There Is a Frog Inside Every Muslim Prince Charming
Dear Ali Sina,
I would like to share my experience with you and other women in my situation.
OK, so where should I begin. I am an educated woman from Norway who went to Oxford to study when I was 20 years old. When I was 24, I fell in love with a man that treated me very good (well, at least in the beginning..). He was born and raised in London, but he was still very true to his religion, which was (unfortunately) Islam.
I was actually very disappointed when he told me that he was Muslim, cause I had seen good friends around me being treated very bad by Muslim men, but because he seemed like such a warm person, I didn`t want to dump him just like that -I wanted to get to know him better. Things evolved and we quickly became inseparable, but then reality started to kick in.
He lived with his controlling Muslim family and they didn`t approve that he had a non-Muslim girlfriend, so in the beginning he had to “sneak around” with me like I was a little secret. That upset me a lot and made me not trusting in him, but he explained that his family would disown him if he had a girlfriend, especially a non-Muslim girlfriend. He said he didn’t want to lose his family until he was 100% sure that I would become his wife.
Eventually as we fell deeper in love he told me that he was willing to go against his family for me, and what a big step that was. I didn`t understand any of that backwards mentality, but I tried to be patient. He said to me repeatedly: “If you converted to Islam today, I would marry you tomorrow”, but I have too much self-respect to change my identity for anyone, no matter how much I may love a person. A person should love me for who I am in the first place, but I forgave him for his ignorance. Eventually I met his family, who came across as quite fake to me, like they were trying too hard to be kind. They were nice to me, but they still nagged me about converting every time I saw them, which I thought was very inappropriate.
I am a spiritual person and I tried to make him realise that he shouldn`t live his life like that, but he had such a tunnel vision and appeared so ignorant at times. And he never read the Qur´an and done proper research of the life of Mohammad -but still he desperately clung to his beliefs! I used to call him brainwashed and we would get into huge arguments when we discussed the bigger questions in life. He wouldn`t listen to any of my beliefs, and I have read a lot of spiritual, scientific and philosophical books through the years. I just couldn`t reach through to him because he would make things up and start talking about other topics once I had proven a valuable point. And he would always say “I won this discussion” when he didn`t have any facts to back up anything. It was ridiculous and drove me crazy!
Sometimes I thought that I should just let it go and respect that he has a different view on life than me, but I was naive because I realised that Islam made him into a bad person. Everything that Islam is; Manipulative, deceiving, controlling, possessive, hypocritical, etc., was also manifesting in his behaviour! I never caught him cheating and he was never violent towards me, but he was possessive and would send “spies” after me whenever I went to a nightclub to hang out with my friends. He would also go into my email and mobile to read messages, when he had absolutely no reason to suspect that I was cheating on him. He lied a lot too, about the smallest things, and I just couldn`t understand why he couldn`t just be an honest person. That would`ve made his life -and my life, so much easier! I also found him very manipulative, always encouraging me to wear ugly, unattractive clothes (so that men wouldn`t look at me).
He lived a double life because of Islam, and he was trapped in a web of lies and deception that made himself (and me!), miserable. Islam also made him a spineless and weak man that was too afraid to stand up for what he believed in. And he was afraid to be an individual.
He was probably in love with me, but still he wouldn`t stand up for our relationship at times when his friends and family were saying something negative about me. His family did not respect me because we weren`t married and I wasn`t Muslim, and sometimes they were really mean. His sister and his brother would send me vicious text messages saying “This is only temporary. He needs to marry a Muslim woman”, etc. My boyfriend would sometimes stand up for me, but other times he would avoid confrontations which made me angry, because I felt like he should`ve defended me every single time!
So there we were, years passed on and we were still not able to progress. He wanted to marry me and he even told his whole family that he would marry me, but I just couldn`t take that risk because of numerous reasons. One of them was that I didn’t want my kids to be Muslim. Another reason is that his whole family tried to control me, pressuring me into converting, and I really dislike it when people try to control me.
But what kept me/us holding on for so long was because of the connection we had, how we laughed and played and how we forgot all our problems when we spent time together. We could just be ourselves around each other. He always played a role when he spoke to his family and friends, but he was able to relax when he spent time with me. He used to tell me that he felt so peaceful when we spent time together. I think that he was able to be his true self around me and I made him happy. He slept with his arms around me every night and he would kiss me at least 100 times every day. I felt loved most of the time, but when we had to face his friends and family, he would change.
That culture/religion caused us so many arguments and it made me feel like my opinions and needs didn`t mean anything, so after 6 years with ongoing problems, I finally left him cause I couldn`t take anymore. I want to start a happy life with a man I can have kids with. I still love him, but I love myself more and I just want to be happy. He still wants to be with me and marry me, but I don`t trust him because he is always so contradictive, he doesn`t stand up for me all the time when his family is treating me bad. He would have to leave his family, Muslim friends and Islam for it to work with me and I highly doubt that he will do that. He loves his family. That`s the complexity of the problem; he feels like I`m demanding too much from him and I`m the “bad guy” for wanting to change him, but I`m only trying to “rescue” him from the dark and oppressive influences cause I`ve seen the good in him. And even if a miracle happened and he left Islam, would he really change his ways and start thinking differently? He is 30 now and it will probably take years for him to let go of all the illusions?
I tried for 5 years to make him change his views and expand his tunnelvision, but it seems utterly impossible! Maybe I`ll give him your book as one last option, do you think that can help him change his views?
Thanks for listening. I love the way you are able to observe and articulate everything that`s wrong with Islam and Muslims.
Dear Maeva,
All people are essentially the same, but Muslims are diseased. The fact that this man lies all the time and the fact that he is jealous and controlling and spies over you reveal a very insecure personality.
A lot of that insecurity is due to Islamic indoctrination, but some of it is because of his Islamic upbringing. If he agrees to read my book he will leave Islam. Not a single person who read my book wrote back to challenge me. I know it works. However, that may be half of the problem. The other half is caused by his bad upbringing, which requires conscious work on his part to overcome. After reading my book and admitting that Muhammad was an impostor, he has to also acknowledge how his religion has screwed his thinking and work to undo 30 years of damage. This is easier said than done. But I don’t want to cut the hopes of the apostates. Nothing is impossible when there is awareness and will power. Muslims are damaged goods. When we leave Islam the damage will not be undone. But if we are aware of it and work to eliminate it, there is a hope for recovery.
This man’s family is a negative influence on him. In the west people see themselves as individuals. The boundaries between them are well defined. Not even parents sneak into the belongings of their children (which I think they should, but I don’t want to digress). Not so in Muslim societies. There is no boundary between a person and his family. When I was a child in Iran we had a neighbor who used to come to our house and cry on my mother’s shoulder. She was a new bride and lived in the house of her in laws who collectively abused her and beat her. Even her brother in- law used to beat her.
You can’t change this culture overnight. If this man does not cut his umbilical cord from his family, which is very difficult for him to do, you will not have a happy life with him. In Islam you don’t marry to one person, you marry into his family. As a woman you lose your maiden identity and assume the identity of your husband’s family. You become part of their clan and the first thing they want to do is to mold you and make you conform to their rules. This is not something a self-respecting woman can tolerate.
I have received many emails from women saying they fell in love with a Muslim man who at first acted like a prince charming only to turn into a frog. This is no surprise to me. As I have mentioned in my book every Muslim is a mini Muhammad. Muhammad was a narcissist and so are his followers. The behavior you described about your boyfriend, are traits of narcissists. Narcissists have two personalities – one private and one public. They have a false self that they project to the outside world. They get their narcissistic supply by the responses they get from others when they project this false image of themselves. Life for them is all about that image. Even if they are shit inside (pardon the Arabic), to the world they want to project an image of a holy man. You can’t live with a person like that. There is too much cultural gap between you and Muslims.
You want to live for yourself. All you care is that you and your husband love each other and are happy together. For a Muslim that is not the priority. The priority for him is his image and that only in the Muslim society. He doesn’t care about non Muslims, and they don’t care about him. In the western world people don’t talk about each other. They mind their own business. In the Islamic world that is all they talk about. Everyone’s life is the business of everyone else. This is how cults operate. In cults everyone is to watch over others to make sure they do not deviate from the set path. In Islam everyone is required to tell others how to live their lives. Believer it or not, this insanity is a “divine injunction”. It is called amr bil ma’roof and nahi minal monkar.
This man is a victim. All Muslims are victims. Wasn’t Bin Laden a victim? Victimizers are primarily victims. All serial killers and pedophiles have had an abusive childhood. Once an apple becomes rotten, it becomes a threat to its neighboring apples. My heart goes out for him. But there is nothing you can do to help him. You can’t save him. He must save himself and the first step is to leave Islam.
Leaving one’s faith is difficult, but I have made leaving Islam very easy. It takes reading one book to shatter the faith of any Muslim. It can’t get easier than that. And unlike the Quran that is tedious and boring and really a chore to read through, many people say they could not put my book down. I am sure many Muslims who ask for my book and from whom I don’t hear back do put it down. But they put it down because they see how they are losing their faith and become scared to continue.
If you don’t want headaches and heartbreaks, don’t get involved with Muslim men (or women). I know that at first they will lie and will tell you that they are not religious. They even drink and have sex outside marriage. None of that proves that they are not Muslim. The only way you can be sure is to ask them about Muhammad. If they praise him they are Muslim. If they voluntarily malign him, tell you to stay away from that madman and his cult, that he was an impostor, a criminal, a pedophile and a mass murder then you know they are not Muslim. Muslims play taqiyyah all the time. But they generally won’t volunteer to tell you these truths about their prophet. If they tell you Muhammad was a pig, then you can trust them. If not, walk away and save yourself the needless pain. Just remember there is an ugly frog inside every Muslim prince charming. Tell this to every young woman you meet. Our only protection is knowledge.
23% of the world population is hardly the majority LOL. As you said there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Guess what, in China alone there are 1.3 billion non Muslims LOL Now you shut up and listen to us
" dr Ali sina" should open a circus for stupids only.. too funny and his lies too unrealistic and his hate words show you what he is!
You know magnet it sticks only to Iron, The same way we Muslim worship only one god and stick to it.
You Know gutters (drainage) water that sticks to almost any thing. The people who has answered above or previously (living the Muslims and good people) are compared to gutters people they are waste weight to the earth, they cannot understand simple logic of magnet ,how much forward or educated they are they are considered as dummies. Our prophet (swas) is a messenger not a god he taught us men and women how to lead good life, prophet taught us to pray the one and only god uniformly rich or poor all in the same row .No other religion have like this.
Again . . . as successfully – the BS and limitations of Sina are pointed out. Again – he could NOT defend his position.
“And it was really Persians who really supported and strengthened Islam.”
And it will be the Persians who will get rid of Islam. There are some really great scholars who have daily TV talk shows and educate the people inside Iran. Gradually Iranians are waking up.
And unlike Sina . . . . don't make it reading from Internet.
Actual books!
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Else – you will end up copying and pasting too – of other people's material!
– – –
He in NOT even well read in Persian. A source with 2nd largest base of Islamic knowledge – after Arabic.
And it was really Persians who really supported and strengthened Islam.
From Abu Hanfiah to Sibwayah.
How about a little reading. It does not hurt to expand your understanding a bit more.
I can't believe there are people who still have such closed minds and little understanding of life, culture, religion, Islam – even today when you have an opportunity to meet people of every background or belief. You should maybe talk to Muslims who are not attached to any particular culture and who are Muslims by conviction and choice.
Your all so supportive but know nothing about islam . Doctor zakir naik is an excellent source to consult . He not only can speak original languages of torah quran and bible but has debated all over the world and thus far has had no issues proving the authenticity of the writings . No the other hand there is disgraceful behaviour from so called true muslims bringing such reproach on the main point of the quran. . Please dont get it twisted . The accusations of pedo links are so lame . Go back and research the meaning no being betrothed which is a practice that british and americans also practiceed . The bible has only three inspired books remaining after the council of nicea destroyed the truth . Islam holds JESUS in highest esteem . Its men who dont have the balls to stand up for their rights that cause rubbish courtship situations . . End of the day its not islam thats bad its the people who try to live double lives . Please dont be duped by media propaganda . Because its not the quran that encourages this corruption same way as the bible doesn't allow for pedos but how many disgusting priests have been allowed to continue molesting our children . Watch proper sources of info and im afraid that this book your on about is the result of another misinformed individual .
i have read this story i myself think.its aload of rubbish and i do believe and of it …i am irish 100% i am martied to a muslim man for last 4 yrs and i have in my life been treated ill in anyway …i also converted to islam and i for one believe in the quraan …i also talk to my husbands family alot and they are very very nice people who are kind and love alot …people are making lies and trouble for muslim people and its so wrong ..pleasre tell me how could she change her boyfriend from his relgion no one can but if he did she would not be allowed in his family and she would be cursed by them noway can any muslim change their relgion not for any girl shes a lie and im going to say ali sina that u say muslim.people are diseased well ur very wrong there …some people in this world exspecially ireland and england in my case are very lucky in wat they have and wat they can get in there lifes this not the case for muslim people they have to work hard for it i love islam and i love allah and i dont care wat other people say or my family u people are wrong you need brains tested seriously bye
To DramaticEdem.I tell you what ! I have still ANOTHER numerical miracle in your evil Quran.
The word " CRAP" does not apper at all ! Nada…zero times…0.
Now shut up whit your nonsense ….bye,bye.
As you claimed:
" don't you know that there is opposite way of looking at the same thing."
Then why not just act on your own advice.
– – –
"Your prophet has lived and enjoyed life by fooling others like you. "
And that is just your claiming – pretty meaningless at that.
Ali why are you demonstrating such a gross ignorance. don't you know that there is opposite way of looking at the same thing. This world is also heaven if you can enjoy it objectively and subjectively. and don't forget other religions also have bigger heaven and hell with more no of Gods. so obviously you are not on win win situation, you are only a looser. Your prophet has lived and enjoyed life by fooling others like you.
Here is my contact page
Dear Ali sina
I really want to share my own situation which is troubling me everyday, involving my Muslim boyfriend and a very horrible and confusing situation I have now found myself in. Is there a way to email you directly?
Hi ,this kind of story could happen in other religion also ,but the chances are very very low!! ,in Islam people FORCE you to follow Quran ,people will start imposing Islam on their kids since the beginning (That's Brainwashing) ,Almost all Muslims,if you ask me how can i make this approximation ,all my Muslims friends i am talking about!!. But in other religions they do not force you ,I belong to Hindu religion ,yes i worship Elephant god
,my parents never forced me to read Vedas.well, even if they do there is no hate speech in Vedas
,and please do not give me any reference from Vedas which teaches violence ,we do not follow that ,that is the reason we have not invaded any other country in last 10000 years
, see this is the beauty of Bible and Vedas ,there is no hate speech, we do not force our kids to follow our religion so badly. I am proud to be a non Muslims,i have my freedom with me
,seriously you Muslim people should think and decide ,if you do not want to join any other religion ,at least do not follow Islam or just follow the good parts of Quran which you think is good for humanity. Let me ask all Muslims ,have not your parents or some friends pulled you into this [Islam] ??
The crack you took today Julian must be real good quality as you are on a real high.
But I know a better story? And do you know what that is?
Here you go:
My name is Julianchandrateeshram, I am a Hindu man living in a schit infested village in some remote part of India, all the while claiming to be a female, which in reality means I Julia am a tranny, claim to be an Atheist but use Satan in my arguments even though I don't believe in his existence, am a Hindu living in a schit infested village in some remote part of India again, come from nothing, have nothing, will go to nothing, but believe in something, was created by particles in midair, my lungi just came out the wall out of nothing, my blanket just made itself, Durga my god is waiting for me, but I am Atheist Hindu prescribing to Hinduism even though I don't believe in a God, am classed as the ignorant and am privileged that the likes of Ali and Aminriadh are giving me an audience and are entertaining my dribble, Islam is the Truth and Muslims are the chosen ones, I, Julian am truly lost, deaf, dumb and blind, cannot for the life of me work out why I Julian am so retarded and dumb, do worship dik daily, cannot understand 1 of 2 which means I am a handful of stupids that do not grasp the meaning of 50/50 despite the world knowing 1 of 2, and am now finished thanks to Sam Bacile and his movie.
Take that to the bank dik worshipper. oooops…………they don't have banks in your village do they?
Stay off the pipe Julian.
You're retardness may go into overdrive.
1 of 2 and Julian? ROTFLMAOPM (rolling on the floor laughing my a@@ off pi@@ing myslef)
Stick to the dung worshipping like the rest of your clan.
Oh yes you are a Hindu subscribing to Hinduism, Julian.
You don't even know who your parents are, you're a fine one to talk.
Get back to the dik worshipping dude.
You still talking Julian?
I thought you would be down at the local mandir doing some dik worshipping!
You taking the crack again Julian?
Which part of the UK was Hindu?
Please tell me.
I have told my reasons , and obviously Ali Sina agreed with me.
RHANK YOU ex muslim !
"…i am sure as hell not going to believe in a prophet who was a pedophile. "
This kind of thinking is not the retarded and brainwashed muslims like
ALI !!!
you are a bit like the apostle Paul , but you took the wrong turn !
Kid….you'r funny !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!
The word "ISLAMOPHOBE "IS A STUPID WORD, invented by some crazy Mohammedans.
A PHOBY is an irrational fear of something.
Everybody who looks around in the world and reads your evil Quran etc. , knows that fearing Islam is very RATIONAL !!
STAY WITH YOUR "probability" theory, then you can hurt nobody ….ALI(EN) !! HAHAHAHAHA !!!
But this little muslim rascal thinks that everybody is a Hindu, because he lives among them . And they make fun of him, of course !
