Miscellaneous Questions

Dear Ali Sina,

I have created havoc in my area against Islam, and disturbed their mind a lot. But I don’t have the answers for few of the questions Muslims raise. I would be very thankful to you please answer them.

If Mohammed was a fake, then what he used to do in cave Hira?

Muhammad was a narcissist. As such he was uncomfortable to interact with others as equal. Narcissists can only interact with others as superior, when they are venerated, obeyed and respected.  That is why they always try to create a cult. If they fail to create a cult, they retreat from the society and become loners.  As the Sira tells us, after Muhammad formed his cult and was able to gather his narcissistic supply from his votaries, he stopped going to the cave.

The Unabomber was very smart man – a child prodigy, who was accepted into Harvard University at the age of 16, where he earned an undergraduate degree, and later earned a PhD in mathematics. But as a narcissist who could not create a cult he lived in a hut away from the society. He took his vengeance from other intellectuals by sending them bombs.  He was a loner not because he loved contemplation, but because he was unable to interact with others as equal.  The reason Muhammad spent his time in a cave was the same.


If Mohammed was a looter, why he did not leave any property behind him? When he died there was nothing precious found in his house?

Muhammad left a huge amount of wealth behind. Where do you think the entire wealth of the Bani Nadir and Fadak went? It all went to him. In addition 20% of all the loot became his personal property. Tabari counts the wealth of Muhammad after his death. He had several slaves and hundreds of camels. A hadith tells us that in one occasion Aisha manumitted 40 of her slaves as expiation for breaching an oath. How many slaves she had to afford manumitting 40 in one day? Aisha was only one of Muhammad several wives and all his wives received equal share from the spoils of wars.

The Shiite/ Sunni divide was caused over Fadak, a town Muhammad took as his personal property after he raided Khaybar. When he died, his daughter Fatima claimed the town is her inheritance and should be given to her. Abu Bakr objected and said everything Muhammad owned belongs to Baitulmal (public treasury). This created a rift between Ali, Fatima’s husband and Abu Bakr that caused many wars and bloodshed and divided Islam in two sects.

The claim that nothing was found in Muhammad house is ridiculous. First of all he had nine houses, one for each of his wives and he had also a garden with a house in it outside Medina where Mariyah, his Coptic sex slave lived, away from his wives. He had hundreds of camels, horses and a lot of equipment of war and tremendous amount of money that he had looted in his 78 raids.

Why he kept quiet for first two years about his revelation, if he was an imposter?

The question should be why he kept quiet about his revelation if he was not an imposter. If he was sent from God he should have told everyone. But he told only to a few close ones to test the waters and only came out when he felt safe and secure.


Why there are so many spiritual saints or Wali  under the banner of Islam who practiced Islam’s Kalima’s and verses form Quran?

There are no spiritual saints in Islam.  These people Muslims call saint are a bunch of charlatans.  I cannot show you the dead ones, but I can show you the ones that are living, Watch this video and see the veneration Muslims show to this man. His name is Maulana Ajmal Qadri. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P19OfllEj_c

Now read the debate I had with him.

Does he sound like a saint? The greatest saint of Islam was Rumi and he too was an ignoramus. He was a great poet, but not an enlightened one. I wrote about him here.

There are some good people among Muslims, but they are ordinary people who don’t know much about Islam. They are good because they follow their conscience and not Islam. No person can follow Muhammad and remain a good person. It is not possible. True Muslims are evil and they become more demonic the more they follow Muhammad.

Why Mohammed used to wear torn and old clothes, used to put on his own shoes with his own hands in spite of slaves, if he was a narcissist?

It is funny that Muslims contradict themselves so easily without even noticing. In the same sentence they that claim Muhammad was poor and wore torn and old cloths and also admit that he had several slaves. How can a poor person own several slaves?  Muslims are incapable of thinking about simple things like this.

Anyway, Muhammad was poor when he came to Medina. He had wasted the wealth of Khadijah and had become penny-less again. The stories about his poverty are about this period. Later he started raiding and looting and became the wealthiest man in Arabia.

Muhammad was not a modest man but as a narcissist he made a show of it.  Narcissists project an image of holiness and like to be perceived as holy, detached and other worldly people.  This is the mask they wear. They live behind this false self.


Why he was a so humble with everyone even with his slaves?

This is a lie. Muhammad was never humble to anyone. He made a show of it but in reality he expected everyone to love him and prefer his life to their own. He considered himself superior to all mankind and there are hadiths that show this. In one hadith he claimed when he was a child two men dressed in white came and opened his chest and pulled out his heart and opened it and from it they throw away a clogged blood and then washed it and put it back and sew him up. Then they weighed him against 100 people and he was heavier. Then they weighed him against 1000 people and he was still heavier. Then one of the men said to the other, leave him because if you weigh him against all mankind he will be still heavier.

I don’t want to talk about the ridiculousness of this story. It however shows he really thought of himself to be superior to everyone. That is not what humility looks like.


Why so many people get illumination and wisdom for reading Quran, in spite of showing the evils in the Quran and Islam, they still say they got illumination from it?

People can think they get enlightened, but in reality they are not. Those who convert to Islam and then leave it admit that they had been fooled without knowing it.

Where are the enlightened Muslims? I have debated with thousands of them and have exposed their ignorance. If Muslims become enlightened they should be able to make us see that light.  Why can’t they?  Their enlightenment is all subjective. Once tested with reason it becomes clear what they call enlightenment is nothing but ignorance and self-deception.

If Sufism also not true or pure spirituality, then why there were so many great wali and enlightened people, who even do miracles in living and even after their death, people get help from them (Tomb & Relics)?

I already answered this question. There are no miracles in Islam and in any religion. Those who claim performing miracles are charlatans. They trick people with cheap magic. Magicians are honest artists. They tell you from the outset that what you see is not real. But these impostor religious conmen lie to you and say it is miracle.  Anytime you hear someone has performed a miracle know that that person is an impostor.

When Muhammad was asked to perform amiracle he said he can’t do it and the only miracle he is given is the Quran. If Muhammad could not perform miracles how can his followers perform it? Miracles are a lie. As Einstein used to say, the greatest miracle is that there are no miracles and that the universe is governed by predictable laws.

Still from some Quranic verses people get cured some troubles are solved and evil spirits are warded off( I know faith helps, faith does everything but why evil spirits from house or buildings are removed from Quranic verses… though it sounds silly to atheists,  I myself is an atheist but…….)

Evil spirits don’t exist.  Evil people do and Muhammad and many of his followers are among them.   But faith heals. If you believe in something strongly you get result. You can pray to a chair and if you really believe the chair can cure you, you get the result. This is a known fact. It is being used as standard procedure to test the efficacy of a new drug. New drugs are tested against placebo.  The reason is that a lot of healing take place as the result of one’s expectation of getting better. Let us say 25% of people get cured simply by expecting to get cured. People who trust their doctors will get better even if the doctor gives them a sugarcoated starch tablet. If a drug then cures only 25% of patients, that drug is considered to have zero effect. If it cures 75% of the patients it is said that the drug is 50% efficient.

Everyone knows Khomeini was a truly evil man. But those who believe in that monster and pray in his mausoleum get cured. Khomeini must be in hell but the faith of his followers in him heal them from their diseases.

It is the faith that heals not the healer.

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No Responses

  1. narcole1919721 says:

    Lolol i know whos ur talking about x')

  2. hindusml says:

    He's not Naik He is NALAYAK

  3. A Hindu says:

    Hinduism is not exactly a religion its a way of life and a spiritual and a very tolerant way of life

  4. Booby trap says:

    Oh frustrated new Indian Muslim entrant !!!!,welcome dost.

  5. Obama says:

    Are you human bomber

  6. Bad boy says:

    You are disturbed with truth ,so sad.

  7. Punjab(real) Putar says:

    You accept it or not ,your Prophet was pedophile ,he married a toddler of 6 years old at the age of 53 and fornicated her at 9.Many more things are here for your surprise about your Prophet be patient .

  8. Panjabi (real)Putar says:


  9. vishu says:

    Got frus·tra·tion  ah? ha ha ha ha….  B)

  10. vishu says:

    Got frus·tra·tion  ah? ha ha ha ha….  

  11. vishu says:

    Got frus·tra·tion  ah? ha ha ha ha…. o.0

  12. TALWAR KHAN says:


  13. TALWAR KHAN says:


  14. Punjabi putar says:

    my sis just text me this web address & I am already hacked into your system. hmm location targeted! wish you very bad luck 

  15. Nabeel Gabol says:

    OH hell my friends & colleagus wer rite
    this is an acting class. But I am sorry you indians are the wrost actors I have ever seen your movies sucks and so are your dramas. you exaggerate way too much. If I'll Talwar Khan the shit will get real hahahha

  16. Tabeer Ali says:

    actually I have sent this site address to some 'organizations' and you people are going hell soon. 😀

  17. Muhammad Akbar Shah says:

    After reading everything I feel disgusted. A muslim would never ever tolerate the things that are written here regarding Our beloved Prophet (I/We love him more than our selves our family our parents or loved ones Even if you kill me and turn me into pieces each piece of me 7 a muslim will say Allahu Albar & will love our most beloved prophet (Peace be Upon Him). 

    A msulim will never ever tolerate this. Tell you what you bunch of kafirs I am going to find you & kill you in your homes slaughter you like animals… because It is time we muslim stop defending that we are terrorist and lets show you what we ARE so you would finally keep quite & sit down. 

  18. Naaz Hussain says:

    This site seems to be run by paid group of fools who have no idea what they are actually doing. Pretending to be Muslims when they are actually indians & hindus or budhist. 

  19. Hurrem Shah says:

    So TRUE ALI … most of these ppl are simply FAKERS.. Liers.. Pretending to msulims or ex muslims. But their Pretending games are not going to save them on the day of Judgment. Regret & eternal pain awaits them if they won't change their ways & try & recognize what truth really is. Truth is HAQ & HAQ is only Allah the god of all humanity and beyond what they know.

  20. qamar says:

    your a joke mr sina. when answering these questions atleast list the sources or something next to them.
    you are a very bias and decieving person. you can fool these sheeps here but i see right through you!.

  21. UnknownCreator says:

    Dumb people come here and post nonsense of their religion, lol, Sina, I requests to please post hadith from the Shia faith also
    Thank You

  22. Slave of prophet says:

    Ali Sina we muslim are follower of prophet not royal families. Allah has order us to follow prophet steps.

  23. Abid says:

    @ Ali,
    Intelligent are those who believe in the words of pedophile, looter, lier(Taqqiya), rapist, misogynist, misanthropist, believe in the books which demands to kill non believers, other religionist, which says earth is flat, semen is produced in back bone, and every non sensible and disgusting things.

  24. Abid says:

    Few Quick questions for All Muslims, especially for Slave of the Prophet
    Do you agree and ready to give your six years old daughter to 49 years old man in order to follow MD and become pious like Abu Bakr (The guided one)?
    Do you want to be born of a concubine, like Ibrahim who was the illegitimate child of MD with one of his concubines?
    Do want to be raided by some pious prophet and your mother ,sister and daughter taken as concubines and booty?
    Do you want to be killed along your dad and brother in law by some pious prophet and your sister to be taken and married by that pious and merciful prophet?

    At only with few examples muslims would start abusing that prophet with latest and filthiest words, but as soon as it comes to their original Prophet MD, all atrocities become pious, divine, and command of God, they immediately go blind, brain dead now. Why they dont't abuse now? Please go ahead abuse prophet MD as much as possible.

  25. thewho says:

    sir after u who will maintain this page

  26. thewho says:

    hats off for u mr sina

  27. thewho says:

    sorry dude.and 1 more thing sir . on facebook their is a page called hindu muslim unity. in name of unity muslim r insulting other religion.i told them abt this page. but the admin is deleting my coments. sir i request u to do something.

  28. Ali Sina says:

    Look, Muhammad’s mother died when he was six and he did not have a sister. If you want to participate in this forum please read more and write less. This forum is for serious discussion and not for hurling insults at others mindlessly.

  29. thewho says:

    hey who r u why r u commenting on us (christians). i only believe in hinduism, christian and buddhism.whatu will say now sakat

  30. thewho says:

    mohammad used to rape girls.he raped his own mother and his sister and u people r worshiping him.

  31. saddahaqislamfuck says:

    i mean intelligent

  32. aminriadh says:

    "why would he then turn around and become the most prolific looter, enslaver, and mass killer of peaceful people of his time?"

    Something which you claim – I don't agree – obviously.

    – – –

    "@aminriadh… can an you give the reference in the qur'an where it says to make peace with those who live in peace? And… after you provide that reference, can you tell me. . . "

    What you say next – automatically implies – you already know of such references. Hence I point to these 2 sites:
    http://www.mediamonitors.net/elmasry31.html http://islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com/2011/06/0

    As I don't think your interest is in the references.

    – – –

    " The people all the way to spain were brutalized by muhammad, his companions and his followers up to the present time… and they constantly invade the lands of peaceful people under some idiotic pretext like: "they are working with the zionists" or "they are the infidel" or "they are the transgressors." "

    Again – just your claims. And nothing more. I don't hold these to be true at all.

    – – –

    "The people who lived as muhammad's neighbors on the arabian peninsula, especially his jewish neighbors, were peaceful people, who never did muhammad any harm… did he make peace with them? No… he killed them… because they wouldn't become muslim… or because they wouldn't join with him in slaughtering one of the other peaceful tribes of the area… "

    Again – your claims – and simply not true.

    – – –

    "Now… either what I've just stated is true… or untrue… if it is untrue… prove it with qur'an and hadith… "

    Dear, dear, dear, dear child . .. . this is a logical fallacy.

    The "burden of proof" for your claims is upon you.

    I shouldn't disapprove such claims – it would be silliness on my part.

    Nope – you prove what you claim above. . . . only then I can disapprove what you say.

    Now – either you have no clue as to how it works – or this was a deliberate attempt!

    – – –

    "If it's true, then muhammad didn't practice what he preached… so at the very least, it would make him (and allah) hypocrites, because they give a verse about making peace with those who live in peace… and then they turn around and hack them to bloody pieces… nice example to follow. Right? "

    What you claim is untrue.

    – – –

    And you have NOT given any proof – just claims.

  33. aminriadh says:

    "@aminriadh… correct… the "apes" and "swine" references in the qur'an are aimed at Jews in particular"

    Hang on . . . what are you saying "correct" to?

    I like the attempt at dishonesty.

    I have NOT claimed this:

    "the "apes" and "swine" references in the qur'an are aimed at Jews in particular"

    So do not do it.

    – – –

    "but this was an ancient story which muhammad was just repeating, as he did with many of his so-called "revelations." "

    Where – simply making such claims is insufficient.

    If you want an honest debate . . .sure go ahead.

    – – –

    But if it is few such short mentions – then quibble by trading insults . . . . not interested.

  34. J_Stillwater says:

    @aminriadh… correct… the "apes" and "swine" references in the qur'an are aimed at Jews in particular… but this was an ancient story which muhammad was just repeating, as he did with many of his so-called "revelations." This story was also told by other of muhammad's companions… see the following link:

    J Stillwater

  35. J_Stillwater says:

    @aminriadh… can an you give the reference in the qur'an where it says to make peace with those who live in peace? And… after you provide that reference, can you tell me why muhammad, who would have claimed he got this "peace" verse from allah… why would he then turn around and become the most prolific looter, enslaver, and mass killer of peaceful people of his time? The people all the way to spain were brutalized by muhammad, his companions and his followers up to the present time… and they constantly invade the lands of peaceful people under some idiotic pretext like: "they are working with the zionists" or "they are the infidel" or "they are the transgressors."

    The people who lived as muhammad's neighbors on the arabian peninsula, especially his jewish neighbors, were peaceful people, who never did muhammad any harm… did he make peace with them? No… he killed them… because they wouldn't become muslim… or because they wouldn't join with him in slaughtering one of the other peaceful tribes of the area…

    Now… either what I've just stated is true… or untrue… if it is untrue… prove it with qur'an and hadith…

    If it's true, then muhammad didn't practice what he preached… so at the very least, it would make him (and allah) hypocrites, because they give a verse about making peace with those who live in peace… and then they turn around and hack them to bloody pieces… nice example to follow. Right?

    J Stillwater

  36. aminriadh says:

    "I grew up a Sikh and officially am still a Sikh, but if you classify me by what I believe about God, then I am probably an atheist."

    Why is it that you have trouble stating what and who you are? Internal conflict?

    – – –

    "Hinduism and Islam however are the only religions that intrigued me enough to make me want to have more than just superficial understanding of them. "

    Your Hinduism knowledge – I don't know.

    Islam – it is less than superficial.

    – – – –

    "I am NOT trying to make Sikhism part of Hinduism!"

    This is against what many posts of your FB page are about.

    – – –

    "The Sikh Gurus however, explicitly rejected the Vedas."

    Not what posts on your FB page say. If it really is your page.

  37. Sakat says:

    small correction, " as well my ardent follower either follow this term "spirituality" of Jesus and Moses". I have order kill and grad others property.

  38. Sakat says:

    hi I want definition about wt is relegion ,i am Mohammed the thug who killed and amassed huge wealth of innocent hard working people (Jews)this dichotomy of spirituality wont work better with me I am opposite of it ,as well ardent follower.

  39. Ali says:

    You still here sucking the dik Julian?

    What's wrong, cow dung not good enough?

  40. Ali says:

    I see it's the same old schit and just a different day on here and business as usual for the Dalits.

    Ali Sina puts up some BS article and his Hindus fans lap it up like rabid dogs. He's still harping on about the book and movie albeit not so much, as his joker card was beaten to the pip by his own, but hey, some gullible fool has to put food on Ali Sina's table. Winter has arrived in Canada so the utility bills will increase and someone has to pay for them as well, right, Ali Sina?

    And Julian the tranny is still gobbling nob and calling everyone morons and backwards on here, but is also claiming himself to be an atheist this time around. Tomorrow he will be Buddhist and then next week he'll claim Hinduism after having a one on one with the local pundit.

    Denialisnoproof is still doing the dik worshiping thing he does so well.

    And the rest of you Islamophobes, well, keep sucking and kissing Uranus. That's as far as you guys will get.

    Sweet dreams fcukwits.

  41. spider says:

    Hindu mullah

  42. spider says:

    All religions are nuts !!!

    Throw them to commode for betterment of humanity ,

    See all Scandinavian countries they have more moral value than 2 & 3 world counties
    grow up people , you sound like hindu mullah…

  43. aminriadh says:

    Your comments are bizarre and fairly ridiculous . . . what is the purpose of that?

    – – –

    "You can complain to whoever you want, but it is your own life that you waste. you poor thing. "

    Then what is your problem – why is it you are the one moaning? And writing useless messages – haven't you got anything to better to do?

    – – –

    "you blame everyone else and yet it is your muslim brothers that you fear most.. or should you muslim brothers be afraid of you? are you the one that straps on a bomb and kills all those that disagree with you? or are you the one that teaches or pays for a muslim brother to kill others … Do you not see this is shirk? "

    Silly nonsense – the thing is you know full well – you lack the intelligence – the education and know-how to get into the debate – hence you write whatever you could.

    The objective being that to attacking me personally would lead to some kind of vindication for you.

    It doesn't work this way.

    Irrelevance is irrelevance.

  44. What a load of complete garbage.

    How can anyone read and actually following what this failed 3rd-rate "Writer" comes out with.

    He's making up general statements that he thinks makes half sense and passing them off as facts?

    Seriously. What a farce.

  45. Joe says:


    You can complain to whoever you want, but it is your own life that you waste. you poor thing.

    you blame everyone else and yet it is your muslim brothers that you fear most.. or should you muslim brothers be afraid of you? are you the one that straps on a bomb and kills all those that disagree with you? or are you the one that teaches or pays for a muslim brother to kill others … Do you not see this is shirk?

    what is the punishment for shirk?

  46. guest says:

    Dirty Muhammad:

    Bukhari (93:639) – The Prophet of Islam would recite the 'Holy Qur'an' with his head in Aisha's lap, when she was menstruating.

    Tabari IX:137 – "Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty." Muhammad considered the women that he captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.

    Lady Gaga is better than Muhammad but she prohibited to have concert in Indonesia lately.

  47. gue says:

    Muhammad just a heaven seeker, Jesus is heaven ruler.

  48. denialisnoproof says:

    hurting feelings of millions of muslims sl@ts

  49. denialisnoproof says:

    you too were hindu once upon a time. you are a product of rape.

  50. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You know whats your problem?! Opinion supporting your hate mongering is truth for you lol. I also suspect you are bored with " Son of God " and have new pick " Son of Hamas " lol.

    Ok Let this guy being political stamp and not of any scholarly about religion, Do you want list of scholars and christian priests who converted to Islam and what they think of prophet ? and why ?!!

    BTW with new support from Turkey and Egypt , Hamas in better situation in the region and Palestine authority is looser and going to big looser if it fails in in presenting case for Palestine as a sovereign state at UN next !!

  51. Joe says:

    what is your point? what is it that you wish to prove? that mohammad is a prophet?

    what exactly proves Mohammad is a prophet?

    Is it that he killed so many people? ( ok it was self defense, everyone elses fault)
    Is it That Mo started so many wars? ( ok they were asking for it)
    is it that Mo took a 8yo for wife ( sex is what you do with your wife)
    Is it that Mo had slaves that proved he had the power of God? after all God bless him with a sword,
    Is it that Mo had the power to torture people.. now that is from God for sure!!

    what as powerful prophet.. and His greatest work was the book of war!.. Blame everyone else and attack them if they do not agree or pay your dimmih tax (extortion monies)

    wow there is logoc for us all to marvel at

  52. Joe says:


    what happened to the discussion about "Son of Hamas"? there is a statisric for you, a man that calls mohammad a false prophet and blames the lies of mohammad as the main reason of continued war in palistine.. not that this is something that you care about because you are obviously not affected like the people in SO many islamic countries

  53. denialisnoproof says:

    you seem like a reasonable man although you have a burden of islam on you.
    I just say to people that do unto them as they do to you.

  54. Demsci says:

    "''Sure. But the why bother to answer . . . in which you level false accusations against me?"

    This seems an evasive answer to me, when my position was that you presented my position as "pretending to answer (while I did not answer, at all or perhaps only in an deliberaty wrong way)"'.

    I clearly explained my position (again) and that abovementioned by you was NOT IT.

    Is the SURE in your sentence supposed to be an admission of you now having a different view on my position?

    And why ask me why bother to answer??? If I cannot answer all, to your perfect satisfaction, does that mean that it is illogical that I try to answer as much as I can, as best I can?

    And sure my answers are not perfect, but can't you appreciate the good in them and forgive the faults? In this case "false accusations" that bother you. I'll treat you the same way.

  55. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Thank you for acknowledging your defeat by hopeless blabbering what is out of subject of thread ! Your wacko attempt on pleasing yourself for imagining reasoning as threat just reflect your low life personality !

    You failed to prove your mentor's (blogger) assertion about Muslims. He ran way showing assholiness and you left behind blabbering in the thread.

  56. Demsci says:

    About comparing theories/ opinions. I simply say:
    – First people don't know or think about an issue.
    – then first theory/ opinion arrives, and many people may believe it.

    After that: – Ever truer, better, but still imperfect theories/ opinions arrive. and some people change their opinions accordingly.

    Alternative theory/ opinions I, II, III are taking mankind upwards, at best they are getting a little bit more accurate, better. But admittedly sometimes new theories/ opinions are worse than the pre-existing ones on the same issue.

    But your way is to simply try to negate, nullify alternative opinions/ theories by pointing out their faults, which surely they must have, coming from humans. I see your way as destructive, wasting the good along with throwing away the bad.

    Whereas you had better proposed a truer, better theory/ opinion or a good defense of the previous theory/ opinion. Defending that with evidence. That would be constructive, adding to people's wisdom.

    And so that readers can compare better. Not just conclude that they somehow can't know much, choose much and therefore are justified to fall back on their old theories/ opinions about the issue or lack of them.

  57. Demsci says:

    "'''You are one lying and devious person . . . . I have in the past asked you outright .. . . . what is it of yours I have failed to answer . . . . give it to me clearly – I will answer."''''''''''''''
    "''''I am going to ask again . . . what is it that I have NOT answered . . . ?"'''''

    Look, it is almost impossible to answer all my opinions. Were you to try it would be another matter if that would be to my satisfaction or insufficient. And that would be completely impossible. I would not dream of demanding these things from you. Although I do like them.

    It is only that you keep saying I do not answer you on many points or if I do then my efforts don't get your approval, that I respond with pointing out that this goes TWO directions and that you treat me the same or even worse.

  58. Julia says:

    You are threatening ,aren't you !? Brainwashed MOHAMMEDAN.
    We don't have to do anything, you kill eachother like flies !
    The billion muslims are divided in many sects, who hate each
    other to the bones. You wil never win anything. The billion muslims can not even defeat a little country like Israel, HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE !!! TOO STUPID, TOO BACKWARD AND TOO EVIL !!! 🙂

  59. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Hate mongering site ! Do you need statistics of killings by sophisticated weapons with night goggles ?! You hopeless guys are surely not against killing ! You are politically motivated bunch of hypocrites ! We are well awarehow humanitarians advocates and how hate mongers behave ! If sophisticated trained person is killing Muslims (even civilians ) you don't worry but if guy with broken RPG shoot with inaccuracy you make sound that's terrorism ! lol

    Billions of muslims I repeat billions of muslims if really behave what you are portraying ! You wont be next day alive ! lol Every 1 in 4 is a Muslim. Deal it !

  60. Julia says:

    Stupid backward brainwashed EMPTY HEAD !
    Perhaps this wil show you how EVIL you muslims are. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
    I know you dare not read it , but many NON-muslims do.
    And you can check these attrocities don by muslims every day !!
    And often these insane people kill their muslim-brothers.
    Shia kill Sunni, Sunni kill Shia ETC. ETC.

  61. Julia says:

    Why don't you answer this time.??
    This is YOUR CRAZY and EVIL ISLAM TOO. !!
    It is HADITH SAHIH MUSLIM (Book #004, Hadith #0903). About your insane fakeprophet talking to the JINNS!
    You are always so "eloquent" and "smart" (you think :-)) . Give your reaction !!! And NO DIVERSIONS or other EVIL TRICKS !!

  62. Julia says:

    HOW can christians or anybody love you ?
    You can not even take Christians as your AWLIAH (friends, helpers etc.).
    See surah (there are more like this) ,Qur'an (5:51) "Don't take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them.
    And read this : http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/badawi_tol
    Iam sure you dare not, ut other people will, and THÁT is my goal !

  63. Julia says:

    Dear Demsci.
    This Mohammedan Aminriadh thinks if he can say someyhing in "NICE" english that he is right .
    But THÁT is of course nonsense.
    Most readers (even muslims) will see this . They want PROOFS, and I (we!) give them with quotes from the EVIL Quran and other EVIL muslim scripture.
    Aminriadh almost never answers directly to these QUOTES !!! That says enough ,hahaha !
    It is ALL about the TRUTH. WE HAVE THE TRUTH !!!! For example:
    If you "explain" ALIF,LAM,MEEM in a "NICE" and "eloquent" way , but you tell CRAP, every normal intelligent will not believe you of course and even will despise you.
    Keep on fighting against the EVIL CULT ISLAM….!!!!

  64. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Funny liners !!!

    "ALLAH and you must FIGHT AGAINST THEM." (Study Qur'an there are verses for truce, fight , confliction , cease fire based on situations )

    "That is a CRIMINAL MINDSET .So there NO NEED for further statistics" ( Cool, world is suffering night blindness)

    "Attacking Jews, Hindus, Christians, Buddists etc. etc. they don't see as a crime." (muslims officially maintain crime records all over world)

    lame is this the best you come up with? ha ha ha

  65. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Why don't you party with these ? I see mostly political motivations by handfuls coz of power imbalance in region ! Once muslim country will declare officially having nukes in region , result in more stability ! Orchestrating Killing for election ahead has become biggest hole in democratic system ! Search videos for jews as well you will find plenty !!!

    Truth is simple You are accepting and attesting your Frustration, Defeat , Hopelessness by abusing, insulting, scolding billion Muslims for just being Muslim?! This is a certificate of your wacko gesture !

    I put you on ignore as troll that's your real identity ! I know I deserve much higher morals and respect for my deeds in real , practical life than low life like you who are abusing me as being Islamophobe !

  66. Demsci says:

    "Else what effect has this troll had?"

    Answer: I was talking in general. Insulting has good effects, which polite-only, respectful-only speech-requests cannot always provide. When polite-only requests are made, they can be ignored, and they often are. But insults almost force people to think and react. People often behave better in order not to be insulted again, especially not in public, not by witnesses of their behavior who know of the insults. People will often use insults against them against the insulters and other people they meet, demanding good behavior that is demanded from them, from the others also.

    It is my personal experience, but also my observation of politics, of how the media work and how this effects people in a better way, makes them believe in better theories and behave better. Many times people get hurt, but alongside the innocent ones, genuine evil and bad people also. And we want to make sure the innocent ones can "zap away"/ avoid the insults.

    As for the evidence about the quran-sahih hadith-sira, this abounds on counterjihadist-websites, easy for you to check, probably all evidence very familiar to you by now.

    "You want it so that you are able to make up anything . . . and that it goes unchallenged. How ridiculous. . ."

    No, presenting evidence is good, just not necessary, obliged all the time. I am in favor of Accepting opinions to be expressed without evidence, without rush and judgement,

    then, when desired, respectfully, or insultingly, presenting counter-opinions, with evidence, then compare, then choose.

    YOU demand evidence, to YOUR satisfaction, in an attempt to DISMISS challenges.

    It is your style. You defend Islam, not by promoting it's theories, but by trying to negate, nullify the challenges to them. But however faulty the challenges are, often Islam's theories are faultier still, but you never COMPARE Islam's theories with the challenging theories. You do not choose between them based on rational criteria. You simply always choose Islam's theories. And that is based on your belief in REVELATION. But you never fully admit THAT. I would have noticed.

  67. Demsci says:

    "Then why is this person without evidence? If they have that much experience, read and thought . . . then OBVIOUSLY then can provide reasoning . . . . "

    No, often there is no time, or patience on the listening side. And a person may have drawn conclusions in a painstaking, long elaborate way, then a long time afterwards the thoughtprocesses that led to the conclusions can have become vaque and any way too complicated to explain in sufficient detail. As it may involve quite complex personal or philosophical reasons.

    But the person can still have thought very deep and well and he can have perfected his conclusion. or he could have gotten it from a wise person. And it can be his honest opinion.

    But with the absence of evidence you reject all conclusions, different from your own? All respect for the person's experience, intelligence, morals, all trust? This simply is illogical. Throwing away the good with the bad.

    The comparing is often with default already existing theories. And when you reject the theories of Ali Sina, you fall back on the previous theories in Islam. But the correct thing is to compare the old and the new theory and choose well between them. Not to reject the new theory and fall back on the even more imperfect old one.

    And so often Ali Sina's theories are improvements on Islam's old theories. And his and other counterjihadist-websites are abounding with arguments and facts and logic that serve as proof for THAT statement.

  68. Demsci says:

    I took the broader view, in my previous post. It is in the system that your way of reasoning eventually WILL be answered, at some at every small point you can make. And I said that it was in my character to reason too. Even if at first making mistakes, I love to go a long way and learn from my mistakes.

    So if it would be true what you said, I would be glad. But in my experience, both in conversations and internet, people want short bursts, soundbytes and are impatient with people both like me and you, who reason carefully.

    And I have read you write yourself that you do not have enough time to show all you show. You also wrote that the trouble with summaries was that so much is left out. Simplicity cannot explain complex concepts. But "simple-short-soundbytes abound on the internet, together with conclusions without elaborate evidence-proofs. And the appealing ones get the most "likes".

    And Julia is good with such "soundbytes", and she has great stamina, she does not discouraged by your eloquent replys and her way of (shorter, directer) posting is what many people prefer, believe and remember.

    And we all know that none of us is ONLY speaking to the other person, or even the known commenters. Ali Sina's website has many visitors, he is by now quite famous and visitors can see how much comments are exchanged under his articles and get curious. Why, I think you know this and it is the reason you comment here in the first place.

    And YOU are not able to answer Julia, sufficiently, under these circumstances.

  69. Julia says:

    Listen you FOOL !
    ALL more then 1 billion muslims MUST believe that non-muslims are FUEL FOR HELLFIRE, the are ENNEMIES OF YOUR fake god ALLAHand you must FIGHT AGAINST THEM.
    That is a CRIMINAL MINDSET .So there NO NEED for further statistics etc.
    Moreover : the Islamic countries don't have honest figures. They have a different "IDEA" about crimes. If you don't know what I mean it is because of your brainwashing. Attacking Jews, Hindus, Christians, Buddists etc. etc. they don't see as a crime.

  70. Julia says:

    Here is one more tafsir of Ibn Kathir :
    "Fighting the Jews and Christians is legislated because They are Idolators and Disbelievers "
    See here and READ !!! you EVIL ,VICIOUS MAN: http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_conte

  71. Julia says:

    You wrote:
    Which you added . . .
    What do you mean: "WHICH YOU ADDED" ???
    This is a LIE again, I ADDED NOTHING ,THIS IS IN THE TAFSIR of your own FAMOUS ISLAM SCHOLAR Ibn Kathir ! DO YOU KNOW BETTER THEN HIM ? I challenge you to say you know better !
    EVERYBODY CAN READ IT HERE (and YOU too 🙂 ) !!!! : http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_conte
    And where did you explain this ? WHERE ?

  72. Julia says:

    YOU are a stupid and brainwashed man.
    You did not understand what I said. So ,YOU must read it again. HAHAHA , what a MORON !

  73. Julia says:

    The problem with you EVIL MOHAMMEDAN IS AmiRAT : You CAN NOT ADMIT THAT you are wrong.
    If ONE point of your EVIL CULT is proven to be NON-SENSE ….your whole backward ISLAM is destroyed !
    And there are many things of Islam being proved to be vicious CRAP.
    You live in a delusion just like your crazy fake prophet . But I will keep you busy.

  74. Julia says:

    YEP ,1400 years old MUSLIM hatred dies very hard:
    The Messenger of Allah said:
    "I was commanded to fight against the people UNTIL they proclaim, `There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.' If and when they say it, they will preserve their blood and wealth from me, except for its right (Islamic penal code), and their reckoning is with Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored.)"
    See TAFSIR (quran explanation) of IBN KATIR Quran 9:5 :
    "The Order to fight to eradicate Shirk and Kufr" , http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_conte

  75. aminriadh says:


    Which you added . . .

    I have already explained this.

