Pharaoh in the Quran and other Miracles

Hi Mr Sina,
Few months back in the famous city of Lagos here in Nigeria, a certain mysterious news filled the pages of newspapers. It was said that a baby was born holding the Quran. People rushed in their numbers to visit the venue where the incidence occurred. A few weeks later, another baby was said to be born in Ogun State (a south western state in Nigeria) holding the Islamic rosary.
Muslims claim both incidences confirm that Islam is the true way to God. What is your opinion about these claims? Is it possible to implant these objects in the uterus and put them in the hands of babies before their birth or could this be the proof that Islam is true?
Dear Emmanuel,
These stories are not true. No child is born holding a Quran or a rosary in his or her hand. These are lies Muslims concoct to promote their religion. They have been doing this since 1400 years. Islam cannot be proven with logic and facts. It is a very irrational faith and it is very easy to prove that it is false. So Muslims resort to their favorite trick, deception, to advance their faith. They shamelessly lie. You have to understand this and keep it in your mind any time you listen to a Muslim preaching his faith, because they lie.
A few years ago many Internet blogs and even the media reported a child in an Islamic village in Russia whose skin reproduced the verses of the Quran. The benighted Muslims had no difficulty gobbling this claim. This was no miracle. The child had a skin disorder known as dermatographic urticarial.
A few days ago I received this video in the mail.
As long as there are fools who believe in any nonsense, there will be people who will come forth with these fake miracles to grab attention. Isn’t it pathetic that a child can fool a television station and a whole nation? The reason is because Muslims want to be fooled.
There are thousands of such claims that Muslims make daily. They have no shame lying for their faith. In fact they believe lying is a good thing to promote Islam.
A couple of days ago someone asked me about another claimed miracle regarding the Pharaoh being mentioned in the Quran. Muslims claim that when in 1974 the mummified body of Ramses II was brought to Paris, because a fungus was causing its rapid degeneration, the scientists discovered salt in his lungs and someone pointed out the verse of the Quran that says after Pharaoh chased Moses he was drowned in the sea. However, in the last moment he became a believer and Allah told him because you were a mischief-maker we are not going to save you but we will save your body so you may be a sign to those who come after you. (Quran 10:90-92).
The fact is that the Old Testament does not say the Pharaoh’s body was saved to be a sign for the posterity. Exodus 14:28 says “And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them. Psalm 136:15 confirms that Pharaoh and his army were perished in the sea. The same confirmation is made in Exodus 15:19.
Muslims claim that Muhammad knew something that the Bible had not mentioned, i.e., the body of Pharaoh was saved, so this proves the Quran is from God and this miracle caused the conversion of one of the scientists examining the mummy
Just like all other miracles that Muslims claim this one is also a deception. Ramses II lived c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC. As for when Moses lived Jerome’s Chronicon (4th century) gives 1592 for the birth of Moses, the 17th-century Ussher chronology calculates 1619 BC (Annals of the World, 1658). Therefore, Ramses II and Moses were not contemporary.
Furthermore, Ramses II was not drowned in the sea. He lived to be 90 years old and as the autopsy of his mummy revealed he died of arthritis, a typical disease of the old age affecting people who eat too much meat and animal products and not enough fresh veggies. (Go vegan!) Consequently, the story stated in the Quran that the body of Pharaoh was saved after drowning cannot be true.
But why would Muhammad say such thing? He must have heard the biblical story of the drowning of the Pharaoh’s men from the Christian preachers and the Jews many times. The Bible does not say that Pharaoh himself was drowned. In those days people had no other book but the Bible and that is what they talked about all the time. However, Muhammad had also heard about the mummification of pharaohs from storytellers. He thought pharaoh is the name of one king and so the only way he could reconcile these stories was to assume that Pharaoh’s body must have been saved after being drowned and then mummified. And why would the body be saved? Well maybe because he finally became a believer. Thus our genius solved the puzzle. The Bible does not say that Pharaoh became a believer. Muhammad made this up.
This made sense to him, except for the fact that pharaoh is not a proper name. It is a title, like king and president. An estimated 332 pharaohs ruled Egypt belonging to 30 dynasties. Assuming the Biblical narrative of the Red Sea opening and closing to drown the Pharaoh and his army is true, Ramses II could not have been that drowned Pharaoh.
If the story in the Bible is a myth, then the claims made in the Quran rehashing this myth are nonsense. If the story is true, the Quran is wrong because it contradicts the Bible and makes an unsubstantiated and false claim that the body of Pharaoh was saved.
All these errors in the Quran prove one thing and that is Muhammad was indeed an illiterate man. Although he could read and write a little, it is clear that he had not read a single book in his life and most certainly he was very ignorant about the content of the Bible.
One thing is a fact that from among thousands of miracles that Muslims claim to evidence the truth of their faith none is true. They are all deceptions and lies.
There is no miracle in the Quran. There is only confusion that point to the fact that the author of this book was an ignoramus.
God has said in (Quran2v23-25). And if u are in doubt about what We have revealed (the Quran) to Our Worshiper (Muhammad SAW), then produce a chapter like it, and call ur witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides God if you are truthfuf. And if u do not do it, and u can NEVER do it, then fear the Fire (HELL) whose fuel is Men and Stones. It has been prepared for disbelievers. And give good news (O Muhammad) to those who believe and do good deeds, that for them are gardens (Paradise) in which rivers flow…. Qur 2v23-25)
Please first of all go get a life and stop making fun of other people's religions and you have no right to call Allah a liar or his prophet Muhammed (SAW) mine your own business if all these miracles and Quran is crap then stop worrying if it is fake or real and if people believe our crap there will come a day when you will see that Allah is REAL and Muhammed is NOT in Hell he is in Heaven with the rest of the prophets and that's all I wanted you to know and to everyone who makes fun of Islam
Yes we all die and Muslims will be sent to hell where Muhammad is burning as you read this.
dont forget life is short, everybody will die , ali sina will die , anti islam will vanish , ex muslim will realised for stupid leave islam
islam is real, allah is real, islam have real miracle, example did you know that earth has two sea is fresh & salt? quran say earh has two sea is fresh & salt,
did you seen five finger? you see muslim pray five time a day ?
julia, julia just consider about science. why it bases all times at facts which are mentioned in quran.u have nothing in science which is contradictory to quran. big bang theory, revolution, inding o phroah etc are some glimpse o the glory o quran. further , remember Quran is not a book of science syllabus but it is for the betterment of humanity.
Mainstream Islam considers Ahamadiya to be a lie. So much so that your sect is banned in its own homeland.
Well, I wouldn't say it's fair to consider a religion to be "false" due to some irrational behaviour done by people alone and not what the religion itself says. Let's not forget that there are different SECTS of Islam (same as Catholic and evangelism of Christianity) telling something different each about the religion Islam which again means you can't judge the whole religion Islam and what the Quran says just by taking stuff which ONE sect of Islam does. Yes , I am a muslim and I am disgusted about the lies some people try to spread but luckily I'm in such a sect of Islam (ahmadiyya) where this is not done and people like us realize how utterly false these messages are. I got interested about the pharaoh article and I believe (I could be mistaken) you are talking about this prophecy. This is explained here… .
And to clear off one thing, I believe in the Quran and ahmadiyya because it's more logical to me and NOT because I try to spread lies, if you believe otherwise and think it's not logical and far from being right then I don't mind reading those views and seeing if I agree with it or not. However, perhaps we should take a step back from being prejudice about Islam.
But Zia Shah of The Muslim Times says that there are no miracles because such are supernatural and will violate the laws of nature.
I would advice you to study Arabic and the Quran and its explanation.and maby after twenty years if you're still alive then you could come back to this forum and ask something about islam. How can you deny all the other miracles and go after something that has a hidden meaning. You are like the hypocrites mentioned in the quran that leave that which is clear for something that is ambigious. Could you tell me how this universe that has been designed especially for us came into existence? Do you remember
the time when you were born. HAHAHAHAHAH
Well I have read all your comments and come to the conclusion that everyone present here wants to dominate another by their convincing speech…
Sometimes it's not the words that we speak but the idea that matters..
Truly there is hell alot of difference in ratio of Muslims and Non-Muslims on this site And No-body know much about relegion…so the best way is to go on youtube and write "Dr.Zakir Naik challenge to Christen scholars"
My friends your likes or dislikes never matters for me,All I want you to know is that , what you think is not what it really is…
Get some info and Get well soon 🙂
ok…. u say that muslims lie…. come up with one thing that you consider is lie and i will prove you wrong……….. thats a challenge……………….
Hey Julia.. i can give u the meaning of Alif Lam Meem….
before giving the meaning.. i want u to do something it is a challenge.. if you are ready let reply me.
this does not make any sense to me why these all non muslims hate muslims so much i mean if you realy want to know truth go search for it we know islam is the truth if you like it or not lets just wait until the day of judgment and trully speaking u do not have to wait that much its only matters of some days that your life consists of and after that my friends you will know the truth for your selves but then its of no use.
Muslims, if you think that the quran is perfectly clear and has answers to non-believers, and most importantly from God, what do you think about the quran being unbelievably silent about the Resurrection of Jesus??(whether the Resurrection was true or not) If you think the quran to be full of answers what do you think about it's silence about all Jesus being the savior of mankind? what do you think about it's silence about the true trinity of Christianity?? What do you think would some one who is just given the quran would infer from "the clearest book" about the death of Jesus? let me tell you what he would understand, he would think that the Jews think they killed him and it was all over, but God suddenly took him to himself by eluding the Jews. That is all what he would think…. So when this guy finishes reading the quran and goes to the Jews to tell them that they are wrong, he might save a little time to debate, but when he goes to the Christians who believe that Jesus is risen the response is going to be that they don't think that he was killed rather he is risen by GOD not just killed by the Jews rather he gave his life away and took it back for the sake of love. Perhaps, that SINGLE verse about the death of Jesus might seem an answer for the Jews, but unfortunately not for the Christians. What I can understand here is that allah in his great book actually had no idea about the Christians belief of the resurrection of Jesus or he was ignorant about the core message and belief of the christian faith. I mean even an atheist has answers for that(whether right or wrong). Muhammad must have heard about Jesus from the Jews and a little from the Christians and rushed to give answers which were not. which shows that the quran is time and place dependent. So I would like to say the quran far from being complete is simply just collection of myth and cults authored by a 7th century guy.
Out of 600,000 oral traditions only 9,082 were selected and compiled into 2,602 hadiths by Bukhari. This is only 0.5% of the original. The selection was not based on any stated or known criteria. It was at the discretion of the compiler. How can the result of such a subjective exercise be called 'authentic and right'? At school, 40% is the pass mark. Applying this principle to the quran, it becomes a total failure and completely worthless.
Muhammadanism is one thing which thrives on uncertainty. There is no agreement on something as public as the number of Muhammad's wives. In Bukhari 1:4:268 where he is said to have had the sexual strength of 30 men on which he went round all his wives in the day and night, Anas bin Malik gave the number as 11 where as while another follower said they were 9. If something as observable and verifiable as the number of his wives could not be ascertained, how can one count on any other thing said about him, especially those which happened or did not happen when no or few people were said to have been around? One of these is his flight to and from the heavens in the night which forms the bedrock of his alleged divine calling. This answers the whole question of his being a true prophet in the negative.
Concerning your believe that the quran is the best miracle, even some muhammadan scholars have been honest enough to admit that it contains ancient myths, fables and traditions all of which were well known in Arabia before Muhammad's birth.
Hi bessma, do you know that every braindead zombies repeat the same thing as you because they are all poisoned mentally, emotionally and physically. You really need the antidote which is the absolute truth, to set you free, in order to be a human being again.
Stop deceiving yourself. There is nothing authentic in or about muhammadanism. Everything Muhammad concocted as 'revelation' was lifted from works which were already in existence. Copying from others con never amount to revelation. To reveal is to bring about something new or something original. Many of the quranic stories are distortions from Jewish, heretic Christian and pagan sources.
I continue to ask you, if Muhammad was truly a prophet, why did God not reveal to him that he was going to be poisoned at Khayabar? Muhammad used to recommend remedies for ailments to people, yet none of these worked to alleviate the effect of the poison on him. He asked people to drink his urine for healing. What happened to his bladder that he could no longer produce urine when he needed it most? He recommended honey. Were there no more honey bees in Arabia? His right hand was said to have healing powers and Aisha said she robbed it on him when the pain was intense but to no effect. Who or what rendered Muhammad's right hand ineffective and why? There are millions of questions asked about the authenticity of the quranic claims to which no answers have been and will ever be provided.
Muhammadans ignore all the evidence which point out the fraud that has been unleashed on them and continue to express blind faith in a man who survived on criminality and turned it into a way of life.
Islam is authentic and is the right religion whether you like or not. As Allah says in the Quran the light of Allah Is indistinguishable. Islam does not need miracles the book of Allah Quran is the best miracle. Islam is the Most growing religion in the world let people enjoy this beautiful religion.… ; let's see hw u fools react to this,,,,,ALI SINA is a born COWARD,,,,come to talk of this,he knows nothing about his religion self but full of hatred and in love with the money he is been paid by satanist to do dat site and read his rubbish
No that is not a right thing to say. This reasoning is absurd and only Muslims are lowed to think like that. Muhammad said those who reject him know that what he says is true and still do it. This is an asinine thinking that only a fool like Muhammad can come up with and his followers also believe, but we are wiser than that. Muslims think the Quran is the word of God and that is why they believe in it.
So it all comes down to this: If the Hadith Collections of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari and Muslim are true, Muhammad was the most evil man who ever lived, Allah was the most demented god ever conceived, and Islam was the most vile doctrine ever imposed on humankind. If, however, the Hadith Collections are untrue, then nothing is known of Muhammad, the conception of his god, or his formation of Islam. There is no rational reason to believe it, observe it, suffer under it, or die for it.
Do you suppose Allah will redeem himself and explain the final pillar in his "perfect, detailed, and final revelation to mankind?" Bukhari:V1B2N7 "5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan."
Guess what? Allah forgot to explain the nature of the fast. Without the Hadith, Muslims would be expected to forgo eating during the entire month of Ramadhan. But that's not the way they observe the fast, for it's not the way it's explained in the Sunnah. As a matter of fact, without the Hadith, Muslims wouldn't know why Ramadhan was special.
The only account of the initial revelation is in their Traditions – initially chronicled by Ishaq and then copied by Bukhari, Muslim, and Tabari.
Without Ibn Ishaq and those who copied and edited his arrangement of Hadith concerning Muhammad’s words and deeds, there would be no Islam. The Qur'an is senseless and the Five Pillars are meaningless. Faith is folly. And that's especially true since the lone individual responsible for Islam, Allah, and the Qur'an, preached:
Bukhari:V9B88N174 "Allah’s Apostle said, 'Far removed from mercy are those who change the religion of Islam after me! Islam cannot change!'"
The penalty for escaping Muhammad’s clutches has always been high. Bukhari:V4B52N260 "The Prophet said, 'If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.'" This was no ordinary prophet or religion. No, Muhammad was special. He was a terrorist and a pirate, and you don't find too many of those in religious circles. Bukhari:V4B52N220 "Allah’s Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror. The treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.'"
Ouch, this is too much. Why would anyone remains a Muslim after reading this?
Contradictions aside and priorities confused, I promised to resolve Islam’s absolute reliance on the Sunnah by analyzing the "officially recognized" Pillars. To begin: Bukhari:V1B2N7 "Allah’s Apostle said: 'Islam is based on (the following) five (principles): 1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle.'" Let's tackle them one at a time. In its present order, the Qur'an's initial surah, the 2nd, (the 1st is an invocation, not a revelation as it speaks to god not to man) makes a transition from Ar-Rahman to Allah. But as we read on, this changes. The Qur'anic God becomes Ar-Rahman again and then a nameless Lord. Without the chronology the Sira's Hadith provide, Muslims don't know who God is or how many of them there are. Furthermore, they know nothing about the "Apostle." Without the Sunnah, acknowledging him in the profession of faith is like a recording device asking to be credited for bringing you the songs of your favorite artist.
But it gets worse. The Qur'an orders Muslims to obey the Messenger. If you don't know what he ordered, that's impossible. The Qur'an alleges that it's entirely composed of Allah’s commands, not Muhammad’s, so you'd be out of luck. The Qur'an also tells Muslims that they must follow the Messenger's example, yet the only place that example is established is in the Sunnah. Therefore, Islam’s First Pillar is utterly meaningless, and impossible to implement, without Ishaq and Tabari.
The Second Pillar is: "2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly." Once again, that's not feasible. The "compulsory congregational prayer" isn't described in the Qur'an. There aren't even any clues. In fact, the Qur'an says that there should be three prayers, none of which it depicts, and the Hadith demands five. The only explanation of the obligatory prostration is found in the Sunnah – and even then it's never described by the prophet himself. Muslims are performing a ritual without Qur'anic precedence. As such, the Second Pillar is rubble.
Let's see if the Third Pillar survives without the Sunnah. To find out, we turn to the Hadith: Bukhari:V1B2N7 "3. To pay Zakat." How is that possible when the terms of the Zakat are omitted from the Qur'an? The first to commit them to paper was Ishaq. A century later, Tabari referenced Ishaq's Hadith. The only reason Muslims can pay the Zakat is because Ishaq explained it to them. The Profitable Prophet Plan is bankrupt without the Sira.
Surely the Fourth Pillar will fare better: "4. To perform Hajj." Nope. That's impossible too. The only explanations of the Hajj are in the Sunnah. No aspect of the pilgrimage can be performed without referencing the Hadith. Muslims would be lost without it.
Mo did try everything to be accepted as a prophet.
It’s hard to imagine a more adept description of the poisons that oozed from Muhammad’s soul or a more adept summation of Islam’s legacy. Tisdall went on to write: "While the devout Muslim believes that the rituals and doctrines of Islam are entirely heavenly in origin and thus cannot have any earthly sources, scholars have demonstrated beyond all doubt that every ritual and belief in Islam can be traced back to pre-Islamic Arabian culture. In other words Muhammad did not preach anything new. Everything he taught had been believed and practiced in Arabia long before he was ever born. Even the idea of 'only one God' was borrowed from the Jews and Christians."
Carlyle's dictum on the Qur'an was also enlightened: "It is as toilsome reading as I ever undertook, a wearisome, confused jumble, crude, incondite. Nothing but a sense of duty could carry any European through it." Samuel Zwemer, in The Influence of Animism on Islam wrote: "In no monotheistic religion are magic and sorcery so firmly entrenched as they are in Islam; for in the case of this religion they are based on the teaching of the Qur'an and the practice of the Prophet." In other words, it's Satan’s book.
Quran, the words of allah? Mistakes in the Quran? Plagiarism in the Quran? Who are you kidding?
Wake up !!
In the 27th surah, named "Ants," the Qur'an makes up a story along the lines of something you'd expect to see in a children's fairytale. Come to find out, that's where it came from. In 27:17-44 Allah tells a story about Solomon, a Hoopoe bird, and the Queen of Sheba. Let's compare the Qur'anic account with one taken from Jewish folklore, the II Targum of Esther, which was written nearly five hundred years before the creation of the Qur'an." (Tisdall and Shorrosh)
Qur'an 27:17 "And before Solomon were marshaled his hosts of Jinns and men, and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks. And he took a muster of the Birds; and he said: 'Why is it I see not the Hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees? I will certainly punish him with a severe penalty, or execute him, unless he brings me a clear reason (for absence).' But the Hoopoe tarried not far: he (came up and) said: 'I have compassed (territory) which you have not compassed, and I have come to you from Saba with tidings true. I found (there) a woman ruling over them and provided with every requisite; and she has a magnificent throne.' (Solomon) said: 'Soon shall we see whether you have told the truth or lied! Go you, with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them: then draw back from her, and (wait to) see what answer she returns.' (The queen) said: 'You chiefs! Here is delivered to me – a letter worthy of respect. It is from Solomon, and is as follows: "In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim: Be you not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (Islam, the true Religion)."' She said: 'You chiefs! Advise me in (this) my affair: no affair have I decided except in your presence.' They said: 'We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the command is with you; so consider what you will command.' She said, 'But I am going to send him a present, and (wait) to see with what (answer) return (my) ambassadors.' So when she arrived, she was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs. He said: 'This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass.'"
From: II Targum of Esther : "Solomon gave orders 'I will send King and armies against you (of) Genii [jinn] beasts of the land the birds of the air.' Just then the Red-cock bird, enjoying itself, could not be found; King Solomon said that they should seize it and bring it by force, and indeed he sought to kill it. But just then, the cock appeared in the presence of the King and said, 'I had seen the whole world (and) know the city and kingdom of Sheba which is not subject to you, My Lord King. They are ruled by a woman called the Queen of Sheba. Then I found the fortified city in the Eastlands (Sheba) and around it are stones of gold and silver in the streets.' By chance the Queen of Sheba was out in the morning worshipping the sea, the scribes prepared a letter, which was placed under the bird's wing, and away it flew, and (it) reached the Fort of Sheba. Seeing the letter under its wing Sheba opened it and read it. 'King Solomon sends to you his Salaams. Now if it please you to come and ask after my welfare, I will set you high above all. But if it please you not, I will send kings and armies against you.' The Queen of Sheba heard it, she tore her garments, and sending for her Nobles asked their advice. They knew not Solomon, but advised her to send vessels by the sea, full of beautiful ornaments and gems…also to send a letter to him. When at last she came, Solomon sent a messenger to meet her…Solomon, hearing she had come, arose and sat down in the palace of glass. When the Queen of Sheba saw it, she thought the glass floor was water, and so in crossing over lifted up her garments. When Solomon seeing the hair about her legs, (He) cried out to her…"
There are only two rational options available to us. If Solomon really marshaled devils, spoke to birds, and castles were made of glass, then both the Qur'an and Targum could have been inspired writings. But if this is not historically or scientifically accurate, then the Qur'an is a fake, a rotten job of plagiarism, nothing more. This counterfeit alone is sufficient to prove that the Qur'an is a colossal forgery. If you are Muslim reading these words, wake up.
Is the Quran really the word of Allah? Or was most of them plagiarised? See for yourself.
Proof of plagiarism of apocryphal Jewish literature; this time in the Jewish Mishnah Sanhedrin.
The Qur'an reads: Qur'an 5:32 "On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person – unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity."
The Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5 says: "We find it said in the case of Cain who murdered his brother, the voice of thy brother's blood cries out [this is a quote from Genesis 4:10, but not the rest…], and he says, it does not say he has blood in the singular, but bloods in the plural.
It was singular in order to show that to him who kills a single individual, it should be reckoned that he has slain all humanity. But to him who has preserved the life of a single individual, it is counted that he has preserved all mankind."
There is no Qur'anic connection between the previous verse, 31, and that which we find in the 32nd. What does the murder of Abel by Cain have to do with the slaying or saving of the whole people as there were no other people?
Yet a rabbi's comments on the verse are repeated almost word-for-word in the Qur'an.
The muses of a mere human become the Qur'anic holy writ, and were attributed to God. That's real embarrassing.
Before we leave professor Allah’s lecture on gestation, I'd like to repeat what Muhammad had to say about such things: Bukhari:V4B55N549 "Allah’s Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, 'As regards to your creation, every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days, and then he becomes a clot for another forty days, and then a piece of flesh for forty days. [Four months, not nine.] Then Allah sends an angel to write four words: He writes his deeds, time of his death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be wretched or blessed. Then the soul is breathed into his body. So a man may do deeds characteristic of the people of the Hell Fire…but he enters Paradise. A person may do deeds characteristic of Paradise…but he will enter the Hell Fire.'" It’s easy to see where Allah got his material and why he was so confused.
By way of recap, we've learned that the Qur'an wasn't, as Allah claims, a book memorialized on heavenly tablets, but instead consisted of evolving text. The oldest Qur'ans differ from one another and from today’s version.
We discovered that the original written copies were devoid of diacritical points, so most words were chosen on the basis of educated guesses.
Their meanings were interpreted two centuries after the Qur'an was revealed orally. It’s not pure Arabic as Allah claims, as there are a plethora of foreign words. There are also missing words, wrong words, and meaningless words. And most important of all, the leading authority of the initial script of the Qur'an, studying the oldest fragments says: "One out of every five verses is indecipherable – meaningless in any language."
Moving on, let's see if what is left is accurate historically and scientifically. Allah’s claim, "This Qur'an must be the Word of Allah or they would have found fault in it" is torn asunder if it contains obvious errors of fact.
A number of online websites were kind enough to chronicle a plethora of errors, so I have elected to present some of their findings. Let's start with the historical blunders. The Qur'an claims that the Samaritans enticed Israel to make a golden calf when Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. Yet the term "Samaritan" hadn't been coined when the events depicted in Exodus unfolded. The Samaritan people could not have existed during the life of Moses as they didn't become a nation until 800 years later. The city of Samaria was founded by King Omri in 875 B.C. and the Samaritans became a "people" just after the tribes of Israel were dispersed by the Assyrians in the seventh century B.C. Thus Qur'an 20:85-7, and 95-7 are erroneous.
Could anyone in their right mind still believe that the Quran is the words of God?
Is the Quran really the words of Allah? And is Allah really God?
The Qur'an is like a Christmas tree. Decorated in its holiday finery it appears beautiful, but the tree is dead. Worse, everything it stands for is pagan, even Satanic. The festival, its date, tree, ornaments, and exchange of presents all date back to the time when they were used to celebrate Lucifer's birthday. Trimmings can be deceiving. (The Messiah was born on the Feast of the Tabernacles, in September.) The Winter Solstice was the birthday of Tammuz, the Babylonian sun god – and all sun gods thereafter. Lucifer wasn't called the Morning Star for nothing.
But the ornamentation of the Qur'an was only superficial. The document is severely flawed. Jalal al-Suyuti dedicated a hundred pages of his Itqan to explain the difficult vocabulary. Under the title "Foreign Words of the Qur'an," he suggests that Religious Arabic is incomprehensible. "No one can have a comprehensive knowledge of the language except the Prophet." (Itqan II: p 106)
Jalal al-Suyuti states: "Muhammad’s Companions, in whose dialect the Qur'an was given, failed to understand the meaning of many words, and thus they said nothing about them. When Bakr was asked about the Qur'anic statement "and fruits and fodder," he said, "What sky would cover me or what land would carry me if I say what I do not know about the book of Allah?" Umar read the same text from the rostrum, then said, "This fruit we know, but what is fodder?"Then he was asked about the Qur'anic text in chapter 13 discussing Mary and he had no response. Ibn Abbas [the most prolific source of Islamic Hadith] said that he did not know the meanings of Qur'an verses like 69:36, 9:114, and 18:9."
Suyuti suggests that only Muhammad knew what they meant. Ibn Warraq in his scholastic anthologies on Islam compiled thick tomes of linguistic analysis of the Qur'an's hopelessly incoherent condition.
Next we learn that the Arabic found in the Qur'an was not as sound as Muslims infer. In the Itqan, Suyuti speaks explicitly about things which no one expected to find in the Qur'an – defects which shouldn't occur in any Arabic book. For example: "The word 'after' was used twice in the Qur'an so as to mean 'before.' As in this saying: (Qur'an 21:105) "We have written in the Psalms after the reminder" while He meant 'before.' Also in this saying, (Qur'an 79:30) "The earth after that He has extended" while Allah meant "before" Suyuti wrote: "The Qur'an means: 'Do not those who believe "know" that had Allah willed, He could have guided all mankind', but Allah said, 'Do not those who believe "despair"' instead of writing "know" as He meant. The Qur'an says in chapter 2:23: '… your martyrs', but it means, '… your partners.' The martyr is supposed to be the person who is killed, but here it means 'your partners.' In chapter 20 on Joseph the word 'bakhs' (too little) is meant to be 'haram' (forbidden or sacred). In surah 46, Mariam, the phrase, 'I certainly will stone you' is interpreted to mean, 'I certainly will curse you', and not, 'I will kill you' as its literal meaning suggests."
In another illustration from Itqan, Jalal al-Suyuti claims, "In the Rahman chapter the Qur'an says: 'The "nagm" stars and the trees bow themselves.' Here the Qur'an does not mean by 'the stars' but the plants which do not have trunks. This is the far-fetched meaning." There are hundreds of similar examples, but there is no need to belabor the point.
Our Muslim brethren claim the eloquence of the Qur'an, the supremacy of its language and the beauty of its expression, is conclusive evidence that it was revealed by Allah. "Forget the content," they say. "The inimitability of the Qur'an lies in its stylistic use of the Arabic language." Yet how can this be if there are so many omissions and errors pertaining to acceptable principles of style, literary expression, and grammatical rules?
We even find many words that don't have any meaning whatsoever and aren't found in any language. Simply stated: much of the vocabulary no one understands, and much of the text is oblique, obscure, and senseless.
Islam a great religion?
Patricia Crone collaborated on a book with Michael Cook, called Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World. They claim that the Qur'an came into being later than is now believed. "There is no hard evidence for the existence of a Qur'an in any form before the last decade of the seventh century, and that only includes inconsistent and sparse quotations from inside the Dome of the Rock." Hagarism, however, came under immediate attack from Muslims for its heavy reliance on hostile, non-Islamic sources.
Gerd Puin says, "My idea is that the Qur'an is a kind of cocktail of texts that were not understood even at the time of Muhammad. Many may even be a hundred years older than Islam itself. Within the Islamic traditions there is a huge body of contradictory information."
Crone agrees: "The Qur'an is a scripture with a history like any other, except we don't know this history and tend to provoke howls of protest when we study it. Nobody would mind the howls if they came from Westerners, but Westerners feel deferential when the howls come from other people. Muslims shout: 'Who are you to tamper with our legacy?'"
Personally, I share William Muir's perspective. Many consider Muir to be Islam’s foremost scholar. He contends: "The Qur'an is the most stubborn enemy of Civilization, Liberty, and Truth which the world has yet known."
But Muslims would rather be indoctrinated than investigate. The truth frightens them, as do facts and rational thought. They routinely reject all non-Islamic study of the Qur'an. Unable to refute the assault on their holy books with facts, history, or reason they simply assail the messengers of news they do not want to hear.
Did Mohammad really exist? If so, was he a "prophet"?
Apart from the Sunnah, Muhammad is yet another mirage. "The earliest Islamic documents," according to Dr. John Wansbrough, "say nothing of Muhammad’s prophethood. The Maghazi, stories of his battles and campaigns, are the earliest Islamic documents we possess. Yet they tell us little about Muhammad’s life or teachings. In fact, nowhere in these documents is there a veneration of Muhammad as a prophet!" The earliest comprehensive history of Muhammad’s life, Ishaq's Sira steadfastly refrains from calling Muhammad a "prophet," too.
"In order to know who Muhammad was, and what he did, we must, therefore, go back to the time he lived, and look at the evidence which existed then, and still exists, to see what it can tell us about this infamous figure. The most prolific artifacts are Arabic rock inscriptions scattered all over the Syro-Jordanian deserts and the Peninsula, especially in the Negev.
The man who has done the most research on these rock inscriptions is Yehuda Nevo. In his Towards a Prehistory of Islam, he explains that the Arab religious carvings dating from this period show a monotheistic creed. However, he contends that this creed 'is demonstrably not Islam, but a dogma from which Islam could have developed.'" Sounds like Qusayy's religious scam to me.
Nevo found: "In the Arab religious documents during the Sufyani period [661-684] there is a complete absence of any reference to Muhammad. Neither the name Muhammad nor any Muhammadan formulae (that he is the prophet of Allah) appears in any inscription dated before the Dome of the Rock – and even those are dubious. This is true whether the purpose of the inscription is religious, or whether it was used as a commemorative carving."
Muhammad’s name is absent from all seventh century inscriptions, even religious ones. Since the Sira, Ta'rikh, and Hadith, which make up the Sunnah, are almost entirely narratives on the prophet's life, making him the example all Muslims must follow, why don't we find this same emphasis in earlier Arabic inscriptions which are closer to the time he lived? Even more troubling, why is there no mention of him at all? His name isn't found in Arab inscriptions until the eighth century. What's more, the first dated occurrence of the phrase "Muhammad Rasul Allah" (Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah) was discovered on an Sassanian coin of Xalid from the year 690, which was struck in Damascus, not Arabia.
Could he be the pigment of imagination by the people in Bagdad?
The German secular scholar Salomon Reinach states: "From the literary point of view, the Qur'an has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time in absorbing it."
