    "I gave the whole concept of Jizya, now its up to u accept it or refute it, I'n not forcing you. "
    And when I refute you , you say that I m fooling you without pointing out how and where i am wrong . Yo say only things like: "You don't understand ….you read out of context….you…er….er… ! But You say really NOTHING worthwhile !!!

  181. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    I do believe that france should retract the law on removing face veils ,because if they dont the muslimas will have to stop shaving in order to cover their faces.

  182. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    — If any non-Muslim repented on his sin & wanted to accept Islam, Muslims'd leave him & would give him protection. (9:5)

    — If any non-Muslim repented on his sin but didn't wanna accept Islam, Muslims'd leave him & would provide him protection too.(9:6) ^^

    Now the ^^ sign shows just one word alters everything, why would the passage repeat itself just to add the word " DIDN'T " is this what you call out of context just one word or a pasage of words, The word DIDN'T IS A SLANG WORD FOR DID NOT Did mohamed use slang words in the 1st century .

  183. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    You claim Julia is copy and paste from book, which means that there is no alteration in her writing, and also you are using 20th century gramma from the 1st century , can you explain how 20th century grama traveled back in time to the 1st century for it to be in the book of mohamed.

  184. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    Isn't alla akba what muslims say before they chop of the head of a person.WOW THAT IS PEACFUL can you explain what you mean about peaceful in the chopping of heads and the cutting off clitoris.

  185. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    Muhammad says Muslimah are deficient in intelligence.

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Hadith Number 301. Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri : Once Muhammad went out to the Musalla for 'Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women (Muslimah) and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (Muslimah)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Muhammad?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Muhammad! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? " The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."

    Proud to be a Muslimah indeed!

  186. Demsci says:

    Maria, you wrote:
    "Now I can sense your hatred 4 me just because I'm a Muslimah. Rather I don't hate non-Muslims. "

    Consider well, Maria, that Julia only hates the part of you that is Islamic, not you as a human. She would embrace you if you gave up Islam. She hates Islam and she has good reasons why and is very clear about it on this forum. If not, you can ASK her WHY she opposes Islam so vehemently.

    You wrote:
    "You consider Islam & Muslims are ruthless, carefully look at yourself, you seem to b more ruthless. "

    If you do not agree with counterjihadists, OK, but at least show some understanding. The ruthlessness of Islam and Muslims Julia talks about, is about violence, killing and hurting bodies. as well as hurting the feelings of non-Muslims often by declaring them less than Muslims, destined for hell.

    But Julia is only ruthless in a verbal sense, hurting feelings, of those who can zap away and not come back. That is the extent of her ruthlessness. She will never be violent to bodies like many of your fellow-Muslims were and are. As is amply shown. Please understand the difference, even if you do not respect it.

  187. Demsci says:

    Hi Maria,
    "Yes. You didn't read above I wrote. Non-Muslims pay Jizya & Muslims pay Zakat."

    It is highly doubtful whether the payments, the sums, or the percentages of Jizya and Zakat are the same. It is more than likely that Jizya many times, most times, by far exceeded Zakat. And any significant difference between the two would be considered, in a democratic state, where all citizens should be equal before the law, as unacceptable, discriminatory, exploitative, manipulative, outrageous.

    You wrote:
    "When did i say it shouldn't?"

    Well, you didn't say it, but I thought it was well understood that no or hardly any practicing Christians (and I do not mean converted Christians, who did not have to pay jizya anymore) were serving in the armies of Islamic Nations for a long time in history. Only recently did this become possible, like in the Syrian army.

    You wrote:
    "This Jizya is just used 4 the protection of non-Muslims not 4 Muslims, to protect them from their enemies."

    Well, I am not so sure as you are about that. I think that the Christians were subdued and had no way of influence how their money was spent. And historically Islamic nations, in their heyday, did fight a lot of conquest wars, against Christian nations, while still having themselves sizable Christian minorities. This feels as a terrible unjustice done to Christians. And for Christians we can mention Hindus too.

    You can hardly deny that historically Jizya was used in that way.
    Was this other use of Jizya, different from your assertion, then something regrettable and not endorsed by people of your version of Islam?

  188. Julia says:

    I told you this funny game is for sure , NOT OVER for YOY and yor evil UMMAH !!! It has just started . And , more, you have to play it till your bitter end !!! HAHAHAHA !!! (This is sóóóóó funny!)
    NEXT !!!! LOL.

  189. Julia says:

    To moronic maria.
    Oh…I see your patience is gone. What are you going to do now? BLOWING UP YOURSELF ? YOUR EVIL FAKE GOD ALLAH LIKES THAT VERY MUCH….DO IT !!!!!! 😉 😉

  190. Julia says:

    What are you doing here then? Stupid girl.
    You came only to babble some rubbish?
    The simple reason why you don't answer is: BECAUSE YOU CANNOT !
    All readers (except your evil brothers and sisters ) will agree with this .
    Your answer is very childish ! Anyway as a slave (of allah ) you must defend your cult ! You can find here (a very islamic site) the surahs and hadith proving this
    But you are afraid….that's all! Hahahahahha.
    You are just a Half Brain muslimah (according to your evil fake prophet.
    Remember : (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301.
    OH, I know muslims are ashamed about this and try to get a way around this with many, many words (of course) and silly "explanations". But the statement of your evil fake prophet is completely clear . We don't buy this muslim CRAP.
    But you DO ,of course ! OF COURSE !!! BECAUSE YOU ARE BRAINWASHED!!

  191. Julia says:

    Hi muslima Maria!
    Youwrote : " You consider Islam & Muslims are ruthless, carefully look at yourself, you seem to b more ruthless ".
    This is AGAIN typical "you also" fallacy of yours. A TU QUOQUE as it is called in LOGIC.
    You should google a bit about this !
    BTW. I don't CONSIDER Islam & Muslims are ruthless. I stated a fact. I gave you the verses from your evil Quran. But you dare not answer !

  192. Julia says:

    If you don't hate NON-MUSLIMS (like your evil fake god ALLAH clearly does in your Quran), then you are NOT A MUSLIM (AH) at all.
    IF you are doing TAQIYYA, then you surely are a " GOOD" MUSLIM(AH). An the latter is what you are doing, that's for sure ! hahahahahha!
    And don't try to patronise me , it does not suit a SLAVE (of allah) like you , and you don't have the brains to do it.
    NOW REPLY TO MY reactions yo your LIES !!

  193. Maria_Islamic says:


    – All non-Muslim are not truthful, a huge population of liars can also b found in them.

    – If a Muslim leaves his faith his killing is okay as per Islam. (Hadith)

    – A non-Muslim can never b forced to embrace Islam. (Quran)

    – If non-Muslim dont agree then say them to u b your your way to me mine. (Quran)

  194. Maria_Islamic says:


    Don't try my patience now I'm fed up of your behaviour.