    Hence – why I say – your unable to counter-argue. Another example

  76. Julia says:

    Hello EVIL Mohmmedan AminRAT. You ask : "Which humiliation? "
    This is what your own FAMOUS scholar says about surah 9:29 –
    "Allah said, ﴿حَتَّى يُعْطُواْ الْجِزْيَةَ﴾ (until they pay the Jizyah), IF THEY DO NOT CHOOSE TO EMBRACE ISLAM , ﴿عَن يَدٍ﴾ (with willing submission), in defeat and subservience, ﴿وَهُمْ صَـغِرُونَ﴾ (and feel themselves subdued.), DISGRACED, HUMILIATE and BELITTLED. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimmah or elevate them above Muslims, FOR THE ARE MISERABLE, DISFRACED and HUMILIATED. "
    So as long as the do not become muslim , these people must be HUMILIATED ETC. DO YOU DEE IT EVIL MAN.??? Or do you know better then Ibn Kathir? http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_conte

  77. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Most of the wars start with verbal insults ! Prostitution of freedom is not freedom of speech ! Its hate mongering job ACCEPT IT

  78. aminriadh says:

    "No, my preferred way is to compare two or more contradicting claims or theories or statements about the same issue and choose the truest and best one. "

    BS – and here is why . . . when you make a statement which is challenged. . .

    what is there to compare?


    So now read your above extract. it is nonsense isn't it.

    – – –

    Let us say you claim. . .

    "Oranges give you aids" – and some one challenges this . . .

    What has comparing – got to do with it?

    – – –

    "Your way is a reaction to what other people say that is ineffective because other people can have something valuable to say, because of much experience, reading, thinking and talking, but without evidence you reject too much. "

    My way is EXTREMELY effective . . . as there is NO OTHER WAY. Read above.

    I did not invent this . . . way either.

    You above extract is CONTRADICTION . . .

    Becuase if someone has:

    " because of much experience, reading, thinking and talking, but without evidence"

    Then why is this person without evidence? If they have that much experience, read and thought . . . then OBVIOUSLY then can provide reasoning . . . .


    – – –

    "Second your way of reaction contains a judgement that a person lies or errs, is untrustworthy when not giving enough evidence for his/ her statements/ arguments/ explanations/ opinions etc. "

    When challenged . . . you HAVE to provide evidence. Else your words will be disregarded.

    – – –

    "It is a terrible expectation to have that people lie so easily, can be so untrustworthy on such a general scale. "

    But it is NOT a general way – it is VERY specific. It is OVER a specific issue.

    – – –

    = = = =

    "No, it seems better to me to trust more in people's morals and qualities and knowledge, but to compare contradicting opinions/ theories and choose the truest/ best. "

    Ridiculous thing to say . . . ME and YOU are here over 2 contradicting positions.

    Hence – I do NOT trust you one bit.

    It is THAT simple.

  79. aminriadh says:

    "But I often suspect you really want to stop us and limit free speech. "

    See . . . old hatred dies hard – doesn't it!

    – – –

    What a load of nonsense – In short – you are NOT able to answer.

  80. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    EVIL BRAINWASHED TAQIYYA MOHAMMEDAN There are so many ways to manage long term frustration explore more lol

  81. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I am not any scholar , apologist , cleric. Worth talking I am Muslim enough for you low lives !

  82. aminriadh says:

    See same rubbish each time! Nothing more than insults . . .

    – – –

    So why did you get banned? By your own master?

    You seem to have trouble with this . . . I wonder why?

  83. aminriadh says:

    "Freedom of speech has borders, but it is very broad, and insults are allowed."

    Moot point to bring up . . .no one claimed otherwise – so why bring it up. Insults are allowed . . but still seen as morally wrong.

    – – –

    "And at times insults are effective, where polite-only respectful reasoning/ pleading fails."

    Nonsense . . . as shown by Julia – they are NOT effective. Else what effect has this troll had?

    – – –

    "Using effective insults I compare with rising up violently, using violence in a desperate way against people who act evil or stupid in a consistent way who won't listen/ respond well enough to polite-only respectful reasoning/ pleading. Effective insults are better than effective violence. That's one of the legitimate, logical reasons to use insults. "

    See – this is the same way you justify lying – albeit in a round about way. hence why you claim – you shouldn't have to give evidence for whatever thing you make up – and call them opinions.

    This is the whole point – a troll like Julia is NOT effective.

    – – –

    "So Ali Sina and Julia and counterjihadists use insults, as do you and Muslims, by the way, and that is lawful and logical. "

    There you go again . . . once again you make an accusation again me . . . WHEN I ASK FOR EVIDENCE – the n you squeal . . .


    Good luck – I can safely say I do not share that morality.

    – – –

    " But then it is shown to them that their own quran-hadith-sira contain much hateful insults to non-Muslims too. "

    Why don't YOU show it? See your possible contradiction . . .in the above you justify "insulting" – then you would have objections of supposed insults.

    – – –

    " The idea is that everyone both can give and take insults. You can be for this idea or against it, but it is illogical to allow the insults in the holy texts and to decry the insults against them nowadays. "

    So why don't you have a go at finding these alleged insults?

    See – when I ask for EVIDENCE for you claims . . . then you squeal that you shouldn't have to provide evidence.

    You want it so that you are able to make up anything . . . and that it goes unchallenged.

    How ridiculous. . .

  84. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I don't control stupids ! I think you are going with this "Chinese is right" !!

  85. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    When you accused being Muslim is main cause for crime against humanity I asked for statistics and analytics , YOU RAN AWAY

    Your Comment

  86. aminriadh says:

    "A very rich man can of course live very simply . The point is that he was very,very rich at the end of his life (and ALSO during his marriage with Khadija). "

    No it isn't – else it would be rather meaningless .. . given what Sina claimed.

    – – –

    "He could do with the booty what he wanted…AGAIN : that means he was very rich indeed. , and then it is easy to live "SIMPLY "!
    What a hypocritical evil man your fake prophet was !! "

    You contradict you own self . . . read the above again.

    But lying contradicting swearing insulting . . . that all is fine to you. As is the case with your Master Sina.

  87. aminriadh says:

    It is OBVIOUS – you will say such things.

    – – –

    "You could not refute Sam Shamoun. "

    I did – and quite well. Also highlighting his devious leaving out of relevant material. All some has to do is look back.

    – – –

    You cannot even say why I lost . . . you are THAT bad. You tried all sorts . . . a few lies were exposed on the way.

    Now this was your last card . . . sine you know you have no more sites to bring forth . . hence you want to end it.

    – – –

  88. aminriadh says:

    I have in these comments section repeatedly highlighted many of your absurdities . . . even as direct exchanges . . .

    where did you great power of reasoning go then?

    – – –

    Why is it several times you had to resort to personal insults?

    – – –

    You are rather fond of throwing – "humiliation" label about aren't you . . .

    Then there was liar! – straight after I took you task for re-hashing Christian propaganda material about Quran.

    Rather than answering . . . . you accused me of being a "liar".

    Then it was the "evil" label . . . .

    . . . sure – but if you are THAT intelligent – why resort to such behaviour?

  89. aminriadh says:

    " They repeat the same fallacies and when proven wrong others say they were not scholars. So I will debate with scholars. As it turns out even that is not good enough because now you say the emails I received were not sent by those scholars. "

    See – you are WRONG – right off the bat. I have my suspicions about JUST one . . . and that is Ajmal Qadri. I made this abundantly clear . . . so why are you so imprecise?

    – – –

    "Anyway I am open for debate and I have even offered $50,K to anyone who can prove me wrong. If you are not a scholar encourage one and if he wins I give $50 k dollars to each one of you. "

    No one is interested in your $50K – put that nonsense away. I doubt if you have the money.

    Also – it was YOU who challenged and then you backed off. Then there was your absurd lie over your book . . . how you have a questionnaire for Muslims who claim they've read your book.

    Well I claimed it – and waited and waited for this "questionnaire" – which you later said – you were going to think up the questions.

    – – –

    "They repeat the same fallacies and when proven wrong others say they were not scholars."

    Don't get above yourself – I went through "rationality" with you . . . and you did not know what you were talking about.

    I tried going through your book methodology . . . see what happened. You seemed not to know what the distinction between the Police and Law.

    – – –

    Rest is more bile – which you are rather fond of repeating.

  90. Joe says:

    "It really takes very stupid people to believe in that freaking murderer, the worst man ever born, "

    not a good person a "prophet" … I am at a total loss as how people still defend this murder, liar, barbarian?

    even with so many other muslims suffering around the world, they still insist!

    The positive spin on this is that we should appreciate and protect our freedom so much more.. otherwise it is a hell here on earth.

  91. Ali Sina says:

    I don’t say lies. It was your prophet Muhammad kadhab who lied all the time. I don’t run away from discussion although I will discuss with people who know how to discuss. I discussed with every taqi, Naqi and Hsssan and finally realized it is a waste of time. They repeat the same fallacies and when proven wrong others say they were not scholars. So I will debate with scholars. As it turns out even that is not good enough because now you say the emails I received were not sent by those scholars. All this just shows how embarrassed you people are of the result of the debates.

    Anyway I am open for debate and I have even offered $50,K to anyone who can prove me wrong. If you are not a scholar encourage one and if he wins I give $50 k dollars to each one of you.

    Muhammad instead ran away from logic. He would say don’t argue with others because they will not believe it anyway, just kill them.

    It really takes very stupid people to believe in that freaking murderer, the worst man ever born, the very personification of devil and the only person that would make Hitler look like a good person.

  92. aminriadh says:

    "The truth is that one does not need to be too smart to see the absurdities of Islam. I am only using commonsense. "

    So why is it . . . you are NOT able to protect many of your lies?

    And which absurdities . . . why run away from discussing them?

  93. Demsci says:

    "'''But it has no such effect! Ha ha . . . I don't feel what you imply at all. But quite the reverse."'''

    Really, Aminriadh? The first thing to do here is to establish whether or not the "insults" in Quran-Hadith-Sira match those of Julia or not.

    If for arguments sake; the two are comparable, then you spend an enormous amount of protesting against, condemning ….. Insults!!!

    You must FEEL something, or rather a lot, about ….. the use of Insults. And it ain't a nice feeling.

    But your defense presumably is that what Julia does is somehow different and worse than what is written about non-believers in Quran-Hadiths-Sira

    Please prove that with evidence, because to many people Surah 9;29 does suspiciously looks insulting to and contemptuous to non-Muslims! Not many people can or will deny it, when they read it. And Bill Warner pointed out that many other verses and texts in the trilogy (Quran-Hadiths-Sira) are like it.

    And frankly we claim the holy texts are worse, especially in it's huge effects. And that means we think you use double standards towards the use of insults.

  94. Demsci says:

    "''''''''''meaningless! Just like no one has EVER decided answered before to you other proclamations . . .

    Not even your sole supporter Demsci"

    Perhaps indeed us counterjihadists should unite and endorse each other more, Aminriadh. You do show us our disunity and weaknesses and hopefully make us better.

    But not cheerleading Julia also can mean and does mean in my case that I do agree with her on most points, and I often give her likes for her posts.

  95. Demsci says:

    ""It doesn't work this way . . . . let us say . .. . you take offense from these "alleged" insults of Quran. . . . and call them wrong. So why would you treat your "opponents" to the exact same thing which you are decrying? Which makes it hypocritical and illogical thing to do.
    If "swearing" to you is so wrong . . . why then swear?"'''''''''''''''''

    Freedom of speech has borders, but it is very broad, and insults are allowed. And at times insults are effective, where polite-only respectful reasoning/ pleading fails. That is due to the attitude and preparedness of the criticized to respond with openness and reason to it.

    Using effective insults I compare with rising up violently, using violence in a desperate way against people who act evil or stupid in a consistent way who won't listen/ respond well enough to polite-only respectful reasoning/ pleading. Effective insults are better than effective violence. That's one of the legitimate, logical reasons to use insults.

    So Ali Sina and Julia and counterjihadists use insults, as do you and Muslims, by the way, and that is lawful and logical.

    But Muslims often operate from different standards, they are often against using insults, claiming it to come from immoral hate-motivations. But then it is shown to them that their own quran-hadith-sira contain much hateful insults to non-Muslims too.

    And that the non-Muslims do not forbid those texts either, because of freedom of speech. The idea is that everyone both can give and take insults. You can be for this idea or against it, but it is illogical to allow the insults in the holy texts and to decry the insults against them nowadays.

  96. Demsci says:

    "When challenged THEN if you cannot provide evidence for your claims – it means you made up your claims . . . HENCE lied."

    No, my preferred way is to compare two or more contradicting claims or theories or statements about the same issue and choose the truest and best one.

    Your way is a reaction to what other people say that is ineffective because other people can have something valuable to say, because of much experience, reading, thinking and talking, but without evidence you reject too much.

    Second your way of reaction contains a judgement that a person lies or errs, is untrustworthy when not giving enough evidence for his/ her statements/ arguments/ explanations/ opinions etc.

    It is a terrible expectation to have that people lie so easily, can be so untrustworthy on such a general scale. You presumably would not like to be judged that way; lying and untrustworthy unless you give enough evidence for what you say, all the time.

    And to whose satisfaction of logic and amount anyway? That of the often prejudiced listener?! As here there is no trustworthy jury who independently decides.

    No, it seems better to me to trust more in people's morals and qualities and knowledge, but to compare contradicting opinions/ theories and choose the truest/ best.

  97. Julia says:

    "Evidence? When all points to the contrary – given the successful rise of Islam."
    YEP , that is "true". VERY succesful : Everywhere where there is much ISLAM , there is "peace", and "freedom". EVERYWHERE muslims are wellcome , Hahaha!
    The only thing Islam has ,is OIL . And soon this will be gone !!!
    But it can be done FASTER, by speading the truth about this EVIL CULT !
    The stupid muslims who react here (like you RAT!) are helping us a great deal !! 🙂

  98. Ali Sina says:

    I wish I could take some of that credit. The truth is that one does not need to be too smart to see the absurdities of Islam. I am only using commonsense.

  99. Julia says:

    AGAIN: To Aminriadh.
    What do you think about this story of your prophet talking with Jinns ?
    Why don't you react on this question.
    Are you ashamed ? I think you are ! 🙂

  100. Demsci says:

    "Ha ha – Facebook and Twitter – EVEN there when asked . . . proof has to be given. Else you made up. Just because it is short message is nonsense . . . as you can write more and attach a link . . . what is stopping you?"

    Look, Aminriadh, I assure you that I wish with all my heart that YOU are right about this. You see, I, like you, prefer reasoning, explaining complex issues, and if there is time and there are listeners, I LOOOOOVE to explain and reason and argue, in an almost literally UNENDING way.

    And I wish you and me both a lot of success, because I have confidence in such ideal circumstances for arguing as you declare to believe in, so this is my desire. It is in my principles, values and veins.]

    But ….. it is not honoured by far the most humans I know, and know of in my experience of conversations, twitter, facebook, internet, workplace.

    But I have patience, and when freedom of speech is protected and widespread I have confidence ALL controversial issues can eventually be worked out in detail.

    If you and your intelligent responses cannot be answered today, they will be answered tomorrow, and mankind will either take your best thoughts to heart or outreason you. I want you to go on as you do for a long time. And make us better.

    But I often suspect you really want to stop us and limit free speech.

  101. aminriadh says:

    "Often I give opinions for arguments sake, without explanation or clear enough explanation, OK. But to me both/ all of us MAY do that. To me it is still legitimate and useful/ interesting to express opinions without proof."

    When challenged THEN if you cannot provide evidence for your claims – it means you made up your claims . . . HENCE lied.

    It is as simple as that.

    – – –

    "It happens all the time around me with others, and especially on Twitter/ Facebook, which has message that have to be written in short messages. "

    Ha ha – Facebook and Twitter – EVEN there when asked . . . proof has to be given. Else you made up. Just because it is short message is nonsense . . . as you can write more and attach a link . . . what is stopping you?

    See these ARE mere excuses aren't they . . . poor excuses at that.

    – – –

    "But you trying to make me feel that I somehow do something dishonest, immoral, out of some base motivation like hate, and then something stupid and illogical I see as you manipulating me and those who read our exchanges. "

    Ha ha – are you FOR real . . you DO things . . . out of:

    "dishonest, immoral, out of some base motivation like hate"

    And you often are:

    "stupid and illogical"

    I will give example . . . your support of Julia the troll – a prime example.

    Such lying, swearing, insulting IS dishonest and immoral.

    But you have started to do fair amount of lying by your own self. . .

    – – –


  102. Julia says:

    AminRAT says: "I "won" before I even started . . . yes I am that good."
    Oh we know EVIL Mohammedan. You are a "chosen one" a member of "the best of creation".
    And I am on e of "the vilest of animals", only "fuel for hellfire" ; according to your EVIL quran.
    THÁT is your civilised attitude !
    And YOU, YOU brainwshed basterd are asking why I (we) are insulting you ???
    I advise YOU and everybody else to read AGAIN the tafsir (Quran-explanation) of the famous muslim scholar Ibn Kathir:
    MUSLIM(S) !!!!

  103. Julia says:

    You wrote: "….so what about the sources that claim Prophet Muhammad lived simply…".
    A very rich man can of course live very simply . The point is that he was very,very rich at the end of his life (and ALSO during his marriage with Khadija).
    He had many wives, who lived in HIS houses, he owned many slaves, camels , weapons etc.
    THIS comes ALL from your own Hadiths. He did clearly have NO MONEY-TROUBLES !
    BOOTY (from robbery and looting was made HALLAL for him by Allah. And on 20% (surah 8:40) of the booty was for HIM (and his family etc.). Surah 8:1 (="Allah's word") : says clearly: "They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) about the spoils of war. Say: "The spoils are for (or "at disposal of ") Allah and the Messenger." Hahaha… what a bastard your fake prophet was: what use has booty for an almighty god? He could do with the booty what he wanted…AGAIN : that means he was very rich indeed. , and then it is easy to live "SIMPLY "!
    What a hypocritical evil man your fake prophet was !!

  104. Sakat says:

    From where did you borrowed your mind Mr.Ali ,simply amazing can't believe.

  105. Sakat says:

    My hat is up to u man

  106. Julia says:

    YEP, the "sala"is clearly over and you LOST that debate painfully !
    You could not refute Sam Shamoun.
    You were crying victory TOO EARLY. Muslims always do every time they are beaten up . You can see it with the palestinians now (and all the wars with Israel ) and the golf-wars. You can not even imagine that you lose, because you think you are "The chosen ones", "The best of cration ". PATHETIC !!! REALLY.
    That must hurt you very much, just like your "Alif,Lam, Meem " and "Blackstone-Idol"debacles.
    A crazy and evil CULT can not be defended . You will ALWAYS LOSE every debate AminRAT !
    That is why I pity you ! I think it was a good lesson for you ! 🙂

  107. Ali Sina says:

    How do I hurt Muslims? Do I burn their mosques as Muslims burn the churches, synagogues and temples of other religions? Do I murder Muslims as Muslims murder people of other faiths? Do you kidnap Muslim girls, and force them to convert out of Islam and then rape them with a force marriage ceremony and then prohibit their parents to visit them as Muslims do to Hindu girls in Pakistan? No I do not do any of these things nor I advocate them. These savageries are Islamic traits and are inspire by the psychopath prophet.

    Do I insult Muslims. Muslims don’t need my insult. They insult themselves and insult human race by their very existence. I feel ashamed of being a human when I remember Muslims are also human – most stupid the vilest and the most brain dead zombies. I am not insulting Muslims. You are insult to mankind, insult to human intelligence, insult to human dignity and human right.

    Do these words hurt your delicate sensitivity. To hell with your sensitivity. I don’t give a damn about your sensitivity. I care about the lives that you destroy not about your bloody sensitivity.

  108. Demsci says:

    Thanks for response and stimulating my thoughts.

    You were lying about me declaring that ALL Julia does (here) is insulting. I clearly did not say such a thing but you said I did.

    You ask: "Such as . . . ?" well, you know, you who reads so much of critics of Islam; right from the basics; Islam is human, not divine, Mohammed was the originator of Islam, much of what he said was from Allah was made up by HIM. According to (sahih) hadith and Sira he did some appalling actions. You know, all that.

    Her good points? Well, starting from the basics; Islam is a very broad all-encompassing theory about the meaning and origines of life, the best way for humans to live their lives and organise their societies.

    Muslims think it is of divine origine, still valid and superior, while Atheists, Christians, Buddhists and many others disagree. They have alternatives for the Islamic theory, which they see as harmful and dangerous.

    She makes good points out from these basics, like challenging the notion that Islam is of divine origine, that Mohammed was a true prophet. She often offers alternative more logical explanations of Islamic texts, showing human faults in them.

    And she points out inconsistencies like the Quran itself declaring that it is clear in all things, leaves no doubt and such and coming from the all-knowing, perfectly wise Allah. But then somehow Allah leaves in this book a lot of texts that upon close inspection are very hard or impossible to understand, controversial, incomplete, unclear, or so it seems to many of it's non-Muslim, ex-Muslim students, which she points out.

    And you do not explain what Alif Lam Meem means, why it is in the Quran. You only assume that Allah inspired the Quran and so Allah must have had some hidden good reason to let those words, who occur quite often, stay in the Quran, HIS highly important, guiding texts, sent to mankind for instructions.

    And you further assume that he deems this was sufficient and ground to demand from humans, whom he presumably gave such great brains and allowed such great development, to believe him and follow his instructions as best they can.

    And that Allah demands compliance to his Islamic instructions, on this shaky not ever updated basis, and non-compliance will be heavily punished, at least in the afterlife.

    But we counterjihadists believe there are truer and better all-encompassing theories to believe and follow, that Islam was humanly and not divinely inspired, and therefore faulty as all humans are faulty. And that Alif-Lam-Meem, and therefore the whole Quran, is an example of human faults or imperfection.

  109. Demsci says:

    To be clear: you do apply high standards to what Ali Sina and historians and islam-critics and posters say. Asking for evidence and logic and chastising them for lack of it. Which lack you often use as reason to declare undesirable arguments invalid. To be sure, if applied to everything admirable enough.

    Then you say that you do apply those standards TO EVERYTHING, which is according to you shown by you reading criticism against Quran and Islam.

    But if this means that it is evidence that you ALSO apply those standards yourself to Quran and Islam, THAT is not what this means!

    It is exactly my position that you consider Quran-SahihHadith-Sira divine revelation and that you do not apply the abovementioned high critical standards towards those holy texts.

    You write it yourself:

    "'''''''''You have trouble understanding – that is my default position . . . I accept Quran to be the truth . . . and I read criticism against it to see if anything is credible against it."

    Let me take it step by step: A. You accept Quran to be the truth. In itself a reasonable starting position.

    But what is the proper sequel? You come across criticism against it. Then you have a case of 2 or more theories about the origines and meaning of life, and how to live the good life and how not etc.

    And do you then apply the same standards to both or all such theories, of which the Islamic one is only one among others?

    I think you don;t, I think you are uncritical towards the Islamic theory to a high degree and too critical towards the other big theories about the same issues. Because of your conviction of divine revelation of the Islamic theory.

    And if that is your attitude, on what ground can you fault anti-Islamists if they take the position that what Ali Sina says is the truth? And when they too apply different standards to what He says and you say?

    Can you admit that their only fault according to your thinking is that they do not take into account that the message of Mohammed was of divine origine and that the message of Ali Sina is only human?

    Because I would respect you if you would admit that you so heavily rely on the idea that there is both divine revelation and human theory and that divine revelation must count higher than all human theory.

  110. Demsci says:

    " Muslims even claim Allah himself, through Gabriel, spoke the Quran-words literally."

    Where have you heard this . . . references?"""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Oh, I once had a discussion with a Muslim about this and he refused to budge an inch and got upset when I asked him to even consider taking the words of the Quran in a symbolic timebound way. A way that sees the words as only inspired by God, but not spoken by Him, like the Christians do. And on MEMRI-tv about TV-broadcasts in Islamic countries and in many articles this same tenet of Islam, that the Quran was literally relayed from God to Gabriel to Mohammad was often expressed and confirmed.

    So "Muslims" in the plural sense upheld that "literal-divine-words"-tenet.

    Not all; I understood Irshad Manji and Zuhdi Jasser thought more in symbolic ways of interpreting Islam, but they have received ferocious opposition and slanders by Muslims because of it.

    And I understand that Muslims can be very different and varied in their opinions. And that is why I think it is not appropriate if you should try to give us the impression that you speak for all Muslims or for some kind of superior, valid-only interpretation of Islam. No, to me you only represent, speak for, one version of Islam.

    But if you here and now can endorse the symbolic way of interpreting the Quran-Sahih Hadith-Sira instead of the literal way, that can go for the record as being part of the tenets of your version of Islam.

  111. Demsci says:

    I study what you say, learn a lot here, Aminriadh,

    It is important for me to show you my basic motivation, which is not hate(mongering) but to promote my way of life/ religion over yours. And Honesty with this is as high a value to me as it seems to be to you.

    As you know I think Ali Sina, Julia, me and other, most counterjihadists conduct a legitimate democratic campaign. And you too. It is just my opinion that you phrase your reactions rather intolerant, as if we do something wrong, immoral, something that should NOT be done, which you want to stop. But we see it as legitimate and useful.

    Moreover I am expressing my opinions and you keep asking for evidence. But I feel I don't need evidence all the time and when I do I refer to the extensive records/ articles of the counterjihadistwebsites, on which I rely. And with which you yourself are very familiar. I say so because you often indicate your willingness to say "study the other sides arguments".

    I told you all people do not advocate dismissing opinions on grounds of lacking evidence. But many people like to compare different opinions on issues, and THEN consider the (lack of) evidence for both opinions, then choose the truest and best working. On certain criteria, high among them the (future) well-being of mankind. This in contrast to dismissing single existing opinions/ theories for lack of evidence, because then you are forced to revert to "'not-knowing", while our generation reads/ watches TV more in a weekend than people in the past in their entire lives.

    Innovation is a very high value for me and why should Muslims cling to oldfashioned ideas when new ideas could make at least future mankind happier? Or so I think.

    I talked about your judgement and reaction to what I and others write. That you often judge parts of that as lies and accusations, while I like to see the same as opinions, to discuss, and only to be agreed or disagreed upon. Without YOUR accusations of me/ us lying and making accusations flying around all the time.

    Which lying to the world and accusing you I feel I DO HARDLY ENGAGE IN AT ALL.

    But you trying to make me feel that I somehow do something dishonest, immoral, out of some base motivation like hate, and then something stupid and illogical I see as you manipulating me and those who read our exchanges.

    Often I give opinions for arguments sake, without explanation or clear enough explanation, OK. But to me both/ all of us MAY do that. To me it is still legitimate and useful/ interesting to express opinions without proof. It happens all the time around me with others, and especially on Twitter/ Facebook, which has message that have to be written in short messages.

    I hope I have been clear at least on some points with this.

  112. aminriadh says:

    "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."

    قاتلوا الذين لا يؤمنون بالله ولا باليوم الآخر ولا يحرمون ما حرم الله ورسوله ولا يدينون دين الحق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب حتى يعطوا الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرون

    – – –

    Which humiliation?

    " [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.""

    In other words . . . defeated in war. Hence the fight until. . . .

  113. aminriadh says:

    "You who so easily accuse others of lying clearly are lying here"

    Again – what am I lying about?

    – – –

    " But I think that very often she has very good points and yes, and at times she wins over you, like with the Alif Lam Meem-issue. "

    Finally! At Long last . . . we are getting to a specific issue! Ha ha ha ha

    But this is ONE argument she clearly hasn't won . . . . else how?

    Who else makes this point . . . all she does is repeat it . . . and when ever arguments are made against her argument . . . she cannot counter argue.

    So where are these good points?

    Do mention them. . . .

    – – – –

    "And there are many posts of Julia that get lots of "likes". "

    Which have the EXACT opposite effect . . . as no one yet beside you has stuck there neck out . . . ELSE they would have to justify and argue the same thing . . .

    As you have to . . . over this Alif Lam Mim issue . . . so why and how has er . . . Julia won this? And why is it a good argument?

    – – –

    "Any way, a lot of readers here occasionally say the same things and are on her side, so why would they NOT be convinced by her? "

    Such as . . . ?

  114. aminriadh says:

    "I have repetedly POINTED OUT (!) to you that I insult you to let you feel what your EVIL Quran says about us unbelievers"

    But it has no such effect! Ha ha . . . I don't feel what you imply at all. But quite the reverse.

    – – –

    Also that is a lame excuse . . . especially when you use insults – in place of arguments . . . which you regularly do.

    If the above is your purpose . . . then why in place of arguments do you leave insults?

    You cold do both . . . but you don't.

    – – –

    Then what is your excuse for being so poor at English? And badly educated?

    – – –

    If your purpose is to highlight how morally superior you are – then insulting others makes then think the exact opposite . . . as such behavior is considered condemnable by all.

    – – –

    You often use insults to seek credence for your arguments . . . implying by so much swearing you have won and argument!

    But this is exactly the opposite . . . and fallacious logic.

    – – –

    Now what argument do you have?

  115. Julia says:

    Remember surah 9:29 , and the humiliation of unbelievers in your evil Quran ? 🙂

  116. Julia says:

    You are very hard to reach, AminRAT.
    You wrote AGAIN: "…hence why you swear and insult so much . . . "
    I have repetedly POINTED OUT (!) to you that I insult you to let you feel what your EVIL Quran says about us unbelievers and how we should be treated by muslims. For example in sura 9:29 .
    Why must we be subdued and humiliated ?

  117. aminriadh says:

    "Sure it is Sam Shamoun who has destroyed ALL your arguments !"

    Where? Which ones? When and wehre did he answer my arguments?

    – – –

    "You have nothing left . And now you start wailing ! "

    ha ha ha . . isn't the fact YOU have nothing left . . . hence WHY you simply referred to Shamoun. I mean I answer my self . . .

    Rather than going here are answers . . . . so and so has answered.

    – – –

    "Sorry for you, but it is the TRUTH. I let the readers decide for themselves. "

    Sure . . . but no one has Ever er . . . decided for oyu have they? Whenever you make this outlandish proclamation . . . when has anyone ever come forward?

    – – –

    Rather than answering bits . . . see the end.

    I have answered all the way through to your nonsense . . . why should I answer same things over and over . . . ?

  118. aminriadh says:

    Article of Shamoun is an argument . . . bits aren't.

    Hence see the end.

    – – –

    Also I am answering you . . . some things of Shamoun are simply repeated arguments from earlier . . .

    Why should I answer them all over again?

    – – –

    "It is clear : you have nothing left and start beating around the bush !
    But I let the reders decide now . I lnow you CAN NOT and WILL not give in, because the argument of Shamoun destroyes you CULT, because NO ALMIGHTY GOD PRAYS TO HIMSELF OR HIS CREATURES. "

    Ha ha ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah ha ha hah ah ah ha hah

    Just what you claimed earlier . . . . then look what happened – all that DID get destroyed.

    And you DID given in . . . all this is evidence.

    – – –


    Hence why you shoot yourself in the foot wit this statement – I have answered . . . see the last comment of your in the series . . .

    Why post bits as separate posts? When it could and should have been one post.

    – – –

    "But I let the reders decide now"

    meaningless! Just like no one has EVER decided answered before to you other proclamations . . .

    Not even your sole supporter Demsci.

  119. aminriadh says:

    "As shown in the example usage:

    "اللهم صلى على ال ابى اوفى"

    Oh Allah bless the family of Aboo-Owfa – or have mercy upon him."

    This DOES refute Shamoun . . . as usage of Sala is far wider than just on Prophet Muhammad . . .

    See you conveniently couldn't answer back yourself . . .

    Hence left it as a comparison to Shamoun.

  120. aminriadh says:

    "You are avoiding to answer the arguments of Shamoun."

    Pathetic and and untrue accusation . . . If I was actually answer to Shamoun .. . . . then of course I would write fuller.

    I am answering to YOU – And to you I have already written loads . . . so when you bring up the same argument . . . then I have TO POINT OUT . . .that i have already answered this!

    – – –

    " does NOT mean that you really pointed out"

    Then you point out – what I haven't answered . . . rather than just claiming it. Then I will answer.

    – – –

    "Now you come with the OLD AND BORING excuse that Arabic can not be translated in a good way"

    Where have I come with such a thing!

    – – –

    "BUT AGAIN : You haveclearly NOTHING left , so I let the readers decide about the arguments of Sam Shamoun, here: "

    Sure . . . but ultimately I am answer to YOU . . .and this riduclous charade of yours is far longer than this . . .

    for example your lying claim – that look into dictionaries – and they will NOT say Sala means To Bless. . . .

    Well that turned out be a lie!

    Then you Botros . . . Now Shamoun . . . tomorrow someone else.

    But one thing is clear . . . YOU don't know what is going on.

    – – –

  121. aminriadh says:

    He he . . . the above is hardly having nothing left . . . BUT your short answer is . . .

    As I said . . . you cannot answer back! In the same way you cannot form coherent arguments

  122. aminriadh says:

    "To borrow your own term "When you are cornered – you spout nonsensical insults. " "

    Such as . . . example of these insults I am spouting . . . vague once again. And it is neither very clever or original to reverse accuse someone . . . evidence still required.

    – – –

    " Can't you see Islam is a lie ? What is more evident than the book on which this sham is based ?
    Just because many people follow a lie, how can it be made true ? "

    Are you for serious and real . . . . . OBVIOUSLY I don't see Islam is a lie . . . where and how?

    Once again . . . . vague. Just because YOU claim Islam is a sham . . . . why shoud i believe you? On what basis?

    – – –

    "I used to doubt if you are another of the 'marufs' level intelligent being and this statement of yours
    "You articles are childish, full of errors and fallacious logic. You cannot and do not defend them – yet repeat constantly. "
    confirmed it for me.. "

    Oh dear . . . once again – vague . . . why and how? I can PROVE his errors – I have DONE so as well.

    – – –

    "You comments are childish denials, full of rhetorical questions and redherrings "

    huh? Which comments . . . point them out. Which rhetorical questions and red-herrings.

    This is YOUR accusation – a ridiculous one . . . as you have reversed it at me. How clever!

    – – –

    "Redherrings such as the one you asked me "why do you call ali sina as Dr Sina ? "..ans: how does it matter ? "

    How is asking you why you refer to him a red herring?

    "A red herring is a clue which is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue."

    This is another accusation – many people do that – they accuse of fallacious logic but using name of fallacy . . . it become really clear – that they do not know what they are talking about. So which argument was the above distracting?

    I asked you a simple enough question . . . rather than answering – it appears you have found an excuse!

    – – –

    "will it absolve mohammad of this mental disorder ?"

    Oh dear . . . once again – are you for real . . . how do you know he had "disorder" – by what evidence? And how WAS this EVER under discussion between us?

    Where . . . ?

    – – –

    "Will mohammad become innocent, healthy, and a spiritual person through all his acts mentioned in the sirat ?"

    This is simply your opnion and position . . . it doesn't equal to "facts" Or that I share it.