Ali(en)-( the "mathematician"!) You are stupid and retarded….That's of course not your fault !
The problem is that your parents are full cousins !Selfish, lustfull Mohammed agreed with this kind of incest, because he wanted Zainab the wife of his son.So it came in the Quran ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (auch, f!ck) .
@Julian. Is the pressure getting to you tranny?
Still trying to work out 1 of 2 like Loki are you?
Dimwits come dime a dozen, but retards like you, come once in a lifetime. You really are making my days with the amount of intellectual beatings I am giving you. Damn, you are so retarded, you blindfolded a blind man.
Your whole world has crumbled in one day. Now what?
Give thanks to Sam Becile for your downfall. And the best part is, he's from your Islam hating brigade!
— "Comprehension has never been your strong point Raj and this is clearly evident in all your replies. "
— "Before you even point fingers at Islam, deal with Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity on this subject first, and then come to Islam you retarded fool. "
THIS IS A SITE THAT CRITISIZES ISLAM,… YOU MORON !!! OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE POINTING AT ISLAM HERE !!! WAKE UP….INBRED MUSLIM CRETIN !!! ( I hope that you'r not offended now…it is so painful for you ).
But keep quiet ,little poor retarded slave ….HUSH !! HAHAHAHAHA ( AI !!! )
We don't need to ABC.
You're own scriptures say it. Have you read them?
What does this mean:
"Ekam evadvitiyam"
"He is One only without a second."
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]
"Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."
"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]
"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."
"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]
"Na tasya Pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]
"Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many names."
[Rigveda 1:164:46]
"Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata"
"O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone."
[Rigveda 8:1:1]
"Devasya samituk parishtutih"
"Verily, great is the glory of the Divine Creator."
[Rigveda 5:1:81]
So you see ABC, One God and not the 330 million or whatever you worship.
Your own scriptures say One God and that One God is the same as ours, yours, Jews and Christians. He is One and Only and not some idol with 20 arms and 10 heads or something.
Is the ground starting to open under your feet yet?
How can you be advertising Muslim Matrimonial sites on here when you hate Islam so much?
Wouldn't Muslims marrying Muslims create more children thus Islam growing?
I suppose, having heard the shock of Sam Bacile making 'your' movie before you could even muster up the funds, you have to change income generating game plan.
I told you, you was an asset to Muslims.
What's next. Selling Islamic gifts from the site and endorsing the Quran?
ok one question to monotheists ……………….. how can u proclaimyour god is only true!? and ours is false??
anddont give the hypothetical BS of what happens after we die.
no one has seen that and none can testify that.
talk about this earth and prove it.
ur monotheist god preached , provoked and condoned killing of innocents who were following their own faiths and had done nothing wron ecxept not pacifying his ego by submitting to him as he demands.
our god did not!
now the ball is in ur court to prove ur god is better than ours.
prove it.
Like leader like follower ABC.
Get back to the hen pen you coward.
Talks a big game but is quaking in the boots in case someone hounds him/her!
What an excuse. Absolute blinder.
Game over ABC. Game over.
You have nothing left. The cat is out the bag and Islam is still here, flourishing and growing.
Sam Bacile who is from the same anti Islamic clan as you guys, has single handedly finished you and Ali Sina off.
What are you guys going to do now?
@ABC. I couldn't give a rats a@@ about what you believe or what you don't believe or who you want to worship.
I don't have contempt for other faiths, I have contempt for Hindus coming on here pretending to be atheists just to please Ali Sina, and then slating Islam in order to gain brownie points. It seems that 99.9% on here are Hindus doing exactly that. Even if it was anyone else bar Hindus, I'd say the same about them.
We know we are the best of the best. Not because of where we were born or what shade our skin is or texture of hair, but because God Himself said so. Muslims who follow Islam, that's who. And that Muslim could be anyone from across the globe. Islam is a universal religion open to all and not the selected few with a caste system like Hinduism.
You ABC are delusional at best thinking we want you or everyone to become Muslims. This is a choice left to everyone individually. You want to make your bed, so you must lie in it.
I am am only dealing with the hatemongers using their own golden rule. If you got a problem with it. Tuff luck.
If you believe in your ideology, then why the fcuk are you on here slating Islam?
I rest my case.
your god end'ored rapes of captured women and children. your prophet had sex with a 9 year old when he himself was 50 years!! , he killed someone's husband by torturing him and had sex with his wife ont he very same day.
today the world knows arab sheikhs buy young girls to satisfy their lust. history stands testimony to varous massacres conducted by islam on innocent populations ……….
and why to talk about all that, look inside your heart …………. dotn u feel liek killing kafirs irrespective of their virtues ???
im amazed u even try n talk about the ills of other faiths, which exist no doubt but are no where near yours.
ever heard te'h saying " those who live in glass houses ? ….
exactly except islam , all other faiths teach good things.
ur hateful talks and your absolute contempt to people of other faiths actually ENDORSE what ali sina says much betetr than anything else.
please the crux of it all is only this :
you believe in allah and feel great about ur religion hence please continue to do so.
however my problem arises the moment u start mud slinging at other faiths. it is YOUR belief that allah created man. kindly do nto force it down others' throats. please get hang of the fact, just as u believe in ur ideology we believe our god created us. no contest …………. ur house urs, our house ours.
thats is what freedom fo faith is. but i know u will NOT ACCEPT that. becuase islam says so. it make su beleive so.
and another thing, females are not just objects of lust. females give birth to men and nurture them. so give them more respect than u do now.
even if a female is non muslim she is still wrthy of some preliminary respect. if u do, u give ur faith a good name, if u dont then u have nor eason to complain when we talk ill about you.
i also see u have not been around for some days. i hope everything is fien at ur end. it must be very tiresome to talk and reply to people who are just blind in their beliefs. i must say the job ur doing is great. u had the courage to look beyond what you were conditioned into believeing and seeking out the truth. i hope this keeps your spirits high while doing the insipid job of talking to muslims
good day.
dr sina i use multiple usernames too. it is important to maintain our anonyminity while talking here. sometimes i use it to throw a pest off my back.
as u know replying to an annoying person can be very troublesome. im sorry i do love ur site and ur views but sticking to one name is difficult becuase some people then mark us and hound us. i will try to use this username as much as possible though.
i cudnt have put it better myself. u see i am born into hinduism and the first thign which troubled me was …………… how cud the idols not protect themselves when mughals were demolishing them.
i tmeans they dotn have any power …..
it is just the belief of followers which matters.
if u ask me frankly i dont believe in concep of god at all. so many cases of child abuse would nto be happenning if there was god AT ALL.
any god would step in to protect a child , but nothing happens where ever blood of an innocent person is spilled.
the concept of god is a fallacity.
but i have not renounced hinduism ……… i do follow it in limited capacity becuase there is nothing so bad in it to put me off it completely.
further me beliefs in god are not going to protect me from islamic zealots who think my disbelief in god is due to fallacity of hinduism which the superior islam can eradicate.
no thanks just becuase i do not believe in god who could nto protect children, i am sure as hell not going to believe in a prophet who was a pedophile.
Agree Julia and Raj. Marrying a 6 year old girl was the first thing that troubled me in Islam. That was a long time ago. Islam is a thing of the past now for me
I told you, you was Hindu following Hinduism. Just look at your reply. You keep confirming it time and time again without even realising it.
The subtle hints are always there.
Humanity and One God? You mean man made humanity and your millions of gods.
I told you I am not a Hindu.
Secondly, the Rishis have never claimed they are perfect. Have they?
Mohammad is claimed as the last law giver and the most perfect by Muslims.
You Muslims say that other religious scriptures are corrupt, other religions are corrupted. That only Quran is not corrupted. That Mohammad is faultless and blemishless.
So it is expected of a true prophet of God who is blemishless and faultless to establish a correct norm – and not to indulge in pedophilia.
Why look at the wrong practices of other religions and quote them? You have to argue that Mohammad set a correct and true norm/precedent. Argue that.
Do not justify 55 year old Mohammad's marriage to 9 year old Aisha by quoting the scriptures of the Hindus and the Jews. Muslims anyhow believe that their scriptures are corrupted – so why quote those scriptures?
If 55 year old Mohammad wanted to set a correct norm or precedent he would not have married a 9 year old girl. – 46 years is a big difference. A lustful man can marry though – whatever be the difference!
Conclusion : Mohammad was lustful and a pedophile.
The person who is Insan-e-kamel is a pedophile.
Comprehension has never been your strong point Raj and this is clearly evident in all your replies.
There has never been an age barrier in any way shape or form throughout history where the accepted norm was to be married at puberty. Nowhere was it frowned upon when marriages took place between two people despite the age gaps. You have absolutely no grounds for even an audience on your view, thus the historians calling the likes of you naturally stupid.
" A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl of eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would otherwise be impeded, he must marry sooner." [ Manu IX.94 ]
Exactly what is different in the above which is your divine law, with what you are arguing? Who says that 55 years and 9 is more repulsive than 30 and 12 or 24 and 8, apart from your personal opinion.
Were your Rishis paedophiles for writing the above laws and practising them? Yes they were, so Hinduism wholesale is a Paedo religion using your own logic, because Manusmṛti, is the most important and earliest metrical work of the Dharmaśāstra textual tradition of Hinduism.
Christianity is also a Paedo religion, wholesale, because Bolivia which is predominantly Christian also has age of consent at puberty in this day and age, let alone 1400 years ago.
So is Judaism, as they used to marry their girls very very young.
Exactly what was Moses?
"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man……..Now kill all the boys (innocent kids). And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man". (Numbers 31:7,17-18)
And according to Jewish Rabbis a girl aged 3 years and one day is betrothed by intercourse.
In the seventh century, 3 year old girls were burned to death or tortured in Europe for copulating with demons, witches and sorcerers. Strong sexual passions were attributed to the youngest children. Even Jean Bodin, one of the greatest legal authorities of his time, said that the appropriate age of consent for a female was 6.
(3 year olds did not in fact have sexual relations with demons. It is however interesting to see that at that time it was publicly believed that child-adult relations were the fault of seductive children who sought out mature men).
The next time you make claims, make sure they are correct and not some schit you swallow from your Guru.
Before you even point fingers at Islam, deal with Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity on this subject first, and then come to Islam you retarded fool.
You good for nothing stupid Muslim Ali
I told you repeatedly that I believe in humanity and in the one true God which your Allah is not.
Your Allah is a big lie. A piece of fiction. Allah is a mouth piece of Mohammad. Mohammad is Satan.
You cannot understand that plain simple – you moron.
I sympathise and fully respect the Hindus. They have their own belief system. I have my own set of beliefs. Hindus do not hurt anyone – my experience in living with the Hindus. I have friends among Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, etc. Living among the crowd – tells you many things. The Muslims are bullies. Hindus never instigate or start disturbances. They may retaliate. But never begin.
I like the teachings of Buddha.
I like the teachings of Krishna.
I like the teachings of Jesus.
I like the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev.
I believe in the one true God – Ishwar or Paramatma.
I hope I have made everything clear for you.
Ali the moron Muslim
You do not have an answer. That is the reason!
Age difference of 45 years ???? And that too from a Prophet of God???? Are you mad???
Well all of this can happen in Islam – where the girl is only 9 years old and Mohammad marrying a girl child of 9 years when he himself is 55.
Why justify the norms when your Prophet started new norms? Did not he start a new norm by marrying an adopted son's daughter?
A Prophet of God should establish a correct new norm. Why did he follow accepted norm in case of pedophilia ???
Whatever pleases Mohammad? Whatever satisfies his lust? Whatever is good for him is accepted as norm???
In plain language it is called bull schit
It was a norm for the Meccan pagans to worship the idols at Kaaba – then why did Mohammad establish a new norm?
Whatever suits Mohammad and his argument?
Only Muslims can swallow this lie wholesale.
I am not calling you a two faced prikk. What is glaringly visible need not be pointed out.
Hindu following Hinduism is Hindu Raj the dung worshipper.
You can put whatever spin you want on it, but you are Hindu idol worshipper and don't worship One God. You don't belong to the Abrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
At first you claimed Atheism, then Hinduism and now Monotheism, but still claiming to be Hindu following Hinduism being an Atheist! Stay off the dung worshipping fumes for a day or so, so you can think straight and make your mind up.
You will say anything to please your god Ali Sina.
Not in your lifetime Julia, rest assured.
Your god Ali Sina has been at it since 1994 and look what's happened? Islam has gone from strength to strength! Now that must be a biatch of a pill to swallow.
It's been 1400 years and look around you?
Dream on because that is all you can do about Islam and defeating it. Dream, which will never ever come true.
How can he ban himself?
If that is your intelligence level . . . leaves a whole lot to be desired!
" You Muslims go around the Ka'ba and kiss its walls and the black stone in its corner."
There is NO kissing the Kaba walls . . . and neither is kissing the black stone either a Muslims worship or incumbent.
Also it is once in a life time thing for most . . . if that. To equate it to common Muslim worship – or even imply – is dishonest.
Or ignorance on your part.
– – –
"You don't think any of that is Allah. It is the house of Allah for you. It is a physical representation of something intangible. The same is true about the idols."
Actually no . . . idols are multiple representation of multiple deities. For Muslims Kaba – is practically at most – unified direction of prayer.
Muslim theology is strongly based around the concept of a Single Deity.
– – –
Anyone with passing familiarity with Islam – would comprehend this. To misrepresent this – as you have done is . . . well – how treacherous and deceptive.
– – – –
"So why worshiping one is better than worshiping the other. "
The difference lies . . . in believing the one thing you hold to be true . . . and other to be true. Again – a simple and basic concept.
– – –
Don't clutch at straws dung worshipper Raj. It was the accepted norm all around the globe. And the best part is, you fkers in India still practice it today, despite what your law says. Even in your Hindu religion it mentions it.
Exactly when did social attitudes change towards it, you silly k-unt? Around the 19th Century. So, do you wholeheartedly unconditionally condemn very single human being from the beginning of creation until recently for participating in this practice?
I thought as much.
Two faced prikks.
"muslims are narrow minded people ,they are against every religion except for following their psycho mo and pimp allah "
What is this . . . which intelligence is this . . . you repeatedly come up with such petty comments.
THIS IS ALL YOU ARE GOOD AT. And that is it.
– – –
You are simply not able to hold a civil conversation . . . never mind a debate – which is far beyond your capabilities.
You lack the appropriate basic language skills . . . as you suffer comprehension problems. Then there is lack of an ability to form valid arguments . . . that are bedrock to a debate.
You are NOT interested in any debate either . . . . all you are interested in is trading insults . . . which is meaningless time waste.
– – –
" asking question against question is not debate . "
Another complete lie . . . as the top comment shows . . . there were no questions there.
This is the person . . . Sina allegedly banned. Yeah right. . . . the games Sina plays.
"When and where – have I ever supported violence? "
"Fighting ( ARABIC QITAL= KILLING, MAKE WAR !) is ordained for you, even though it is hateful to you. But it may happen that you hate a thing that is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing that is bad for you."
"This is why you're intellectually deficient. It is not "hell" that people believe. Hence it is extremely difficult (practically impossible) to scare people with something they cannot see."
This is a stupid remark Amin-rat .
Mostly are people most afraid of things they can not see. Demons, Evil Jinns, Devil, Hell, Punishment of the grave ( hahaha) , ghosts, spooks, etc.etc. ,this goes especially for muslims !! Why do you think Allah speaks many times of Hell and The last Day in his evil Quran !!??? TO FRIGHTHEN GULLIBLE MUSLIMS OF COURSE !!
"idols are nothing but symbols."
Says WHO,denialisnoproof? Vedas? or your acharyas?
Vedas do not agree with your idea of idols being symbols.And when you aren't aware of your own belief,as distorted as they are,I don't think your views about Islam makes any impact anyway.
Idols are nothing but symbols,you say.Symbols of what?
"why do billions of muslims go and kiss a stone?"
So you mean to say when you kiss something you infact worship it?
When a mum kisses her child,does that mean she worships him/her?
"don't you know kabah was destroyed and was urinated upon by a invader?"
In your dream? This is not storytime,denialisnoproof.
@ stupid Ali the stupid Muslim
I think I have repeated stupid four times above.
I have told you again and again. I do not follow Vedic religion. I am not a Hindu by faith.
I am a Hindu – because I belong to Hindustan.
I believe in the one true God and in humanity.
Whereas, you Muslims believe in a false God called Allah and are enemies of humanity.
Get that also drilled into your thick head.
And even if I were Hindu – nothing to be ashamed of !
I would be ashamed of being a Muslim though.
Muslim means one who believes in Mohammad. Mohammad – the one who raped, looted, raided, killed and even had child sex. It is called pedophilia by people who have just common sense.
@ Ali the Stupid Muslim –
Just look at the age difference you moron! Aisha 9 and Mohammad 55 – more than 46 years of age difference – Mohammad could have been a grandpa of this child – you stupid!
The Stupid Muslim Ali,
I am not a HIndu by faith. I am a Hindu in the sense that – I belong to Hindustan. But I would also say that I have sympathies for people of Hindu faith and consider them as my brothers.
I have to repeat to you again and again – the one true God is my creator.
Allah is not the one true God. Allah is Satan. Devil/Mohammad/Lucifer/Iblis are the other names for this source of evil.
Islam is a big lie created by Satan Mohammad.
@Raj. Finally, spoken like a true Hindu.
Before discovering Islam, discover who created you!
@Raj. No matter how you dress it up, you are a Hindu. following the tenets of Hinduism.
Stop pretending to be something else in order to please your god Ali Sina.
At least be true to yourself Hindu!
idols are nothing but symbols.
why do billions of muslims go and kiss a stone?
don't you know kabah was destroyed and was urinated upon by a invader?