    You hate me okay , I don't care, I'm sure I'll not get heart attack if you'll not change you behaviour.

    Keep on typing & typing whatever you want.

    I'm a Muslimah, proud to be.

  195. Maria_Islamic says:



    Re: I'm not your slave but the slave of Allah & Prophet (PBUH).

  196. Maria_Islamic says:


    In a nation-state it is indeed logical that citizens pay for defense. But then all citizens should do that, not just non-Muslims.
    Yes. You didn't read above I wrote. Non-Muslims pay Jizya & Muslims pay Zakat.

    As all citizens should be allowed to serve in the army.
    When did i say it shouldn't?

    Anyway, why would Christians want to pay for war against still independent neighbouring Christian states?
    This Jizya is just used 4 the protection of non-Muslims not 4 Muslims, to protect them from their enemies.

  197. Maria_Islamic says:

    What do you mean by "TAQIYYA"?

  198. Demsci says:

    Maria, Ibn Warraq has pointed out that there are:

    I. Quran-Hadiths-Sira. These are all your Islamic holy texts and they can be studied and known. and there are many Ex-Muslims who still know them well. and many Non-Muslims who know them well.

    II. There are Islamic schools of thought; Shafi-Hanafi-Hanbali-Maliki, and also Al Azhar in Cairo and there are also Shiite schools of thought. For centuries they have published their interpretation of Islam and often their Mullahs are on TV and MEMRI-TV shows their words to the world. And these words often are horrible to us.

    But there is also Islam III; that is about how the 1,57 billion Muslims interpret and practice Islam. And there is much variety in that.

    And it should be clear to you that on many issues you not only understand and interpret Quran-Hadiths-Sira different from counterjihadists like Ali Sina, but that you also greatly differ in interpretation of holy texts from the Islamic schools of thought and hundreds of millions of other Muslims around the world.

    And how do you respond to that?
    I. You should be humbly telling us that what you interpret from your holy texts is only YOUR VERSION.
    II. You should tell us counterjihadists, that YES, often counterjihadists merely echo, copy what YOUR FELLOW-MUSLIMS themselves do declare. Which is very contradictory to what you declare here, with your peaceful verses.

    For instance: How is it that "To you your religion and to me mine" can be reconciled with the law of killing Apostates? Why can adult Muslims not change their religion? And in the sahih Hadiths Mohammed declared this and many influential leaders and many ordinary Muslims are in favor of the killing or punishing of apostates of Islam.

    Can you se that it is so hypocritical to ONLY contradict Counterjihadists and not fellow-Muslims who clearly disagree with you? In their declarations and behavior? Fellow Muslims who clearly interpret the holy texts almost exactly the same way the counterjihadists do?

    And nowadays counterjihadists like Robert Spencer daily and broadly tell the world what so many Muslims think and do, in direct connection to their interpretation of Islam' s holy texts, coming from their own mouths.

    And Muslims with your version of Islam are clearly in the middle and these other more radical Muslims, they are the ones who ruin so much for you, much more than counterjihadists.

  199. Demsci says:

    Maria, you wrote:
    "– Jizya is the amount of money or a kind of tax received by the Islamic state "only" from those non-Muslims who live within Islamic country. Islamic state receives it 4 the protection of non-Muslims. So Jizya is a "defensive tax". "

    "– Now in modern & civilized age every country receives a number of kinds of taxes from the Muslims who live under the non-Islamic state. So if any Islamic state receives "jizya", It'll not b condemndable at all. "

    You clearly admit that JIZIYA is a tax specifically for non-Muslims and not for Muslims, in of course a Muslim society.
    Then you compare that to taxes in modern countries on Muslims. But of course, in these countries there is NO discrimination on ground religion for tax-paying AT ALL. And it is precisely the discrimination on ground of religion which is so unjust, so condemnable. Imagine how Muslims would feel if Christians or Atheists were exempted from taxes that Muslims would have to pay!

    In a nation-state it is indeed logical that citizens pay for defense. But then all citizens should do that, not just non-Muslims. As all citizens should be allowed to serve in the army. Anyway, why would Christians want to pay for war against still independent neighbouring Christian states? Would Christians in an Islamic state not want to be liberated by fellow Christians from Islamic rule? But Muslims made them pay so that they could subdue more Christians, in many cases. Imagine that Muslims were taxed over and above others and THIS money was used in a war against Islam or Muslims?

    The Jizya gives outrageous unfair advantage to Islam and Muslims over other faiths and non-Muslims. With the effect and of course intention to entice non-Muslims to become Muslims in order to get less taxes and more career-possibilities. If Atheists imposed extra taxes on Muslims with that intention, but in favor of atheism, all the world would be appalled.

    Jizya-laws are something political, not just religious. But in modern democratic societies all people of all religions/ lifestyles should be treated equal before the law. This is a different, better, law than the Islamic law of Jizya. Based on better values, higher moral standard. This is only logical because the Democratic came long after the Islamic laws. From a more developed civilized generation. Can't Muslims at least admit that in this respect, of Jizya versus equal tax for followers of all religions, modern democratic laws are an improvement on the old Islamic laws?!

  200. Julia says:

    @ Musilmah-THING.
    "You don't know the real meanings of the verses."
    WHO TOLD YOU THE "REAL "meaning"?
    What you are suggesting is , that we cannot read, and that we are stupid! YOU LIAR !
    So WHO the hell do you think you are to know it better then your evil god himself????
    I gave you the verses….SO DON'T RUN AWAY…DON'T COME WITH SILL EXCUSES .
    YOU ARE BRAINWASHED BY EVIL (again!) IMAMS and later by yourself by banging your haed against the floor saying (praying) evil things about non-muslims !

  201. Julia says:

    @ Maria-thing ,the evil muslimah.
    Listen muslim slave.
    You EVIL muslims always say: you have to read the QURAN in context. NOW BE CONSISTENT!
    ALL THOSE "SWEET" VERSES your evil fake prophet spoke hesaid in MECCA when he still was WEAK. LATER ON (in MEDINA) HE WAS VIOLENT ! Alls the later surahs ABROGATE the earlyer ones, according to your own EVIL Quran .Nask wal Mansukh is this VERY, VERY EVIL CONCEPT CALLED ! ABROGATION MEANS NULLIFY !

  202. Julia says:

    What, the hell, is it to you where we get our information from. You are dodging, diverting , running away. !!!
    You came here with your foolish talk and we answered you. NOW ITS YOUR TURN AGAIN to react on OUR COMMENTS .BUT YOU CAN NOT, DID NOT AND WILL NOTSTAY ON TOPIC, YOU LIAR. THE TOPIC IS : ISLAM,MOHAMMED ….!!!!!