    – –

    "You cannot and do not defend his actions"

    Vague and meaningless. . .

    – – –

    – yet repeatedly argue for them ?"

    Contradicts what you said above.

    – – –

    "Childish…How do you categorize it as childish, when his english is correct. and what is the fallacy in the logic that you see ? "

    "Childish" doesn't just mean correct English . . . just because something is in poor English – it doesn't necessarily make it childish either. There are many aspects

    As for claims of logically fallacious and errors – I have already written about that . . . see comments at the end.

    – – –

    "If "Mohammad is the last prophet from Allah" is the cornerstone of your logic…then how can an all powerful, all knowing, all wise allah end his guidance to the mankind when properly guided mankind can be still more valuable in praising allah ?"

    ""Mohammad is the last prophet from Allah" " This isn't cornerstone of my logic no.
    As for ending of Guidance . . . but guidance hasn't ended. Prophet-hood has. God guides in other ways. There is no need for more laws and prophets.

    – – –

    "Why does allah want to be praised ? is there someone else he is competing against in the universe he created ?"

    Nope – and Muslims do not claim to know much about Allah. Ask Allah – I have no definite answers . . . but praise is one facet of worship.

    "and How is that allah is only a 'he' and not an eunuch ? "

    What a silly question . . . why would god be either a "he" or an eunuch. . . ?

  123. aminriadh says:

    ""Sina has no evidence. "…what would you accept as evidence when you see one ? How do you come to the conclusion that there is no evidence ? If Quran/Sira/Tabari cannot be an evidence against mohammad, then what can ?"

    Just by mentioning names of Muslim books doesn't make it evidence for Sina . . . why don't you point it out. Why so vague? Why not try an example . . . rather than meaningless hypothesis.

    " "he also massacred thousands of people", "He just enjoyed killing people and animals." "

    This is Sina's claim . . . it is HIS job to provide evidence . . . which he did NOT do.
    So rather than . . .talking in general terms . . . why didn't you answer this?

    – – –

    ""As there is extreme hatred in YOUR heart – which is clearly evidenced by your thinking. "

    whats your evidence ? How come this is not redherring ?.. "

    My evidence:

    He admits his hatred of Islam! And the constant use of this:

    "It is funny that Muslims contradict themselves so easily without even noticing. In the same sentence they claimed Muhammad was poor and wore torn and old cloths and also admit that he had several slaves. How can a poor person own several slaves? Muslims are incapable of thinking about simple things like this."

    He claims he DOES Not hate Muslims at large . . . but this is specific and EXACT and there are many many examples of this . . . he is not saying "some" . . . but "Muslims" here refers to all – indiscriminately.

    If he doesn't hate Muslims – then why such attempts to demean Muslims? Would you like me to find other example – I can. Why haven't I done so . . . . time – look at the amount I answer.

    – – –

    "and how come you are clear about Dr Sina's thinking when you cannot see the evidence presented in the form of verses from quran. Are you denying that such verses exist in the quran ? If you are not denying that aspect then are you denying the meaning of the verses in the quran ? "

    Once again . . .which Verses – again vague . . . . Why not be exact and talk about these verses . . . but actually mentioning them. I am perfectly happy to do so.

    – – –

    "what does it matter that there is hate in Dr Sina's heart when his claims are answered with hate and ill will or not answered at all? "

    So you admit too – he has hate in his heart! I asked you before . . . why call him "Dr".
    And what "claims" are you talking about . . . once again . . . vague

    – – –

    ""You do not have any concept of what spirituality is and isn't. You claim to be an "atheist" . . . yet endorse Christianity with ridiculous praise. "
    This is only a refurbished muslim claim "You don;t know what Islam is about …"
    How can you say ? Did you even read the article ?
    Why do you even care about spirituality when you are arguing for a practice that kills the very same spirituality ? "

    This is YOUR claim . . . and claim only. Evidence? None given. Islam HAS its facet of spirituality . . . Sufism.

    – – –

    "This is only a refurbished muslim claim "You don;t know what Islam is about …"
    How can you say ? Did you even read the article ? "

    I never said that . . . nor does it relate to my words . . . I read the article and responded . . . I am PROBABLY the only person who actually responded to the article critically, and am willing to talk about it.

    – – –

    "Isn't Islam a theology, a political system, a human cleanliness system? "

    What has this got to do with anything . . . . why ask a leading question?

    – – –

    "If you claim that we non muslims/anti-islamists are hate mongers, why do you yourself show your dis-like for chrisitanity ? "

    Your term "anti-islamist" is meaningless – I have asked you previously to explain it – you haven't done so.

    I do NOT claim all non-Muslims are hate mongers. People like Sina are . . . for spewing hate against Muslim. Example already given . . . can give more.

    I hold Christianity to be untrue but i don't really hate it – but I do NOT hate Christians at large. Neither have I made any comment alluding to this. I prefer a fellow religious Christian over someone like Dawkins.

    – – –

    ""Your narcissist claim is a ridiculous drama"
    Do your counter arguments of denying everything that is said via quran looks very sincere and than his claims look ridiculous ? "

    What does this mean . . . please re-phrase – I didn't get your gist.

    – – –

    "If its so ridiculous, why are you muslims so bothered ? "

    Even ridiculous things can be/become dangerous.

    – – –


  124. Julia says:

    Yep ,you POINTED OUT ! And I have pointed out that you have NOTHING left !!

  125. Julia says:

    Pointed out ! Pointed out ! Pointed !
    You THINK you pointed out ! Repeating this "POINTING OUT" over and over again, does NOT mean that you really pointed out something.You are avoiding to answer the arguments of Shamoun.
    Now you come with the OLD AND BORING excuse that Arabic can not be translated in a good way. THÁT IS OBVIOUSLY NON-SENSE , and a very poor argument.
    BUT AGAIN : You haveclearly NOTHING left , so I let the readers decide about the arguments of Sam Shamoun, here:

  126. Julia says:

    You wrote: "More simply copying and pasting . . . without making any argument. "
    AND: " translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley [Madinah Press, Inverness, Scotland, U.K. 1991; "
    This is translation ….NOT words of Shifa of Qadi Iyyad . . .. " ( huh ?)
    AGAIN : the article of Sam Shamoun is one BIG ARGUMENT !!
    Everytime you ask references! Now I gave you (via Shamoun) many references and again you don't agree .
    It is clear : you have nothing left and start beating around the bush !
    But I let the reders decide now . I lnow you CAN NOT and WILL not give in, because the argument of Shamoun destroyes you CULT, because NO ALMIGHTY GOD PRAYS TO HIMSELF OR HIS CREATURES.
    Advise:Read this again http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/re

  127. Julia says:

    Silly non-sense Aminriadh.
    You have nothing left . And now you start wailing !
    I don't say : "I WON !! " . The whole article is full of arguments . What a lame excuse that this argument is made by Shamoun and not by me.
    Sure it is Sam Shamoun who has destroyed ALL your arguments ! But who cares… it is the argument that matters.
    Sorry for you, but it is the TRUTH. I let the readers decide for themselves.
    I advise them again to read
    Of course you will not and can not admit, but that does not bother me.
    But I hope the humiliation I fave you make you think about your Quran
    ( 9:29 etc.).
    You said: ""Praying blessing" i.e. not praying in the sense of "praying" to a deity – that is what praying is. "
    ONLY A DEITY CAN BLESS in a religious sense (!) SOMEONE…..WHO ELSE CAN BLESS !!??? If someone blesses someone (in a religious sense, that's the topic here of course) then it means that he invokes blessing of a god, AND THAT IS PRAYING !!!

  128. aminriadh says:

    huh? You have me baffled. . .

    "It does not "show" anything of the kind! "

    How and why doesn't it?

    But it does . . . as I compare what is being said about the Quran and check for its credibility . . . . . hence this Flat Earth business . . . let us take that as an example.

    For example – people claim Quran clearly advocates a Flat Earth . . . so when I ask or read what they have to say . . . I check for myself . . . .

    But when I find it doesn't . . . and the argument of the other person falls down rather than mine . . . then why should I change my position?

    And it is the other person . . .who is unable to defend their position.

    This is being critical [albeit one example of it] – else what is it . . . I don't bury my head and ignore the issue – I am able to answer and put forward my arguments.

    – – –

    "To spell it out; you REACT in different ways to what you have read and read; In one, uncritical, accepting way to your beloved holy texts and a much more critical, negative way to anything that contradicts it "

    You have trouble understanding – that is my default position . . . I accept Quran to be the truth . . . and I read criticism against it to see if anything is credible against it.

    – – –

    "negative way to anything that contradicts it "

    doh! People have a set position and they maintain this . . . unless shown otherwise.

    For example humans believed Earth to be Flat – unless shown otherwise.

    – – –

    I will make it simple for you . . . . and I did made it simple . . . what is you would have me do differently? Hence why I asked

    What do you mean by "critical standard"

    – – –

    "I'm even surprised that you give me the opportunity to say it! "

    Touche! This goes right back at ya!

    – – –

  129. aminriadh says:

    Also – you accused me of many things . . . I asked for evidence. Where is it?

    Hence why I call you the liar . . . you accuse me of things WITHOUT proof.

    Then you say you are not obliged to answer – or that I dismiss your answers – or misrepresent them.

    Here I am asking you – why accuse me of all sorts WITHOUT evidence. . .

    This is plain and simple . . .

  130. aminriadh says:

    I think you will find this:

    useful in defining what is and isn't an opinion. I am not sure if we have the same definition.

  131. aminriadh says:

    "This is another strawman fallacy of you. "

    No it isn't . . . as it states:

    A straw man, also known in the UK as an Aunt Sally,[1][2] is a type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[3] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position

    So which views of yours have I misrepresented?

    You pointed to this:

    "'You come out with such nonsense – to pretend that you have answered . . . yet you write realms . . . but do not answer what I asked . . "

    This is NOT misrepresenting your views . . . in fact it is asking for clarifications . . .

    – – –

    " I so many times wrote that I did not see the obligation to answer everything you wrote about and I freely admitted that I had not."

    Sure. But the why bother to answer . . . in which you level false accusations against me?

    – – –

    " Also I pointed out often that it is you who refuse to recognize my way of answering, dismissing it. "

    Then why don't you give example and or clarify your answers . . . when asked?

    – – –

    " I think you are a manipulator"

    On what grounds do you think that . . . . see this is another false accusation – UNLESS you tell me WHAT HAVE I MANIPULATED. . . .

    examples as evidence .. . . . it is THAT simple.

    – – –

    " I also can for ever deny that YOUR answers were non-existent or rants or evasive or non-relevant or lies etc."

    You can – THEN I would ask for evidence . . . . and your reasoning . . . something for which you have great trouble with.

    For example . . . you call me a "liar" – so I ask . . . what is my lie . . . . then if you cannot answer this . . . . it makes YOU a liar. Savvy?

    – – –

    " I think it simply is not up to you give verdicts like you do."

    Why not? And which verdicts? Why are you once again very vague?

    – – –

    "What you say is only your opinion, you assuming the are anything more is sheer arrogance. "

    huh? Opinions ARE up for debate . . . that is the WHOLE point. . . but you need to have REASONS for you opinions . .

    You can have the opinion that Earth is flat . . . . however . . . you cannot just go around saying it . . . people are going to ask for "reason" for having that opinion.

    = = =

    "No, perhaps it is more important that we focus on our respective ultimate goals and contents of what we say, on what we can agree, on what we agree to disagree. "

    BINGO! That is EXACTLY what I have been saying to you . . .

  132. Demsci says:

    ''''''''''The VERY fact I read criticism against Quran and Islam shows I am applying these "critical standard" [s]. "''''''''

    It does not "show" anything of the kind! Why would an intelligent person like you even say that? To spell it out; you REACT in different ways to what you have read and read; In one, uncritical, accepting way to your beloved holy texts and a much more critical, negative way to anything that contradicts it

    I'm even surprised that you give me the opportunity to say it!

  133. aminriadh says:

    "Noooooo! Isn't that begging the question?"

    No it isn't – else how is it?

    – – –

    "Are you referring to "taqqiya"?! "

    Obviously not – how devious a response!

    – – –

    "No, I am saying that in conversation and debate to beforehand forgive possible small lies, or possible ignorance, incorrect beliefs, prejudices and see what others say as different opinions."

    I don't think you did . . . because I was talking about "DELIBERATE" lies. . . . so why post this there!

    – – –

    "And I sure do accuse you a lot less of lying than you do me. And often enough without proper evidence. "

    If I have accused you of lying . . . without justification . . . why did YOU not raise the matter there?

    At what instance have I called you a liar – without justification . . . prove it?

    Else this too is another accusation that is a lie!

    How strange . . . deliberately lying to Muslims doesn't seem to matter to you!

    So why do you accuse me so much without justification . . . .

    and whenver i raise an objection . . . why do you never give me the relevant proof?

    hence your accusation are lies .. . . if they weren't – you would have PROOF?

    – – –

    What do you think I am . . "stupid".

  134. aminriadh says:

    But this is a ridiculous point to raise . . . especially as I have even clarified it. Yet you repeat the stupidity.

    – – –

    "But you don't do that because you see Quran-Sahih Hadith-Sira, or big parts of them, as divine revelation. "

    How do you know I do not . . . see – one more to the count – something you could not or avoided to answer.

    How lame . . .

    The VERY fact I read criticism against Quran and Islam shows I am applying these "critical standard" [s].

    Or is it something else you mean by:

    "critical standard"

    – – –

    What is this:

    "critical standard"

    Do explain.

  135. Demsci says:

    "''''I am here on sites such as these – reading and responding to all criticism against Quran . . . and not just here . . . .but works of "actual" academics . . . Wasborough, Noldeke Schaht and what not . . "

    Yeah, and I admire you for it. But I was talking about you applying the same critical standard to Quran-Sahih Hadith-Sira as to all these academics. But you don't do that because you see Quran-Sahih Hadith-Sira, or big parts of them, as divine revelation.

  136. Demsci says:

    " huh? This is ridiculous thing to say . . . . so are you saying it is perfectly acceptable to make up lies about Islam?"

    Noooooo! Isn't that begging the question? Are you referring to "taqqiya"?!

    No, I am saying that in conversation and debate to beforehand forgive possible small lies, or possible ignorance, incorrect beliefs, prejudices and see what others say as different opinions. I do not mean to deliberately make false statements, tell blatant factual lies. Somewhere there must be a border. It's not so black and white. And of course we should always use single standards for both sides. And I sure do accuse you a lot less of lying than you do me. And often enough without proper evidence.

  137. Demsci says:

    Correction "And I also can deny"''''' must be:
    And I also can declare repeatedly"

  138. Demsci says:

    "'You come out with such nonsense – to pretend that you have answered . . . yet you write realms . . . but do not answer what I asked . . "

    This is another strawman fallacy of you. I so many times wrote that I did not see the obligation to answer everything you wrote about and I freely admitted that I had not. Also I pointed out often that it is you who refuse to recognize my way of answering, dismissing it. I think you are a manipulator and I also can for ever deny that YOUR answers were non-existent or rants or evasive or non-relevant or lies etc. I think it simply is not up to you give verdicts like you do. What you say is only your opinion, you assuming the are anything more is sheer arrogance.

    No, perhaps it is more important that we focus on our respective ultimate goals and contents of what we say, on what we can agree, on what we agree to disagree.

  139. Demsci says:

    "See – how you actually avoid answering the question . . . and go off on your own rants . . . which usually have nothing to do with what you set out to answer".

    No, this is very important CONTEXT. Which is a very popular defensetactic by Muslims, so please use a single standard in the context-respect.

    "'That is BS and you know it too. HOw is your pathetic supporting a TROLL like "Julia" . . .. advocating a "better" or "truer" way of life . . . . "''

    Well, this is even more important CONTEXT which I ask you to respect, as we are asked by Muslims to respect their context-defense. There are obviously OTHER religions/ ways of life than the Islamic one, in many parts and details. Ali Sina, Julia and I are all atheists. As are Richard Dawking, Sam Harris and many other writers I simply adore.

    Again and again many counter-jihadists tell Muslims they are not against Muslims but against Islam. And the reason IMO is that of course people like to promote their religion/ way of life and yes, to demote the competition. But under honest circumstances, like freedom of speech, no violence or inciting to it, using reason and argue etc.

    But oh, you do not understand or are not prepared to recognize that in this CONTEXT of course I support Ali Sina and Julia and other posters and of course I oppose you, a champion of Islam. No, all you (claim to) see is BS, pathetic, Troll. Prejudiced much?

  140. Demsci says:

    No, that is not quite true, Aminriadh. It is thus a strawman fallacy of you. You who so easily accuse others of lying clearly are lying here. Or at the very least show poor understanding of what I wrote.

    I never admitted that ALL Julia does (here) is insult. I only admitted that she does insult and yes, I called that effective. But I think that very often she has very good points and yes, and at times she wins over you, like with the Alif Lam Meem-issue.

    And by saying that "there are no readers that are convinced by you" you clearly go out on a limb. This you cannot back up by proof. Readers can well be convinced without them expressing that explicitly. And there are many posts of Julia that get lots of "likes".

    Any way, a lot of readers here occasionally say the same things and are on her side, so why would they NOT be convinced by her?

  141. rembrandt_gg says:

    "Sina has no evidence. "…what would you accept as evidence when you see one ? How do you come to the conclusion that there is no evidence ? If Quran/Sira/Tabari cannot be an evidence against mohammad, then what can ?

    "As there is extreme hatred in YOUR heart – which is clearly evidenced by your thinking. "

    whats your evidence ? How come this is not redherring ?..

    and how come you are clear about Dr Sina's thinking when you cannot see the evidence presented in the form of verses from quran. Are you denying that such verses exist in the quran ? If you are not denying that aspect then are you denying the meaning of the verses in the quran ?

    what does it matter that there is hate in Dr Sina's heart when his claims are answered with hate and ill will or not answered at all?

    "You do not have any concept of what spirituality is and isn't. You claim to be an "atheist" . . . yet endorse Christianity with ridiculous praise. "
    This is only a refurbished muslim claim "You don;t know what Islam is about …"
    How can you say ? Did you even read the article ?
    Why do you even care about spirituality when you are arguing for a practice that kills the very same spirituality ?

    Isn't Islam a theology, a political system, a human cleanliness system?

    If you claim that we non muslims/anti-islamists are hate mongers, why do you yourself show your dis-like for chrisitanity ?

    "Your narcissist claim is a ridiculous drama"
    Do your counter arguments of denying everything that is said via quran looks very sincere and than his claims look ridiculous ?

    If its so ridiculous, why are you muslims so bothered ?

    To borrow your own term "When you are cornered – you spout nonsensical insults. "

    Why do you do that ? Can't you see Islam is a lie ? What is more evident than the book on which this sham is based ?
    Just because many people follow a lie, how can it be made true ?

    I used to doubt if you are another of the 'marufs' level intelligent being and this statement of yours
    "You articles are childish, full of errors and fallacious logic. You cannot and do not defend them – yet repeat constantly. "
    confirmed it for me..

    Here is marufs performance… http://alisina.org/blog/2011/07/28/what-if-god-ex
    That guy never took an answer. If someone posted a reply, he will post another to that reply..

    You comments are childish denials, full of rhetorical questions and redherrings

    Redherrings such as the one you asked me "why do you call ali sina as Dr Sina ? "..ans: how does it matter ? will it absolve mohammad of this mental disorder ? Will mohammad become innocent, healthy, and a spiritual person through all his acts mentioned in the sirat ?. You cannot and do not defend his actions- yet repeatedly argue for them ?. Or, are you denying altogether that you were arguing for Islam ?

    Childish…How do you categorize it as childish, when his english is correct. and what is the fallacy in the logic that you see ?

    If "Mohammad is the last prophet from Allah" is the cornerstone of your logic…then how can an all powerful, all knowing, all wise allah end his guidance to the mankind when properly guided mankind can be still more valuable in praising allah ? Why does allah want to be praised ? is there someone else he is competing against in the universe he created ? and How is that allah is only a 'he' and not an eunuch ?

  142. aminriadh says:

    "Why was Allah giving blessing to Mohammed? Whatever Mohammed did because Allah awarded him strength and intellect for that? Why credit to Mohammed."

    This doesn't make sense . . . re-phrase.

    – – –

    "Why does Allah want other people pray for mohammed? "

    Allah doesn't.

    – – –

    "Mohammed believed in Allah because he learnt directly from angle and allah to do that. Had angle come to me, I also would have believed in Allah. Why not prophet taught me directly as he taught arabs in 7th century."

    huh? Really? Because he passed away. . .

    – – –

    " I do not want to learn from Muslims but directly from the prophet as the Arab people learnt in 7th century. Why not Allah saved the revelation sent in my country languages? Why favoritism only to Arabs? "

    How does sending his final messenger to the Arab necessarily favour them? Because an unbelieving Arab would have no more merit than other unbelievers that are not Arab.

    Similarly a believer that is Arab has no merit over non-Arabs.

  143. aminriadh says:

    "Muslims did NOT ALWAYS this to be th case, even your own fake prophet made (see above) a distinction between SALAT (prayer) and BARAKA ( blessing). "

    Here is the lie;

    "SALAT (prayer) " . . . but this is translation in English . . . . which doesn't equal to what the distinction is . . . . this NOT the Arabic meanings . . .

    Something which Shamoun left out . . .

    The distinction IS NOT IN ENGLISH – But in Arabic. . . .

    Which does not exist in English – so the convenient word is "Pray" – however this does not equal to pray in the conventional meaning of praying to a deity. . . . else why is the Allah praying on everyone?

    As shown in the example usage:

    "اللهم صلى على ال ابى اوفى"

    Oh Allah bless the family of Aboo-Owfa – or have mercy upon him.

    – – –


    Clearly NOT . . . . see if you had BOTHERED to read what I have ALREADY posted on this matter – you might have formulated a better argument.

    I repeatedly point out – you are NOT able to do this . . . . hence why you end up swearing and insulting.

    I have ALREADY pointed out uses of this sentence structure being applied . . . other than Prophet Muhammad.

  144. aminriadh says:

    Again – deceptive use Qadi Iyad . . . and his Shifa . . . Rather than pasting quotes from the actual book – which Shamoun is capable of doing . . . he uses translations . . . . even then picking out one's which support his stance . . . but conveniently leaving out the one's that don't.

    How devious!

    – – –

    Read – form the same Shifa:

    اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ، اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ، اللَّهُمَّ وَتَرَحَّمْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا تَرَحَّمْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ، اللَّهُمَّ وَتَحَنَّنْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ، كَمَا تَحَنَّنْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إنك حميد مجيد، وسلم على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما سلمت عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ «1»

    In particular:

    صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

    So this "prayer" wasn't limited on prophet Muhammad only . . . and spreads to Abraham and his family/clan.

    I have already pointed this out to you . . . . previously that according to Lane's Lexicon:

    This formula/sentence structure is used

    "اللهم صلى على ال ابى اوفى"

    Oh Allah bless the family of Aboo-Owfa – or have mercy upon him.

    Hence this was used ordinarily – Shamoun seems to have left this out . . . . conveniently.

    – – –

  145. aminriadh says:

    More simply copying and pasting . . . without making any argument.

    – – –

    " translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley [Madinah Press, Inverness, Scotland, U.K. 1991; "

    This is translation . . . .NOT words of Shifa of Qadi Iyyad . . . I have already pointed the problem of this above.

    Even Shamoun concedes inadvertently – Muslims have never taken the word Sala, in this instance to mean "praying".

    – – –

  146. aminriadh says:

    " Using the words of Sam Shamoun , I say to AminRAT: "

    Well given you don't have any of yours that are NOT swears, insults and strange rants. . .

    – – –

    ""Allah makes the merit of His Prophet clear by first PRAYING blessing on Himself,"

    Try reading this again . . . what is the point of pasting his words . . . what argument are you making?

    "Praying blessing" i.e. not praying in the sense of "praying" to a deity – that is what praying is.

    Also . . . if you look at the Arabic of the thing it probably says "Sala" – which conveniently . . . the original author missed out.

    Also reading further on. . . .

    "His slaves to pray blessing and peace on him as well."

    This further indicates . . . . this does not equal "pray" as in the conventional sense . . .

    Hence why in this situation – Sala does NOT equal to praying. And that is why why Muslims do not equate it – and have never done so.

  147. Julia says:

    To AminRAT.
    You wrote: "This is crux of the matter . . . . doh! So if Muslims have ALWAYS understood this to be the case . . . then that is the meaning of the word. . . "
    Muslims did NOT ALWAYS this to be th case, even your own fake prophet made (see above) a distinction between SALAT (prayer) and BARAKA ( blessing).
    Reference: (Qadi 'Iyad Musa al-Yahsubi, Muhammad Messenger of Allah (Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad), translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley [Madinah Press, Inverness, Scotland, U.K. 1991; third reprint, paperback] ).

  148. Sanatan Dharma says:

    Why was Allah giving blessing to Mohammed? Whatever Mohammed did because Allah awarded him strength and intellect for that? Why credit to Mohammed. Why does Allah want other people pray for mohammed? Mohammed believed in Allah because he learnt directly from angle and allah to do that. Had angle come to me, I also would have believed in Allah. Why not prophet taught me directly as he taught arabs in 7th century. I do not want to learn from Muslims but directly from the prophet as the Arab people learnt in 7th century. Why not Allah saved the revelation sent in my country languages? Why favoritism only to Arabs?

  149. Julia says:

    “Salama al-Kindi said: ‘Ali used to teach us the prayer on the Prophet as follows: ‘O Allah, the One who spread out the flat expanses and created the heavens! Bestow YOUR NOBLE PRAYERS, Your increasing blessing and the compassion of Your tenderness upon Muhammad…’”
    "‘Ali also said about the prayer on the prophet in the ayat, ‘Allah and his angels pray on the Prophet’ (33:56) ‘At your service and obedience, my Lord. The PRAYERS OF Allah, the good and Merciful, the near angels, the true ones, the martyrs, the salihun, and anything that glorifies You, O Lord of the worlds, be upon Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah…’” (Ibid., Section 4: Concerning the manner of doing the prayer on the Prophet and asking for peace for him, p. 257; capital and underline emphasis ours). HEREAFTER COMES YOUR QUOTE ,AMIN !

  150. Joe says:


    thank you..

  151. Julia says:

    To AminRAT, about Allah praying to himself and Mohammed : http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/re
    QUOTE:“The Prophet made a DISTINCTION BETWEEN SALAT (prayer) AND BARAKA (blessing) in the hadith in which he taught about making the prayer on him. THIS INDICATES THAT THEY HAVE TWO SEPARATE MEANINGS.” (Ibid., Part Two. Concerning the rights which people owe the Prophet, Chapter Four: The Prayer On The Prophet And Asking Peace For Him, And The Obligation Of Doing It And Its Excellence, Section 1: The meaning of the prayer on the Prophet, p. 250; bold emphasis ours). TO BE CONTINUED>

  152. Julia says:

    Quote ( http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/re… ):
    “It is said that ‘they pray’ means they invoke blessing (baraka). However, when the Prophet taught people the prayer on himself, HE MADE A DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE WORD SALAT (PRAYER) AND BARAKA (BLESSING) . We will return to the meaning of the prayer on him later.” (Qadi 'Iyad Musa al-Yahsubi, Muhammad Messenger of Allah (Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad), translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley [Madinah Press, Inverness, Scotland, U.K. 1991; third reprint, paperback], Part One. Allah’s great estimation of the worth of His Prophet expressed in both word and action, Chapter One: Allah’s Praise Of Him And His Great Esteem For Him, Section 8: Concerning Allah instructing His creation to say the prayer on the Prophet, His protecting him and removing the punishment because of him, p. 25; bold emphasis ours). TO BE CONTINUED.

  153. Julia says:

    Using the words of Sam Shamoun , I say to AminRAT:
    Had you actually bothered reading all the articles you would have seen that Allah’s salah cannot mean his blessings, a fact which is even admitted by your own Muslim authorities : "Allah makes the merit of His Prophet clear by first PRAYING blessing on Himself, and then by the prayer of the angels, and then by commanding His slaves to pray blessing and peace on him as well. Abu Bakr ibn Furak related that one of the 'ulama interpreted the words of the Prophet, ‘The coolness of my eye is in the prayer,’ AS MEANING ALLAH'S PRAYER , that of the angels and that of his community in response to Allah's command until the Day of Rising. The prayer of angels and men is supplication for him AND THAT OF ALLAH IS MERCY. "
    To be continued.

  154. aminriadh says:

    Repetition of the above.

  155. aminriadh says:

    And . . . what has this got to do with the above?

    – – –

    Who ever is claiming these . . . .hey – pick a fight with them. How does this relate to the above?

  156. aminriadh says:

    " Both sides lie; the Muslims & Islam-apologists as well as the counterjihadists. Sociologist Dan Ariely wrote that all humans lie. Most people I know admit that they lie at times. "

    We are not talking about "general" everyday lies here . . . . but deliberate and specific lies that are there to intentionally mislead people.

    – – –

    "Perhaps we should be more forgiving about lies and treat what others present as opinions."

    huh? This is ridiculous thing to say . . . . so are you saying it is perfectly acceptable to make up lies about Islam?

    Just because something is "opinion" – if it is or based on lies – then it wrong, misleading. . . and dangerous . . .

    How can you . . . . someone who is advocating "lying" – ever reach the truth?

    – – –

    "And perhaps we should agree to disagree. Like you and KnowTheEnemy about whether or not the Islamic holy texts refer to a flat earth. I think what you present here is only an opinion on that and what he says too. "

    But I don't present an Opinion . . . . but "factual" information – backed up with er. . . . "EVIDENCE"

    – – –

    "Of course you too allow much lower standards, than you use against Ali Sina and like-mindeds, for Quran and Sahih Hadith. We never see you use your high standards on those holy texts. You only defend their "Possible Truth" by refuting the criticisms on them with all your might. "

    huh? are you for serious . . . . when you say this:

    "Of course you too allow much lower standards" – evidence? Or are you making up things again?

    – – –

    "We never see you use your high standards on those holy texts."

    How do you know? Evidence?

    – – –

    "You only defend their "Possible Truth" by refuting the criticisms on them with all your might. "

    Doh? Hence you refute your own words . . . . which means I DO the exact opposite of what you claim. Evidence? What you claim above.

    Refuting criticism especially in the form of outright lies . . . . and deliberate misleads IS applying

    – – –

    The above is perfect example – regarding Flat Earth . .. "KnowTheEnemy" set out to claim that Quran – Explicitly – says a flat earth . . .

    It turned out Quran didn't . . . he even admitted as much. Then shifted his position to that Quran "implies" – yet under questioning – he couldn't defend his position . . .

    but held on that Quran advocates a flat earth. It is really simple . . . . where? Evidence?

    – – –

    "Because you consider them divine revelations and as such incontrovertible. Muslims even claim Allah himself, through Gabriel, spoke the Quran-words literally. And you have never distanced yourself from that. "


    " Muslims even claim Allah himself, through Gabriel, spoke the Quran-words literally."

    Where have you heard this . . . references?

    – – –

    "And the question passes my mind whether you do not do Allah injustice, insult him, by applying high standards to his opponents but only low standards and not those higher ones to his WORDS. "

    But this is something you made up . . . you don't know? Else where is evidence for claiming such thing?

    – – –

    "And if you did not consider the holy texts, especially Quran, a divine revelation, then YOU would be wide open for the judgement of using double standards, hence being hypocritical. "

    He he – ha ha ha . . . you really should have thought this through . . . . before leveling such a petty and wrong accusation.

    I am here on sites such as these – reading and responding to all criticism against Quran . . . and not just here . . . .but works of "actual" academics . . . Wasborough, Noldeke Schaht and what not . . .

    Hence I am applying judgment . . . the VERY fact I read, respond and find no credible critism is EVIDENCE right here . . .

    See – what I mean . . . . when I point out your deliberate lies . . .

    It was "stupid" to defend lying wasn't it. Just as stupid when you advocated your support of "insulting and swearing".

    You could NOT defend that . . . . and you cannot defend this.

    "Lying" is wrong. Perhaps not to you . . . as you point out often . . . you live by different standards . . .

  157. aminriadh says:

    "I want us to COMPARE, "theories" about religion/ lifestyle. Somewhere, somehow in our lives there is a first encounter with religion/ way of life. And it is OK that we accept it as truth and best practice. But then, in our hopefully long lives, contradictions, in other "theories/ beliefs" to our first beliefs occur. "

    What is all this about . . . see why pretend this is in answer to anything I have said . . . .when it clearly isn't.

    You come out with such nonsense – to pretend that you have answered . . . yet you write realms . . . but do not answer what I asked . . . .

    If you are NOT going to d that. . . then this pretense of answering is a form of lying.

    – – –

    "which in a way is leading to the conclusion that "the theory, belief, opinion" being false, left us with no additional knowledge, and we still do not know what the truth is about the matter". This seems to be how you react to Ali Sina's theories constantly. "

    No I don't – this is your little meaningless invention. . . . it has NOTHING to do with reality. . .

    I clearly point out all the mistakes and errors . . . and sometimes deliberate "lies" – when I have the evidence.

    Pretending otherwise . . . . isn't going to do you much good.

    – – – –

    "Your position that I have "no answers" to your "theories" I counter with;"

    See – what you here label as "theories" are straight forward questions. . . . your whole way of labeling and pretending they are something else . . .in itself I find devious and more excuses to avoid answering.

    – – –

    " Sometimes I may not have or give them, OK. But I do not see the obligation/ necessity to give them for everything all the time. You do'n't have that obligation and there is LOT that you don't answer to me too. "

    You are one lying and devious person . . . . I have in the past asked you outright .. . . . what is it of yours I have failed to answer . . . . give it to me clearly – I will answer.

    Yet you haven't and didn't – so why trot out this lies once again?

    – – – –

    "LOT that you don't answer to me too."

    I am going to ask again . . . what is it that I have NOT answered . . . ?

    – – –

    "Often I do present answers to my best ability and then you dismiss them, with all sorts of negative comments. And that you call answers, but they are very rude and lazy and incomplete answers. "

    Once again . .. this is a "lying" accusation . . . you have repeated it once again . . . .

    Prove it . . . else ONCE more you are clearly lying outright. Why?

    You are turning out ot be one disgusting liar . . . . why?

    – – –

    "And I all the time, explicitly or implicitly refer to the multiple sources on Alisina.org/ FFI/ Jihad Watch/ Islam Watch and such, which I do consider good solid sources, and mostly unchallenged (or challenged, but with the challenges satisfactory refuted). Which you and any visitor can examine, as much as they like, preferably with as open a mind as they can achieve. So I feel my conclusions are justified and backed up plenty. Even if you don't. "

    What the hell are you talking about? What is this in answer to?

    this website and FFI have multiple articles that are lies . . . . and full of lies . . .

    So which articles have you referred to?