I have also struggled with this thought. Muhammad and his scripture are so moronic and repulsive, I feel like I am wasting my time. Then I think of the billion people who are victimized by Islam. Without a voice willing to proclaim the truth, no matter how disgusting it is, they will never be freed from its clutches. Then I think of victims of Islamic terror and my soul cries out, hoping to limit future carnage.
Finally, I read Isaiah's prophecies, and those by Ezekiel, Daniel, and John. If I am interpreting them correctly, within a quarter century one quarter of the earth's people are going to die as a result of Islam. That's motivation enough.
Speaking of the Qur'an's deficient presentation of Muhammad, Peters, Professor & Chair Near Eastern Language, New York University said: "We do not have material in the Qur'an to compose a biography of Muhammad because the book is a disjointed discourse, a pastiche [imitation, spoof, parody] of divine monologues that can be assembled into a homily [lecture, sermon] or perhaps a catechism [snippets of dogma] but that reveals little or nothing about the life of Muhammad and his contemporaries….
The Qur'an give us no assurance that its words and sentiments are likely to be authentic in the light of the context they were delivered and in the manner of their transmission. There are no clues as to when or where or why these particular words were being uttered…. The Qur'an is of no use whatsoever as an independent source for reconstructing the life of Muhammad. The Qur'an is not terribly useful even for reconstructing the Meccan milieu much less the life of the man who uttered its words; it is a text without context."
Muslims are in a hellish predicament. If the Hadith compilations of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim are true, their prophet was the most evil man who ever lived – a bloodthirsty pirate, a ruthless terrorist, and a sexual pervert. His Islam was nothing more than a concocted plan to benefit Mohammad . Allah was just one of many moon rocks. That's not good. But if the Hadith compilations of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim are not true, Islam evaporates.
Muslims are in a hellish predicament. If the Hadith compilations of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim are true, their prophet was the most evil man who ever lived – a bloodthirsty pirate, a ruthless terrorist, and a sexual pervert. His Islam was nothing more than the a concocted lie. Allah was just one of many moon rocks. That's not good. But if the Hadith compilations of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim are not true, Islam evaporates.
According to Wansbrough, Schacht, Rippin, Crone, and Humphreys: "Almost universally, independent scholars studying the Qur'an and Hadith, have concluded that the Islamic scripture was not revealed to just one man, but was a compilation of later redactions and editions formulated by a group of men, over the course of a few hundred years.
The Qur'an which we read today is not that which was in existence in the mid-seventh century, but is a product of the eighth and ninth centuries. It was not conceived in Mecca or Medina, but in Baghdad. It was then and there that Islam took on its identity and became a religion. Consequently, the formative stage of Islam was not within the lifetime of Muhammad but evolved over a period of 300 years." While these are strong words, rest assured: the scholars prove their case.
Ali Sina is mad person and American agent ,he just need green card to enter USA ,he had no idea about Islam,now in this modern era why Ali zina people are failed to supress Islam,inspire of having power Satan Ali zina and his followers should try to come face to face instead of using internet debates,oh foolish person Islam spread alone without any superpower but with power of God now u and ur superpowers should come up with ideas if are true apparently ratherthan to uttering, have u any proof u are ur fatherson ,I wrote ur articales and became strong believer of Islam mean my faith had increased on Prophet Pbuh ,you are jealous and sick person,ur articles are borous and intellectual and I think u believe on Aristotle theory of evolution,I learnt modern education but found Islam my operating system,I think ur operating system had been changed Mr zina product
So was Hitler , he himself probably didnt kill anyone using his own hands but surely he ordered the massasre . Muhammad operated on the same mode .
By such miracles, these people are making fool of their own people……hahahaha
Hello …er…MUSLIM ( BTW, I concider this name to be BIGGEST insult possibe :-)).
Muslim logic? This answer of yours shows ,again, clearly how deeply BRAINWASHED you muslims are . Even AminRAT is smarter then you.
I'm sure you will never win a Nobel-prize , but then again there are almost NO muslim Nobel-prize winners …of coyrse ! 🙂
Read some articles of Ali Sina and get thoroughly enlightened about your great prophet ,Khalil Zibran was persecuted throughout his life for talking about this your Charlton,narcissist debouch er ,pedophile false prophet. Zibran was real prophet he said a prophecy while on his death bed that "What I intend to tell now will be told by thousand tongues tomorrow . His prophecy is coming true now ,that is wt people are doing here.
Quran surah 8:40 says CLEARLY!!!! : "If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know that Allah is your Supporter. And know that one fifth of all the booty you take belongs to Allah, and to the Messenger, and for the near relatives (of the Messenger)."
HOW can a GOD ALLAH need booty? SO IN REALLITY ONE FITH OF ALL THE BOOTY (goods ,money, slaves etc. stolen in war) BELONGS TO MOHAMMED !!!
Muhammad (pbuh) never killed anyone for his own interest including insulting.
Order doesn't matter, quran reciters EXACTLY KNOW Not only surah, but when certain ayah was revealed. Quran is collected in one book called Mus'haf and therefore your statement is false.
"These verses are letters – whose meanings were not conveyed.
So, litlle RAT, you admit clearly that when you "PRAY" or "CITE" these letters/verses like "ALIF,LAM,MEEM" and MANY other such "verses' you don't know what you are saying.
THAT is a very stupid ! Or rather INSANE !! SHAME ON YOU MUSLIMS .
Thank you for admitting 🙂
To the evil TAQIYYA muslim AminRAT.
You said: "Civility isn't that much to ask for. "
Read this you EVIL MUSLIM (although you know it VERY well of course) :
"(Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and Christians, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.) This is why the Leader of the faithful `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, demanded his well-known conditions be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation and disgrace."
For MORE :….
WE looked at this in detail????? WHERE you muslim LIAR !!!
To the evil TAQIYYA muslim AminRAT.
You said: "…why is it . . . . they all rely on insults."
Read this you EVIL MUSLIM (although you know it VERY well of course) :
"(Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and Christians, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.) This is why the Leader of the faithful `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, demanded his well-known conditions be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation and disgrace."
For MORE :…
Islam is a miracle reason why it survives so long is bcos of we non muslims.we kaffirs hate them so much,we never investigated the source for them to be hated so much.According to my small survey of muslim friends they do not know even 0.5% of the koran.they only know mohd's parents name,angle jibril who spoke to him, meccan verses of the koran,islamic prayer exercise,most of them have not heard the child wifes narration from the hadis or even how many wifes he had.This is the same response from non muslims.We in school are taught that mohd was social reformer.So islam exists bcos of our ignorence of this man.Now this will change thanks to internet,true face of mohd the world will know.
Ah . . . more lying? We looked at this in detail. And it was obvious . . . you had built this BS – hence why you are so thin when using ACTUAL references.
Not another intelligent one. . . . why is it . . . . they all rely on insults. Pity.
Hey, Bro Mo, u are stupid, why is it that only Muslim men would be given 72Houris and 22Gillams in heaven, what about we Christians, Apostate and those who hate you?
Amin-rat, Mohammed and Allah would be doing three-some together
OK, the Prophet preached peace, but under what preaching or commandment muslim invaders plundered Indian subcontinent & rulers like Aurengzeb forcibly converted Hindus???????
Who preached violence and suppression against the non-muslims????? Who went against peaceful advice of Mohammad???? Please enlighten me.
please get a modern copy of the Quran, verse 47:35 state:
"So be not weak and ask NOT for peace while you are having the upper hand. Allah is with you, and will never decrease the reward of your good deeds" or go to and enter 47:35 in the Search box !
i guess you are muslim…
"The life of this world is but play and amusement: and if ye believe and guard against Evil, He will grant you your recompense, and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions".
The above is (Q47:35), but doesn't tally with what you claimed. i think you should stop being blasphemous and try to be factual, because liars like you can't convince intellectuals
tak bisa mengerti dengan benar apa yg kalian tulis… tapi.. seperti menggnjingkan jeleknya agama ku "ISLAM"… terkutuklah kalian yg berbuat demikian… "ALLAHHUAKBAR!"
hello ali. i would like ask what you think of other religions. as i am not religious and think if you can be the best person you can everyday, how can that hurt
plz remove the picture. it will help imamm to make muslim people fool.
I think "drowning overtook him" implies death by drowning, "overtook him" means "defeated him" ….drowning defeated him….sure death,…actual drowning.
No answer on this one either !! Of course.
Have you not noticed . . . Youtube does not let you post any links to other sites.
what question ? its been delted . do you wake people up to this cult ? has anyone noticed youtub dsnt let u post link to this site
Which force is behind this miracle ?
Yes it is a Miracle, ( islam is still with us today ) it should have been diminished years ago.
Muslims agree that Jesus Christ existed and he was a prophet ,fare comment .# 1 SO If he was a prophet and he existed before mohamed how can mohamed be the first prophet ? #2 If christ was the first prophet and God the Father , where did allah come from for mohamed to talk about whom him self came after Christ. #3 who were mohameds parents ,where was mohamed born , do they speak of mohameds parents in the quoran . I am mystified on these things , will the scholars of the quoran start to apply these changes . I have not seen any where or read on any site about the birth of mohamed or his parents . could some educated scholar enlighten me with these fact,
you are brainwashed yourself?
5 times a day 7 days a week.
who gets brainwashed more?
To Amin, the staunch and fanatical muslim.
A while ago you wrote to me:
"I know perfectly well – all your information comes from anti-Islam propaganda sites."
1) this a big fat LIE . Do you are exposed as a LIAR again. I read your evil scripture myself .
btw. we (almost) all use internet ….yes, you also , sneaky muslim Amin (biggest insult I can come with AND the truth ). Some times you refer to sites on internet.
2) this is a logical fallacy an "ad hominem" (as if I don't nothing by mysel). But remember ,muslim "scholar"we ALL learn what we know from other people !
sorry religion*
Question to Muslim:-
As per Muslim "Islam is fastest growing region." Ali Sina fan following also growing day by day. Can we assume growing of anything is good sign?
No response on this one of course from AMIN the brainwashed muslim fanatic !
Answer: HE CAN NOT
Empty Head { } wrote to his brother in evilnesh (in desperation !)):
Dear Brother now please accomplish these task
1. Give muslim a good name being muslim on this site
2. Convince people here with rational arguments .
Answer to nr 1.: Is impossible. Your own scripture refutes this. LOL
Answer to nr 2 : This is A Joke; Islam and RATIONAL ARGUMENTS ! Hahahaha LOL
( flying donkeys, Jinns, talking ants , trees and mountains…etc.)
Silly kid!
Al-Bari , Empty Head { }, doesn't give Muslims a bad name.
Islam itself does this job !
We give you references from your own (EVIL) scripture. Iam sure you have seen that.
The same goes for your VIL fake prophet Mohammed. This imposter gave himself a very,very bad name …You can read it in the SUNNA, as we did ! LOL
But what you say about { } (empty set) is trye. Saying the truth is rare with muslims…Are you really a muslim?
Where is that link? People join using my name and say stupid things. If you see something odd please email me. Don’t suspect my sanity yet. It must be a fraud.
Most Important
I will be busy in studying polymaths inspired by muhammad(pbhu) so already posted my comment ending thread
Shukran brother. I don't think any muslim ever earned respect here! These wackos are giving even prophet a bad name !
Well I am not scholar this I have mentioned earlier. And where did you find me defending or refuting estimating my knowledge about Islam? lol I have enough resources but I don't do !
Get along with trolls sometime you may know its foolish to waste extra 200 calories to think ! lol
Dear Brother now please accomplish these task
1. Give muslim a good name being muslim on this site
2. Convince people here with rational arguments
Barak Allah Feik
Brother Assalam,
I have read all your comments on this site & none of them are well thought, they have no substance whatsoever – they are full of hate.
You are giving Muslims a bad name. Your knowledge about Islam is very limited – these guys are eating you alive. Please refrain from anymore comments.
Ma-Assalam brother
Amin the muslim "scholar", and other staunch Mohammedans, says he BELIEVES that the pagan Idol, The Black Stone, came down from the heavens to Adam.. He believes that his EVIL fake prophet Mohammed made a nightjourny on a sort of strange flying donkey. He believes even in invisible JINNS (made of fire) anf talking rocks. The crazy things he believes in (without any shred of evidence) are endless, this muslim-"intellectual".
AND that is all fine with me . Everybody can believe what he/she wants.
But AMIN,and his fanatic muslimbrothers also believe that they must fight ALL non-muslims (KAFIRS, an insult !). AND THAT I don't tolerate . And I am happy to see that many ( MOST are not muslims) FREE people think like me . These free people need only some knowledge about THIS EVIL CULT.!
I am still wondering,Amin :
When will you give your response to my question about the bad name calling and swearing your evil fake god allah does in your evil Quran.? (Sorry,Amin, for my using many times the word""EVIL", but THÁT is exaclly what it is).
Do I have to spell it out for you again, Amin?
And no beating around the bush, we all know your sneeky muslim-tricks. LOL
Oh…I forgot to tell you ,EMPYY HEAD { },
We non-muslims are ALL free .We are NO SLAVES OF ALLAH , We are slvaes of NO-ONE. Only cowards are slaves. MUSLIMS ARE COWARDS ! They don't dare to see the truth !
Another one bites the dust .
To Ahmed the very proud ex-muslim.
Dear non-muslim Ahmed , perhaps you can help to covince the brainwashed muslims who are afraid to leave their evil cult of Islam.
Come and fight with us against Islam. It must be destroyed….and it will be destroyed !
So we can set free all the poor muslim slaves .
We fight ONLY with words and of course with the TRUTH. That is enough.
Staunch muslims are afraid of the TRUTH, that's why they want to make an end of FREE SPEECH.
So come and fight on this wonderful medium : THE INTERNET !
Have a nice, long and FREE life.
Julia, Mohammed was such an ilusionist and illusioned Muslims in such a way that even after 1400 years they are not able to discover that their brain are empty, powerless, only thick covering. That;s why they are not able to understand where is the fallacy.
A very very proud ex-muslim
I am done with this thread, you are free to troll !
Millions Muslims are leaving Islam….. lol
SO what is itching you then ? you should feel better …aint you doing this ? do this !!!
I know for sure what is true about , EMPTY HEADED MUSLIM ,{ }. ! Silly post of you again !
Don't be a coward and blow up yourself.Your evil fake god Allah likes that!
Then you something worthwhile. LOLOLOLOLOLOL lol.
Perhaps you are not consciously telling lies. and you don't know your own EVIL CULT, Muham mad.
In that case I advise you to read this:…………
And don't forget to read the proofs mentionned there and check it in your own quran and sunna !
movie will be banned because in civilized country pedophile are not allowed.. release it in afganisthan. Only those people will watch. Millions muslims are leaving islam after knowing it is not religion but cult. search in google
Evil muslim Amin, go answer all the questions I have given you. And there will be more and more.Then I can humiliate you further
What is the use of comming with this find of crap you poste here?
Intellectual? Oh…of course you still think you belong to "the best of creation", THE ÜBERMENSCH of the NAZIS and HILER !
I thought you know by now that it is not the truth you evil fake prophet AND IDOL Mohammed told you. It turns out that you are an IDOLATOR blinly following A MORON.!|
Surah 33:36, REMEMBER !! HAHA HA
Who is innocent according to islam?
The one who is willing to submit to fake god allah?
the one who wishes to be dhimmi?
the one who likes to pay jaziya?
@ Amin
"This is not the behaviour of a real prophet. It is a proof that he was no prophet of a (the?) true God at all. "
According to you . . . boohoo – what difference does that make?
I let the readers decide for themselves , Amin .
I am not afraid ….I have the truth about islam….Islam is evil. And I have confidence in the the readers ,except some brainwahed muslims of course, anf even they can start to think.This happens often you know, there are many sites of ex-muslims (fighting against Islam) on internet .
ISLAM WIL BE DEFEATED. I will paraphrase again:
You (muslims) can fool some people for some time, but you (muslims) cannot fool ALL the people ALL THE TIME .
@ Amin.
"And you know – even your best supporters will agree to that."
Are you psychic now also ? Stupid muslim!
@ Amin."This is really sad . . . going to your old posts . . . and finding that no has left you message."
What is this? A kind of Alif,Lam,Meem, ….?
@ Amin
Sahih International !!!
That's a good one. That is a TAQIYYA site especially made to fool gullible non-muslims !
Btw . You show again your evilnesh here,Amin.
You always ask for references. But now DINIALISNOPROOF gibes you clear quotes from your own evil Quan , you say:
"What did you do – a quick Google search – and pasted someone's words as your own? ".
Again You expose yourself with this as the LIAR you are!
@ Amin.
"ah, but the Quran says it is easy to understand"
It is easy to understand . . . what is it that you need understanding in?
Brains is not your department, hey min.
We are talking about Alif ,Lam ,Meem.
And your explanation that they have no meaning, or they mean something but nobody knows is not enough !
It is outright nonsense. Only brainwashed people can take this crap-answer!
AGAIN: Allah say that his book is clear ,easy to understand and explained IN DETAIL. THIS …er detail (28 surahverses) is not explained !
SO WHERE IS the EXPLANATION.! You must be drunk (your own words, so no insult )…if you don't understand this.
Stop your narcissist personality syndrome otherwise you too will end up being muhammad.
Just for the fun of it,Amin.
Do you have a beard? Like your IDOL Mohammed did? Do you paint it red with henna? Do you wear a silly cap too? And a long white dress?
Another serious question:
Are there many inbred marriages in your family and other muslimfamilies you know of.?. Are you father and mother cousins too?
No need to get angry….this is not meant as an insult. Really !
@ Amin. you said:
"Your falsehood is in claiming I go around saying I am: "the best of creation". Hence . . . "
The NAZIS did neither go around saying : "I am an Übermensch".
Of course not silly.
You are saying this impicitly, the whole day through, because you are a staunch believing muslim. And Moreover you pray it often ,explitily. ! Yep !
And you know that of course,very well. That's where your FALSEHOOD is. But you are using TAQIYYA and KITMAN now because you are ashamed of it !
I found it very interesting LaMazhab.
Let the muslims not dishearten you.
"Today science does not have ALL the answers (& it never will have 'ALL' the answers) however, it is certain that the concept of religions (& I mean ALL religions) does not make any sense & as such they are all false."
I Agree fully with this!
But brainwashed people like muslims have a big problem with free thinking. That is why there are almost NO nobel-prize winners amongst these backwardly thinking people, for instance. They are AFRAID of SCIENCE.
Of course you are familiar with trolls.Islam abounds with it ! hahahaha.
I'm sure you have seen many Jinns on your fantasy world .
Of course you see all kinds of …er strange things.
You are a good follower of your IDOL Mohammed. This cretin used also to see "strange" things like Jinns, flying donkeys,angels, talking trees…..HoHOHOHHHHo…Man I did not know that such superstitious morons still exists .
There is an attempt to clone me with a difference !
NEway its beyond your intelligence Go play ping pong !
EMPTY ! { }. YEP.
You are afraid for the reply , EMPTY MUSLIM HEAD !
Don't worry, an empty set is about…NOTHING.!
That's what you are….NOTHING .Hahahaha !
I know you level,AMIN. It goes like this:
"Are you drunk"?
"Brains- is not your department".
"Fuel for hell". (YOUR pray)
"Worst of beast".(Your pray)
"Swine"( Your pray)….and so on!
This is embarrassing indeed for an entity who calls himself "god", and for you too.
But you still don't get it.!
What is the point of this babbling,EMPTY MUSLIM HEAD { }. ?
Empty set makes strange noises…Again!
False credence . . . if you had belief in your arguments – you won't need to insult or seek such credence.
"False credence?" Only your word, AMIN, ..that means nothing, OF COURSE.
You come time and again with lame comments like this.
No references, no proofs , nothing.
1) If you you had payd attention, then you would remember that I am HUMILIATING YOU, To let you feel how EVIL this is (surah 9:29).
And I know I am hurting you !
2) I don't seek credence , I have the TRUTH. And this truth about the EVILNESS of Islam is what I want to show clearly to readers who yhink that Islam is just a religion like others ( in the strain of Judeo-Christianity), which clearly is a LIE ! As I showed you !
We are fighting here on this site against your EVIL and very DANGEROUS CULT. That's where this site is all about, stupid and vile man.!
@ Amin.
"Your fake god is everywhere. "
Sure . . . but the point of unification is for people.
In such matter you can only unify brainwashed people , LIKE YOU.
You can not oppress the thinking of FREE THINKING people.
And by sura 33:36, you muslims are not free to do and think for yourself ,when Allah and your fake prophet Mohammed have decided a matter . For instance praying in ONE direction (5 time each day).
@ Amin.
"For unity – so everyone pray in on direction – no matter where they are."
Exactly for unity of SLAVES (as muslims call themselves) in ONE EVIL CULT. And,AGAIN, that's why you muslims are IDOLATORS (per definition)
You MUST pray in that direction (5 times each day) ,according to your EVIL Quran, as I said: surah 33:36-
"It is NOT for a believing man or a believing woman, WHEN ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER HAVE DECIDED A MATTER, that THEY SHOULD [THEREAFTER] HAVE ANY CHOICE about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error".
You MUST FOLOW and are FORCED to obey BLINDLY, without any thinking of your own.
A real riligion is apersonal thing.
Oh, the rehab center released you?
Your Hindi isn't very strong. 🙂 Vijay might mean pig's shit in some language. So what? 🙂
All you do is fixate on a nickname LOL ?
Got this knowledge from Christ, eh?
No 'all hindus' or 'all Sikhs' aren't lunatics. Just like 'all Christians' or 'all Muslims' aren't.
When you reply, speak on the topic. Else don't bother.
Julia which is true about you ?
A. Stupid lonely divorced old women ! Must be dumped by Muslim for bitching stupidity ended up hating
B. Have nothing to do worthy like to play ping pong.
"I know perfectly well – all your information comes from anti-Islam propaganda sites"
I gave you many,many references from your OWN books , from very Islamic websites ! Everybody (AGAIN!) can check this.
Moreover where I get my information does not matter.
The question is my information TRUE ? ANWER TOO THIS IS : YES !!!
Only saying "THIS OR THIS IS NOT TRUE", is silly and childish .
The fact is that you HAVE nothing to back up what you say and I DO !
As I said : mostly YOUR OWN EVIL QURAN AND SUNNA , from Islamic sites ! CHECK IT READERS !
@ Amin'
My claim is and was that you , being a muslim , MUST follow Mohammed (and Allah) BLINDLY ( that means without even daring to think for yourself)
BLINDLY. And therefore Mohammed and Allah are IDOLS for you!
Proof:surah 33:36 says CLEARLY:
"It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error."
No drivel , wailing, whining etc. can help you !
@ Ami"n
References ( you know them already of course":
1)For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not.( Surah 8:22).
2)For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe. (Surah 8:55).
And the socalled "reading in context"will not help , because there still will be many persons (like me) who allah and you call:
There is ,AGAIN, no way around this.
All your whining and lame answers will get you nowhere.
I did promise you that I would make you the laughing stock of this site, and YOU ARE !
Hello Amin, Where are you?
I showed you AGAIN that you are a big fat LIAR!
You are talking about Christianity and you know NOTHING about it ! That is very clear !
You EVIL prophet wanted his cult TO BE in the Judeo-Christian strain . But the Jews and the Christians called him a LIAR too, OF COURSE.
References? Your EVIL QURAN AND SUNNA.
Answers of the muslim "scholar" Amin go EVERYTIME like this:
" attempting to insult me",
"Whatever you claimed -cannot be derived from what I said",
"if you do not have a response . . . . then don't say anything",
"this type of response will just highlight your inadequacy".
And things as: " are you drunk ", "brains …is not your department", and other sneeky insults.
And of course his dayly (5 times) insults when he prays the EVIL verses from his EVIL Quran.
@ Amin.
"Second thing is your attitude . . . the way you go about it. There is NO morality in your attitude of swearing and abusing people."
This looks exactly that your are talking about your EVIL Quran.!
There is NO morality in this EVIL book of swearing and abusing people.
Read what your Quran says about Kafirs (insult!) and unbelievers( BIG insult for many believers of other religions!).
Every reader can check this by only reading your EVIL QURAN.
The sunna is , if possible , even worse.
I have nothing to hide .
I asked: "BTW, Did Adam live near the Kaaba "
Amin: Yes
Prove it Amin. I want to see independent references and historical evidence (shcolarly) !
You can of course not come with your EVIL Quran. That would be circular reasoning , but you know that, I assume.
Bye,bye ! 🙂
We give references from your OWN books. That these books are evil ,is not our fault.
YOU,Amin , (and all other Muslims ) NEVER give references !
You are wailing and whining about "insults" . Grow up man !!(AGAIN!) .
This is the essence of FREE SPEECH. That's why we still can read EVIL Quran in the FREE WORLD, although this evil book abounds in hate speech. And that is why your hatebearded imams can stillpreach their hateful CULT.
Again you are humiliated by me . I like that because it makes people think AND I'm having with playing and teasing you backward muslims.
@ Amin
I talked about muslim items like this: " l know you muslims have a big imagination. Just as your crazy fake prophet Mohammed .Remember his fairytail about his trip to the heavens on a flying donkey.
Or thae talking mountains, ants, and rocks! And then the jinns…yes…the jinns. "
But you don't want to see that? Hey, Amin?
You are ashamed about this crazy nonsense ! OF COURSE you are.
Every sane thinking person on this planet laughs about your EVIL, SUPERSTITIOUS muslim crap!
Emty head { } is talking again !
The LOLOLOLOLO-wacko .
You should blow up yourself like a "GOOD"muslim should do for his evil fake god Allah !
We all see that the truth is hurting you ! That's a good thing .
I give you the reference AGAIN. All readers can check if I say the truth by only reading it.
Surah 9:29 Yusuf Ali (and many others!) says clearly:
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."…
There is no way around this,Amin. Moreover this Capter 9 of your evil Quran nullifies (abrogates) ALL more or less "peaceful" surahs ! Yep!
We have the TRUTH Amin …and you can not fight the truth! You are on the loosing side. I pity you. You must feel very ashamed right now , and that is something that a muslim like you with narcissistic personality disorder (like your evil cultleader) can't stand and handle.
Narcissistic personality disorder
@ Amin.
I gave you the reference from Wikipedia ( all readers can read this right above your last comment on this item) .Tomes have bee written !!! . It is very clear that scolars don't write TOMES only for their own enjoyment, especially not when something were evidently clear as you claim.
Again …You are a LIAR here. You are exposed AGAIN, Amin…all readers can check that what I say is the truth.
Administrator is technically wacko ! only thing he know how to ban people from site ! This is not what he do deliberately but by default. Isn't this your responsibility to teach how to set up filter in google adsense programme ? Or are you the same wacko?? lol
I am visiting this site after many days. Dear Ali Sina, I saw an advertisement ' How to convert to Islam ' by adchoices. Dont you think it defeats the very purpose of this website and the faith/actions of non muslims trying to make humanity aware about the evils of Islam? Should not this site be promoting advertisements for christianity/atheism/humanity, etc ?
I may be wrong, but this is what I feel personally.
@Ali Sina
Sina sir, this is confusing me that you have given link of the website which makes people Muslims "How to convert Islam" through on your webpage. if your mission is eradication of Islam then why this link?
@ Amin. (… do these oil-muslims pay you enough ?)
You yourself keep on comming with the same old mantra, typical for a brainwashed cultfollower. All readers see this Amin.
References about this?
1) you( that's) me expounds hate ? Your Quran abounds with hate !
2)Insult. Allah (Quran) and Mohammed (Sunna) abounds with hate.! I have guven you many examples, but you simply don't want to see them.
3)You have nothing more to say! (this is where you hoped for,Amin. Oh.Yes…there will come much, much more! Your humiliation is not over 1
4)Simply saying : " doesn't make sense" . My answer: brains is not your department.
5) Asking for references. All readers can check that I gave you many references !
Thank you again for showing us your brainwashed evil muslim mindset . 😉
There is no intellectual exchange possible with you. You are engaged in something stupid like science verses religion. I don't even think your pea sized brain can understand which platform should be tested on what? science on religion or religion on science !
Science is fully dependent on unproven assumptions as hypothesis which has philosophical origin. Let alone you assume zero which exist but whatever exist can't be zero at the same time !
BTW science is not an alternative to religion as it is a another platform having roots in a religion. Both platforms necessarily don't intersect each-other !
Need no reply ! Go Play ping pong [ its a funny game where you want ball to do what its doing all time ]
For the same reason people like me!
/by the same logic then non-Islamic source too are a lie – you cannot attack Islam with them. /
Nonislamic source is truth itself. we use brain not websites. Now using brain is not allowed in Islam thats why quran says dont ask questions…If you are muslim you cant be intelligent and if you are intelligent then you cant be muslim thats why 1.5 billion muslim cant invent single invention. They discover science in quran only after someone discovered it take the example after gallileo muslim discovered earth is not flat before galileo it was flat..
It represents the size of your brain!
@ .
Personel attack is all you have & everyone that reads our comments can clearly see the difference – keep it up & keep proving my point for me.
Medical Science is only one part of the great scientific world that has given us so much & will give much more. If there is no brain then there won't be any emotions, feelings, ….
This medium where you are expressing your self is all the hard work of science – not religion! You rely very heavily on science every day of your life – you even trust your life to it.
For the record I never said there is only physical world. I said the brain is responsible for processing everything – your thoughts, senses, feelings…
Human life is a very insignificant part of this multiverse (FYI – there many universes) & 'relatively' very new compared to other things in this multiverse. Whatever humans have learned about human bodies, earth, or the galaxies in these multiverses – they are all work of Science and not religion.
I know exactly what religion is – it is a cancer of the brain which limits you to understand and ask simple yet powerful questions. Human history is full of examples of what role religion has played.
I challenged you to show me my 'ALL knowing' needs anything including 'testing' – you failed to comment
I told you the you had nothing to do in selecting your religion – you would been a Jew if you were born in a Jewish family.
It is becoming clear to me that you do not want to take these challenges – either you don't have the knowledge or you don't even understand the challenge is. I was hoping to have an intellectual exchange, I am disappointed. I will not reply unless I see a counter argument – all other comments will be ignored.
Perhaps, when it comes to brain may be it is not the quantity, but the quality that matters most 😉
@ Amin.
Are you drunk again, "best of creation"?
WOW…..Mutashabihaat another crazy word , to fool humanity !
Mohammed ( =Allah) and you are LIARS .
And I have prived that clearly . That you don't see that is obvious.
I made you to the laughinh stock here,as I predicted.
And your silly, little evil (!) plan is completely destroyed. You must humiliate us according to your EVIL Quran, but I have Humiliate you. And I will go on doing that,.because it is funny too.
Bye,bye !
Yes it is true! We SEE you muslims doing it every day! The Stone is there.
There is no way around this. You muslims don't kiss the Kaaba … you kiss the Black Stone, like your fake prophet did.
I'm sorry Amin, you have to live with this !
@ Amin.
" He is right Amin, You must follow Mohammed blindly ! "
HOWEVER (!) the way he made his point was pretty fallacious – that I have already highlighted.
So you admit clearly that you follow Mohammed blindly!
An so Mohammed is your IDOL. per definition.
And therefore you are an IDOLATOR. (Mohammed was mere human according to you evil Quran).
Thus you are committing shirk and you must be killed by your fellow muslims , who are crazy enough, also IDOLATORS, bythe same reasoning.
So you muslims must kill each other to last one. It seems they are doing that all over the world. Hahahahaha ( sorry, I could not hold myself anymore ).
@ Amin .
Knowledge of set theory has nothing to do with following an Idol,Amin.
You do follow your cult leader Mohammed blindly, YOU MUST according to your evil Quran.
Btw. Do you have a beard,Amun? Like Mohammed did? Do you paint it red with henna? Do you wear a silly cap too? And a long white dress?
Just asking 🙂
@ Amin.
You wrote:"I believe in Islam which claims to be of the Judeo-Chrisitan strain."
This claim of Islam is obviously a big fat LIE.
The core of Christianity is that Jesus Christ is God . One God in 3 persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) , that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of All humanity and rose from the death.
This All is completely against Islam.
Jews and Christian see Mohammed as a false prophet and the certainly don't believe in the Quran.
This is a lie the god= al ilah is NOT the same as Allah.
Evidence you want Amin?
Here you have it !
In your shahada you muslims sayin Arabic: "La ilaha illallah", which means translated word by word: "There is no deity but ALLAH." So Allah is clearly a name.So deity is god with lower-case "g" and Allah =Mulsim God with capital "G". So are muslims trying to fool people. If Christians talk about the NAME of their god the say "Jahweh" or"Johova", just as in the Torah. In the whole bible there is no god NAMED Allah.