  203. Julia says:

    @ Mohammedan maria-THING.
    "You used unplesant language but I'll not use because I don't wanna dirty my fingers by typing any cheep word 4 you dear sis.
    Don't call me "SIS", evil LIAR. It sounds like the SNAKE YOU ARE : "SISSSSS,SISSS"
    AWAY with you, SATAN !!!

  204. denialisnoproof says:

    Then why are those muslims immigrating towards non muslim western countries asking for sharia?
    these ways are not for non muslims . In muslim countries non muslims have to livel like a dhimmis without any rights of freedom of worship and you non sensical people justify this using your 2+2=4 logic.
    Yes I do understand the meanings of arabic word.
    Once a famous muslim preacher zakir naik told standing on the stage that it is ok to kill a apostate if he preaches his new religion .
    why don't you say to him that to be your way and to me mine?
    your a islamic liar

    All muslims are B@stards ,b@stards are liars and Shakespheare wrote poem on them

  205. Maria_Islamic says:


    I think I'm not following an unpleasant ideology. You can say because You've visisted anti-Islamic websites. You don't know the real meanings of the verses.

    To you b your way to me mine.

  206. Maria_Islamic says:

    Dear Julia:

    Calm down!
    Don't b so rude, It will eat you alive. Seriously!

    Now I can sense your hatred 4 me just because I'm a Muslimah. Rather I don't hate non-Muslims.
    I think what you're doing here is just the wastage of time.
    You consider Islam & Muslims are ruthless, carefully look at yourself, you seem to b more ruthless.

    You hate Islam, no wonder! Every non-Muslim do. So none is forcing you to believe in Islam.

    Advice: Make the best use of time.


  207. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    If you respect JESUS CHRIST, why are you muslims KILLING the CHRISTIANS all over the world ,
    Is the KILLING of CHRISTIANS a peacefull loving thing to do or is it a violent aggressive thing ,

  208. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:


  209. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    Oh Julia, you have done it now , they will have to go and rewrite the book to suit what you have just said , These people have lied for that many centuries that they do not know the truth if it hit them in the face with a brick. And he states, I quote,

    After this strong statement about the nature of Jesus, God directed Mohammed (PBUH) to call the Christians to worship the one God: "Surely God is my God, and your God, so surely serve him. This is the straight path". (Maryam 19:36)

    And if this is the case then why does it say , To cut off the heads and fingers of all those who do not beleive including the CHRISTIANS AND THE JEWS and kaffirs, So the quote above is just TAQIYYA.

  210. HoniSuetQuiMaliPence says:

    Hold your horses mr muslim,

  211. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    The arrogance of Islam and the Muslims when their feelings are supposedly hurt by "disbelievers disrespecting" their book (Quran) or false prophet is intolerable.

    When a book is fairly owned by whomsoever, who are Muslims to say what can and can not be done with privately owned property (Quran)?

    Does Islam hold some rights to a book (Quran) even when it is it owned by a disbeliever or any one else? Muslims have to get over their sanctimonious belligerency and stop living in the Arab pagan past!

    Here is reference to Muhammad in The Bible!

    Matthew 7:14-16 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way (Sirat al Mustaqim), which leads unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets (Abul Qasim and Muhammad), which comes to you in sheep's (peace's) clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits (works)…

  212. Julia says:

    YOU ARE FOOLED BY YOUR EVIL FAKE PEOPHET, YOUR EVIL BACKWARD IMAMS AND….YOURSELF !!! I don't know you personally, how could I deceive you , STUPID KID !!!!
    Surah 3:54 says:" But they (the Jews) were deceptive, and Allah was deceptive, for Allah is the best of deceivers (Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru al-makireena)! "

  213. Julia says:

    You wrote: "I gave the whole concept of Jizya, now its up to u accept it or refute it, I'n not forcing you."
    Let me tell you, YOU can not give YOUR concept of Jizyah.
    Your EVIL fake god Allah gave you the THE WHOLE concept. And thay is IT for you.
    Allah said that his Quran was easy to understand and expained in detail.
    Surah 54:17 says: "17. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?"
    Surah 16:89 says: " We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters."
    And there are more verses like these.

  214. denialisnoproof says:

    Dear Maraym
    you are not born with the warranty of not being offended
    your mohammad got a poetess killed for criticizing him. may he didn't the verse (50:39) himself.
    muslims are not just saying salam these days , they are running amok and burning stuff and killing people over a silly movie.when you follow an unpleasant ideology you must be able to hear unpleasant words.
    and those secular attitude of religious tolerance was carried out by mohammad only when he had no followers and was weak in mecca.
    all the later verses ask you be harsh with unbelievers.
    we people are better versed in quran than you lying muslims .
    take care

  215. Demsci says:

    Maria, Julia said:
    Your unholy Quran says in surah 48:29 about unbelievers:
    " Muhammad is the apostle of Allah, and those who are with him are HARSH (severe,hard, etc.) against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other."

    and you responded with:

    """This is 4 those non-Muslims who’re rebellious, who mock Islam 4 the sake of amusement in the name of their so-called freedom of expression & in fact wanna injure the feelings of Muslims & who read Qur’an in order to defeat Allah & Prophet not 4 the search of truth; just spread lies about Islam & neglect the true meanings & fit the meanings of verses into their mean – One can analyse any text without mocking & without wishing ill to others but their arrogancy doesn’t let them to do so, who remain arrogant & impenitent while analysing Quran.
    who burn our Noble & Holy Qur’an, draw contemptible sketches, publish disgraceful cartoons & make contemptible films of our Bloved & Holy Prophet (PBUH), ditch The Noble Qur’an, tear its pages & dance over it while playing music, urinate over it, Hunh!

    You distinctly said the harshness was for NON-MUSLIMs. But you talk about Islamic rules and Muslims of course are bound by them, but NON-Muslims are not bound by them. And not at all when they insult Mohammed with movies, cartoons, articles etc in their own country!

    Look, I answer you from my heart in my own way as follows: It is clear to us counterjihadists, and you cannot deny it, that Islam has no separation of mosque and state, Islam wants to rule the state also. So Islam has a big political component.

    But Islam came about in the 7th century. But in the 18th century the political system of Democracy started to grow. And it was a different system from Islam, we think it improved on many points in comparison with Islam. And almost as holy as Mohammed is to you is freedom of speech to many, many Westerners and other democratic people.

    So do not try impose Islamic rules on NON-Muslims who believe in free speech and see the democratic system as an improvement on the Islamic political system (and other political systems of course).

    I know you will never believe it, but Insulting can be good! It has given us much progress ad it has helped us overcome many evil or stupid old ideas and practices, really!!!!