    I am PERFECTLY happy to go through this with you . . . . . yet YOU are the one that avoids it.

    Then you level LYING accusations at me . . . .

    Show me the instances . . . . when you have referred to articles on this site?

    – – – –

  158. aminriadh says:

    "You wrote: "That it is "THE CONTENT" that falls short. . . ".

    Re: As I see it, starting point of the discussion here is Islamic religion, holy texts, Muhammad. This is what Ali Sina criticizes in all it's aspects and consequences. Often very harshly. "

    See – how you actually avoid answering the question . . . and go off on your own rants . . . which usually have nothing to do with what you set out to answer.

    – – –

    "You are a dedicated follower of Islam, an Islam-apologist, and you criticize him. You cannot be an independent observer and judge. You show this by constantly calling Ali Sina's main motive (and that of the people who agree with him): Hate against Islam AND Muslims, and what he is doing you call hate-mongering. "

    Yet I point out SPECIFIC examples . . . . hence there is EVIDENCE there to point out what is HATE MONGERING.

    – – –

    "But IMO, Ali Sina and like-mindeds can have a different way of life/ religion than Muslims "

    Talk about POINTING the bloody obvious. . . . what has this got to do with anything . . . .

    – – – –

    "and desire that a big mankind takes a truer en more beneficial path concerning way of life/ religion than Islam. "

    That is BS and you know it too. HOw is your pathetic supporting a TROLL like "Julia" . . .. advocating a "better" or "truer" way of life . . . .

    If you way of life is full of lies, hate and insults . . . . you need help! Serious help!

    – – – –

    "And under liberal democratic values and rules it is only very legitimate and logical that Ali Sina + like-mindeds try to let their way win and Islam's way lose. Under a few conditions, that it is non-violent and not violence-inciting and such. And of course allowing Muslims the same rights as they claim. "

    Again . . . this has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with anything . . . . you rant and rave – in order to avoid answering.

    – – –

    "But since you NEVER to my knowledge bother to admit it when Ali Sina + like-mindeds are right or having a respectable motive or speaking sense, "

    That is the WHOLE point – When is SINA right . . .. you point it out.
    And why is it you think . . . I should be pointing out when Sina is right?

    What is he "right" about . . . . do point it out . . .

    As per usual – you wont answer this. . .

    – – – –

    "it seems that you are only here to judge them negatively, to negate their influence Thus it seems almost as if your motto is: If Ali Sina or like-mindeds declare something, they must be wrong, must have lied. And only then you seem to set out on an effort to prove this prejudice/ bias. "

    Ha ha – how DEVIOUS . . . . no sonny – I point out EXACTLY what the lie is . . . just like I point out your lies and hypocrisy . . .

    Something which you don't speak about and constantly avoid . . . . but like above skirt around the issue.

    – – –

    "Just as you accuse Ali Sina and like-mindeds of prejudice, bias against Islam. He at least compared himself to a prosecutor, prosecuting Islam, together with his like-mindeds, and he sees Muslims coming here as the defenders of Islam. Then he wants to let the readers be the judge and jury.

    Again . . . a ridiculous and fallacious point to make . . . Sina does not even know how basics of law and order work . .. . I went through this with him once . . . he didn't know how the police work.

    However . . . . you claim:

    "Then he wants to let the readers be the judge and jury. "

    But where are these "Independent, partial and neutral" . .. readers? Do point them out.

    And what has this all to do with what I actually asked . . . . what about all the lying? How carefully you have avoided to answer this in your ranting and raving.

    – – –


  159. Serpent says:

    PS – I don't hate atheists or atheism but I refuse to be bullied by them,so I give them a taste of their own medicine occasionally.Atheist bullies' strength lies in their misconception that they're in an unattackable position.

  160. Serpent says:

    That's funny coz I made a similar video.Why atheists are embarrassed by Soviet atrocities?

    [youtube WI6bLyBE3CE&feature=channel&list=UL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI6bLyBE3CE&feature=channel&list=UL youtube]

  161. Demsci says:

    Both sides lie; the Muslims & Islam-apologists as well as the counterjihadists. Sociologist Dan Ariely wrote that all humans lie. Most people I know admit that they lie at times.

    Perhaps we should be more forgiving about lies and treat what others present as opinions. And perhaps we should agree to disagree. Like you and KnowTheEnemy about whether or not the Islamic holy texts refer to a flat earth. I think what you present here is only an opinion on that and what he says too.

    I admire your scientific way of thinking and the standards you hold up and I learn from a lot from it, even if in the way of being chastised. But that stimulates my thinking.

    But even among the many academics I regularly meet there are very few that hold others up to these standards. Which means they constantly allow lower standards to others and respond to them with respect and reason.

    Of course you too allow much lower standards, than you use against Ali Sina and like-mindeds, for Quran and Sahih Hadith. We never see you use your high standards on those holy texts. You only defend their "Possible Truth" by refuting the criticisms on them with all your might.

    Because you consider them divine revelations and as such incontrovertible. Muslims even claim Allah himself, through Gabriel, spoke the Quran-words literally. And you have never distanced yourself from that.

    And the question passes my mind whether you do not do Allah injustice, insult him, by applying high standards to his opponents but only low standards and not those higher ones to his WORDS.

    And if you did not consider the holy texts, especially Quran, a divine revelation, then YOU would be wide open for the judgement of using double standards, hence being hypocritical.

  162. Demsci says:

    Aminriadh, you responded to me, now I respond to you. So I do not feel obliged to answer ALL what you wrote, but only some of it.

    You wrote: "That it is "THE CONTENT" that falls short. . . ".

    Re: As I see it, starting point of the discussion here is Islamic religion, holy texts, Muhammad. This is what Ali Sina criticizes in all it's aspects and consequences. Often very harshly.

    You are a dedicated follower of Islam, an Islam-apologist, and you criticize him. You cannot be an independent observer and judge. You show this by constantly calling Ali Sina's main motive (and that of the people who agree with him): Hate against Islam AND Muslims, and what he is doing you call hate-mongering.

    But IMO, Ali Sina and like-mindeds can have a different way of life/ religion than Muslims

    and desire that a big mankind takes a truer en more beneficial path concerning way of life/ religion than Islam.

    And under liberal democratic values and rules it is only very legitimate and logical that Ali Sina + like-mindeds try to let their way win and Islam's way lose. Under a few conditions, that it is non-violent and not violence-inciting and such. And of course allowing Muslims the same rights as they claim.

    But since you NEVER to my knowledge bother to admit it when Ali Sina + like-mindeds are right or having a respectable motive or speaking sense,

    it seems that you are only here to judge them negatively, to negate their influence Thus it seems almost as if your motto is: If Ali Sina or like-mindeds declare something, they must be wrong, must have lied. And only then you seem to set out on an effort to prove this prejudice/ bias.

    Just as you accuse Ali Sina and like-mindeds of prejudice, bias against Islam. He at least compared himself to a prosecutor, prosecuting Islam, together with his like-mindeds, and he sees Muslims coming here as the defenders of Islam. Then he wants to let the readers be the judge and jury.

    I want us to COMPARE, "theories" about religion/ lifestyle. Somewhere, somehow in our lives there is a first encounter with religion/ way of life. And it is OK that we accept it as truth and best practice. But then, in our hopefully long lives, contradictions, in other "theories/ beliefs" to our first beliefs occur.

    And then IMO we should compare as much as we can; our original beliefs and the new contradictions and on an ongoing lifelong basis we should try to choose the truest and the best beliefs over it's weaker competitors. Or best parts of several available "theories/ beliefs".

    I object to reacting to "theories" about religions/ way of life in a way that only make them seem negative, in your way of only refuting :"theories/ beliefs/ opinions" and declaring them invalid and bullshit and such,

    which in a way is leading to the conclusion that "the theory, belief, opinion" being false, left us with no additional knowledge, and we still do not know what the truth is about the matter". This seems to be how you react to Ali Sina's theories constantly.

    No, my position that it is better that we COMPARE all sorts
    "'theories" and beliefs and choose the best of them brought up and judged and often liked, by as humans as possible, focusing on the contents, not the messengers. And nowadays there are so many bright thinking people, who enjoy thinking and talking. And IMO innovation is a great of engine of progress, so openmindedness to new, other ideas is highly important.

    Your position that I have "no answers" to your "theories" I counter with;
    – Sometimes I may not have or give them, OK. But I do not see the obligation/ necessity to give them for everything all the time. You do'n't have that obligation and there is LOT that you don't answer to me too.
    – Often I do present answers to my best ability and then you dismiss them, with all sorts of negative comments. And that you call answers, but they are very rude and lazy and incomplete answers.
    – And I all the time, explicitly or implicitly refer to the multiple sources on Alisina.org/ FFI/ Jihad Watch/ Islam Watch and such, which I do consider good solid sources, and mostly unchallenged (or challenged, but with the challenges satisfactory refuted). Which you and any visitor can examine, as much as they like, preferably with as open a mind as they can achieve. So I feel my conclusions are justified and backed up plenty. Even if you don't.

    I can see the negative implications of the terms "anti-Islamist" and "counter-jihadists". But in order to name a certain big existing group with certain intentions, these terms serve a good purpose in discussions about Islam and suffice I think.

  163. vijay says:

    With the mercy of Allah, mind is free from agony of due to tension. Person becomes saintly.

  164. Rainbow says:

    Even the most stupid person on earth can sense
    how evasive and unrealistic your answer is

    Find some one else to cheat.

  165. Rainbow says:

    Also, there are varitey of reason for why some people choose lonliness other
    than contemplation and narcissism. Some of them are shy and withdrawn,
    some others lack self confidence, some are afraid of others and don't trust
    them, and some are simply like to be alone.

  166. Rainbow says:

    Well, how about: Person A claims that the sun goes around the earth,
    and Person B says it is just the opposite.
    Obviously, Person B can prove his point scientifically,
    while Person A says: God says that the sun goes around
    the earth, and this is the proof.

  167. Rainbow says:

    Well, how about: Person A claims that the sun goes around the earth,
    and Person B says it is just the opposite.
    Obviously, Person B can prove his point scientifically,
    while Person A says: God says that the sun goes around
    the earth, and this is the proof.

  168. Rainbow says:

    By the way, it is not hate of Christianity that made me post these
    videos……..I just want to say that all religions are scary and myths.

  169. Rainbow says:

    The most scary thing about Islam is killing the apostates….this point is very
    clear in the law of that religion. But to be honest, there are thousands and
    thousands of Muslims who left Islam and embraced other religions or
    became atheists, yet I haven't heard of any of them being killed. Even in
    Saudi Arabia, there is an Atheists League who are demanding their rights
    of freedom of faith….also, didn't hear that they chopped off their heads. I follow
    these news closely.

  170. aminriadh says:

    "Lexicons such as Hans Wehr do give “blessings” as one of the meanings of the noun, although they fail to provide any examples of such a usage. Similarly, Lane’s dictionary says whenever a human salla ala another human, it means to pray for him, but when God is the subject, it means to bless or magnify, although he gives no justification for this interpretation beyond the fact that this is what Muslims understand it to mean. "

    This is crux of the matter . . . . doh! So if Muslims have ALWAYS understood this to be the case . . . then that is the meaning of the word. . .

    however . . . "he gives no justification for this interpretation beyond the fact that this is what Muslims understand it to mean"

    This NOT true – I have already pointed this out to you . . . with examples from Lanes Lexicon

    – – –

    "This next one is particularly interesting:

    “Ibn Mas'ud used to say, ‘When you bless the Prophet, then make the prayer on him excellent. You do not know; perhaps it will be shown to him. Say, “O Allah, bestow YOUR PRAYERS, Your MERCY and Your BLESSING on the Master of the Messengers, the Imam of the God-fearing, the Leader of the Good and the Messenger of Mercy.”’” (Ibid., p. 258; underline and capital emphasis ours)

    Here we see the words prayers, mercy and blessing being used together in the same sentence, which therefore conclusively proves that they do not have the same meaning. "

    Here is another fallacious and ridiculous argument . . . it doesn't conclusively prove that Baraka and Sala have different meanings here. Because of this:

    "‘When you bless the Prophet, then make the prayer on him excellent."

    One wonders . . . if the author even bothered to actually read . . . or was he in such haste to condemn.

  171. aminriadh says:

    I "won" before I even started . . . yes I am that good. Hence you are such a babbling wreck . . .

    Ban once more for being so bad?

  172. Julia says:

    YOU have won Aminriadh…I am a muslim now !
    I will not ridicule you anymore .

  173. aminriadh says:

    Talk about ridiculous and inappropriate responses . . . pity the word "populair" isn't in the dictionary.

  174. Julia says:

    You are very populair Amin ! Hahahahahahaaaa!!!!

  175. aminriadh says:

    Thinking is never really your strong point is it . . . lets face that is why you fill so much of your post with absolute meaningless Insults – Childish name calling . . . when cornered – you simply start ranting and swearing. Even Sina banned you . . .

    See how you write . . . when you take off that ridiculous persona.

    – – –

    "So your Allah is illogical too according to you?"

    It doesn't work this way . . . . let us say . .. . you take offense from these "alleged" insults of Quran. . . . and call them wrong. So why would you treat your "opponents" to the exact same thing which you are decrying? Which makes it hypocritical and illogical thing to do.

    If "swearing" to you is so wrong . . . why then swear?

    – – –

    "Allah in your Quran calls the non-muslims fuel for hell-fire"

    Try to be exact by giving references . . . according to Muslims – hell isn't Just reserved for non-Muslims.

    – – –

    "swines an apes"

    This is not aimed at non Muslims in general – else point it out.

    – – –

    "and he orders muslims to fight "

    And to make peace with those who live in peace . . . . why miss that out?

    – – –

  176. aminriadh says:

    Oh dear . . . response of the intelligent ones is it.

    – – –

    "Read the quran and the sunna for once , and think about what is said about non-muslims and WHY.
    That's all. "

    Yet I went through this with you . . . once.

    What happened – it was all happening in your head. . . . . hence why you never bothered to go back to it!

    And this is why you come up with such responses . . .

    or go looking for material to post from hate sites.

  177. aminriadh says:

    " Man,if you weren't such a liar Aminriadh, and not so evil I would pity you ! "

    How unoriginal . . . more copying! If I am such a liar . . . then you would have no problem pointing out a few choice example of my lies . . . something which you are constantly unable to do. Whenever you level this accusation at me.

    Hence this accusation in itself is a lie from you . . . else prove some lies!

    – – –

    Right – here is why you are not very bright, intelligent or sophisticated.

    ""We do not know exactly the grand total of Mohammed’s wives but we know that at one stage he had nine of them. We also know that each of Mohammed’s wives had her own house, maids and slaves.""

    See – Sina has read such BS and has pasted it up as his own . . . something which he regularly does – rather than coming up with his own original material.

    What you obviously have missed is . . . where are sources of such claims? References?

    – – –

    Isn't this "Sala" all over? When you did the same thing. . . . posted up lying material – which you knew nothing about – but quickly got from a quickie Google search. . . then you got your arse handed to you.

    – – –
    "DO RESPOND on these articles and don't only call them only stupid, unintelligent, silly or whatever), give proofs. Don't avoid answering THIS TIME ! "

    Another lie . . . an easy and open lie . . . where is this previous time . . . where?

    – – –

    "DO RESPOND on these articles and don't only call them only stupid, unintelligent, silly or whatever), give proofs."

    So what arguments . . . are these "articles" making . . . why don't you express it in your own words . . . rather than posting up other people work and then asking for "responses"

    I am glad . . . at least you have learned your lesson from Sala – and are no longer pretending that you have

    – – –

    All this article alleges is how possibly "prophet and his followers made a living in Medina".

    "Of course your evil fake prophet was very rich , first by marriage and later by looting . "

    What in about 13 years? Proof? Why this doesn't work is . . . it is allegations only. The author does not bother to explore any counter arguments . . . so what about the sources that claim Prophet Muhammad lived simply . . .? If he cannot negate them . . . then presenting one sided material is an informal logical fallacy.

  178. aminriadh says:

    You get such pathetic responses from this troll.

    Probably Sina letting off steam . . . a way to channel his hate, perhaps?

  179. aminriadh says:

    "This is your point that Dr Sina is talking about… Isnt it a point ?"

    This is simply your interpretation – it is NOT necessary that this is what Sina is talking about.

    You refer to him as "Dr" – why? What subject does he have Doctorate from? And which University?

    – – –

    "Muslims have no conscience and therefor don't know what is shame. "

    This is wrong, disgusting, devious, hateful and a lie. Hence why I decry him as nothing more than a hate monger . . . and why his claim he hates Islam only . . . is a lie. There are few such pronouncement from him.

    – – –

    "What can any anti-islamist here say to you ? "

    Don't kid yourself . . . this is devious label. What is an "anti-Islamist"?

  180. Julia says:

    So your Allah is illogical too according to you? Allah in your Quran calls the non-muslims fuel for hell-fire, the most vile of animals, swines an apes, and he orders muslims to fight .Do you think non-muslims find this funny?
    Do you think this is very logical?

  181. Julia says:

    Read the quran and the sunna for once , and think about what is said about non-muslims and WHY.
    That's all.

  182. Julia says:

    A "smart"muslim ! Hahahahahaaaaaaa!
    What the hell are you blabbering?

  183. rembrandt_gg says:

    You, think ??

  184. vijay says:

    I was reply to brother Abdu Rasol for his asking Dr Sina to prevent people from insulting Islamic holy people and rituals.

  185. Julia says:

    Man,if you weren't such a liar Aminriadh, and not so evil I would pity you !
    Of course your evil fake prophet was very rich , first by marriage and later by looting .
    Read this: http://mukto-mona.com/wordpress/?p=753
    Here is a little quote: "We do not know exactly the grand total of Mohammed’s wives but we know that at one stage he had nine of them. We also know that each of Mohammed’s wives had her own house, maids and slaves."
    And read this: http://www.islam-watch.org/Logical/Allah-make-War
    I know you will fulminate: this is an islamophobic (whatever this means) site.
    But the references in this article are from your own scripture .
    DO RESPOND on these articles and don't only call them only stupid, unintelligent, silly or whatever), give proofs. Don't avoid answering THIS TIME !

  186. rembrandt_gg says:

    "Also our own relligion was v naive in thinking that all relligions r but different paths of reaching the same God"…
    But Islam masqueraded as a 'religion', when in reality it was to capture lands, riches and slaves. Thats why you were deceived. A Criminals deliberately look for openings in the defenses of their victims. If the victim wisens up to one method, they try other methods.. Nice of you not to curse Indian/Hindoos.
    Now that you know islam is not a religion/spiritual path at all, send this information to friends and family…

  187. rembrandt_gg says:

    You mentioned "People's definition is dependent on their culture, beliefs, society, morality personal ethics and etc. Hence can be variable. What is shameful to one society may not be to other. " regarding definition of shame…
    This is your point that Dr Sina is talking about… Isnt it a point ? If not why are you writing anything at all ?
    So Ali Sina is saying to the effect of "as you say, every culture has varied definition of shame " and he gives his view of muslim shame..
    you are denying it.. What can any anti-islamist here say to you ?

    This is what he said:
    ""Muslims have no conscience and therefor don't know what is shame. Their morality is very skewed. They feel shame if someone looks at their daughter or wife and want to kill that person but don't have any shame in committing crimes against humanity. "

  188. gms says:

    To julia
    1-can you prove that Julia exist?
    2_It is irrelevant you call Him whatever is in your language
    3-If there is such a thing as a god than can only be one.

  189. gms says:

    Do you mean that hurting and insulting Muslim (as your idol Ali sina does) is a very logical thing to do?

  190. aminriadh says:

    "had Guru Nanak come across Ali Sina and realized the truth about Islam, "

    Right . . . so Guru Nanak – who was fairly intelligent is somehow subjugated to likes of Sina!

    Wow! I take it you aren't a Sikh then . . . Hindu?

    – – –

    If Sina has realized the truth . . . . why does he rely on so much "lying"

    As do you . . . how many times I have repeatedly exposed your lies . . . for example Quran and Flat Earth . . .

    Do you have an answer?

    Nope . . . yet motivated by HATE . . . . you still hold on to something deepn in your heart you know is a perfect lie.

    – – –

  191. gms says:

    to Ali Sina,
    I read some of your "debates" with so called muslims Scholars.If they really took place I must say it was more of a exchange of irrationality from your part than anything else. By the way did you not admit to me some time ago that you were a liar?

  192. aminriadh says:

    More nonsense as usual . . . once a troll always a troll. Oh dear . . . why are you struggling to answer so much. . . why all the nonsense and insults?

  193. aminriadh says:

    "I see you are angry with me , Aminriadh . But I don't haunt you (nor this site,of course), perhaps an evil Jinn does !! "

    More of the same . . . this rubbish – simply repeated. How original!

    – – –

    "Is it because you could not answer my questions ? "

    This is an open lie . . . see how shamelessly you lie. Oh dear . . . which questions. . . you haven't got any.

    See what i did to you and many of your dramas . . . Sala, this Alif Lam Mim nonsense. . . .

    Hence why you swear so much . . . . else you have NOTHING to say.

    – – –

    "You know the questions about Alif,Lam,Meem et… and the Black Stone idol…and about Allah praying to Mohammed ? "

    Which I answered . . . the thing is – you could not think up of any counter arguments . . . hence you just left swears and insults.

    Even your master Sina banned you for it. How humiliating!

    – – –

    "Perhaps I can help you a bit with this by saying that NO MUSLIM know the answers and NO MUSLIM can explain this CRAP of Mohammed.
    So don't be TOO sad ! Bye !! "

    See – same meaningless rubbish . . . . you repeat this over and over. As you have nothing else to say other than making up complete lies and insults.

    – – –

    How clever and intelligent. . . .

  194. aminriadh says:

    "You don't even know what quotations marks mean anymore. "

    Evidently a stupid thing to say . . . and meaningless.

    – – –

    "It was your backward muslimbtother Empty Head { } (see above !) who called it a debate.
    And I ridiculed him about it !!! "

    huh? Are you a sane person . . . who writes like this? Did you ever finish school. On this evidence . . . . I think not.

    – – –

    "And it WAS YOU who had to answer MY question about ALI,LAM,MEEM and the other questions ,but you clearly could not."

    More lying . . . I answered everything and in detail . . . you are the one still unable to handle it – hence hiding behind insults . . . and this poor excuse of writing style.

    – – –

    " You are completely confused.!!! What a foolish MOHAMMEDAN you are !!! Muslims always cry that they have won while they are beated ! (Look at the crazy Palestinians right now, they think they win every time too. These poor bastards are being used by the rest of you evil muslim crappers!!) "

    Oh dear . . . . a six year old has better standard of discourse than this, surely! Ha ha . . . .not even your lone supporter calls you "intelligent" anymore.

    A bit easy to see why.

    You got banned for writing such petty messages. Once again it is the same thing. . . .just repeated over and over.

    Oh look how smart you are! You ain't got no argument other than swearing and insulting.

    – – –

    Try naming me one person who has been convinced by this?

  195. Julia says:

    I see you are angry with me , Aminriadh . But I don't haunt you (nor this site,of course), perhaps an evil Jinn does !!
    Is it because you could not answer my questions ?
    You know the questions about Alif,Lam,Meem et… and the Black Stone idol…and about Allah praying to Mohammed ?
    Perhaps I can help you a bit with this by saying that NO MUSLIM know the answers and NO MUSLIM can explain this CRAP of Mohammed.
    So don't be TOO sad ! Bye !!

  196. Julia says:

    You have really lost your mind now! I like that very much !!!

  197. Julia says:

    You ARE ridiculous EVIL TAQIYYA MUSLIM. You don't even know what quotations marks mean anymore. So ANGRY and OBSET are you ! Hahahaha!!
    It was your backward muslimbtother Empty Head { } (see above !) who called it a debate.
    And I ridiculed him about it !!!
    And it WAS YOU who had to answer MY question about ALI,LAM,MEEM and the other questions ,but you clearly could not. You are completely confused.!!! What a foolish MOHAMMEDAN you are !!! Muslims always cry that they have won while they are beated ! (Look at the crazy Palestinians right now, they think they win every time too. These poor bastards are being used by the rest of you evil muslim crappers!!)

  198. aminriadh says:

    Oh look – the intelligent one . . . . what a load of nonsense . . . you have trouble stringing a coherent sentence together.

    If you are so intelligent . . . why is it you are having such trouble?

    Ha ha . . . why resort to nonsensical insults?

    – – –

    Ah . . . 1. Because you are brainwashed – which you regularly provide evidence for. And the above above in itself is evidence.

    2. You are a hate monger . . . spewing hate. That is why your fellow non-Muslims term you as "troll"

    You are that VILE even Sina banned you twice!

    – – –

    You are THAT unoriginal – you repeat this nonsense over and over and over . . . .

  199. aminriadh says:

    See – these are the people who will claim . . .we hate Islam and not Muslims. . . . .

    Well – that is so obviously a lie!

    The only one spouting hate to this extreme is only people like "denial" and Julia and Sina . . . and etc.


  200. aminriadh says:

    This is nonsense . . . . and meaningless.

    " {alif lam meem , quran is clear, rest of the verse } = quran "

    What is this?

  201. aminriadh says:

    "Check current police records in India,"

    Right . . . and where are these records . . . your words imply that you have looked at them . . . so share or else this is a lie. Which I suspect it is.

  202. aminriadh says:

    " Very good point Amin, "

    What is? Here is your deviousness . . . not "point" is mentioned . . . pretend it is something your are answering of mine. Why all the lying . . . . no shame?

    – – –

    "Muslims have no conscience and therefor don't know what is shame. Their morality is very skewed. They feel shame if someone looks at their daughter or wife and want to kill that person but don't have any shame in committing crimes against humanity. "

    This is nonsense . . . . pity you didn't stop think about it . .. . when spewing hate:

    What is "shame" then . . let us hear you definition.

    – – –

    "shame in committing crimes against humanity. "

    Again – just remain vague . . as long as the bile is anti-Muslim then it will get swallowed up by the braying crowd.

    – – –

    I don't if this version of Sina is the same one as the other person . . . but this is EVIDENCE that you do not just hate Islam but Muslims also. . . .

  203. aminriadh says:

    "He respected Muslims because he thought Sufis were the real Muslims. He didn't know that it is the Taliban kind who are true Muslims. "

    Here is the absolute ridiculousness of your thought process. So by what measure and standard are the Taliban true Muslims?

    Nanak – unlike you knew about Islam far more than you do.

    – – – –

    "Can you tell me what influence Islam had on him… besides making him averse to idol-worship? "

    No mean feat!

  204. Sakat says:

    Answer mr ali to sam ,stock of things will come next .

  205. Julia says:

    You are desperate EVIL TAQIYYA MUSLIM AminRAT.
    No sane person believes you muslims.
    Pray to your EVIL IDOL the fake god Allah to help you ,LIKE THIS: "OH ALLAH PLEASE STOP MY HUMILIATION BY THESE DIRTY UNBELIEVERS !!! ALIF,LAM MEEM !!!" Hahahaha!
    WHERE is the SPRINGof your Allah on these pictures? Where is the MUD ? WHERE is the muddy spring? Is your Allah crazy or was it your backward prophet.??? You made the LIE even bigger with your link.
    I think the mud is in your EYES ! HAHAHAHA !!

  206. aminriadh says:

    "I see that you are are very,very frustrated, EVIL TAQIYYA MUSLIM AminRAT !
    That is a good sign. THÁT is exactly what I wanted."

    You have been claiming this type of nonsense EVE before I responded to you . . . hence that is EVIDENCE of its meaninglessness.

    – – –

    "It means your feel belittled and humiliated."

    Oh . . . but you have said far worse. . . the thing is – only YOU think if you claim things like this – it will give you credence. However – the only credence is on merit.

    See that is why you are a hate monger . . . and I am not. i do NOT wish to belittle or humiliate you . . . whatsoever.

    This is the difference . . . between such a dark hear full of hate and me. You said it – not me . . . it is from your own words. Hence why you are such a good troll.

    Your own non-Muslims term you as such . . .

    – – –

    Which you severely lack . . . even a child can communicate more effectively, with better English, more succinctly and form better arguments.

    Doesn't it occur to you . . . . that it is OBVIOUS you will claim such things . . . . hence why you need to give evidence to back such claims up.

    – – –

    (Remember Q 9:29 and the tafsir about it ?) Why else such a long "answer". "

    This doesn't mean anything . . . . nonsense.

    – – –

    "By the way , you did not refute the article of Sam Shamoun (my last reaction on "sala")."

    He he . . . . I refuted EVERYTHING that I came across. . . . see – none of them are your arguments . . . they are other people's. Yet initially – you lied about this . . . hence why I was able to expose you so effectively.

    You pretended all sorts . . . first it was Botros – you praised him sky high as being your top scholar . . . that fell flat . . .

    – – –

    "Incl ALL the links and references !!! Because you can not ! "

    But this is EXACTLY why you are such a brainwashed person . . . presume even before an answer . . . you have you mind made up. And that is illogical and dogmatic and the very DEFINITION of being brainwashed.

    I do not wish to humiliate you whatsoever . . . but you let your own self down badly.

    – – –

    "It is funny though though to see how you every time do exactly as I want you to do ! "

    Ha ha . . . by exposing you so effectively? Why is it it is ONLY afterwards . . . you claim this . . . .why not before? Then afterwards you make up ludicrous statements . . . which even your "supporters" do not support.

    – – –

    "That is because you are stuck with your brainwashed way of thinking !! YEP ! "

    See how nonsensical this is . . . . they are mere statements.

  207. aminriadh says:

    "Oh …yes ,about Alif, Lam ,Meem and all that CRAZY stuff in your EVIL quran:
    You "Explanation" of this nonsense was , that it means SOMETING for sure but you muslims don't know what ! HAHAHA !!! Now THÁT is some explanation !! "

    Yes it is . . . and it is a very good explanation. The thing is – you do not have an answer. You cannot engage in an argument/debate. . . hence you resort to insulting.

    – – –

    "And then of course the question why the SILLY "black STONE " IDOL is still in/on the Kaaba. It was because it came from Adam and from heaven and er ….er…it is respected by muslims , because er…er… YES …that's it.BECAUSE it is just a PAGAN stone IDOL, but the muslims still respect it, because er..er… HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! "

    But this is your nonsense . . . read your own words back to yourself . . . you are that poor – you cannot even effectively communicate.

    Which sane person writes like that? Never mind any great signs of intelligence . . . the above is simply nonsense.

    – – –

    "THANK YOU Amin-RAT for these great "EXPLANATIONS". You can be proud of yourself. I'm completely convinced, and i think ALL readers are !! Stupid muslim KID ! "

    Ha ha . . . but there ARE no readers that are convinced by you . . . else name them?

    Not even your one lone supporter Demsci is. . . . in the end even he admitted . . . all you do is insult. And he called this effective.

    – – –

    Look at what you write. . . ."Stupid muslim KID ! ", "because er..er… HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! "

    Things like that are nonsense. . . hence why you swear and insult so much . . .

  208. aminriadh says:

    " The greatest saint of Islam was Rumi and he too was an ignoramus. He was a great poet, but not an enlightened one. I wrote about him here."

    Again – more BS and made up rubbish . . . . Rumi was undoubtedly a great Islamic saint . . . .but no one in Islam really calls him the "greatest". There are many people considered above him. His own teacher for example. Ibn Arabi, Soharwardi, Abdul Qadir Jilani . . . to name a few.

    See for his use – he has made Rumi out to be the "greatest". He knows the name . . . Rumi is popular . . . so he doesn't have to do much work.

    – – –

    His reading of Rumi is nonsensical and rather silly. . . . http://alisina.org/blog/2012/08/03/the-place-of-w

    – – –

    "It is funny that Muslims contradict themselves so easily without even noticing. In the same sentence they claimed Muhammad was poor and wore torn and old cloths and also admit that he had several slaves. How can a poor person own several slaves? Muslims are incapable of thinking about simple things like this."

    This is funny. It is ridiculous to the extent that it beggars belief. It is idiotic, devious, lying, wrong, fallacious . . . irrational. The assumption and the implication that . . . . "Muslims" so idiotic and stupid – if this isn't "hate" then what is.

    Does he for one moment REALLY think – it is really that simple? I doubt it. . . . this is to fuel hatred . . . deep hatred.

    Anyone can work this out . . .

    Prophet Muhammad was born into the ruling class but as an Orphan Child – so he did not start off with much wealth. He married Khadijah – who was relatively rich. But this material wealth was lost during Hijrah. He struggled to establish a parallel society from the age of 50-63. So which great wealth did he amass? He only started to preach Islam at the age of 40 and lived until 63.

    There is difference between living in "poverty". If Prophet Muhammad had chosen – he could have easily lived the life of luxury . . . no Muslims disputes this . . . but he chose to live in relative poverty. This established Muslim concept of "Faqar" – which became a stalwart basis of Sufism. To live as simply as possible – with as little material possessions.

    See – the thing is he doesn't really know much about Islam – and he cannot be BOTHERED to learn it . . . hence whenever he goes into details . . . he falters – even on basics . . . he doesn't know much about islam and Sufism . . .hence it is really easy to denounce Islam – and like of Rumi as they are too well known to ignore.

    Yet it is Sina who contradicts himself . . . on this point. Wouldn't it simply have been counter productive is prophet Muhammad lived in luxury? See his story often changes regarding Prophet Muhammad. Sometimes . . . he is someone blending so many medieval myths effectively -Other times he is termed as "uneducated" and what not. Sometime he is hood winking other times he is living in luxury. . .

    – – –

    This leads on to more of his lying . . . . such as this:

    "There are no spiritual saints in Islam. These people Muslims call saint are a bunch of charlatans. I cannot show you the dead ones, but I can show you the ones that are living, "

    Proof? None given – whatsoever . . . so why would his words have any credence? See – Rumi is famous for his poetry . . . . hence he could not ignore this . . . .

    Yet there have been literally thousand upon thousands of Muslims who have followed a spiritual path of Sufism . . . . all he has is mere nonsensical claims. Beyond that – nothing . . . .

    – – –

    " He had wasted the wealth of Khadijah and had become penny-less again."

    More lying . . . .not a single source or reference.

    – – –

    He goes in this way . . . . that is all his articles are filled with . . . . challenge him – he will NOT respond. When he does . . . on rare occasions . . . well – see the results . . . he resort to insulting.

    – – –

  209. Slave of prophet says:

    Yes, it is true prophet every act was according to Quranic verses.I can not compete with him. He was a prophet but I am just follower/slave of him. He was owner, I am servant.

  210. vijay says:

    I hope that you will agree that Prophet PBKUH followed Holy Kuran more then yourself. As per Ahel Sunnat , out of 72 sects, only one will get paradise, who copies the deeds of Prophet PBUH.