This name of the IDOL Allah existed already in the pre-islamic period. The name of the father of Mohammed was Abdallah (= slave of allah). Mohammed chose this deity as his only god ,named ALLAH.
I think you know this very well, amin. But thanks for giving me the chance to write about it here for the readers !
@ Amin.
You wrote (about the black stone): "Nope – as Muslims do not believe it to be an idol – nor they treat it as an idol. . . whether to pagans it was an idol – is an entire matter altogether."
You can believe what you want ,Amin. But that does not change the fact that this black stone is an IDOL. You commit SHIRK ,Amin.! EACH DAY ! Yep.
@ Amin.
How does it feel to be humiliated , Amin.?
And it will go on and on. Yep !
@ Amin.
You wrote:
"The speech is meant for all mankind – however the book is 1400 years old. Many aspects of the language have changed dramatically."
This drivel again. Amin.
It is your almighty god who is speaking to all mankind, as you muslims claim ,Amin.
Every word in your quran is the literal word of this entity. If this allmighty …er…thing wants to communicate something to ALL mankind and he says he is clear and and explained all in detail, then he IS AND MUST be clear to ALL mankind. There is no way around this, Amin.No drivel will help you. You muslims are fooling yourself and try to do the same to all other people. Why? Because (yes, gain and again) you are brainwashed with this nonsensese .
You evil fake god Allah even should have chosen an other medium then this very unclear book in an outdated primitive language.
I stick to that ,Amin.
"Everbody can see and knows what drivel is , there is of course no need to explain it. Drivel is drivel, just as crap is crap. "
The best you could come up with is "drivel is drivel"
How explanatory . . . !
– – –
"Where does allah say that there are exceptions, when he spoke about "explainibg his verses in detail?""
I have explained this by 2 sides . . . one that Allah clearly says some verses are "Mutashabihaat"
Also . . . from a linguistic point of view – there is no need to explain this . . . as it rather clear. That only those verses can be either explained or detailed, or clear . . . . that ar proper sentences.
– – –
You were wondering about drivel:
It is still YOU who has the explaining to do about these …er …crazy letters Alif,Lam,Meem ,Amin.
By saying : You don't know what they ,you make Allah a LIAR.
I agree with THÁT, obviously ! Yhanks again!
Well there you have it. Desperate attempt. Don't worry – I expected such behaviour.
Hence the troll term. I made that clear before – engaging with you.
"1)By doing this I show the readers how brainwashed you muslims are"
You mean – by repeatedly attempting to insult me . . .? You want other to believe that I am some how brainwashed?
By bringing up – poor and fallacious and child-like arguments . . .
and then you resort to merely insulting rhetoric.
And then when that is questioned – you start making even more nonsensical . . . excuses?
– – – –
"I want to let you feel how it is to be humiliated. This is what you must do with kafirs, after you have defeated them in war. It is in your Surah 9:29 ( again )! You are ver hardheaded, Amin. But I don't care . You are helping us a great deal. "
Pity – I am not very obliging . . . .I feel sorry for you . . . . . and I am nice to you.
i don't think your parents have brought you up properly . . . with good manners. Hence it is easy for you to swear.
It is quite clear that:
1. You have nothing more to say.
2. This, given the comment strain, doesn't make sense at all:
"Did you see the word "DETAIL",Amin. You asked reference it. ! Is this the first time you see this sentence – "explained in DETAIL"- in your Quran.? "
3. Your purpose was to trot out any old answer – not even caring whether it made any sense at all.
4. The purpose of this was:
a) to Insult
b) expound hate.
"Why are you wailing and whining again ,Amin. When I belittle you a bit ! Don't you like that? "
Again – desperate attempts . . . and you even admit to your bad behaviour. You know full well – you have nothing more than insults. It is quite astounding . . . how you fail to recoginse the stupidity of your sentences . . . like an over-emotional person making a scene.
– – –
"According to you as believer in your evil Quran you must subdue and humiliate the kafirun after they are defeated and refuse to pay the jizjah (special polltax for kafirs) , according to the well known surah 9:29 ,and you know this veyr,very well , evil Amin. "
No my dear . . . it is all according to you.
– – – –
You are one desperate, sad and lonely human.
@ Amin.
Everbody can see and knows what drivel is , there is of course no need to explain it. Drivel is drivel, just as crap is crap.
Where does allah say that there are exceptions, when he spoke about "explainibg his verses in detail?" . Nowhere! You made that up.
It is still YOU who has the explaining to do about these …er …crazy letters Alif,Lam,Meem ,Amin.
By saying : You don't know what they ,you make Allah a LIAR.
I agree with THÁT, obviously ! Yhanks again!
"Again I expose you as the LIAR you are. "
This is just a repeated insult and nothing more. I have repeatedly ask you to evidence just one such claim where you have called me a liar. Yet . . . you have NOT managed it . . . . not even once.
Yet you repeat this . . . in best hope. But it isn't convincing.
– – – –
"You wrote about the letters Ali,Lam, Meem: " Scholars aren't pondering for answers – as it is already know there are no answers. Other than the letters stand for communication – that wasn't revealed." "
Yet . . . I have also said scholar give out alleged meanings – but that if for their own enjoyment. All agree that their are no answers.
And I have also said – twice that Sufi's attach meanings . . . and you even questioned me about those alleged meanings.
To declare me a liar . . . you failed to disclose that.
Which means you are the one falsifying here.
– – –
These desperate attempts – show the strangeness, the hatred of your mind.
– – –
Ouch! Sorry to keep doing to this repeatedly. But hey! why put yourself up . . . ?
"What you are saying is that you yourself also think that ALL Non-muslims are the worst of living creatures ! "
Near Allah . . . as the verse clearly states.
– – –
"I , and I think most normal thinking people , see this as a big insult. "
How do you know? This is an excuse you found [wrongly] to justify your deep hatred.
This is OBVIOUS . . . as you are the one who regularly displays it. Not me.
– – – –
"We find this namecalling and not good. That is no discovery at all.
Your evil to the core,Amin. "
There you go . . . again. There is no "we" here . .. just you.
And as i have established – you have brainwashed your own self. And you are filled with hatred.
Hence you spread lies, insults, swears and hatred all over this site.
You have NO argument whatsoever . . . . you came with 1 fallacious argument – until that was exposed.
Now all that comes gushing out is hate and insults.
– – –
You are troubled and lonely person.
I pity you. . .
and I feel very sorry for you.
You do have my sympathies.
I wish I could help you . . . but I cannot.
"If it is not a point of that much importance….then why drivel about it? "
Because in other comment – you went berserk . . . . I gave you way out – rather than taking it – you have elongated it . . .
So what is your 1st language – and why is it that you have trouble stating?
– – –
I think your 1st language is English – and you lied. And I think you are white man.
Yet you lack the self pride – to declare it . . . and you hide behind nonsense.
"The LIE is in the words "SOME VERSES. "
How so? You really are getting deperate . . . and it is becoming more and more obvious.
It is some verses . . . and nothing more.
Total verses of Quran are 6,236 – and if you say 28 . . . . then "some" looks apporpraite word to use.
– – –
You can hardly say .. . . . "most of"
– – –
"You are are a LIAR, again, Amin.
The LIE is in the words "SOME VERSES. "
You have very deep problem of hate . . . . that is why you attempt to insult me . . . and make such poor false accusations.
Hence – You are nothing more than a troll.
– – – –
"Do you see it Amin? Read it again,and again, and… and think clearly !
Brains , is not your department, …hey Amin? "
As it is apparent from the above . . . this whole reply was and is a major embarrassment for you.
You have such hate in your heart . . . . that you are DESPERATE to add the word liar – next to me.
Yet as this attempt shows . . . there is no lie there. At all.
"Listen Amin , my first language is not of your business. "
Then why did you bring it up in the first place. The thing is – you know perfectly well – that if you mention it – this lie of yours will become exposed – if it is a lie.
– – –
"But when sombody says thay english is not his first language , you don't believe it. "
Hang on . . . you are a person – who targeted me and started swearing . . . I don't believe ANYTHING you say. That is rather OBVIOUS . . . on would've thought you had brains enough to figure that out. You attempt to insult me with virtually all your comments.
– – –
"Are you drunk, Again, Amin! Brains is clerly not your department .
You always come what the same brainwashed drivel,Amin : so it is save to say thet you are a TROLL ! (a fact, not an insult) . HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!
These are all NOT insults, as you said yourself. "
This shows the your desperate side. You know perfectly well – that if you actually said – what you 1st language is . . . . then you you will be questioned over it.
Hence this is a cover up . . . .
You still don't get it. But I told you many times, Amin.
I am playing with you , like a cat with a mouse. And you are the mouse.
1)By doing this I show the readers how brainwashed you muslims are.
How many time do I have yo repeat this?
2)I want to let you feel how it is to be humiliated. This is what you must do with kafirs, after you have defeated them in war. It is in your Surah 9:29 ( again )! You are ver hardheaded, Amin. But I don't care . You are helping us a great deal.
@ Amin.
And you have still not said . . . what is your 1st language. So that veracity of your claim can be tested. However it's not a point of that much importance .
If it is not a point of that much importance….then why drivel about it?
@ Amin
You wrote about the insult of Allah to non-muslims(disbelievers) being
" the worst of living creatures":
" It is hardly uncivilized in any shape or form. According to Muslims – disbelief isn't good. Wow – that is hardly a major discovery."
What you are saying is that you yourself also think that ALL Non-muslims are the worst of living creatures !
Wel thank you very much.
I , and I think most normal thinking people , see this as a big insult.
Now you show your muslim brainwashing very clearly.
We find this namecalling and not good. That is no discovery at all.
Your evil to the core,Amin.
What about "swines" and "monkeys"? No insults too ?
Btw ,Amin, do you see how many qestions I have about Islam and muslims/ Certainly more then two…is it not?
@ Amin .
Again I expose you as the LIAR you are.
You wrote about the letters Ali,Lam, Meem: " Scholars aren't pondering for answers – as it is already know there are no answers. Other than the letters stand for communication – that wasn't revealed."
This is what Wikipedia says about:
" Tomes have been written over the centuries on the possible meanings and probable significance of these 'mystical letters' as they are sometimes called. Opinions have been numerous but a consensus elusive. There is no reliable report of Muhammad having used such expressions in his ordinary speech, or his having thrown light on its usage in the Qur'an. And, more importantly, none of his Companions seemed to have asked him about it."
It seems scholars pondered about it for al long time !
@ Amin.
You wrote:"When it suited you – you claimed to I was a scholar – when it doesn't – I am not. What do want me to do about it? This is simply meant to insult. "
Why are you wailing and whining again ,Amin. When I belittle you a bit ! Don't you like that?
According to you as believer in your evil Quran you must subdue and humiliate the kafirun after they are defeated and refuse to pay the jizjah (special polltax for kafirs) , according to the well known surah 9:29 ,and you know this veyr,very well , evil Amin.
then why are they in quran?
Did you see the word "DETAIL",Amin. You asked reference it. ! Is this the first time you see this sentence – "explained in DETAIL"- in your Quran.?
I find that very strange indeed. I gave you examples, but you don't bother to read them.
ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN? (no insult, you yourself used it). But you should know this , without my reference, being a muslim scholar and "the best of creation".
Now what ?
@ Amin.
You are are a LIAR, again, Amin.
You wrote:
"Hardly – those are simply few letter – in beginning of some verses. . . and they are not meant to be understood. That is clear. "
The LIE is in the words "SOME VERSES.
If I counted well, there are 28 verses with these strange letters !
Some of these verse have even a sentence added ,like surah 11:1 saying
"Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book whose verses are perfected and then presented in detail from [one who is] Wise and Acquainted.""
Do you see it Amin? Read it again,and again, and… and think clearly !
Brains , is not your department, …hey Amin?
"Ah . . . it is simply your claim you are non-native. You have yet to proclaim your supposed language. "
Listen Amin , my first language is not of your business.
You can believe in the most crazy things like flying donkeys , jinns and talking ants.
But when sombody says thay english is not his first language , you don't believe it.
Are you drunk, Again, Amin! Brains is clerly not your department .
You always come what the same brainwashed drivel,Amin : so it is save to say thet you are a TROLL ! (a fact, not an insult) . HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!
These are all NOT insults, as you said yourself.
"Your fake god Allah said in many surahs that he explained his VERSES, his BOOK even, in detail. Surah 2:1, 3:1, 7:1 etc.etc. are clearly VERSES in that BOOK. "
Other than those that ARE excepted. As these are. But they are still explained – they are explained as . . . private conversation.
– – –
"Allah did NOT explain this VERSES, So Allah is A BIG FAT LIAR. "
Hardly . . . if this was remotely the case . . . then those Western scholars long ago would have pointed it.. . . who have explored thoroughly the Quran.
I mean they come up with objections aplenty . . .
. . . but this unfortunate fallacious argument of yours . . .
Just so what I say isn't logically fallacious itself . . . why don't you send this out . . . and see the response.
– – –
"But thanks for showing us readers your brainwashed twisted Muslim- thinking AGAIN ! "
Like i said . . . you have to say this . . . else you know full well – how weak your arguments are.
But in this case . . . it is a completely fallacious argument.
Like the verses 2:1, 3:1, etc. in your evil Quran are meaningless you mean,Amin?
A non-existing ( his existence is not proven) god who conveys meningless nonsense! And you bow down to this evil fake entity , 5 times each day. I pity you , but it would funny too, if it were not so dangerous (again ).
"No it is not safe to say. How can it be if you don't know what they mean. "
Ah . . . I thing you have trouble understanding – for example: If all commands are given in Imperative Verb form – then if something isn't in this form – then it is not a command.
What does meaning have to do with anything?
Often one can pick up the difference between a Sports Bulletin, Drama, Chat Show and etc . . . from a foreign radio [or TV] merely from the Format – without understanding a word.
– – –
"Brains are not you department, Amin, THÁT is save to say.
Amazing what this brainwashing can do to these Mulims…,Food for psychologists !
And funny too if it were not dangerous . "
As it is now apparent . . . this was an unfortunate comment to make.
@ Amin.
You wrote , about Alif,Lam,Meem etc.:
"As they are letters – whose meanings were not given – so no meaning is attached to them. "
I can safely say that you are talking nonsense .
Your fake god Allah said in many surahs that he explained his VERSES, his BOOK even, in detail. Surah 2:1, 3:1, 7:1 etc.etc. are clearly VERSES in that BOOK.
Allah did NOT explain this VERSES, So Allah is A BIG FAT LIAR.
I stick to that and I think any sane thinking person wil agree with me.
But thanks for showing us readers your brainwashed twisted Muslim- thinking AGAIN !
"How can you know they are not in A narrative form"
It is OBVIOUS they are not in a narrative form – as they are mere letters. . . .
If they were NARRATIVE – they would be in the correct form.
– – –
";I think your belief is not strong enough ? Allah is your almighty god. He can do anything , muslims always say. "
Another comment that shows the working of your illogical mind – what does belief here have to do with anything . . . never mind the strength of it.
You make such comments to make yourself out to be real intelligent . . . but they tend to fall flat. When exposed that they are just there for effect and nothing more.
– – –
"Perhaps you must fight harder.Perhaps you did not kill enough infidels yet for your Allah?"
Again meant to be witty. But hey, please yourself.
@ Amin.
You wrote:
"If they were narrative – they would be in narration form – which is usually conveyed in informative sentence forms. Considering they are NOT in the narrative form – hence they are not narrations. "
How can you know they are not in A narrative form ;I think your belief is not strong enough ? Allah is your almighty god. He can do anything , muslims always say.
Perhaps you must fight harder.Perhaps you did not kill enough infidels yet for your Allah?
@ Amin.
You wrote:
"If something is a command – then it is safe to say . . it wouldn't be a bunch of letters. "
No it is not safe to say. How can it be if you don't know what they mean.
Brains are not you department, Amin, THÁT is save to say.
Amazing what this brainwashing can do to these Mulims…,Food for psychologists !
And funny too if it were not dangerous .
To Main Con.
You said: "I cannot see why should the world try to interfere and stop them. "
You must learn from history ,Con.
When the nazis still were a little group, most people thought in the same way as you do about them. Some warned for the evil of this ideology,
but most did not listen. It resulted in the worldwar2.
Islam is already much,much stronger then the nazis then. It has also already made about 180 million victims in 1400 years.!
Think and read about that. Google a bit .…
can i get breast fed by your sister?
isn't alif lam meem in quran?
some non islamic sights are maintained by exmuslims christians and many more people of different walks of life.
but muslims who make a living out of it are definitely going to state criminal record of mo very euphemistically .
Muslims like zakir naik got audacity to say earth is ostrich egg shaped .
No wonder your muslim logic is twisted full of fallacies,and hideous.
amin you are just a quack with no brain of your own
" { alif lam meem verse, quran is clear verse , rest of the verse} = quran "
This doesn't make any sense . . . and it is wrong – I have explained this to you – fully.
Yet you still the stupidity to repeat it?
"Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. "
lolz . trying hard to conceal your frustration 😀
{ alif lam meem verse, quran is clear verse , rest of the verse} = quran
can't you see inconsistency in islam?
what you want to say about adult breast feeding?
"Yet you know full well – you post the same thing many times . . . and then go around claiming – no answers"
because you claim quran to be clear which is very very far from truth
Thank you for this . . . at least you are no longer imply that I am afraid of you first. And you have changed the meanings.
– – – –
"And you are of course afraid of REALLY thinking about yor evil cult."
We went through this . . . and as it is apparent – the reverse is true.
You will never study Islam objectively.
Yet look here I am . . . . so that was a silly remark wasn't it- As all evidence points to it NOT being true.
– – –
"And therefore you are afraid of me and All other fighters against Islam. "
Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha.
What of those few petty insults?
Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh I pity you . . . .
But I am here. As I have highlighted time and time again . . . all you have is petty insults . . . and nothing more.
– – – –
Ah . .. this is getting amusing.
"How then do you know that they mean someting? Because you BELIEVE in Allah and his Quran, you say "
As told by the Prophet himself.
– – –
"Do you have clear prove that this Allah exists? NO…otherwise give your prove ! "
This is an idiotic response. And doesn't have much to do with anything. And it also shows – you have run out of things to say . . . hence coming up with any old baloney.
– – –
"What is your "believe" TO US? …Nothing ! We don't respect it, on the contrary we find it evil and completely FALSE, ONE BIG LIE ! "
And . . . I knew this . . . the moment of your first comment – full of swears. . . . and it has continued since.
– – –
What is really laughable – is that you fail to see the damage you d to your own alleged cause. keep at it.
Ah . . . this is very useful – so Sina has sanctioned you – after allegedly banning you. And also threatening to ban someone for merely quoting your words.
This is very useful. Thank you very much.
– – – –
My dear . . . you will need far more than mere insults. But keep at it. This gem of info – is worth it!
"Just read back ,kid…you don't need superpowers! Do your own work , you are payed for it by your backward oil-selling muslimbrothers ! "
I.e – there are no questions . . . hence none came forth.
And again notice the trollish behavior . . . this person's actual purpose is those insults and nothing more.
" NO, you can not without a compass . "
Which I have already said. Hence a bit silly to say this . . . and pretend otherwise.
But the point is – you CAN find the direction.
2 cups of Earl Grey – always gets me going. So yes, i am very drunk.
– – –
Again – all this reply is pointless. And highlights Julia's inadequacies . . . and hence she relies on such rhetoric.
Without it . . . there is nothing there.
Nope – as he isn't the one finding directions. Humans do though . . . .
"Do you see yourself how silly your answer is ? "
Nope – and you have shot yourself in the foot again . . . there is no silliness in the answer – and neither could you explain it.
You simply declare it – In your mind – simply saying to a Muslim words like – Evil, Silly, Liar, and etc is enough. And you think somehow – you are being real intelligent.
However one always needs a compass to find a direction – that is what the purpose for the instrument is.
But these days . . . availability of internet has changed things. But as that isn't available – hence a compass is still useful.
– – –
If you do not have a compass – then you are excused. Take your best guess.
– – –
"I don't think so, that's (again ) because you are brainwashed nd follow blindly your evil fake prophet ! "
Back to rhetoric. Julia lacks credence in her own answer and arguments – hence she has to rely on insulting.
– – –
"Sorry, but it is the TRUTH ! "
Ha ha ha ha – the stupidity of the line.
An expectant reply – from someone who cannot handle things er . . . too intellectual. It is always back to these grubby depths.
"You asked for proofs , evil muslim. And he gave them. "
Again merely to insult. And show the deep hatred of your heart towards Muslims.
He did not give any proofs . . . he copied someone's word and pasted them as his.
Classic Plagiarism.
"You ESTABLISHED nothing ! You are a LIAR,again. "
You are simply going around – and leaving posts full of hate 7 insults. And that really is sad. I pity you.
And more false accusations – this one is quite common – all one has to do to expose it is – to ask for evidence of lying. So far – I have never had an answer.
This is really sad . . . going to your old posts . . . and finding that no has left you message.
Are you lonely – Julia? Do you need a friend?
When you have nothing left . . . you become abusive. And this is a fitting example.
You had nothing left. . . couldn't respond – and now you are going to your old posts . . . and leaving such messages.
That is sad. Are you lonely? Do you need friend?
" No reactions of muslims on this one? "
The thing is . . . there is nothing to answer . . . or react to.
All it is – is some imagining to a real wit.
– – –
Why would any one react?
"No reactions of muslims on this one?
You are ashamed, hey MUZZIES ? "
Yet you know full well – you post the same thing many times . . . and then go around claiming – no answers.
Why would anyone answer to you . . . when you insult people like this?
– – –
You have brainwashed your own self and your heart deep down [who ever you are ] is filled with hate – that comes gushing out.
Better out than in . . . or you might explode like Breivik. Who after going through the same process – started killing people.
And there has been an interesting revelation . . . it is quite apparent – all you have done is read some anti-Islamic website and brainwashed your own self.
And very similar to Anders Breivik.…
As it has been repeatedly highlighted . . . .
This is becoming increasingly embarrassing for you.
You have no questions or arguments. All you have is hate in your heart . . . brainwashing of
You have no learning or knowledge behind you . . . of anything.
Hence all you do – is create a quarrel. As that is your level.
– – –
You cannot argue on purely intellectual terms – that is well beyond you.
You put up some really simplistic and child-like arguments.
Then to cover up – you resume to nonsensical rhetoric – to cover up. Which unfortunately highlights your many inadequacies. Do you know, all the clever bow out graciously. You stay there merely to 'have a go'.
It is like . . . . when an over-emotional person creates a scene. And even her friends look embarrassed.
– – –
For example:
I am far more knowledgeable – generally.
I am far better Educated.
I have better control over myself.
I would even venture to say . . . . I am far nicer a person than you too.
We ain't in the same league.
"Do you drop the insults too which are in your Quran towards me (and all disbelievers), the Quran where you , till now, believe in ?"
We had a look – and there weren't any.
You read this – and brainwashed yourself with hate . . . and it comes pouring out from you.
– – – –
Funny thing is – in real life you are probably a scared little man . . . . who will piss in their pant at the first sign – when some will knock on their door.
It's quite sad really.
What in English? Oh. . . . dear me no.
@ Amin.
"And most of all …You are afraid . "
Really? Of what?
ALL muslims are ALWAYS afraid. For Allah, Satan, Hell, Jinns, etc.The most crazy things , thye are all in your sunna(books).
For peeing standing up, for using the left hand while eating….the list is enless.
You know all your silly rules very well yourself.The list is almost endless.
And you are of course afraid of REALLY thinking about yor evil cult. You are afraid to loose your belief ….
And therefore you are afraid of me and All other fighters against Islam.
I know you will deny it….but it is the TRUTH !!
Yes my dear . . . 2 cups of Earl Grey. I am giddy as anything.
I think you should re-read your own comment – then maybe think or revising it.
As it is increasingly becoming clear . . . replies from you will be attempt at some kind of wit, insults and quarrels.
May I point out – you did not had much to go – other than this. Like I said . . . a descent to utter farce.
Hence I was very reluctant to engage a troll.
Your arguments tend to be fallacious, badly thought out . . . and childish.
" That also ver silly and stupid: Why should a direction be important? "
For unity – so everyone pray in on direction – no matter where they are.
– – –
"Your fake god is everywhere. "
Sure . . . but the point of unification is for people.
– – –
"That is good for the readers to see and think about! "
False credence . . . if you had belief in your arguments – you won't need to insult or seek such credence.
– – –
"Thanks again you for your support, unwillingly ! Are you drunk again? (this no insult like you said. "
No worries . . . you do a good job highlighting yourself . . . I am glad to help.
Am I drunk? . . . yes . . . 2 cups of Earl Grey. So very drunk!
Yes , and I explained what I was doing. And Ali Sina saw that I was on the right track :
Working on destroying the evil CULT Islam. And THÁT is exactly his goal too, as you must know.
What you are trying to do will not work, muslim kid. How many many money your oil-masters may spend….IT WILL NOT WORK. You belong to the losers !
"Read your evil sources again ,Amin,I'm not going to help you this time kid. "
I know perfectly well – all your information comes from anti-Islam propaganda sites – hence when it really comes down it – you make such excuses. And you know – even your best supporters will agree to that.
– – –
"This is not the behaviour of a real prophet. It is a proof that he was no prophet of a (the?) true God at all. "
According to you . . . boohoo – what difference does that make?
– – –
"PS. Your money giving oil-muslims are getting angry with you, I guess.
They don't like to be ashamed…SHAME about matters like this is a serious matter for them. So ….look out , AMIN ! These Saudies muslim- bastards etc. can be very cruel, you know ! Be careful. "
Like i said . . . such poor rhetoric makes you look & sound desperate . . . scratching the barrel.
It is you who doesn't make sense ,Amin.
Example: you said Alif,Lam,Meem mean someting , but you don't know what .
How then do you know that they mean someting? Because you BELIEVE in Allah and his Quran, you say
Do you have clear prove that this Allah exists? NO…otherwise give your prove !
What is your "believe" TO US? …Nothing ! We don't respect it, on the contrary we find it evil and completely FALSE, ONE BIG LIE !
"I hear some strange and evil noise.Like a stinky fart. "
As I point out regularly . . . such is your level. It is quite embarrassing really.
In Saudi-Arabia there is no need for Mutah. These bastards rape little girls from Indonesia etc.
"Which questions are those? If you wanted some answers . . . why didn't you list the questions – so I can answer them. "
"By the way ..I don't have to repeat what the questions were….do I ? "
Well yes . . . unfortunately – I lack any super powers.
Just read back ,kid…you don't need superpowers! Do your own work , you are payed for it by your backward oil-selling muslimbrothers !
"I did not understand your question. It doesn't matter when you are on Earth – you can always find the Qiblah."
NO, you can not without a compass .
@ Amin.
You wrote: "You were doing ever so well – why resort to " Amin the mathematician " name calling again? "
You are very touchy, AMIN. "ARE YOU DRUNK" ?( do you understand what I am trying to convey to you with this last little sentence, Amin?).
If not, then you will certainly never be a mathematician.
And what if it happens, that you don't have compass ?…Hey Amin.?
Do you see yourself how silly your answer is ?
I don't think so, that's (again ) because you are brainwashed nd follow blindly your evil fake prophet !
Sorry, but it is the TRUTH !
Thank you KUTAU fir your compliment.
Have a nice and long life in FREEDOM !!
To Amin.
You wrote: "What did you do – a quick Google search – and pasted someone's words as your own".
You asked for proofs , evil muslim. And he gave them.
Who is WE , Amin?
You ESTABLISHED nothing ! You are a LIAR,again.
You see things that are not there, as your evil fake prophet used to do in his cave and elsewhere!
No answer on this one from the muslims!
No reaction on this one either!
I know the muslims are ashamed !
Heey you clown,Aminriadh, where are you?
No reactions of muslims on this one?
You are ashamed, hey MUZZIES ?
To Amin.
Which means – insult you!
No that does not mean insult you ; that is not I mean wiyh this sentence. But I will explain it.
It means :
1) I am trying to make you think about your backward and clearly evil cult Islam.
2) I want to make it clear you that your silly effort to damage this site, turns against you.
3) I show the readers how brainwashed muslims are.
4) I can have some fun.
I don't mind about your ability ! We are familiar with trolls !
No response of the vilest of creation, AMINRIADH.
The vilest of creation, yes…the words your Allah in your evil Quran.
Can you deny this?
NONE of your business, muslimslave !
You are the vilest of beasts ,AMIN !( this is no insult , these are words used by your Allah himself ).
Are you drunk again,Amin? (This no insult as you yourself claimed ).
If you can understand what the purpose of the letters ALIF,LAM,MEEM is in yourevilQuran, then you certainly must understand what this person is saying.
If not ,then Allah has turned you into a swine (this comes from Allah, so it it is no insult).
I hear some strange and evil noise.Like a stinky fart.
Could it be EmptyHead { }.?
Yes, it must be him.
That also ver silly and stupid: Why should a direction be important?
Your fake god is everywhere.
Thanks for mentionning this nonsens .
That is good for the readers to see and think about!
Thanks again you for your support, unwillingly ! Are you drunk again? (this no insult like you said.
I know you learnt from me only how to read it lol.
This is a mystery beyond your reach you know that exist but you say its NOTHING !
But THE BLACK STONE is mentioned in your Sunna !
And Mohammed was busy , already when he called himself prophet , sometimes with this Idol , when it still WAS an pagan Idol. This is not the behaviour of a real prophet. It is a proof that he was no prophet of a (the?) true God at all.
Read your evil sources again ,Amin,I'm not going to help you this time kid.
PS. Your money giving oil-muslims are getting angry with you, I guess.
They don't like to be ashamed…SHAME about matters like this is a serious matter for them. So ….look out , AMIN ! These Saudies muslim- bastards etc. can be very cruel, you know ! Be careful.
You are right ,YOUR name here is NOTHING!
It is EMPTY. You are an empty set { } .
That is very apt ! 😉
What a childish and lame answer,Amin. Your muslimbrothers will expect more of you, being a "scholar" , a "chosen one",and "the best of creation" and all.
Hi Amin.
It is clear by now , that your silly plan, to disturb this site , has completely failed. It turns out to be a disaster for you and your EVIL (! again) CULT Islam. It is all working AGAINST you.
I can understand that you feel very ashamed of yourself.
But I still have my fun with you .
It is only YOU who said my arguments are fallacious, AMIN. THÁT means of course nothing. No sane person will agree with you. You also BELIEVE that Alif,Lam, Meem mean something ; Only you (and no muslim for that matter) don't know whát it means . This makes it clear that you are talking nonsense.
You are emulating your fake prophet Mohammed. He also thaught he did things which in reallity he did not. I must be that spell, that allah has put on you . I told you ,I would make you to the laughing stock on this site. I'm still playing with you like a cat with a mouse.And still you don't believe it…although you believe that "Adam" existed and he had a black stone from heaven ! Bye !
@ Amin.
When will you give your response to my question about the bad name calling and swearing your evil fake god allah does in your evil Quran.? (Sorry,Amin, for my using many times the word""EVIL", but THÁT is exaclly what it is).
Do I have to spell it ot for you again, Amin?
No, Amin …Huh comes from your Idol ,Yusuf Estes.
And you found it "cool". You thought , it woukd make you look smart.
Read ALL the comments back , and you will see that you started this quasi -intelligent nonsense.
I have proved now AGAIN, that you are a LIAR, Amin.
Everybody can ceck your silly LIE.
1. My user name is not dot ( . ) This time you should use your scientific brain lol
There are no personal attacks Wherever there is a quack its a duck !
Don't be in a hurry to get validated !
Medical science is your only world? Oh you should better be keen in knowing human life on intellectual, emotional, physical, social/political, financial grounds.
Your pea sized brain (for real only focusing on medical(physical) aspect of life ) very much underestimated in exploring human life. Human's role to surroundings and universe. Realization of core of being in universe and loads of horizons, some are beyond human reach.
If you ever know what and why is a religion you will definitely know why I am following a religion. Dear pea sized brain hope you will grow !
@ .
Repeating personal attacks = Validating my point – Thanks
For Medical Science, there is no such thing as 'spiritual' – everything happens in the human brian. The concept of spirit or spiritual matters (including 'other world') stem from religion which has no factual basis. Today, science can measure even feelings and emotions that you experience in your brain. You need watch the video & I know you completely dismissed it.
It may be Taboo to challenge religion for religious people, I am allowed to challenge the concept of having 'an ALL knowing' super power & the need for 'testing'. This is a logical question, you need to understand the meaning of "ALL knowing". You have never challenged your faith you have always accepted it – naturally, that is why we call it faith. Applying logic (or even questioning) it will not be easy.