Worshiping idols is different than worshiping Allah coz Worshiping idols is like having toys , pet under the control of human nature where as worshiping Allah is submission which controls human nature.
Idols are finite imaginary caged things where as Allah is infinite and infinity is not an imagination.
I don’t worship anyone and anything. But I am also curious to know why worshiping idols is worse than worshiping Allah.
Both are imaginary deities. Idols are the avatars of some imaginary deity. Allah’s Avatar is a black house. You Muslims go around the Ka’ba and kiss its walls and the black stone in its corner. You don’t think any of that is Allah. It is the house of Allah for you. It is a physical representation of something intangible. The same is true about the idols. Neither the idols have any power not does Allah. So why worshiping one is better than worshiping the other.
This story is not true.
He didn't say it is,either.
"Lead me to any anti-hindu website, and we will have debate."
He commented on this.
"muslims are narrow minded people ,they are against every religion.."
We're not interested in the least bit to know your views about Muslims. After all,your views don't change the truth,do they? When 10 years of Ali Sina's sweating didn't make an iota of difference,you think you have a chance?
asking question against question is not debate .
muslims are narrow minded people ,they are against every religion except for following their psycho mo and pimp allah
It is not just dik it is both dik and vagina if you carefully observe
Here we are trying to see the sacredness of intercourse and procreation which is helpful in birth of new life
so isn't this spirituality?
Will this get into your narrow minded islamic brain?
Whatever the figure is.
'And at that time the population wasn't even 33,00,00,000
so are you trying to say every one has diff god in just one family ? '
At WHAT time?
" are you trying to say every one has diff god in just one family ?"
Not me Joker Life,it's your acharya who say that.
"At least apply the logic before you say something."
I merely stated the number of gods according to your belief.
Now,coming to my earlier question,which god do you worship? The name.
So who made this figure of 330 million gods up?
What does the word koti mean?
@denialisnoproof. According to UNESCO, the literacy rate in India is 74.1%, with Egypt having 66.4%, Yemen with 62.4% and Morocco at 61.5%. Every other Arab nation is way above your Indian level. Even Libya is 97.7%
Now what does this tell us, either the UNESCO are lying and you are telling the truth or you are lying and UNESCO are telling the truth? Do you really want me to spell it out for you on who the liar is?
If 70% of Arabs are illiterate, then you must have invented Microsoft, denialisnoproof.
If you are going to lie, at least make it a good one!
You still here trying to put 2 sentences together about Islam denialisnoproof?
I thought you'd be off to the mandir doing some dik polishing by now!
Stick to the facts of marriage at puberty 1400 years ago, all around the globe please Joker Life. It was not a Muslim or Arab phenomena and invention.
No historian claims that all these people were sick perverts. Historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history. Which is exactly the case with you Joker Life.
You conveniently brushed your own scriptures under the carpet and moved on, despite it still being prevalent in your society in this day and age. Heck, you guys still marry your children to animals in order to please your man made rubbish.…
Why are there still child marriages in India and why are you not condemning Christianity wholesale for still practising it in Bolivia? As a matter of fact their age of consent over there is set at puberty no matter the gender.
Keep your ant Islamic tripe all to yourself, and shove it straight up Uranus in one. Like we couldn't see you a mile off?
Stick to the facts of marriage at puberty 1400 years ago, all around the globe please Joker Life. It was not a Muslim or Arab phenomena and invention.
No historian claims that all these people were sick perverts. Historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history. Which is exactly the case with you Joker Life.
You conveniently brushed your own scriptures under the carpet and moved on, despite it still being prevalent in your society in this day and age. Heck, you guys still marry your children to animals in order to please your man made rubbish.…
Why are there still child marriages in India and why are you not condemning Christianity wholesale for still practising it in Bolivia? As a matter of fact their age of consent over there is set at puberty no matter the gender.
Keep your ant Islamic tripe all to yourself, and shove it straight up Uranus in one. Like we couldn't see you a mile off?
Grow up hopeless !
Why didn't your God with monkey face and God with elephant face ever married? Probably they have used their tail and trunk for sex otherwise there would be some of you like them in world and you would have proof ! lol
At least you've finally come clean, Joker Life!
Why didn't you just admit it from the beginning, rather than going round in circles before finally admitting your cultist subscription.
You actual words, logic and sentences give away your membership of the Ali Sina club. You guys all sound the same, are Hindu and from India.
What more do you want us to say?
Don't talk out your Uranus Raj.
How dare you even make that comment considering your belief system of Hinduism, promotes the caste system where no human is equal? Exactly which one of your millions of Gods said that humans were equal and why is there caste system then?
We Muslims are the best of created beings. Period.
Like I said before, not because I said so, but God Himself said so.
Don't hate,…….. appreciate!
@denialisnoproof. Did the cat cut your tongue by any chance.
Stupid assertions ! Aren't you tired of this spending life time doing this ! I hope your children or grand children will accept Islam one day !
@denialisproof. Don't hate.
Not our fault you are bottom of ladder.
"but the fact is 70% of arabs are illiterate . "
Prove it? Which figure are you using?
This is an out and out lie . . . you have called it a "fact". Which it isn't
"I dont have one liner proof like you that doesnt make sense most of the time."
Considering my English is far superior – comprehension problems rest with you.
You are nasty, lying little individual.
Internet has good term for such people – "Trolls".
All you are interested is insulting Muslims. Boo Hoo.
– – –
You are incapable of hold a civil conversation . . . without resorting to either lies of insults.
Abode of the ignorance. . . . .
– – –
You claimed something . . . of which you knew NOTHING about . . . then you said you will return with evidence ONCE YOU HAVE GONE BACK AND READ IT.
Meaning you lied above . . . you did not know what you were talking about.
– – –
Then there is this response:
"I dont have one liner proof like you that doesnt make sense most of the time."
You have no proof – that is obvious – as you have admitted it.
And it makes perfect sense too . . . which one can deduce from your response.
"Dont talk about Cast system when a non-arab muslim is not allowed to marry an Arab girl, but an arab can marry a non-arab muslim lady. "
Stop making any old lies up . . .
You are a disgusting little liar aren't you.
Not you praising Islam – you bleating Idiot – I was talking about Ghandhi . . .
If you could read . . .English . . . you might have figured it out.
You are NASTY litttle lair aren't you – who has trouble with the truth.
" Ali and aminriadh both supported violence in islam and now making up things as usual. "
When and where – have I ever supported violence?
– – –
"I said twice that i am not fan of Ali Sina, but now I must say I have become fan of Ali Sina. "
Which again shows . . . you are lying.
Stop blabbering puberty puberty. You dont need a medical degree to understand that its painful for a 9 year old girl to have sex with a 52 years old guy, due to physical ability.
Here is a pic how it would look like to marry a kid by grandpa.…
@ Ali the stupid Muslim
// Accepted norm // ????
Should not Mohammad be setting the correct norm?
Since he being the Prophet of the all knowing Allah?
A true Prophet should bring in changes which are correct .
Mohammad failed on two counts. One is that he married a child – A true Prophet would not have married a child. Two – the age difference. A true Prophet of God would not have married with such an age difference.
Let us make this thing clear. There may have been portrayal of a winged horse with a human face in many of the cultures. But Mohammad's Buraq was different.
How was it different? It was a female called umhani his cousin sister which he rode at night to jannat.
Then when day time came umhani folded her wings and became human.
Islamic lie after lie.
It is a plain fact – Mohammad had his night out with umhani.
Hardly anyone have read Manusmruti in india, and people have logic not to blindly follow anything. What makes you think Manu Smruti is God's word ?
Dont talk about Cast system when a non-arab muslim is not allowed to marry an Arab girl, but an arab can marry a non-arab muslim lady.
But yes we do have cast system, but people are free to believe in it or not. inter cast marriages are common nowadays.
child marriages still exists but its between male child and female child and not between Grandpa aged guy and little child. they are not allowed to leave together nor do sex. Most marry again in the later age. The marriages are mostly a promise between parents at both side and not to run the life by two kids. But we dont have any hindu-laws to follow blindly. Child-marriages are illegal in india.
islam and rationality are just opposite words.
islam means surrender,subjugation and slavery.
if you question anything in islamic countries you will be deemed apostate and beheaded.
so please tell your bullcr@p of muslims being rational to someone else
far eastern ?
one more taqqiya
in sirath al rasul it is mentioned so please try to fool someone else
buraq was indeed umhani the first cousin of muhammad
when he was caught with his pants down he started his crap
3,33,00,000 gods/avatars ?? its 33,00,00,000.
And at that time the population wasn't even 33,00,00,000
so are you trying to say every one has diff god in just one family ?
At least apply the logic before you say something.
Dear pea sized brain ,
There is a rational violence in Islam and in this world and in universe. We admit highest IQ level to be anti-Islamist is 112. We care less about these things !
i proved it, not me. I went anti-gandhi (violence) and you jumped immediately with the line that i am praising islam.
I dont have one liner proof like you that doesnt make sense most of the time.
Ali and aminriadh both supported violence in islam and now making up things as usual.
I said twice that i am not fan of Ali Sina, but now I must say I have become fan of Ali Sina.
Ali Sina knows what lurks inside an islamic mind. I think Ali Sina is the only one who can convert Zombies into human being. Keep up the good work and set people free.
Buraq is almost always portrayed with a human face in far-eastern and Persian art, no Hadiths or early Islamic references allude to it having a humanoid face. more
do you know buraq? wacko muhammad rode it
Do you know your muhammad rode buraq a horse with beautiful woman's face peacock tail and wings? Those who live in glass house shouldn't throw stone at others home.
Let me narrate you true story of buraq.
muhammad had a first cousin by the name um hani daughter of abu talib.
Mohammad lusted for her but abu talib married her to some pagan.
After muhammad gaining power and coming back to mecca he was spending lot of time in her house.
once he was caught with his pants down by the people but when confronted he started his bullshit saying that he was riding a horse with beautiful woman's face called buraq also he visited jerusalem and heaven riding that buraq.In reality he was riding his sister um hani.
blah blah blah
just baseless assertions . but the fact is 70% of arabs are illiterate . once they become literate they spit on quran and leave islam
you keep telling that to yourself
the quran is a compilation of wet dreams of muhammad very incoherent,baseless cr@p.
lot of mistake with schitty arabic language
[ God Himself said it ]
Now do not put words in God's mouth which has been said by your Satan Mohammad who has invented Allah.
Snobbishness comes from the Devil Allah and not from the one true God.
For the one true God all humans are equal and they differ only when these humans do harm to others. Such humans who do harm to others are known as Muslims.
The one true God wants us to love Him and to love each other.
"We follow our constitution."
And what,may I ask,is your 'constitution'?
"muslims shouldn't ask mullahs to have sex with your wives once you give divorce to them why do you ask your woman to have sex with someone else if you want to remarry the same persom again"
I'm not sure I understood what you're trying to say.
I have opted to void imposters of nick. You seems self loathing idiot ! No wonder you follow a belief which give rise to jokers , human with animal heads and wacko creatures monkey men !
But our Holy Book is right and not yours.
Get over it.
How can it be child molestation you dimwit when it was the accepted norm in all sections of society to marry at puberty, right across the globe. I have already broken this issue down thoroughly with evidence in Europe and America even as late as the last century on another post, so I suggest you dig it up.
Additionally, do you have any idea what the current age of consent in Bolivia and 2 States of Mexico are? And what religion they follow?
Are you aware of your own Scriptures and what is says about marriage?
Here, let me remind you:
" A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl of eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would otherwise be impeded, he must marry sooner." [ Manu IX.94 ]
Come on Mr I don't follow religion but am Hindu and must go back to Sanskrit and Vedas, explain your scripture?
In this day and age, according to UNICEF, 47% of girls are married by 18 years of age, and 18% are married by 15 years of age in India and child marriages are very much prevalent in India. Not by the Muslims, but by Hindus. The highest rates are seen particularly in the rural states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.
And for the nail in your coffin, the caste system is also believed to have contributed to the growth of child marriage. Castes, which are based on birth and heredity, do not allow two people to marry if they are from different castes. This system was threatened by young people's emotions and desires to marry outside their caste, so out of necessity, child marriage was created to ensure the caste system continued.
Told you, you had an agenda and are an Hindu from India following Sina.
That's because we Muslims are better than you pagans and are therefore snobby. We're not saying it, God Himself said it!
98:7 (And) lo! those who believe and do good works are the best of created beings.
This doesn't apply to you Hindu pop idol, x factor, american idol worshippers now, does it?
You made your bed, so lie in it!
Spirituality? And that from a dik worshipping faggot?
Tell us denialisnoproof, what spirituality is there in dik worshipping?
it was a very good question . you just showed your islamic snobbishness
We follow our constitution .
muslims shouldn't ask mullahs to have sex with your wives once you give divorce to them
why do you ask your woman to have sex with someone else if you want to remarry the same persom again
may be you should kiss kaba then you will understand spirituality
bullshit is muhammad having it with a 9 year old girl.and you muzies following it like a brain dead idiots
"You talking like you possess phd in idol worship"
I don't need to possess one to explain you the theory behind idol worship,Joker Life.
"Lead me to any anti-hindu website, and we will have debate."
I asked you a simple question,and you thought I'm in for a debate?
Don't be embarrassed to say what you believe.
Out of the 3,33,00,000 gods/avatars,which one do you believe in?
@Joker Life. You are a Hindu following the teachings of Hinduism, so that is you religion.
Don't try and squeeze blood out of a stone, just to prove you can, because you never will.
'Joker Life' – I don't think you are capable of a debate . . . for one thing – your English isn't up to standard.
Also – I don't think you know what an 'argument' is and isn't. And the difference between a valid and fallacious argument.
"I will return with facts about the word 'religion'. "
What this means is that . . . YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FACTS RIGHT NOW.
Hence your claim was a lie . . . point well proven.
""lavishing many praises on Islam?"
so, Islam supports violence. "
See how senseless and meaningless your statements are becoming and generally are.
Oh . . . so you DON'T follow Ghandhi. Or only selectively do so.
Ha ha ha . . . have you READ what you actually wrote. . .
Here let me repeat it:
" The site is about muslim not about my personal faith. You dont have to know about my faith to prove your hollybook is right. "
– – –
"You just make question against question to cover yourself."
But dearie . . . if yo go back and read . . . I answered – it is YOU who has failed to address any issues.
People like you always lead any arguments – to such petty semantics. . . .
. . . . this is obviously well above your level. Might I suggest – start with improving your language skills.
"lavishing many praises on Islam?"
so, Islam supports violence.
I always debate keeping in my mind that someone will surely prove me wrong.
Surely I will return with facts about the word 'religion'.
you are good at picking up the lines.
If a thief enters into your home, you dont have to be a gandhi and give a peace sighn, you must react and that could lead to violence without your choice just because of the thief's act.
And if your parents didnt brainwashed you at the age of 3, you won't be leaving such a nameless life.
question against question, doesnt it embarrass you ? You talking like you possess phd in idol worship. Keep your guns loaded, but it won't help. For a counter attack this website is not right place. Lead me to any anti-hindu website, and we will have debate.
If your parents vaccinated in your butt cheek when you were 3 years old , you wouldn't have lived Joker life!
"About religion, i would surely share the history of the word religion with facts."
Then why don't you? That is what i said . . . prove what you claim.
Else don't make claims that you cannot prove. . . or someone will challenge them and expose you as a "liar".
"Why thank you . . . we don't. I am glad you agree that our Holy book is right!"
Its not me, it you who made up yourself. You come here by making up a mind that your hollybook is right, that is what i pointed out. It doesnt mean i am agree.
You just make question against question to cover yourself. so lame.
"I follow gandhi ji "
So what was wrong with Ghadhi – lavishing many praises on Islam?
How do you reconcile your 2 obvious conflicting positions.
"This line is actually suitable to you. You always make some weird excuses that doesnt make any sense, because you know what I am trying to say. "
Such as . . . . either prove this by giving examples – or else you are lying. i have no need – and am too smart to make "weird excuses"
Either you will prove this statement of yours . . . or you won't. If not, then you were making things up.
– – –
Let us look at one fact here . . . My English is far better than yours. Might I suggest – comprehension problems rest with you.
About religion, i would surely share the history of the word religion with facts.
" You always pick up lines and make something illogical outcome. "
Then why is it . . . that you cannot prove me wrong?
Might I suggest – if you improved your English . . . it might help you to understand better.
I follow gandhi ji , but it doesnt mean anyone should allow child molesting. child molesting is the worst act that anyone can loose temper, but only zombie like you can establish child molester as a prophet.
"This is typical of anyone who actually is lying and covering up their ignorance. . . the thing is you – yourself do not know. "
This line is actually suitable to you. You always make some weird excuses that doesnt make any sense, because you know what I am trying to say.
are sitting at seventh sphere and making comments ?? You always pick up lines and make something illogical outcome.
That doesn't answer my question Joker Life.
You aren't embarrased to say,are you?
" The site is about muslim not about my personal faith. You dont have to know about my faith to prove your hollybook is right. "
Why thank you . . . we don't. I am glad you agree that our Holy book is right!
– – –
"I am just raising a question that how a grandpa aged guy can marry a little child and still people like you try to justify such act. "
What you on about?
– – –
"Although i dont support violence, in india a young guy stabbed a child molester outside the court when neither court nor government punished the molester well even though there were enough evidence against him, whereas your religion calls such person a prophet. "
Now you are clearly making things up.
– – –
" Naik is a hindu surname and one can easily realize that what mughals had done to his ancestors that such big liar and traitor is born in india. "
Actually – Niak was a military title. Isuppose that is where the surname comes from.
– – –
All you can do is ramble on and on . . I doubt even you know what about . . .