  211. Julia says:

    Oh …yes ,about Alif, Lam ,Meem and all that CRAZY stuff in your EVIL quran:
    You "Explanation" of this nonsense was , that it means SOMETING for sure but you muslims don't know what ! HAHAHA !!! Now THÁT is some explanation !!
    And then of course the question why the SILLY "black STONE " IDOL is still in/on the Kaaba. It was because it came from Adam and from heaven and er ….er…it is respected by muslims , because er…er… YES …that's it.BECAUSE it is just a PAGAN stone IDOL, but the muslims still respect it, because er..er… HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
    THANK YOU Amin-RAT for these great "EXPLANATIONS". You can be proud of yourself. I'm completely convinced, and i think ALL readers are !! Stupid muslim KID !

  212. Julia says:

    I see that you are are very,very frustrated, EVIL TAQIYYA MUSLIM AminRAT !
    That is a good sign. THÁT is exactly what I wanted. It means your feel belittled and humiliated.(Remember Q 9:29 and the tafsir about it ?) Why else such a long "answer".
    Again you walked right into the trap…And I warned you ! 🙂 How stupid can you be ?
    Only a brainwshed muslim who thinks he is one of " the best of creation" can be so haughty and arrogant. I see you start "laughing" too now… A PAINFUL LAUGH ! HA!
    Oh…It is you who needs support . I have the TRUTH, that is enough for me 🙂
    By the way , you did not refute the article of Sam Shamoun (my last reaction on "sala"). http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/re
    Incl ALL the links and references !!! Because you can not !
    It is funny though though to see how you every time do exactly as I want you to do !
    That is because you are stuck with your brainwashed way of thinking !! YEP ! 🙂

  213. aminriadh says:

    No one discusses the Bullshit Sina comes out with . . . .this is a nonsensical article – his articles so often are . . . when challenged – he doesn't respond. . . .

    So which alleged debates has been winning?

    – – –

    "Muhammad left a huge amount of wealth behind. Where do you think the entire wealth of the Bani Nadir and Fadak went? It all went to him. Twenty percent of all the loot became his personal property. Tabari counts the wealth of Muhammad after his death."

    Sources? No references given – brief mention of Tabari – yet no reference. . . . What kind BS of rationality is this?

    – – –

    "A hadith tells us that in one occasion Aisha manumitted 40 of her slaves as expiation for breaching an oath. How many slaves she had to afford manumitting 40 in one day? Aisha was only one of Muhammad several wives."

    Proof? What Hadith – where is the reference?

    – – – –

    "The Shiite/ Sunni divide was caused over Fadak, a town Muhammad took as his personal property after he raided Khaybar. When he died, his daughter Fatima claimed the town is her inheritance and should be given to her. Abu Bakr objected and said everything Muhammad owned belongs to Baitulmal. This created a rift between Ali, Fatima’s husband and Abu Bakr that eventually divided Islam in two sects."

    More guff – Sina blends truth and lies effectively. . . . this alleged rift is non-existent. As Ali still worked for Abu Bakr and For Umar and Othman too.

    – – –

    "He had hundreds of camels, horses and a lot of equipment of war and tremendous amount of money that he had looted from his victims."

    Sina knows that Muslims read this site . . . so where are his references . . . . this kind of nonsense – blending of lies and truth – it impresses his fellow haters and nothing more.

    – – –

  214. Slave of prophet says:

    I am not prophet. I am following my prophet order. As a muslim it is my duty to fight against non-believers until they accept Islam.
    As prophet (SAW) ordered his followers
    Quran (2:244) – "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

  215. aminriadh says:

    "How can you prove Islam is true when even your prophet was unable to do it?"

    Evidence? When all points to the contrary – given the successful rise of Islam.

    – – –

    "When challenged he either said you are ignorant, dumb, deaf and blind and avoided debating or challenged them to mubahila, a cursing competition. "


    – – –

    Sina comes out with such nonsense on regular basis – when challenged he disappears. . . see what happens when he does stay. . . . recent "humiliations" . . . .?

  216. vijay says:

    Are you not saintly brother ? By this statement you want to say that you are not following the Sunnat ?

  217. aminriadh says:

    "You walked right into my "Sala"-trap. Thát was a nice Taqiyya trick , wasn't it? Or do you still not get it?"

    So now that you know that you lost . . . and badly . . . hence you have found a new excuse. Now you claim it was trick!

    Ha ha ha hah ah ah a . . . . so it was a "trick" that all you lies were laid bare . . . . you mean I guessed correctly – that you have read fallacious one sided material . . . and that that you don't really know what you are talking about.

    You ended up "humiliating" yourself with idiotic and nonsensical lies . . . .

    Why did you claim to check in the dictionary . . . . when you are unable to do so . . .your self and you did not do it?

    Even to your best supporter – this is a lame excuse for losing so badly!

    – – –

    "And that "Alif,Lam, Meem"-debacle , remember?"

    He he – another ridiculous "argument" . .. but it was NOT an argument was it. At least for Sala you found someone other material . . . this you invented. And it was silly nonsense.

    The funny thing is . . . it became obvious you could not respond . . .

    – – –

    " And the black-stone Idol crap of yours? "

    Ha ha – see how you lie? The "crap" was all yours – you brought it up . . . and then it all fell to pieces . . . hence you started to swear and insult and nothing more.

    – – –

    "Was it painful the humiliation ? I hope so ! It was a very good lesson for you. Many readers have seen that and were enjoying your defeat ! "

    Ha ha ha – another cheap lie. . . . ask your supported Demsci – even HE will say you lost!

    And as indicated by Sina . . . . EVEN HE agrees you are just a troll.

    Oh dear . . . did he not ban you twice? Why – if you are such a big supporter of his?

    Why if you are so intelligent . . . . why do you get er . . . . "banned"?

    Look – THAT is proof that you lost . . . and NOT just merely me saying it . . . your OWN SIDE does not like you – or tolerate you much

    – – –

    Oh dear . . . . how empty your words must sound to you. . . . .

    – – –

    "silly diversions and taqiyya"

    So what is your excuse for "lying". . . . why all the lies about Sala? Where are they now?

    Ha ha ha ha . . . . see even your own side DOES NOT support you. That is what true humiliation is . . .

  218. vijay says:

    by reading books and following other humans ? or by surrender to the God ? Is it not under the God to chose people? May be people who still do not understand the wali and his master have been sent agony.

  219. aminriadh says:

    This is praise indeed!

    "He even tried to debate Ali Sina and was humiliated of course"

    And this is highest of praises . . . anyone who Sin claimed to have "humiliated" – instantly leads me to believe he was the one who came off looking worst. Why?

    He made such claims against me . . . dear me – I challenged even these. . . . . reply? Ah . . . that he couldn't.

    See – he makes such pathetic accusations when backed . . .

    – – –

    You my dearest are nothing more than a Net Troll – Even Sina agrees!

  220. aminriadh says:

    Well intentioned sentiments . . . why don't you setup a site and refute him anyway. Irrespective of whether he "debates" you or not. Let us see the quality of your arguments. If you are good – then you will find supporters aplenty. Also then you might be able to force his hand to respond.

    – – –

    " Their all debates are fake to cheat the people."

    You will need evidence to prove the alleged cheating.

    – – –

    "Ali Sina is funded by Hindu, Buddhist and other non-Muslim people. "

    Again – you need to support such arguments especially if you make such certain statements. Don't get me wrong . . . I make such accusations my self. However suppositions at best.

    His hypocritical support for "right wing Christianity" for example . . .

    But such accusations are are common on both side and don't mean much by themselves – unless you have proof.

  221. Julia says:

    Dear Rainbow.
    I can see that you don't like Christianity ( nor other religions for that matter).
    I am an atheist too , so I can understand you. But let us here concentrate on the main enemy : EVIL ISLAM.
    Islam is by far the most evil and dangerous of ALL cults. If we are divided ,we are less strong .
    ISLAM IS PURE EVIL. THEREFORE IT MUST BE DESTROYED. And I am sure that it will be destroyed, by spreading the truth about it .
    Keep on fighting the most vile enemy: ISLAM !!
    Thanks !!

  222. Slave of prophet says:

    Bro, I have challenged to Ali Sina & its companion to have debate with me to prove Islam is false. But they are not accepting my invitation to till date. They know they can not prove islam to be false before the muslim scholars. Their all debates are fake to cheat the people. They are self proclaimed scholar. Ali Sina is funded by Hindu, Buddhist and other non-Muslim people.

  223. aminriadh says:

    "Let us say person A puts himself inside a well and person B is standing on the ground. Then person A challenged person B to throw stones at each other. Who do you think will win? Strength does not matter here. It is the position that matters. "

    Yet it isn't a good analogy. . . .

    For example Person A can have better aim, more strength .. . . and many other factor. Person A could be lot smarter.

    It is NOT necessary ., . . . that just because someone is at a disadvantaged position – that they will necessary lose.

    Hence the above analogy is logically pretty fallacious.

    – – –

    If only you had thought it through – rather than ass-licking!

  224. aminriadh says:

    "And that therefore Aminriadh is ONLY taking positions of lying by Ali sina and posters, or their basic inability to really know anything or much without sufficient evidence"

    It is ONLY your words – that you win. And OBVIOUS you will claim this. Doh?

    See – it doesn't really matter to you – whether you win or lose – you seek the credibility.

    – – –

    "Muslims have placed themselves inside a deep well. Any child can stone them to defeat, "

    Then why do you struggle so desperately! Weren't you even recently "humiliated"?

    – – –

    See – no one here bothers to discuss you or your "idotic" articles . . . but slate Islam.

    – – –

    Hence your awkward lies . . . for example you question Muslims about your book – yet when I said go right ahead . . . then you claimed – you have to "think" up the question.

    An idiotic and nonsensical lie!

    – – –

    Hence this is why – you regularly claim against Muslim posters that they are "humiliated" on this site . . .

    I am here . . . . so where is it that you have er. . . . humiliated me?

    I will show you the reverse!

  225. aminriadh says:

    "And that therefore Aminriadh is ONLY taking positions of lying by Ali sina and posters, or their basic inability to really know anything or much without sufficient evidence"

    This is lying BS – and deserved a separate post . . . Sina and You as well as KnowTheEnemy – make up things . . . in other words lies.

    Clear and obvious lies . . . You motivation IS hate . . .

    Hence why SIna has absolute ZERO standing or credibility – which he desperate craves by attempting to debate with Muslim of some note.

    – – –

    Look at how many lies KnowTheEnamy has made up . . . for example about the Flat Earth – yet EVERY TIME he mentions it . . . he falls flat.

    Yet he repeats the lies . . . over and over.


    – – –

    It is really really really simple.

    Why do you have to make up so many lies?

    This automatically shows – you have not even a grain of truth.

    – – –

    You will support ANYONE who is against Islam – and that IS ABSOLUTELY ridiculous . . . hence charge of "Hypocrisy" is leveled against you . . . which you cannot and have not been able to answer.

    Ask you to answer – you make up millions of excuses.

  226. Slave of prophet says:

    @To Ali Sina
    mubahila is not cursing completion but prayer to lord (Allah). To prove Islam is true, prophet (SAW) did miracles like breaking moon before the non-believers. Prophet did not debate with non-believers because a saintly person just preaches the truth not indulge in arguments. You call yourself follower of Buddha, but can you cite single instance where Buddha debated with non-believer in him.

  227. aminriadh says:

    Here are your lies and hypocrisy laid bare and open . . .

    "I. the position perhaps that whatever Ali Sina says must be untrue, because it is motivated by hate. But is it not better to look at the contents and not to judge the messenger too much? "

    Oh but dearest . . . . how do you lie? Would you not like me to show you . . . that it is "THE CONTENT" that falls short. . .

    Sina – is nothing more than a hate monger . . . if he REALLY had something to say . . . . why is that BADLY WRITTEN book being handed free?

    He could not eve find a publisher! In the time – when there are thousands of anti-Islamic books.

    It is badly written – The language is bad . . . it is strewn with ridiculous mistakes . . . I went through some Sina could not defend this pathetic book!

    His methodology I fully exposed as being bogus. . . . and completely fallacious. What did he do? Yep – petty insults.

    You even read those comments – had not to . . . . hence the above i call a lie.
    – – –

    "II. The position that without sufficient evidence we cannot know anything. But this is highly unsatisfactory for me since we humans now know so much more than our ancestors and are we then really supposed to be as un-knowing as them? "

    Meaningless BS. Doesn't relate to anything – or mean much.

    – – –

    "But to this position I would strongly object, because by and large we can say and show diverse alternative seemingly truer explanations of origines of Islam and also, albeit sometimes in vaque terms, better political systems and personal lifestyles than Islam offers. "

    He he . . . which ones and where? Why is it YOU ALWAYS FAIL AT ANSWERING THIS?

    I have asked you this many many many times . . . you always avoid answering.

    Which leads me to believe – you don't really have an answer. . . hence lying claims

    – – –

  228. aminriadh says:

    "Whether he is a 'approved' psychologist or not does NOT matter."

    That is a RIDICULOUS thing to say . . . . next time you are ill sonny – don't go to a doctor – but consult homeopathy! Why botther with expertise

    – – –

    "What matters is that his explanations make sense! "

    No they don't . . . else which one . . . name them – you make such claims . . . when i drill you down . .. . . you falter? Why is that?

    – – –

    " Lots of people visiting this site have enough worldly knowledge (regarding people) to know that his explanation of Muhammad's psychology is very likely to be the case with the 'prophet'. "

    Such as . . . . name one such imaginary person?

    You are definitely – by your own admission – not capable. People coming here like you – are out of hate . . . . decent people tend to leave sharpish . . . .

    Look around you . . . trolls like "Julia" haunt this site. . . .

    And the likes of you . . . one "boo" and you run off!

  229. Rainbow says:

    [youtube ySk8UTphqjI&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySk8UTphqjI&feature=relmfu youtube]

  230. aminriadh says:

    "Don't talk rubbish here but talk about how your sun can set in muddy water and your earth is flat."

    What Flat Earth? This is the thing – this happens repeatedly . . . people like you make such claims . . . . when challenged – it becomes OBVIOUS they do not know what they are talking about at all.

    All your info comes from reading fallacious material. Quran does not intimate a Flat Earth.

    – – –

    As for the sun setting in a muddy spring . . .

    This will make things a lot easier!

  231. aminriadh says:

    Quran does NOT advocate a Flat Earth . . . plain and simple.

  232. aminriadh says:

    "I say to you : "ALIF,LAM,MEEEEEEEEM". Soooo, this"debate" is won by the non-muslims. HAHAHA !"

    This is NOT even a debate – it is a ridiculous "something" that you raised – which EVEN you do not understand . . . furthermore you do not have the ability to understand answer . . . . hence why you resort to so much swearing.

    If you COULD answer – obviously you would have.

    Look around you – NO ONE supported you . . . or supports you.

    Even Demsci – dropped his earlier accolades of you some how being intelligent!

    – – –

    You are nothing more than a troll! But hey . . . Enjoy!

  233. Rainbow says:

    I think that before quran, the bible mentioned that the earth
    is flat, I think Mohammad learned this "fact" from the bible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALfBicCDRc

  234. pran says:

    So Brilliant explanation Mr.Ali Sina

  235. Rainbow says:

    Nothing….nothing..nothing…..if you have "nothing" to say,
    stop repeating my words…..Kido…

  236. darkfire316 says:

    Oh my God I love that analogy!

  237. Joe says:


    Prove it to this man.. Eldest son of a founder of Hamas.. yet another leader that tells the world that it is time to expose expose Mo as a criminal and a fraud.. I am sure that he knows much more about you about the quran and Islam..

    The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a charismatic founding member of Hamas, Mosab Yousef makes his newfound faith public and risks everything to expose the secrets of the extremist Islamic organization and reveals the amazing double life he lived trying to prevent the killing of innocents by working with Hamas’ enemies.

  238. Ali Sina says:

    How can you prove Islam is true when even your prophet was unable to do it? When challenged he either said you are ignorant, dumb, deaf and blind and avoided debating or challenged them to mubahila, a cursing competition.

  239. Ali Sina says:

    If that is your challenge, I surrender. Anyone can win when debating against Islam. The reason I win my debates with Muslims is not because I am smarter than them. It is because they are defending a indefensible argument. Muslims are in a no-win position.

    Let us say person A puts himself inside a well and person B is standing on the ground. Then person A challenged person B to throw stones at each other. Who do you think will win? Strength does not matter here. It is the position that matters.

    Muslims have placed themselves inside a deep well. Any child can stone them to defeat,

  240. Joe says:

    sad how the ism of nothing called atheism will admit to nothing..

    hold on i have a comedy show that will give me all the answers and i also have a pack of cornflakes too.. I see a name .. hmm "Stalin" a great athiest that banned all religions and also killed 25 million of his own people.. wow .. wheres Bill on this example?,

  241. Joe says:


    oh dear me? ..not a single point on topic, and you feel sorry? oh poor boy.. Thats what happened when your ism has no answers and believes in nothing.. to justify your poor little theory of nothing with nothing points..

    frankly, i feel sorry for you.

  242. Julia says:

    To Aminriadh.
    What do you think about this story of your prophet talking with Jinns ?
    Do you have some smart comments ? You are a "chosen one" ,"you belong to "the best of creation", is it not ? Do you agree with the Slave of prophet ? Do you believe in Jinns anyway. ? Can you prove their existence? If yes…do it please.
    Many questions so show us your inteligence. I'm not humiliating you this time ! Enlighten us.

  243. Julia says:

    Are you still feeling hurt AminRAT ?
    You walked right into my "Sala"-trap. Thát was a nice Taqiyya trick , wasn't it? Or do you still not get it? Ha ! How is it possible for you being one of "the best of creation" ?
    And that "Alif,Lam, Meem"-debacle , remember? And the black-stone Idol crap of yours?
    Was it painful the humiliation ? I hope so ! It was a very good lesson for you. Many readers have seen that and were enjoying your defeat !
    Now come on and prove the existence of your god Allah. Don't let us down with some silly diversions and taqiyya . Don't be shy !!!

  244. aminriadh says:

    "You and I hope that somehow young doubting Muslims start to think for themselves."

    Julia doesn't think anything of the sort . . . this is simply your disillusion and the sheer hypocrisy of it.

    Hence why you do EVERYTHING to avoid answering for it.

    – – –

  245. Serpent says:

    Jim Jones was not a devil worshipper but an atheist by his own admission,although there are satanic atheists who also do not believe in the supernatural.But that's another video.

    Atheist Hero Jim Jones poisoned more than 800 people to death not becuase of any supernatural promises (like eternal heaven) but rather as a protest against "injustice"

  246. Serpent says:

    (atheistcrimes is my you tube username)

    I'm sorry…but do atheist armies somehow have licence to commit atrocities during wartime?… and no one told me.

    Here's a little history lesson.During the same period,President Eisenhower (christian) sent his army (predominantly christian) to liberate the German people but no atrocities even closely similar to that of the red army's (atheist/agnostic) magnitude were ever reported.And those theists who were found violating any laws were prosecuted.

  247. Rainbow says:

    It is hard for me to believe that there is that much of ignorance
    and stupidity among the human race. Those are not atheists,
    those are the devil worshipers. Atheists don't believe in the devil
    and they worship no one.
    Any further discussion with a creature like you is just a waste
    of time and energy.

  248. Rainbow says:

    This is war, dummy

  249. Rainbow says:


    Although this video is humorous, but it will explain to you what
    I mean. You can search for more videos about the scandal
    of Ted Haggard, who was collecting the money of the Christians
    to save their soul !

  250. Rainbow says:

    [youtube qkWcT9CVOrs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkWcT9CVOrs youtube]

  251. Rainbow says:

    OH dear me! I am not sure whether you are that "difficult" or you pretend__to be just to tease others. You assumed that I am a Muslim because I__criticized Christianity, I then I asked you do you assume that Bill is __a muslim because he criticizes Christianity?__I criticized Islam as well, why you didn't call me a Jew or a Hindu?____Second: people like me never try to push their "beliefs" on others. They__just display the facts, and you can help yourself to take them or leave__them.____If you are not pretending, and if your reality is as your writings, then__frankly you make me feel sorry for you, because you sound naive,__very youthful and green….this world and its people have not yet played__their dirty games on you, therefore you think all things are pure, that's__why I feel sorry, it is likely that you will be shocked severly one day.

  252. Rainbow says:

    YES, in every person there is a good side and an evil side…..but
    these two vary from one person to another, if the evil is more and
    in control, that person is bad……and vice versa.
    The amount of evil in Hilter exceeds the good, thus he was evil,
    while the good in Buddha exceeds the evil, so he was good.
    It is impossible to find a pure evil person or a pure good one.
    The majority of people are neither good nor bad.

  253. AtheistCrimes says:

    ATHEIST MASS SUICIDE!!! An Atheist and his death cult [youtube hVIGTinS98Y&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVIGTinS98Y&feature=plcp youtube]

  254. AtheistCrimes says:

    Here's the video.

    Greatest Mass Rape in History = Atheist Crimes[youtube WkgQ1ADP0Ks&feature=channel&list=UL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkgQ1ADP0Ks&feature=channel&list=UL youtube]

  255. Atheistcrimes says:

    I'm amazed at the arrogance and yet STUPIDITY of atheists.They're quick to condemn the crimes committed in the name of christianity but they never ever admit the crimes committed in the name of atheism which is far worse and still continuing even today.

    Greatest Mass Rape in History = Atheistcrimes[youtube WkgQ1ADP0Ks&oref=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Datheistcrimes%26oq%3Datheistcrimes%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.3…67567.70989.0.71616.…0.0…1ac.1.nJSRXPOkTJc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkgQ1ADP0Ks&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Datheistcrimes%26oq%3Datheistcrimes%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.3…67567.70989.0.71616.…0.0…1ac.1.nJSRXPOkTJc youtube]

  256. Atheistcrimes says:

    I am an atheist."

    You seem proud of that

    [youtube 63zdL1S5qeY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63zdL1S5qeY youtube]

  257. Joe says:


    what are you talking about? what Logic? "all holy books contain good and bad"? and what exactly does that logic mean?

    I can say "All people are good and bad" ,, so is Hilter and buddha the same?

  258. Joe says:


    ok, good you seek the truth.. so do i

    Yes i am slow to make deductions, because i like to be sure of the facts.. If you have a problem with that, too bad.

    You may say you do not belong to a religion, but you do have your own beliefs which is your right and good on you.. But if you are going to push them on others just be prepared to be questioned and challenged. after all we are not all perfect.. IF you are dedicated to the truth then this will not bother you, because the truth will shine through all challenges.

    So first thing i would like to point out to you is "that you see things as you think they are and what you are capable of understanding" .. we all do

    As for Bill, he is just a man who has a television show.. so what.. does not make him an expert in anything.. and In my question to you, i asked :

    1/ "watch the attached video of his (Brevrik's) speech and find one mention of jesus.. just one.." ?
    2/ " please if you (@Rainbow) want to make a point, make it at least an informed one.. or maybe you (@Rainbow) are a muslim? "
    3/ Where exactly did i say Bill Maher is a muslim?

  259. Rainbow says:

    You need more details, I understand…..you are one of those who
    don't get a hint and very slow in drawing deductions.
    I do not support neither the Muslims nor the Christians nor
    any other religion in this world, and I am a friend of the truth
    only……again I see things exactly as they are.
    Bill Maher's father is a Catholic and his mother is a Jew…
    when he display facts about Christianity, do you call him a Muslim?
    Try to understand yourself first.

  260. Rainbow says:

    I am an atheist……shall I spell it to you ?

  261. Rainbow says:

    Honestly I give a damn if a fanatic understands or not,
    usually they are the ones who create excuses and
    beat about the bush…..the logicians are straight and to
    the point.

  262. Sam Sudhi says:

    I said do not jump into conclusion Ali ,Though born in India .I am living and a permanent resident in one of the beautiful and financially successful county in South East Asia ,and I earn in dollars not in rupees .You being an immigrant who is still carrying the balls of white people will only have such low inferiority complex and having difficulty in buying tickets to go back to your own country .The list of countries I visited in the last 2 years while on my job is more than you can imagine so stop blabbering about me and my ability .
    Come back to the point we are discussing and don't cry foul mouth when you fail .

  263. Joe says:


    sound like excuses to me.. how about you stick to the facts and provide evidence rather than rely on Bill Mahers tv crap..

    you are a muslim, tell me the truth

  264. Rainbow says:

    Pay attention to what I say: I meant that all "holy" books
    contain good things and evil things…….got that now?

  265. Joe says:


    lets stick to the facts.. I Like facts as they are real and it is what is real in life that i am interested in..

    1/ you say 25% of the world? 1.6 billion of 7 billion is 22.8%
    2/ Fastest growing religion? based on population growth only.. and you are ignoring that there are many msulims that are leaving islam.. they will just say it because they face death and persecution.
    3/ the vast majority of muslims (1.4 billion) are the poorest people in the world, and muslims are most like to suffer at the hands of other muslims on the planet and the vast majority of muslim countries have the poorest education and Muslim communities have the most serious violence all over the world.
    4/ Problem with Apostates is that they they have come to learn about Islam and then rejected it.. And they are able to give us all the reasons why, which is very inconvenient for those in islam that do not want to question and only want to submit.
    5. The fastest growing religion is Christianity in Africa .. This is easy to understand when you see that Love and truth brings people together creating a better world.

  266. Joe says:


    go on and provide some facts rather than your little opinion

  267. Joe says:


    Yes, good points First of all, do you realize that Jesus was crucified for attacking the old testament, a point that many Christians seem to forget, mainly because as humans we like to take the law into our own hands rather than trusting God.. So as far as Kings, Deuteronomy or Chronicles, they are historical and Jesus has said that He brings us the path to God..

    The "sword" that Jesus brings to the world is "Truth", and "Love"… This is the path to God. Does this make sense to you? that is, of course if God is what you seek?

    When Jesus was asked what are the greatest commandments before God.. Jesus leaves absolutely no doubt and makes it clear that all other laws and prophets are based on these two laws..

    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

  268. Joe says:


    i am asking if you are a muslim? once again detail is not of your strong points, is it?

  269. Joe says:

    please understand i am only interested in the truth. Anything else is a total waste of my time and life.. We never get our time back and i consider my time one of the most important thing in my life..

    I know i am not perfect, so forgive me if i make mistakes or am sometimes hostile.. I am only human.

    Brevrik may be been raised a christian, but i have not read in any of His transcripts that He kill people because Jesus said he should… In fact if Brevrik followed Jesus he would love his enemy.

    Brevrik attacked His own people because He considered them traitors to Norway, not a single muslim was attacked, did you notice?

  270. Rainbow says:

    To be fair, I know that thousands and thousands left Islam,
    but I haven't heard of any of them who was killed.

  271. Rainbow says:

    Will you also recite for him some nice verses from quran ?
    Just in a desperate attempt to make him understand.

  272. Rainbow says:

    Why are you silent now, Dr. Watson ?
    The cat ate your tongue ?

  273. Ali says:

    @Joe. You had no problems championing Mosab Hassan Yousef when slating Islam and being a representative of Islam? This was your argument when trying to convince everyone on here that Islam is a lie and will fall.

    By the same token, Andrew Breivik represents the Christian masses. He is a white Christian doing God's work. Breivik claimed that he is a Christian in various forums, but most explicitly and in greatest detail in the 1,500-page manifesto he compiled over several months and posted on the Internet.

    "At the age of 15 I chose to be baptised and confirmed in the Norwegian State Church," the 32-year-old Breivik wrote. "I consider myself to be 100 percent Christian."

    You can try and distant yourself from him as much as you want Joe, just like the Conservative pundits did who agree with his views, but the unfortunate reality is that Breivik is one of your own.

    Do the countless criminals who have gone to church or believe in Jesus immediately not count as Christians the minute they commit the crime? Of course not.

  274. Ali says:

    @Sam Pudhi.

    The only foolish people on here are you pagan nob gobblers.

    And as far as buying is concerned, I doubt it very much. Your rupees can barely get you a healthy meal per week. It's people like us that can buy your whole village and generations to come for over a century, with change left over. My toilet paper costs more than what you earn in a month. Even the taxes I pay my Government which in turn sends aid to your schit infested country is more than you can even dream of.

    If I were you, I'd stick to cleaning Julian the Tranny's butt hole as quite clearly you believe he is some Siberian Tigeress and are a@@ kissing him at every turn, despite being a dude packing a full piece. Leave the big stuff for the adults.

    Life's a biatch for some and I know……………………………. it sucks being you.


  275. Rainbow says:



    but that doesn't mean I do not agree with it.

  276. Rainbow says:

    If Bill Maher is a Muslim, I am one !

  277. vijay says:

    Please be aware of leftist impostors in Churches. I anyway liked the links.

  278. Sam Sudhi says:

    I have come across many foolish people ,but you are one of the worst I have come across .
    You might be a bloody immigrant who is still licking the balls of white people so shut up…and keep on licking or slurping the dik .
    Do not judge on others , one of the muzzi shabeer the crap & paste king thought I am a female ,so don't be a lizard brained muzzi and jump into conclusion .
    What is capable of me don't even think of..,for a start I can bloody buy you strip you naked and sell free to slave traders …. Idiot !

  279. Ali says:


    Mosab Hassan Yousef is no authority in Islam and never has been. He has been batting for Israel for years and now is a born again Christian living in the USA under the pretext of Political Asylum.

    I wonder why is it that anyone who reaches USA and denounces Islam as part of their deal to gain residency, starts to bad mouth Islam? You got Ali Sina albeit in Canada, Walid Shoebat, Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warraq, Nonie Darwish and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    The only thing these handful of apostates have in common is their chameleon like specialties where they can reinvent themselves in order to keep the dollars coming in and putting food on the table. You'll be surprised what people will do and say just to come and stay in the West!

    The problem here for the 'son of hamas' that you are championing Joe, is that Walid Shoebat and Mosab Hassan Yousef are now both professional rivals on the church pundit circuit. One is a threat to the other in the cash cow milking machine of the USA. Will this make a difference to Islam? Never.

    The problem with the apostates is that when one person leaves Islam and slates it, they are paraded around the media like they have just invented the cure for cancer and when millions of people embrace Islam, we just carry on living as normal and have no need to parade each and every person like the anti Muslims do.

    The fact is over 25% of the world's current population is Muslim and Islam is growing despite what you and the likes say. Like I said before, I will say again, all you guys can do is stand by the side lines and do nothing whilst the coach goes by.

    Islam is here forever and will be until the end of times. Accept it and the pain will be less for you. Otherwise keep barking like the rest of the Islamophobes hoping for the apple to drop from the tree, when clearly it won't. Not in your lifetime or any of your future generations life time.

  280. joe says:


    are you kidding? you want to take one person, Andy Brevrik, who is a miltary nationalist !

    sorry but you have no idea do you? why not look up what he calls himself .. a military nationalist! defending his country.. watch the attached video of his speech and find one mention of jesus.. just one.. please if you want to make a point, make it at least an informed one.. or maybe you are a muslim?

  281. joe says:

    @ Ali

    let me guess "Son of Hamas" who has studied the Quran much than us all, who has lived the llife of Jihad and who loves His country Palestine is not good enough ? especially when he says Mohammad is a fraud..

  282. Julia says:

    To the evil , retarded and brainwashed Mohammedan Ali(en) . Hihihihi…
    I can see how humiliated you feel.THÁT WAS MY GOAL! I like that ! The more you rant, the more you show how frustrated and furious you are . It shows clearly how evil, backward and uneducated you are.Perhaps I can convince you to blow yousself up ….for your vile fake god allah the figment of your crazy "prophet".
    So go on.! Do the best you can and come with more silly crap !!!
    Make the readers clear how "peaceful" and "civilised" you are ! HAHAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA!!! OUCH !!!!

  283. Rainbow says:

    [youtube IYs5wZowkPs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYs5wZowkPs&feature=related youtube]

  284. Joe says:

    Christ = Jesus = Love

    Jesus is the person called Christ and is the model christian.. and judge Jesus on what he was reported to have said and what he did..

    38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
    39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
    40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
    42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

    43 we have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
    44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
    45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
    46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
    47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
    48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

  285. Rainbow says:

    All religions are evil Hinduism too

    Watch this link for all the crimes against women in hindooism

  286. Serpent says:

    Not all christian sects believe in the eternal hell myth.Many bible translations don't mention it either.Evangelical fundamentalists are infamous for spreading that crap.

  287. Rainbow says:

    STOP THERE ! your bible is not any better that they quran.
    watch this video and learn how repulsive is the bible.
    You also is dellusioned. http://www.godisimaginary.com/video2.htm
    before you throw stones at the houses of others,
    make sure your house is not made of glass.

  288. Jimi says:

    I'm sure he jacked off in that cave.

  289. Rainbow says:

    A crow met another crow, he laughed at him
    and told him: Your face is black.

  290. Rainbow says:

    The original bible was not written in Arabic. When the Christians
    translated it to Arabic, they translated the word ""god" or "lord"
    or whatever, to "Allah", because this world mains god in Arabic.

  291. Joe says:

    Ali Ali Ali,

    Mosab Hassan Yousef (PUH) is a real man and a real leader.. This man will take Pallistine and will truly lead it against the isreali occupation .. Please with all respect neither you or i will save so many lives,,

    Have you even bothered to watch his talks.. are you afraid of what this great man has to say?

  292. Ali says:

    How about you talking on how many hand jobs Durgha can complete in one go Plain truth?

    Or how a human can have an elephants head or monkeys head.

    Or why the Hindu goddess Kali keeps sticking out her tongue? Is it because she doesn't like swallowing and prefers spitting?


  293. Ali says:


    Ahh yes, you mean Mosab Hassan Yousef, who worked for Israel as a spy and then ran to USA for political asylum and has since made more double agent comments rather than turncoat.

    And if this is the best you can do Joe, you should seriously consider a different hobby.

    I did tell you to stop clutching at straws and what do you do? Clutch at straws.

  294. Ali says:

    @Sam Sudhi.

    Let me guess? Hindu, right? (even if you deny, we know you are as we can smell the stench from here)

    When will you guys ever learn?

    By all means, you can attend the competition…………………….but hold on. That would mean getting a travel visa and paying for a plane ticket. Considering your monthly rupees cannot even get you adequate food in the house, you going to the UK is out the question. Stick to the cow herding god herding) as the cow is sacred to you dik worshippers.

    Moving onto Julianchandraguptavatiseetsherchopra. Of course he's got us all quaking in our boots. With the amount of dik sucking he does. we have to keep ourselves protected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  295. Julia says:

    It is about : Miscellaneous Questions. Didn't you even get this ??
    CHILDISH MOHAMMEDAN KID: "…and muslims haaaave woooon " !
    I say to you : "ALIF,LAM,MEEEEEEEEM". Soooo, this"debate" is won by the non-muslims. HAHAHA !