    And so also insulting Mohammed can be good, this is what many counterjihadists believe. They are not against Muslims, but they are against Islam and Mohammed,

    because Islam in some aspects fights and hinders modernity, our democratic systems, rules and values and equal rights for women and kafirs in Islamic countries.

    You should study the democratic rules values, like freedom of speech, deeply, because you don't seem to understand them. Just as you think we do not understand Islam. The first thing to understand is that freedom of speech gives the right to everybody to insult everybody. Muslims get the same rights as everybody else. And Muslims also insult a lot. And this started in the Quran, which has 500 verses that disparages Kafirs and talks about sending them to hell.

    Freedom of speech does hurt feelings, but never it is allowed to incite to violence in it. And our freedom of speech is only meant in the public space, that is on the Internet, TV, in newspapers, books etc. Freedom of speech is designed so that other people can avoid the speech that may hurt their feelings. Freedom of speech is not meant to bother people on the streets and the workplace where they may not be harassed. Thus there are borders to freedom of speech.

    Those Muslims are from our standpoint clearly at fault that respond to

    non-violent insults of mohammed in the media

    with violence.

    Just as Muslims democratic people have their rules and we demand that you Muslims try to understand and respect THEM too. If all Muslims do this then that will create more peace!

  216. Maria_Islamic says:

    @ julia:

    Are you Christian?

    ==>You used uplesant words for me & 4 my faith but I have to sequester it because Quran say so
    "So bear with patience all that they non-believers say"(50:39).

    ==>Quran says If non-Muslims say anything wrong, in response Muslims should bear this with patience, ignore this, say them salam/peace & say a very good thing –>(28:55) (25:63) (3:186) (23:96) (4:63) (50:39) (20:130).

    ==>You used unplesant language but I'll not use because I don't wanna dirty my fingers by typing any cheep word 4 you dear sis.

    ==>And he say: O my Lord! these are a folk who believe not. So turn ignore them and say (to them): Salam (peace)! They will come to know soon.(43:88-89)

    So I ignore u & say "Peace".

    1- Say: O you who reject your faith.
    6- To you be your way to me mine.

    So dear sis I can just say, unto u your faith unto me mine.


  217. Julia says:

    Dear Chiulo-Ruiz.
    Do the same with these MUSLIM LIARS. !!!!! (In your own way,of course .)
    Show these muslims THE TRUTH . Let them feel what it means , to be humiliated.
    WE dont need any violence or killing like (this Maria-thing admits above) muslims DO.
    Muslims can't stand humiliation , because the think they are "the best of creation". They think like the NAZI's did ! They are ÜBERMENSCHEN and we are "The worst of animals", UNTERMENSCHEN (low-lifes). ; Yep, this in the Quran !
    THE TRUTH WILL SET THEM FREE as JESUS (NOT ISA !) once said. (No I am not a Christian, but this Jesus seems to have been a good and wise person).
    Stay save and be happy.

  218. Julia says:

    To the muslima Maria-thing.
    I forgot something :
    With your stupid rubbish here you prove That your EVIL FAKE Prophet Mohammed for once was RIGHT about women ( MUSIM-WOMEN THAT IS ! 😉 ). YOU ARE REALLY DEFICIENT IN INTELLIGENCE !! HAHAHA!!
    You don't need references from hadiths this time I think !!! But if you want them ,I can give them ….
    BWHOOOOHAHAHAHA !!! ( Are you humiliated now? …Well , think about Q.9:29, Jizya etc.).

  219. Julia says:

    To the brainwased inbred cretin Mohammdan- Maria-thing.
    Hi, evil muslima,
    Did you read the article ? I don't think you did or perhaps you did not understand it.
    So read u=it again and try to refute it !! 😉 WITH HONEST REFERENCES !!
    AllahuSnackbar, HAHAHAHAHA !
    Sorry, but I have no respect at all for your mafia CULT. All other ,PEACEFUL RELIGIONS, I do respect . Neither do I respect brainwashed muslims , who can not and dare not think about the evilness of their backward 7th century-CULT .
    Islam is a true CULT you know : you are following your evil fake prophet without thinking.
    Bye !!!! NEXT !!!

  220. Julia says:

    To the mohammedan MARIA , ( don't use this name muslima, it does not fit you 🙂 )
    You wrote: "U quoted the verse (48:29):

    This is 4 those non-Muslims who’re rebellious, who mock Islam 4 the sake of amusement in the name of their so-called freedom of expression & in fact wanna injure the feelings of Muslims & who read Qur’an in order to defeat Allah & Prophet not 4 the search of truth; just spread lies about Islam & neglect the true meanings & fit the meanings of verses into their mean – One can analyse any text without mocking & without wishing ill to others but their arrogancy doesn’t let them to do so, who remain arrogant & impenitent while analysing Quran.
    who burn our Noble & Holy Qur’an, draw contemptible sketches, publish disgraceful cartoons & make contemptible filmsof our Bloved & Holy Prophet , ditch The Noble Qur’an, tear its pages & dance over it while playing music, urinate over it, Hunh!"

  221. Julia says:

    LISTEN MOHAMMEDAN SLAVE-GIRL (you do are a slave, aren't you?) .
    IF you don't know about your own tafsirs, then why do you come here.
    ASK your IMAM WHAT tafsir means , and don't try to look smart !!
    NEXT !!
    You are using the TAQIYYA technic here .
    The readers who don't know what this EVIL practice is , can read this:
    BTW, Quran 48:29(quote) says :
    " Muhammad—the messenger of GOD—and those with him are harsh and stern against the disbelievers, but kind and compassionate amongst themselves."
    And I know:, you will come, of course, with the old excuses: This is not a good translation or You read it out of context or It means something completely different or…..etc. IN SHORT TAQIYYA ( LIES !!).

  222. Julia says:

    To the VERY,VERY EVIL muslim-Maria-thing.
    You wrote:"It’ll injure the feelings of Muslims in millions & millions if only one non-Muslim does so; So if such a person is put to death, none’ll dare to do so again.
    The cry of peace willn’t b a far cry if they stop doing so. Allah wants us to b peaceful, therefore, He issued such a law. "
    You are threatening here !!! YOU SHOW here YOUR TRUE EVIL COLORS !!!
    nOW, do what your ALLAH wants of you: BLOW YOURSELF UP among some innocent people! KILL…KILL….KILL….Allah want you to KILLLLL !!!

  223. Julia says:

    Listen Muslima.
    I want to wake you up out of your coma ! What religions people have is not of my interest.But your ISLAM is an EVIL AND DANGEROUS CULT; therefore we fight against it. AND WE WILL DESROY IT, that is for sure.
    This is what your EVIL FAKE god Allah HIMSELF says in your and his EVIL QUAN:
    Surah 9:111 says: "Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed." DO YOU SEE IT : "THEY KILL AND ARE KILLED ".!!
    Here are some more EVIL verses from the Quran for you to read :
    Perhaps are the words used in your own Quran a bit different ,but the meaning is the same !!