You are following your religion because that is what you were exposed to as an infant & as such you were programmed – you cannot argue this fact, unless you are the 0.01 % – a convert. It is a hard to swallow this fact – you had no say in selecting your religion that you now hold so dear and near to you. If you are willing to think, you will understand and accept this fact – that you had nothing to do in selecting your faith.
Simple but powerful 🙂
There is nothing you are talking about brain functions ! What about spiritual manifestations ? I wonder your pea sized brain experience only these things and thinks this is the only world ! Whatever you are into challenging a religion being wacko machine lol
@ .
I will not go down this road of personal attacks, sorry. If you have any counter arguments, bring it on. Any personal attacks, only further validates my point.
Do you have further exploration of your pea sized brain ?
@aminriadh & all others – here is something to chew on!
Here we are discussing going back and forth on Quran/Mohammed/Bible/Jesus…. when the entire concept of ALL religions are not talked about – as they make sense and as such let's talk now about specifics. I want to step back and look at some fundamental questions.
First – Why everyone believes their religion is 'The Religion' ?
Religion in 99.99% cases is not something one selects or has a choice (roughly there are about 0.01 % converts). It is very much like one cannot choose parents. And religion is certainly not something we learn based on logic & reasoning. In reality it is forced upon us by our parents (or guardians). As infants, we have no say in it. By the time one is old enough to realize what one's religion is all about, it is already too late – our minds are already 'programmed' and we have already developed a bias for that religion in which we are born. From there on, 'the programmed' brain considers all other religions as wrong and inferior. That is the power of that bias. This believe system is sometimes engraved in our brains and it is not easy (almost impossible) for it to be rectified/erased – To be able to erase, it all depends on the intensity of the programming – your upbringing/environment & some other factors.
Be honest and think about this – If you were born in a Hindu or Christian or Jewish family, chances are extremely high (99.99%) that you would have followed one of these and not Islam. your religion is based on faith, & not logic. You developed a staunch believe first & then now trying to apply logic. When it comes to religion, it is almost impossible to applying logic & be fair (with yourself), why? Because of the superiority bias you develop for your religion/faith – the bias is more powerful & will prevent you to be have an open mind.
Second – ALL mighty, ALL knowing – Really ?
An open mind (with no bias) gives one the ability and freedom to question everything (& leave nothing to assumptions). One becomes thirsty for real answers – as a result the entire thought process changes (you can research neuron connections & thought process). The existence of a super power the way religions describe is a concept of an 'ALL knowing' super power (call it anything you like – Allah, God, Ram ….). This super power created multiverse & then put humans on earth to test them & see which one will go to heaven or hell, really! If anyone cannot see that this fundamental believe on which all religions are based upon (the All knowing & still testing), is absolutely a wrong & senseless, it is only because your biased mind is preventing you to think straight. I challenge you to think with an open mind and then understand why it does not make any sense for an 'ALL knowing' to create anything, I mean anything. Today science does not have ALL the answers (& it never will have 'ALL' the answers) however, it is certain that the concept of religions (& I mean ALL religions) does not make any sense & as such they are all false. In the scheme of this multiverse what how big is earth, much lees humans on earth. What has religion itself given us other than war and hatred for each other. Do humans really need religion to survive?
Let's watch this video and see how human brain works in trying to make sense of this chaotic world. Enjoy!
[youtube vm971ltF44A youtube]
" He is right Amin, You must follow Mohammed blindly ! "
However the way he made his point was pretty fallacious – that I have already highlighted.
– – –
" What is your response to yjis, Amin? "
Islam says if choose to follow it – then do so whole-hardheartedly. And we do believe in the Quran as Muslims fully. That is never in doubt. Neither have I claimed differently.
Hadith – to a different extent. They are open to criticism.
"Well you pretend to be "the best of creation"
While we kafir are the " worst of beasts"
This comes from your Allah. is that "power" enough for you? "
Your falsehood is in claiming I go around saying I am: "the best of creation". Hence . . .
– – –
"Every sane thinking human being will call this a bit arrogant. "
No they won't . . . they will call it rather OBVIOUS.
– – –
" and certainly in arrogant persons go check some psychology-books."
You made this up . . . and now its:
"go check some psychology-books."
Yet the baseless accusation of arrogance is from you. If you knew what you were talking about – and if you hadn't made this insult up at the spur of the moment. . . you would have had references aplentr.
– – –
"Or ask Ali Sina , he knows about psychology . "
No he doesn't – And I have prove that to an extent. Also – he doesn't claim to know about psychology – as far I know.
– – –
"I am certain ,for example, that you are (inside) uncertain if you will go to hell or heaven …Yep ! "
Oh wow! Oh the point . . . . . oh the intelligence. I am neither certain or uncertain. I just don't know.
– – –
Making up such meaningless things up . . . why bother? They simply highlight – you have NOTHING much to say.
He is right Amin, You must follow Mohammed blindly !
This exactly what is in your quran.
Surah 33:36, says:
" It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error."
What is your response to yjis, Amin?
Yet another question…!
"adress worship to this stone and it represents a Deity of the pagans ,which make it even worse ,(Shirk!). "
No they don't – and this is an out and out lie. No proof to it.
Muslims do not worship the Black Stone.
– – –
"The stone is there ,just like "The House of Allah " (the Kaaba) is there…And you bow down and pray in that direction, the Qibla. "
In that direction – is different to . . . . praying to the stone – very different.
As there are many things in that direction. For example there are always people there at Kaba – there is no time – that it is shut.
Then there hundreds of different things . . . for example Saffa Marwa –
Just because they are there . .. . Muslims don't pray to to it.
And not EVEN to the Kaba itself . . . as it is simply a unified direction.
– – –
"This stone is not mentioned in his Quran , you know that . "
It doesn't have to be. It is not something of absolute primary importance in Islam.
@ Amin
Well you pretend to be "the best of creation"
While we kafir are the " worst of beasts"
This comes from your Allah. is that "power" enough for you?
Every sane thinking human being will call this a bit arrogant.
But you don't of course. I know !
Inside uncertain is everybody , and certainly in arrogant persons go check some psychology-books. Or ask Ali Sina , he knows about psychology .
I am certain ,for example, that you are (inside) uncertain if you will go to hell or heaven …Yep !
The whole response is nonsensical – and merely there to make you feel better – by attempting to insult me.
– – –
Whatever you claimed -cannot be derived from what I said:
"What are you saying now?
You don't believe in Adam. ??
Did He not exist ? Was he not a prophet of Islam , with the same message as ALL the other messengers.? . . . . "
– – –
I have said this before . . . if you do not have a response . . . . then don't say anything . . . this type of response will just highlight your inadequacy.
@ Amin.
"an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed. "
In which case . . . this is untrue.
No amin. IT IS VERY TRUE, whether you like it or not, but you muslims (millions, each day) adress worship to this stone and it represents a Deity of the pagans ,which make it even worse ,(Shirk!).
The stone is there ,just like "The House of Allah " (the Kaaba) is there…And you bow down and pray in that direction, the Qibla. Allah does not like that at all. This stone is not mentioned in his Quran , you know that .
"Wow, now that would have been a real miracle. But , Alas!, it's only belief, or rather make-believe. "
If you say so . . . and it could also be true.
– – –
"BTW, Did Adam live near the Kaaba "
– – –
"Ps. I guess you have discovered by now that I don't respect your evil cult Islam at all . As I do all other really peaceful religions . "
Nope – I knew this well before I started to answer your questions . .
I also knew:
You don't really know much about Islam other than some propaganda.
But it is nice to be confirmed.
– – –
"Bye !"
@ Amin.
What are you saying now?
You don't believe in Adam. ??
Did He not exist ? Was he not a prophet of Islam , with the same message as ALL the other messengers.?
Listen , kid, if you believe in Allah ,then you must believe in Adam too. He is in your Quran. Don't you even believe in your fake prophet Mohammed also, who cococted this crap called islam ?
That is wonderful!!! Now you are FREE !! You can believe what you want now. You are NOT A SLAVE OF ALLAH (=Mohammed) anymore .
@ Amin
"However – out of all – this stone Muslims believe to be the original stone linked to Adam."
Wow, now that would have been a real miracle. But , Alas!, it's only belief, or rather make-believe.
BTW, Did Adam live near the Kaaba ,or did he carry this heavy stone from paradise? What do you believe ,Amin.? Or even…know perhaps? You seem to know (or is it belief) sooo much.
Ps. I guess you have discovered by now that I don't respect your evil cult Islam at all . As I do all other really peaceful religions .
Bye !
"Thank you Amin, and so it is with your Allah "
This means you accept you above argument was false. However . . . you will have to prove this.
Else another attempt at wit – that falls flat.
– – –
"Yep…good thinking. For a muslim . "
Again – this was meant as an insult – and nothing more.
@ Amin.
You wrote : "No there are not . . . Santa Claus – in its current form as Father Christmas is an acknowledged myth. . . however it is borne out of some reality.
Thank you Amin, and so it is with your Allah and with Zeus, Amon , Jupiter and so on.
Yep…good thinking. For a muslim .
But that is expected of you . . . given the level of hate that you display against individual Muslims.
When you have run out – then it is such short words . . . . and that is it.
Here I predict – it is an attempt to convince your own self. You know you have run out . . . and in your mind you think you have to say something . . . or you will lose face.
Hence you go into mode . . . of writing realms of meaningless rhetoric –
But As i have already said . . . that leaves even worse impression if you hadn't said anything at all.
As it highlights – that you have no response!
" You are talking to yourself, now. ? You are a funny kid, Amin. "
Wow – the wit. More evidence to what I have already said.
– – –
"What a childish nonsense ! "
How is it childish nonsense? It expected you to claim this . . . as you already do. But as there is no reasoning given for your claim. It is meaningless rhetoric and nothing more.
– – –
" But it implies that there exists some "special" muslims who understand this silly little secret of Allah?"
Nope – not necessarily – communication that was for the Prophet's ears only. However some Sufi's do claim differently. However – this specialness is of merit – if it exists.
– – –
"Where are they?
And why don't they say what thee…er… Verses mean? "
If the meanings of these verses were meant to be disclosed to everyone . . . then Allah would have done so.
– – –
Amin, ( sarcasm on) What a wonderful ,rational and clear explanation .
No I still know nothing ! I guess one must first be brainwashed to get this .
"Allah never called his Ayat letters . "
Was there need to? As it is pretty apparent that they are letters? And the explanation regarding them is from Allah too.
– – –
"You can not make your own Qran, Amin. That's a big sin in Islam. "
You have the tendency to come up with such lines . . . but the above argument is badly thought out. Hence the "wit" melts away.
– – –
"These VERSES have even numbers, just like the other VERSES. "
And why shouldn't they? They are verses . . . but their meanings were not disclosed . . . HENCE that is why there are these letters representing them.
@ Amin.
1)" Merely repeating the same thing over is a reflection upon you."
You are talking to yourself, now. ? You are a funny kid, Amin.
2) " …as they represent communication – that isn't for general Muslims. "
What a childish nonsense ! But it implies that there exists some "special" muslims who understand this silly little secret of Allah? Where are they?
And why don't they say what thee…er… Verses mean?
See Amin still more questions.
"If you did ask for my 1st language, then I did not notice it. "
The difference between us two is this response of yours and mine. I left it at:
"Yes I did. "
Yet you go on to being insulting with such statements. . .
"ä chosen one" neither "the best of creation"like muslims are. A kind of übermenschen as the nazis used to call themselces.
This cannot be a coïncidence. (Hitler admired Islam).
– – –
Also – one doesn't have to jump down someone's throat with false accusations of "lies" . . . . i hope you remember that! And afford me the same courtesy.
– – –
And you have still not said . . . what is your 1st language. So that veracity of your claim can be tested. However it's not a point of that much importance . . .
Allah never called his Ayat letters . Verses are….VERSES ! That's it . You can not make your own Qran, Amin. That's a big sin in Islam.
These VERSES have even numbers, just like the other VERSES.
And you would call this "answering". . . . point well made. if you have nothing to say . . .
these odd attempts at wit and insult – leave negative impressions about your capabilities . . . that you cannot argue on merit alone.
@ Amin.
No , Amin.
Those verses are VERSES. ! In all verses are letters !
And Allah said : "WE (Allah) do explain OUR VERSES in detail. And that's it.
"yeah, yeah….it must be ciVilised .
I say it before Amin starts to wail about this. "
Well – you said it yourself. See – evidence that even you do not believe in your arguments. And you fail to deal with responses.
Merely reverting to rhetoric – won't help you out . . . but leave the exact opposite impressions.
Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe
"So, Amin , how does allah think of me, I reject Allah you know. "
You may do so – and according to Muslims the word of Almighty are there.
– – –
"Is THÁT cicilised ? I don't think so.! "
It is hardly uncivilized in any shape or form. According to Muslims – disbelief isn't good. Wow – that is hardly a major discovery.
You have a point here,Amin .
I should have added: "except the brainwashed muslims, of course".
Are you happy now?
"And there are many more . What a cry-baby you are, muslim! "
This is an expression of surprise question . . . and not sticking huh,huh's at end of sentences.
As this free dictionary says:
an exclamation of derision, bewilderment, inquiry, etc.
– – –
"huh,huh" at end of sentences – when questioned – you drop it quickly.
And the old habit of "cry-baby" – insulting.
If you did ask for my 1st language, then I did not notice it. I am only human, not"ä chosen one" neither "the best of creation"like muslims are. A kind of übermenschen as the nazis used to call themselces.
This cannot be a coïncidence. (Hitler admired Islam).
yeah, yeah….it must be ciVilised .
I say it before Amin starts to wail about this.
Do you see the: huh? ….Amin ?
And there are many more . What a cry-baby you are, muslim!
@ Amin
Surah 8:55 says:
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.
Inna sharra alddawabbi AAindaAllahi allatheena kafaroo fahum la yu/minoona
So, Amin , how does allah think of me, I reject Allah you know.
As the 'worst of beasts', and you muslims pray this surah.
Is THÁT cicilised ? I don't think so.!
"When this belief is evil, like your cult Islam, then I will fight it as much as I can ! "
Sure . . . you may do so. However . . .
You have not studied Islam – objectively. But you have read – everything that is claimed bad about it – hence you have brainwashed yourself.
Second thing is your attitude . . . the way you go about it. There is NO morality in your attitude of swearing and abusing people.
You will not get far – with such attitude – and it will become unraveled – as it the case now.
Then there are developing adequate skills – in logic, rhetoric (as linguistic science), argument, language and in-depth knowledge of Islam.
You are lacking in these areas.
– – –
Sure . . .again this unimpressive rhetoric. As I already know this about your views already. Why do you think repeating this at me – will make slightest bit of difference?
– – –
"Oh…And Islam is certainly not of the Judeo-Christian strain. "
It claims to be . . . and you have brought nothing to show in dispute of that claim.
– – –
" There is no god named ALLAH in the Bible The name of that god is JAHWEH. "
You will find this article useful:
The word Allah is compostion of two things. . .
The Arabic definite atricle al- menaing The
and the word "Ilah" meaning God.
Hence even Chrisitans use the term Allah.
In Islam – nothing much is known about Allah . . . and no personal names are ascribed to him. Allah simply means the God.
– – – –
" How much you would like that to be true , it is not ….Sorry. "
Just by your saying so . .. . it is not acceptable. Why not bring some evidence?
Factually, you shuold ask when ever you felt to understand. The prophet ( SAW ) never permit killing of innocent people no matter there religion. He was ones tortured by the unbelivers, after which he was asked by one of his companions to pray to the Lord to destroy this people, but he said: I am not sent for condemnation. Those are people that do not believe in his teaching but yet he prayed that may God emancipate them from the darkness which they are in. Indeed he is a prophet of mercy. Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
@ Amin.
You wrote:
"Muslim source of belief is the Quran – as claimed by Prophet Muhammad to be the Word of Allah.
That is about it. "
I don't care where people believe in. Zeus, Artemis, Amon… It's all fine to me.
I make only ONE exception: When this belief is evil, like your cult Islam, then I will fight it as much as I can !
ISLAM MUST BE DESTROYED AND IT WILL BE DESTROYED ( this important , that's why there are caps ). So ,now you have something to react on .
Oh…And Islam is certainly not of the Judeo-Christian strain. There is no god named ALLAH in the Bible The name of that god is JAHWEH. How much you would like that to be true , it is not ….Sorry.
See how quickly you fell towards a long spiel of . . . making fun. But you cannot do anything else besides this.
I mean you had a go at putting an argument forward . . . sadly it was fallacious.
Hence resorting to this er . . . . "wit"
– – –
"And now your are the clown of this site, the laughing stock ,as I promised you ! "
A clown Vs a "bastard" . . . . you have mellowed. But considering how you swore at me . . .it is expected response. Hence meaningless. And sadly misplaced.
"That is exactly what i think about you… You are merely repating the same drivel ."
When you repeat – I have to repeat. . . Considering you asked the question first . . . if you deal with the answer. Then we could move on.
But you are unable to do so. Either by choice or by willfully misleading – as you have understood – but are not prepared to admit it.
– – –
However i have also answered from several directions – and this is evident . . . . once can simply scroll back and see the history of responses.
– – –
" You are just as empty as your muslimbrother "Empty Set ,{ } ". Sorry, but it is the truth ! "
You cannot adequately write a response – not doesn't have personal abuse. You seek credence from such abuse . . . you feel that if you haven't had a go at me by making declarations . . . then some how your arguments will be weaker. . . . hence why you do it.
Else if you take this away . . . . you have nothing to say!
– – –
Simple thing . . . the intelligent can adequately put strong arguments forward and rely on them – without the need to resorting to such rhetoric.
@ Amin.
You wrote: "… and it all came falling down. "
I know you muslims have a big imagination. Just as your crazy fake prophet Mohammed .Remember his fairytail about his trip to the heavens on a flying donkey.
Or thae talking mountains, ants, and rocks! And then the jinns…yes…the jinns.
And know you think : it all came falling down ! Man, you were completely destroyed. Because you had no response. And now your are the clown of this site, the laughing stock ,as I promised you !
but I know you keep thinking that you are a muslimscholar. You are really funny to play with. And (sarcasm on) ..yes you are a "chosen one", "the best of creation !!!
We have seen it !
There will be some screen plays which will explore "Why Aisha?".
There will be some screen plays which will explore "Why Jihad?".
And you are right Remembrance and Recall will majorly focus on backwardness of Muslims in this era and demonstration of true Islamic consciousness.
"Islamic websites are source of lie… Without lie you cant defence islam"
If you make this wholesale suggestion . . .
by the same logic then non-Islamic source too are a lie – you cannot attack Islam with them.
" Huh, was the silly word you used many times , Amin. "
Actually it came from you. And not me.
– – –
"Remember you are the laughing stock here, Amin , I established that a long time ago."
Yes by default – when for no reason . . . you started swearing and abusing me. That is nothing new.
– – – –
"( These are no insults , of course not ). "
Yet but this lets you down . . . it is like hiding money and sticking a sign over it saying . . . there is no many hidden here.
You'r welcome ….Emty Set { }.
How true,Arman….How true !
Have a nice , long and most of all FREE life !
Huh, was the silly word you used many times , Amin.
Huh…? Was the word you took from your vile muslimbrother ,the traitor Yusuf Estes ! So I spoofed you a bit with it…Remember you are the laughing stock here, Amin , I established that a long time ago. Or is Alzheimer already hurting you ?
( These are no insults , of course not ).
@ Amin.
You aids : "Merely repeating the same thing over is a reflection upon you."
That is exactly what i think about you… You are merely repating the same drivel . No explaining, no answers … nothing. You are just as empty as your muslimbrother "Empty Set ,{ } ". Sorry, but it is the truth !
This is nearly a word by word repeat. . . it is pretty useless to repeat – as you have to explain why a previous answer wasn't adequate – in what way. Else I am correct in my assessment. That you are not able to deal with answer . . . hence you repeat – and simply claim the answer was inadequate.
– – –
As I have pointed out . . . those verse that are letter are there just to indicate communication – that isn't being disclosed. Hence the adjective of clarity or detail do not apply to them.
Hence your accusation is fallacious – and no scholar will support it. That is why they did not come up with it.
– – –
Also – Allah has said some verses are "Mutashabihaat" and this is one such category – so there is exception – even by the Quran itself.
– – – –
",Amin, are the funny one here , the laughing stock"
As you are someone who has shown quite a lot of personal hate and abuse towards me . . . claiming this is last of my worries. This in comparison is mild!
This is what you imagine to be funny . . . there isn't much that needs responding to other than – how inadequate.
"Allah made no exceptions, he meant obviously : All verses (Ayat). "
Yes there is exception there. All verses are meant that are meant to be understood. Those that aren't are excepted. There isn't that much difficult in the point. Hence those verse are mere letters – as they represent communication – that isn't for general Muslims.
– – –
" not come the same drivel this time . "
Merely repeating the same thing over is a reflection upon you. As I have shown – you cannot respond to answers . . . then you merely repeat the question.
If something is drivel . . . why cannot you not explain why it is drivel?
i have suggestions dont include
1) child marriage like mohmmad
2) dont include terrrorism
3) dont include lie like islam
4) dont include backwardness of muslims
then your movie will something worth to watch othewise childmarriage, terrorism, lies and islam we watch everyday for FREE!
Islamic websites are source of lie… Without lie you cant defence islam
@ Amin.
Surah 6:55 says clearly:
"And thus do We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, that the way of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), may become manifest."
Allah made no exceptions, he meant obviously : All verses (Ayat). And because 2:1, 3:1 ..etc. are verses (AYAT), Allah must explain these in detail . He says CLEARLY (again!) : "And THUS We DO explain the AYAT….." . He did not say : " And thus we WILL explain…" or something else. So it is clear : Allah does it RIGHT NOW !
So , where is this explanation ?? not come the same drivel this time .
@ Amin .
Because you wrote : "…as these are MERE letters" , about Alif,Lam,Meem, Qaf, Nun , etc.
Allah has now put a spell on you. Yep… , that is a revelation your Allah gave my last night by the mouth of your crazy fake Prophet himself.
Every time when you pray ( after reading this) : "Alif,Lam,Meem", etc. You will start to think: "What am I saying?" These are mere letters…and then you start laughing…louder and louder !! A Jinn will whisper in your ear: "Laugh,Aminriadh…LAUGH !!"
@ Amin.
You wrote:
"Bad argument . . . as these verses are mere letters – and it has been made clear – that their meanings are not disclosed. "
My answer: NO, this is a very clear argument , Amin.
Surah 6:55 says clearly:
"And thus do We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, that the way of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), may become manifest."
Allah made no exceptions, he meant obviously : All verses (Ayat). And because 2:1, 3:1 ..etc. are verses (AYAT), Allah must explain these in detail . He says CLEARLY : "And THUS We DO explain the AYAT….." . He did not say : " And thus we WILL explain…" or something else. So it is clear : Allah does it RIGHT NOW !
So , where is this explanation ?? not come the same drivel this time .
And don't forget : you,Amin, are the funny one here , the laughing stock.
I suggested him coz he would have felt awkward if I have replied to him coz I am not a scholar. Honestly I don't disappoint anyone who want to get kicked honestly ! And I have much pending files on humanitarian ground on desk than these wacko's pain !
I have seen all his 10 points have been refuted on Islamic websites or he can seek there a discussion coz option of loads of scholars there compared to only few visit here.
Story will go around polymaths inspired by Muhammad (pbuh) and secrets in Islamic theology. And motivational for Muslims on highlighting Islam as whole not only essential but little part of it.
Thank you for your wacko comment.
"arrogant ( but inside very uncertain) muslim"
I think it is slightly obvious that uncertainty here is yours . . . because you were undecided . . . that arrogant might be misconstrued. Hence you had to make a further qualification to it by:
"( but inside very uncertain)"
– – –
By which powers did you deduce the above? I thought mere "belief" is not your abode . . . so any evidence for the above?
Or am I correct in my observation – it is mere projection of your feelings unto me.
Of course yo would . . . his swearing sometimes is worse than yours . . . . even if it is often in Hindi/urdu/Punjabi
Often in the past he has resorted to directly inciting violence.
– – –
He claimed to have ulterior knowledge of Set Theory – yet couldn't form his equation . . . and it fell apart – embarrassingly.
He once copied someones words and argument – as his own. i found out and pasted the source.
And he often makes . . . hasty judgements . . . which he has to retract – by finding creative excuses.
– – –
" Why are you so uncivilised to "denialisnoproof", Amin.?? "
You make such baseless accusation – every chance you get. It is wrong as always . . .
Asking someone to ponder on their word? That is uncivilised? Given the situation . . context – and in comparison to YOUR behavior – I was in fact very charming.
– – –
"An idol can also be a person whom you follow blindly. just like muhammad ali is idol for boxers . And mo is idol for all muslims. "
In his words . . . their is difference between Muslims following their Prophet. And er . . . boxers idolising Muhammad Ali – the two are very different propositions . . . a distinction that isn't clear by denial – and neither did he spot it.
Don't let this arrogant ( but inside very uncertain) muslim bully you, DENIALISNOPROOF.
I agree with you completely and he,AMIRIADH, will not like it !
You will see! He can't let go. Shame is the biggset fear for muslims.
Why are you so uncivilised to "denialisnoproof", Amin.??
You DÓ blindly follow your fake prophet Mohammed , Amin. You even MUST follow him blindly.
Proof, Surat al-Ahzab: 36 says: "When Allah and His Messenger have decided something, no believing man or woman has a choice about [following or not following] it. Anyone who disobeys Allah and His Messenger is clearly misguided."
And there are (many) more like this. Such as:Surat al-Hashr: 7, which says:
"You should accept whatever the Messenger gives you and abandon whatever he tells you to abandon. Have taqwa of Allah…"
You are a slave of Allah and therefore also of Mohammed. That is why we call your Islam a CULT , an evil CULT !
Read this, Amin:…
"I don't care that you doubt about me. I do do same about you ! I truly see in you a brainwashed poor muslim, and this is not meant as an insult . "
Fair enough – and obvious.
– – – –
"But, i will say this: Very informative on this subject is is the world famous scientist Richard Dawkins (Oh.. my). "
. . . and? It appears you were going to say something.
– – –
"I asked you: " Who is Adam? " On you is the burden of proving this , because YOU are claiming that this figure existed and even was a prophet (to whom?)."
Whether you believe it or not . . . it is up to you. All I can do is present what I have. It is not Adam I believe in . . . but God. That is the core. I simply do not accept either the position of Atheism or Agnosticism. I believe in God.
Religion wise – I believe in Islam which claims to be of the Judeo-Chrisitan strain. In all three faiths – Adam is supposed to be the first human.
Muslim source of belief is the Quran – as claimed by Prophet Muhammad to be the Word of Allah.
That is about it.
@ Amin.
I don't care that you doubt about me. I do do same about you ! I truly see in you a brainwashed poor muslim, and this is not meant as an insult .
More to the point , I asked you: " Who is Adam? " On you is the burden of proving this , because YOU are claiming that this figure existed and even was a prophet (to whom?). Even if there was a first man…then you still don't know that it was this Adam of yours.
Remember believing something is CERTAINLY not the same as scientifically knowing something.
But, i will say this: Very informative on this subject is is the world famous scientist Richard Dawkins (Oh.. my).
"There are many persons on this world who believe in Santa Claus, but you don't think thát is true, I assume. "
No there are not . . . Santa Claus – in its current form as Father Christmas is an acknowledged myth. . . however it is borne out of some reality.
– – –
"Yeah, I know…It is muslim BELIEF. But again , as you know very well BELIEVING something does not make it TRUE ! "
Hence the word "belief". But, you knew this before-hand . . . that is why – your argument was geared towards and within the confines of Muslim belief.
If you take it out of this context – then it become a different argument entirely. Then I refer you to the basic and central argument – which is the "belief in God" in the first place.
"No, Amin …You BELIEVE this ! But that does not make it true. "
You were asking after Muslim reason for its purpose and reverence. I gave that.
– – –
"So whether the stone is linked to Adam or not it was an sacred stone, that is AN IDOL in pre-islamic times and Mhammed kissed as did the pagans , so this stone is still an IDOL ! "
Nope – as Muslims do not believe it to be an idol – nor they treat it as an idol. . . whether to pagans it was an idol – is an entire matter altogether.
– – –
" is much more reliable then your islamic stories in the ahadith and the sirat . "
And in what way . . . merely claiming it – does not make it so. For example . . . what are the sources – this encyclopedia point to?
– – –
The extract you pasted – doesn't say anything – that Muslims don't say. We already know – this particular stone was at Kabah and used by the Pagans. No one ever denied that.
However – out of all – this stone Muslims believe to be the original stone linked to Adam.
– – –
@ Amin.
You wrote: 3) What are "the heavens"? Where are they ? Is this science ? Prove it ! "
Outside the boundary of the universe. . . related to the existence of God and etc. It is Muslim belief.
Yeah, I know…It is muslim BELIEF. But again , as you know very well BELIEVING something does not make it TRUE !
There are many persons on this world who believe in Santa Claus, but you don't think thát is true, I assume.
And …yes.. that the same reasoning !
@ Amin. You said: "THAT IS WHY IT IS THERE – this stone according to Muslim belief is attached to Prophet Adam and many other prophets.' (caps to make to make my point )
No, Amin …You BELIEVE this ! But that does not make it true.
I think this scholarly explanation (in the famous Encyclopedia Britannica, Arabian Religions, p1057, 1979 ) is much more reliable then your islamic stories in the ahadith and the sirat .
Read it , Amin:
" SACRED STONES. A principal SACRED object in Arabian religion was the stone, either a rock outcropping or a large boulder, often a rectangular or irregular black basaltic stone without representative sculptural detail. Such stones were thought to be the residences of a god-hence the term for them employed by Byzantine Christian writers in the 5th (!) and 6th (!) centuries: baetyl, from bet 'el, "house of the god.
OF THE NUMEROUS BAETYLS, THE BEST KNOWN IS THE BLACK STONE OF THE KA'BAH AT MECCA, which became the central shrine object of Islam. "
So whether the stone is linked to Adam or not it was an sacred stone, that is AN IDOL in pre-islamic times and Mhammed kissed as did the pagans , so this stone is still an IDOL !
" because I love humanity."
An empty claim . . . and the evidence all points against it. How are your foul-mouthed personal rants – showing a love of humanity? In that case shouldn't you have been er . . . nice – more than mere civil?
Why would anyone take you seriously. . . if you swore at them?
– – –
"I am warning the non-muslims and try to waken up muslims . The muslims are in a kind of coma"
What by being rude? And these bad arguments . . . which they will dismiss – with a mere wave?
– – –
" All readers have seen this by the way you answered or rather did not answer my questions. "
This is a just a false accusation – as it clear from above I did. However it is you who cannot deal with answers in return . . . and resume your normal case of ranting . . . and attempts at humour. For example at this other comment . . . you still manged to drag my name into it.
– – –
"I call "a spade a spade", Amin. Yep, freespeech. . I think ,after reading your evil unholy Quran and the even more evil sunna that your fake god is very evil. "
Free speech has got nothing to do with it. . . . it is the er . . . mannerism I question. There is something in good prose, a decent argument . . . and not mere rants.
– – –
As far as this rant goes . . . it has nothing to do with the above arguments – that are left untouched.
As I said . . . you had your 2 bits – now its game over.
– – –
Coming from you – this is a compliment!
Hardly my dear . . . you had your 2 bits of concocted drama – you had a bit of waggle – and it all came falling down.
– – –
"Huh, Huh" is something I asked you the meaning of. Then I noticed – you suddenly dropped its usage.
HUH? Is this Islamic HUMOR ??…HUH,HUH !!
I sayd so…Amin I would make you into the laughing stock of this site .
And …look …there you are ! Hahahahahaha ( I like this ridiculing of fierce muslims).
Thank you …Amin.
This will be an EMPTY MOVIE , empty head…er empty Set { }.
There never was such a golden age and there never will be.
Oh…I'M SURE THAT WACKOS ARE WELCOME IN YOUR MOVIE…it will be very funny . I hope to see the movie soon. Muslims do have of course freedom of expression too. NO PROBLEM AT ALL !!
B.t.w. What was even your point ??? Oh..yes..of course, you have NEVER a point!
Silly kid.
more nonsense
I don't know when you muslims will get a brain
@ Amin.