  296. Julia says:

    Hi Denialisnoproof.
    I think you are right. This EMPTY HEAD { }, is so stupid and brainwashed and full of hate against the non-muslims: THIS MAY WELL BE NADIR AHMED !
    He is of course ashamed to show his name therefore he goes anonymus, { } Empty Set.
    He talks like the devil and looks like the devil, so he must be the devil.
    Google :nadir ahmed foto. Very funny.
    He was crushed by Sam Shamoun and Christian Prince in debates.He debated with Robert Spencer, see here , http://www.faithfreedom.org/videos-features/rober… , his pathetic attempts to look smart; he is a typical brainwashed racist arrogant muslim …arrogant because of LOW SELF-ESTEEM. He even tried to debate Ali Sina and was humiliated of course (google it on : Faithfreedom. org )

  297. denialisnoproof says:

    And remember Our servant Ayyub, when he called upon his Lord: The Shaitan has afflicted me with toil and torment.
    Urge with your foot; here is a cool washing-place and a drink.
    And We gave him his family and the like of them with them, as a mercy from Us, and as a reminder to those possessed of understanding.
    And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with It and do not break your oath; surely We found him patient; most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent m returning (to Allah). explain to me what is this?

  298. vijay says:

    Sanatan Dharama as per Holy Yajurveda consider whole world as a nest/family/Neerham. If some one is born without marriage even say Lord Ved Vysa, God with mercy makes him guide the humans even till this date. Just observe the circular logic theory as propounded by Dr Sina here.

  299. denialisnoproof says:

    nonsense again . in hydrongen bomb uses another bomb to produce that heat . but in sun there is no other bomb gravity does the job of rising the temperature.
    again you muslims never fail to display your stupidity.

  300. denialisnoproof says:

    WE consider pimp worshipping muzzies as filthy..
    muslim have sex with their own sisters so they are not human they filthy sister rapists.
    muhammad also had sex with the dead body . muhammad another nasty bastard

  301. denialisnoproof says:

    don't call that son of a muslim nikah prostitute as brother

  302. denialisnoproof says:

    ok i will answer your question . idols are merely symobols. they aren't really considered as god . but since we believe god is everywhere so we use idol for concentrating our devotion as it is physically possible to concentrate on one thing.
    but you muslims don't understand that we are just using it for our convenience.

    you are typical example of moronic muslim who answer a question with question.

  303. Slave of Prophet says:

    ___nope quran is baseless as there is no context in quran__
    Do you have any proof? Where hadith say Quran is not required?

  304. denialisnoproof says:

    nope quran is baseless as there is no context in quran. quran is haphazard no context . so please tell your bullshit to someone else.
    also pig is better than your pimp allah

    and we consider worshipping pimp is filthy

  305. Slave of Prophet says:

    _____answering a question with a question is a trait of frauds______
    But you Hindu inherently got this trait. When I ask Hindu why do they before idols instead of answering, they threw question on me why do Muslim bow before Kaaba?

  306. vijay says:

    Same true for non Muslims as for illiterate, if a person, who never had a Davah to Islam or person who did Davah itself is not up to the mark. On the salvation of those people, Ahle Sunnat has very good views unlike Ahle Hadeeth or Salafis. We have example of Mook Chandala having attained Brahminhood just by serving his parents as per Padma Purana, likewise with only barley bread and serving his mother, Hazrat Owais RA got the prophet's dress, even without ever meeting him. Matsya, Kashyap, Narasimha, Varah at one side and Gaja, Prahlada, Ganika on the other, came near to the Truth with devotion then knowledge.

  307. Slave of Prophet says:

    _______why would god send a illiterate man___
    IS illiterate people not the creation of God/sending by God? Who has created them? Millions of people of world illiterate.
    ________ so smriti is what people did which is recorded. but vedas are guidelines which is independent of smritis or puranas. ___
    Same as Quran and Hadith.

  308. denialisnoproof says:

    answering a question with a question is a trait of frauds yet i like to answer your question.

    smriti literally means memory. so smriti is what people did which is recorded. but vedas are guidelines which is independent of smritis or puranas.
    And god will reassert his words time and again.
    Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharatha.
    sambhavami yuge yuge.
    why would god send a illiterate man?

  309. vijay says:

    reply to both fighting brothers, it depends upon which sect/interpretation a person follows.

  310. Slave of Prophet says:

    I ask to you in your language whether Veda (Shruti) are baseless without Smiriti (Upnished, Darshan etc)

  311. denialisnoproof says:

    hey nadir ahmed you are suffering from druke cruger effect.
    islam is for sh1t eaters.

  312. vijay says:

    thanks, Jazakallah Khair. Holy Upnishad are from one of the six ideologies to understand Holy Vedas, called Vedanta, some of them go even against Vedaism being terms as bounding to the God. Such things are not found in Ahadith. Likewise Shias and Ahle Sunnat have different views and so doe Salafits. Then some are correct so Sahih while for others you know the better. Thanks to sharing but if I am not mistaken there is an instruction to not to quote Say from Holy Bible during preaching. Why does it done ? Why Dr Naik says that if person living in India is Hindu, then he too is Hindu ? Can God be bounded by national boundaries ? If I am not wrong did not Prophet said that Humans are image of God not due to the shape but the qualities of the God. Does good gives more rain and water to Muslims and less to non Muslims ? Allah knows the truth. Does holy Quran need some other 's help to let it be understood ? I thought it to be the complete .

  313. denialisnoproof says:

    your quran is baseless without hadiths.

  314. denialisnoproof says:

    you believe god is above eternal brothel because you don't want your allah see his you perversion. and also allah is a pimp who put you in his eternal brothel.

  315. Slave of Prophet says:

    hadith are important to understand Quran. Hadith is the collection of the Prophet Muhammad’s statements and actions coupled with the statements and actions of his companions. For your understanding, Hadiths are like Upnished ( writing of sages) to understand Veda as you Hindu claims.
    Muslims consider the Qur'an the Divine Word of Allah, and it is above all else in Islam. Hadith is second with believers trusting the words and deeds of Muhammad, so it helps to provide supplementation and clarification to the Qur'an. It provides to Muslims a window to look at the Prophet’s way of life and offer examples of what he did or said so they may follow in his footsteps.

  316. vijay says:

    Dr Naik, Anti Dr Naik, Saudis, Al Qaeda etc need more help from you Brother Abdu Rasool. That will help you more in after life and Ummat here on earth. Anyway if you were the rulers, you would have killed me for having love for Allah and his creation. For wishing peace and compromise to all of the creation. I am cursed and pray to Allah keep you in peace. But are you in peace ?

  317. vijay says:

    Thanks for the advice. But what about Ahadith ? Khatna is not in Holy Kuran ? I hope that Allah has appointed you to guide the mankind. You are free from all faults. Who are correct ? Ahle Hadith followers are the both, Al Aqeda or Saudi Govt(who invited USA forces , for the protection from Saddam Hussien ) ? Dr Naik or this guy ? http://www.salafitalk.net/st/uploads/Dr.Naik_refutation…. http://islamicresearchmission.blogspot.in/2012/10… First try to find that by studying and teaching others have you found your true Lord Allah ? Are you in a position ? I am a sinner and does not invite any one to follow me. Nor my Master Allah needs any one worshiping Allah. It hardly matters to Allah.

  318. Slave of Prophet says:

    My advise to you not to confuse what people of different religions, sects say. To be True Muslim we are to depend only Quran and follow its teaching. If you have any confusion, You can put before me in simple words. I will advise you according to Quran.

  319. vijay says:

    Is the heart of person clear , who has ego of "i" to understand the clear book ? Due to the actions of Wahabis, there could be people within the Ummat, who spy for US, Israel or India. But as you said, as they are Muslims, they will be forgiven even for ditching the Ummat. But what about the Wahabis who force them for this ? OK just do not want to offend any one, read term Salafiya instead of Wahabi and be happy.

  320. Slave of Prophet says:

    I was aware you are a hypocrite who is misrepresenting Islam. Quran is very clear book to mankind with clear instructions.

  321. vijay says:

    The Chief Justice of India, Mr Altmash Kabir is addressed as My Lordship. First bring a Fatwa against him. Lord Jesus any way will come to take care of Wahabis only, that is what Ahle Sunnat Believes.

  322. Slave of Prophet says:

    Who are you? You are the person like who has no base (“bin Pendi ka Lota”). Sometime your lord is Jesus while another time "Allah". I advise you to stick to one.

  323. vijay says:

    If brethren like Abdu Rasool had their way, such things will be banned and all CD etc too will be burnt as for them Music is not OK.

  324. vijay says:

    Dear Brother Joe, if you repeat Ali Ali Ali in your mind for 2 minutes without saying. You will be able to move towards the supreme. If you follow Our Lord Jesus, then you can do same with Alleluia , you will get the same result. Dam means breath in Farsi. Mast means intoxicated, here it is not temporary due to drugs but God takes us to that state. similar to being in holy Ghost. [youtube ugRS9mJAOH8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugRS9mJAOH8 youtube]

  325. Joe says:

    Ali Ali Ali

    how about you learn about your own religion.. Son of Hamas says it all

  326. Rainbow says:

    No, this is a wrong deduction. Lebanon is considered an Arab
    country, the Majority of the Lebanese are Christians, and the
    president of Lebanon must always be a Christian. They use the
    name of "Allah" there, and I know a Christian boy whose name
    is "Abdul-Allah".

  327. Joe says:

    Son of Hamas has rejected Islam and He knows better than you.. This man loves his people and will help save them..

  328. Joe says:

    Thank you for agreeing.. Islam is 10000% fake

    here is what Son of Hamas has to say about Islam

  329. Joe says:

    how about you watch and hear what the Son of Hamas has to say about mohammad

    this man knows more than you will everknow about the quran

  330. joe says:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cHq25tnZoFs&quot; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  331. joe says:


    have you considered that in muslim countries christians only just are allowed to exist and 'pagans' can face death.. So if Christians are t avoid conflict then they will use allah instead of the more traditional names used for God.. Allah is not in the bible

  332. Rainbow says:

    I just want to draw your attention to this fact. The Arab-Christians use the
    name "Allah" when they refer to God, and they use Allah in their private
    life and in the churches….they also say: Jesus is the son of Allah.
    Another fact: the proper name: Abdul-Massih (the slave of Messiah or
    Jesus) is very common among the Christian of the Arab countries.

  333. Boiragi says:

    single as well?? between late 20s to early 30s..?

  334. Sam Sudhi says:

    Your certification is not necessary ,.

  335. Julia says:

    Islamic maths? Hahahaha!
    Normal thinking people know that 100% is ALL there is of something !!

  336. Julia says:

    Christians are only human and sin of course.
    But Joe is talking about the teachings of Christianity, stupid backward muslim.

  337. Julia says:

    This evil liar is no Jew but clearly a TAQIYYA mohammedan .
    Because the NAME of the jewish god (the arabic ilah) is JAHWEH and NOT ALLAH.
    The ilah of the muslims has 99 names (one is ALLAH). The name of the jewish god is ONLY JAHWEH (sometimes written as JEHOVA) , which means I AM.

  338. Abu Bakar says:

    This is just 10000000000000000% FAKE page

  339. Sam Sudhi says:

    @ Julia
    Yes ! of course Julia we all are having great fun ..
    Like Mr .Vijay said you are the tigress of this site .I think you are a Siberian tigress who never gives up unlike the Indian counterpart who is striking terror into the heart and mind ,a real menance to Ali,Ameenreiad and Emtyhead … and so on .
    Unlke shabeer who is earning his living through Islam ,these kind are the real culprits who justifies pisslam.
    The terrorists are brain dead people due to their circumstance make them do foolish things.
    These kind of people are the ones who holds the hand and legs of the victim while the terrorist chopping off the victims head .
    So happy and safe hunting tigress….

  340. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:


    This debate is over and Muslims have won. Due to short of time slots for folks between IQ 50 -115 next debate will be next month !

    Higher Authority

  341. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:


  342. Sakat says:

    You can define anything but some time it is very difficult to define a thing ,then we simply say it is mystic, Sufi's are like that ,you cannot guess ,what exactly they are ,because they embarrassed infinite .Your Mohammed ,Islam and Muslim can be defined in one sentence.I guess you are Wahhabi,because they follow strict code of diktats of Mohammed ,therefore they are destroying tombs and relics of Sufi saints.At least Muhammad restricted to banning the idol worshiping ,you moved one step further banning projecting the name also,look you are nameless,any body can say without doubt you are Wahhabi.

  343. Julia says:

    To Sam Dudhi, Joe, and ALL other fighters against the evil CULT Islam and defenders of FREEDOM and TRUTH.
    I see, many of you you are enjoying the humiliation of the retarded muslim Ali(en) too. His brother in evilness ," Ali Lam Meem" AminRat the blackstone "blesser", is somewhat smarter . He understands ,I think, that comming back with his quasi-intelligent blabbering does not make him look good. Hahahahaaaaa !!
    I'm having fun ,big time, ALSO because it is necessary to show muslims how wrong they are.
    This mohammedan shows clearly to the readers how these backward and very evil these staunch culties think,íf you can call it thinking . They react like braindead zombies , exactly as you want them to act. And they have no CLUE why. It is wonderful to play with these bastards, as I said before like a cat plays with a braindead mouse . I hope that muslims with some humanity left in them see this too !!! 🙂

  344. Rainbow says:

    Correction: "Allazeen kafaro min ba'ada emanihim fa DARB al a'anaq"

    Darb instead of Quat'a (same meaning)

  345. Rainbow says:

    Ok..I visited the link you provided. Trying to beautify a thing, does not
    change its reality. It was mentioned in the quran: "and those who
    "Kafaro" (apostates) after they believed………..cut the throats."
    Excuse my translation to English…..In Arabic: " Allazeena Kafaro
    ba'ada emanihim fa quat'a al a'anaq".
    Be realistic

  346. Sakat says:

    I have seen what kind of adapto…gens !!! you all r ,all of your doctors failed to prevent degenerating shell's infused by Ali Sina,they are clue less. Their chemotherapy won't make any difference.

  347. Plain truth says:

    And how the moon had been split into two.

  348. Plain truth says:

    Don't talk rubbish here but talk about how your sun can set in muddy water and your earth is flat.

  349. Plain Logic says:

    Yes, it is about to be collapsed. Just watch Aljazeera TV news everyday and see the killings all over the ME countries. Muslims bombing Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq to other ME countries. Millions of them are refugees, millions are jobless, millions are starving and ten of thousands are dying in Arab spring ,sectarian violence n wars, and hundreds were drown in the high seas in their attempt to be smuggled to Europe or Australia. This is a not a pretty picture , right ? Ali.

  350. Sam Sudhi says:

    @ Aii
    HA ..HA .. It seems you are terrified of Julia .
    Please do not cry ,she wont hurt you .
    In the lying competition nobody could beat the record of Pedo Mohammed ,muzzies deliberately refrain from attending because they dare not beat pedo mohammed in any way .

  351. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    FYI Islam don't rely on sympathy but strong belief !!!

  352. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You mean I can't use reason following religion? How stupid ! Do it yourself think I am not Muslim and reread my comments you will see they are neutral. You ignored they are analytical exploring similar nature of both systems. Problem is your 2 dimensional ignorant vision !

    Egotism is major issue with atheists in understanding !

  353. vijay says:

    Brother Adbu Rasul, who created filth or Garbage and who is the lord of it ? If filth was not created via say cellulose, our body might have had toxins. Once its goes out. It is used by plants as manure or used by human to make bio fuel. Via Garbage waste material enters the circle of recycle. Did not Dr Naik told you this. Allah made human body to produce filth and urine. And mind to create Garbage. All is created and owned by Allah.

  354. Rainbow says:

    When I said leave your religion for few minutes, I meant try to be
    neutral, and try to use reason few minutes of your life. It is
    obvious who is the stupid. Your religion damaged your brain,
    and when you debate an issue, you either talk rubbish or you
    lie. I used to sympathize with Islam, seeing it receiving attacks
    from everywhere, and I used to think that this was not fair, all
    religions are lies, why attacking only Islam……now I know.

  355. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I don't mind person with low intelligence call me a liar.

    Take a snapshot of your stupidity : Leave a religion for few minutes ! Do you think religion is some cloth or something? Religion is a relationship (includes all intellectual, emotional, social financial , physical theological etc).

    Ok if you still don't understand call any man to leave marriage which is also kind of relationship for few minutes. Look into mirror you will see a stupid !

    I have given you non-biased analysis of theocratic and democratic system. Sharia is a theocracy and tell me any political movement, revolution which have different strategy for people who are working against it ( Include OT NT) !

    Read more about apostasy in Islam

    You are still free to understand what you understand and don't forget to party with those who understand the same and keep shaking head like duck blaming Islam !

  356. Rainbow says:

    You are a liar….a brazen, contemptable liar. You are telling all these
    bunch of lies just to cover the ugly face of your religion. I didn't
    say that the penalty for leaving Islam is death, your religion says so,
    and your history said that when Mohammad died, multitudes of
    Muslims abandoned Islam, and they were all killed. I know very well
    that you are aware of these facts, and you know your shari'a says
    that apostates should be killed.
    You are a desperate, pathetic liar.

  357. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I have seen your love for enemies lol. Hypocrites !!! Lots of things you Christians have to do against pseudo deformed Christianity hahaha !

  358. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Is this all about your stress management exercise??I don't get what are you about !

  359. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Do you how to step out of religion for few minutes? lol Why are you so dumb ?!!!

    There is no penalty for just leaving or being just unbeliever ! There are examples who left and remain unbeliever in prophet's time. You can also find video clarifying on this subject by another Muslim clerics but showing it will not help your strategy against Islam right !

    See the difference between persons compatible democratic and compatible theocratic . Democratic don't care religion even if in theocratic state. Theocratic don't care who rule the government even if in democratic state.

    Point is against interest of religion, god ! The law is justified !

  360. Ali says:

    How many straws you going to clutch at Joe aka Jukhpindherveerukhanna?

    Don't tell me. Islam is about to collapse. Heard than one millions of times before and has been said for over 1400 years.

    What's wrong? Do you honestly believe you can do better at the world's biggest liar contest than your guru Ali Sina?

  361. Ali says:

    You know you suffer from delusional grandiose disorder, Julian, right?

    I only come on here to publicly humiliate you and check on how your dik slurping is getting on. You carry on sucking the way you do, you'll be left with no teeth and rotten gums.

    Tranny's like you are so insecure and intelligent that you Julian, tend to steal free bread.

    What more can we say to the likes of you?

  362. Rembrandt_gg says:

    Just requesting a clarification:
    Clicking his username takes me to twitter site of the real mr ali sina.

  363. Rembrandt_gg says:

    Thanks for the alert.!!

  364. joe says:

    @ .

    here is some words from a real prophet of God

    Matthew 5:43-48

    New International Version (NIV)
    Love for Enemies

    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’
    44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
    46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?
    48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

  365. joe says:

    and the winner for the BIGGEST EVER LIE ISSSSSSSSSSSSS

    MOHAMMAD the biggest lair, murderer, slave master and CHEAT

    you win ALI yeaaaahhhhh go out and celebrate and kill a few more Apostates, go and kill some more muslims in mosques, shot some more little girls trying to go to school in pakistan, go blow up some fellow muslims in syria and somalia and yemen and in mali and lybia

    and while you are at it.. lest makes the lie even bigger and blame everyone else

    ah ha haa haaaaar

  366. joe says:

    why do you laugh? ha ha aharrr

    because you hold a gun to your brother, mother, father and little children's head? Believe me or i will kill you?

    Ha ha listen fellow muslim ha ha ah ha.. i am so confident that this is the word of God that i will kill you if you do not believe me ha ha ha ah ha..

    ha ha ah ha.. listen brother muslim, listen good or i will kill you brother muslim ha ahahhhaaaaar

    poor brother muslim be afraid of islam.. poor muslim slave ha ha ahhhaarr

    bow down or die ha ha haaaarrharr
    bow down five times a day ha ha ha haaar

  367. Rainbow says:

    I sincerely ask you to to step out of your religion for few minutes only, and watch
    it critically. Does this video sound right? is it justice to kill any one who doesn't
    think as you do? even if this person was born as as Muslim….just tell me why he/she
    has no right to follow the path of their choice.
    You see multiple signs of religions, and on each is written: the right path, the right
    path, the right path…….which one to follow? even if you choose one of them you
    keep on walking and walking and end up nowhere.
    My atheism is a refusal to play an impossible game

  368. Julia says:

    Listen Slave of (a dead fake) Prophet !
    It are NOT some people who wants to eradicate Islam. There are many and the number is growing. Most people on this world are NOT muslims and MOST people certainly HATE AND DESPISE your EVIL CULT. Mohammed is , luckely, dead for about 1400 years. And your fake god does NOT exist. If you think otherwise, then PROVE it. !!
    You dare not and can not ask questions and think about your EVIL CULT Islam. Read for example surah 5:101 and 33:36. DO IT !!! And read the tafsir .
    You are INDEED A SLAVE . This EVIL BEDOUIN Mohammed has fooled you and now your wicked IMAMS do the same.
    LISTEN TO THIS ARAB : http://the-koran.blogspot.nl/2008/08/dont-questio

  369. Julia says:

    It is very easy to humiliate the muslim moron Ali(en) . I just have to repeat what I said before , because this EVIL retarded MOHAMEDDAN has nothing left anymore ! SO…..
    To the muslim clown Ali(en).
    The fact that you keep comming back here shows clearly how much you fear this site !
    Why else would you do that ??? Or do you like to be humiliated ?
    I like that very much . So, keep comming back !!! Brainwashed Vagina worshipper ! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA (yep…again ! ) . "Thank" you for letting me DEFILE you. 🙂

  370. Ali Sina says:

    Dear Slave,
    You have bought the lie that Allah is God. But if you do a bit of research as we did you will see he is not. Allah was Muhammad’s alter ego. Imagine you create a fictitious alias on this forum who supports you all the time and make people believe that this fake alias is all powerful and and all wise. This will give you ultimate power because any time anyone of us say anything contrary to what you say, your alias comes to your support and we all must shut up.

    This is what Muhammad did and the ignorant people of his time believed. For 1400 years no one was able to question him. Finally the Internet was invented and people can ask questions without the fear of losing their heads. Now that we question the claims of Allah we find no answer. That is why Islam will be eradicated.

  371. vijay says:

    One more thing. Wahabis do not believe in any of four Imams, so are not considered Sunnies by Many people. Dr Naik does a taqqiya, just to convert Sunnis to wahabism, when talks of Imams, once wahabis are majority they will force others to be wahabi as they did with Sunnis of Saudi Arabia.

  372. vijay says:

    Imam Shafi is one of the four Imams of Ahle Sunnat. His Fiqh/Jurisprudence is followed by one group of Sunnis. Indonesian are mostly Shafi. If I am not mistaken, Hero of India. Dr A P J Abdul Kalam is also Shafi as he is from Maraikiyar community of Tamil Nadu. Correct me if I am wrong.

  373. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Vijay just feel good .

    Amount of heat you see mainly coz of hurling insults, allegations and using emotional intelligence for evoking !!! and same old games over and over lol

    I personally ignore stupidity and try to retaliate it sometimes that's it !

  374. denialisnoproof says:

    ali the choothiya.
    you should feel ashamed to call a rapist prophet a perfect man .
    he raped many women in his life time.
    all muslims are going to rot in hell.

  375. vijay says:

    Ya Afwul, Ya Gaffar, Ya Gaffur and Ya Wasi. These things we say for the God, the forgiver. We are all filthy and sinful. Allah via power enters into drama of creation to help us. Allah's control is Allah's extension. Allah can not be encompassed by skies as Allah encompasses all. Al Wasi.

  376. vijay says:

    Brother Explanation given below. It should read as, While worshiping Pig, some one worship Muslim ? No ! Muslims are Human. All creature are Muslims as all work in the will of Allah. They surrender. Boar God is a symbol of God going to as low as possible to rescue the poor. Like mothers does not hesitate to enter filth if see beloved child fallen there. Allah loves equal to 70 Mothers. Just trying to bring in some peace. Forgive for any offence, Now continue the debate please.

    To Allah it does not matter how lower in finance or race or power a person has Gone. Allah can rescue from any depth. Men with great sins and in depth of sins are rescued by Allah.

  377. Ali says:

    Stay off the dik slobbering denialisnoproof.

    You starting to lose the plot like your Guru Ali Sina and your brethren Julian the tranny.

    A few more weeks and you'll be doing the donkeys in the middle of the night.

  378. vijay says:

    There was a mistake on my part in typing, it was written by one of us that by calling Muslims with some animal mention and worshipping that animal, Hindus are worshiping Muslims. I wanted to write that Muslims No! Muslims are Human and not Animals. I was having my mind not in my control so wrote without punctuation mark. When a Muslim goes astray and enter filth Allah SWT bring that believer out. Brother Abdu Rasul, do you worship a God, with shape restricted by the limit of sky ? God with irregular form ? My apologies to brother five square. Being a Muslim , no creation of God, say all the beast needed to be hated.

  379. Ali says:

    Yeh right. Try and pull the other one ex-Muslim.

    Left Islam! More like you've always been a Hindu from India, just like 99% of the people on here. But you pretend to be an apostate so Ali Sina can give you a preferential pat on your back.

    We can spot Hindus like you a mile off.

  380. Ali says:

    Why aren't you competing at the competition this year Ali Sina?

    To mark this years World's Biggest Liar competition in Cumbria, where competitors have five minutes to tell the biggest and most convincing tall tales. Your Anti Islamic bunf against Mohammed should make you wins hands down.

    I can post you the address if you want, but you actually attending would be like the moon sitting on your bed.

    Get one of your Hindu brethren cultist ignoranus's to go down and represent you so we can enjoy a good night's laugh at his expense.

    Come on, don't be a spoilt sport. You ain't got much else going on.

    How about sending retard Julian? He can start rowing the boat now, so he can get there next year, as a plane ticket is out the question!


  381. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    lol Don't worry we already have adaptogens !

    For your information cancer is a degenerative disease its not viral infection caused by some outside virus !!!! ha ha ha

  382. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Who told you who I am ? ! lol
    And talking something dense is not Sufism ! Sufism is mystic form not dense !! There is label or shell !!!

  383. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    This is very bright verse for who fight for Allah's cause
    Quran 3:157
    "And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass."

    Do you have something disgusting for your soldiers dying for your nation ?

    OK interpret like who does the same interpretations and don't forget to have party with them !

  384. Sakat says:

    this is called split personality disorder.

  385. Sakat says:

    Psychoanalysis of a criminal shows that ,he may be murderer but some time he may through biscuit to a stray dog,but if the same dog bark at him during burglary or murder,he may not hesitate to kill it .Giving biscuit won't make that criminal saint.Mohammed was a criminal and these kind of persons will always be psycho-criminals .His mind can be studied the way how he executed the 105 year old poetess.You may be aware in many Hollywood films ,villains are shown in their hands with pets like cats and dog and at a time they do not hesitate to test their weapon by victimizing their pet as target of their weapons.

  386. denialisnoproof says:

    sure your quran is one of the asholi book hahahhahahahhahaha
    allah who ? the fcukbar?
    muhammad indeed rape a child.

  387. Sakat says:

    He is true Sufi,you are wahabhi ,so you don't understand him.

  388. Julia says:

    Hello EMPTY HEAD.
    Using TAQIYYA again …are you? Yes you are !!
    Killing or being killed in the cause of Allah is the ONLY sure way to your heavenly brothel. The quran is full of this evilness, for instance surah3:157 says:
    "And if you are killed in the cause of Allah or die – then forgiveness from Allah and mercy are better than whatever they accumulate [in this world]"
    The CAUSE OF ALAH is spreading your evil CULT Islam and fighting.
    For more on this see here: http://www.wvinter.net/~haught/Koran.html

  389. Sakat says:

    OK ,rap bomb to your waist ,blast it and go straight to heaven ,please do it in mosque.

  390. Sakat says:

    Every other thing Alla explained in your holy Qur'an ,then why these information he want to be explain by us.

  391. denialisnoproof says:

    hahahah muslim crappy is afraid of mighty hinduism.
    you will perish just like your child rapist muhammad

  392. denialisnoproof says:

    nothing but sh1t . you don't have real arguement . isn't that your allah supposed to pimp you big breasted virgins?

  393. denialisnoproof says:

    Muslim bastards are busted . Muhammad is a pedophile.[youtube oAHDFI5W_DM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAHDFI5W_DM youtube]

  394. Sakat says:

    Ali Sina is cancer to Islam ,don't neglect him ,this is the beginning last stage is approaching speedily .

  395. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    When did you come out of dustbin ?. Let me throw you again Grrrrr…..

  396. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Don't show assholiness to my query or divert subject ! Explain me truth about hydrogen !

    Not every blast in universe happens up in your ass !

    Hydrogen bomb : a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium.

    What is Sun then ???? the same emission of atomic energy by hydrogen fusion at high temperature to form helium !!!!

  397. Ali says:

    Like I said, same old schit but just a different day for the pagans on here.

    These Hindus are serious stuff on here. Their hate knows no bounds. The dik worshiping has messed up their logic and comprehension skills.

    Hey you guys (Hindu puuddals), you are aware that Blackberry are to release their new Blackberry 10 smartphones in a few months. This means that this will be your new god to worship and spew more venom towards Muslims and Islam.

    Please keep us posted on how this new god of yours will help you in your daily schit infested loser lives? Love to know the secret.

    In the meantime, keep sucking.

    Not only are you guys Ignoramus but you are officially the Ignoranus of societies.

    Light travels faster than sound. That's why most Atheists and Hindus seem bright ,until you hear them speak!

  398. denialisnoproof says:

    who is this shafi?
    the last child raping prophet?

  399. Julia says:

    To Rainbow.
    This (above) is the way how muslims ( MUST !) think about you, according to quran surah 98/51 :
    "The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of hell. They are the vilest of all creatures."
    Do you see any non-muslims who say the same about you?. Christianity (Jesus) tells christians to treat ALL humans like they want to be treated themselves (Golden Rule) ,even to love their enemies .
    Here are some more "NICE" rules of Islam, have fun:
    I am an atheïst like you, but I am talking here about the evilness and the danger of Islam.
    The other religions don't threaten "DISBELIEVERS" as THE EVIL CULT ISLAM DOES !
    That is why this site is fighting against this MONSTER !

  400. Slave of Prophet says:

    ________some one worship pig______
    We can expect any filthy act from Hindu, the Idol worshipers.
    _________No Muslims are humans_________
    Who are you "Idol worshiper" to decide who are humans who are not? For the fool people like you only pig worshiper are human. haaa haaa……..haaaaaaaaaaaa
    _______-Like mothers does not hesitate to enter filth if see beloved child fallen there._________
    You idol worshiper Hindu think God to be omnipresent. Living in urine, latrine, garbage etc. also. But as per Islam God is not omnipresent. God does not need to go in filth to help his creatures. Allah controls all things from above the all heavens.
    ________Allah loves equal to 70 Mothers._______
    This is true. But for Idol worshiper/non-believers there is only eternal hell. Allah will forgive all sins of believers only.

  401. denialisnoproof says:

    muslim faggy lost the argument pathetically by calling sun a bomb.

    muslim now lick your wound.

  402. denialisnoproof says:

    Only god decides everything not your pimp allah.
    We should solve world problem by nuking mecca.

  403. Slave of Prophet says:

    @All Ali Sina supporters/Enemy of islam
    ________World wants to eradicate Islam________
    We can do only efforts but result is in Allah's hands. If some people think they will eradicate Islam but Allah has thought differently they can not success as prophet (SAW) said in holy Quran. Mr. Ali Sina you living in dreams if you think you will do end of Islam one day. Things will go as Allah wills.

  404. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    World wants to eradicate Islam ? ha ha ha Why didn't or don't any nation want to do this? You crap heads think that world think what you schizos think !!!

    Sharia is a theocracy. Its very much natural to have compatibility clashes with democracy , communism or any autocracy , bureaucracy ! There is death sentence in democracy as well for engaging against interest of state so does in theocracy. Death is at both sides one is against interest of state or nation another is against interest of God, difference is compatibility with system democracy or theocracy ! Here your problem is not death but compatibility !

    And you low lives think of Islam this much where Islam is system which caters intellectual , emotional, theological, physical , social and includes political (say sharia) needs of mankind !

    Now try eradicate Islam you will end up with doing housekeeping of Muslims !!!

  405. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    OK I don't have any intention to carry out nuclear fusion of hydrogen up in your ass to make you believe its a bomb !

    Go back to my question !

  406. denialisnoproof says:

    because pig is better than pimp god allah.
    don't worry we will never worship your pimp.

    also look at the definition of bomb you muslim son of a nikah prostitute.

  407. denialisnoproof says:

    muslim son of a pseudoscience.

    look at the definition of a bomb.
    jacksh1t muslim calls sun as a hydrogen bomb.
    if it was a bomb we would have not been alive today.
    go and drink some camel urine you muslim son of a nikah prostitute

  408. denialisnoproof says:

    low life muslim faggy.
    go worship your pimp god FallahCY.
    bomb is any substance that explodes spontaneously .
    sun is not a bomb all the hydrogen are not fused at once to form helium.
    muslim son of a pseudoscience

  409. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    How long you will be an actor hiding behind so many labels and shells? Please come clear and specific.

    Hindus worship pigs !

    I have ignored already and I am not debating denialisnoproof , its insult to even discussion talking with him.

    I am throwing him in dustbin where he deserve the most !

  410. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Nuclear fusion is basic of nuclear bomb ! As hydrogen is part of it its hydrogen bomb !

    Low life now go back and tell me truth about hydrogen in hydrogen bomb and hydrogen in water !

    You are free to smash your head on stone you worship . Do this regularly and tell me the truth about hydrogen !

  411. vijay says:

    While worshipping a pig, some one worship pig ? No Muslims are humans. All creature are Muslims as all work in the will of Allah. They surrender. Boar God is a symbol of God going to as low as possible to rescue the poor. Like mothers does not hesitate to enter filth if see beloved child fallen there. Allah loves equal to 70 Mothers. Just trying to bring in some peace. Forgive for any offence, Now continue the debate please.

  412. denialisnoproof says:

    this islamic idiot thinks sun is a bomb . what a islamic moron

  413. denialisnoproof says:

    muslim are not going to ignore . they will boil in their buttocks . look at what happened due to innocence of muslims movie.
    and sun is not a bomb you islamic dikshit . ask your zakat collectors to stop begging.
    and you muslims are arse lifters and don't deserve to live in civilized socities.

  414. denialisnoproof says:

    it is hijacked from zorastrianism

  415. Rainbow says:

    I have seen some horrible videos regarding this subject, but I have never seen
    anything that is worse than this one, it gave me the shiver. I always supported
    the freedom of faith, but now I can understand why the world wants to eradicate
    Islam, geeeeeee I don't want to lose my head because I am not a believer.
    They chop heads and limbs just to satisfy their sadestic god, this faith is the
    worst indeed.