  224. Julia says:

    Dear Fakeman.
    You are possibly right about being this muslim-Maria-thing the sisterof Sh!tty Shabeer's( the infamous copy/paster ) ! Hahahahaha!!
    But you never know. These brainwashed morons think ALL in the same stupid way , if you can call it "THINKING" at all !
    Have a nice,long lif in FREEDOM.

  225. Julia says:

    Listen backward, brainwashed and retarded MUSLIMA. YOU ARE BEING FOOLED .
    Am I clear NOW ???
    What JIZYA is ,you can find in the Quran . All muslim BASTARDS who say otherwise are DECEIVERS AND LIARS.
    I have alredy refuted YOUR concept of it. CAN'T YOU READ?
    Your own FAMOUS scholars ( in the TAFSIR) say the SAME as I do: Yizyah is meant for HUMILIATION and to STEAL money of defeated and subdued people by MUSLIMS !!!
    You gave only a pack of LIES ! Because you and the people you got this"explanation" from
    are ashamed of this EVIL CONCEPT (Jizya) , and you should allso be ASHAMED !

  226. fakeman says:

    dear julia i thing she is shabeer's sister both of them studied in same madarssah i think hahaa

  227. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    as Salaam Alaykum, Maria_Islamic

    Since when does "Mhmdim" mean Muhammad (literally one worthy of praise)! You are grasping at straws, which will not support you or your false prophet of Islam. Last time was checked names are indeed nouns – (person, place or thing – name).

    Solomon 5:16 is a woman's love song reply to her beloved. Muhammad was no delight but a pestilent scourge on all he touched or influenced.

  228. Maria_Islamic says:


    Dummi means a non-Muslim living in coutry under the Islamic state. Not third class status.

  229. Maria_Islamic says:


    You Christians are deceiving us. You misquote the verses, without knowing the correct & exact translation , Explanation or tafseer o history , you Christians mock Islam & spread lies about Islam.

  230. Maria_Islamic says:

    Yes definitely Muhammad's name is mentioned in Bible.

    SEE THIS VIDEO IN YOUTUBE( The absolute truth about Muhammad in the bible: Rabbis who acknowledging the fact and…PART 1)

    חִכֹּו֙ מַֽמְתַקִּ֔ים וְכֻלֹּ֖ו מַחֲמַדִּ֑ים זֶ֤ה דֹודִי֙ וְזֶ֣ה רֵעִ֔י בְּנֹ֖ות יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃

    ḥik·kōw mam taq qim waku low mahamaddim zeh do w di wa zeh re i bano wt yaru sa lim (song of solomon5:16, in hebrew).

    . "muhammadim" means delightness, or delight in hebrw word. but the hebrew word is a common word and not a proper noun. this same word is used in Hosea 9:6,16; 1 kINGS 20:6 Isaiah 64:10, Ezekiel 24:16, 24-25 Ezekiel 24:16 it applies to a woman. you might as well apply this to Surah 1:1 (tbc)

    (the word "מוחמד" means Muhammad. Mhmdim in Hebrew is "מַחֲמַדִּ֑ים".)

    R U Christian?

  231. Maria_Islamic says:


    I gave the whole concept of Jizya, now its up to u accept it or refute it, I'n not forcing you.

  232. Maria_Islamic says:


    And you have got stuk into a vicious circle, therefore, your aim has become to spread hate against another religion.

    U quoted the verse (48:29):

    This is 4 those non-Muslims who’re rebellious, who mock Islam 4 the sake of amusement in the name of their so-called freedom of expression & in fact wanna injure the feelings of Muslims & who read Qur’an in order to defeat Allah & Prophet not 4 the search of truth; just spread lies about Islam & neglect the true meanings & fit the meanings of verses into their mean – One can analyse any text without mocking & without wishing ill to others but their arrogancy doesn’t let them to do so, who remain arrogant & impenitent while analysing Quran.
    who burn our Noble & Holy Qur’an, draw contemptible sketches, publish disgraceful cartoons & make contemptible films of our Bloved & Holy Prophet (PBUH), ditch The Noble Qur’an, tear its pages & dance over it while playing music, urinate over it, Hunh!


    One can sense how much of frustrated they’re. They do so in the name of their so-called freedom of expression just 4 the sake of enjoyment & to njure the feelings of Muslims but still they can’t b extreamist right, but Muslims’ll b extreamist if they go on riots by using their right of freedom of expression in order to defend their faith; While this riot will b just a reaction to their inhuman & blasphemous actions. How much of unfair & unjust they’re?

    It’s not bad if Islam allows death penalty 4 such rebellious people, as they cross the limits.

    Just ask yourself !
    How can one dare to do such blasphemous acts with a God’s book?
    Y should Allah give paradise to such rebellious people?
    Y should Allah like such acts?
    Y shouldn’t Allah-Subhana-Wa-Ta’ala allow death penalty 4 such a rebellious person?
    He is the Greatest & an Omnipotent being, He has a right to issue such a law.
    It’ll injure the feelings of Muslims in millions & millions if only one non-Muslim does so; So if such a person is put to death, none’ll dare to do so again.
    The cry of peace willn’t b a far cry if they stop doing so. Allah wants us to b peaceful, therefore, He issued such a law.

  233. Maria_Islamic says:


    There're many "frusrated" people amongst non-Muslims who open websites in the name of "Islamic websites".

    I don't know from where you find the whole stuff as you pasted above, I don't know the authenticity of it, so quote from Quran & Authentic Hadiths, Bukhari o Muslim.

  234. Chiulo-Ruiz says:


    You and the others gave Aminriadh a good working over. If he refreshes his intense debate score will go down, so we have not seen him in a few days.

  235. Julia says:

    Dear Chiulo-Ruiz.
    You are right of course !
    It is amazing , how these evil muslims keep on trying to deceive us, while there own scholars and scripture say otherwise.
    Have a nice,long life in FREEDOM. !

  236. Julia says:

    Here is the Quote I mentionned above:
    Read this EVIL muslim LIAR, than you will see why Jizya is INHUMAN . Again I quote Al-Jalalayn(do you know him even?) on suah 9:29 :
    "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam — from among of those who (min, ‘from’, explains [the previous] alladhīna, ‘those who’) have been given the Scripture, namely, the Jews and the Christians, until they pay the jizya tribute, the annual tax imposed them, readily (‘an yadin is a circumstantial qualifier, meaning, ‘compliantly’, or ‘by their own hands’, not delegating it [to others to pay]), BEING SUBDUED, [being made] SUBMISSIVE and compliant to the authority of Islam."