If you are intelligent and well behave enough . . . what is the need for:
"These are verses (ayat) from your evil fake god Allah in his Quran" .
I call "a spade a spade", Amin. Yep, freespeech. . I think ,after reading your evil unholy Quran and the even more evil sunna that your fake god is very evil. Whether you like it or not . And because I think that Islam must be destroyed because of this evilness , I give you and all muslims "a piece of my mind", because I love humanity. Yes also you Amin,as far as you a human being too. But the staunch muslim IN you I really hate.
I am warning the non-muslims and try to waken up muslims . The muslims are in a kind of coma, by their brainwashing. All readers have seen this by the way you answered or rather did not answer my questions. I know that you think you were very logical….but again I leave this to the judgement of the readers. I am convinced that most readers are on my side (even muslims ) and thát is good enough for me.
their meaning is disclosed.
isn't quran for all mankind
7 mins aren't enough.
Yeah I have well pondered on my words.
There is no conclusion to reach – as I have repeatedly shown – you don't know what you are on about.
= = =
"calling someone stupid doesn't make you smart "
No – but showing, demonstrating, highlighting . . . . stupidity does!
"An idol can also be a person whom you follow blindly. just like muhammad ali is idol for boxers . And mo is idol for all muslims. "
Haste! Ponder on your words . . . you.
An idol can also be a person whom you follow blindly. just like muhammad ali is idol for boxers . And mo is idol for all muslims.
If you are NOT infatuated with me . . . then why drag me into everything? At least admit . . . it!!! huh,huh 😉
hey – how do you do winking smiley
>;] 😉 😉 *-) *) ;-] ;] ;D ;^) :-,
That is one meaning – however . . . the primary meaning – for the word Idol – form that dictioanry is:
"an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed. "
In which case . . . this is untrue.
– – –
If you meant as idol – in terms of " blind admiration, adoration, or devotion" – then why not use these word . . . rather than using Idol – which is misleading.
– – –
Sometimes "common usage" can prevail – the original meaning of word – but not in this case . . . the 1st thing a person thinks of regarding an idol is the above meaning.
– – –
The rest is simply extraneous – as this would go back to the basics of whether one believes in God or not.
Aminriah , you muslimbrother, will not like your swearing …empty head…er..set { } !
And he will certainly not be amused with your sentence:"For better response post these on Islamic websites. "
He tries so hard … this poor muslim , but your answer implies that he does not do his "job" very well.
If you are intelligent and well behave enough . . . what is the need for:
"These are verses (ayat) from your evil fake god Allah in his Quran"
As this clearly implies – obstinate and dogmatic stance – as i have pointed out many times over – to you it doesn't matter one bit what I say. You will repeat this mantra.
However. . . your inability to effectively deal with and answer counter-arguments – does shine through.
For something to have clarity or explanation – it has to be in appropriate form – else the adjective automatically doesn't apply. This is discernable linguistically – and it is rather an obvious point to make.
Those verses or part verses are mere letters – and they are clear in the fact – that they stand for communication – that has NOT been revealed for all.
So – they do not come under other verses . . . that are meaningful sentences.
I have already pointed out – even in other books – you have added information that isn't meant for the wider readership – but a select few. That know the particular Jargon or the lingo.
– – –
The even have numbers .Allah made no exception. Nowhere .He calls ALL his verses : Our Ayat !
This is not true. Quran 3:7
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise – they are the foundation of the Book – and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.
The word "unspecific" in the original Arabic is "Mutashabihaat". These are considered as one such example.
– – –
"Allah says even in surah 10:1
" Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the wise Book ". "
Which clearly shows that Alif, Lam Ra – isn't what these refers to. . . as that is part of this Ayat.
– – –
"You see Amin? THESE are the verses…, not THOSE… or THE FOLLOWING….or HERE COME… ! No….a your allah says: "THESE are the verses….". "
Yet Alif Lam Ra – is part of this one verse – hence it doesn't refer to these 3 letters.
– – – –
"—–Now I leave it to readers to judge who speaks the truth : I (me)….or….YOU ? "
This dictionary: , gives as meaning of AN IDOL:
3. any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.
You muslims regard the black stone with blind admiration, because you believe it comes from the heavens lined to Adam . By the way, áll meteors are stones, falling from outside on the earth .The linking to the socalled first prophet Adam is silly too , because millions of meteors are and were falling down, constantly, also in the time of Adam( if he existed ).
more haste?
hasty is an act of reaching conclusion very early and we have not yet reached at conclusion . how can you call me hasty?
calling someone stupid doesn't make you smart
No, Amin.
The letters Alif,Lam ,Meem in quran 2:1 , 3:1, 7:1 , …etc. are not simply and mere letters
These are verses (ayat) from your evil fake god Allah in his Quran.. Wheter you like it or not. The even have numbers .Allah made no exception. Nowhere .He calls ALL his verses : Our Ayat !
Allah says even in surah 10:1
" Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the wise Book ".
You see Amin? THESE are the verses…, not THOSE… or THE FOLLOWING….or HERE COME… ! No….a your allah says: "THESE are the verses….".
—–Now I leave it to readers to judge who speaks the truth : I (me)….or….YOU ?
In a situation where you are at an exact pole – then the direction simply becomes obsolete – then whichever way you faced – you faced Kabah. However that is rare.
so it means qubla becomes obsolete.
yesterday you were defeated by set theory today i will defeat you by physics
Bad argument . . . as these verses are mere letters – and it has been made clear – that their meanings are not disclosed.
So the question clarity of explanation – doesn't even come into it.
– – –
The funny thing is – you have got nothing to respond to. Hence all you can do is repeat this argument. Which is false – and breaks down under examination.
hence no Scholar/Academic will er . . . ever use it.
– – –
What is EVEN more funnier is . . . I wrote the predecessor to this . . of which you copied – in a response 'denialisnoproof'
Yet – you will always claim that: "still did not convince me at all "
No matter what. That is OBVIOUS. But that doesn't matter. As your inability to deal with responses – clearly shows through. For example – if you repeat a bad argument – over and over again . . . it is simply a reflection upon you.
– – –
"And you can be sure of it that these questions will come back to you and all other muslims , over and over again. "
Yes – But i have already pointed this out – several times. I know this by experience. . . a common trait.
– – –
"We (pluralis majestatis)= Allah,
Ouer Ayat (pluralis) = proofs, evidences, lessons,..and also signs (letters like alif, nun,…) and Revelations etc. of Allah, no exceptions are mentionned !
people who know = muslim scholars ? muslims in general ? (strange and unclear addition of Allah)."
This doesn't make much sense . . . may you kindly – re-phase it. If it isn't too much to ask.
…I continue .
Question : Are the verses 2:1 , 3:1 , 7:1 , etc. etc. ayat of Allah ?
These are all verses with letters like "alif,lam, meem, nun….etc.".
Answer : Yes.
Question: Did Allah indeed explain these ayat (verses) in detail ?
Answer : No . He did not explain them at all .
Question : So, did Allah spoke the truth ?
Answer : No. On the contrary!
Queation : Did Allah lie?
Answer : Yes , he lied clearly.
Question: Is Allah therefore a liar ?
Answer: Yes, of course !
" (alif lam meem, verse that say quran is clear,rest of the verse) = quran "
This is not a mathematical set – according to set theory.
I completely exposed this bogus drama. But as I have proven – lying to you doesn't matter one bit.
(alif lam meem, verse that say quran is clear,rest of the verse) = quran
can you see the mathematical proof according to set theory that islam is bogus
Of course I repeat the questions over and over again , because you still did not convince me at all (and most other non-muslim readers I think) with your answers ; on the contrary.
And you can be sure of it that these questions will come back to you and all other muslims , over and over again.
For example surah 6:97 says clearly:
" It is He Who has set the stars for you, so that you may guide your course with their help through the darkness of the land and the sea. We have (indeed) explained in detail Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, Revelations, etc.) for people who know."
We (pluralis majestatis)= Allah,
Ouer Ayat (pluralis) = proofs, evidences, lessons,..and also signs (letters like alif, nun,…) and Revelations etc. of Allah, no exceptions are mentionned !
people who know = muslim scholars ? muslims in general ? (strange and unclear addition of Allah).
I got an idea to make a movie titled "Golden Age Of Islam, Remembrance and Recall". It's going to be International flick . Any suggestions?? Wackos are welcome !
Regardless of how good or bad the Muslims' faith is, but I think that they want
to impose the Shari'a law in their countries only……..even if their ambition goes
beyond that, they will not be able to achieve it, and there is no way that they
will be able to impose their religion in a Christian or any other religion countries,
because they do not have the enough power to do that. So, this issue does not
worry me, and since they want the freedom to practice their Shari'a in their
countries, I cannot see why should the world try to interfere and stop them.
When they come to a Christian country and try to change its law, then kick them
out. As a matter of fact, I see the opposite is happening,
the Christian missionerys are invading the Muslim countries and convert
the Muslims to Christianity, this is happening now in Iraq and north Africa.
Yes . . . just because they are – it doesn't mean – their meaning is disclosed.
"what makes quran then?"
Another meaningless question – which has nothing to do with your laughable claims.
– – –
More haste!
You mean – make mistakes like you . . . look what nonsense you have claimed above.
– – –
so some part are not to be understood then how come i claim that this book is perfect word of god.
Why would some parts that are NOT to be understood by everyone mean that it isn't the word of God?
"Which ever way you look at it – it wasn't a set."
"But you way is wrong. "
what makes quran then?
Why not? Those portions – small – are NOT to be understood. Rest is.
oh man i didn't know muslims argue like this.
so some part are not to be understood then how come i claim that this book is perfect word of god.
as there were no meanings given .
are alif lam meem are the letters of arabic language?
"brother you want to reach conclusion or not? "
Hang on . . .why should i reach conclusions? You are the one with a problem. Not me.
– – – –
"no meaning given so I can't understand the quran completely "
Why not? Those portions – small – are NOT to be understood. Rest is.
– – –
You don't have an argument.
Neither the skills.
Now I am tired and – going to make a cuppa – Amuse yourself.
Why – you started this set theory nonsense – why?
brother you want to reach conclusion or not?
now shall we talk about nature of quran?
Clear can mean many things in scope. In this case – those are simply letters – as there were no meanings given . . .
no meaning given so I can't understand the quran completely
"I am not telling the nature of verses i am just telling the verses are just present in quran. here i am just counting the verses not nature "
Why – you started this set theory nonsense – why?
If you did not know enough – why did you bother.
– – –
Which ever way you look at it – it wasn't a set.
But you way is wrong.
– – –
Clear can mean many things in scope. In this case – those are simply letters – as there were no meanings given . . .
. . . . why would they be unclear?
ok no problem
"( alif lam meem verse , verse that say quran is clear , rest of the quranic verses ) = quran "
The above argument is making out that all verses are equal – and one set. Which is wrong.
I am not telling the nature of verses i am just telling the verses are just present in quran. here i am just counting the verses not nature
re-post what?
please repost it.:)
"{ cats , dogs, all four legged animals} = set of four legged but it was good how you argued with this set. "
Yet I never argued with this set – read above. You thanked me for the advice – yet still committed with this folly!
– – –
"if this set is wrong then please correct it . "
I have.
"I hope the lesson is learned for future – don't be quick to make judgements – else you fall over. " thanks for the advise.
{ cats , dogs, all four legged animals} = set of four legged but it was good how you argued with this set.
"I will write it out for you:
Quran says that Verses are clear.
Alif Lam Meem is a verse.
So the verse Alif lam meem – should be clear. "
what is the meaning of clear and what is the meaning of verse.
"( alif lam meem verse , verse that say quran is clear , rest of the quranic verses ) = quran"
if this set is wrong then please correct it .
huh? I think – you will find it that I have . . .and if it is for some other post – then wrong place.
What did I say about – haste?
reply to my post dude
"point considered . "
I hope the lesson is learned for future – don't be quick to make judgements – else you fall over.
– – –
"is there any mistake in this. "
Yes . . .
"( alif lam meem verse , verse that say quran is clear , rest of the quranic verses ) = quran "
The above argument is making out that all verses are equal – and one set. Which is wrong.
As some verses are direct commands – others aren't – and many other differences.
Also – you did not ponder over what I said earlier.
For something to be clear in understanding – it has to have meanings attached to it – yet these don't.
Hence they are different to the ones that have meanings.
– – –
Also – these verses are composed of mere letters.
Other verses are meaningful sentences . . .hence the two don't go together.
– – –
You argument isn't . . .a set – it is an argument:
"( alif lam meem verse , verse that say quran is clear , rest of the quranic verses ) = quran "
I will write it out for you:
Quran says that Verses are clear.
Alif Lam Meem is a verse.
So the verse Alif lam meem – should be clear.
– – –
I told you – don't go down the road of a half baked idea. . . . you will fall over.
"Oh , yes …you are Amin. What a hypocrite you are ! "
You resort to repeating this . . .despite all answers. Yet it wont make it true – no matter how many times you repeat it.
– – –
"And therefore you must agree with your evil god allah, who curses me (and ALL kafirs) many times to hell . "
First – there are no swears in the Quran – especially aimed at you. This is an old and tired out argument – as you are unable to deal with counter-arguments – you repeat it.
– – – –
"You must fight me , you agree with alla when he calls me " fuel for hellfire", "vilest of animals", " swines", "monkeys", "blind", "dumb" etc. "
Where? – In the instances where you gave actual verse numbers as references – it turned out they were NOT swears. This drama only works – if you repeat – the above and such like.
– – – –
"And this is exactly the reason why I fight against you (as far as you are a muslim), but only with words . "
You mean – you call the swearing as fighting? And if you had any power . . . it would be to er . . . eradicate me?
yes we have not concluded.
I am not – as I said . . .
"if the characteristic you are looking for is "four legs". "
and the "Else. . . "
point considered .
about arabic letter i was just giving example .
( alif lam meem verse , verse that say quran is clear , rest of the quranic verses ) = quran
is there any mistake in this.
@ Aminriadh.
You wrote: "I am never rude to you . . . compared to your level."
Oh , yes …you are Amin. What a hypocrite you are !
You pray 5 times everyday surahs from your evil Quran wherein you believe strongly!
And therefore you must agree with your evil god allah, who curses me (and ALL kafirs) many times to hell . You must fight me , you agree with alla when he calls me " fuel for hellfire", "vilest of animals", " swines", "monkeys", "blind", "dumb" etc.
Y can not take me as a helper and friend, you must subdue and humiliate me (and ALL other kafirs)etc. ( Do you want to give you AGAIN again the surahs , Amin?).
So you (and 1 billion brainwashed muslims) are very,very rude to me indeed. 5 times each day.
And this is exactly the reason why I fight against you (as far as you are a muslim), but only with words .
" This is where you are making mistake. "
I am not – as I said . . .
"if the characteristic you are looking for is "four legs". "
and the "Else. . . "
– – –
I did say earlier . . . don't make hasty judgments . . else you will end up with egg on your face.
You have gone and done it again.
– – – –
"now arabic letters are there in quran and also in other arabic novels. but still we can classify them inside the set of arabic letters. "
You said this . . . yet this looks to be half finished argument. Hence it doesn't make much sense.
As predicted – this was merely a concocted drama – that is why it was laced with petty insulting . . . if you take that away – there is nothing left.
– – –
Given your stance on Islam – a bit obvious you will claim – things don't make sense. However why attempt at minute details – when everyone fully knows – whole Islam doesn't make sense.
I had this argument with Sina – it all goes back to the basic belief of God.
– – –
"why are your scholars pondering about for hundreds of years ?"
Scholars aren't pondering for answers – as it is already know there are no answers. Other than the letters stand for communication – that wasn't revealed.
– – –
"don't you think so ? "
Obviously I don't think so.
This is where you are making mistake.
cats and dogs of course can belong to different sets
but when you are talking about four legged animals they are included in this set.
now arabic letters are there in quran and also in other arabic novels. but still we can classify them inside the set of arabic letters.
Nope – but can I just point out . . . if the characteristic you are looking for is "four legs".
Else Cats and Dogs are different creatures. And can belong to different sets. Where one is an entity – whilst the other isn't.
"Yep… and Aminriadh still does not understands what they mean. But they must mean someting ..he says! And of course he must find wise, deep and beautiful, being the literal words (?) of Allah and all that. "
As the known source of Quran is Prophet Muhammad – it comes from him. And all these are a bunch of letters – now that your big drama has gone away . . . you are left with sad attempts at humour.
Oh well – amuse yourself.
– – –
huh, huh!
{ cats , dogs, all four legged animals} = set of four legged animals .
is their any mistake in this set?
"These are the literal words of your god Allah . How dare you say this ! "
In the above case – – – mere letters. As that is what they are. They stand for words. But in this case – just letters and not words.
– – –
I don't find the attempt funny – merely tedious.
@ Aminradh.
"There ( Their?) explanation is – that their meanings were not revealed – This was communication – for the Prophet alone – hence the abbreviations. There is no big mystery there."
If t was communication for your fake prophet alone…then why did this imposter communicated it his followers ? Why ? Such thing can only a deluded man invent, don't you think so ?
If it is no big mystery and only meant for the fake prophet, why are your scholars pondering about for hundreds of years ? This ALL makes no sense, Amin….no sense at all.
"consider the set of integers . can you have a irrational number in this set.? "
I was just being funny :*
Now answer me amin . if a set has a particular character then all the elements inside that should also share that character?
Am i asking for more here
back to set theory
consider the set of integers . can you have a irrational number in this set.?
@ Amin.
You wrote (about Alif,Lam, Meem,etc) :"Hence those verses are mere letters. . ."
These are the literal words of your god Allah . How dare you say this !
Do you not respect the words of your allah. "Mere letters"….oh my ! allah will not appreciate this,Amin.
"For example a genus of flowers – contains different flowers – that do not share all characteristics. "
but all the entities inside the genus should be flower
will you agree or not?
((quran isn't universe it is just a book . ok let us consider it as genus or universe for your sake . "
Why did you bother to go down this slipper slope . . . why claim this set theory knowledge – then fall apart? ))
you call this an argument?
there are different kinds of sets not just universal set
for eg quran comes under the set of books.When will you be man enough think freely?
"if you still feel that i was so dumb then please forgive my ignorance. "
Just try not be hasty . . . and think things through – then you won't end up as such.
Now I get it (irony) ,
Allah told Gabriel : "Alif,Lam, Meem " etc.,etc. ( There are many surah's like this.)
Then Gabriel Mohammed said to Mohammed: "Alif,Lam, Meem" etc., etc.
Then Mohammed said to his followers: "Alif,Lam,Meem"etc.,etc., with a serious face, i suppose.
These followers memorized this, it was easy: "Alif,Lam,Meem", but did not understand what they meant . And nobody asked…the prophet said it : so it must be clear !
Therefore the faked (what else?) that they found it wise , deep and beautiful. So eventually they wrote the Quran and…there it was in surah 2:1–Alif,Lam,Meem, surah 3:1– Alif,Lam,Meem etc., etc.
Yep… and Aminriadh still does not understands what they mean. But they must mean someting ..he says! And of course he must find wise, deep and beautiful, being the literal words (?) of Allah and all that.
Now ,THÁT was some explanation , huh,huh. Thank you Amin…thank you !!
"quran isn't universe it is just a book . ok let us consider it as genus or universe for your sake . "
Why did you bother to go down this slipper slope . . . why claim this set theory knowledge – then fall apart?
– – – –
"Now anything inside this genus should conform to this characteristics. "
Why? The whole reason it is a genus – as it contains different subsets . . . else – it would all be one set.
For example a genus of flowers – contains different flowers – that do not share all characteristics.
For example the Genus – Nigella – contains 14 different plant species – of which is Nigella Sativa – whose seeds are known as Nigella Seeds.
Now grouped together – the plant do not share all the characteristics.
"Sorry – Earlier – I thought this was from Demsci – it isn't. "
how can this and quran be related?
hahahaha I was just joking .
but reply to my set theory i am damn serious on that. 😀
if you still feel that i was so dumb then please forgive my ignorance.
No you weren't – now that your folly has been pointed out – you are back-tracking. Poor excuse. And why do you think adding smileys will give it any more credence?
– – –
If you really were demonstrating alleged Muslim methods of argument – you would have said so. . . . with the above mistake.
"entities are grouped together because of characteristics. Quran in this instance would be the genus or universe – containing different sets. "
quran isn't universe it is just a book . ok let us consider it as genus or universe for your sake .
–"In a verse of quran it says quran is very clear and easy to understand. correct me if i am wrong. "– I said this. now this is the characteristic of your genus or universe. as the verse is talking about quran.
Now anything inside this genus should conform to this characteristics.
"This has nothing to do with argument (ad hominem) "
Oh dear . . . . what has this got to do with "ad hominenm"
– – –
"But it is still in quran(larger set)"
Like I said – it is obvious you do not understand set theory . . . .
entities are grouped together because of characteristics. Quran in this instance would be the genus or universe – containing different sets.
– – –
" What was the necessity of putting alphabets in quran? "
They represent speech – which is there – but not revealed for all.
"1) How do you know that it is and was no idol. Believing is not the same as knowing . So ,again why is this stone in the kaaba? "
I know from the reports of Muslims from that time and passed down. I have answered why the stone is in Kabah – even you allude to it:
"Yeah, muslims believe so much ! The "black Stone" came down from the heavens with "prophet" Adam."
That is why it is there – this stone according to Muslim belief is attached to Prophet Adam and many other prophets.
– – –
"2) Claiming this Stone has some value (which you did not explain ) , does not make it so (as you rightly said !). "
I have explained its value – as I have pointed out above even you mention it! – is that it came from the heavens – according to Muslim belief.
– – –
"3) What are "the heavens"? Where are they ? Is this science ? Prove it ! "
Outside the boundary of the universe. . . related to the existence of God and etc. It is Muslim belief.
– – –
"4) Who is Adam? If you mean the"first man" ,evidence please ,Amin ! Modern science says there was no such a figure ! My advise: Study about evolution theory, read a real scientific book about it .Claiming something does not make it true (again) . "
I somehow doubt – you practice this advice yourself. . . and you know much about science at all. For example who and what have you read about evolution?
"Who is Adam? If you mean the"first man" ,evidence please ,Amin ! Modern science says there was no such a figure !"
Which bit of Modern Science – and what exactly? Single origin of humanity is/was a prevalent theory.……
Even regarding genetics.
– – –
According to Muslim belief Adam was the first human – and a Prophet of Allah.
😀 Sweet heart true your mistake doesn't equal to the mistakes of quran
I was just demonstrating you how muslims argue.
@ Aminriadh.
You wrote:
Firstly – it is not an Idol – but a broken stoned held together. And Muslims believe it came down from the heavens with the Prophet Adam. Hence it is still preserved
Yeah, muslims believe so much ! The "black Stone" came down from the heavens with "prophet" Adam. But believing doe not make it true ! Other muslims believe it was given by Gabriel (who?) to Abraham and Ishmael . They have no proof either .
1) How do you know that it is and was no idol. Believing is not the same as knowing . So ,again why is this stone in the kaaba?
2) Claiming this Stone has some value (which you did not explain ) , does not make it so (as you rightly said !).
3) What are "the heavens"? Where are they ? Is this science ? Prove it !
4) Who is Adam? If you mean the"first man" ,evidence please ,Amin ! Modern science says there was no such a figure ! My advise: Study about evolution theory, read a real scientific book about it .Claiming something does not make it true (again) .
"I don't this you understand set theory or what it is about – I don't think you are either very intelligent or educated. This from the comments you make."
This has nothing to do with argument (ad hominem)
"In a set – entities of similar properties are grouped together – a verse can only be clear – if it understandable and its meaning are given. As those verse that are only letters – and their meanings are not explained- hence they do not belong to this set."
"In a set – entities of similar properties are grouped together"
but the smaller property shouldn't contradict overall property of set . If a smaller entity contradict overall property of set then it is not the element of that set.
In a verse of quran it says quran is very clear and easy to understand. correct me if i am wrong.
As those verse that are only letters – You mean to say these are just alphabets?
What was the necessity of putting alphabets in quran?
and their meanings are not explained-
"hence they do not belong to this set." But it is still in quran(larger set)
Wow! You powers of intellect do astound me.
– – –
How does my mistake equal to the Quran being. .. . . proven wrong?
– – –
Please think things through! Else you will look foolish.
I don't this you understand set theory or what it is about – I don't think you are either very intelligent or educated. This from the comments you make.
– – –
"now mr amin I ask you if quran is bigger set which claims to be very clear .
then the surahs the subset shouldn't contradict this statement.
Now why would anyone who believes in quran is not able to understand this.
This gives rise to many doubts. "
In a set – entities of similar properties are grouped together – a verse can only be clear – if it understandable and its meaning are given. As those verse that are only letters – and their meanings are not explained- hence they do not belong to this set.
– – –
"one of the doubt is that muhammad or uthman included some hocus pocus like alif lam leem to sound it very nice. but he didn't explain it's meaning."
However – to you it is all meant to be hocus pocus and in doubt – so picking one example – in a contrived argument – doesn't make sense. As the concept is clear.
Not all things are meant to be understood by ordinary believers.
– – –
"but i will tell you what the real meaning of alim lam meen is
it means allah and muhammad are same .
muhammad just punked your entire population of 1.6 billion "sheeplims" "
Wow! The quality of the rhetoric! How can you know . . . you – who has trouble forming a coherent argument . . . and whose background is of being taught to hate Muslims. That is why when nothing else works . . . you resort to some real nice swearing!
"Hardly – those are simply few letter – in beginning of some verses. . . and they are not meant to be understood. That is clear."
why would almighty pimp of perpetual virgins in eternal brothel put something that is of no use in his "perfect book".
Can you see the irony of foolishness among muslims.
Muslims are so foolish that they can't even understand they are foolish.
If confronted with truth all they would say is allah has made you dumb ,deaf,blind.
You will be fuel for hell fire.
But if you accept what quran blindly like a sheep then you will get unlimited puss in heaven.nuff said
[youtube ry9iSCAdDIE youtube]
Sorry – Earlier – I thought this was from Demsci – it isn't.
your quran is proven wrong hahahah
Yet later – now as it were – you claim not have read anything about Muqattats? Yet look at the above comment?
So did you bother to read the wiki article?
– – –
Rest is meaningless rhetoric . . . if you take that away – there is nothing left.
"SO WHERE IS THE DETAILED EXPLANATION OF Surah2:1; Surah 3:1 etc.,etc.
NOW SOME ARROGANT socalled muslimscholars suddenly know the answer : ALIF,LAM MEEM is classed {?} MUQUATAT..TATATATATAAAAAA…BWAHAHAHAAAAA ..PATHETIC !!! REALLY VERY POOR !!!
yet later you claimed – you did not know – however here you are talking about Muqatat. . . why?
The article is from Wiki – and it ha some sources . . . however the answer is same.
These verses are letters – whose meanings were not conveyed.
– – – –
Rest is your general rhetoric – which you have trouble giving some credence – if isn't in capitals with plenty of extraneous injections . . . of "!!!". It appears . . . even you do not believe what you say . . . on given evidence.
Sorry – Earlier – I thought this was from Demsci – it isn't.
– – –
" I gave you many questions to answer. Read back and you will certainly see them. "
More or less all about the same 2 concocted drama around verses that are letters. And attempting to declare the black stone an idol.
– – –
"And you never will because you are ashamed and you know in your heart that Islam is a Joke! "
I have answered everything I could find. Such comments are mere rhetoric – attempts to be insulting or controversial – to elucidate a negative response. In the forms that you understand well. . . .
– – –
"And most of all …You are afraid . "
Really? Of what?
There are only two /three slots open in this site and so many deformed , twisted psychotics! For better response post these on Islamic websites.
"Have lost your mind AMIN?
If you don't understand something, it is NOT CLEAR , that is there is NO clarity at all ! "
Alas no. If you are NOT meant to understand something – you are NOT meant to understand it. The question of clarity doesn't even come into it. But it is clear that we are not meant to understand these letters – as no meanings were given.
– – –
"And how do you know that these words are not commands …You don't know what they mean …remember ? "
If something is a command – then it is safe to say . . it wouldn't be a bunch of letters. Arabic has specific verb/sentence forms – in which to convey command. And they are done in such a manner. For example the command to establish prayer – is a direct imperative.
– – –
"And how do you know that they are not narrative…You don't know what they mean '.
Is all tour logical thinking gone ? "
If they were narrative – they would be in narration form – which is usually conveyed in informative sentence forms. Considering they are NOT in the narrative form – hence they are not narrations.
As they are letters – whose meanings were not given – so no meaning is attached to them.
" Musim logic…..twisted logic. "
Hardly – those are simply few letter – in beginning of some verses. . . and they are not meant to be understood. That is clear.
Not everything in a piece of communication – (newspaper, books, email and etc) is meant to be understood by all of its intended readers.
– – – –
"huh,huh! "
What is this? I don't understand why you feel the need to inject so many of these and others . . . such as:
"!!!" or "(hmmm)" and etc
answering the question with a question or fallacy is the hall mark of being a devote muslim.
see you should read about set theory.
when a bigger set includes a subset the subset got all the properties of bigger set.
if bigger set claims to be very clear then all the things inside the subset should also be clear.
now mr amin I ask you if quran is bigger set which claims to be very clear .
then the surahs the subset shouldn't contradict this statement.
Now why would anyone who believes in quran is not able to understand this.
This gives rise to many doubts.
one of the doubt is that muhammad or uthman included some hocus pocus like alif lam leem to sound it very nice. but he didn't explain it's meaning. but now when questioned they told that it is not for every muslim. Don't you smell something fishy here?
choice is yours.
but i will tell you what the real meaning of alim lam meen is
it means allah and muhammad are same .
muhammad just punked your entire population of 1.6 billion "sheeplims"
" Yes,yes … but if a non-native speaker makes mistakes you jump on it like crazy . "
Ah . . . it is simply your claim you are non-native. You have yet to proclaim your supposed language.
In some cases – such as "denialisnoproof" – it is understandable excuse to an extent. As I know English isn't his 1st lingo. And sometimes one has to puzzle over his sentences.
– – –
"Do you really think that if you say something is meaningless that it IS meaningless just because YOU say so ? That's silly.. man ! "
Nope – but it IS meaningless – if it is meaningless.
"Why is this pre-islamic Idol still in/on your Kaaba ? See ,,,Amin ,,,you don't answer questions . "
Firstly – it is not an Idol – but a broken stoned held together. And Muslims believe it came down from the heavens with the Prophet Adam. Hence it is still preserved and valued.
– – – –
"The Black Stone was an Idol eve, when Mohammed was already a self appointed prophet. "
What is the "eve" – in your sentence?
It was there . . . yet. But not as an Idol. And it was revered by the Pagan Meccans.
– – –
"All about 259 were also there ….and Mohammed and his followers prostrated to these Idols."
Some – as they were Pagans – before advent of Islam.
– – –
" Now is this Idol in/on the house of YOUR GOD ALLAH ! WHY ? And because it is still in/on the KAABA you muslim (must) bow down to it , 5 times each day ! That's an insult yo your god Allah ! "
No Muslims – bows down to the Black Stone – I have pointed that out – yet you have the tendency to repeat things . . . even when the inaccuracy is pointed out. Just because you will keep repeating it – it wont make it true.
– – –
"If it is just a stone ( and earlyer also an IDOL) why don't you take this silly thing away in stead of kissing it ! "
Again – just because you claim it was an Idol – it doesn't make it so. I have explained its value – it is linked to the first Prophet Adam.
– – –
"Answers ….AMIN ! Logical answers …no BEATING AROUND THE BUSH ….huh.huh ! "
I think the temptation gets to you . . . . you have to leave such lines. I suppose you think – they make you sound clever or something 🙂
"BUT you said YOU know classical Arabic, AND MANY other Scholars do, but they don't know what Ali,Lam Meem….etc. mean ! They surely can translate that in other languages !
You are going in circels ,Amin !! "
No I am not – Alif Lam Mim – are simply letters – just because you know English it doesn't mean that you will automatically know what:
meant – if you saw this in an email. It was in an advert about something. They must stand for something . . . I know that – and I understood the email about cheap printing. But I don't know what those letters mean. I can hedge a guess – that they were not meant for me. . . and are a reference of some king. And make some sort of sense to someone.
For example – I was re-reading A History of Urdu Literature by T. Grahame Bailey. It's an old book – and has some letter & numbers – I think printer's references. I claim to have read – and understood everything. Yet I cannot tell what those letters and numbers – stand for.
Similarly – those verses were simply NOT meant for believers. Hence their meanings are NOT disclosed. And they are letters.