  416. denialisnoproof says:

    Oh which surah of quran says you this?
    there are secondary fusion reaction to form other elements are also happening in sun . so your bullcr@p ends there.
    so to generalize sun as an hydrogen bomb is utter stupidity

  417. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    The Sun is a main-sequence star, and thus generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. In its core, the Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second.

  418. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I have advice for you stop calling muslim pigs coz muslim may ignore or consider it as insult but there is big problem what you believe. Pig is your god and this way you are calling muslim as your god and will end up worshipping muslim !

    You begger look at this begger who is charging £95 just for meditation. This what you are into !!

  419. Rainbow says:

    Honestly…..we will do even the apes too much of injustice
    if we compare them with the religious/fanatics. Leave
    the animals alone, those beautiful, innocent creatures,
    we don't want them to be a part of this dirty game of religion

  420. Rainbow says:

    Was he Robin Hood or what? and the story of the cat from which
    religion was "hijacked"? Listen, I am not impressed at all by this
    individual, but I like to see things exactly as they are. Don't ever
    think that you can get any truth from a bias or an exetremist, because
    they tell you one side of the story only.

  421. denialisnoproof says:

    low life muslim rapist follower.
    sun is not a hydrogen bomb either.
    you should get your brain checked . there are secondary fusion happening .
    this shows your islamic pseudo science.

  422. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You changed Sun is nothing but a hydrogen bomb to son is nothing but hydrgen.

    Low life this is only hint go ponder truth about hydrogen !

  423. denialisnoproof says:

    why was ayesha screwing safwan wasn't muhammad having a strength of 40 men ha hahahahahah

  424. denialisnoproof says:

    we no more hopeless story of muhammad .
    inserting his rotten penis when he was at the age of 56 into a vagina and thighs of a 9 year old girl

  425. denialisnoproof says:

    islamic homosapien try your islamic pseudo science.

  426. denialisnoproof says:

    son is nothing but hydrgen? more muslim nonsense please.

  427. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Your mind working purely like animal with brain. I said truth about hydrogen which is the same element in both ! Hint : Sun is nothing but a hydrogen bomb which is essential for life !

    Try animal explore your timid brain, good luck !

  428. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    If you like you too join the party !!!

  429. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Why did ram abandoned sita ? He never accepted her rest of life coz ram knew who was father of her children then sita killed herself in a valley . don't you know hopeless story !

  430. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You missed the message !! Which silicon chip you implanted to think like this ?

  431. denialisnoproof says:

    nonsense . many mussie scholars have told it is ok to blast your a$$ off in order to kill your enemies.
    this is the kind of islamic load of tosh we are hearing these days.

  432. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I hope hindus should follow brahmacharya at least that will end crap hinduism . The same way jews are allowing homosexuality.

    This is good for both crapheads to be non-productive lol

  433. denialisnoproof says:

    this stories are big load of bull . these stories were hijacked from other religions.
    and also just by saying give to poor doesn't make you great.
    he robbed people to give to the poor.
    his money was war booty. it was not a hard earned money.

  434. denialisnoproof says:

    hahahhaha mohammedan cr@p . if you don't believe in islamic sh1t then you are an animal.
    nice logic , nameless b@stard

  435. denialisnoproof says:

    muslamic nonsense. to find truth about hydrogen we need to study hydrogen .
    to know the truth about hydrogen in covalent bond we need to study water .
    And chemistry does give these answer using electro valency.
    muslim stupidity at its best.
    go bend over to your pimp god allah and release some obnoxious gas from your dirty halal anus

  436. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Committing suicide is a major sin in Islam !

    Why don't you join party with some terrorists who think , motivate and interpret like you !
    I assure there will be much fun .. go join them !!!

  437. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Unbelievers are animals like chimp, ape with only intelligence of mankind . There is no human factor in them !!!

  438. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Ok If you think you are brainy ( In fact one of stupid ) than blogger. I will give one exercise about finding truth!

    Take hydrogen bomb(source of energy) in one hand and water ( essential for life) in another hand. Try finding truth about hydrogen in a bomb and hydrogen in water ! If according to you truth lies somewhere between which is so absurd , show me the truth !

    If you also find this ridiculous, absurd buzz me I may tell you truth provided you want to grow more than an ape with intelligence to human !

  439. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Egghead ! Impersonating doesn't necessarily include satire or sarcasm but mocking does. Impersonating is serious affair of getting advantage of persona !!!

  440. Rainbow says:

    Well, Judaism also told the Jews: You are the chosen people of God,
    Christianity also told the Christians: You are the beloved children of God,
    each what so called "prophet" tells his people that they are the best.
    All religions are hog wash, myths and bull—sh, also full of lies.
    In this century people should be embarrassed to talk religion and
    believe in it.

  441. Rainbow says:

    You did not read my whole comment. I said Mohammad came with moral
    teachings, like supporting the poor and taking care of the orphans…etc
    do you know that Mohammad had a cat, and one day when he was sitting
    she came and slept on his robe. He wanted to get up, but he refused to
    disturb the cat, so he cut his robe to avoid disturbing her sleep.
    This story is very well-known………all this kindness but at the same time
    he committed cruel acts, and his book is full of injustice specially toward
    women. I reject his book totally and don't believe in it (anyway I reject and
    disbelieve in all religious books), but I like the part of the cat because
    I love cats and I treat mine with love and respect as well.

  442. Rainbow says:

    That is what I meant, you dummy, idiot, stupid
    who did not understand what I said….cow sh…..t!

  443. Rainbow says:

    Even if this is the case……what makes you so proud
    of a butcher like Abraham who wanted to slaughter
    his son because of a dream ? he was crazy !
    and you people insist to live in the mythology of
    the primitive time inspite of all the technology and
    the science discoveries of this time.

  444. Rainbow says:

    I also cannot see the difference
    between glorifying a statue and
    glorifying a piece of stone.
    To a rational person, none of
    them submit to reason.

  445. Julia says:

    Hitler had lots of decent and ethical/merciful teachings too.He was also very nice to children and women.
    But he saw the germans as "Übermenschen"(The best people) and Jews, Russians etc. were "Untermenschen" (The lowest of people).
    Islam teaches that Muslims are "The best of creation" and the unbelievers are "The worst of animals".
    I don't think many people will see Hitler as a good person. And the same goes for Mohammed (Islam).
    Don't you agree with this?

  446. Julia says:

    Ali(en) the stupid muslim comes ALWAYS with yhe same CRAP:
    -Stop clutching at straws ( Ali(en) finds this smart )
    – Without affecting Islam in the slightest ( So why is he afraid and keeps comming back here ,again and again, being humiliated?)
    -Dikwads, dikslurper, and more like this are his stop-words (AminRAT likes that !).
    -Islam will keep growing ( He is clearly deperate, seeing the opposite happening here ).
    – Get over it ( He wants us to stop the painful bashing of his evil cult).
    You should suïcide yourself for your fake god Allah, Ali(en) , I keep repeating this, because that is the "best" thing you can do ! But you are of course a coward !

  447. denialisnoproof says:

    yes i can do better . here is a logical reason to show that all your mother ,sister,daughter and any muslimah women is a prostitute.
    first of all nikha means sex in arabic.
    secondly you will have to pay mehr(money) before nikha.
    thirdly it is at the hands of a man to have another three nikha partners.
    when a man feels bored he can terminate her service by saying talaq three times, she gets all the money of mehr
    lastly if that woman wants to do nikah with the same man she has to do nikha with someother man that is she has to fcuk someone else.
    in short muslim women are sex objects who are wrapped in burkha just like meat is wrapped in a alluminium foil just to prove that they are fresh maals.
    now tell what is the rate of your daughter.

  448. Ali says:

    Come on denialisnoproof. You can do better than this. Stay off the pipe (dik) for one day and maybe you can think straight.

  449. Ali says:

    Stop clutching at straws Joe.

    People like you and your lord Guru Swami Ali Sina Ji have come along dime a dozen and will keep doing so until the end of times, without affecting Islam in the slightest. You guys will keep barking until the cows come home and will always be the ignoramus.

    Exactly what 6 billion people respect each other? Please enlighten us.

    Dikwads like you and your cohorts spew the same rhetoric day in and day out. The fact is, no matter what you say and do, Islam will keep growing whilst all you can do is stand by the side lines and cry.

    There is nothing that you can do about. Get over it.

  450. denialisnoproof says:

    you muslim faggy should understand the concept of brahmacharya.
    raping a child doesn't mean that you are a man . it means you are a faggy

  451. denialisnoproof says:

    khadija was rich so muhammad was her Biatch end of the arguement

  452. denialisnoproof says:

    Ram and sita relationship was above carnal desire and
    ravana was better than your muhammad gandu.
    Ravana though a villain in ramayana was a better person ,he was well educated , he was a god fearing who did mistake but according allah's law it is ok to rape war captives but not according dharma.
    Ram and sita came back to ayodya and lived there for several years before she bore his child.

  453. denialisnoproof says:

    spoken like a true follower of dirty rapist muhammad

  454. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Ayesha was only virgin wife of prophet .According to that age moral standard age of puberty and virginity was around 6-9 yrs. Muslims are allowed to marry a virgin, this way they emulate.

    Prophet spend most of his youth with woman 15 yrs older than him this disqualifies possibility of any sexually driven relationship. See wives of Muhammad.

    First woman who accept Islam was his first wife (Khadijah) . First child who accept Islam was his cousin and son-in-law(Ali). First adult who accept Islam was his father-in-law (Abu Bakr (father of ayesha). See family and relationship .

  455. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    How do accept Jesus as pagan deity ha ha ha

  456. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    This also proves ram was impotent or gay so it took 30 yrs to get pregnant for sita !!!!

  457. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Is 12 yr old ram made sita's age more than 6 ?

    Who was father of her child ravana? coz as much I know she got pregnant only after being kidnapped by ravana. So ram abandoned her in jungle. ram himself knew that he didn't make her pregnant !!

  458. denialisnoproof says:

    Do you got problems muslim idiot.
    rama was 12 years old . how nicely you missed this information. you islamic pedophile. and sita had her first child when she was more than 30 .
    and pedo musslis of india and else where must understand that it is mandatory according to our law that the girls age should be more than 18 for marriage at this age.

  459. denialisnoproof says:

    yes it is better to worship electronic device than pimp allah.
    we even accepted jesus but never muhammad and pedo muhammad.
    ram was 12 years old when he married sita. but she bore her first child when she was well over 30.
    your bullshit fails.

  460. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Your godless sita was 6 years old and Mary was 12 yrs when Joseph was 90 yrs old !

    Do you got problems ?!!!

    Stop jerking.

    You hindus worship whatever comes to you even sh!t ! Hey I got this electronic device with amazing usability and much faster data transfer. Do you want to worship ?

  461. denialisnoproof says:

    yes what is in context is . how a 56 year old faggy inserted his rotten penis inside a vagina of 9 year old girl and claimed that is a perfect man and he must be emulated for all time.
    hahahhahahahahah funny muslim pig

  462. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Joe just wrap your stupidity , whatever you are blabbering is not in context of this thread. Open new thread.

    And about your propaganda medicine go find actual statistics !

  463. Sam Sudhi says:

    Mitra is another copy paste God of the Greeks from India epics after Alexanders invasion of western India . The story of Karna & Krishna travelled with the invading soldiers of Alexander back to Greece.
    Back their these gods reincarnated as Mitra and so on .

  464. Joe says:

    real life is my proof.. and in every country that wishes to follow islam are at war.. wonder why? war is a sign of the devil .. death is to have lived = devil

    Islam brings slavery, yet another sign of the devil
    Islam brings hatred yet another sign..

    this is true every where there is islam.. you wish death and suffering on the world.. that is you.. happy

  465. Joe says:


    certainly ground hog day.. come on tell us how the messenger is greater than god.. tell us how some messed up ravings of mo are the law of god!

    ground hog, recycled huri ( sure they are virgins)
    ground hog recycled excuses
    ground hog ignorant beliefs that everyone else is wrong so kill them..

    strange that 6 billion of the people on this planet have a different view of god and all respect each other, but islam teaches you everyone else is ignorant! And if any muslim becomes an apostate you want to kill them.. you are ignorrant.

  466. Joe says:


    Ali Sina has offered us all an insight into mohammad and we can see this played out on the world stage.. the killing, the murder, the stoning, the beheadings, little girls forced into marriage.

    It is a clear pillar of islam to follow the steps of mo and if you can not see the connection, then you really have little right to judge Ali.. it is you that is blind, misleading or just a soft cock.

  467. Sakat says:

    You know ,some of your brethren told be me that ,once in a year your Alla descends from 7th sky,why you know?. To defecate in the commode of Kaaba (lava try ) .To test his defected stuff you all gather there and lick the commode ,even you do not share a drop with the shy tan, who gather there for their share ,you chase them and stoning them them. This is Webster dictionary definition of Kaaba.

  468. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    He is not impersonating he is mocking with Muslim name !

  469. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Do you have authenticity of your story from Encyclopedia Encarta or tell me anyone from advanced level information authority recognize it !



    NB: My earlier comments referring answering Christianity links have been blocked might be website policy

  470. denialisnoproof says:

    He is mocking whom? dumb muslim

  471. denialisnoproof says:

    yes they are gods. because they are better than your pimp god allah

  472. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Isn't that pig is your God?
    Isn't that peener is your God?

    Whoever is your God , you deserve less than them !!!

    Now tell me how it feels having pig and peener superior to you????

  473. denialisnoproof says:

    vagina toilet of kaba which is worshipped my muzzies look what happened to it.[youtube WOCjapg795s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOCjapg795s youtube]

  474. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    He is mocking stupid ! Grow up in understanding !!!

  475. denialisnoproof says:

    how can you call a person who rapes a woman on the same day of killing her family a MAN?
    sina hasn't told a single lie.
    he has told everything as he sees it.
    muslims are just adamant to accept the truth.
    islam is the vilest of things in this earth.
    we need to eradicate it.

  476. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Qur'an 17:110
    “Whatever name you call Him by, all His names are beautiful.”
    Qur'an 2:225
    "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing."
    Qur'an 44:8-9
    "There is no god but He: It is He Who gives life and gives death,- The Lord and Cherisher to you and your earliest ancestors."
    "Yet they play about in doubt. "
    Qur'an 21:19
    "To Him belong all (creatures) in the heavens and on earth: Even those who are in His (very) Presence are not too proud to serve Him, nor are they (ever) weary (of His service)"

    [youtube 65zyICBKBPI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65zyICBKBPI youtube]

  477. denialisnoproof says:

    i don't see any difference between muslim piglets and pork piglets. dreaming of perpetual virgins in allah's brothel . kissing the vagina shaped stone idol which was used as toilet.
    growing pubic hair on face to imitate muhammad idol. what a shame muslims

  478. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I don't see any difference between you stupid Christians and pagans ! You make statue of Jesus and Mary worship them with candles , call him god , son of god and you have mother of god as well Stupid crap heads again tell there is one God.

    Support even atheists who insults Jesus in open just to fight with Muslims!!!

    Did Mary wore bikini or low skirt dumbos!! Better you behave like atheists.

  479. Rainbow says:

    Sina told us many facts, but also inserted falsehoods, thinking that this will help him to
    reach his goal faster. But this was the worst mistake he did, because once you tell
    a lie, you will lose your credibility, so, even when you tell the truth, others will hesitate
    in believing you.
    On the other hand, Mohammad or Islam has lots of decent and ethical/merciful
    teachings……you also find cruelty and injustice in it. Mohammad was just a man
    of his time, he was neither an angel from above, nor a terrorist.
    The truth can be found somewhere between these two extremists.

  480. Agracean says:

    I agree with Rainbow. The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob has nothing to do with Ka'aba and idolatry and it applies to Abraham too. It doesn't makes sense for Abraham to travel to Mecca and not the promised land, Jerusalem(the land flowing with milk and honey), which God has promised to give to Abraham and all his descendants. Only allah's last apostle mentioned that in his manual.

  481. Rainbow says:

    Be honest….don't impersonate them.

  482. Rainbow says:

    Since when they know what they're talking about?

  483. Rainbow says:

    Abraham lived in "Nimrood", which is located in
    the north of Iraq and close to Syria. How did he
    reach to Mecca and why should he go there? There
    are thousand of miles between the two places, and
    at that time airplanes and automobiles were not
    Abraham did not build Al-Ka'bba……the pagans did,
    and you know as I know that they kept their idols
    inside it.
    If Abraham build the Ka'aba, and since he was the
    father of all the Hebrew prophets including Jesus,
    then the Ka'aba would be the holy place for the Jews
    or the Christians, not the idols home for the pagans
    of Quraish.
    This is the truth if you want it, and of course, you are
    free to choose to live in fantasy if it make you feel

  484. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Amir ibn Luhay was culprit chief of Quraish who brought idols from syria to arabia. Earlier they had religion of Ibrahim.

    God of Ibrahim is the same God of Moses is the same God of Jesus is the same God of Muhammad is the same God of Universe. There is no shirk !!!

    And you guys stop bitching on what should we mean for what we believe. We understand clearly what we believe !
    I have already told according to your stupidity I worship wall of mosque !!!

  485. John says:

    Great explanations. Maybe his orgasm from masturbation was so powerful that he had vision problems, thus believing he was seeing an angel. Basically the Qur'an is a by-product of excessive masturbation.

  486. Rainbow says:

    You know what ……..when Mohammad came with his
    message to the people of Quraish and told them
    not to worship those idols, the Quraishian told him:
    we do not worship the idols, we just want them to
    bring us closer to God, (mediums).
    And that is exactly what the Muslims say now regarding
    the Ka'aba and the black stone.

  487. joe says:


    i will start with, i know very little and i am an observer who draws a number of conclusions based on evidence. My book of God (Creator) is the universe i see and science as it unfolds.. the 'holy' bible or books are past thoughts and history..

    regarding death and destruction, it seems to be part of the mix of what we experience. Some of these events are from natural causes and many are man made due to some primitive thinking.

    There are many choices we have and one of those choices is to pursue a path of higher consciousness, which we can observe simply in nature. Those animals with higher consciousness have more choices and we as humans have a much greater image of the universe than say a frog.

    With increased consciousness come a whole new world and there may just come a point when a critical mass is reached and those humans who have an open mind and who are willing to accept a new reality will take the blue pill and leave other humans behind just like monkeys were left behind.

    The real destruction is that of conscious thought and a love of life that appreciates and celebrates this miracle called life

  488. Demsci says:

    Thanks Julia, that means a lot to me! We are so on the same side.

    You and I hope that somehow young doubting Muslims start to think for themselves. And exchange Islam for something better, or at least it's bad parts. For their own sake, for the sake of their children and mankind as a whole.

  489. Julia says:

    Hahahaha! This muslim moron Empty Head is completely crazy!!
    Are you saying you feel affection , love and respect for a stone ??
    Yep…… that's what you are saying !!!! Amazing….how is this possible in the 21 th century???? I really pity you ….poor bastard !

  490. Julia says:

    Rainbow is right !!
    Read this : http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/re
    ( Incl. the links in it ).
    And listen to these native speakers of Arabic : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xfuoulm-i8&nohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb3O6ZmGNi0&f

  491. Julia says:

    To the muslim clown Ali(en).
    The fact that you keep comming back here shows clearly how much you fear this site !
    Why else would you do that ??? Or do you like to be humiliated ?
    I like that very much . So, keep comming back !!! Vagina worshipper ! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA (yep…again ! 🙂 )

  492. Ali says:

    The dik worshipping is getting to your brain and logical thinking is way past your grade denialisnoproof.

    How many times are you going to spew the same old rhetoric?

    Here is something which was said and had the likes of you in mind:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    How long have you been doing this Anti Islamic stuff and how many Muslims have left Islam because of you, denialisnoproof?

    Just stick your idol worshipping and be the Hindu that you are, ………….like the majority on here.

  493. vijay says:

    very poor attempt to tarnish my opponents. Mitra means Maula in Arabic. Sifat or attribute of Allah. Vedic people do not say the way it is given above. Only one type of people make such claims. Putting hide of others beast does not changes the original, it is caught when it makes sound from its voice. This is another proof of lack of truth so deception.

  494. denialisnoproof says:

    Who is fleecing whom dear?
    begging for zakat.
    your muhammad asked money from muslims to fund their war in return they promised usury
    if you keep practising islam , you will start telling lie to yourself

  495. Muslim Male says:

    Only Allah provides us with 72 celestial sex-slaves,eternel erection,rivers of wine and meat for eternity. SO ALLAH IS GOD.

  496. Friend of Mitra says:

    Who are you human to judge the Mitra's revelations Vedas? We should believe whatever written in Vedas and follow its commands.You should not argue. http://agniveer.com/religion-vedas/

  497. Ali says:

    I see it's the same old schit and just a different day on here.

    Ground hog day over and over again.

    Ali Sina is adamant in his Atheist come Hindu come Christian come Jewish come Cultist come Buddhist ways, and him fleecing his gullible followers promoting his book and movie. (even though he's been pipped to the post by his own people)

    And his 'usual suspect' followers are spewing venom at every turn with the same old rhetoric claiming the delusional fall of Islam with Mohamed this and Mohammed that.

    Oh well, the world's full of ingnoramus fools and always will be. At least come up with something tangible you losers.

    Islam has given us the remedy for everything including the ignorants.

    7:199 Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant.

    What more can we say?

    Shafi'i once said: "I never debated an ignorant person except that he won, and I never debated a knowledgeable person except that I won." This is because the ignorant one will deny even the presence of the Sun at noon, and will deny the presence of the Moon on a night when it is full!

    So, watch the ignorant die if you avoid them, and be given life if you debate them. It might be that they come to their senses if you ignore them, and will realize their status if you are shown to be above debating and discussing with them – this is if you are sure that he is an ignorant follower of desires, not seeking to admit the truth, and not seeking to follow that which is certain. "

  498. Sakat says:

    Not required your Alla gives wrong directions ,The earth is flat,Moon is above the star ,shooting missiles.We human beings are more powerful than your so called Alla.By the way what is definition of the Blackstone at Kaaba ,whether he is Alla,Center of earth,or Alla's commode,what it is exactly.As per your Qur'an Alla is form less than why these contradictions ,you people are totally confused lot.

  499. Julia says:

    Dear Demsci.
    You wrote: "So get your message straight, please; What was it? Muhammad's message was for all ages? Or; Muhammad is excused for following the customs of his time but then his behavior is not example to follow for all times. And The Quran is the eternal word of Allah OR it only responds to circumstances specific in the time of it's creation, so the Quran is in large part no longer valid in later times."
    That was again a very clear and sharp statement . I'm sure no muslim will answer honestly , because they can not !
    Muslims always use this TAQIYYA trick when it suits them.
    Thanks !!

  500. Sakat says:

    "If mountain won't come unto Mohammed ,Mohammed will walk unto it !," was the great miracle of Mohammed.

  501. Julia says:

    Dear Rainbow.
    You wrote: "Stop trolling……there are no proofs".
    Thanks for letting me know that you think that "there are no proofs".
    But it was the muslim Slave of Prophet who said: "@Julia ,I will prove you Allah is only true God " . Not you.
    So, now I want this muslim SLAVE of Prophet to answer my question: "Where is your proof ?
    I want to see your proof ! ".

  502. vijay says:

    Person who lack truth, restore to deception.

  503. vijay says:

    Muslims posters here like Brother Four Square , Ali,Amin Raiz are better posters then AbduRasul. We have similar young man Brother Shabbir Their, favorite of Sister Julia. Perhaps Adlof Hitler said that when we speak lies 100 times it becomes the truth. So if Muslim tells lies and anti Muslim also tells lies. Things will be complicated.

  504. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You just write a story and even write role of a Muslim and what he should do and what he will do …Go on stupid …no body know what are you talking about !!!! lol

  505. denialisnoproof says:

    yes we understand very well. islam is a worship of pimp of perpetual virgins in his eternal brothel.

  506. denialisnoproof says:

    A muslim man out of medication , frustrated for not being able to bomb the internet and silence the infidels . I wonder why muslims stopped playing miracle card .
    Is there any miracle left in quran and islam yet to be debunked?

  507. Rainbow says:

    Stop trolling……there are no proofs

  508. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Oh my old friend ! This is not the case I use jokes to win I am aware of facts around and I was sincere about making such comment as I saw stupid unrealistic comment. I know how to deal with different stupids !

    I know you don't have agenda of "anti-Islamism" but of "democracy loyalist".

  509. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You better understand ways of worship, rituals , systems and entity which is being worshiped !

  510. Julia says:

    To the backward islamic moron 'SLAVE (!) of Prophet' (DEAD prophet!).
    You wrote: "@Julia ,I will prove you Allah is only true God "
    WHERE IS YOUR PROOF !!????????????????

  511. denialisnoproof says:

    why do you show affection towards a black stone?
    why do you go around a rock?
    isn't it worship?
    muslims worship muhammad ,black stone ,virgins in heaven ,mullah's , pertrodollars and muhammad;s flying donkey.

  512. Rainbow says:

    You started nicely, but then………..anyway, do you mean that "God" is not
    responsible for death and destruction? If you are a believer, "God"
    declared in his "holy" books that he destroyed those people and sent
    a plague and flood to others, while the share of some other people
    was earthquakes and typhoons, just because they didn't believe in him.

  513. Rainbow says:

    Typical hard-headed, arrogand, and an idiot muslim. I never
    like to use this language, but trying to discuss an issue
    logically, in a civilized manner with a muslim is just impossible,
    because they are not used to it, and they refuse to understand.
    Don't forget to cover yourself well when you sleep………..
    have good dreams about the promised brothel……the minds
    of the muslim men are in their d—–c—ks.

  514. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Kissing a black stone is worship (affection) ?
    Going round and around Kaaba is worship ( ritual) ?

    Next time you call I worship wall of mosque as I offer salat and do sajda before it !!! Stupid !!!

    There are rituals and systems that are form of worship , Muslims worship only Allah ! All oral, physical and monetary ways of worship are only for Allah.

  515. denialisnoproof says:

    nope muslims are worst than pigs.
    it is even an insult to a pig to be compared with muslims.

    rapist rasul pimp allah

  516. Joe says:

    Learn is something that must continue or do you think we know it all?

    regarding crime and violence, we know that some humans have been worse than others.. I can only take responsibility for my own actions or in actions.. When i stand before God, I am naked and all these things actions are seen. I can stand proud of all (most) of my actions and know that i have respected God's creation so that God is happy and proud of my actions and achievements.. That is surely much better than standing there with the blood of the innocent all over me.

    I may be anti-islam but i reach out to you as a brother in the eyes of God, the same sun rises and shines on us both no matter where we live on this planet.. What we do and what we learn to do is what we will be judged on.. If i reach out my hand in peace, then God is my judge, i fool nobody and just harm myself when i seek to harm my brother..

    Love is the path to God and to Love God is to Love God's creation.. that is all of us and this wonderful world.. anything that says otherwise is anti God

  517. Sakat says:

    Don,t worry there are many "Halagus" on the net to maul entire islamophobiek "Khalif's" of net.

  518. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Obviously I am human better smarter, cuter and cleaner than animals !

  519. denialisnoproof says:

    why is it so mr fake ali sina.

  520. Rainbow says:

    I suppose you are one of those millions.

  521. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Is that made you closer to animals ?! Oh animal !

  522. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Answer is the same "crap" ! All mambo-jumbo you derived from style of language. Language of belief is mostly dependent on state of mind of a believer ! Learn etymology !!

    First and last no Muslim accept your meanings and interpretations !

    Example for style of language : If you say fukc you to Chinese , Chinese will think there is a sex in it but American will get what is in it !

  523. Demsci says:

    Nice joke, but we can make jokes too. Any way you may win with jokes. But it is arguing, with presenting facts and evidence that counts. And with that you cannot win, hence you resort to jokes.

  524. Demsci says:

    You wrote:
    "But prophet teachings are relevant in all ages as he was final messenger. "

    Answer: Yet many Muslims try to excuse Muhammad's actions by saying that other people at his time did the same as he did and that the words of the Quran must be studied with the context of the time in which it was written.

    For example: Muhammad's marriage to Aisha was done by other people too. And the war-inciting verses of the Quran were provoked by enemies agression in Muhammad's time, like that of the Byzantines and Persians.

    But you say that his teachings are relevant for all ages, so you contradict MANY Islam-apologists.

    So get your message straight, please; What was it? Muhammad's message was for all ages? Or; Muhammad is excused for following the customs of his time but then his behavior is not example to follow for all times. And The Quran is the eternal word of Allah OR it only responds to circumstances specific in the time of it's creation, so the Quran is in large part no longer valid in later times.

    Either you stop excusing Muhammad and Quran as being products of their time or you stop pretending Muhammad and Quran as being valid for all times, so for 732 AD until now and until judgement day, even if it comes after, say, the year 2050.

    Think! The first monotheistic writings, from the Jews, were from approx. 500 BC, then came the Christian religion, founded in the first century AD, which gained statehood support from Constantine in 325 AD. Then came Islam, in 7th century.

    This is in a period of approx. 1200 years in which Allah sent prophets who wrote or were described in holy books, in the case of Muhammad claiming something had gone wrong with the earlier writings.

    And until judgement day, which may be coming after 2050, so in 1400 years or so Allah does not either send highly needed new prophets or end everything with judgement day??? Is it not possible that since the 7th century the holy message needs updating, correcting???

    Or can it be that somehow Allah/ God kept sending wise messengers to mankind after Muhammad??? But only that many of them were Kuffar? Would that not be much more logical for a omnipotent God who loves humans?

    Or that he did not speak to Muhammad through Gabriel AT ALL?

    Otherwise how can a omnipotent God who acts as you claim, sending a messenger in the 7th century, but postponing judgement day until 21st century, ask us to believe and trust in him??? When it was he who gave us such superb brains presumably? But for what purpose? Are we to supposed to be sheep only???

  525. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Well first revelation and that in cave was about learning !!

    You should know this fact statistics of homicides, rape , crimes across the globe clearly shows involvement of Muslim countries. Its all about presenting crime media , propaganda stuff ! But for real christian countries are proud leaders (blame it on anything ) !!!

    Muslim countries have not even pioneered loads of ammunitions in the world ! Who supplied these ammunitions to Muslims be it Saddam or Al Qaeda are real lovers !!! You know hypocrisy is embedded in perspectives of anti-Islamists including you !

    I hardly believe anti-Islamists are into any humanitarians work either!!!

  526. Rainbow says:

    What do you call kissing the black stone, isn't that worship? what
    do you call going round and round the Ka'aba, isn't this worship?
    Your god is an idol, and you are not aware of that .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQGTusAunsU (if you understand Arabic)
    Now, you know who is stupid. Talking about respect….HA

  527. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    No Muslim worship black stone or Kaaba !!! Besides having affection , love , respect are another measures which you stupid guys mess up with worship !

  528. joe says:

    agree.. humans are still the same same in many ways, HOWEVER we do not live in caves anymore.

    In today's world we have amazing things and that is all because we are free to explore science and free to work with each other.. for example: have you noticed that the screen in front of you? or even a simple keyboard?

    Could you imagine if you had a whole life dedicated to produce just the keyboard you are typing on. could you do it? electronics, plastic, buttons, software, wires, leds.. how many lifetimes would you need? all this is only possible because people can live, trust and work together.

    Love is the key to people respecting and living with each other. Love adds joy which brings happiness and laughter.. Nothing exists without God and God has given us Love and we can see in the world what a difference this respect and Love makes.

    Death and destruction are destroying what God has created and that is the greatest sin ever. How many muslim countries do we see this pain..

  529. Rainbow says:

    Hey…..Slave of Prophet…..you are not helping Islam at all, you are just
    making things worse for it. Your arguments are sooooo stupid to the
    limit I started to think that maybe you are an enemy of Islam in disguise.

  530. Rainbow says:

    OH……..there are many animals who are far more better
    and smarter and cuter and cleaner than millions of humans.

  531. Rainbow says:

    Stop raving and drooling…..but what can I say? that is all the muslims can

    People who use their brains know that the rainbow doesn't exist
    although they can see it (or may be you think I am an actual rainbow) ….
    but the brainless worship a black stone or a cubic building,
    or……..just a mirage

  532. Rainbow says:

    I thought you have a better answer for me.. for why should Allah
    pray on a human, because a human should pray on Allah !

  533. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    We won't mind even if you call coke, pepe or cherry blossom shoe polish !!!

  534. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Islamophobe at best !!!

  535. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Time for medications dear ! Go get some sleep !!!

  536. vijay says:

    Thanks in North India also term for him is Baliraja.

  537. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    It's all stupid to call love blind by person who never found love in life …. Faith is the same !!!!

    If I say rainbow exists does it sound true to you or you say I am not blind ? you are stupid !!!!

    Its a beam of sun ray which get scattered by drops of water in rain to produce rainbow. Rainbow in fact never exist I comes into existence like from nothing and get vanished to nothing without any traces of existence !! Oh the way people think only visual perception is truth are stupids and have no authority to judge anyone for faith !

    Real heart of problem is bitching !!!

  538. Vikramadity says:

    alisina the last nail in islam's coffin.

  539. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    As long as you are an animal you cant see you can't manifest god, You need insight , a true human element to experience truth about god !

    I am 100% sure one who don't believe in God is not more than an animal in gesture , in life on earth !

  540. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Crap head !!!

  541. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You belong to question 2 you skipped lol.

    I don't think the thing has been changed down the ages, human used to communicate using stars now electronic computing devices doing the same..Human have same infections but have antibiotic name where garlic does the same !

  542. Demsci says:

    But Allah gave us a very good mind and with arguing mankind has had many great ideas and implemented them and achieved great success and progress. Does Allah really want us to stick to such old texts only and not argue?

  543. Sam Sudhi says:

    On the contrary with all due respect why don't you surrender to FFI and quit Islam .
    Please do not waste your time in advising me to convert to pisslam . According to you if hell is my destiny I will be happy instead of choosing the filthy pisslam .Sorry !.
    I will never treat my brain as my enemy .

  544. Sam Sudhi says:

    Sir Mr . Vijay a small correction ,it is Mahabeli .

  545. Sakat says:

    first you define what is "true", than comes "true God", that we shall deal on next episode k.

  546. Sakat says:

    I think this guy is mentally retarded ,if he is not given psychiatric treatment in time, he may create havoc,like the one apprehended other day in Delhi bound airplane from Mumbai. Even I afraid he may kill woman name Julia ,if he come face to face one,though she may not be the one he is encountering here.

  547. Julia says:

    To the SLAVE !
    You SAID CLEARLY you can PROVE that your Allah is the only true god.
    1) you have to prove that there is such a "thing" as a god .
    2) if you have proved that, then you have to prove that this "thing/god' is your Allah.
    3) Then you have to prove that this "thing/god/allah" is the only "thing/god".
    I'm waiting for your PROOFS !!!