  237. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    Jizya (paying protection money) and dhimmitude (third class status) is a disgrace and humiliation and not an honor as Islam tries to make it (jizya and dhimmi) out to be.

  238. Julia says:

    To this er…muslim-Maria-thing.
    You wrote :
    " Let's understand the concept of "Jizya" in Islam. "
    This sounds very arrogant and and pedantic. It does suit a "humble" muslim like you 🙂

  239. Julia says:

    Oh yes ! Look at the word "UNTIL" in the quote I gave you. That is:
    " FIGHT (Qital= make physical war ) THOSE who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam …….UNTIL they pay the jizya tribute………"
    It has nothing to do with a TREATY or whatever. And ,remember ,the Quran is eternal and for all times!

  240. Julia says:

    Read this EVIL muslim LIAR, than you will see why Jizya is INHUMAN . Again I quote Al-Jalalayn(do you know him even?) on suah 9:29 :
    "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam — from among of those who (min, ‘from’, explains [the previous] alladhīna, ‘those who’) have been given the Scripture, namely, the Jews and the Christians, until they pay the jizya tribute, the annual tax imposed them, readily (‘an yadin is a circumstantial qualifier, meaning, ‘compliantly’, or ‘by their own hands’, not delegating it [to others to pay]), BEING SUBDUED, [being made] SUBMISSIVE and compliant to the authority of Islam."

  241. Julia says:

    Oh, yes…before you start babbling: Here is a Quote from the tafsir al-Jalalayn , ( Al -Jalalayn is a very famous scholar if Islam and not anybody) wich says:
    " Muhammad (the subject) is the Messenger of God (its predicate) and those who are with him, that is, his Companions from among the believers (wa’lladhīna ma‘ahu, [another] subject, the predicate of which [is the following, ashiddā’u]) are hard, tough, against the disbelievers, showing them no mercy [but], merciful among themselves (ruhamā’u is a second predicate [of wa’lladhīna ma‘ahu, ‘and those who are with him’]), that is to say, they show mutual sympathy and affection for one another, much like a father and a son. "

  242. Chiulo-Ruiz says:

    Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?

    No, neither Muhammad nor his invented cult of Islam is mentioned in The Bible.
    Islam futilely attempts to bash the square peg Arab lies of Abul Qasim into the round hole of
    Judeo-Christian Scripture.

    Well, perhaps as a simile of false prophet (Muhammad) and evil (Islam) that is known by it evil works and doings. Muhammad was a liar and an unrepentant inhumane criminal. If such as hell was actually to exist he (Muhammad and his Arab deity) need be residents of it.

  243. Julia says:

    Thank you for your big pile of crap, Maria_Islamic .
    It is clear that you have been brainwashed , so my answer is very short and to the point.
    Your unholy Quran says in surah 48:29 about unbelievers:
    " Muhammad is the apostle of Allah, and those who are with him are HARSH (severe,hard, etc.) against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other."
    Gone… is all your babbling about being good , nice, friendly , …..(you name it) to unbelievers.

  244. Maria_Islamic says:

    Let's understand the concept of "Jizya" in Islam.

    — Jizya is the amount of money or a kind of tax received by the Islamic state "only" from those non-Muslims who live within Islamic country. Islamic state receives it 4 the protection of non-Muslims. So Jizya is a "defensive tax".

    — In 9:29 the Arabic word "Almaskanah" meaning "The residence" is mentioned. Here it means the 1 who lives within Islamic country; will have to pay Jizya.

    — This is received not only from the Christians but also from all those non-Muslims who live within Islamic country – The Jewish, the parsi or any 1 having faith other than Islam.

    — "Jizya" is paid by non-Muslims while Muslims pay "Zakat" to the Islamic state.

    — But it's not received from the poor, the mendicant, the old, the children, the disable & from those non-Muslims who're the part of National Army in Islamic country.

    — It's received according to the wealth or status of non-Muslims. Hazrat Umar received 4-drhm from the rich ones & half-drhm from the 1 who wasn't rich enough.

    — Now in modern & civilized age every country receives a number of kinds of taxes from the Muslims who live under the non-Islamic state. So if any Islamic state receives "jizya", It'll not b condemndable at all.

    In (Qur'an 9:29) Allah said fight those non-Muslims who broke the peace treaty & killed the innocent Muslims unless they wouldn't repent thyself, wouldn't live in a peaceful way, wouldn't pay Jizya thyself (They were not paying Jizya to Islamic state; prophet Muhammad was ruling over Makkah – The Islamic state). The verse does not say that if they didn't accept Islam, Muslims'd kill them. Notice Qur'an says fight them till they pay Jizya/tax & a good & peaceful citizen pays tax willingly. Jizya is paid by "only" non-Muslims, the Muslims don't pay "jizya" but they pay "zakat" . So the word "Jizya" clearly shows that they could b remain as non-Muslims but they ought to pay Jizya as a good & peaceful citizen.

    So what's inhuman? Nothing!

  245. Islam is the way says:

    @Ali Sina

    Qur'an doesn't say slay the non-Muslims whereever u find them. Were you really a Muslim? Did you ever read the whole context. Do you think that you have knowledge about Islam. You've fitted the meanings of verese into your mean.

    Now read the whole context.

    Qur'an doesn't say to kill the innocent non-Muslims whereever u find them.

    At 1st I'll give u some items of information regarding surah 9, as the verse is quoted from this surah. There was a reason behind its revolution – I'll explain In-shaa-Allah.

    In 6 Hijri a "Peace Treaty" was made between the Muslims & non-Muslims of Makkah. According to which Muslims & non-Muslims wouldn't fight with one another 4 ten years & would try to live in a peaceful way. But later on not all but some parties amongst non-Muslims had broken that peace treaty by attacking on Muslims 4 fighting, as a result a number of Muslims were killed. Then Allah revealed the surah 9 in 9 Hijri, in which Allah guided the Muslims that in such a situation what they'd do. Remember there were also such non-Muslims as were remained peaceful & didn't break the peace treaty. U can read these things in Qur'an as well as in The Authentic Hadiths.

    Now I'll give the thumbnail sketch of the surah 9 so that u may understand the whole context:

    — They (non-Muslims) thyself broke the peace treaty 1st so now Muslims weren't responsible 4 following the rules & regulations of peace treaty (9:7)

    — Allah ordered Muslims to give them a 4-month time so that they might repent on their sins (as they killed innocent Muslims) & might maditate on Islam, or otherwise after 4 months the declaration of an open war. (9:2-3) The delaration of an open war was because they broke the peace treaty (9:7), fought with Muslims (9:36), Mocked Islam (9:79), Whished ill to Muslims (9:50) & Phrophet was teased by them (9:61)
    The name of surah 9 is "Taoba" meaning "Repentance". Allah is the most Merciful therefore He gave them a 4-month chance so that they might repent. Subhanallah!