– – –
"By the way: Did Alah not talk to ALL MANKINDin his Quran, or only to some arabic scholars ? "
The speech is meant for all mankind – however the book is 1400 years old. Many aspects of the language have changed dramatically. So – one has to learn that ancient language – or else rely on translations – or to those that have expertise in Classical Arabic.
– – –
"So what does EASY mean,…if it does not mean ,er ….EASY !! OH, MY!! "
Scope of easy can meany many things – here is easy refers to easy to understand.
– – –
"To conclude : According to you , I must first learn classical Arabic and even then I cannot understand what Alif,Lam, Meem…. mean , but I will easy understand the Quran !! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA !(sorry, but tis is really ,really funny !)) "
If you wish to read a particular book – then it is safe to say . . . you have to know the language. Hence if you wish to read the Quran in its conveyed language . . . then you have to learn the language.
However – what is MEANT for one's to be understood then you will understand it. The bits that are NOT meant for you to understand . . . then you won't.
Hence those verses are mere letters. . .
"But now suddenly you see there are questions…You are a strange fellow, Amin.
Do you know what you are doing anyway? "
– – –
Yes – which questions . . . this is a partial quote from a reply to Demsci – who was making you out to be this big hero. . . . just because I did not respond to your swearing.
– – –
As I predicted – you have no real questions – so far you have repeated these 2 – just over and over.
" No Amin I knew not and I still don't know !Where do you get this from ? ? "
Here is a good link to get you going.
– – –
"What are ordinary muslims? Are there special muslims too ? Was the quran not for ALL mankind? "
Communication – which was simply for the Prophet Muhammad. Hence just the letters – rest of the Quran is.
– – –
"How do you know that it are abbreviated letters in the first place? You said you don't know what they mean…Remember? "
What something is – and what it means are 2 different things. You can know about something – without knowing everything about its nature.
"saying that the quran is easy to understand and explained in detail but AT THE SAME TIME saying that many verses of the same quran are NOT understandble at all and NOT explained in detail ! "
No it isn't – what you claim simply doesn't go together. . . . those verses are simply letters – and it is already said about them – that their meanings are not for ordinary believers. And that is clear.
Simply repeating this one thing – over and over – does not make it so.
– – –
( Talking to a muslim, is like talking to a wall). "
Comment such as these are implied insults – and nothing more.
= = =
This is why i kept saying – engaging with a troll is one's own folly. You get such illuminations aplenty.
"So you are saying that Allah talks nonsense ! HE IS CLEAR …..AND …NOT CLEAR at the same time , according to you . "
That is your comment – which has nothing to do with me.
Everyone does understand the above verses – that their meanings were not conveyed. And that is clear.
– – –
"I think ALL readers understand what I am saying….except you ,of course… This says something about your intelligence ! "
But why is it you – seek credence? And how do you know that "everyone" is understanding you?
" ( You never asked me wich is my 1st language anyway ). "
Yes I did.
– – –
How and why? When in replying to your comments . . . which have nothing to do with Islam?
I can only answer to what you wrote. For example . . . if you hadn't chosen to make fun of a Typo – and concentrated on Islam . . . then I wouldn't have responded.
How can you ask me to concentrate on Islam – as it were – when you aren't "on topic" yourself?
– – – –
"Its all the wellknown diversion-tactic of losers (and muslims) to go to unimportant things ! It is a logical fallacy TOO ! "
All you are doing is crying "Logical Fallacy" – I doubt you are even aware of even the basics of the Science of Logic.
You chose to make the above comment – just about a typo. Now this comment – too has nothing to do with any topic other than . . . making idiotic false accusations.
– – –
"so don't start again with wailing and whining like a child if we use FREE SPEECH."
Then why are you so upset with my responding to your "FREE SPEECH".
Doesn't "FREE SPEECH" – also mean to protest?
– – –
"And remember: your fake god Allah does use some evil swearing to us kafirun . YEP ! "
Another meaningless comment – and that is all.
– – –
"You can call me troll , or whatever you want , I DON'T MIND AT ALL !! BUT YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT"
Given the amount of swearing and insulting you do . . . it is your level to engage in such trifles – Troll is a term for such people. Who behave like you.
@ muslims
Any muslim who think is islam is religion of peace and it is useful for humankind please debate with me logically….. Here is my claim refute logically
prove islam is religion of peace and not violence
#1 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
#2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. This included women. Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.
Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other.
Fatima, Muhammad's favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died. She even miscarried Muhammad's grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.
Fatima's husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife – and one whom he had said was a "perfect woman." 10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.
Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.
The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war…
And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam!
#5 Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.
A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.
None of these other religions are at war with each other.
#7 Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves. This is according to the example set by Muhammad.
#8 Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.
The Qur'an never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times.
"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)
"Exactly Aminriadh. The topic HERE on this SITE is : CRITICISM OF ISLAM and Mohammed, Quran, Muslims etc. Is it clear now? "
But that has nothing to do with your comment above . . . which simply made fun of a typo – then you said "Stay on the topic"
So it is OK for you to . . . go off topic – simply to make fun of a typo . . . but advice me to stay on topic? Why?
– – – –
"I come with serious ( yep !) questions ( and criticism ) about ISLAM . But you yourself were complaining about my "bad"spelling and expression of English."
No – you come with rude comments . . . bad language, swearing, making fun of typo's and etc. Then there are false allegations . . . something doesn't seem to bother you – whether they are true or not.
Then the comments are written in a manner – which is unnecessarily difficult to read. Asking you if you could please not write in capitals. Several people has asked . . . but you end up after a while to revert back to "bad old habits"
– – – –
"I made fun of your typo , as I did before about your bad expression and spelling !! (English is your 1st language ,you said, hmmm). "
Given some of your swearing . . . this making fun is mild.
– – – –
"You look like a spoiled kid: you can say what you want to us , but I (we) cannot reply in the same way!! GROW up…man !! "
Another entirely false allegation. There is difference between pointing out – that your English is difficult to read . . . compared to making fun of people and swearing. . . and then making allegation such as above. Which are truly false.
– – – –
I am never rude to you . . . compared to your level.
OH, YES !… WHAT will it elude to you if you know what my 1st language is ? Does it help you in anyway if I say it is FINNISH ? ( You never asked me wich is my 1st language anyway ).
Its all the wellknown diversion-tactic of losers (and muslims) to go to unimportant things ! It is a logical fallacy TOO !
And , I have said this many times before : You can call me troll , or whatever you want , I DON'T MIND AT ALL !! BUT YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT , so don't start again with wailing and whining like a child if we use FREE SPEECH. And remember: your fake god Allah does use some evil swearing to us kafirun . YEP !
@ Aminriadh.
"but please man ….stay at topic. "
There isn't a TOPIC in this comment – it was meant to make fun of a typo.
Exactly Aminriadh. The topic HERE on this SITE is : CRITICISM OF ISLAM and Mohammed, Quran, Muslims etc. Is it clear now?
I come with serious ( yep !) questions ( and criticism ) about ISLAM . But you yourself were complaining about my "bad"spelling and expression of English. And that is why I made fun of your typo , as I did before about your bad expression and spelling !! (English is your 1st language ,you said, hmmm).
You look like a spoiled kid: you can say what you want to us , but I (we) cannot reply in the same way!! GROW up…man !!
___________ Atheists know very well that all religions are myths, and all religions are full of atrocities. Why picking on Islam only_________(Mainecoon)
Most obvious reason may be that atheists are aware they will be get killed if Islam spread. It will be impossible for them to find the place to live if Islam exist in that country. An Atheist knows he/she can live peacefully in Hindu Kingdom, Christian, Buddhist but not Muslim. Muslim are like wild animals.
The first time I come across an atheist who is a hypocrite. Atheists know very well
that all religions are myths, and all religions are full of atrocities. Why picking on
Islam only? is this a new "Taqiyya" for atheists? Liar, double standard.
None of you can understand that there are reasonable, decent people who can
make judgments without prejudice… can I expect a person with a heart
loaded with grudge to understand this !
I do not know the answers to your questions because I am an atheist.
You are just sickening regardless of your faith or belief !
@ Amin.
I said: "" THE QURAN IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND, EXPLAINED ( to all the readers of the Quran of course , who else? ) IN DETAIL BY "ALMIGHTY ALLAH ,BUT STILL YOU MUSLIMS (and we) DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF MANY SURAHVERSES (2:1 , 3:1, etc.) "
You answered;
"But why would that mean – any less clarity? These words are not commands – and they are not narrative."
Have lost your mind AMIN?
If you don't understand something, it is NOT CLEAR , that is there is NO clarity at all !
And how do you know that these words are not commands …You don't know what they mean …remember ?
And how do you know that they are not narrative…You don't know what they mean '.
Is all tour logical thinking gone ?
@ Amin .
I asked you: "Why is the pre-islamic idol, the Black Stone, still in/on your Kaaba? And why do you prostrate 5 time each day towards this thing and why do you kiss it? "
Your answer: "Muslims do not bow towards the Black Stone. The stone is just that – a stone. A supposed meteorite. "
AGAIN : Why is this pre-islamic Idol still in/on your Kaaba ? See ,,,Amin ,,,you don't answer questions .
The Black Stone was an Idol eve, when Mohammed was already a self appointed prophet.
All about 259 were also there ….and Mohammed and his followers prostrated to these Idols. He even kissed it ! Later He destroyed all the idols,EXCEPT the Black Stone ! Now is this Idol in/on the house of YOUR GOD ALLAH ! WHY ? And because it is still in/on the KAABA you muslim (must) bow down to it , 5 times each day ! That's an insult yo your god Allah !
If it is just a stone ( and earlyer also an IDOL) why don't you take this silly thing away in stead of kissing it !
Answers ….AMIN ! Logical answers …no BEATING AROUND THE BUSH ….huh.huh !
Empty head, empty set { } .
YEAH,YEAH, AMIN ,,,, You are right (hmmm) : The Quran is easy to understand but you don't know what many surah-verses, like 2:1, 3:1 etc. mean !
Musim logic…..twisted logic.
I have no need for FURTHER evidence , The above sentence doe the job PRETTY well . huh,huh!
Yes,yes … but if a non-native speaker makes mistakes you jump on it like crazy .
NOT civilised and certainly not to the point .
Do you really think that if you say something is meaningless that it IS meaningless just because YOU say so ? That's silly.. man !
To Amin.
You said a while ago : "Which questions . . . all Julia has done is a bit of swearing. "
But now suddenly you see there are questions…You are a strange fellow, Amin.
Do you know what you are doing anyway?
I gave you many questions to answer. Read back and you will certainly see them.
But you never do! You only imagine you did, just as your prophet used to when he was bewitched .
And you never will because you are ashamed and you know in your heart that Islam is a Joke!
And most of all …You are afraid .
@ Amin.
HUH…:" You already knew . . . those abbreviated letters – their meanings were NOT reveled for ordinary Muslims".
Where do you get this nonsense?
"I already knew….those abbreviated letters …".
No Amin I knew not and I still don't know !Where do you get this from ? ?
If it was clear I would not ask ? I could not even ask ! You assume to much ! That's not logical
What do you mean by: "Their meanings were NOT revealed for ordinary Muslims. ? What are ordinary muslims? Are there special muslims too ? Was the quran not for ALL mankind?
How do you know that it are abbreviated letters in the first place? You said you don't know what they mean…Remember?
"but please man ….stay at topic. "
There isn't a TOPIC in this comment – it was meant to make fun of a typo.
– – –
"" Besides that – all there is, are comments that only you this are pretty smart. Nut nevertheless meaningless. " "
How does making a typo of . . . "N" rather than "B" – elude to anything much?
Is that all you can do . . make fun of such thing. yet you find a convenient excuse for yourself . . . that English isn't your 1st language. But never answered – which language?
– – –
This is why you aptly fit the description of a "troll"
"You are no scholar, Amin….Are you even a muslim? did you ever read the Quran ? You look like an imposter …Amin , ( o.k. one more time BWAHAHAHAAAA) . "
When it suited you – you claimed to I was a scholar – when it doesn't – I am not. What do want me to do about it? This is simply meant to insult.
– – –
"EXPLANATION of the verses of the Quran ,of course ,Like surah verse 2:1, ALIF,LAM,MEEM . "
There explanation is – that their meanings were not revealed – This was communication – for the Prophet alone – hence the abbreviations. There is no big mystery there.
وكذلك نفصل الآيات ولتستبين سبيل المجرمين
Sahih International
And thus do We detail the verses, and [thus] the way of the criminals will become evident.
All these are self-explanatory . . . and there is nothing more to add. Why do you simply keep repeating this one mantra – without any examples?
What is it that isn't explained or unclear?
– – –
"By the way: Strange question for a muslim ánd a scholar !! ;-P "
Hardly – as it is your job to provide a reference when asked. Else people do have the tendency to make things up. How am I – without it – meant to know what you are talking about?
" I know what compass don't act smart. "
Then don't ask basic questions.
– – –
"but i am asking about diametrically opposite
for eg solomon island. "
I don't get your question . . . as Earth is spherical – you can always face Kabah.
In a situation where you are at an exact pole – then the direction simply becomes obsolete – then whichever way you faced – you faced Kabah. However that is rare.
Is there something else you are after? Then do a quick diagram and post it up. That way it will be easy to understand.
– – –
"Some times you act too coky to prove that you are smart "
What? Like pointing out – when you attempted a little fiddle – by copying someone's words as your own?
@ Amin.
You wrote: "However – you are unable to express – why something is "Sheer nonsense" "
Sheer nonsense is :
saying that the quran is easy to understand and explained in detail but AT THE SAME TIME saying that many verses of the same quran are NOT understandble at all and NOT explained in detail !
( Talking to a muslim, is like talking to a wall).
Hardly . . . the point stands . . . Quran is easy to understand. And you have brought forth no further evidence – to dispute that.
"Nut nevertheless meaningless. "
Should read But. . hence:
But nevertheless meaningless.
@ Amin.
When you know – perfectly clear . . . . you don't have much – and you are beating around the bush a bit . . . if there is something you have to say . . . try expressing it clearly. And not mess around with meaningless comments – smileys and "!!!"
Allah says he explained his ayat in detail , but nobody understand what the ayat 2:1, 3:1….Etc, mean .
So you are saying that Allah talks nonsense ! HE IS CLEAR …..AND …NOT CLEAR at the same time , according to you .
I think ALL readers understand what I am saying….except you ,of course… This says something about your intelligence !
@ Aminriadh. Hi , 😉 (just a friendly wink !) .
"When you know – perfectly clear . . . . you don't have much – and you are beating around the bush a bit . . . if there is something you have to say . . . try expressing it clearly. And not mess around with meaningless comments – smileys and "!!!"
-Do you mean , with try expressing it clearly, something like this sentence of yours , Amin ? :
" Besides that – all there is, are comments that only you this are pretty smart. Nut nevertheless meaningless. "
You were born and raised in England ,is it not, English is you first language? I really don't mind Amin, but please man ….stay at topic.
Hi Amin .
You,Amin, gave of course no answer but you ask:
Of what? Detailed explanation of what? And why?
EXPLANATION of the verses of the Quran ,of course ,Like surah verse 2:1, ALIF,LAM,MEEM .
Are you playing Dummy or have lost your mind completely?
Surah 6:55 for example says :
"And thus do We EXPLAIN THE AYAT (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) IN DETAIL , that the way of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), may become manifest ."
You are no scholar, Amin….Are you even a muslim? did you ever read the Quran ? You look like an imposter …Amin , ( o.k. one more time BWAHAHAHAAAA) .
@ Amin,
Surah 6:55 says:
"And thus do We EXPLAIN the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) IN DETAIL, that the way of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), may become manifest.
THE same you can find in surah 6:97, 6:114, 20 :113, and more . See:
By the way: Strange question for a muslim ánd a scholar !! ;-P 😉
@ Aminriadh.
"It is NOT –PRETTY– EASY to understand but just EASY, Amin ! You are trying to be smart again, huh,huh ! "
This is simply meaningless . . . . just saying it isn't easy – doesn't make it so.
Perhaps I was not clear enough ( My bad english, you know 😉 )
I mean : The quran uses the word : "EASY ".
And you came with the wordS : "PRETTY EASY "
These two have ABSOLUTELY not the same meaning ! ALLAH SAID JUST :"EASY "!
You cannot speak for Allah and you cannot CAN NOT CHANGE WORDS OF ALLAH !
To Aminriadh
I said:"If it is EASY TO UNDERSTAND ( Allah says so !) AND ALLAH EXPLAINED IT IN DETAIL then nobody needs any explanation of a human being like you, Amin ."
Amin said: That's not what "easy" means. For example – one has to know Classical Arabic – in which the book is written.
BUT you said YOU know classical Arabic, AND MANY other Scholars do, but they don't know what Ali,Lam Meem….etc. mean ! They surely can translate that in other languages !
You are going in circels ,Amin !!
By the way: Did Alah not talk to ALL MANKINDin his Quran, or only to some arabic scholars 😉 ? Was MOHAMMED NOT SEND AS A MERCY FOR ALL MANKIND ?
So what does EASY mean,…if it does not mean ,er ….EASY !! OH, MY!!
To conclude : According to you , I must first learn classical Arabic and even then I cannot understand what Alif,Lam, Meem…. mean , but I will easy understand the Quran !! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA !(sorry, but tis is really ,really funny !))
I know what compass don't act smart.
but i am asking about diametrically opposite
for eg solomon island.
Some times you act too coky to prove that you are smart
@ Aminriadh.
"You wrote: "Besides that – all there is, are comments that only you this(?) are pretty smart(?). Nut (?)nevertheless meaningless. "
NUT ? What are you trying to say ? Do you mean: Allah knows best ? Just as with Alif,lam,Meem, Tip,Top,….?
In past Arabs used stars and sun to determine the directions. But in Which direction does God does not exists ?
Julia is new found psychosomatic disease causing dysentery , nausea and vomiting.
If symptoms persist use pinch of salt with warm water GARGLE it and spit on bitch( Dog's wife) !
Repeat till next three days BID
Get Well Soon !!!
"I asked you: "And where is the explanation? ( Of Allah of course; if your almightyAllah says that he has explained someting in detail , then this must be true….don't you agree? ) " "
Where does Allah say . . . this "detail" bit? Reference?
– – –
Of what? Detailed explanation of what? And why?
– – –
When you know – perfectly clear . . . . you don't have much – and you are beating around the bush a bit . . . if there is something you have to say . . . try expressing it clearly. And not mess around with meaningless comments – smileys and "!!!"
– – – –
"Where is the Quidance in surah 2:1- ALIF,LAM,MEEM ,ETC., because surah 2:2 says:
" This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah ". "
Quran is a complete book – as you already know – meanings of those letter was never given – then simply repeating this over and over . . . is pretty meaningless. As a complete book – Quran is guidance.
– – –
"You must cearly have been brainwashed if you don't see the sheer nonsense of your own answer ! "
As I already predicted . . . you will simply come up with lines such as these . . . exclaiming such remarks. However – you are unable to express – why something is "Sheer nonsense"
– – –
The thing is – you had these 2 bits . . . and you thought you were being reall smart. hence – abusing, insulting swearing – and larging it. But when it came to it – without all those things . . . there was nothing.
You already knew . . . those abbreviated letters – their meanings were NOT reveled for ordinary Muslims – then you concocted a meaningless drama . . . but now – you have nothing else left when exposed.
Hence it is simply remarks such as . . .
I really don't have time to trigger clairvoyance for reflections! Julia you are on IGNORE LIST ! Have FUN…..USE MAX FREEDOM AND GET KICKED lol
Let us say . . . you are at a location – and you know that the direction of kabah is 43 degrees east . . . then you need a compass.
Look up – what a compass is and what it does!
"It is NOT –PRETTY– EASY to understand but just EASY, Amin ! You are trying to be smart again, huh,huh ! "
This is simply meaningless . . . . just saying it isn't easy – doesn't make it so.
That is why I asked . . . what is that you need help in. . . and you have no answer.
– – –
"If it is EASY TO UNDERSTAND ( Allah says so !) AND ALLAH EXPLAINED IT IN DETAIL then nobody needs any explanation of a human being like you, Amin ."
That's not what "easy" means. For example – one has to know Classical Arabic – in which the book is written.
– – –
Besides that – all there is, are comments that only you this are pretty smart. Nut nevertheless meaningless.
Does God depends upon the compass ?
I asked you: "And where is the explanation? ( Of Allah of course; if your almightyAllah says that he has explained someting in detail , then this must be true….don't you agree? ) "
Your answer: This question doesn't make much sense . . . the Quran is there – and that is it.
IT IS YOU WHO DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, AMIN ! "The Quran is there-and that is it "…yes, BUT WHERE IS THE DETAILED EXPLANATION IN IT (Or elsewhere ) ,AMIN.??
WHAT USE HAS THIS DETAILED EXPLANATION OF ALLAH IF WE CAN NOT FIND IT IN THE QURAN ? Where is the Quidance in surah 2:1- ALIF,LAM,MEEM ,ETC., because surah 2:2 says:
" This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah ".
You must cearly have been brainwashed if you don't see the sheer nonsense of your own answer !
i am not clear with your answer.
What is the relation between compass and kaba?
isn't qibla facing towards kaba and praying?
You wrote:
" The Quran is pretty easy to understand. – What is it that you need understanding in. I'll do my best to explain it. "
It is NOT –PRETTY– EASY to understand but just EASY, Amin ! You are trying to be smart again, huh,huh !
If it is EASY TO UNDERSTAND ( Allah says so !) AND ALLAH EXPLAINED IT IN DETAIL then nobody needs any explanation of a human being like you, Amin . WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ,MAN !? THE NEW MOHAMMED ?? 😉
Try not to revert to caps – as it take longer to read.
– – –
Why is it "devastating" for Islam – Muslims have always maintained – We they don't know. This comes from the Prophet Muhammad himself.
Scholars only guess for their enjoyment as it were – not to give out definite answers.
– – –
"And a very bad performance of you, AMIN. That's why it took so long to answer …IS IT NOT ?"
As I pointed out . . . . you were going to say something like this – regardless. As you are not able to deal with answers.
– – –
It is explained clearly . . . what is ambiguous about it? It is clear – that meanings of these were not revealed to ordinary believers.
– – – –
" THE QURAN IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND, EXPLAINED ( to all the readers of the Quran of course , who else? ) IN DETAIL BY "ALMIGHTY ALLAH ,BUT STILL YOU MUSLIMS (and we) DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF MANY SURAHVERSES (2:1 , 3:1, etc.) "
But why would that mean – any less clarity? These words are not commands – and they are not narrative. It is clear – that they have no meanings for ordinary believers. There is no difficult there.
– – – –
Why is it twisted – and in what way . . . you built a pretty little story in your head . . . and that is all you had. My dear, outside of your head – I don't think it means much.
Quran is mostly Allah's word to all believers – those words are simply abbreviations – for text that wasn't reveled to ordinary believers. There is nothing else to it.
You,Amin, wrote (about the meaning of the strange surahverses : Alif,Lam,Meem etc.):
"As it has been explained – my ( many?) times . . . Muslims do not know. Although scholars hedge some guess – but that is all they are . . . ".
And a very bad performance of you, AMIN. That's why it took so long to answer …IS IT NOT ? 😉 ;-), You are ASHAMED ,OF COURSE ! AND YOU SHOULD BE !
"How should a man face kaba when is diametrically opposite to
kaba on globe? "
It doesn't matter where you are – you can always find the general direction of Kaba – if you know the direction – all you need is a compass.
In USA, some people behold Qibla in north while some in east. Correct me if I am wrong.
"We free people can easy take all your insults "
No you cannot – no one can. It is just that as you inadvertently imply . . . YOU Julia lack the civility and the intelligence – hence you hide behind the wall of swearing. If you don't . . .
– – –
"Why is the pre-islamic idol, the Black Stone, still in/on your Kaaba? And why do you prostrate 5 time each day towards this thing and why do you kiss it? "
Muslims do not bow towards the Black Stone. The stone is just that – a stone. A supposed meteorite.
The only time Muslims are required to kiss the Black stone is during Hajj. Mostly – simply for symbolic purposes – as Muslims claim the stone has been passed down from Adam's time. To establish a link with such blessed people.
– – –
"What do the strange letters in surah 2:1, 3:1, etc. ALIF,LAM,MEEM, QAF,SAAD,NUN….mean? "
As it has been explained – my times . . . Muslims do not know. Although scholars hedge some guess – but that is all they are . . .
– – –
"Your god Allah says that his Quran is easy to understand and explained in detail !"
The Quran is pretty easy to understand. – What is it that you need understanding in. I'll do my best to explain it.
– – –
"And where is the explanation? ( Of Allah of course; if your almightyAllah says that he has explained someting in detail , then this must be true….don't you agree? ) "
This question doesn't make much sense . . . the Quran is there – and that is it. For example – see:
– – – –
Which questions . . . all Julia has done is a bit of swearing.
Ok concept of Qibla is that you face towards mecca during your prayers.
How should a man face kaba when is diametrically opposite to
kaba on globe?
You were doing ever so well – why resort to " Amin the mathematician " name calling again?
– – –
"he prostrate towards the Black Stone idol in/on the Kaaba "
No one prostrate to the Black Stone. But towards the house – it is a unified direction.
– – –
"Suppose some muslim is exactly on the opposite side of the earth sphere , in what direction must he prostrate towards the Black Stone idol in/on the Kaaba ?"
I did not understand your question. It doesn't matter when you are on Earth – you can always find the Qiblah.
– – –
"muslim then he ALSO bows to his idol "
Muslims don't bow to an idol.
– – –
"Do you understand what i am saying? "
– – –
"You need no trigonometry, to understand this !"
Why don't you. Just because you stick a smiley in front or exclamation marks – it doesn't give your words any more credence.
– – –
"Now, more seriously, Amin…you still are reacting on some minor points but you also still haven't answered my questions . Are you hard working on it?"
Which questions are those? If you wanted some answers . . . why didn't you list the questions – so I can answer them.
– – – –
"By the way ..I don't have to repeat what the questions were….do I ? "
Well yes . . . unfortunately – I lack any super powers.
"this is one more lie. "
What is a lie . . . and why is it a lie? When you have nothing left – don't cry wolf.
– – –
"Qibla is the ultimate proof that muzzie b@stards thought earth was flat. "
– – –
"of course you can spread carpet or bed on any shape . but the question i am asking you is why would you spread a carpet on spherical shaped object? "
it is NOT just carpet . . . but it could be any surface . . . . on any shape. Hence to claim that earth being spread out – doesn't equal to "flat".
Ah . . . son – you cannot have it both ways . . .
" classical arab lies "aka lexicons" "
When you couldn't defend your position – then it's the dictionaries that are lies.
Why are the "lies" – evidence?
Or . . . it could just be you. Weren't you allegedly banned for posting under other names . . . Sina even justified it at first – then he pretended to ban you.
Either way. . . How am I responsible for anyone else but me?
Swearing in empty air are we , empty set { } ?
Bitch? What is this brother of yours doing ,Aminriadh?
Amin the mathematician 😉
Suppose some muslim is exactly on the opposite side of the earth sphere , in what direction must he prostrate towards the Black Stone idol in/on the Kaaba ?Or can this muslim freely choose? What is this direction anyway when the earth is spherical ?Along the circle or in a straight line? And If a muslim bows in the opposite direction as another muslim then he ALSO bows to his idol.(only the distance can be bigger ) ;-0 Do you understand what i am saying?
You need no trigonometry, to understand this ! 😉
Now, more seriously, Amin…you still are reacting on some minor points but you also still haven't answered my questions . Are you hard working on it?
But …Remember…We (kafirun) want clear and logical answers!
By the way ..I don't have to repeat what the questions were….do I ?
Thank you muslim ( biggest insult there is ), MAIN CON .
This is the greatest compliment I could wish for !
It proves that that I am on the right track, i'm clearly touching a painful spot by you muslims 😉
We free people can easy take all your insults (Hey ,Aminriadh…how about this "civilised" muslim reaction??).
But now, MainCon… try to answer some of my serious questions about Islam, because Islam is the isue here ! That you muslims are violent and backward is already wellknown all over the world ,hahaha!
1) Why is the pre-islamic idol, the Black Stone, still in/on your Kaaba? And why do you prostrate 5 time each day towards this thing and why do you kiss it?
2) What do the strange letters in surah 2:1, 3:1, etc. ALIF,LAM,MEEM, QAF,SAAD,NUN….mean?
Your god Allah says that his Quran is easy to understand and explained in detail ! So, where are these details? And where is the explanation? ( Of Allah of course; if your almightyAllah says that he has explained someting in detail , then this must be true….don't you agree? 😉 )
One single, clear and logical answer…please ! Take you time (till judgementday ?)
@ "Julia"
This site can be tolerated if you just disappear…evaporate, go anywhere..find a sewer and
stay there, it is the ideal place for you, because your comments are stink,, smell like dead
rats, and when you try to be funny, your sense of humor is revolting. When I visit this site
I read the articles and avoid reading the comments, because once I see yours and your
name I get an upset stomach, and feel like rushing to the WC.
Correction: Mutah marriage is forbidden in Saudi Arabia because they are
"Sonnies". Mutah marriage is common in Iran the "Shiiat".
As for babies born holding qurans and other stuff…I say even a child with
a bit of intelligence refuses to believe it. So I wonder how can anybody question this.
Regarding Ramses II and the salt found in his lung and they took this as an evidence
that he was the pharaoh of Moses who drowned in the sea……….
there is a better explanation for the "salt" in the lung…don't they know that the ancient
Egyptians used to soak the dead body in salt for 40 days? this was a part of the
process of mommification.
But I still believe in the freedom of belief…..the human race is pathetic !
Bitch is trying to ban me lol
of course you can spread carpet or bed on any shape . but the question i am asking you is why would you spread a carpet on spherical shaped object?
this is one more lie.
and in 1993 abdul aziz a grand mufti of saudi told that earth is flat and anybody saying otherwise is a kafir.
Qibla is the ultimate proof that muzzie b@stards thought earth was flat.
explain to me just not give some dictionary name.
classical arab lies "aka lexicons"
mother fuker if at all muslims start war and do this is india .
i will definitely nuke mecca and have your woman as my right hand possession
"An ant can rest on tennis ball. "
And a human can sleep on Earth . . . as you put it. . . "curvature of ball is negligible to it".
– – –
"but when you say carpet is spread on a sphere i should ask you what are you referring to ? "
I am merely pointing out that – you can spread a surface on any shape.
– – –
"actually many mulla's and many arab people thought earth was flat from these verse . "
Not really from the verse . . . from the science of the time. Most didn't – Muslims knew the earth WASN'T FLAT . . . . as soon as someone picks up a telescope – it becomes obvious.
They used to work out direction of Kaba – using trig. Impossible without Earth as sphere.
– – – –
"Now all of a sudden to prove your quran is right you are inventing bull****s. "
This is why you don't know much . . . other than reading propaganda. There is a long history of it.
– – – –
"and also I am not impressed by zakir naik – he is a no1 liar. "
Then why keep mentioning him?
– – – –
"for the proof that zakir naik support slavery you can type in youtube"
Nope – that is YOUR job . . . bring it up. Else you lied. Another one to the count.
– – – –
"and what about his lie about duhiya ("ostrich egg")? "
I have already told you . . . THAT has nothing to do with him . . . see lanes lexicon:
That is from Classical Arabic dictionaries.
Don't you agree that there was rape happening in bangladesh at the hands of pakistani army?
Many mullah's sent the people to fight stating that it is halal for them to have bangladeshi woman as right hand possession.
even at the time of your prophet , the captures slave women had their husbands alive. Can't you see cruelty of islam and muhammad's sunna?
Don't deny historical facts . You may also become victim of your own ideology one day.
search for zakir naiks sex with right hand possession in youtube you will get what i am talking about
and many young girls were sold during the ride by muhammad of ghazni. this too is a historical record . i have read this from many history books and also muhammad ghazni's biography too
"why would you sleep on a sphere? "
Why do you live on a spherical Earth? "
An ant can rest on tennis ball.
as it is area of contact a curvature of ball is negligible to it.
and for us earth's curvature is too negligible and it is like almost flat.
but when you say carpet is spread on a sphere i should ask you what are you referring to ?
actually many mulla's and many arab people thought earth was flat from these verse .
Now all of a sudden to prove your quran is right you are inventing bullshits.
and also I am not impressed by zakir naik – he is a no1 liar.
for the proof that zakir naik support slavery you can type in youtube . about slavery and zakir naik you will come to know his real face. man i am disgusted have such people in my country.
and what about his lie about duhiya ("ostrich egg")?