Clearly you are very impressed by one Zakir Naik. And he has deeply, deeply affected you.
– – –
If you cannot handle criticism about your own faith . . . why dish it out?
Go and do something useful.
The site is about muslim not about my personal faith. You dont have to know about my faith to prove your hollybook is right.
I am just raising a question that how a grandpa aged guy can marry a little child and still people like you try to justify such act.
Although i dont support violence, in india a young guy stabbed a child molester outside the court when neither court nor government punished the molester well even though there were enough evidence against him, whereas your religion calls such person a prophet.
By product is you who's ancestors were raped and looted and then converted to a zombie and still you dont realize.
Thanx to zakir naik and internet (invented by kaffirs) from where i came to know about double faces of muslims. I am getting into islamophobia more and more. Naik is a hindu surname and one can easily realize that what mughals had done to his ancestors that such big liar and traitor is born in india.
Lamb? Come on . . . . I have seen many a brave lamb . . . also they are very tasty.
I highly doubt 'Joker Life' is either!
"By the way, there are so many questions left unanswered on this website. "
And . . . what do you want me to do about it?
"Either you dont understand my point of views or as usual you cant stand against it. You are still stitched to word called 'religion'. Why dont you search how religion word invented. "
This is typical of anyone who actually is lying and covering up their ignorance. . . the thing is you – yourself do not know.
Hence such a reply . . . .
Also you first instinct was an attempt to insult me rather than concentration on the argument.
"Let me search on google if anyone can have IQ below Zero. "
Trolls do that . . . who can only come up with such lines.
– – –
"Why dont you search how religion word invented. "
If you are the one who has already searched . . . why don't you share? After all this what you imply. . .
. . . you can so tell when you have caught out a someone one fiddling. . . they attempt to shift the burden of proof on to you.
Don't worry Joker Life. It's not your fault. You are only the by product of your environment.
'Came in like a wolf, went out like a lamb'.
Woodey allen the jew is the script writer for this website
" such as " you have to read his book to get the answer.
At least feel happy for her.
She could have got killed in islamic country for this personal choice
Why ? do you have different meanings for different Idol worshiping or what ?
"What makes you think Idol worship is bad ? can you prove it anyhow ?"
We'll answer this Joker Life. But first,please specify 'which' idol do you worship.
Well, it's a long way to go to understand all these.
Answer please.
Who are Indra, Varuna and Agni?
Super advice Ali. I never knew that a muslim can lead a better path to non-muslim that he/she can't follow. I think Ali Sina's thoughts are working on you.
Don't make the door hit you on the way out then Joker Life!
I suggest you do follow your own advice and go learn Sanskrit and Veda. Exactly who are Indra, Varuna and Agni, and what culture do you attach to them when doing the whatever you guys do, as you claim you don't follow any religion?
See Ya.
By the way, there are so many questions left unanswered on this website.
Let me search on google if anyone can have IQ below Zero.
Either you dont understand my point of views or as usual you cant stand against it. You are still stitched to word called 'religion'. Why dont you search how religion word invented.
"There wern't any religion before some 2000 years ago, all were cultures."
And where did you get that? What is a culture? If not composition of several elements . . . including religion.
– – –
"If you say Hinduism is religion, then I would say its forcefully created religion just to make an identity in front of islam, christian and other religions. Nothing stands between me and God, not even man made word 'religion'. "
Whole load of Bullshit. . . .
– – –
He was saying to me. The next reply is to Ali with SUPER maths 2+2=4.
2+2 = 4 again?
There wern't any religion before some 2000 years ago, all were cultures. If you say Hinduism is religion, then I would say its forcefully created religion just to make an identity in front of islam, christian and other religions. Nothing stands between me and God, not even man made word 'religion'.
If you still want to say Hinduism is religion, then call it Hindu Dharma and not a religion. Understanding Dharma is not easy, but for me one reason to follow Dharma is questing oneself, finding and following the truth.
Following ali sina ?? I think i need to leave this site, like someone said earlier 'fighting with evil a long time makes you an evil'. I should better invest my time learning Sanskrit and Veda.
_________So you ARE Hindu then__________
No, Ali Sina is not Hindu. Because he is living in Canada. Hindu are those who live in Hindustan(India). In ancient time India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan was one country which is called Hindustan.
BTW I think we can say Ali Sina is follower of Sanatan Dharm (Eternal religion).
To be follower follower of eternal religion/Sanatan Dharma one need to do is:
‘To accept truth through a continuous process of rejecting falsehood every moment to best of one’s abilities in the most sincere manner is Sanatan/eternal/Vedic religion’
Yajurveda 1.5:
“O Supreme Force governing the world! You function as per unchangeable laws which remain the same throughout without slightest of deviations. May I also seek inspiration from You to be unflinchingly principled in my life. Thus I resolve to seek truth constantly by eliminating the false from my life every moment to the best of my abilities, intentions and efforts. May I be successful in this noble decision of mine.”
So you ARE Hindu then?
Hinduism IS a religion and the Belief in God IS a theism. So being Indian and not being born into any religion despite claiming to be Hindu, exactly when did you become a follower and practiser in Hinduism? What attracted you to Hinduism and not Sikhism or Buddhism or Christianity or Islam, as they are all available in India?
I told you 99% of Ali Sina's followers were Hindu, and yes you do follow him, thus being on here, promoting the anti religious anti Islamic tripe.
You can dress it up how you want, a leopard will never change it's spots.
But I think some american soldiers can still analyze their deeds and so some of them reveal the truth behind the attacks and feel guilty. At least America gives such a freedom to express oneself.
@Joker Life
How can bowing before "kaaba stone" bring any benefit for you?
You got a super idea that bowing down to idol made of stone is not good. What makes you think Idol worship is bad ? can you prove it anyhow ?
" I belong to hindu culture but not an atheist " Read properly what I said. Dont pick up the lines in hurry that interest you.
About Ali Sina, I am not fan of Ali Sina. I even dont favor USA government anyhow. They dont have any ethics. No God allows Killing of innocent people, children and women.
But the point is everybody did not become Muslim and never will. Theory again!
Why go back 100 years? How did you determine that measuring yardstick?
Stop keep changing the goal posts for your glove to fit.
Nobody is asking you to become Muslim, so fk off and live your life. Stop hating, stick to idol worshipping and get on with your life.
@Joker Life. You are Hindu mate. 99% of posters on here and Ali Sina's fans are.
How could you be born into Hinduism, claim to be Atheist and believe in a God? Usual tripe.
If every body became muslims 100 years ago .We wouldn't have had any worth while inventions. As everything is created by god no need to explore anything .There would have no critical analysis.All that people would have done is red herring just like you are doing
always ? this is my third time on the site.
i belong to hindu culture but not an atheist and I do believe in God.
I always thank God that i am not born in any religion and so I didnt get brain wash on age 3.
You said it yourself. 'Life is only good till an age of 3……….'
Or are you now implying I said it?
That's the problem with you 'Atheist' Hindus. You always seem to talk about rubbish, and backtrack when we ALWAYS put you in check on this schitty site.
did you check the word blabbering in the dictionary ?
@Joker Life. So your life must be real schit then!
You are way over the 3 year old mark. Right?
Life is only good till an age of 3. After that parents and society together ruin kids life saying you have to live your Life 'Line by Line' as de(pre)scribed in hollybook. Plus when you grow up you have to use all the scientific discoveries of kaffirs and keep blabbering about the religion of peace at the same time when killing of innocence people is taking place all over the world in the name of religion.
I dont understand how someone choose to live his/her entire life as a big lie.
Is that so Loa.
You sound about as real and authentic as Ali Sina having met President Obama!
" Anyway, after reading Ali Sina book, I got all the answer I've been asking for a very long time"
Such as? What questions were they and what answers did you find?
– – –
"True indeed, I was born as a muslim from Malaysia, I knew there is something wrong with my belief at young age of nine."
What is your mother tongue?
– – –
"the ayat where he "drink the honey" that got one of his wife angry, I mean I really don't understand why drinking a honey is such a big deal??"
True indeed, I was born as a muslim from Malaysia, I knew there is something wrong with my belief at young age of nine. Along that way I started questioning a few things in islam that i think is ridiculous and unfair to women, such as why men can marry four and have the right to divorce and women cant do the same? I do feel weird when Mo married to a 9 y.o kid and seems like everyone trying hard to justify his action and yeah, the ayat where he "drink the honey" that got one of his wife angry, I mean I really don't understand why drinking a honey is such a big deal?? Anyway, after reading Ali Sina book, I got all the answer I've been asking for a very long time, I left Islam with confidence and there is no way I will turning back. And I definitely will preventt my son to even get close to this dangerous cult. Left the county and the reliion is the best decision I've ever made in my life, I'm a very happy person and see the world differently. Thank you Ali Sina.
Nazrul Islam, I would not spend so much time responding to your talk because obviously you dont know islam at all! You ask me to read between the lines of the Quran to find the truth(Your version of what islam 'must be') about Islam, because i profess to rely on the Quran alone for spiritual guidance, yet you ask me to read the sharia law. Let me bring to your notice that the sharia law is made up of about 75-80 %non-Quranic sources. I have rejected sharia law along time. The Quran is read in the light of reasoning without relying on sectarian interpretation and unreliable historical sources. Something you find very difficult to accept and understand. Thanks for your concern about me, i know you are telling me in good faith and want to see me saved, because according to you i am following a sick, psychopathic idiot, who was so foolish to have started a system that is fooling about 1.5billion people of the world. a blood thirsty pedophile! That is what your sources or findings reveal to you. My findings reveal something else! something i am clinging to soooo strongly, something of great inner conviction!You might dismiss the mathematical miracle as a hoax! i dont care. i am a science student who understand probability to an extent. the logic i need to rely on to proof a chance occurrence of an event is something i can easily do. and for that miracle, its beyond chance, the connections are so much and cannot be dismissed. If you have a little knowledge of science you will understand what i mean!As for God in the Quran, He is merciful and just. God reccomends war for self defense and protection, he reccomends war against revenge, ultimately, he reccomends forgiveness which He acknowledges is better than all. The figth for self defense and revenge cannot be taken out of man, its typical of man to want revenge, God would not take that choice from you if you want it! but as i said He prescribes forgiveness above all, He also sternly warns those who take revenge not to transgress in doing it. this is very logical. Lastly, Just know this for the purpose of argument, any issue no matter the amount of evidence, there are usually a group of people who come up with findings to proof it wrong! or at least claim its not true. A good example i like citing is the issue of HIV/AIDS. Need i mention to you that in the medical world, there are proffessors in the medical field who have published research papers to proof that HIV does not cause AIDS, they say the virus is harmless and has been with man since the very beginning! You can look it up on Google! surprised? If man would differ in issues based on facts they can see and observe, why wont theyu differ on issues that involve an unseen God. Even Napoleon tried repeating the splitting of the sea done by Moses, they gave a scientific explaination for the burning bush……You see, people would always differ! and you and others on these site are just another another group of differing factions. Thanks anyway for your concern about saving me from a Cult!
// You say people here are spreading hate…yes they are. No sane mind would accept, being a rational human being, killing other humans just because god said so without the least cause, while the world mankind trying to annul death sentence even for a major crime. //
Brrrrilliant !
Your argument is a great push…. the wall is about to crumble.
// And about your mathematical proof of divine existence… its like…Billy goat has beard, Mohammad has beard…so mohammad is a Billy goat…simple logic…or logical fallacy? think and read between the lines, not just the text. //
This little logic is the last push………..fusshhh… the wall of islamic lies falling down.
Mr. dramaniEdem…if you reject hadiths and consider Mohammad as a normal human being like you and me…its quite possible that he lied about the so called Allah and the quran to advance his political ambitions. As we can see by reading the quran…he lured his followers by booty in this life and pussy in the afterlife. All you have done above is another attempt to beat around the bush like every other muslim apologist and nothing else. You point to some verses of the quran which sounds sugarquoted and ignore the hate verses. You read the verses in terms of texts only. I suggest you…plz read between the lines. You say people here are spreading hate…yes they are. No sane mind would accept, being a rational human being, killing other humans just because god said so without the least cause, while the world mankind trying to annul death sentence even for a major crime. As i see in reality, mankind is much kinder than your Allah. if you dont agree with me, pls read the Sharia Law compared to the Constitution of any independent state. Being a mere human being politically ambitious, Mohammad needed to create Allah to advance his own cause.
And about your mathematical proof of divine existence… its like…Billy goat has beard, Mohammad has beard…so mohammad is a Billy goat…simple logic…or logical fallacy? think and read between the lines, not just the text.
But Demsci, Islam's first Caliph's were chosen by the people! (fully democratic). What you talk about is Western Liberal Democracy which is all made by man and each set of rules has it's own interpretations by the very men that thought them up. I am not anti democratic in the slightest. I have chosen my path and will abide by it's rules and regulations. This is my choice.
Let's just say hypothetically speaking that Islam is fake and there is no afterlife heaven or hell. Exactly what do I have to lose? Nothing. I can practice Islam and then when I am dead and buried, I will undergo the same fate as say you or Ali Sina. Correct? I can take no risk and get the same as you, whilst you are taking a 50% risk in order to get the same result. The stance I am taking will always have a 50% advantage over the atheist.
If you hold the changing of goal posts option of Ali Sina, by asking me to find the 'right' God, then I have to weigh up the balances.
OK, let's say Mohammed was everything that Ali Sina prescribes to him, then as far as the Abrahamic Faiths are concerned, I must look at Jesus or Moses. Now Ali Sina ridicules the Quran for saying Solomon spoke to the ants, so with this in mind, Jesus healed, the blind, the leper and raised the dead. On top of that he was never married and had no relationship with any females. Was he Gay?
This is even more ridiculous than Solomon talking to the Ants so Jesus's credentials are not much better than Mohammed's. Then comes Moses. He was epileptic and he also killed a man thus a murderer. Additionally his staff turned to a snake, which is even far more preposterous than giving life to the dead with Jesus. Here, Moses is creating something from scratch and then giving life to the piece of wooden staff. Not to forget his hand turning white as well. Then we have the river turning red (blood), the plague, the locust, the frogs, the parting of the seas and all sorts.
If we use Ali Sina's logic and standpoint, then all 3 were crazy. So we move onto their Scriptures. Of all the 3, which are the most authentic and are currently in their original form? If all 3 are not worth the paper they are written on, then Islam, Christianity and Judaism are ruled out.
So we come back to your position of Atheism as the option. Like I said earlier, I will hedge my bets on Islam and take the 50% advantage position all the time. What I am doing is protecting myself with a 50% shield. This will always be a win-win situation. Even if nothing happens to me after I am dead and buried, with there being no God, following Islam and getting that result just to be on the safe side is no crime.
As far as being remembered and all the rest of it is concerned, I don't care. In this day and age, how often are political leaders remembered when they leave office, let alone when they die? Seldom.
50 years from now, when we are dead and buried, no one will remember us and no one will give a hoot. They will have their own lives to live in any way they wish.
So you see, after all the research I have done, I am in a win-win -win situation. I cannot lose at any cost and have nothing to fear if you are right.
"You see, it is a win-win situation for the Muslims." Perhaps you are right with this about the afterlife. And I can well imagine that it feels great to belong to such a powerful group. That indeed seems WIN-WIN.
But ……. win-win-win may be also possible?! For all humans, including Muslims, including your descendants?
But have you searched for a third WIN, for the truth with all your heart and mind? For something more true than Islam, that is shown here to fallacious often? what if Islam indeed was a MANMADE religion?
Mankind now knows much more and truer truth than 1400 years ago. That is a LONG period, to not replace something good with something better.
What if judgement day is not true and so not comes along and mankind evolves ever further in technology and scientific knowledge?
The set of Democratic values, beliefs, laws, principles, that was also very successful.
and in some essential part it really contradicted, opposed what the 7th century originators of Islam had thought out, ordained, or what they claimed what Allah had told them.
Democracy was tiny before WWI. And even after WWII, but after that Southern Europe, Latin America, Japan, South Korea, Philippines and others became democratic. And after the fall of the Soviet Union all of Eastern Europe. Democracy's growth was even bigger than Islam's.
We don't care for your rambling.You might need to see a doctor.
How can you believe in this nonsense in 21st Century?But it's okay,you can believe in whatever shit you want.Don't pollute others with this filth.
Have you heard of a parent who burns his child's skin,makes it regrow and then burn it again? Read Quran 4:56 to know of this father.
Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise
Even Hitler was more merciful than this.He killed people once.Burning someone,that too over and over suits those maniacs portrayed in torture movies.Why do these people torture others?Just for their twisted fun.Why Allah tortures people whom he claims to have created?Simple!They don't see a reason to believe in him!That's enough to burn them till eternity!Oh,what a merciful God.Where do we go without him!
Jokes apart,if he does turn out to be true,which is highly unlikely,I'll tell him in the face that he's immoral as he promotes incest.And dumb,because just two pairs of Adam and Eve would have solved this problem.And so I'll tell him I won't ever submit to him,because my morality,and even animal's morality is superior to him.Because even animals know that incest is wrong.We can't submit to a being of lower morals.And we can't submit to bullies-who threaten persecution if you don't follow his orders.If such is a God-how different is a Stalin or a Saddam or a Mussolini?
I repeat
Why would Abu Afak and Asma bint Marwan incite / instigate violence against Mohammad? What was the reason?
Before I deal with every issue you presented, Let me begin by the concept of "God doesn't change". You can't say that God changes, because if God changes (or change his mind or regrets or commits a mistake) then he is not God because a God is perfect (never changes) and is the master of space and time not the other way around.