    — The Muslims should live in a peaceful way with those non-Muslims who didn't break the peace treaty & Muslims were responsible 4 following the rules of peace treaty with those. (9:4)

    — If any non-Muslim repented on his sin & wanted to accept Islam, Muslims'd leave him & would give him protection. (9:5)

    — If any non-Muslim repented on his sin but didn't wanna accept Islam, Muslims'd leave him & would provide him protection too.(9:6) Their acceptance of Islam wasn't necessary, Muslims should do good with them because if Muslims'd do good, they'd b ready to listen to Quran without mocking & in a peaceful manner, but still it was up to them that either they accepted Islam or rejected it.

    — If after 4 months they didn't repent, Muslims'd kill them whereever they find them.

    — The state of Makkah was under the rule of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). The non-Muslims wanted to turn Him (PBUH) out from the city of Makkah with His (PBUH) followers (9:13), therefore Allah said if such non Muslims didn't repent, Muslims'd turn them out from Makkah.

  246. Maria_Islamic says:

    @Ali sina:

    As at your introduction page there's no place to post a comment so here below'd b my comment.

    At your introduction page u said: "Islam says don’t befriend them.


    U have wrogly translated the word "Awliya" As friend. This isn't correct translation.

    According to Islam there r 4 kinds of relaionships with others.
    Mawasat, Madarat, Mu'amlat & Mawalat – All these r Arabic words, I'll explain their meanings in-shaa-Allah:

    1) Mawasat: Kindness, just & fair act, good attitude. Mawasat with non-Muslims is allowed.
    2) Madarat: Good attitude like with guests, b polite & civil, to do good or well , b courteous, to visit the sick, if earthquake occur in India or any non-Islamic country the Muslim countries should help non-Muslims. Madarat is allowed with non-Muslims too.

    3) Mu'amlat: Trade, buying & selling , good behaviour just like with strangers if they need any kind of help, 4 example if they foget they way, Muslims should help them. Mu'amlat with non-Muslims is allowed.

    4) Mawalat: patronage or close heartiest relationship, so deep love or hearty attachments that doesn't let Muslims to practice
    Islam, that force them to forget Allah's commandmend & can't b able to keep their faith pure . This is the main reason due to wich Mawalat with non-Muslims isn't allowed, there r also many other reasons as r mentioned below:

    1)They mock Islam therefore Mawalat isn't allowed (4:139-140)
    2) Wanna misguide us so Mawalat isn't allowed (60:1-2)
    3) Fight us, wanna heart us & whish ill to us, so Mawalat isn't allowed (60:1-2) (60:9)

    The word "Mawalat" is illusrtated by a simile "Batan" meaning "Razdar/trusty". V Muslims can't take them as Batan (3:118-120) because they can divulge a secret, the reasons r the same as mentioned above.

    V shouldn't sit with non-Muslims if they use foul language 4 Allah & Prophet (6:68)
    Without any reason we should not sit with them & should avoid of their company; If one wanna sit within their company, there must b a reason 4 it; 4 example our purpose should b preaching of Islam or any other sensible reason must b there; not just 4 the sake of time passing, 4 absurd talks & 4 the wastage of time.
    It's Allah's wisdom He bounds us within cerctain limits how to behave with non-Muslims, Allah is most wise & best planner (Quran), He knows what's in the hearts of Non-Muslims better than we.

    So V Muslims can't take non-Muslims as a "wali" its plural is "awliya" . "Friendship" is not the exact translation of Arabic word "awliya" at all, because everyone has it's own meaning of friendship.

    Allah doesn't forbade us to have just, kind & good attitude towards non-Muslims. This thing can b justified from Qur'anic verses & from a number of Hadiths. I'll qoute a few of these, in-shaa-Allah!

    1) Buying & selling with non-Muslims is allowed. (Bukhari, vol. 1)
    2) 1 ought to do good & b polite with a non-Muslim mother who hates Islam (Bukhari, vol.3)
    3) 1 can visit the sick non-Muslim – Prophet did. (Bukhari, vol. 3)
    4) The exchage of gifts among Muslims & non-Muslims, in order to establish peace, is allowed. Prohet did. (Bukhari, vol.2)
    5) 1 can pray to Allah 4 the hidayah of non-Muslims – Prophet did. (Bukhari, vol.2)
    6) During war one can't burn non-Muslims but can use other methods of fighting (Bukhari, vol 2)
    7) 1 should b courteous with a non-Muslim – Prophet did. (Bukhari, vol. 3)
    8) The women & the children can't b killed in war (Bukhari, vol.2)
    9) It's not allowed to kill an innocent Muslim (Bukhari)

    Qur'anic verses:
    1) "Mawalat" is not allowed but in order to spread peace "sulah" with non-Muslims is allowed. (8:61) (3:28)
    2) 1 should b just & fair with a non-Muslim (5: 2 & 8) (16:126).
    3) Killing of the innocent isn't allowed (5:32)
    4) Preach & argue with non-Muslims in the most gracious & best ways (16:125)
    5) Do good or well with non-Muslims (60:8)
    6) If any non-Muslim hurts unfairly a Muslim & instead of taking revenge he (Muslim) bear it with patience, Allah will b with him (16:126) Means Allah'll reward such a muslim 4 his patience.
    7) Do good with non-Muslim parents & help them in worldly tasks (29:8) (3:14-15)
    8) Don't abuse non-Muslims' (suposedly) God, don't insult their faith (6:108)
    9) If they say anything wrong, in response Muslims should bear it with patience, ignore it & say them salam (peace) & say a very good thing (28:55) (25:63) (3:186) (23:96) (4:63) (50:39) (20:130).

    What's the definition of "friendship" in front of u? I think what Islam teaches us regarding our attitude towards non-Muslims is far better than "friendship''.

  247. Julia says:

    Backward, EVIL and brainwashed MUSLIM.
    I have read your EVIL book several times.
    Your EVIL fake god Allah says over and over again tht he sends DISBELIEVERS to his hell.
    And these disbelievers created he himself. He made the deaf, blind and dumb. He ceated them this way. So they are INNOCENT. Yet he puts them in his eternal blazing fire ! DID YOU READ THAT TOO, EVIL MUSLIM?
    BTW. There is NO JESUS in your evil book . The deceiver Mohammed brings up a person called ISA. (And this is NOT the Arabic name for JESUS !,so don't come wit that nonsense).
    Proof :
    Early Hebrew (long form): Yehoshua' = Yod + He + Shin + Waw + 'Ain
    Later Hebrew (short form): Yeshua' = Yod + Shin + Waw + 'Ain
    Arabic (Christian): Yasu' = Ya + Sin + Waw + 'Ain
    Arabic (Muslim): 'Isa = 'Ain + Ya + Sin + Ya

  248. papa romeo says:

    Jesus was not only talking about a particular person or his ideology but a whole generation of the similiar nature…the evil generation that would kill for their god and belief. It does not only include mulsims but others as well. You see…prosecution against the belivers of Christ is not only done by muslims but by people of other beliefs as well.