"denial is not proof mr saudi riadh, "
No dearie . . . but as you have given no proofs for you claims . . . hence it makes them meaningless.
As they are YOUR claims – why don't YOU back them up first.
– – –
"why don't you agree that you too are born from a mutah by a saudi. "
This is foul, meaningless and wrong. You don't even know what you are talking about.
You claim to be on the right path . . . is it the one where you lie and deceive in every comment?
don't you agree with the fact that many muslim soldiers of pakistan were raping woman
in bangladesh?
they are convicted in bangladesh recently.
denial is not proof mr saudi riadh,
why don't you agree that you too are born from a mutah by a saudi.
"first of all to know the hate you should think neutrally like a good human being. "
Hang on . . how can you advice others to think "neutrally" – some of your SWEARING at me has been vile and foul. Then there is your lying and cheating . . . that bit you copied from someone else and pasted it as your own.
– – –
"even zakhir mullah naik agrees with that .
he once standing on the stage asked people if today war happens what is wrong in having sex slaves. "
I doubt he said that . . . evidence? Especially given your record.
– – –
"He targeted young girls. many young girls are sold to turkey and middle east. even today muslims of saudi take small children in mutah marriage. "
This is a complete hogwash – Saudi is mostly Sunni for example – there is no Mutah marriage in Sunni Islam. Also – Mutah marriage of Shia refers to Temporary Marriage.
– – –
"in 1971 there were more than a million war children in bangladesh. And all these are direct result of muhammad's behaviour. "
A complete lie! Another one.
– – –
"Once think like a human being . you will get relieved of islam. "
What like you . . . look at the ABOVE lies . . . look at your previous lies . . . look at your own behaviour.
What kind of human are you? Without a shred of decency – given the evidence?
– – –
"And your answered that bed and carpet be spread on spherical surface
but why would you spread bed or carpet .acrtually you spread carpet or bed to sleep or sit. "
Look how oyu are HIDING your shame . . . your little bit of cheating.
I said – something can be SPREAD over any surface . . . you can spread a carpet for example over a spherical surface.
– – –
"why would you sleep on a sphere? "
Why do you live on a spherical Earth?
– – –
"you copied this explanation from zakir naik isn't it? "
I have no need to. Unlike you I am not impressed with him – as he is a Medical Dr. and a TV personality.
– – –
"but zakir mullah naik also added that duhiya means ostrich egg so earth is like ostrich egg. "
I have explained this in details – previously on this site. And it ISN'T from Naik – it is from Classical Arabic dictionaries.
– – –
"why are you not opposing this lie from zakir naik? "
Once again . . . it is apparent – you are far less than honest – your capability of comprehension . . . . oh well – there is lot to be desired there. What exactly is a lie from Naik?
There are many things which person can only experience and can not write. I am aware of Hazrat Ibn Arabi RA.
There are two ways, one is Wahadat Ul Wajood while another is Wahadat Ul Shahood. All fellow members here are not well read like your self.
If some one remember God, without self interest/lust for worldly thing, just as his/her duty for being human. One can understand the letters. But for that blessing of God and getting a true guide/Murshid is must. I agree that I have not understand even the meaning of a single letter or word of Holy Koran. But The God's willing, if God wants , I may be fortunate one to understand it one day.
Presently I am at holy war/Jihad, between my Nafs/Materialistic part of Body and Qalb/Godly part of the Body. Pray for me that I find the God. You now bro, God is not Muslim or Kaffir. As per the last prophet, humans are image of God due to the qualities of the God in Humans. Many people do not agree to this info.
Actually ,it is islam that is hateful.
first of all to know the hate you should think neutrally like a good human being.
According to islam having sex with right hand possession is allowed.
even zakhir mullah naik agrees with that .
he once standing on the stage asked people if today war happens what is wrong in having sex slaves.
You should know that when muhammad of ghaznavi when invaded somnath temple .
He targeted young girls. many young girls are sold to turkey and middle east. even today muslims of saudi take small children in mutah marriage.
in 1971 there were more than a million war children in bangladesh. And all these are direct result of muhammad's behaviour.
Once think like a human being . you will get relieved of islam.
And your answered that bed and carpet be spread on spherical surface
but why would you spread bed or carpet .acrtually you spread carpet or bed to sleep or sit.
why would you sleep on a sphere?
you copied this explanation from zakir naik isn't it?
but zakir mullah naik also added that duhiya means ostrich egg so earth is like ostrich egg.
why are you not opposing this lie from zakir naik?
What a load of concocted bull.
" Some tips for the letters given over the holy Koran at the start of some chapters. Non of the intelligent Muslim here could know that as they do not do meditation that is Dhikr, Marakbah or Even their Sallat as Meditational point of view. They have lust in their heart. For worldly things and paradise after the death. "
What does this even mean?
– – – –
"Those who want Wahadat/Unity with God, via Vajod(seeing unity in existence(Followed in Chisti order of Sufis))"
Did you just make this up. . . . Wahdat al-Wajood was elucidated by Ibn Arabi – a Qadri Sufi.
– – –
Do you know – the whole nonsense is that messed up – it doesn't make sense. And that has always been the trouble with you Vijay – I have difficulty figuring out what you are saying.
– – –
"Some tips for the letters given over the holy Koran at the start of some chapters. "
You started off with this . . . and then went completely askew.
Holy Bible has word from the Elohim. I am the Omega and the Alpha, Who is, who was and who is to come. In Tantras/Being in harmony with the Cosmic System/Tantra means system in Sanskrit, there are many sounds. There is a detailed Islamic Tantra Shastra/science. There is Ramal also, which taps the random phenomena but may not help for salvation. Tantra also could be used to worldly desire fulfillment but some sounds could be used to activate the glands in the body, which are called Latief/Litf in Sufism and Chakras in Yoga.
But bigot people mind will be so closed that, followers of para normal science are always under threat in area dominated by Muslims. So if Sufi tries to be overt, sects of Islams become independent religions like Al Mauhidoons/Druze, Bahais, Sikhs, Ahle Haq and so on.
"Quran and Islam in purest form is very violent and inhumane. Just mixing urine in water doesn't make things good. "
You always leave such short and meaningless remarks . . . what is their point – other than to imply how much you hate Islam. And – you don't really know much about it.
By the way – is this hate religious?
Quran and Islam in purest form is very violent and inhumane. Just mixing urine in water doesn't make things good.
Some tips for the letters given over the holy Koran at the start of some chapters. Non of the intelligent Muslim here could know that as they do not do meditation that is Dhikr, Marakbah or Even their Sallat as Meditational point of view. They have lust in their heart. For worldly things and paradise after the death.
Those who want Wahadat/Unity with God, via Vajod(seeing unity in existence(Followed in Chisti order of Sufis))/Adwaita in Sanatan Dharma or via Shahood(just remain witness of the nature of the creator in life, without being part of it(Followed in Naqshbandi Order of Sufis))/Sakhi Bhav of Srimad Bhagvat Gita.
There could be some sounds, which help in to over come decayable mammon /Maya/Fana and reach Baqa/The God, who only remains.
I could be killed by Ahle Hadees people as they consider it as innovations/Bida, while Sufi consider there all preaching as Bidah.[youtube 6L6yZeJ6fFo youtube]
This Aminriadh is a cunning deceiver using TAQIYYAH, KITMAN and all kinds of illogical reasoning tricks.
He humiliates all his opponents with sneeky insults ! THE HYPOCRITE !! I for that matter don't care about that . But it is very ugly that he whines and wailes like a cry-baby when someone does the same to him. !
Example : According to Mohammed himself : HE IS JUST A WARNER ,A PROHET ON THE SAME LEVEL AS MOSES AND JESUS CHRIST (He very humble indeed …sarcasm).
u have done a great job in showing that islam is not only not a religion but a dangerous cult
founded by an epileptic who was focused on his own importance. he even brought in god to
legitimise his misdeeds, appointing himself as the messenger of god and using god's name to sanctify his evil deeds. when u study closely what this man has done during his lifetime and after his death, u wonder how he can be called a prophet.
"I answer, limited by ability and time. But not to those who are trolls. As they will abuse you no matter what. Hence engaging with such people is one's own folly. "
It is OK if you do not answer, Aminriadh, it might be a good tactic, but then Julia will certainly respond to you, when you respond to others.
But when in your extensive correspondence have YOU conceded points, by graciously acknowledging them, when the writers, Ali Sina, then commenters, disagree with you? NEVER, NO MATTER WHAT, it seems to me. You only seem to concede points by ignoring them. I experienced that myself. You often did not answer my questions and challenges, but only part of them. Granted, we both are limited by ability and time, OK, but still ….
Why blame Julia for "abuse no matter what"?
Yes, you use great logic and knowledge, you are fearsome, flabbergasting me at times, but you also almost invariably use language that looks suspiciously like abuse.
You are highly judgemental about opponents "logic" "reasoning abilities", language, knowledge. Or rather lack thereof. Very often you chastise people with them bringing lack of evidence. You very often use the words "meaningless, rants, ridiculous, pathetic, and many other derogatory terms. Like "Oh, but YOU take the biscuit" etc. That hurts too you know.
I put it to you that you are at least in part being treated just like you yourself treat others, to begin with Ali Sina, then the opposing commenters.
Arabic and English are different languages . . . some language be closer to each other. As Europeans languages are to each other.
Hence – An English speaker would find it much easier to learn French than Arabic or Hebrew or Chinese.
– – –
As per usual your words do not make much sense! What is this:
"What you mean to say is for european whatever **** they did can be easily conveyed without shame."
Just look how quickly you fall over . . .
Why don't you make an HONEST attempt – rather than such half hearted flings?
As I have proven time and time again with you . . . . you lack the talent, skills and the knowledge. I even got you to admit that!
" I have met many non-Muslims who openly admit that their holy books are NOT revealed by God (They say the message in their holy books is 'inspired' by God)."
This is used by Christians – and that is from day one. This has been there claim – so it is wrong comparison.
Also it is well known Bible was written by different authors – at different times – the same story is told by the point of view by several different authors.
To make out . .. this is some kind of alternative position is ANOTHER ridiculous falsification by you.
– – –
"However, I am yet to meet a single Muslim who shows even a slight doubt regarding the Quran being revealed by God. "
Whole POINT of being a Muslim is – to believe Quran is word of God. Else – why would anyone call themselves Muslims?
Did you miss something? Why don't you read up Basics of Islam.
– – –
" I will be 'poking fingers' again and point out some obvious discrepancies. "
Well – you have had few goes . . . and they have ALL turned out to be false.
Such as the FARCE above.
How was your deliberate falsification – a discrepancy?
With a slight push . . . it fell down.
Then you ventured into even more bizarre claim:
"Ok, thanks for clearing that up. You clearly explain things better than the Quran does"
– – –
Yet all that has FLOWN over your head . . . and i end up with your propaganda lines.
I have you figured out pretty well. And that was from the last exchange . . .
If you are going to do a bit of copy and paste – at least admit the source: for example this site contains the above:…
What did you do – a quick Google search – and pasted someone's words as your own?
– – – –
Despite your little hocus-pocus. . .
None of these verses imply a Flat Earth. For example:
لذي جعل لكم الأرض مهدا وسلك لكم فيها سبلا وأنزل من السماء ماء فأخرجنا به أزواجا من نبات شتى
Sahih International
[It is He] who has made for you the earth as a bed [spread out] and inserted therein for you roadways and sent down from the sky, rain and produced thereby categories of various plants.
All the Quran implies is the Earth was made a resting place. Which is true enough from a human perspective – we use it as such to live.
And how does this refer to Earth being flat?
– – –
As far to level something out . . . or to spread something . . . well that can be done to surface of ANY shape.
You can spread something over a Sphere – or a Cube. Quran neither implies a Flat Earth or a Spherical Earth.
– – –
Another problem – with copy and paste is that you – yourself barely read these – or understood them. You found something on the internet and dishonestly pasted it as your own.
Now – that is your level – it doesn't really matte to yo what I say . . . you lack the honesty and capability to understand and to give it a good, fair thinking.
" in quran there is a verse which says earth is spread like a carpet . please explain me why is it so?"
What verse are you talking about? If you do not know the verse . . . how am I meant to know? Guess?. It is your job to provide such exact references.
– – –
"you just do red herring . "
This is baseless and false accusation – else what red-herring? I don't think you know meaning of the term. You simply wanted t o accuse me of something.
– – –
"why don't you come to the point "
Which point? All you can do is post a few lines of half-baked, half hearted efforts such as above – either stop wasting time – or put a bit of effort in.
It seems all you are interested in is having a go – and that is it. Not good enough.
What you mean to say is for european whatever shit they did can be easily conveyed without shame. for muslims whatever shit they did in the name of islam can be conveyed in arabic persian and urdu.
as nobody is going to question your shit.
why blasphemy and apostasy laws?
Sura Al-Kahf (18:47)
And (remember) the Day We shall cause the mountains to pass away (like clouds of dust), and you will see the earth as a levelled plain, and we shall gather them all together so as to leave not one of them behind.
Sura Taha (20:53)
Who has made earth for you like a bed (spread out); and has opened roads (ways and paths etc.) for you therein; and has sent down water (rain) from the sky. And We have brought forth with it various kinds of vegetation.
Sura Az-Zukhruf (43:10)
Who has made for you the earth like a bed, and has made for you roads therein, in order that you may find your way.
Sura Az-Zukhruf (43:38)
Till, when (such a one) comes to Us, he says [to his Qarîn (Satan / devil companion)] "Would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts (or the east and west)" a worst (type of) companion (indeed)!
Sura An-Naba (78:6)
Have We not made the earth as a bed,
Sura An-Naziat (79:30)
And after that He spread the earth;
These verses would only be applicable to a flat earth belief
Sura An-Naml (27:61)
Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilâh (god) with Allâh? Nay, but most of them know not.
Sura Al-Kahf (18:86)
Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people. We (Allâh) said (by inspiration): "O Dhul-Qarnain! Either you punish them, or treat them with kindness."
Sura Al-Kahf (18:90)
Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We (Allâh) had provided no shelter against the sun.
Sura Yasin (36:38)
And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
Sura Yasin (36:40)
It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit.
All these verses support a Flat earth model that the Quran is describing. I strongly encourage you to read these Suras in their entirety, to prove to yourself that I have not taken or used any verse out of context. If you feel that I have missed any verses which describe or support a spherical model, please provide me the verses from the Quran. Any imaginations not supported by a verse from the Quran will NOT be acceptable.
bro you are not getting my point . in quran there is a verse which says earth is spread like a carpet . please explain me why is it so?
you just do red herring . why don't you come to the point
This is typical of you . . . hence I warned you earlier – I have been down this road with you – I have seen what you have got. Last time – it came down to you admitting – you don't have the right ability.
So why did you poke you finger in again?
Then there is this ridiculous comment – which you thought was real smart:
"Ok, thanks for clearing that up. You clearly explain things better than the Quran does"
Considering – you invented this confusion . . . you are NOT able to read or understand Arabic – hence blaming Quran for something you kinda understood from some article or other . . . and then leveled it at the Quran . . .
However – Quran isn't there to explain its own verses for you . . . it is an Arabic book – hence understood if you know Arabic.
As with translation of ANYTHING – you are relying on secondary material . . .
If you are all that interested – either learn Arabic – or stop the nonsense.
Dear muslims!
You believe that your allah is almighty .You MUST BELIEVE THAT !!!
NOW SOME ARROGANT socalled muslimscholars suddenly know the answer : ALIF,LAM MEEM is classed {?} MUQUATAT..TATATATATAAAAAA…BWAHAHAHAAAAA ..PATHETIC !!! REALLY VERY POOR !!!
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. You clearly explain things better than the Quran does 😉
The comment seems to have disappeared – but all I said – I answer, limited by ability and time. But not to those who are trolls.
As they will abuse you no matter what. Hence engaging with such people is one's own folly.
Civility isn't that much to ask for.
"How could eight different translators (who were supposedly all experts at Arabic and English) come up with two different translations of this verse."
I think you have read something about this – and not properly understood it. As the above shows . . . hence you pasted examples – that did not match what you were trying to convey.
– – –
Questions of such nature do not relate the original text – but to translations . . . Arabic and English are two opposing languages.
Arabic translates well into other languages such as Urdu, Persian and etc that are far closer to it.
Same with English – it translates well with fellow European problems.
You can hardly blame translations problems of different language – on to the Original text.
– – –
In interest of rigor.
ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه هدى للمتقين
In Arabic you can read he text in 2 ways:
[ء[ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه] [هدى للمتقين
This book there is no doubt in it. Guidance for the God fearing.
[ذلك الكتاب لا ريب] [فيه هدى للمتقين ]
This book, no doubt there is guidance in it.
– – –
However – virtually the 1st translation is read and conveyed. As it is the better Arabic – and 2nd isn't.
– – – –
Note: People like Taqi Usmani and Daryabadi – their translations – are translations of translations . . . there's isn't the first-hand translations.
Dear Readers !! We have reached a break through !!!
Aminriadh has a "scolarly"and"scientific" answer to the question what the meaning is of Surah 2:1 (etc. ,because there are many like this) Alif,Lam ,Meem . DON'T LAUGH….THIS IS VERY SERIOUS ! HUH,HUH..;-)Aminriadh's answris( tatatataaa) ,I QUOTE HIM:
"Alif Lam Meem – are classed as Muqattat"
You (WHO.? ..ALLAH?) give something you don't understand an IMPRESSIVE( hmmm) name …and the whole "THING"is CLEARLY EXPLAINED…IN DETAIL…WITHOUT DOUBT !!
You must be really desprate !
By talking in this way,Islam and muslims will NEVER GET THE RESPECT WHERE THEY SOOOO MUCH LONG FOR !!
The confusion is purely yours . . . and has absolutely nothing to do with the above translators – and here is why.
You made this confusion up:
"1) There is no doubt that this book is a guidance to those who fear Allah. "
Anyone with basic Arabic knowledge would not have the confusion. None of the above translations imply this – or should imply it.
– – –
This is the Arabic sentence:
ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه هدى للمتقين
ذلك الكتاب
That book
لا ريب فيه
No doubt in it.
The last pronoun refers back to the book – hence no Arabic reader would ever arrive at:
"1) There is no doubt that this book is a guidance to those who fear Allah. "
– – –
La Raiba Fihi – has become a fairly common literary device within Arabic – used within secular contexts. For example I have started to read Muhammad Shukri's autobiography. al-Khubz al-Hafi – he uses it.
– – –
Here is why you contrived this 'confusion':
[Abdul Daryabadi : This Book whereof there is no doubt, ]
He says the same thing.
[Dr. Mohsin : This is the Book (the Qur'ân), whereof there is no doubt, ]
Again – he says the same thing. Comparable to "This book, there is no doubt in it."
Mufti Taqi Usmani : This Book has no doubt in it –
Again – he says the same thing. Comparable to "This book, there is no doubt in it."
Pickthal : This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt,
Again – he says the same thing. Comparable to "This book, there is no doubt in it."
Yusuf Ali : This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt,
Yusuf Ali preceds Hudan li- al-Muttaqreen – but "without doubt" still refers back to the book.
[Sahih International : This is the Book about which there is no doubt, ]
[Shakir : This Book, there is no doubt in it,]
[Dr. Ghali : That is the Book, there is no suspicion about it, ]
– – –
None of these implies this:
"1) There is no doubt that this book is a guidance to those who fear Allah."
However . . . this sentence is not much different to your other:
2) This book has no doubt in it. It is a guidance to those who fear Allah
Because in the end – the sense of the meaning conveyed is same:
1. That undoubtedly Quran is guidance for the God fearing.
HAHAHAH good one sweet heart
Here is one from me
muhammad had a donkey
donkey died
muhammad cried 😀
My dear – this is poor – real poor. Did you not even bother to read the above?
"It is easy to understand . . . what is it that you need understanding in?"
ok, let's look at ayat Q2:2. Here I are the translations from eight different people-
Abdul Daryabadi : This Book whereof there is no doubt, is a guidance unto the God-fearing.
Dr. Mohsin : This is the Book (the Qur'ân), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqûn [the pious and righteous persons who fear Allâh much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)].
Mufti Taqi Usmani : This Book has no doubt in it – a guidance for the God-fearing,
Pickthal : This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil).
Yusuf Ali : This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah.
Sahih International : This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah –
Shakir : This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who guard (against evil).
Dr. Ghali : That is the Book, there is no suspicion about it, a guidance to the pious.
A person can get into doubt just by looking at the translations of this ayat alone. It appears that the ayat is saying one of these two things-
1) There is no doubt that this book is a guidance to those who fear Allah.
2) This book has no doubt in it. It is a guidance to those who fear Allah, and (cont in ayat 2:3)
Could there be more meanings?
Which of these meanings is the correct one?
The two possible meanings that I mentioned are fairly simple sentences. How could eight different translators (who were supposedly all experts at Arabic and English) come up with two different translations of this verse. Is Arabic that complicated?
dahaha means spread out (or made flat)
there is a verse which says earth is spread like carpet
"you have many verses saying earth is flat . why are you not accepting it? "
Where? – why don't you point one out?
– – –
"even quran is muqattat by uthman and co. "
Any evidence? Or is this all you got? You have read a few websites nad that is it?
– – –
"why did uthman has to burn other versions of quran? "
So – there are not many versions floating about – and just the one.
– – – –
"damn man . if hadiths are corrupted , quran can also be corrupted . "
The difference is in detail – on they took care to preserve – Hadith – they were not asked to. It is from the companions themselves.
– – –
" muqattat . so it is made up. "
What does that mean? What is made up . . . and how does it relate to the above?
– – – –
You are "few lines" man . . . . and that is about it. Hence – why you resort to verbally abusing and threatening people. However – of late you have cleaned up your act a bit.
Let's see what you got?
"You ain't good at this…so cut it out."
This is for your little falsifications . . . and attempt at being smart. Just the way you did – regarding a flat earth . . . then you claimed – you were no professional. When it came down to – it you admitted you were not good enough. Hence why don't – cut out attempts at being a smart-alec and pretending to "know stuff"
– – –
"ah, but the Quran says it is easy to understand"
It is easy to understand . . . what is it that you need understanding in?
– – –
"Or is it just your trick to call others dumb when they refuse to fall for obvious bs hoping they won't discover the blasphemy "
I didn't call you er .. . . . dumb – ever. But you know – you yourself admitted – you weren't good enough.
Hence I said . . . would like a reminder?
ah, but the Quran says it is easy to understand, without doubt, and explained in detail… which means any idiot should be able to understand it. So telling someone "You ain't good at this…so cut it out." is you going against the Quran.
Or is it just your trick to call others dumb when they refuse to fall for obvious bs hoping they won't discover the blasphemy
muqattat . so it is made up.
even quran is muqattat by uthman and co.
why did uthman has to burn other versions of quran?
also some goat few verses of quran.
damn man . if hadiths are corrupted , quran can also be corrupted .
you have many verses saying earth is flat . why are you not accepting it?
You ain't good at this . . . so cut it out. We established this a while back. . . . or do you want a reminder – professional?
The 'anonymous person' hasn't given any meanings for Alif Lam Meem – so your accusation:
"This is something that you made up. Where does the Quran (or hadis) explain "Alif, Lam, Meem" to be what you say they are??"
Seems false – as per usual.
– – –
Alif Lam Meem – are classed as Muqattat:
A bit late in replying – and you just copied what I said? Are you OK!
Or is calling someone FUEL FOR HELL NO INSULT …or swines…or monkey ??? I call that hypocrite ( this no insult ,but a fact)!
Do you drop your attitude too, Aminriadh?
Do you drop the insults too which are in your Quran towards me (and all disbelievers), the Quran where you , till now, believe in ? Are we kafirun no fuel for hellfire anymore , or monkeys and swines! Do you drop your attitude that you must kill me(qital!!) till i submit ?
I would like that very much …I would be very happy indeed if you would join humanity !
Till then I want you to give me one single, clear and logical anwer to my questions !
Dear Ali
We believe that the REAL author and not only a compiler ("prophet") of the Quran was actually Caliph Abd Al-Malik. And there are several points that bring weight to this suspicion. We also have reason to believe that Arabs exported anti-semitism to Europe when the plague and ebola (from Persia and Africa) was brought to Europe by Arab invaders, who had extensive trading in slaves across the regions. Jew hatred has existed in Arabia from the beginning of Muslim raids since the jews refuse to welcome Mohammeds followers in their cities. After Arabs tried to conquer Europe, which didn't fully succeed, the jews were blamed by Europeans to have brought the disease to their regions, which wiped out half the European population. But we believe this was warfare strategies, intentionally created by Arab warlords.
You can read more about this here:…
Your last sentence was-
Is THAT the meaning of Alif, Lam, Meem?? Yes?
I have explained it as unexplained ! Its funny if I am able to make up undisclosed ! But your chicken head is busy in something else. I won't mind elaborating more to suit your IQ level. Belief is a different ball game you overlooked last sentence.
"I wish I could help regarding your loneliness. But I cannot.
Might I suggest talking to people . . . join some clubs or activity – get out there. Ask member of a family to com along – if you are a little scared, nervous, have low self-esteem."
I concluded from this sentence .
To Taufiq Elahi.
You wrote : "You all will oneday stand infront of God and you will not have any place to go execpt to HELL FIRE."
O.K….o.k., TAUFIQ , but first will Allah lay his SHIN bare . And that is something what I DON'T want TO MISS !!!
SURAH VERSE 68:42 says so: "The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able."
Well I can not prostrate then , but I will see the (HAIRY ?) THING !! …..HAHAHA ! RIDICULOUS !!!
But go On praying , TAUFIQ …Go on and on and on….. !!
THIS EXPANATION IS NOWHERE in the Quran "Know The Enemy "(also a clever name )
We know that AND the muslims know that !!
That's why they do ALL they can to avoid TO ANSWER !! They use all kind of silly diversions, like (OF COURSE) ad hominems etc.
Get over it and become GOOD human beings ..THAT IS THE BEST FOR ALL OF US !!!
@ Amin.
I was talking to empty set { } ,AMON !( an egyption Idol, HUH) DIDN'T YOU NOTICE?
Or are you one and the same person?
And NO ,I am not angry …this is they way A MUSLIMSLAVE wants to be (muslim=submitter) adressed ! You know that, that why you were answering too…is it not !!
(Quran 68:42 —The Day the Shin (lf Allah) will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able ).
AMAZING !!!! Real Islamic SCIENCE !! 😉
To "brother" Amin.
HUH…? "Good Luck" to it ??? YOU ARE RUNNING ,HEY Amin ?
"Trolls bring reputation of site down. In that respect – you do a good job."
So all your majesty likes is to bring down the reputation of this site ?
YOU and your beloved muslim brother ALI and even ALLAH in his Quran did a better job then I did !
So don't RUN Amin ! Take your time , but not till the LAST DAY ! BWAHAAAAAA!
This is something that you made up. Where does the Quran (or hadis) explain "Alif, Lam, Meem" to be what you say they are??
Try to stay off caps – and spell and form sentences properly – if you can. But at least you are beginning to be less trollish. . . drop the complete attitude.
Then if you wish to ask me anything – I will answer.
Yep – if there was any insults and swearing . . . which there isn't.
" I am paying with you as a cat does with a mouse."
Then you deny – you don't fancy me! Come on – make your mind up – daaarling.
HI Amin.
"Ah . . . you mean when Sina – supposedly banned you – it was all a drama. "
HUH….?? (Your favourite expression , huh,huh .. I like mine better.. HAHAHA !)
You are very funny again. You show your real muslim mindset . You muslims see
complots everywhere. How pathetic , and THÁT FOR A "CHOSEN ONE " like YOU…"THE BEST OF CREATION "… A muslim "SCHOLAR ""(huh,huh )
You can't stand to be humiliated by a little woman( a kafir even…OH MY ) ..hahahahaha !!! That's it !!! That's why you can't let go !! Even though you would like too !! Yep …that is because you are completely brainwshed !!
O, yes, YOUR MAJESTY… don't forget to answer the ALIF,LAM,MEEM-question and the one ABOUT THE BLACK STONE !! The readers are getting a bit impatient .
These questions CAN NOT be TOO DIFFUCULT for you …;-) 😉
I'M just stating fact and I'm just having fun . I am paying with you as a cat does with a mouse. I say it right i your face but you still keep on coming back. AMAZING and ridiculous.
You said you will not react on my comments, but again you still keep commong back. I think you are a MASOCHIST …HAHAHA !
To empty set { }
Your brother AMINRIADH hates insults and swearing…. HE SAYS !! 😉
So he will hate your comment too !!! 😉
Thanks for this great reaction !
Have a nice, long and peaceful life in FREEDOM!
To HELL with the evil CULT ISLAM !!
" so in short you are saying people not to comment on islam. "
Your brain powers always amaze me . . . how did you get to this false conclusion?
from: "You are not angry – are you my dear?"
– – –
"hey amin bro"
oh . . . you have stopped swearing! That is a pleasant surprise!
so in short you are saying people not to comment on islam.
hey amin bro we have a humanitarian problem with islam . i want you to clear
You are not angry – are you my dear?
Ah . .. getting angry dear Julie? A angry troll? No! Who would've thought it. 🙂
I think you have trouble – distinguishing between me and Islam.
– – –
All you do is simply verbally abuse – you will do that anyway – so 'Good Luck' to it. Trolls bring reputation of site down. In that respect – you do a good job.
Yet – using capitals is sign of fury in netiquettes – Swearing, Insulting and abusing – that is sign of anger everywhere.
It you who display those signs – yet project this supposed anger to me!
– – –
Which means – insult you!
– – –
Ah . . . you mean when Sina – supposedly banned you – it was all a drama.
Or it is you . . .
One more question Mr.Sina,
I regularly answer questions on Yahoo Answers and I found this question I think from one of your fans.;_ylt=AjcR…
please take a look
prove islam is religion of peace and not violence
#1 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
#2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. This included women. Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.
Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other.
Fatima, Muhammad's favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died. She even miscarried Muhammad's grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.
Fatima's husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife – and one whom he had said was a "perfect woman." 10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.
Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.
The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war…
And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam!
#5 Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.
A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.
None of these other religions are at war with each other.
#7 Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves. This is according to the example set by Muhammad.
#8 Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.
The Qur'an never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times.
"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)
( Let's assume for the sake of argument that the god allah exists !)
IF THIS ALLKNOWING AND ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH SAYS THAT WHAT IS IN HIS QURAN IS WITHOUT DOUBT, EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND EXPLAINED IN DETAIL THEN THÁT MUST BE TRUE !!! If you don't believe that , you say that ALLAH IS A LIAR, and then you are not even a muslim anymore, which is a good thing 😉
Crap ! Go dance with your Idols !! Or else Learn what is submission from Muslims . You are nothing but making GOD as joker whom you lift, sink. And you want to control GOD to dance on your tune ! So pathetic !! errrrr!!!!! Your GOD even run fearing devils attack on him/her lol
Understanding of GOD huh ! Don't let me start on Bhagavadgita nor I am interested in bullshheet ! Oh I forgot you worship even bullshheet ghoshhhhhh…….!!!!
Muslims are submitting to satan. Not GOD. True God will not make a fuss about idol worship and formless worship or even non-worship.
True God won't crave for recognition from his own creation. True god will accept the worship done to an Idol also. It is Mohammad's own lecherous mind creating hatred for so called kaffirs ( = those who didn't obey his pigdung of idol woship vs. worship of the formless).
So why this fanatic demand for submision from Mohammad's Wolfy mouth? Mo created this division deliberately so that with this pretext he could attack the "kaffirs" and confiscate their wealth and women.
some muslims know this truth but defend Koran & Mo because they too want war booty. Other muslims believe in koran blindly.
By the way, devotion and submision are not the monopoly of Muslims.
Islamic devotion is blind, without understanding. The concept of kaffir & jihad is hating others.
Bhagavadgita-Chapter 16, Verse 18.
Resorting to egotism,power, arrogance,lust,and anger, such envious people hate Me (Supreme God) who dwells within their bodies and bodies of others.
Note:-Kaffir hating muslims hate God situated in the bodies of others.
When you have no true understanding of God, your worship and submission go to the evil and hence are futile.
Bhagavadgita-Chapter XVI-19
I repeatedly cast those who are envious and cruel into the wombs of the ungodly life after life, for they are the worst of humanity.
Muslims are submitting to satan. Not GOD. True God will not make a fuss about idol worship and formless worship or even non-worship.