Therefore, there must be consistency from the beginning to the end. At the beginning God created one male and one female not one male and 4 females + female slaves, then of course God won't speak to his people in a language they do not understand so it's clearly understood what adultery means. To answer your question: yes Mohammad contradicts and advertised adultery (having more than 1 wife is adultery), God doesn't change his mind to suddenly decide that he should have created 4 women to one man. Who is more right Mohammad or God?
Matthew 19
( Jesus: ) “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…… Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
But Hindu atheists like you should also know and was it not you that championed these 2 when asked and you replied 'The first ones I guess were killed like Abu Afak, Asma bint Marwan, etc'.
So, why would they instigate violence against Mohammed and the Muslims? Exactly why you and your demigod Swami Guru Ali Sina Nanak Dev do? Blind Islamaphobic Hatred!
And where is the proof of these 2 debunking the Quran? With evidence please if you don't mind.
Whose belief is that killing is self defense only? Who follows it? According to you . . . not even the "Prophets" kept it up.
If the prophets are perfect then they are God because no one is perfect but God. Prophets are like the rest of us who did right and wrong at the same time, who showed regrets, who admitted they were wrong and who also did great things. Some people kept the commandments better than the prophets. You, me or a prophet are just humans who are in the process of learning in this life. The bible was not written by God but by people who were learning or beginning to understand God. The Concept of a perfect book (like Quran) that has everything and is the perfect and only word of God is Completely wrong/false. You cannot limit God or the experience with God in one book.
The 10 commandments are the only guidelines from God that allow humans to live a descent life without hurting others and without limitations or being a limitation to another. When you cover up your wife/ daughter and maybe force her to quite school than you are being a limitation to her or you are hurting her, maybe she could have done great things but you didn't let her. In that case you are playing God and did what God didn't do, which is taking the free will out of us. That's why it is also wrong to force convert someone.
Back to the self defense issue, if you commit suicide then it's self killing and violates the commandment. if someone attacks you with the intention of killing you or a member of your family then you'll probably act out of instincts and end up killing the attacker. Who's fault is it? isn't it like that the killer committed suicide? After all he caused this for himself and you wouldn't have killed him if there was another way.
The questions you're asking are obvious to most people but they are not obvious to you because you follow a religion that controls every aspect in your life from how to eat to how to pee and wash. Why would god be concerned with the minor things? God gave us brains and free will to act upon it. If we are to follow blindly and not to think then God would have created us brainless.
If you want to begin to understand, you must see the bigger picture here.
Muslims like you should know.
You tell me Raj?
Ali, I don't know if you are right about Abu Afak, Asma bint Marwan actually inciting violence.
But if they were inciting violence then I daresay you were right about them being guilty. Only the penalty may have exceeded their crime. Otherwise I agree with you.
But what I notice is that among many Muslims freedom of speech, used in an insulting way, is considered a justification, a cause to react violently.
Even when the insulting party, like Ali Sina and many other counterjihadists do, explicitly explain that they are against violence.
Freedom of speech, even when it resorts to insulting, will in the end reduce violence and not exacerbate violence, is my opinion.
OK, yes, because it is very hard to distinquish between those who commit , incite to or support violence and those who do not, innocent Muslims do get hurt in their feelings.
But at the same time those who do commit, incite and support violence ARE attacked and put on notice. Those in their vicinity are warned, alerted.
And while the damage to the innocent Muslims is limited, the positive effect of the insulting on the "guilty as charged" and the alarmed people in their vicinity may be very high, even if largely unnoticed,
resulting in "guilty" Muslims to reduce their violence and potential victims to increase their awareness and defence and countermeasures and them uniting with other victims and helpers of them.
Bro Raj! Are Majority Hindu ruling India ?
Why would Abu Afak and Asma bint Marwan incite / instigate violence against Mohammad? What was the reason?
Oh yes, the article written by Sam Shamoun you are no doubt referring to Raj? The 2 poets whom you believe were killed just for their rebuke of Islam.
These 2 not only mocked the prophet and insulted him, they also INSTGATED their people to attack and harm the Muslims! Hence these people were not mere poets writing mocking poems, they were inciting violence and hatred against the Muslims! They were inciting their people to rise up to fight and kill the Muslim population, and this made them direct enemy combatants because they were inciting violence against the Muslims.
You don't have to hold a sword to be an enemy or an enemy combatant, inciting violence and instigating violence is just as bad and is the exact same thing. Even in today's world men who preach 'hate' and incite violence will be arrested and imprisoned.
Why don't you try it, I will report you and I guarantee you the authorities will pick you up as it is against the Law.
It doesn't matter where I'm from, but just to make you feel good, British, born and bred.
And you?
Vijay. The reality is that in any democracy the majority rule and not the minority, unless it is a coalition like the UK? Even then, the majority takes the lions share of the voting rights and decision making.
So, how can deviants who follow a minority way of life be dictating to people who are one of the majorities in this world, on what they must do and don't?
After you have given an audience to the minority for their comments and input and all they spew in illogical rubbish, they receive no more audience.
Similar to how we run corporations, the boss steers the company and has a hierarchy in place. The tea maker does not have the same power as the CEO.
Can the President of the USA be voted in with minority votes. NEVER.
So, sit back, relax and watch the show.
// If (islam) it was so made up, how comes it's taken 1400 years for the likes of genius Ali Sina to come up with arguments to debunk it //
That was the context in which I had given my above reply.
Of course there were others too.
The first ones I guess were killed like Abu Afak, Asma bint Marwan, etc.
Hey Ali where are you from ?
How about some illuminating analysis to go with that. Or are you another in the mold of . . . knowTheEnemy?
Mashallal Bro Ali, In democracy Majority does not allow Minority to speak? Shame on You, Hindus like Raj and Sameep! Learn this from bro Ali, do it in India, emulate them.
What thrashing? You kidding right?
Is it not you and Guru Ji who start the tirade of abuse once your backs are up against the wall with facts, and your hate filled venom starts to spew?
You had the softly softly approach, now it's time for the we are the 'chosen' approach.
Are you or are you not a minority in the world with the views and ideologies that you hold?
Whether you are Sikh, Hindu or Atheist, are you still not a minority?
Sina – doesn't have an argument. He falls down like dominoes when given a gentle push.
He has copied gaffe from Christians – and pasted it here. And he calls that "rationality"
Where did it go once challenged?
Of course it is insecurity Raju? Why? Because you said so.
Like I said, stay on the side lines and sssshhhh. Speak only when you are spoken to you heathen kafir.
(This is getting better).
Do you agree that in a democracy, the majority rule? Simple yes or no?
I believe that Sir Francis Bacon, Bernard Shaw, Will Durant all had discovered the evil colors of Islam and the dark character that Mohammad was.
Arrogance speaking. I see more of insecurity in you.
"Then you will continue to see Islam getting thrashed here. Enjoy! "
What? By someone like you . . . ha ha ha.
Who is the one doing the thrashing?
I am . . . look what happened to you Sina getting exposed – over copying and pasting nonsense from Christians. . .
Look at how he started bleating.
– – –
I mean – you don't have the brains to put an argument forward. But neither does he.
Ha Ha Ha . . .
You forget – there were many people who debunked Islam.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati way back in 1875 wrote SATYARTH PRAKASH.……
Then there was another Arya Samaji who wrote Rangeela Rasul. Translated in English, it should be read as THE PLAYBOY PROPHET.
Even Swami Vivekanand knew that Mohammad was Satan.
Mind you, this was written before 1940.
Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina, etc are basing their arguments in these times when science has developed and Mohammad can be studied distinctly.
I'd say absolutely nothing knowTheEnemy. Just like I wouldn't say anything when murders are being carried out as we speak in USA, Canada, Russia, China and so forth, plus the rapes of women, killing of children, killing of women, slavery in India and so forth every minute of the day around the globe by all different types of humans following all different types of belief and non belief systems.
Or did you think this monopoly was held only by Islam?
If you want to start slating, then start slating with your own first!
"You are under a lot "impressions". . . who said I wanted anything from you? "
Then you will continue to see Islam getting thrashed here. Enjoy!
I don't think you are in a position to speak Raju.
You are a minority and not a majority. In any democracy, the majority rule. Correct?
And you of all people should know this coming from India, which is the largest democracy in the world.
The next time we want the advice or input of the minority on issues that involve the 'chosen' ones, (Muslims), yes. that's right, we are the 'chosen' ones, we will ask you. In the meantime, stand by the sidelines and just watch the show.
Ali, now now do not describe Mohammad the prophet of the dumb muslims.
"Yes you do. It is you who called me The Great Ali Sina."
"It is the Muslims who say I am the biggest enemy of Islam ever."
– – –
"The only thing left for you to do is to insult. "
But this is what YOU resort to. . . isn't that what you did – when I challenged the garbage you were holding up – copied from the Christians?
Why did you start bleating then. . . . where does you spiel about – about "accuracy" and "evidence" and "rationality" disappear?
The good thing about you Ali Sina is that each time we apply a little pressure onto you, you let your fake 'I love humanity' bull@@@@ down and show your true colours and start frothing at the mouth with your rabid comments.
In all fairness, you are a fool, you are a liar, you have no knowledge of Islam, you have no knowledge of Mohammed, you have no knowledge of the Arabic language, you are not an ex Muslim, you are not Iranian, you are not a Dr in anything, you have no PhD, you are a hate monger, you are delusional, you are fleecing the fools who follow you, you cannot control your anger when push comes to shove, you are Islam's greatest proponent via proxy, you are Islam's greatest admirer deep down, you are delusional, you are a plagiariser and above all, you are Ali Sina.
Your similitude is that of a donkey which carries huge burden of books though they fail to understand them!
And as a parting gift, please write a book about Jesus in line of the following excerpts from the Bible and present it to Robert Spencer as a gift:
Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
Matthew 19:23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
Matthew 8:21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
Matthew 8:22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
Mark 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Mark 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Mark 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mark 9:45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Mark 9:46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mark 9:47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
Mark 9:48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Revelations 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Revelations 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Revelations 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Revelations 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Revelations 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Luke 19:26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
The day I see you do this feat towards Christianity and Judaism, just as you have done with Islam, I will change my stance towards you.
Until such time, keep barking.
Yes you do. It is you who called me The Great Ali Sina. It is the Muslims who say I am the biggest enemy of Islam ever. It is you guys who have made me great, no one else made that claim or said such thing. And as the big enemy of Islam you also hurl at me your biggest insults. Only when you see the light you will realize that the only big in all this is your own stupidity to believe in the lies of a mentally sick man and despite all the evidences that clearly show Muhammad was an ignoramus you still believe in him. You people are so brain dead that you see nothing wrong in your prophet raiding, looting, killing and raping people. You have descended so low that it is not longer appropriate to call you human. And if you don’t see that, i want the world to see that.
Your brain is frozen. You can no longer reason like rational people. The only thing left for you to do is to insult. And you feel good any time you do that. That is perfectly okay with me. My goal is to raise the awareness of Islam and your behavior helps me do it. My goal it to make the world see we cannot co-exist with Muslims and Islam. It is time to send you back to your own Islamic paradises and erect a wall between us.
Far from it Ali Sina. We Muslims don't believe you to be bigger than reality or great in any sense. We believe you to be a shame on reality and a miniature personality that doesn't even exist. You are a pseudonym are you not?
The one who dreams of changing the world forever, but dares not come forth and hides his true self, but claims to be truthful, deceiving the masses with untruths starting with who he is and where he comes from.
Luke 14:26. If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
You undercover Christian you.
The only thing great about you is the lies and hatred of Islam.
Don't take it personally, just accept it and move on.
"No it wasn't unrelated. You were talking about logic in your previous post. That is why I started my post with "The trouble is, despite your logic,….." "
And what was it that did NOT make sense. . . why didn't you point anything out . . . rather than going off topic.
– – –
"I have always been under that impression. Can you clarify now…… If you don't want FFI to leave Islam alone, then WHAT is it that you want from us? "
You are under a lot "impressions". . . who said I wanted anything from you?
– – –
See how pathetic your comments are? And see how you lie? How can you tell the truth about anything . . . if you resort to such petty lies.
"Neither I believe that nor my fans. The only people who keep saying it are you Muslims."
Alas no. You might not add the explicit adjective. . . but you add the qualities. No one thinks you're great . . . just egotistical.
Neither I believe that nor my fans. The only people who keep saying it are you Muslims.
Of course it is your choice. But you don’t know the whole truth. Read my book and see if you can still keep your faith. Don’t worry you can’t be brainwashed by reading books. You will be brainwashed if you don’t read different book.
@lonleyloner. To the contrary. I am mature, married, have children who are all Muslims and we are very successful.
Like I stated before, it is my choice and not anyone else's choice of what I believe.
Of course there is nothing great about you. The only people who believe you to be bigger than reality is you and your handful of brain dead cultists.
@knowTheEnemy. Oh Please! Ali Sina will never come out the closet but will always ask someone else to do his dirty work. This is his trade mark stance.
'I challenge anyone to defy what I say, but I won't come out in public to deal with my challenge, but will do it online so I can copy, paste and plagiarise my responses'.
What trust can you have in someone who claims to be fearless, but in reality is schit scared of every Tom, Dick and Harry he so wants to help?
As long he stays in the Asylum……I mean the closet, he has no right to make any challenges.
If you on the other hand want to take up his baton, you are more than welcome to come public so you can also get a public intellectual trouncing for all to see.
No it wasn't unrelated. You were talking about logic in your previous post. That is why I started my post with "The trouble is, despite your logic,….."
"2. When have I said/implied: "therefore we should leave Islam alone"
I have always been under that impression. Can you clarify now…… If you don't want FFI to leave Islam alone, then WHAT is it that you want from us?
"The trouble is, despite your 'logic', you don't make sense."
In the above post . . . which you are replying to – what doesn't make sense.
If you had pointed it out . . . I would have explained anything that isn't clear.
– – –
"For example, you try to show that Islam is not the reason behind Muslims' sufferings, and therefore we should leave Islam alone"
1. What has this example got to do with anything I have said above? And why are you mentioning it here?
2. When have I said/implied: "therefore we should leave Islam alone"
– – –
That is the trouble with you – you are DELIBERATELY deceptive.
– – –
"The trouble is, despite your 'logic', you don't make sense"
This was just a lie . . . hence you brought something completely unrelated to to what the above comment said.
The trouble is, despite your 'logic', you don't make sense. Things conflict with each other. For example, you try to show that Islam is not the reason behind Muslims' sufferings, and therefore we should leave Islam alone….
But if we leave Islam out of the picture, then people like me are totally in the dark about WHAT it is that is causing all that suffering?
I agree with you Sr.A'isha…
Let Apostate go away from Ummat, when he/she repent, due to sorrow of separation from brothers and sisters of Ummat,then it will prevent apostasy better. You guys lack confidence in Allah SWT, kill Allah SWT's creation. Why should you think that Allah SWT, will give you power by having confidence in you.
i have seen so called Muslims drinking, going to prostitute and telling a lie to nation they live in. There are red light areas in Pakistan. Iran lies for nuclear issue. Are you sure that no one in the family of Saudi Arab drinks. Alas, Islam of today dont have things like ex communication of sinner. Simple silting of throat, to induce terror. Had person being exiled away from own people, while missing the heaven like pious life with community/umma would have made person repent and return to Islamic faith. Often Muslim girl elope with non Muslims, may see "liberty" of west. May hate and repent, want to repent but honor killings, executions, such stuff prevents her return.
Bro, in places like Malaysia, non Muslims, like Sikhs are banned to use word Allah during prayers, while this term is there in their text with attributive meaning for the God ie A Lah, whose possessions cant finish, while that God keeps on giving.
"Therefore, a human must not kill another unless he has to in self defense. Did Mohammad or Allah keep that commandment? The Answer is no. "
Whose belief is that killing is self defence only? Who follows it? According to you . . . not even the "Prophets" kept it up.
"Even though some Jewish prophets declared wars and killed in the name of God, that wasn’t God who commanded this, it was their “projection of God”. "
When you say:
"was kept by Christians and Jews."
When and where?
– – –
The command:
"Thou shalt not kill."
Where did you get . . . self defence only? Explicit meaning of the above command is – you shall not kill – and that is it. It does not imply – whether self-dence or not.
– – –
"“Thou shalt not commit adultery” meaning that a man only takes one woman and never divorce her or cheat on her just like God created them 2 in the beginning."
One can argue – that this meaning is simply YOUR projection as well.
And then you say:
" Mohammad “projected” by allowing and practicing polygamy and sex slaves."
But this does not contradict what this says:
“Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Where does it say . . only one wife?
– – –
So if Jews projected . . .Christians projected . . . Muslims Projected. Who is the right one and why? According to you – they are all wrong.
Hence what is it that you believe. . . and why isn't that a "projection" as well?
– – –
"Mohammad placed it in Quran as something that God commanded, which we both know that can’t be true since God doesn’t change."
But we don't know that. i don't agree with you at all. And how do you know:
can’t be true since God doesn’t change.
– – –
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Take this . . . So do you agree that Christians are also er. . . "projecting" when they take on Christ as a God as well.
Didn't Jews took that to mean – just one God. And later the Christians – made Jesus a God too.
Right – so what you are saying that these Prophets that God sent for guidance – themselves were flawed.
Hence what use were they? And why did God bother to send them. And why is it incumbent on anyone to follow their guidance. . . as it is of no worth.
"Do you really think, anyone here is going to fall for that argument of yours??"
Why what's wrong with it.
– – –
The thing is – when you people like you run of argument – you resort to such sentences. But fail to say WHY.
– – –
For your sake . . . I hope you are still young. Else you are doomed.
"I know that. Which means that God of Islam is simply a God with no name, sort of a “faceless” unknown God. "
More or less – yes.