  249. Muslim says:

    JESUS in the QURAN
    The Islamic view of Jesus lies between two extremes. The Jews , who rejected Jesus as a Prophet of God, called him an impostor. The Christians, on the other hand, considered him to be the son of God and worship him as such. Islam considers Jesus to be one of the great prophets of God and respects him as much as Ibrahim (Abraham), Moses, and Mohammed. This is conformity with the Islamic view of the oneness of God, the oneness of Divine guidance, and the complementary role of the subsequent mission of God's messengers.

    The essence of Islam – willing submission to the will of God – was revealed to Adam, who was passed it on to his children. All following revelations to Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and finally Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Them) were conformity with that message, with some elaboration to define the revelation between man and God, man and man, man and instructions. Thus, any contradictions among revealed religions is viewed by Islam as a man-made element introduced into these religions. The position of Jesus in the three major religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – should not be an exception.

    Although the Quran does not present a detailed life-story of Jesus, it highlights the important aspects of his birth, his mission, his ascension to heaven, and passes judgements on the Christian beliefs concerning him. The Quranic account of Jesus starts with the conception of his mother, Mary, whose mother, the wife of Imran, vowed to dedicate her child to the service of God in the temple. When Mary became a woman, the Holy Spirit (the Archangel Gabriel) appeared to her as a man bringing her news of a son. We read the following dialogue in the Quran between Mary and the Angel:

    "When the angel said, "Mary, god gives you a good tidings of a Word from Him whose name is messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, -high honoured shall he be in this world and the next, near stationed to God. He shall speak to men in the cradle, and of age, and righteous he shall be, "lord" said Mary "How shall I have a son, seeing no mortal has touched me? "Even so, he said "God creates what He will".

    When he decrees a thing He but say to it, "Be", and it is. (Al-Imran 3:45-47)

    In a chapter (Surah) entitled "Maryam" (Mary), the Quran tells us how Mary gave birth to her son, and how the Jesus accused her when she brought the child home:

    "Then she brought the child to her folk, carrying him, and they said, "Mary, you have surely committed a monstrous thing. Sister of Aaron, your father was not a wicked man, nor your mother a woman unchaste. Mary pointed to the child; but they said, 'Hoe shall we speak to one who still in the cradle, a little child. And he said, 'Lo, I am God's servant, God has given me the Book and made me a Prophet Blessed He has made me ,wherever/may be; and hi has enjoined me to prayer, and to give the alms so long as I live, and likewise to cherish my mother; He has not made me arrogant and wicked. Peace be upon me, the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I am raised up a live. "Maryam 19:29-33)

    in the same chapter, following the above quotation, God assures Mohammed (PBUH) and through him the whole world, that what is told above is the TRUTH about Jesus (PBUH), although Christians might not accept it. Jesus is NOT the son of God: He was obviously enough, the son of Mary. The verses continue: "That is Jesus, son of Mary, in word of truth, concerning which they are doubting. It is not for God to take a son unto Him. Glory be to Him, He nut says to it, 'Be, and it is. (Maryam 19:34-35)

    After this strong statement about the nature of Jesus, God directed Mohammed (PBUH) to call the Christians to worship the one God: "Surely God is my God, and your God, so surely serve him. This is the straight path". (Maryam 19:36)



  250. K2CH3 says:

    In the bible, Names/giving of names is a serious matter and therefore when a child is born his/her name must mean something. Eg Cain means " possession " hence he was possessive and not free giving.
    When Rachel ( jacob's wife ) was about to give birth her last child she was in so much pain that she named him" Belloni " ( which means child of pain). But her husband said no. He shall be named Benjamin ( a child of Joy ). It is of note she died after the birth.

    My point is this if MEHAMIDIM was a name it should have been noted or at least prescribed on a Human Being not given as a statement. Muslims are sick LIARS of Chronic Pathological Proportions if they actually took time to read the bible, they would have easily noted that almost ( not all ) any person of significance that was giving a name in the bible the meaning of the name is followed in the next sentence.

  251. DPhysicist says:

    Yeah I know that Mahesh but thanks for response, But I want more subtle arguments… and want to know how they curb the meaning into their favor.

  252. Mahesh says:

    Bhavishya Puran says that Muhammad is the reincarnation of the demon Tripurasura!

  253. GOVII TOPE says:

    Beautiful piece!But one thing for sure,even if God appears to some and told them that Muhammed is a liar,some who have positioned their hearts for fakery and lies will still believe in his antecedents of false hood.I thought an average muslim originally thinks that the Bible is not the word of God,hence they don’t believe in it.Why then are they so bent on having Muhammed appear in the Bible?This is a note,those who have ear let them hear.

  254. DPhysicist says:

    Dear Mr. Ali Sina please shed us some light on the claim of Muslims that Muhammad is also mentioned in Vedic literature like 'Bhavishya Puran' as claimed by Dr. Zakir Nayik… I am sure that it is yet another Islamic deception but I would like to know more about it in detail because many time Muslims use this argument to fool Hindus.

  255. DPhysicist says:

    Some times I wonder that how far will Muslims go… Is there any limit they will not transgress??

  256. R_not says:

    I don't know what your problem with my statement is. What you wrote is pretty much what I said, only differently. I reached the conclusion that he was talking about mohammed because that is what mohammed told his followers to do – kill unbelievers for allah. allah is their 'god'. Jihad is the name of the act – to war against the non-moslems. (97% of the time jihad is mentioned it is to do violence against unbelievers) The most holy thing, the thing that gets a moslem on the fast track to allah's orgy in the sky AND also gives the person the right to name 70 others to go on that fast path too is to die while killing, or at least trying to, kill unbelievers for allah.

  257. Islamstinks says:

    He did not mention Mohammad by by name, how then did you reach the conclusion that he was talking about Mohammad?!!!. Moslems are persecuting Christians all over the world. Moslems are killing everyone that is an infidel and their Koran instructs them so and they feel they are killing for their Allah!!!
    Jesus Christ fore knew about it and that is what the passage indicates, that Christ will be killed and He was, and that his followers will be persecuted.

  258. R_not says:

    John 16:2 …in fact, the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he is doing offering worship for God. __:3 They will do this because they have not known the Father or me.____In a way, mohammed and islam was foretold to us by Jesus. Jesus didn't mention mohammed by name though. But he did say that people would kill us because they think they are doing good deeds and that some will get on a fast path to allah's bordello if they died while killing us.

  259. Reader says:

    Excellent article and with honestly humorous too.

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