Moksha/Liberation/Salvation/Khalasi is going near to God or getting paradise with worldly matters ? Is Dhikr non Islamic ? I agree that one does not have to be intellectual or book reader to surrender to Allah.
You are nothing but trying to cope up with stress and trauma with insults and hate !!! Don't agree for solutions , burn your ass as much as you like ! You got a freedom lol
If the prescribed solution doesn't work we can move for next solution. I am sorry there is no formulated chemical pill that can cure your delusion lol
There are many Sufis who practice salat , sawm, zakat , hajj and such fundamentals of Islam are Islamic and those who just recite Allah's name and hysterically behave without following basic teachings of Islam or developed their own teachings theosophically have nothing to do Islam.
Islam offers simplest form of salvation, moksha as submission. You need not to be scholar , intellectual other have any special caliber to do this thus acceptable for every mankind
To little RAT !
YES…..COMPLETELY EMPTY !!! AMAZING ….{ } has not a single brain cel left ..A ISLAMIC MIRACLE AGAIN !!!
Before I forget ….LOL , you like that…LOL !! BWAAAAAHAAAAAHA !!
When some one is after spiritual pursuit,social, physical , financial, political needs , are not needed. Without Allah, life is incomplete. When law and order is an obstacle in meeting the beloved. Better to leave them. Narcotics cause temporary intoxication while staying with beloved cause intoxication, eternally. I agree to you 101% and let other non Muslim Sufi Bashers from India, take note. True Sufi, thinks of leave all the worldly bondage. People who consider these Fani/Decay able things must, during life and in paradise , consider Sufis as mad. In past and still many of Sufis get liberation from their life from such people.
Many people claim to be Muslim. Which literally means surrender to the will of Allah. But these "Muslims" use the name of Allah to alter the things as per their needs and not to alter self ego to zero in name of Allah. There is a difference between when Allah guides and when Humans interpreting the books guide. Holy Kuran is the book revealed after many books. Some cases have Ahadeeth overriding the Holy Kuran as in the case of eating dead fishes and locust and blood of liver and spleen, which as per Holy Kuran(Blood and dead),if followed without Ahadeeth, is not allowed.
ARE YOU THE SAME PERSON AS { } , the empty set !
Your answers are just as stupid and EMPTY !
Because of your islamic low self-esteem yiu cannot handle to be ridiculed .YOUR EVIL FAKE PROPHET COULD NOT EITHER !
But that is precisely what is happening to you now. AND IT IS GETTING WORSE everytime you try ro react ! YOU ARE MAKING A FOOL AND A CLOWN IF YOURSELF !
You don't even remember that you were crying like a baby, that I came back? hahahahahahaa
You can't not remember how you and your friend Ali were swearing? And how you were showing your evil muslim mindset!!
You cannot even remember what you were trying to do ….don't you? BE SURE OF IT….MOST READERS DO !! 😉
I exposed your evil little plan ! You schemed …but I was the best schemer . (Al Makirun !!…remember 😉 )
WOW , now that was clear answer…without DOUBT (?), EASY TO UNDERSTAND ( my a$s !) and EXPLAINED IN DETAIL (yeah..right) !
This was the answer your backward IMAM gave you, is it not ,you MORON !!
SO AGAIN …TO ALL OTHER, somewhat intelligent muslims, WHAT DO THE LETTERS ALIF ,LAM,MEEM ln quran 2:1 mean. Allah does not come with CRAP …or does he?
COME ON ,OH "CHOSE ONE " …..BWAAAAHAHAHA !!!! (sorry , you can't stand being spoofed….because of your low self-esteem) .
There were millions of people who were born before us and they died .
nobody is eternal .
Don't you know albert einstein existed in this world?
just like that every one will carve their identity by their deeds and inventions.
even muhammad lived you believed that , because you have a b@stardly religion spread by him and people are still raping small children in the name of sunna.
the thing is people forget b@stards like those once their tyrannical ideology is fallen.
so please don't try you polemics here . we are not muslims , so we are not dumb
Why you muslims spam around the world by having sex like rabbits and taking birth like mosquitoes and dying like them
Do you exist? where you exist on this planet in this universe ? What proofs you got that you exist or you just pop up and will get vanished ? Will there be any trace of your existence in universe? START YOUR HOMEWORK !!! Its level 4 process if your IQ don't support leave it , get back to belief .
No body can help you if you are in denial. You are going to call anything convincing as deception. There are plenty solutions for KAFIR like you. One of those "To you be your Way, and to me mine." MOVE ON !!!
Please get it right that what I mean before Islam revealed.
Sufis use only madness no methods which are meant for social, physical , financial, political needs. This is not complete exploration of human life.This is only emotional and intellectual experience, This is not complete life.
You don't have to only scream Allah's name to call Him a friend , this friendship offers more to it. And this is true no body like law and order in life except s/he got sense to understand the role of law and order in life. You might have seen use of narcotics to get ecstasy like spiritually in sufism is common which is deforming a religious system.
This is funny that I fall in a particular sect I am a Muslim this is enough for me.
Whatever gave you that idea . . . no no no – I want you to stay and blossom at this site.
You're perfect – my dear.
– – –
You are what Sina deserve – you bring the tone right down for this site.
One look at the comments – trash . . . anyone sensible will stay away – and mark him as another Troll.
Dearest . . . you stay and spam the comments section – as much as you like.
All the better – this site become bit of a joke.
I make you laugh that's a good thing were it not that it also proves that you have no answer to question of the crazy surahs like Quran 2:1 ( ALIF,LAM MEEM ) .
Why don't you make it clear to the other readers ? Then you can laugh about me as much as you wish and be serious and behave scholarly to the rest of the readers !
This Alif,Lam, Meen – question (quran 2:1) alone is enough to prove that ISLAM IS A BIG LIE !!
That is a very good question of you "denialisnoproof" (nice name ! ).
And what is more THESE STUPID VERSES come back over and over again !! Alif, lam, meem, qaf, nun, saad,….etc.etc.
So they must mean SOMETHING IMPORTANT ! Otherwise this Allah ( Mohammed ) is surely completely crazy AND A LIAR ( because their neaning NOT CLEAR AT ALL !!
Others belief according to you is pisslam . which mandates every non muslim to pay zakath to a cult of child rapists.
islam is full of dirty deeds we are going to fight this shit till all muslim pig leave india and pakistan and go back to his desert land
pisslami if your qurand book had told earth was spherical why didn't you muslim schits discover it first?
aleef leem lam puss rut kyu byu allah mullah chulla bulla fulla tilla.
bullshit of quran is legendary
If mad people device methods, cant that hurt the sane people ? You are saying that Sufism is older then Islam ? That means that first person Hazrat Adam AS was not Muslim ? Anyway I am aware that St. George(Al Khizer), much before Prophet PBUH did practiced Sufism.
Sufis are rebels towards the organised religion. Organisations are worldly. The Allah is above these worldly rules as Allah makes and breaks the rules. Sufis feel that. I intentionly did not use term SubhanWaTala for Sufis also dont use it. considering Allah as friend. Are you from Ahle Hadeeth ?
1) who is almighty Allah? Does he exist ? PROOF ??
2) Assuming (for the sake of argument) that this entity Allah! And if the surahs ALIF,LAM,MEEM is within HIS reach does not mean THAT WÉ UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS ,of course.
The Quran is without DOUBT (Quran 2:2) ,EASY TO UNDERSTAND (Quran 54:17) and EXPLAINED IN DETAIL ( Quran 6:55) . ( DO YOU SEE IT : explained IN DETAIL !!! )
This illustrates the obvious fact is that you haven proven YOUR ALLAH TO BE LIAR !!
So your rational mind provoke you to intersect other's belief and get kick on your ass !!! hah aha . Go Hopeless Go !! Get reward for everything you do lol
Just like you dear . . . Julia is not capable of forming any sensible question.
Oh with such open invitations . . . . I don't think I can COPE any longer . . . oh my dearest!
explain her question you dumb muslim faggy . child rapist cult
At least you are out in open . . . there is no longer any pretense that – there might have been some intelligence there.
belief is a way for dumb cultist mind , rationality is my way and you dumb pisslamic idiots are devoid of rationality
Then why the dumb pimp of perpetual virgins in eternal brothel allah put this shcit in unholy quran?
Its very easy to understand that "ALIF,LAM, MEEM" is within the reach of knowledge of almighty Allah illustrating the very obvious fact all the secretes about universe are never been within the reach of a mortal human !
Do you need scientific method to explain the conscious and subconscious limits of human mind ? Buzz me !
Belief is a way , Submission is the beginning of life , love, relationship.
Vijay you are talking about only madness. This stage is only devotional stage connecting but have no methods. Sufism was present before Islam and considered as part of Islam in some sects.
The difference is Islam comes with the combo pack of madness and methods and completes the truth about life. A dual life of soul and body of human have nothing more than this.
AMIN-RAT: "Everyone knows you . . . "
AHA!…. another sctientific muslim miracle !!!?? HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!
WHAT A CHILDISH REACTION AGAIN….AND YOU CAN'T LET GO ,HEY AMIN-RAT ?? But you know : also Goliath lost his fight against little David. And I am the JEW DAVID !…..A JEW, BOOOOO !!! Hahahahaha !!!
I doubt anyone will ever take you seriously. Its not possible. You do make me laugh!
TALKS !!! Exactly the reaction of a troll .
Allah said he explained in detail in his Quran ! HOW THEN ,AMINRIADH ???
YEAH,of course, AMIN-RAT are you imagining things, just like your crazy prophet used to do.
Sahih Bukhari
Narrated Aisha:
Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not (Sufyan said: That is the hardest kind of magic as it has such an effect).
You only come with some childish name calling and silly answers !! And that is exacily what you were wailing about like a cry-bab,y!! hahahahaha!!
YOUR COOL HAUGHTY IMAGE "of the muslim scholar", of "a chosen one" is completely gone? How come? 😉
Oh, what about my ALIF,LAM,MEEM- QUESTION ? DO YOU STILL NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE CLEAR ANSWER ??? I'm disappointed in you…amin-rat…such a big muslim scholar a you are !!!
Obviously – it is part an parcel of being a troll.
"How can you say this safely , but you even do'nt know me ?"
Everyone knows you . . .
Why my dear . . . I see you just hanging of from my arms . . .
yeah i am so jealous hahhhhhahahhhehehehehehe
[youtube 1GeJitIJ4Vo youtube](Correct Hindu Crazy) by mistake duplicate links above.
In Sufis being crazy after God is considered a good thing. In Farsi term is Devoonei while in Urdu it is Devanah[youtube 7VBTwNwh4PI youtube] (Sufi Crazy)
[youtube 1GeJitIJ4Vo youtube](Hindu Crazy)
Religious people are considered as lunatics by the world.
Perhaps these muslims have no logical answer to this question ! Could THÁT be the case?? I start to think so. I really don't understand; Allah says himself that his Quran is without doubt, easy to understand and explained in DETAIL !!! SO THERE MUST BE ONE SINGLE CLEAR ANSWER, AN ANSWER EVERYBODY EASILY CAN UNDERSTAND !!
You really believe this heavenly brothel nonsense of your pimp Allah , don't you Amin-rat? ! AMAZING !!
I can not believe that such people could exist !! REALLY AMAZING !!!
AMIN-RAT : "I think i can safely say . . . we are NOT like each other."
How can you say this safely , but you even do'nt know me ? What's the logic behind this statement of yours? Do you really think you are a "chosen one"??, "the best of creation"??, EIN ÜBERMENSCH (as Hitler called it)?
Fine with me Amin-rat …but then you also admit that your are a NAZI !!
And then I pity you.
Intelligent Vijay !!! his name is Lokenath(from you tube chanel) abbreviated as Loki but he think like bottle gourd that's coincidence lol
"No you are a chosen one to have sex with perpetual virgins in the eternal brothel of almighty pimp allah . we are hell bound"
Do I detect a hint of jealousy?
No you are a chosen one to have sex with perpetual virgins in the eternal brothel of almighty pimp allah . we are hell bound
Loki in Hindi means bottle gourd. Hindu, Sikhs all are lunatics. Mira Bai was crazy and lunatic for Lord Krishna. If some is crazy for Lord Jesus. He/she be seen in the same light. Such person is harmless like his/her beloved Christ.
I think i can safely say . . . we are NOT like each other.
Yeah, replace Islamic nonsense by Christian lunacy, LOL
The only things better in Christianity over Islam are:-
1. Most Christians have learnt to 'not' take the Bible literally, and hence a film showing Jesus as gay doesn't lead to the death of completely unrelated people at the hands of a rabid crowd.
2. Jesus wasn't a bloodthirsty pedophile like Muhammad.
Otherwise it's no better.
Dear Readers
l would like to point a fact that could be useful to others.It was indeed established as true and therefore a true record of facts by historians and archeologists that indeed the drowning at thRed sea o f Pharoah and the Egyptian army was proved to that era where artificants used at
that time were discovered and also bones of people drowned's DNA proved with no doubt they belonged to that age.Therefore the Biblical account is 100% accurate.You have to know where you stand now in order to believe the things you believe.
Hi, Amin-jew….sorry Amin-rat…sirry Aminriadh.
You said :"My dearest Julia – you are but a Troll. It would be silly to er . . . . engage with you."
BUT you keep comming back . That is because your are a MUSLIM ( BIGGEST INSULT I CAN COME WITH ) . A THE LITTLE KAFIR-WOMAN IS MOCKING YOU, YOU THE GREAT MUSLIM-SCHOLAR. I can imagine how you ask your IDOL Allah: "HOW IS THIS possible ALLAH ?? PLEASE HELP ME IN DESTROYING THIS INFIDEL ". But your fake god does not answer. WHAT CAN YOU DO ???
You are not a coward or a hypocrite …. are you RAT ??? Allah hates that !! You know the verses in your evil quran that says this….DON'T YOU ?? So off you go !!! HUH,HUH 😉
WHAT the hell are you doing here, CRETIN ???
This site is about discussing and criticizing ISLAM.
But what about the name calling, you were whining about !??
I GAVE YOU SOME MUSLIM PEARLS which were thrown at me ! I DON'T CARE AT ALL !! 😉
For your information I almost always write to you muzzies with some family and friends around me.
And I get many suggestions from them ! Here is one:
QURAN SURAH 67:5— And we have, (from of old), adorned( sic!) the lowest (sic!) heaven with Lamps (sic!), and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles (sic!) to drive away the Evil Ones (sic), and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.
I did not call You any names this time , does it make you less angry now??? !!
Honestly I don't want you to wait for my response ! Move On !!
DIRTY OLD MUSLIM !!! KEEP YOUR "DEAREST" TO YOUR UGLY WOMAN, the one living in a tent . The one you have beaten up today !!!
ANSWER THE QUESTION , you moron. !!!
Empty as I said before !!
NO ANSWERS …only silly childish crap ? YOU CAN'T HURT me.
Normal can not be hurt by meaningless insults, only the haughty ones , "THE BEST OF CREATIONS" (hahahaha!), the MUSLIMS are easy to offend.
Dearest Julia – I love you either way. . . man, woman or in-between the two. I wish I could help regarding your loneliness. But I cannot.
Might I suggest talking to people . . . join some clubs or activity – get out there. Ask member of a family to com along – if you are a little scared, nervous, have low self-esteem.
hmmm – I think Julia is lonely. Sad.
My dearest Julia – I know you are lonely and no one to talk to . . . may I suggest seek proper help.
lol IQ divided by four, you can't live without Muslims responding ha ha ha !
We can proceed for right answer please tell are you in late forties or early fifties ? A woman or transgender? Hails from Norway ? Are you tested for denial or delusional behavior recently ?
Again about THE WHINING of Aminriadh (THE CHOSEN ONE 😉 ).
1) Here are some pearls of name calling of yourself and your muslimbrothers, BUT WE DON'T CARE !!
WE DON'T WAIL LIKE SPOILED KIDS !! Some of these "PEARLS" were even funny ;-):
TROLL, dungsniffer ( 😉 ), dikslurper ( a nice one ), dimwit, retard,Jogi(?) dik worshipper,numb-nut,tranny ,thickhead,juliancgandarnatheeshmanpoojagupta ( ???)….etc. etc.
Do I need to go on ? I don't think so ? BUT AGAIN…I (WE) DON'T CARE !!.
SO….STOP wailing !
2) WE KNOW why you and your SWEET TALKING brother ALI(en) came for.
Now (ali) the name calling can start ! But it will not hurt me 😉 BYE !!!
The muslim (!) Aminriadh is whining because he feels offended!!!
Listen , Aminriadh.
Your Idol Allah asks you to subdue me and force me to pay Jizjah feeling HUMILIATED !!
Quran 9:29 says so! BUT THÁT is alright with you !!??
Nobody forces you to come here. You have a free will !!!
IT IS ISLAM THAT WANTS TO FORCE PEOPLE TO SUBMIT even by means of humiliation and killing !!
1) FIRSTLY, Don't call me dearest , because you make me feel dirty that way !
A muslim can not even be friends with someone like me and your Idol Allah hates me ( this is all in your unholy Quran, you know that !), so how can you call me "DEAREST". THAT'S hypocritical !!! I hate hypocrites,just like Allah does 😉
2) You are a liar too , because I asked you many serious questions about your Quran etc. You know that very well ! I asked you for example the ONE AND ONLY CLEAR, LOGICAL answer about the surahverse 2:1 " ALIF,LAM, NEEM ". Your Quran says that it is without doubt, easy to understand and EXPLAINED IN DETAIL !!
So , where is your ( THÉ) ANSWER ?? I don't mean a bunch of silly "POSIBILITIES"
according to your great scholars ;-0 ….HUH ?
My dearest Julia – you are but a Troll. It would be silly to er . . . . engage with you. All you will do is swear at me. Which as you are doing anyway . . . just keep at it.
WHAT is your reply to this post, Aminriadh ? Are you looking away ?? Yeah…of course !
What about this evil minister ??
Thank you for your compliment ABC (CAPS !!! 😉 )
I will try to type mormal letters ( sorry but it is a habbit ).
Have a good, long and…..FREE life ! Be no slave , certainly not of a fake god like the Idol Allah.!! 😉
No reaction of RAT YET ???
No answer of RAT to this post yet !!! 😉
The Allied forces DID roll over your muslim rag tag countries Irak and Agghanistan .
Sadam was forced to go ( most muslims agreed with this). BUT if you backward people want to live in the 7th century , them it it your choice. Of course your HELPERS will withdraw !!
@ Aminriadh ,THE BEST OF CREATION ( you can not call this an insult , can you Amin ??).
Is calling someone a TROLL not an insult ?? You muslims are insulting KAFIRS ( big insult !) for 1400 years ever day .
When you are "praying" surah 8:55 you are insulting ALL non-muslims ( 5.5 BILLION human beings): "Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve. "
OR SURAH 98:6 which says: "Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings."
Calling every day some human beings APES AND PIGS….. NO problem…its "RELIGION", but if you say something back to "THE CHOSEN ONES "( übermenschen as the nazis called it), then muslims start to laiment and wail like little kids !
Great EMPTY reaction of this islamic scholar …the empty set { }.
You are a troll , that's for sure 😉
How ridiculous and how childish ! I pity you Aminriadh ! 😉
Normal letters from abnormal lol
What you like is prostitution of freedom. errrr!!!
What the incessant swearing? Oh the freedom loving ones. . . . its always about insulting – then claiming the "freedom" BS
julia i really like yor posts but can i ask you to post in normal letters.
all caps post t rather difficult to read.
yes we did.
Which country? Exactly? And are you native of that country?
yes Prayer at 1pm on every fridays in my country (central Africa)
"the fighting with the infidels who have all the advance weapons"
Yet the Allied forces are so poor that they couldn't finish off a rag tag country like Afghanistan. I mean – they though it would roll over – like Iraq. Now they are withdrawing after signing peace treaties!
– – –
"Another miracle is urgently needed is to feed the millions of starving Muslims"
Who exactly?
"The only problem with this response – beside the unimagnative and unoriginal rehash of my words – is that I do not display any hate towards Ali Sina . . . yet the reverse isn't true. "
The only Miracle Islam badly needed is to stop the infightings, the honour killings, killing of apostates, stoning of adulterers, the blasphemy killings, the suicide bombing, the fighting with the infidels who have all the advance weapons, etc. Another miracle is urgently needed is to feed the millions of starving Muslims, the jobless n the refugees. All other miracles are useless.
The only problem with this response – beside the unimagnative and unoriginal rehash of my words – is that I do not display any hate towards Ali Sina . . . yet the reverse isn't true.
As my above comment says . . . when Sina runs out of argument – he resorts to petty insults.
– – –
Take the above troll – Sina pretended to ban "it" – yet it was active on his other site . . . . I sent an comment to admin . . . guess what?
The troll came back!
Amazing grace!
97% are like that as 97% Pakistanis are from religion of peace. But are they at peace in their heart ?
Some times I am poor in English and non English speakers find it difficult. Another brother, with whom I am talking brought in the idol. I never supported nor opposed idols. There are some Sikhs, Hindus and Christian friends of mine who consider holy Stone from Heaven in Qaba Shreef as idol type. I told you about my dialogue with four Hazrat successive squares. He is telling me about universe and surrender. I am asking that , Is all under the control of mortal ? Is that not in Holy Kuran, Where Allah SWT says," had I wanted I would have made all Humans as Muslim sorry Momin "? "All will be destroyed but Allah ". Please let him explain me or you. As I found both of you might be having a difference interpretation. Within Islam, say With in Ahle Sunnat to now we have Five school, the Fifth one is Salafi. In past some people tried to consider Shia as Fifth School.
it is amazing that a pakistani cabinet minister(god save pakistan) has offered a reward to anyone killing nakoula(innoceace of muslims). quite obviously this minister has commited a crime. incitement to murder is as bad as the homicide itself
are all pakistanis of this calibre and inclination or does it have anything to do with his religion?
be grateful for any enlightenment..
"One continuously has to remember – AMINRIADH is motivated by extreme hate for ALI SINA AND ALL OTHER INFIDELS . . . and that is his methodology for writing such ignorant posts."
"Brother Riaz, please yourself answer ? Why did he talk about idols to me ? Did I ever supported this thing ?"
Your English is poor. And I don't know what you are talking about. . . .
huh? What are you talking about? And who are you referring to?
" I know the cause or on what knowledge did you base this prove,"
The above sentence makes no sense.
Mr/MS or whatever you are
I am not an islamic man nor an anti-islamic man, but please may I know the cause or on what knowledge did you base this prove, is it always this or haave your pondered it?
if so how much more do you know or is it this that you possess
Please do answer.
I could not get the answers, just deviations and avoidance from the points. That is the reason. Brother Riaz, please yourself answer ? Why did he talk about idols to me ? Did I ever supported this thing ?
One would think that . . . if you do bother to answer – then why waste time in writing nonsense?
From where the idol come ? for some Hajar Al Aswad Shreef could be an idol or stone, God living in seventh heaven could also be having form due to limited space? Is submission under the mortal's control ? Life and death of the mortal ? Destiny of good and bad/Qadri Khahiri Wa Sharihi ? From whom all that come ? Is this only way of Submission in mortal's control ?
"All these errors in the Quran prove one thing and that is Muhammad was indeed an illiterate man. Although he could read and write a little, it is clear that he had not read a single book in his life and most certainly he was very ignorant about the content of the Bible."
As of date . . . Sina has actually failed to bring forward a single error . . . this especially sine he accused me being a liar – after exposing one of his little stories . . . one rehashed from Christians. About an expanding universe . . .
He might put out . . . these luxurious challenges of $50,000. . . but anyone who can given him run for his money? . . . his website begins to go offline.
I questioned his falsification once . . . and he termed me "evil" – simply for questioning him!?
Then there were his bizarre lies about Quran and cosmology . . . I exposed his falsifications there . . . then he began having server problems. . .
"with my father at 10 when the prayer is at 1pm !, he forced me to read the Quran, i read Surat 47 and 48, the ayats in those two Surat are ridiculous and absurds, sometimes i couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud :-P"
This story itself indicates your lie . . . prayer at 1pm?
Quran 10:90-92
"And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, "I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims.""
"Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters?"
"So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless"
– – –
In these verses – Quran Text simply does not actually imply that Pharoah's death.
= = =
"Take your pick. "
E. Ramses II isn't the Pharoah mentioned. This is even if one takes your options above . . . but there basis is false in the first place.
– – –
"A. The Koran contradicting itself (Pharaoh drowned/not drowned) and thus falsifying itself, or "
? Where does it say Pharoah actually drowned?
– – –
"C. the Koran mythologising the true Biblical story (thus the Koran falsifies itself yet again)."
"Ramses II lived c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC. As for when Moses lived Jerome’s Chronicon (4th century) gives 1592 for the birth of Moses, the 17th-century Ussher chronology calculates 1619 BC (Annals of the World, 1658). Therefore, Ramses II and Moses were not contemporary."
There are several dates that are given for the time of Moses – for example Jewish and Christian traditions place him at around 1391–1271 BCE.
The date for Ramses II is an approximate at best and Sina deliberately chose dates for Moses that were that far apart. . .
Another reason the 1500 is very likely not true for Moses is because of the earliest settlements of Israel in Canaan-land.
– – –
"Furthermore, Ramses II was not drowned in the sea. He lived to be 90 years old and as the autopsy of his mummy revealed he died of arthritis,"
. . . That he may have had Arthritis – also Arthritis does NOT kill directly – it weakens and cripples you.
– – –
There are so many ifs and maybes that to categorically claim:
"Consequently, the story stated in the Quran that the body of Pharaoh was saved after drowning cannot be true."
One reason? There are so many Pharoas to choose from.
– – –
" If the story is true, the Quran is wrong because it contradicts the Bible and makes an unsubstantiated and false claim that the body of Pharaoh was saved."
Just because Quran contradicts the Bible – how does that make it wrong? And in what sense wrong? And how does the Quran's claim become "false"?
The above is GUFF . . . read the Biblical account . . . from the 2 Biblical verses he quoted . . . how does the Quran in this instance contradict the Bible?
Completely idiotic reasoning and logic. . . is this how little thought Sina actually puts in . . .
– – –
"In those days people had no other book but the Bible and that is what they talked about all the time. However, Muhammad had also heard about the mummification of pharaohs from other storytellers."
Again . . . this directly contradicts Sina's many other extravagant claims in his book. When Sina's feels like makes such bizarre statements . . . especially if you compare with his other writings – they present continuity and consistency errors & contradictions.
Apparently this person had books of several religions, current science & history. . . on the other hand Sina will present him as totally ignorant. It depends what he is going to spit out. . . .
= = =
One continuously has to remember – Sina is motivated by extreme hate for Islam . . . and that is his methodology for writing such ignorant posts. Hence he presents evidence that is clearly made to fit his arguments . . . without addressing substantial contradictions. As always . . . academically challenged, to say the least . . .
We…who are them? Is islam have more.than one allah?
Oh you need to control. Oh you think you are controlling GOD by keeping idol under armpit , drowning idol in water. Oh you think you are controlling oh you are not !
Rise of egotism is what evoke you to control but submission is only way to achieve Truth. What egoistics call slavery is way to secrete universal life, its a way of relationship being mortal to this universe.
Take your pick??/
There is no need to be a part of your cherry picking lol
Okay, so these verses only say that Pharaoh's people, but not Pharaoh were drowned. Thus you are claiming that Pharaoh lived to a ripe old age and died a natural death upon which his body was preserved by mummification as a "sign"?
Problem is this: K.10:90-92 says: "And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Firaun (Pharaoh) with his hosts followed them in oppression and enmity, till when drowning overtook him … So this dayWe shall deliver your (dead) body (out from the sea) that you may be a sign to those who come after you!"
So which do you want:
A. The Koran contradicting itself (Pharaoh drowned/not drowned) and thus falsifying itself, or
B. The Koran mythologising further the Biblical myth of the drowning of Pharoah (which also means the Koran falsifies itself) or
C. the Koran mythologising the true Biblical story (thus the Koran falsifies itself yet again). or
D. Pharaoh's body not preserved (we don't have the body of "Pharoah" from Moses' time) (thus the Koran etc.)
Take your pick.
Arman thinks you are Muslim
Dear Ali Sina
I want you to read this .
One of my muslim friend gave a verse of quran to prove islam is true word of god .
–(And that He it is Who giveth death and giveth life;(44) And that He createth the TWO SPOUSES, THE MALE and THE FEMALE,(45) FROM a DROP (of seed) when it is poured forth;" (53:46)
if you focus on the text, you will discover something extraordinary: the Lord, Praise be to Him, says He created "the two spouses" but by repeating the "male and female", shows that the subject concerns the creation of the HUMAN SEX by differentiating between male and female from the MALE's SPERM!)–
But there is a errancy in this .
Muslims claims that according to this verse it is talking about sex determination .But no where in quran it has accounted for half the genes from mother .Neither there is a mention about fertilization.
So this verse is mere common sense of 7th century human being .
If we closely examine this verse it says male and female are created by sperm not just the sex determination but entire creation of human being that is male and female is solely by sperm.
As quran nowhere accounted for the 50% of genes from mother and also as it has not mentioned about fertilization this verse cannot be miracle but mere common sense .
Also As embryology says that sex of baby is determined solely by male sperm this is not entirely true .
this sound absurd superficially but when you dig deep you will come to know that my statement is right.
During division of sex chromosomes that is x and Y chromosomes there can be a chance of abnormal division
incase of triple x syndrome the superfamale has got two x chromosome (XX) from mother and one x chromosome
from father .In this genetic disorder the sex of the super female is also determined by both mother and father.
And superfemales are also fertile
There many examples like this .
As many innocent people are falling into trap by this fake miracle I request you to write a separate article in your
website regarding this.
For further details on sex determination
Ali Sina, you are adding lies, here is the translation (Quran not mentioning abt Pharaoh but his people only)
Quran 2:50
And [recall] when We parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on.
Quran 8:54
(Deeds) after the manner of the people of Pharaoh and those before them": They treated as false the Signs of their Lord: so We destroyed them for their crimes, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh: for they were all oppressors and wrong- doers.
I don't know how you understood my comment but i wasn't being sarcastic, the "dark days" i talked about was the days the site was down, i was bored to death.
As for the Quran being a comic book, i can't agree more, yesterday i went to the mosque with my father at 10 when the prayer is at 1pm !, he forced me to read the Quran, i read Surat 47 and 48, the ayats in those two Surat are ridiculous and absurds, sometimes i couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud 😛
There's also one verse instructing the believers not to ASK FOR PEACE when they are the upper hand ! (47:35) I was stunned that so many smart people in the world read and hear this every day and still believe that that book is holy !
And yes the article is really funny, your sense of humour must be really low 😀
This article seem to you funny because it is directly related to Joker mohmmad. All muslims are joker to nobeliver. We laugh at burkha sometimes we become sad when muslim kill people by stoning. future world will laugh at muslims and same time they will realise it is possible than one joker can make billions people fool. Muslims love to be fool. What botther me logic is funny for mulim but quran is not funney.. Quran is best comic book i have ever read.The only difference is violence. Go and commit sucicide virgin girls are waiting for you..
Oh i missed you so much ! I was hoping for an article about that movie "The Innocence Of Muslims" but this was also great and funny 😛
Welcome back, i hope that those "dark days" are over
Is there anything in the control of Mortal?
You asked for an affirmative confirmation and you will get it lol
Do you get sense of possibilities in infinite universe? It is not your logic to deny but a disbelief ! And you need to understand human psyche Why should be you have fear of hell if you are so clean . Fear for those who sin !
If you will grow to understand what is being worshiped for Almighty Allah , you will smile !
After life in paradise is divine or with bodily pleasures ? Should Allah SWT be worshiped for fear of hell and greed of paradise ?
Do some Muslims know Qur'an is hogwash but still lie about it?
Ali sina we missed you too much
There are thousands of such claims that Muslims make daily. They have no shame lying for their faith. In fact they believe lying is a good thing to promote Islam.
Do you think this is a post? No this is final conclusion lol
Islam promotes combo pack of world(body) and divine(soul) life. Every existence of human includes these. So Islam's existence is proven fact along with miraculous one !
"Islam cannot be proven with logic and facts. It is a very irrational faith and it is very easy to prove that it is false."
You know your butts are squeezed doing this ! lol
Well Islam does Miracle, its existence is a miracle.
Present day turmoil around the world is a miracle. Miracle is something sound mind does not understand. Welcome back Dr Sina. Posted after good lot of time.