– – –
"Allah came from barbaric Saudi Arabia meaning that Mohammad and his followers projected their background and upbringing on the Creator or idea of a creator (which they copied from Christians and Jews) "
You have just repeated this . . . what is the point. Just your opinions.
– – –
"the Creator or idea of a creator (which they copied from Christians and Jews) "
Right . . . and not from the pagans why? The creator idea is such an obvious one that . . . no one has copyright to it. Where did the Christians get it? From the Jews? Where did they get it? Even further back from their predecessors.
– – –
"Yes Christian Arabs use the word Allah as a habit but that doesn’t mean Allah of Islam, and they also used to say “Bism Allah al rahman al rahim” when making the sign of cross. But they stopped saying that long since Muslims started using it. "
I want to see evidence for this?
– – – –
"False prophets (including mohamad) misguided people to their own image of God. In the following, I’ll call that “projection of God”. "
And who according to you are the true prophets?
= = =
If there is this one God . . . irrespective of "projection" – everyone believes the same God. Hence All believe the same God. it is in the finer details they bicker. I am glad we agree!
"It seems you cannot even imagine that there are people out there who don't exactly fall in a particular religious category."
Ah . . . . priceless line from someone who stereotypes all Muslims.
– – –
"I wrote earlier that my worldview is influenced by many different ideas. It is not limited to either Sikhism or Hinduism. "
Bullshit . . . and you know it.
– – –
"I decided that I do want a 'religion' for myself, but I myself am the founder/maintainer of that religion. "
Meaningless BS.
– – –
" If I find out that there was a flaw with something I believed, I make modifications."
This is to protect yourself. You are good at dishing it out . . . just so that your religion doesn't get bashed . . . you have taken the cowardly stance.
"Muslims are diseased."
That line alone should invalidate your post.
I suggest you read up what Irony is.
"he he he… more tricks to get Dr. Sina out in the public, so your murderous brothers in ummah can pounce on him."
So why is it others can do it . . . ? He is hardly Rushdie. And he has survived.
– – –
"Will you invite Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes and Bilal Phillips to debate with me?"
No – I don't know them personally. But I wouldn't bother. . . . it will give you undue legitimacy. You are better kept in the pits.
– – –
"Many have and they have refused."
– – –
"And please search logical fallacy and read about it. "
I like the effing assumption. Here is the things . . . you don't read about logical fallacies . . . you study the science of Logic.
I commonly find that people like you have read:
And they consider themselves – experts. Yet fall flat within two minutes.
It is like being Harun Yahya at science.
= = =
The only claims I make are – I know my way around classical logic pretty well.
And computational logic.
Therefore, a human must not kill another unless he has to in self defense. Did Mohammad or Allah keep that commandment? The Answer is no.
“Thou shalt not commit adultery” meaning that a man only takes one woman and never divorce her or cheat on her just like God created them 2 in the beginning. Jews “projected” when they granted divorce which Jesus criticized them for doing so. And also some Christians “projected” when they allowed divorce (if there is no cheating or immoralities happened by the man or the woman). Some Christians kept this and do not allow divorce (unless in the case mentioned above). Mohammad “projected” by allowing and practicing polygamy and sex slaves. Mohammad placed it in Quran as something that God commanded, which we both know that can’t be true since God doesn’t change. So either Mohammad was a liar or he was tricked by Satan.
What you do not understand is God never ever changed, which made it easy for one to identify God from the “projection of God”. Let’s start from the beginning, when God created everything. The story maybe symbolic – but let’s assume it’s not – God created Adam and Eve (in the bible it is that, they were created in God’s image and God LOVED what he created. So the creation was for Love and not for Worship or punish) but that’s not why I mentioned this, my point is that God created them 1 Male and 1 Female as One. One of their children killed another, so that was the first time we knew that God is against “killing”. Fast forward into the future, God only rules were the 10 commandments. “Thou shalt not kill” was kept by Christians and Jews. Even though some Jewish prophets declared wars and killed in the name of God, that wasn’t God who commanded this, it was their “projection of God”. In some verses it shows that God was against what happened for example like when Elijah killed the prophets of Baal in the name of God, God later showed him that this was not the right thing to do.
“Allah” simply means God
I know that. Which means that God of Islam is simply a God with no name, sort of a “faceless” unknown God.
Allah came from barbaric Saudi Arabia meaning that Mohammad and his followers projected their background and upbringing on the Creator or idea of a creator (which they copied from Christians and Jews)
Yes Christian Arabs use the word Allah as a habit but that doesn’t mean Allah of Islam, and they also used to say “Bism Allah al rahman al rahim” when making the sign of cross. But they stopped saying that long since Muslims started using it.
Yes the concept of one creator is the same that one God created the Universe, but people tend to project their own ideas/background on that God. Not only Muslims do that, Christians and Jews did that too. False prophets (including mohamad) misguided people to their own image of God. In the following, I’ll call that “projection of God”.
This story has nothing to do with Islam.It is a mindset of a damaged and confused mind, a mind that doesn’t look at things logically from its perspective position with an objectivity and fairness to the subject.
This story happens everyday around the world like any other stories out there,big deal, but just because our protagonist is a Muslim , it becomes a big deal story that take all focus and headlines in all major networks.Its gear changes from a normal daily story to a high gear of alert,hate, and name calling out of logic and civility,which shows the severity of the damage that a person’s mind has.
Now let us analyse and examine some logic of this mindset so called ” dr ” Ali Sina , and figure out what kind of “doctor” he is : Is he Dr evil,or the Dr that he claims to be to save humanity ?
” All people are essentially the same, but Muslims are diseased…”
Is this logic ? According to this logic non-muslims they don’t lie,they have secure personality,not jealous,not controlling…etc even though ( All people are essentially the same ) which make Muslims and non-Muslims are in fact alike.The exception here shows one thing only:The fixed sick mental attitude towards only one kind.
But wait,I will show you how sicker his mind is,the contradictions and the foggy state his brain suffer from.
“This man is a victim. All Muslims are victims. ” Now, all Muslims are victims instead of all “Muslims are diseased ” . Can’t you please make you mind up “doctor”.This is this absurdity,craziness and confusion.This is senseless ,laughable and funny.
“They even drink and have sex outside marriage. None of that proves that they are not Muslim.”
Don’t you know “dr” that a Muslim doesn’t drink,doesn’t have sex outside marriage,doesn’t lie…etc ? So what you are describing here is non-Muslims behaviors.You actually shot your foot man Be careful. If I am wearing shirt with an USA design and it happens that I live in France does that make me an American ?
“Just remember there is an ugly frog inside every Muslim prince charming. Tell this to every young woman you meet. Our only protection is knowledge.”
What an epic end this is ! Bravo Dr Sina.Lol. If this story it happened narrated about another protagonist;let’s say a Hindu from these dumbest followers goons, what would you say in your epic conclusion ?
My Epic conclusion to So called “Dr” Sina is : Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you .
I’ll be right back.
Issued in public interest
Search for Open VPN, Proxies, remote IP. It's not hard to fool anyone about IPs and visit websites !
My youtube experience say the only remedy for these trolls is to bash them equally
"I am responsible for my own actions." you said.
Powerful words, and yes they are true.
But they are also limited.
I'm taking a guess here: you are young, not married, doesn't have children.
Am I right?
Yes it's true, I am too responsible for my own actions. Back when I was young I only think that, and I didn't care for anything else.
Then something happened: I married, and now I have a daughter.
And suddenly I can't say that anymore.
I'm responsible, not only for myself and my own actions!
I'm responsible for my wife and my daughter. I worry constantly whether they will still have a roof over their head, whether they are healthy, safe. I worry constantly about possibility that my daughter could get involved with bad people and that she would be hurt. No man, I'm no longer responsible only for my own actions, I'm now to be held responsible for my family, my wife and especially my daughter.
I worry constantly about what kind of world she will live in… what will her husband be like? Will she be loved or will she be beaten up? I worry constantly about having enough money to ensure they have enough to live well. I worry about her education, I worry about her having to experience pains the way I have experienced.
The times when I could live life recklessly is now passed, I've stepped up to a larger responsibility. And even now I'm becoming more aware that my actions not only affect myself, they affect everyone else, starting with my loved ones!
"I live for myself, others bedamned" is now not true anymore.
And you know what man: it's never true.
The part each of us play are small individually, and on the whole they make the world we live in. Think about it sometime, you are not only responsible for yourself, You are responsible for the world.
Try having kids, you'll know it then.
It looks like even though you are considering what will happen after your death, you are failing to consider what will happen, and already happening before death.
What do you have to say about this small sample of atrocities committed by followers of Islam in the last 2 days? Would you be at peace knowing all this is going on unopposed, in the name of Islam –
Suspected Boko Haram gunmen kill evangelist
Blast kills four in volatile Chechnya
Ahmedi Charged with Blasphemy for posing as Muslim
Honour Killing claims four lives
Great Ali Sina? There is nothing great about me. By not seeing me people have made an image of me that is much bigger than reality. Let them think like that. There is power in mystery.
Congratulations Julia. After two years of running this site, you are the the first person I blocked.
Alas he/she can't read this message. I blocked this person's IP for using multiple usernames, at least a dozen. I gave him three warnings and he kept doing it.
he he he… more tricks to get Dr. Sina out in the public, so your murderous brothers in ummah can pounce on him. This website is available to all the masses. Invite them here! Remember you said your faith became stronger after reading articles here? Well.. then help out the Muslim masses too. Tell them to log into FFI.
"You've been in the closet since 1994. At least come out now or do we have to wait for another 20 odd years to see the Great Ali Sina?"
You will have to WAIT, sir! I understand that Allah cannot protect Islam for that long, but then…. that is Allah's problem, not Dr. Sina's.
Why don't you openly challenge them to a live debate in person for the masses to witness?
You've been in the closet since 1994. At least come out now or do we have to wait for another 20 odd years to see the Great Ali Sina?
By the time you decide to come out the closet, we'll be living on another planet and earth will be left for the aliens!
To the contrary Ali Sina. It is your logic that defies reason and logic. You are the one who claims to be an Atheist and wants to take Muslims out of Islam, which you believe to be a cult, but when we show you we are in a win-win situation and will achieve the same fate as you without listening or following you, you want to start changing the goal posts, and start waffling on about Jesus and the 'right God'.
You move from just leave Islam and believe nothing, to leave Islam and find the right God which could be Christianity's version but just leave Islam at any cost.
For an Atheist, you must hold the position of 'no deity'. Period. Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Which Atheist do you know who prescribes to God? And which Atheist do you know that believes in the 'right God'?
The fact of the matter is despite what you say and do, Islam is not in trouble and is growing faster than you ever imagined. Your predictions about Islam are about as correct as you coming out into public and challenging all the Muslim scholars openly and candidly. And we all know that is never to happen whilst you are milking the gravy train for all it's worth!
Even if one element of your hypothesis made any sense or was true, we could say, Ali Sina does have a point, but unfortunately it is one lie after another with you. As a matter of fact, you are starting to believe in Christianity and are batting for their team by referring Jesus as a potential alternative. You see, the more you dribble, the more you lose sight of your goal. A couple more years and you'll be attending Mass at Church.
What you cannot fathom is that the majority of Muslims see right through you and your bull and when it doesn't go your way, you start coming up with some more man made rubbish that you most probably dreamt up whilst nodding on the bus.
Islam is the Truth. Is here to stay. And is an option for all humanity. Whether they take it up or not is their individual choice and not yours. GET OVER IT!
You decided it's not for you, so good luck. You've found something else, so good luck. Who am I to dictate to you what you should believe or what you shouldn't.
Like I have stated many a time, I am willing to take my chances with Islam and face the music on the other end whatever that might be. ARE YOU? If so, shut up and live your life to it's fullest.
So Diego, if Allah is Satan to Christians and Jews, who is Iblees?
Take your time.
"The thing is he also says – all religion are wrong . . . why haven't you given up yours?"
It seems you cannot even imagine that there are people out there who don't exactly fall in a particular religious category. I wrote earlier that my worldview is influenced by many different ideas. It is not limited to either Sikhism or Hinduism.
I DO strongly consider whatever Dr. Sina writes, including what he says about religions in general. But I am not a robot. After considering everything he wrote and everything else that I know, I decided that I do want a 'religion' for myself, but I myself am the founder/maintainer of that religion. When I learn new things, I add those things to this religion. If I find out that there was a flaw with something I believed, I make modifications. That is what 'having human will' means.
Get over it slapper!
Will you invite Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes and Bilal Phillips to debate with me? Many have and they have refused. They know they are lying. They like the applause and the prestige they get. They are not after the truth. And please search logical fallacy and read about it.
DramaticEdem said:
Who is that …GOD?
I assume you mean your evil Allah.
Well, you FIRST have to prove that such an entity exists.
Again: You did think for years about Islam, so I am sure you can prove the existence of allah , because that's where ot ALL begins, …is it not?
DramaticEdem said:
"the first problem was in the tranlation of the arabic word AYAH, i realised AYAH had a lot of meaning "
DramaticEdem said:
"THE CONCEPT OF ABROGATION IS NON-EXISTENT IN THE QUR'AN JULIA, The scholars had a difficult time explaining some verses in the Quran so the invented the concept of abrogation!"
DramaticEdem said:
" The Qur'an says, Fight for self defense but forgiveness is better ".
Quran verse 2:193–
And fight them UNTIL there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)
Quran verse 8:39–
39. And fight them UNTIL there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.
It is very funny ,again. When muslims are ashamed of their
Quran , they often say that the Arabic is translated in a wrong manner.
Shame on you ,muslims !!
"According to him, Jesus and Moses were NOT prophets. "
According to him . . . which says it all.
The thing to look at is your motivation. To a Sikh like you they don't mean anything. Hence you lap this up.
The thing is he also says – all religion are wrong . . . why haven't you given up yours?
– – –
He does not have a DOCTORATE. Else – what subject? Which Uni?
To DramaticEdem.
You said: "verse 4:34. For instance, Yusuf Ali uses a merciful parenthesis after "beat," adding the word
�(lightly).� This insertion does not appear in the Arabic text; it serves as a kind of apology for his
translation of the surrounding material."
For once you are right , Edem,the word (LIGHTLY) does nor appear in Arabic text. We are making progress . Do you see it muslims , this is a muslimbrother who said this !!
"They are lied to and because they are lazy they don’t investigate deeply to find the truth. "
He he he . . . this too is logical fallacy. One exception would put it to bed. Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes, Bilal Phillips. Many I don't agree with . . . but they do know there way around Islam.
– – –
"Muslims cling to Islam because like you they fear to question it. Like you they say I lose nothing in being a Muslim but may go to hell if I leave it. This argument is also a fallacy. Islam is sustained in pillars of fallacies. "
Ah. . . dear me! Another petty and fallacious generalisation. Just by reading your gaffe . . . proves your petty statement to be incorrect.
– – –
" Why haven't you and Ali Sina made the slightest difference to it despite your efforts? "
This wasn't a logical fallacy . . . Islam does fine in West. Hence you are so eager to have it kicked out.
– – –
"You can’t prove it is true. "
And you cannot prove it false either. Not if that book is anything to go by. Or these articles you have written. . .
– – –
" Because The Quran gives you irrefutable evidence. If it was so made up, how comes it's taken 1400 years for the likes of genius Ali Sina to come up with arguments to debunk it. Why wasn't it debunked from day one, just like this Maeva bull**** story is? "
Actually – this doesn't necessarily result in a logical fallacy. . . West has studied Quran for centuries – and produced remarkable scholarship. And that hasn't affected Islam. What is that you have will?
The thing is . . . . who the hell are you compared to all that? Other than a virtual nobody?
I mean that book. . . why don't you run it pass academia?
– – –
"For thousands of years people believed the Earth is flat."
Spherical Earth – has long history . . . .
I hope Julia is reading this….You see the mentality of people who visit this site???
You think am pathetic, i see, if that keeps you satisfied, "thinking am pathetic" then keep on keeping on, am not offended at all
Please just read what i posted on the LIE OF ABROGATION.
secondly the verses you are quoting above are a different issue all together if you care to read i will explain them to you!
They started as words Julia, Started as words and they gradually grew to the hate filled blood shedding people they are now. Most times they seat and listen to their mullahs who incites them, before you know it they go out attacking poor innocent people
……pisslam is a sin of closing your mind and overlooking reality………
………then yes your are off course a sinner………….
……..coz…….. pisslam….does'nt submit to scrutiny……
i started a long time ago, i have even made enemies, but it is easier to get a bad name than a good one,It is easier to bring a building down than to build it, that is what we are facing now with the majority of Muslims, Its going to take a very long time, There isn't much encouragement on the site if all i hear, "i am the wrong version of Islam" do i need to be with the majority to be the real version of something? referring to me as dramatic edem is an unfair its DramaniEdem
…….how is it blessed???????????
……..for inferior status of women………
……..for dividing humanity into…..'believers' and non 'believers"
………for banging a corpse, a kid aged 9, daughter in law…….for cheating a dozen of wives……..
………..but let me assure……you MR AZAD……..IF you dare stick to FFI…….for a few more weeks to FFI………….you will be an apostate………..
…….you may try your best to defend….pisslam and the evil prophet………….but you know the reality deep within……..
…….then ALL I'LL SAY……………………….welcome to the world of INFIDELS………….Oh! dear brother……
LIKE XXXX OR DramaticEdem. !!!!
I am glad you agree!
DramaticEdem said:
"I am sinecerly sorry for the insults above, because i just needed to get your attention to explain things to you. and i see i truly got it. I hope you forgive me."
I assume you are JOKING !
You are funny , that's for sure !!! ( but perhaps you don't know it yourself )
Again you are using another logical fallacy. If an idea has lasted for a long time it does not mean that idea is true. For thousands of years people beleived the Earth is flat. Was that idea true at any time?
Now that is a real rational comment . A muslim worthy !
DramaticEdem said :
). You know very well, or you should know, that this verse is abrogated by verse (9:5) , because verse (16:101) says:
" Quran Says No compulsion in religion". (2:256)
Man now you are really silly ( not an insult
"And when We substitute a verse in place of a verse – and Allah is most knowing of what He sends down – they say, "You, [O Muhammad], are but an inventor [of lies]." But most of them do not know."
If you read the next verse (2:257) and many others as well , there IS compulsion by allah himself for the unbelievers will be send to hell .
But rhe most clear is verse (3:85) :
"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers."
— Please , be rational. THAT is what you promised ;-)……Bye
Ali, let us assume I am not right and the Christians are right. By believing in Allah you will not receive salvation. You can’t believe in any god and receive salvation. You have to believe in the right god.
How do you know which god is the real god? You have to use your reason. The more science advances the more we things are explained and we see the world functions through natural laws. Everything can be explained by natural law. No invisible hand is detectable.
Yes we are on earth for a short time. Whey spend this time in slavery and fear? Why not live it awake? Why support an ideology of hate and abuse? Look at the condition of Muslims and compare it with how the non-Muslims live. Muslims live in misery, dictatorship, violence, abuse. They animalize their women, violate the non-Muslims and torture themselves by performing stupid and dangerous rituals such as prayer and fasting. All of this irrational fear and because they are lazy to think.
“And if Islam is so wrong, why are there nearly 1.6 billion adherents to it?”
This is a logical fallacy. Truth of a proposition cannot be established by the number of its adherents. There was a time that all the world believed the Earth was flat and the center of the universe. This general belief did not make that false idea truer.
Muslims cling to Islam because like you they fear to question it. Like you they say I lose nothing in being a Muslim but may go to hell if I leave it. This argument is also a fallacy. Islam is sustained in pillars of fallacies.
Islam grew not because it is true. It grew through ignorance. Bring those who convert to Islam and let me ask them a few question and you will see none of them is aware what Islam is. They are lied to and because they are lazy they don’t investigate deeply to find the truth.
Just look at yourself. Why do you cling to Islam? You can’t prove it is true. All the arguments you present are logical fallacies.
-What if Allah is true and I will go to hell?
-If Islam is false why so many people converting to Islam?
-How can 1.5 billion people be wrong?
All these are logical fallacies. Other Muslims are like you. Their faith is also based on these very logical fallacies.
DramaticEdem you daid: "This is how they start, with so much hate, and then when they are powerful enough they attack physically".
Well let me remind you how much your evil god allah hates them who not believe in him, here some examples from your Quran (you know that very well !):
(98:6) Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures.
(8:55)Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.
Verse 7:176 compares unbelievers to "panting dogs" with regard to their idiocy and worthlessness.
Verse 7:179 says they (the unbelievers) are like "cattle" only worse.
Verse 5:60 even says that Allah transformed Jews of the past into apes and pigs. This is echoed by verses 7:166 and 2:65.
AND SO ON AND ON. Is these hateful verses of your allmighty god powerful enough for muslims to attack the umbelievers ? I surely think so. AND THEY DO ( already during 1400 years) .And now you are whining about us ?!!!
You are pathetic , and this is NOT an insult !
You clearly haven't been reading more of Dr. Sina's articles. According to him, Jesus and Moses were NOT prophets. Moses probably didn't even exist. Jesus, if he existed, was a very good man, though not a prophet. Jesus is a role model for men. Dr. Sina has written plenty about Jesus in his articles, so please start reading them.
"If it was so made up, how comes it's taken 1400 years for the likes of genius Ali Sina to come up with arguments to debunk it"
People have doubted Islam before too, ever since the time of Muhammad. But just like today, they were never tolerated. They were killed, or their arguments were suppressed. Most never dared to say anything since they knew the consequences to their person. The Internet changed it all. Now people can say things anonymously, or by using pseudonyms. That is why Dr. Sina is able to present his findings, without fear of persecution. Once again, this too is explained in his articles…. so please read them.
Here is an example of a man who doubted Muhammad's claims of prophethood. He almost got killed-…
Well,DramaticEdem….What about this.??
All those muslims now, and in the past believed in the SUNNA.
And they were ALL wrong , because You say so (and a very tiny group of quran-only muslims).
It seems to me, that you first have to convince these muslims. We non-muslims don't already believe the crazy hadiths etc. I trust you can understand this….;-) Bye !
Do you really think, anyone here is going to fall for that argument of yours??
Oh, DramaticEdem, tell us to get the record straight : ARE YOU A QURAN-ONLY MUSLIM NOW ?????
WOW !! A big pile of copy/paste .You did your best, that's for sure.
). It is much too far fetched. You own allah said that his book was without doubt and explained in detail.
So I hate to tell you that it is very OLD NEWS for allmost all of us.. Many , perhaps most, learned translaters say that it is : BEAT HER , that is scourging as you do a slave or an animal. And every Arab will say the same too. You will make me believe that ALL these ISLAMIC SCHOLARS ARE WRONG ? HAHAHA !
I would say you are following some taqiyya mullah(s) now. BUT WE DON'T BY THIS CRAP(sorry
But NOW there seems to be much doubt .
I'm sorry but this is silly attempt of you or rather the taqiyya-mullah's of yours !
I must say you were funny to play with, …again ! ….Bye
"Besides Allah came from the barbaric tribe of Saudi Arabia. "
The word "Allah" simply means the God. It is the same word Christian Arabs use too.
When you say: "Allah came from the barbaric tribe of Saudi Arabia."
What does that mean?
– – –
"It's obvious that anyone who would compare "Allah" to "Jehovah/Jesus" according to what is written in the bible and Quran would find that Allah fits the profile of Lucifer/Satan. "
Why is it obvious? Where is your comparison to show? Besides the discussion is about
– – –
"All Muslims are convinced that Allah is the same God of Abraham just because Mohamad told them so. How about I say that I spoke to "Allah" and he said that we should eat 1 lemon every day to go to heaven. If not, we will be punished by eternal hell. Will that be the same God of Islam? "
The difference being that You are NOT saying that. Also . . . how do you know – who Jehova was?
No matter what religion, whatever the era, whatever names . . . the concept of a creator is a single concept.
– – – –
And your answer is a lot smarter?
"Not really. Same region . . . same race . . . same language source "Semitic".
Yes it is. Brief, Precise, Meaningful and Relevant.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl or any of the other dozen people who have been beheaded for being kufar/infidels in the 21st century.
Unlike you, I am a member of the twack society. We give twacks to wacks like you.
And your answer is a lot smarter?
"Not really. Same region . . . same race . . . same language source "Semitic".
Give me a break. That doesn't mean same God. Besides Allah came from the barbaric tribe of Saudi Arabia.
It's obvious that anyone who would compare "Allah" to "Jehovah/Jesus" according to what is written in the bible and Quran would find that Allah fits the profile of Lucifer/Satan.
All Muslims are convinced that Allah is the same God of Abraham just because Mohamad told them so. How about I say that I spoke to "Allah" and he said that we should eat 1 lemon every day to go to heaven. If not, we will be punished by eternal hell. Will that be the same God of Islam?
Wow! What a clever answer. . . is that it?
"Jehovah and Allah of Arabs have very different origins"
yes true Allah is made from the Satan that is mentioned in the bible.
"Like I said before, I'll take my chances with Islam because it's a win-win situation for me."
So you admit that fear of hell is what keeping you in Islam.
Let me tell you this, according to Christianity and Judaism, Allah (of muslims) is Satan prince of darkness, the deciever and not the creator. So good luck with you're win-win situation because you're gonna need as plenty luck as you can get.
Of course I think nothing can happen to me after I am dead, if Ali Sina and his brigade are correct. This is logical sense. If there is no God, then what do I have to worry about when I die? Nothing.
I am on this earth for approximately 70 years at best and for what? Please explain the purpose of life to me.
So I will live it the way I want to and choose whichever system I think is best for me. If you have a problem with it, go and choose your own system and live it the way you want to as you are not my keeper and neither do I have to answer to you.
I am responsible for my own actions.
And if Islam is so wrong, why are there nearly 1.6 billion adherents to it? Why haven't you and Ali Sina made the slightest difference to it despite your efforts? The proof is always in the pudding and the pudding says Islam is growing. To be exact, Islam has grown from 200 million in 1900 to 1.57 billion in 2009. And since Ali Sina started his crusade in 1994, Islam has grown at the following rate:
Islam in North America since 1989 increased 25%
Islam in Africa since 1989 increased 2.15%
Islam in Asia since 1989 increased 12.57%
Islam in Europe since 1989 increased 142.35%
Islam in Latin America since 1989 decreased -4.73%
and Islam in Australia and Oceania / Pacific since 1989 increased 257.01%
So you see, even with Ali Sina being stationed in Canada, as he alleges, Islam has still grown 25% in that region. If what he says had an iota of evidence, Islam would be decreasing. This is simple mathematics.
Julia xxxx and dramaniEdem are the same person. All muslims like to play tricks.
But Ali. You do not believe in any God, so why point towards Jesus. The issue with you is not about God, it's about Islam being a fake religion. Or are you saying that Christianity is true and Judaism is true, but Islam isn't?
If that is the case, on what basis would you determine Christianity and Judaism to be real and true? Would this then not shatter your Atheist stance?
What you are now saying to Muslims is, denounce your religion of Islam and come to Atheism, even though Christianity and Judaism are real, but I don't believe it, so choose Christianity and follow Jesus but still come to Atheism!
The above paragraph makes as much sense as you.
Like I said before, I'll take my chances with Islam because it's a win-win situation for me.
Because The Quran gives you irrefutable evidence. If it was so made up, how comes it's taken 1400 years for the likes of genius Ali Sina to come up with arguments to debunk it. Why wasn't it debunked from day one, just like this Maeva bullshit story is?
Was Jesus a Prophet and was Moses a Prophet? If so, how and why?
The jokes on you and your cohorts Raj. Like I said, Muslims are leaving in their millions or Islam killed hundreds of Millions. These 2 statements have to be the joke of the century.
Deal with it!
There is a sect in Islam called Ahle Kuran or Kuran Purists,
often they too are killed by Bigots. Roots lies under Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan of Aligarh, who said that if we kind Hadith contrary to Holy Quran, discard that Hadith. Some Ahle Kuran sects further tried to edit Holy Kuran leading to violent reactions from Muslims.
To DramaticEdem.
You said earlier: " i personally questioned and stopped practicing after the 9/11, i knew something was wrong with my ideologies, i started studying for 6 years Julia, it took me six years to stop believing in Extra-Quranic sources and discover true Islam."
– It took you a long time to see that "Extra-Quranic" sources are completely crazy ; I assume THÁT is the reason why you stopped believing in them , is it not?
But anyway,I have again a proposal to you:
Expain to the fierce hadith-believing muslims here on this site that they are completely wrong !
Of course with logical reasoning and clear proofs ;-).
Show us your honesty, no lame excuses please .Go Edem, Go ! We all support , be sure of it !
To DramaticEdem.
.Go Edem, Go !
You said, earlier :"Julia you think i don't see the irrationalities in radical Islam? i see them in my very environment, and i work hard to preach the method of peace to people around me.."
-My proposal to you is: Do the same here, by answering again and again some staunch muslims here, that they are very wrong in believing to fight physically against the unbelievers !
Show us your honesty, no lame excuses please
Another troll!
It's Ali Sina who is right. I would have thought that Muslims can go as far as calling their prophet, a pig, for their Taqiyya. Ali Sina truly knows Muslim mentality.
They all look like ghosts,
the one who looks the best among them is the frog !
"If you believe Jesus was a prophet of God you better pay attention to his warning. "
Sina and believing the Bible again . . . oh the contradictions! Is this to please Spencer?
– – – –
"Let us assume that there is a god, but it is not Allah. Then you’ll go to hell because you believed in a wrong God. "
Still better off than being an atheist.
– – –
"Jehovah and Allah of Arabs have very different origins. "
Not really. Same region . . . same race . . . same language source "Semitic".
"You know what I smell from your post? FEAR !! Fear of Hell ! A Hell that doesn't even exist! A Hell cooked up by Muhammad to scare the gullible, and make them do his bid. "
This is why you're intellectually deficient. It is not "hell" that people believe. Hence it is extremely difficult (practically impossible) to scare people with something they cannot see.
Hence another ridiculous comment.
The high morality of some people prevents them from using dirty words,
even to their deadliest enemy. In a duel, the two enemies salute each
other before one of them kills the other. Of course you are not
familiar with such things. Also, this apostate did not come out of the wall,
he must have relatives who are still Muslims.
From where else do dirty words flow other that dirty people.
Uh civilian causalities ! Role playing , fabrication , stupidity , hate mongering , blame gaming might be infiltrating our detectors.
I really pity, that with name of Ali, you give such answers.
If Hindus dont pay back love Jihad, with same tit for tat. It does not means other people will not do anything. Even within Hindus, now there is awakening. There have been instance when people from Sangh Parivar have also turned the tide. Till you guys are defensive, you can not face Jihadi elements. Nip the evil in bud. Al Bud i saw from Mr Sina, there are words in Punjabi and Maithali which had no Sanskrit background. Now I could make out their source. I myself love spiritual Islam of Sufis and Shias who believe in Panethieism. But be it Sikh or Muslim, when they talk political aspect i hate. I am happy that in Sikhs politics has entered in their Gurdwaras, their leaders fight like dogs fight for bone, without spreading love or humanity their Guru's preached. While Islamists want their political ideology be imposed on all. They must know, that when they are in field of politics, as it happens in politics, they should be ready for the abuses to be hurled on them. They cant cry like child about hurting of religious sentiments or blasphemy else they must remove the political aspect of Islam. All political system, have been criticized and will be criticized in future. This is democracy.
If sexual attraction, matrimonial alliances, alluring, emotion blackmailing, grooming etc is used by some idiots for religious conversions. That shows their lack of spirituality in their faith. It is bound to back fire and counter attack is already started. In India, it was started by Raja Jawahar Singh Jaat of Bharatpur, when he along with Sikhs and Maratha defeated traitor Najibudaulla and took his daughter as bride. Cases of Bappa Rawal and
Chhatersal are less to do with counter attack.
Are you member of wack society ?!
The girl next to the frog is Aisha. Mohammad is the frog.
I was referring to this nonsense of yours :-
/ In third world countries, non Muslim male can temporary convert to Islam, to marry a Muslim Girl, then they may trick girl away from Islam, with themselves. Non Muslim Women can do same with Muslim male. They must be careful while preaching Islam via matrimonial alliance, as this could be counter productive. /
i m sorry, but King Bhoja took title of Adi Varaha, flag of Vijayanagara Empire had boar on it. Anyway see page 332 of Ibn Warraq book, "why i am not Muslim". He proved that not eating pork is nothing to do with considering it unclean as per Islam but more to prohibit its killing
You know what I smell from your post? FEAR !! Fear of Hell ! A Hell that doesn't even exist! A Hell cooked up by Muhammad to scare the gullible, and make them do his bid.
The latter is more true. The first one is not humorous either.
I think his grandfather or his uncle Ali's father may have abused him. Or may be Khadija may have abused Mohammad.
wow! I can't believe how quick you are to dismiss this letter. BUT
for some reason you don't dismiss the Qu'ran and Muhammad's claims of being a prophet.
Why? What's the differene?
In other words, why can't you say, like we do – "There is no Allah and no story. All made up."
You are out of your mind.
Let us assume that there is a god, but it is not Allah. Then you’ll go to hell because you believed in a wrong God.
So your wager is wrong. It is not enough to believe in any god, you have to find the right god to believe. How do you know Allah is the right god and other Gods are not?
Also remember that despite Muslims’ belief that the tree monotheistic religions believe in the same god, they really don’t. That was my misconception too and I believe in it even after leaving Islam. Jehovah and Allah of Arabs have very different origins. So unless you are absolutely sure that Allah is the right god, don’t be so sure that you will be saved from hellfire. Remember that Jesus said many false prophets will come, who will seduce multitudes. If you believe Jesus was a prophet of God you better pay attention to his warning.
If there is some thing third, other then heaven hell or nothing at all. That is unity with God or Wahadat while a person is alive. Muslims, thinking of hate for infidel more, in their life, thinking of Zionist more and not at all thinking about Allah SWT. Will stay away from Allah SWT while alive or after death. Forgetting Allah SWT, bigger pain then in hell. In hell, remembering Allah SWT, better than forgetting Allah and enjoying pleasure in paradise.
A non believer/atheist, if serves the mankind, is kind to the creation of the God without self interest. The God will keep that person happy, while alive and there after.
The God will not judge us by how many infidels we killed for their non believing or how many Muslims we hurt by abusing them. How many people we served while removing their spiritual, mental or physical will be liked by the God. All to be done not aspiring anything in return or out of fear of anything. Present day Muslim is living in sense of insecurity .
First, I wish if you choose a name for yourself.
second, I cross my heart and wish to die if
I am not telling the truth. I was sarcastic,
but obviously neither the Muslim nor their
enemies at this site are very bright.
Irony ?? No its comedy to save Muslims by insulting, ridiculing ! You lowlifes don't know even how to respect other's feelings ! Just another hypocrite lol
Ah of course, so you think the worst that could happen to you when you die is… nothing.
You know who else share this mentality? Unrepenting criminals for one?
Sure, make everyone else suffer, destroy the world for all you care, just die and leave behind a legacy of murderous jihad for all you care, just die and allow your daughters be beaten up by their husbands for all you care. Just die and allow your sons go on suicide bombings, expecting to be rewarded with 72 virgins for all you care.
After all you only care about yourself, right? You only think about yourself. Who cares about your children and the world?
Well we are not like you.
We care about this world and everyone who lives in in. We don't want to see this disease named Islam be passed on forever and ever, this madness has to stop for the sake of everyone.
Do you think Heaven is real? Do you think Allah is real? Or is God real ? Salvation promised by Jesus, real? Those Hindu mythical figures, real? Do any of that really matter in the end?
I'll tell you what's undisputably real: What's real is that the world will move on, live goes on, and people and your descendants will still be here long after you are gone. But it is your choice today that will shape the kind life they will have then.
We are not great people who can change history, but at least we can try to be sane people and avoid making wrong irresponsible choices.
And you know what? Islam is obviously one of the wrongest things that still persist in this world today. All of us here, be they atheists, christians, hindus, pagans, whatever, can see that. What this forum does is merely give voice to this.
What about you? Do you even care?
Do you still think that the worst that can happen is… nothing???
I actually did Rainbow, but then I thought it was the usual deceit as is common by some Islamaphobes on here.
Maybe I should have sat back and responded after a good cup of tea.
Anyway, at least Ali Sina responded and gave a link to Pascal's Wager, which he still cocked up in his response by changing the goal posts.
I think I'm gonna have to get some family members to come on here and ask them to pose as new converts to Islam and give their stories similar to the made up ones we see here every other day.
it's love, man. Love.
It doesn't make sense to those not involved.
Are you telling me that you didn't sense the irony
in my comment?
But you seem to be changing the goal posts with Pascal's Wager? Every Faith based believer thinks they are on the right path and are correct. You've gone from any God to a specific God in your response. Your job is not to determine which is the right religion for the Creationists, but to merely take Muslims out of bondage. Exactly what do you say about Christianity and Judaism. Does God exist for them? Or do you hold the notion that there is no deity?
Because you don't believe in any God, Pascal's Wager makes even more sense because you cannot determine which God is the right God, bearing in mind that the 3 main Mono faiths all believe in the same God.
For someone like you who doesn't believe in any God and your research is deemed to be correct, we have nothing to lose when we die then because as stated before, we will undergo the same fate as you.
As far as Islam is concerned, I'll take my chances. Even if Islam is wrong, I'll still take my chances. Why? The worst that could happen to me when I die is nothing, providing you are correct.
I have already answered this argument
Oh please Rainbow. Enough of the melodramatics.
Muslims are way smarter than you and the cultist Ali Sina give them credit for. I will now break it down for you and I implore Ali Sina to answer.
Let's just say that everything Ali Sina says about Islam is correct and he wants to take us out of bondage. The Muslims in their current position are in a win-win situation and could never lose. Why? I will explain:
If Ali Sina is right and there is no Hell, Heaven, Afterlife or God, then when the Muslims die, which they will just like every other human, they lose nothing and have nothing to fear. After death, they will undergo the same fate as Ali Sina and the likes because all this talk of God was baloney. No punishment, no reward, no anything. Absolutely nothing will happen to them and neither will they gain anything.
The worst that can be deduced is that they wasted a number of years on thisearth following something that didn't exist. Not a bad price to pay considering after death, Ali Sina cannot give an explanation as to what happens with humans.
If on the other hand, there is Hell, Heaven, Afterlife and God, then the Muslims gain eternity and everything else that goes with it. They will not have the same fate as Ali Sina and the likes.
You see, it is a win-win situation for the Muslims.
You guys are taking a 50/50 chance holding your position, whilst we are taking zero risk and holding our position where the possibility of the same result as yours will be the same.
If we are wrong, no problems, but if you are wrong, big problems.
So you see, we are not as dumb as you might think. We are the ones taking zero risk, whilst you are the ones taking a 50% risk.
Your story broke my heart, and I burst into tears.
I finished a full box of kleenex.
You said you left him…then why do you still want
to change him? You and everybody else here want
to save the Muslims from darkness and illusion….
Sweet angels, all of you !
The father of Ali Sina by any chance Mierchee?
If Ali Sina can talk so much garbage, we might as well jump on the bandwagon and do the same!
How about, Muslims are leaving Islam in their millions
Islam has killed hundreds of millions.
Exactly where do you guys get your script writers from?
Talk about clutching at straws.
There is no Maeva and no story.
All made up.
DramaticEdem said: "…it took me six years to stop believing in Extra-Quranic sources ". You mean ,I assume, the hadiths and the Sirat RasulAllah.
The problem you are stuck with is, that 99,999% of the muslims believe in the Sunna of the prophet. You will be killed if you say that you, as muslim, don't follow the Sunna , in a muslim country. The Quran says that Mohammed is your best role model. What about this?
It is your turn now !!
Well , yet a still softer approach .
And ALL these innocent victims …OH MY !

You know DramaticEdem , I know by experience that I (and all anti-islam fighters) must be extra cautious then .Such am abrupt change
You are funny , I said that earlier !
BTW. Can you tell us WHAT THE TRUE ISLAM is that you discovered. What is IN and what is OUT? so to say
Make clear ,some spectacular things you did believe in, but NOT anymore NOW ; please, of course, with quotes and references from the "holy" Islamic books.
Give us reliable proofs, not only excuses
Do you still believe Qura4:34? about wive-beating ? And so on !
Do the best you can !
I have read worse things against Islam Julia, i personally questioned and stopped practicing after the 9/11, i knew something was wrong with my ideologies, i started studying for 6 years Julia, it took me six years to stop believing in Extra-Quranic sources and discover true Islam. i believe in peace and i know it can be attained not by your methods of inciting hate, but by rational discussions, and its a gradual process! Julia you think i don't see the irrationalities in radical Islam? i see them in my very environment, and i work hard to preach the method of peace to people around me, But they just as stubborn as you guys on this site. Who think the majority of good Muslims should my point is why is Ali sina creating another movement which will end up creating a group of people who if they had the opportunity will hurt innocent children and women who are Muslims? i question the standards of this website just as i questions Radical jihadist Muslims ideologies. They Originate from Hadith books and the so called fights in the Quran are all wars, and i am not against defensive war. Women were given equal rights as men in the Quran. Allowed to take part in every function a man can. Women are not to cover their hair according to the Quran. You might reject all of this and continue in your usual inult. I am sinecerly sorry for the insults above, because i just needed to get your attention to explain things to you. and i see i truly got it. I hope you forgive me. And remember if you are fighting against radical Islam, that what i stand for. What i dont stand for is Using half truths and Mixing diamonds with glasses to fool people,Using the same method as my opponent, i think its a very lame approach and that is why i once said, IT WILL BACKFIRE, innocent people would suffer, i hate the scene, because i have seen it before!This is a response i had for one of ali sina comment to my posts.Ali Sina, If you die today, Do you know what people would start writing about you? Do you know the story that would be surrounding your life? So many stories from likers and so many from haters, so many from hearsays. People would write that you were inciting people against millions of people of the world, people would say that you were in 100% support of nuking Arab worlds, People would say you believe Muslims are underdeveloped species, and you said the term Muslim is tantamount to stupid…..etc. Lets say all this story from generation to generations is transferred, Distortions and lies creep in. People with selfish motives re-interpret your arguments, with so much distortion. People will create a monster out of your criticism and create ideologies from them. I can promise you from the kind of hate you spew against 1 billion Muslims in the world, you cult would be more deadly! Than what the jihadist are doing, a government created based on your ideologies would kill Muslims instantly, would be more mean than anything you can think of. Your intentions may be different when you were alive, but what can you do from the Grave? lol…Nothing! You even get insults while you are in the grave by ignorant people who waste good time insulting the dead! You think people would not believe the lies, they definitley will, on top of that, get access to your Original writtings, take issues out of context and justify their stands! Please Ali stop your game please, you are turning people into haters, its unfair!You think if someone wrote a book about your then, labeling you a pathological psychopath people would not believe it? a book on a psychoanalysis of you based on your stories which have been selected from sources of your followers who have interpreted to suit their various agenda? you think it will not be similar to what you are doing to the dead Muhammad?
He had one Hindu paternal Uncle, Many Hindus of Mecca made fun of him. Mecca in past was Hindu place as pagan Arabs were Hindus, Al lat is Suryadev
DramaticEdem said to me: "You are no different from the jihadist who are hate driven."
So you don't see the difference between words and bombs .
You really funny!
You don't know your own religion DramaticEdem !
The fake prophet Mohammed will be your intercessor on the last day(as you superstitious people call it) . So he can do the utimate thing for you (according to your own evil Cult) : HELL ÓR HEAVEN.
That is what famous scholars of yours say anyway ,like this one:
READ IT….AND GOOD LUCK WITH YOU INTERCESSION ( but I fear for you, because you lack knowledge if Islam.)
How many Muslims does it take to change a light bulb?
None…They just sit in the dark and blame the Jews.
DramaticEdem said: "The problem with you Julia is you dont have the slightest understanding of islam, you have never being in it so i don't expect you to understand."
Question : Did you read the article "I LEFT ISLAM.IT IS A MZAN MADE RELIGION"
This man was IN Islam and thinks the same as I about it
?? Muslim joke?
Blessed by whom? Allah?
Then you have to prove the existing of such an entity. I wish you luck with that, since nobody succeeded till now .
My dear DramaticEdem.
I forgot to say…in a pathetic way you are funny and nice to play with
-This is your SOFT APPROACH ? Hahaha!! You as a believing muslim are a living insult to all intelligent people, so you constantly insult me.
Or is this too difficult for you?
-I do not need Ali Sina or any other person.Muslims as you need guidance from Allah, like kids ; I think and read for myself. Grow up little man!!
-I read the Quran . And I found it an evil book. Simple as that.
After that I read the Sirat RasulAllah, this was even (if possible) more evil.
Then I read Bukhari and Muslim : this was still more evil and stupid, crazy even.That's not my fault, it is your superstitious and backward books.
-Muslims keep saying I don't understand Islam. But Allah said in his quran that it is a book without doubt, clearly explained in detail. So YOU think you know better then your own god? You are deceiving humanity like Allah(=Mohammed) himself.
-And : You don't have to play football yourself to know the rules of that game. If you know what I mean
-I call mohammed names because I know that it will make you angry (remember the cartoons) and hopefully (!) make you start thinking for yourself.
Real peace to everyone ( not the Islamic "peace", of course).
The problem with you julia is you dont have the slightest understanding of islam, you have never being in it so i don't expect you to understand. You are a victim of Ali Sina Single sided story! Who is more hate filled than someone who insults the dead? you spew so much hatred against a dead “narcissist” as you claim. and you think you are psychologically okay?, Go to the hospital for check up Julia, You are no different from the jihadist who are hate driven. Ali Sina has indoctrinated you. I don't believe the prophet can do anything for me, because he is a fallible human like me who is dead, so you can insult him as much as you want. thats your problem, i have not idolized the prophet as your porous brains think, i will not stoop so low to insult the dead or get angry at people who do, i have time for more important things . I just know i stand for peace and justice, and i will never insult as much as you do! and when i constantly read post of people like you who insults so much and hate anybody who does not buy into their ideologies, it reminds me of the sharia communities, the radical belligerent muslims, who have followed nothing but conjecture! This is how they start, with so much hate, and then when they are powerful enough they attack physically.
What are my ideologies ?
I don't care about ideologies Everone must reach his/her own conclusion in life as long as he/she lives by THE GOLDEN RULE !
I only fight against Islam, because it is proven to be an evil, backward CULT, invented by your evil selfish and criminal fake prophet Mohammed ; it is completely against the golden rule .And you know that. So I only call muslims stupid and all sort of names , just as you call me now a very pathetic idiot , A PSYCHOPATH. I don't care at all.
How can I be indoctrinated ? What is Ration anyway? Do you mean REASON ?
BTW. Where am I been corrected many times ? If that was true my comments would have been denied many times. ! You are trying to win some help, because you feel lostand desperate , without being able to use your usual muslim VIOLENCE. That's ALL !!
REAL PEACE, not your Islamic peace if course ….;-)
The girl next to frog is ghost lol
I take your insults as a big compliment. When a muslim gets angry, you can be sure you spoke the TRUTH about his evil CULT.
Free speech is very difficult for muslims to digest, I know.
And because you are a staunch follower of your insane fake prophet, i'm sure you would like to behead me. Ali Sina proved clearly that your criminal prophet was insane. It is even in your Quran and Ahadith. And followers of a crazy man ,I call crazy and retarded; That is no fowl talk , that's only the truth.
You will do all you can to stop me telling the TRUTH. Even a cartoon can make you muslims furious .
Julia the Psychopath, You insult anybody who does not buy into your ideologies, call them stupid and all sort of names, you even expect people to insult mohammed even if they hold no grudge against as yourself. I really don't know how to describe you, you are a very pathetic idiot. What is the difference between you and the sharia states who also condemn anybody who don't buy into their ideologies. Your indoctrinated brains can never understand Ration, you have been corrected many times to stop your fowl mouth by you still insist, i eve saw a post by KnowTheTruth telling you to reduce the insults, but because you are a psychopath, you will never stop.
@ Azad
What is HOLY about the Quran?
What does HOLY mean anyway?
I can only say to you: "You are afraid ! Afraid of your hell . You are superstious "!
In the FFI site I reacted to a person who called himself xxxx.
The said he was no muslim but he did not like any religion at all. Because I wanted to know if he was a taqiyya-muslim , I asked him to call negative names about Mohammed. But he did not do that ; he started to call me an "ignorant". Well, then I knew enough.
So you are right:
//If they tell you Muhammad was a pig, then you can trust them.//
The easiest way to recognize an apostate. ROFL
Now that's really interesting!
So Islam is only for "good" people (I'll not bother about what "good" means in Islam here).
Yet the Koran describes all non-Muslims as "criminal sinners" (Mujrimoon), the "worst of creatures" (K.98:6), "wrong-doers" (Zalimoon), "immoral transgressors" (Fasiqoon), "corrupters" (fasiqoon), we have "diseased hearts" and so forth.
Therefore, Islam clearly isn't for us! HOORAY!! that's the end of Islamic Da'wa then – if you are to be believed.
More seriously, what good would a religious movement (I'm being generous to Islam here) be if it wasn't meant for sinful people?
" if you were to follow him you will get paradise as promised by the holy Quraan".
Hmm. Paradise is only definitely promised to Shahids – that is those that die in sword-jihad (suicide bombers etc.) and Islam is the only religion where you can murder your way to 'heaven'.
If you don't die a "Shahid" then you have to hope that your good deeds outweigh your bad when put on the balance. At least Muslims only have to be 50.0(recurring)1% good to make it I suppose.
@ Ali Sina
/ All serial killers and pedophiles have had an abusive childhood /
So Mohammad too must have been abused by someone. Now who must have abused him?
What is sin, azad ?
islam is blessed religion it does not need sinful people to embrace it. Muhammed was sent to all mankind for guidance if you were to follow him you will get paradise as promised by the holy Quraan and if you were to reject it hell will be your permanent abode which is also promised by the holy Quraan. So i will leave it to you to decide. All creation will taste death and when that times come one can never say a prophet did not come to us with the truth. Good luck guys
WHY did Islamic World Wide Judicial Council place themselves above GOD and place a FATWA on the father in law of Muhammad and KILL him for building the Dome of the ROCK on the Name of Jesus Christ and why did the WWIJC place a FATWA on Dr Rashad Khalifa when he discovered the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ eternalised in the Bismillah in the 19 encoded letters as the 786 of the second supernal in the Etz Chayyim and encoded thousands of times in the QURAN by GOD. He discovered the 19 TO BE OVER IT ALL in sura 74:30 and soon now we hope that ISLAM can see this as now promoted by and by Edip Yuksel, ….as yet IGNORANTLY so. Soon now all of human kind will see this TRUTH and BOW DOWN to this Name as in sura 68:42 when the SHIn is revealed in YeHo(SH) UAh as Joshuah or Jesus in Greek to be OVER IT ALL in Heaven as in Phil 2:9 also. as also sura 19:19 as the GIFT of salvation which salvation and Name Islam yet denies that Muhammad insisted is to JUDGE all mankind one day. Or is he also a FOOL?
A Muslim walks around with the Quran in his hand yet when confronted he spits on the QURAN and rejects it in favor of the HADITH (the True Muslim Bible where Muhammad is Hypostasized and made to be OVER and Above God)
In the west people see themselves as individuals."
Muslims have no individuality and no therefore no independence.They're always surrounded by large numbers of family members.They can't do anything without the approval of their families.
Mr. Sina,
Your book indeed does the job! I once googled critical study of Islam and got 23 Years by Ali Dashti. Could not put it down. I googled again and I got your book, it showed me Mohammad in his true colours. I left immediately after your book and I am a very peaceful ex-Muslim now. I have never been so peaceful with myself and the rest of humanity. I now see human beings and not Muslims and non-Muslims. These two books changed the lenses of my soul and heart, they changed me into a human being after being born a Muslim for over 50 years.
You are right, indeed every Muslim is a mini Mohammad and strives to be one. They truly have dual personalities, non-Muslims have to be aware and careful. Muslims are one thing when they are all alone and something completely different when with non-Muslims and are happy with being that.
Thank you very much, may others see the light as well.
Pig is considered Holy among Hindus as boar God, killed a demon ans rescued the mother earth from nether. Advaita/non dualism, consider no second entity but God, so nothing is unholy. In third world countries, non Muslim male can temporary convert to Islam, to marry a Muslim Girl, then they may trick girl away from Islam, with themselves. Non Muslim Women can do same with Muslim male. They must be careful while preaching Islam via matrimonial alliance, as this could be counter productive.
//If they tell you Muhammad was a pig, then you can trust them.//
The easiest way to recognize an apostate. ROFL