  548. Divine wind says:

    Calling yourself Slave of Prophet and not Slave of Allah ? So Prophet is higher than Allah. You have committed shirk and should be sentenced to death by stoning.

  549. Sakat says:

    Dear Sir ,I am little confused , how you define the term God .As per my knowledge goes,the simple explanation of God in Vedas as well in Upanishads is "the one without the second " for him there is no "Beginning and no end he is simply in Existence": he is non- characteristic and not having any shape . To explain a thing we need a substitute ,suppose to explain day ! ,night! is must ,say! if there was only day or only night was in existence,than perhaps both term night and day wouldn't have in existence. God's are many but God is one , here as per my understanding "Prakrati" means the all pervading truth ,the truth is always one ,so there cannot be two truth ,and that single truth is always static,from that truth manifest "Purusha"(matter). Since the single truth give birth to the purusha ,so it is defined in feminine gender as "Ma Shakti" or "Parvati" ,Parvati Creates Purusha (iswar) and iswar in tern creates Nar-Narayan and Narayan in tern creates Bramha these are symbolic and had its roots in science. Now how? you define "Purusha",purusha is not truth but ever changing and not everlasting phenomena ,therefore he is referred as"Maya"( delusion) so one thing is clear that he is not truth.Purusha has got three characteristics ,1.to manifest ,2.sustenance ,1. dissolution . Symbolically ,Brahma,Vishnu ,Mahash ,to say Electron,Proton,and Neutron in an atom again this is pure science.Since this visible world is purusha it contained these basic characteristics.We also carry this characteristics.Om symbolizes Purusha ,that is Akar ,Ukar,Makar .When we do Pranayam ,while we inhale breath we say Om Bhu, Bhuv, Swa, Maha,Jan,Tap,Satyam (Bramha) this is called Manifestation of an object ,then pause !here we utter Om tasavitrur varrenyam Bhargo devassya demahi deho yohom nam prachodayat" (Vishnu) this is called sustenance and finally releasing the breath we say "Apo joti rasomratum brahma burbuhaswaromi" (Shiva) dissolution. So purusha means "Maya" or god's leela .Apart from prakrati and purusha I don't think different entity (God) is working in between.The Prakrati stands behind all three characteristics of purusha ,when during manifestation comes in the form of knowledge (sarasvati) ,during sustenance as giver of wealth to survive(Laxmi) and during dissolution gives spiritual knowledge (Parvati) , I want to ponder over your thoughts,even I am keenly waiting the highs-boson particles(Gods particle) experiment result.

  550. joe says:

    @Slave of prophet

    you are the slave of mohammad who is roasting in hell fire..

    prove how a man who killed hundred of men can be a man of God? .. try
    prove how a man of God would start 80 wars in his life time? He probably raped your ancestors!
    prove how a man who killed all the men and then made women and children into slaves is a man of God! this is why you are a slave to the prophet

    sorry, just because you are too afraid to open you eyes to the truth does not mean the sun is rising and the lie of islam continues to be exposed

  551. joe says:

    Thank you very interesting

  552. vijay says:

    Julia is sister. Just continue you debate.

  553. Slave of Prophet says:

    You do not have courage to debate with me. You are escaping. Brother, I advise to accept Islam before dying. You can save yourself from eternal torture/hellfire. Accept Mohammed prophet as final prophet (SAW) & world greatest person ever born.

  554. Julia says:


  555. Slave of Prophet says:

    Such words pagans also used to say about prophet & true God Allah. Only for such people prophet provoked the people to have fight with them.
    _______your prophet is dead for 1400 years______
    But prophet teachings are relevant in all ages as he was final messenger.
    ______YOUR IDOL ALLAH IS ( A) GOD_______
    Firstly, you need to learn Allah is formless & above the heavens. Your God is Idol not Allah.
    ________ please no proofs from your stupid Quran________
    Quran is most scientific, logical book, even scientists claim this. There is no highest authority than Quran.

  556. Julia says:


  557. Julia says:

    RETARDED, BACKWARD AND BRAINWASHED SLAVE (of prophet? of allah ? !!
    By the way : your prophet is dead for 1400 years, so how can you be a slave of this MAFIOSO?? )
    And please no proofs from your stupid Quran (or something like that), because that is circulair reasoning , DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAY?

  558. Slave of prophet says:

    I will prove you Allah is only true God, before that may I know which is your religion? Why do you think your religion is batter than Islam?

  559. Sanatan Dharma says:

    A deep study of four Vedas reveals that God, prakriti and souls are called "Swayambhu". Swayambhu means which has not been made by anyone. The universe is created from prakriti but prakriti is non-alive and God is alive. At a stipulated time (which is eternal) power of God (not God) acts in prakriti and universe is created. This creation is eternal then the power of God nurses the creation and automatically at a stipulated time, the final destruction takes place. So creation, nursing and destruction take place automatically at a fixed time. It means creation, nursing and destruction is eternal and God has not to decide or even think for the same.

    Freedom to the human beings to do good or bad deeds is also eternal and thus everlasting but God awards the result of deeds.

  560. Slave of Prophet says:

    We human are not judge but Allah is judge who us said in holy Quran Mohammed as world greatest man and final prophet. Here is proof.

    He is the Final Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) (33:40)
    A Prophet whom Allah appointed with proven prophecies (30:1-6) (48:1) (48:27) (61:13)
    Nabi Ibrahim (‘Alayhissalam) prayed for his coming (2:129)

  561. joe says:

    ans 1. Everyone here is like a child, we are all guessing the answers to the big questions. the sooner that we understand we know nothing. everything we thought was solid, now quantum physics tells us is just energy in motion. We all need humility and open minds so that we can continue to learn rather try to go back 1400 years and pick flees off the back off camels

    ans 2. ref to ans 1

  562. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I got some miscellaneous questions about readers !

    1. Why some readers behave like children of premature ejaculation concluding to early without in depth analysis and insight?

    2. Can holiness(belief system ) be fought effectively with assholiness ( cherry picking ) or required alternative system and initiatives ?

  563. John says:

    Joe, its just another religion, a belief system into which people are born and they'll follow it blindly and will never be able to look at it critically. That's why its called a "belief" system. I agree Islam tries to impose itself on other people. Out of all the faith systems its the most aggressive, negative and destructive. For me this troll didnt do anything other than confirm that they lie in order to propagate Islam. Here this muslim is lying and saying he's an atheist while praising it every way that a faithful Muslim does.

  564. Rainbow says:

    Yes, every time the name of Mohammad is mentioned, he (Mohammad) ordered his
    followers to say: May Allah pray on him (Mohammad). But they faked it in English and
    they translated as: Peace be upon him (Mohammad). I just want to know, why Allah
    should pray (he is not supposed to pray, people do the prayers on him), and how does
    he pray? Does he face Ka'aba or Jerusalem?

  565. Rainbow says:

    This is exactly the heart of the problem……..the blind faith. T H I N K !!!!

  566. joe says:


    specifically i am commenting on a point you highlighted which i believe is important… ie:

    "Why so many people get illumination and wisdom for reading Quran, and Is spite of showing the evils in Quran and Islam, they still say they got illumination from it?" — is a MUSLIM.

    This is important to understand because it is a main driver for people and it is often manipulated by religion, cults, governments etc. Regardless of whether the writer is a troll or not, there needs to be thoughtful discussion about the points made with an objective of uncovering a higher standard for us all to live together on spaceship earth.

    what you believe is your personal choice and while your personal choice respects the personal choice of others, we then have the grounds for a peaceful and free society. The problem with Islam is that it wishes to impose its beliefs on all others and that is the problem.

    In summary, be thankful for the troll as they provide food for thought and gives us an opportunity to discuss the logic behind this barbaric cult teaching called islam

  567. Sakat says:

    There was a shepherd , in evening after returning the herds to hut ,he used to come to listen discourses of Buddha ,though Buddha stressed for meditation most part ,in the evening session he used to clarify step by step approach of meditation ,to the practitioner .Supposed some one has found some kind of experience during meditation ,the Buddha would explain whether the person was on the right track or not or else he has come under influence of "Mara" (hallucination arising out of defilement's in the mind)some people will understand his discourse properly and rectify there mistakes and progressed rapidly on the path of Nirvana and some will not show any interest to understand it, and thus remained were they were at the beginning.The shepherd didn't took meditation part of Buddha's teaching ,but he was keen listener of his evening discourses.He observed many of his disciples were radiating with utmost calm and serene as like Buddha one can say by simply gazing them either they have reached the state of Nirvana or near to it,many were happy but not like earlier class of disciples ,there are still many who it seems not gain anything even after doing lot of meditation and hearing discourses from Buddha,they were still their from where they have began there journey .This has puzzled the poor shepherd ,he asked himself why? ,this is so ,was Buddha's teachings are false or contain any defect in it ,but how to know ,the best person to answer my quest is Buddha himself ,but the problem was he is always surrounded by his disciples all the time ,but he can't contain his doubt to himself ,so he was waiting for an opportunity to discuss this point with Buddha.He saw one day ,Buddha was alone after evening discourse ,he with his folded hand approached Buddha and said "oh lord I have doubt can you satisfy me",Buddha replied oh man !there shouldn't be any doubt on the path of Dharma ,please tell me what are your doubt's.The shepherd continued ,"oh lord ,I have seen many people undergo practice under your supervision since last many years .I can say many people are reaching the Buddha hood ,by simply seeing there face ;their are still many people who do practice regularly and hear you attentively ,they are happy and calm I guess but I don't think they have reached final stage;again their are people who attained your course regularly for many year's, yet they are remained where they are till date what is the reason my lord". To explain things,Buddha used to take here and now examples so that even a layman can understand them easily. At first glance on the Shepherd ,Buddha !, realized he do not belongs to that place,so Buddha asked "oh shepherd it seems from your look ,you do not belong to this place ",the shepherd exclaimed ,yes my lord "I belong to Rajgrih". Buddha said ,"perhaps you must be knowing the exact path which will take you to Rajgrih ,the shepherd replied yes ,Sir! perfectly.Buddha asked again "suppose if stranger asks you where is Rajgrih and which is the road to travel to reach Rajgrih.The shepherd said,no doubt in it sir, if he travels on the path I described to him he will certainly reach Rajgrih.Buddha asked the shepherd again ,suppose even after your direction ,the person did not move will he reach Rajgrih ,the shepherd ,exclaimed how can it be possible my lord! ,then Buddha said likewise if a person do not properly listen you and travels on the direction directed by you will not reach Rajgrih ,and the person who do not travel even after having proper direction will not reach Rajgrih ,and those who took you seriously and traveled by your direction and reached Rajgrih ,in the same way who have listened properly the Dharma and implemented perfectly have reached the Goal,thouse who didn't give serious thought have faltered ,it is not my fault ,I can't travel their journey.I hope you understood why the monks and nun's have not reached Nirvana in your research..

  568. denialisnoproof says:

    who are you to judge child rapist muhammad? aren't you muslim supposed to agree that muhammad is a perfect man for all time? why did you learn to write ? aren't you supposed to be illiterate following muhammad's sunnah?
    allah , muhammad , muslims are all same. muhammad used allah. he also claimed allah prayed to him. now you are using islam to prove your nonsense.
    who are we to question your allah? we are infedels and fcuk you and your allah.

  569. vijay says:

    Tigress is back on hunt! Happy hunting!

  570. Julia says:

    To the brainewashed Slave of Allah (Prophet?) .
    I will follow the commands in your Quran , if you can prove that Allah is (a) god, that the Quran is from this god and Mohammed is a prophet from this god.
    GO AHEAD !!!

  571. Julia says:

    THIS MUSLIM SCHOLAR AND CLERIC SAYS IT CLEAR: " KILL THEM". http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/3307.h
    No denying, no freedom of religion !!!

  572. Julia says:

    About female circumcission. See this and listen: http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/3635.h
    A woman in the video says:
    Women in Mauritania and in the ARAB WORLD
    This is an illiterate Bedouin society and we are still in the early stages of awareness !!!
    MUSLIMS LOOK AND READ THIS : http://sheikyermami.com/2007/05/31/female-genital
    SAHIH HADITH Abu-Dawud Book 41, No. 5251: Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: " A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband."
    (Note: The powerful Mohammad did NOT stop the procedure yet he stopped adoption so he could marry his adopted son’s wife Zainab, regarded as incest by the Arabs because adopted sons were held as sons!)

  573. vijay says:

    I have heard a rumor that some people after converting to Islam, will come near Dr Naik, will do Dabiah of him on camera and prove it with his example that how painless is Halal way of killing? Tell him to be careful as some Wahabis/Salalfi also are fed up with his Satanic Dawah and quoting other books.

  574. Sakat says:

    A kid knows earth is round than why your Alla want to fool we innocent by saying "Earth is Flat",what kind of Alla he is even he don't know how his own creation looks like.If Columbus would have believed Alla he wouldn't have discovered America ,what a buffoon you are ,rat in the kitchen remember here you are addressing the elite audience not the heard of sheep in the podium of Zokar Naik,be serious.

  575. vijay says:

    Thanks Madam, Praise the Lord.

  576. vijay says:

    Though I can put some Sufi perspective here but now I want AbduRasol /Slave of Prophet PBUH coming here or taking this stuff to Dr Naik and reply as he came here a his religion's duty to do Dawah and my duty is to sing the Glory of the God.

  577. John says:

    Joe, I don't know what you're trying to say. All I mean is this: No one can logically have these two beliefs at the same time: (1) Quran verses help ward off evil spirits. (2) Atheism, i.e. God does not exist. All of his email is defending Islam in the same way that a Muslim would, which he 100% is.
    This person is a Muslim troll and has lied intentionally by that he's an atheist. He's not a good person.
    I'm an atheist as well so I don't believe in Jesus and you should not assume the other person believes in Jesus.

  578. vijay says:

    Are you a Hindu ? Hindus do not find Holy Kuran as per their faith of idol worship. For them Islam is mark of Kaliyuga's evil time. Why to put yourself in in their place ?

  579. Sakat says:

    Sir,You are absolutely right , you know what is a difference between a kid in kindergarten and a professor.The boy in kindergarten learn to do maths of 1+1= 2,his knowledge don't go beyond that , even if the professor say's 1000-999=1, he wont accept it.So you need not come to their level, we elevate our knowledge,we could make them fool easily, we can create Alla as well resurrection of Mohammed from his grave in Medina by our sear intelligence and control these hooligans without any bloodshed.Science can create anything ,they give prominence to belief ,we give prominence to experiment ,we have won all the time.One thing we shouldn't do is, not to impart the knowledge we gain from our experiment.Even tomorrow we reach any other habitual planet we must not take these scums with us ,therefore I suggest if they say their Qur'an is great ,Mohammed is great ,Islam is great ,we shouldn't oppose them,so that they remain in the whirlpool of ignorance ,this is a blessing in disguise for us.

  580. Slave of Prophet says:

    Who are we human to judge the Allah revelations (Quran)? We should believe whatever written in Quran and follow its commands. We should not argue.

  581. vijay says:

    What should Hindus do, when they found Holy Kuran offensive to their faith ?

  582. Slave of Prophet says:

    Now, I doubt you are a Muslim. Please bring proof from Quran "There are many path to reach Allah". According to Islam/Quran (Holy revelation of Allah) Islam is the only way to get salvation/ reach to God.

  583. vijay says:

    People provoke Muslims and they suffer in agony. So I told you before brother AbduRasul. To be careful while posting here.

  584. vijay says:

    Dr Sina also uses the words which could hurt the Muslims. Once Muslims are provoked , they lose the cool and stop thinking logically.

  585. vijay says:

    There are many path but surrender is Sirtaul Mustqeem.

  586. vijay says:

    We need to have friend, we can rely upon, weak human without faith in Allah is too weak to be reliable. I think atheist with pantheism also spiritual anyway. On the way of God.

  587. vijay says:

    There is no friend in this world but Allah, who will take care you after this life, in grave and after the day of judgement. A person with faith in Allah need to have sympathy and compassion for those people who Allah has not chosen to be the believers of Allah. Instead of having proud of being faithful. Else our proud will make us easy pray of Iblis to attack our Nafs. A person without faith in Allah, even may appear like Muslim or like non Muslim, is the object of Sympathy and not hatred. Ego and Jealousy in us, has to be hated first.

  588. Slave of Prophet says:

    I agree with you but How can one love with the enemy of Allah (Idol worshipers)? How can one love who are worst of creature (Idol worshipers) even prophet advised not to befriends to non-believers.

  589. Slave of Prophet says:

    @Ali Sina
    You are hypocrite. denialisnoproof writing wrong about prophet and hurting feelings of billions of Muslims. Why not you ban him to prove that you are secular?

  590. vijay says:

    Not the Baali but Bali.

  591. vijay says:

    You have term Bali Dan, it is from another Bali, who was the grand son of Devotee Prahlad. This Bali won God Vishnus devotion and he Stands on the gate of King Bali. Vaman Avtar related Bali.

  592. Sanatan Dharma says:

    Difference in Vedic religion/Sanatan Dharma and Islam are as follows:
    a. Vedas say worship only one God, Islam says apart of worshipping one God, one also has to believe in Muhammad, Angels, Judgment Day, Heaven, Hell even though one never saw them. As per Sanatan Dharma worship of God also include humanistic act. not only blubbering some words. Worship through noble deeds.
    b. Vedas say souls take births after births till they eradicate all ignorance through efforts, afterwhich they go to Heaven/ Salvation forever. This is not a palatial place, but a state of ultimate bliss. Islam believes this is only birth and after that there is eternal Hell or Heaven as described in Quran/ Hadiths.
    c. Vedas say one should only follow truth after proper verification and analysis. Even belief in Vedas is not necessary unless one is convinced. But Islam says that one has to believe in Quran and other Sunnahs regardless of whether he has understood or not, if he has to go to heaven. So bulk of Muslims dont even know arabic but still have to blindly follow Quran.
    d. Vedas is a way of life. There is no concept of believer and non-believers. Everyone follows Vedas in some aspects and does not in other. Depending upon what he follows and what he does not, Ishwar helps soul with appropriate situations to help him realize truth every moment. Even after death the process continues. In Islam, one can enter religion but punishment for leaving is death. This life is supposed to be a test and Ishwar does not help continuously.
    Vedas is the source for La-Illaha-Lilallah (There is only one God) and rejects even repetition of Muhammad Rasul Allah because God is so powerful that He/She does not need any agents.

  593. vijay says:

    Biggest property of a person is love, love to the God and all the creation by the God. Rest will be left after one goes to grave.

  594. Sakat says:

    oh….par…otten…of the cage…..sorry our horse do not recede backward journey of…..7th A.D…..we are helpless ,OK,take care

  595. Sanatan Dharma says:

    Are you mentioning the Bali of Ramayan who was killed by Rama.

  596. Slave of prophet says:

    @Sam Sudhi
    Only Islam can you proper share in ancestral property. I advice you to accept Islam then contact to local Islamic organization or authority of there.

  597. vijay says:

    King of Kerala was Bali(Non Aryan), in whose rememberence Onam is celebrated. Dravidian culture has long history of pro women attitude. Aryans, too were not far behind but still less the Dravidian.

  598. vijay says:

    recent ruling in Indian court had case for minimum marriageable age of Muslim female. There was a controversy.

  599. Sam Sudhi says:

    Non-sense ! you are talking of history .
    I am from a staunch hindu family in Kerala,we are two siblings me and my sister .My sister got more share than myself when our property was shared plus the gold ornaments and car she got .It was not even a dowry because my parents where well to do ,given on good will .But now in kerala male members are the looser when it comes to sharing of property among Hindus .

  600. Sam Sudhi says:

    Kindly post this on FFI also .Recently there was a discussion of the same topic .
    Thanks .

  601. denialisnoproof says:

    slave of pimp prophet
    your ass is handed over to you on a plate[youtube oAHDFI5W_DM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAHDFI5W_DM youtube]

  602. denialisnoproof says:

    you are busted ayesha reached the age of pubery when she was 15 .
    she mestruated for the first time at the age of 15
    muhammad is indeed a rapist.

  603. denialisnoproof says:

    nonsense islam is itself a rapist system.
    what did your profit mo do with his slaves?
    and war captives?
    and hidu women do have inheritance right so please go and ask your allah to stop pimping prostitutes in his brothel.

  604. Sakat says:

    Who say's so?, see 2005, Amendment to sec 6 of Hindu Succession Act ,"Now a Hindu woman get Equal Share in inheritance,However Hindu woman are par Excellence in education ,they work in all field now their income counts in laks and crores per month for example Kiran Shaw Mujumdar and Indira nui ,our woman have explored outer space ,look at Kalpana Chawla and Suneeta Williams we are really proud of our woman they are independent and least interested in their fathers property.,on the other hand see how you have made your woman's life worst than a domesticated animal ,no education ,,Burka clad (create deficiency of vitamin "D"and invite deadly deceases),no independent say in any matter.Whereas our woman are our masters (not half intelligent but equal)in our home ,as well useful adviser in matters related to our relations with the society ,our homes run because of their prudence and wisdom ,which our religion provide,we do not subjugate them like you do to your woman .Now look at your religion ,is there any possibility of amendment to Sharia and Qur'an. When the Supreme court had passed an order of maintenance to Sha Banu ,your mullas and Imam took to street against the order,saying Islam in danger ,our hypocrite politicians were forced to make an amendment to our constitution to terminate the order passed by the supreme court ,what kind of share for woman you are talking about.See how hypocrites you are ,the cute girl Malala Yosufgai was shot only because see advocated education.Prior to advent of Islam the woman in Arabia were doing independent business their status was equal to man example Khadija,,but this mad man Mohammed not only evaporated her wealth , also brought curse on woman ,till date they are suffering under you. You Killed Benajir Bhutto,you Killed Razia Sultan ,why? because you don't want to be ruled by woman.

  605. vijay says:

    Hindu inherentence act gives lady her due. Dowry use to be the doughter's share only parted towards the marriage. Hazrat Aisha RA and Hazrat Faimah RA(AS in Shai Brethren ) are named as conflicting the forces after the departure of Prophet PBUH, so conflict of Shai Sunni started. Should a Hindu invite your sister to become Hindu for a few days to understand the status of women in Hindus or to you to become Hindu ? Sanatan Dharam is religion related to getting Moksha and not about property matter. Razia Sultana and Benezir Bhotto became very good rulers and what did Bigot Muslims did with them ? Arya Samaj sects allows women inheritence and so is Gayatri Parivar. Is girls's physical and mental state OK, when puberty is reached to have sex ?

  606. Slave of prophet says:

    According to Islam age of girl does not matter but puberty. If girl got to puberty then she can have sex after marry. That is why in Islam rape case are found very least.

  607. Slave of prophet says:

    You are Hindu woman. You have no right in father property. Firstly, convert into Islam to understand status of woman in Islam. As per Islam marriageable age of girl depends on puberty. Aisha at the age of 9 got the puberty and liable to have sex with prophet (SAW).

  608. denialisnoproof says:


  609. Sakat says:

    Dear Sir ,I follow your nice knowledge ,you are an illuminated soul ,blessed are the people who are near to that all illuminating "the one without the second" thank u

  610. Sakat says:

    small correction" give prominence to righteousness"thank u

  611. Sakat says:

    Sir ,we are non-violent people by our deeds and actions,when you express it through your deeds you don't know on subtle level it harms you,therefore our scriptures always give prominence to nutritiousness so we will be healthy on physical as well on emotional level .All the deceases we humans are suffering because of defilement's in mind ,the westerner earlier fail to understand this , they treated the decease on physical level the drugs have created side effect thus paved way for some other deceases .Now they have realized the deceases are physio-somatic in nature,instead of treating the patient on physical level first they consider to treat on emotional level. Our ancient doctors (sages) well aware of human mind,they have formulated very nice system of medication ,we call it "Ayurveda" ,this school of medication works on emotional as well on physical level,I do not deal it here further,i just referred it in the context to make you aware how it is harmful to think negative on your emotional level .Just see how Ali Sina handles these people in smart way without losing his temper.My purpose here is not to discourage your mission,but to expose them keeping your dignity intact .Because it is a fight between a PhD graduate and a kindergarten boy ,being PhD man if you become kindergarten boy your dignity will be in shambles .

  612. Sam Sudhi says:

    Thanks vijay for this info .
    But one thing it makes me sick when you refer the quran as holy ! .Let us face the fact ,once I was also thinking like you .
    But time and experiance made me change that .
    So let us call that crap as it is the product of several copy paste from other religious scriptures and it is a hate manual .

  613. John says:

    This guy says "Still from some Quranic verses people get cured some troubles are solved and **evil spirits are warded off**", and then in the same sentence says he's an atheist. "I myself is an atheist"
    Dear "atheist", why do you continue to believe in Allah and Muhammad? What havoc did you create in your area against Islam? Did you drop a banana peel near the mosque by mistake? The solution is simple. Pick up the banana peel and ask forgiveness from your God, Allah. Or just leave Islam so you can stop lying and looking like a fool.

  614. FreeThinker says:

    You're right, I guess that's why Mohammed tried hard to supress women. Beside mysoginists, the Saudis are also extremely racist and practice slavery.
    Anyway, it comes down to this: everytime you drive your car, you are not only contributing to global warming but also supporting Islamic terrorism.
    The US is the one of the major polluters in the world, second only to China, and it is way ahead in CO2 emission per capita. Saudi Arabia is also big, maybe because oil is cheaper than water there: http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_
    Substitutes for oil? Ethanol-run vehicles are popular in Brazil. Sugar-cane ethanol is much more efficient than corn. There are also hybrid and electric cars. The real problem is that the oil lobbys are too strong. Conscientious citizens should push for use of cleaner energies.
    The Islamists plan is a global caliphate, and it doesn't seem such an impossible goal. "Control oil and you will control nations." Without petro-dollars they would be as threatening and dangerous as desert cockroaches.

  615. vijay says:

    the "logic" of Dr Naik is Naikology

  616. vijay says:

    This is called amicable dialogue, very nice both Madam Agracean and Mr Sakat.

  617. vijay says:

    In case you are outside India, this has great info which could help you to understand sound energy http://www.hindujagruti.org/ Indian Government ruled by appeasers have banned it in India.

  618. denialisnoproof says:

    you should try to fool somebody else .
    if it was not for the bible then we would have civilized much earlier

  619. Sakat says:


  620. Sakat says:

    Dear,self-medication is very dangerous,it didn't surprised me about your prejudices towards meditation.Many westerners venture's in Himalayas in search of genuine yogis ,but ends up with quake's,who after doing halfway meditation under certain masters became proficient enough with certain power, to fool innocent westerners and thus dupe them with their contaminated yogic meditation techniques.Their are another kind of westerners,who undergo proper meditation discipline for certain period ,after gaining some kind of mastery they leave the course on halfway to form their own schools of meditation and in that process contaminate the meditation by putting their own ingredients to it.,this is dangerous trend.There are still another kind of people who writes volumes of books about meditation ,and people straight way purchase these books and try to follow the instructions stated their in ,if your mind is not trained prior to taking meditation seriously you will end up with hallucinations ( defilement s of mind creates such things ,in this context Buddha had used the term "Mara") In these conditions the master can bring back the aspirant on proper path ,therefore the practices of meditation always be done under the supervision of perfect master (read Himalayan Masters) The ancient sages after many self experiment ,have formulated proper meditation techniques,if any body under the guidance of such masters does meditation he will certainly reach the final frontier.The master guides such aspirant step by step.Prior to that one has to maintain "Sheel" (righteousness) of Non-violence ,Truthfulness,celibacy etc.The whole purpose of the meditation is to raise the divinity hidden in us,so that we leave a very happy and healthy life without any fear or anxiety .The mind is a dangers element ,if we tame it in righteous path it will give wonderful result and if we allow it to dwell in evil territory it will destroy us as well others.The whole process of meditation is to make us master of our mind and not slave of it. If you have already make upped your mind not to do meditation,I have no objection,but out rightly saying it is dangerous, bad etc ,will not any way harm meditation ,but the prospective seeker of meditation ,who because of your ill advice abandon it .Praying god is also a kind of meditation , I pray Jesus shower all the happiness,prosperity good health to you, take care thank u.

  621. denialisnoproof says:

    hahahhahaha looser sees other people as loosers .
    every persons vision is according to his creation.
    go and pray to your pimp god allah

  622. Sam Sudhi says:

    Dear Sir , Islamist fools need a kick in the butt some times . What Julia dose's is correct .
    She had spent time in understanding Islam unlike some of us she has earned the right to
    insult them .

  623. Sam Sudhi says:

    WOW ! wonderful bro you fought well ,if at least 25 % of Hindus think like you Islam wiill be a history in India .

  624. shyamuk says:

    I agree with you Nabicabul, It is a very commen practice that people become loner in order to achieve something. A writer goes lonely to write a book, a scoentist become lonely when he is analising something important. It is very commen practice in India that seeker go to a lonely place in Himalayas to know the truth. Creative lonliness is a virtue.

  625. Agracean says:

    Dear Sakat, thanks for valuing my opinions. What I mean when I said that I do meditate upon biblical scriptures is that I think deeply or carefully about each verse and it's message but meditation is different. It is a deliberate action for one to train the mind or mind training and it is dangerous when a person is too deeply involved in it, spending long hours in meditation. A few years ago, a friend of mine started to practice meditation. He bought many books on this subject and soon, he became too deeply involved in meditation and spent long hours in his room mediatating like Buddha. It came to a point which he encountered out of body experiences and his spirit man could see himself sitting on the floor meditating. That's also the first time when he heard a voice instructing him to commit suicide and how to secretly go about it and he succumbed to that evil spirit and while he was about to kill himself, a miracle happened which changed his life forever. After this horrible encounter with death, he quit meditation and realized that evil spirit do exist in reality.

  626. Agracean says:

    Loki is such a pathetic loser.

  627. Agracean says:

    Stupid Loki!

  628. Rainbow says:

    Certainly yes ! Saudi Arabia and the West……I do not know who is kissing
    the "arses" of who. I wish if they invent a substitute for the oil, then we will
    see the destiney of those who depend on it to be in the rank of humans.
    Women are humiliated ? definately…….the most logical reason for why
    women are crushed in Islam is because Mohammad didn't want to give
    the women a chance to hinder or ruin his message. Women play the
    greatest role in politics. Bonapart said: The woman who rocks the cradle
    with her right arm, shakes the world with her left arm.

  629. FoT says:

    Obama is non-religious. But he will always support Israel

  630. Demsci says:

    day of judgement is long overdue. otherwise a new prophet should long since been sent. But especially in the 21st century either judgement day comes, or a new prophet, or Islamic age should be over. The waiting for judgment day or a new prophet is just too long.

  631. Anjali says:

    Ahh.. it's so simple and plain, yet you muslims failed to see….

    Islam is blamed because your fanaticism inflicting pain to other innocent people…

    while in Christianity is rarely/never blamed because their fanaticism is self-inflicting…

  632. Anjali says:

    These things is inevitable and will continue as long as Islamic teachings has not been eradicated from the community…

    some group will think they are more righteous than other group, so they have divine right to sent other groups to hell, and suddenly **boom**, bloodfest, continued by more and more retaliation…

  633. vijay says:

    What is qadr or destiny ? Who is Al Awwal, Al Akhir, Al Baqi, Al Haq ? who is Al Sami ? often ladies are raped say in Pakistan for honor. They may call Allah, Allah hears to all. But only if will of Allah is there then she is saved. Thing which was not there and came into being latter in time can not be true so can not be Haq, Only Allah is true.

  634. vijay says:

    Thanks for sharing, Holy Kuran could be treated as Tantric Grantha like we have Shabar Tantra with the usage of Alif, Lam Mem etc. I was offered such education by a Sufi, who is Bhardwaj Brahmin. I only took the meditation part and not the spiritual healing part. I thank you again for providing great knowledge, energy can not be created or destroyed only changes from one form to another.

  635. Anjali says:

    Why the feeling and the sad face ?

    is it because she nailed you ? or because she is telling the truth and you can't silence her ?

  636. Anjali says:

    oh boy, you are trying so hard to be a Mo' pimp…. how does it feel to be on Aisha shoes… get old stinky things inside her, while breathing Mo' stinking breath & bad body odour… this vision is more like a rape than marriage…

  637. Sam Sudhi says:

    You are absolutely right John ,I had this doubt this is a stunt from a Muslim .

  638. NabiCabul says:

    “Not all loners are narcissists”
    yes I agree with that. But that's NOT Mr. Sina's statement.

    What Mr. Sina means is “All narcissists who can't find adulating cultists become loners”

    Please don't twist the logic.

  639. Sakat says:

    Yes man this guy is pretender ,yet I appreciate ali ,he is shrewd enough to sense these wolf in the garb of lamb ,he is a perfect shepherd

  640. Sakat says:

    Two type of Energy pervades this whole Universe .The one is static energy (primordial energy or Adi Shakti in Vedas) and another the dynamic energy (Purusha).The whole Vedas are based on these two energies and it is pure science nothing else. The static energy is formless, characterless existence,say it is simply there . The second energy that is the dynamic energy manifests from time to time remain for certain period in existence and merges with that static energy .Parvati ,the static energy whereas Ganapti the dynamic energy ,therefore we hear the story that parvati created Ganapati out of her body dust .Here Parvati symbolises Static energy whereas Ganapti represent Dynamic energy.The vedic sloka "Om purnamida purnamidam purnath purn mudachatey purnasha purnmadaya purn meva vasisyte",clarifies that this Universe is pervaded with one perfect static energy and from this perfect existence another perfect manifests that is dynamic energy (matter) time again and again.The science is so far aware of four kind of energy ,1.Gravitational energy,2.Electromagnetic energy,3.High velocity atomic energy,4.low-velocity atomic energy .The source for all these energies is 'static energy" or God we call. To know electromagnetic energy electrocution is necessary.Like wise to know the existence of primordial energy experience is necessary ,simply believing is not enough ,so our sages were scientist of par excellence ,they found a mechanism to realize this static reality.Since every thing was manifested from it ,so it exists bottom of the bottom of manifest (dynamic energy )The kinetic energy can be converted into speed energy and speed energy can be converted into sound energy.Our sages knew subtle reality Sanskrit language is the result of that and corresponding systems (tool's )like yoga and Tantra were devised to realize this ultimate reality..The repeated chanting of certain words for example "Yam","Rum","Sham","Vam" etc can create certain dynamic energy from that static energy ,Though dynamic energy has got to character one is positive and second one is negative,whereas static energy has got no character so it is useless to say that God becomes happy or angry.To produce electromagnetic energy we have to rotate the dynamo ,likewise to create mantric energy of particular type we have to chant particular syllabub in particular way for particular period,so here the danger is both kind of energy is imminent ,so one should do these things under established master. Now tell me were stands Qur'an here which failed to recognize the safe of earth (earth is flat and center of the Universe) .The Vedas are static existence even man reach another galaxies they will remain as pure as today,whereas Qur'an ,Alla,Bible God will disappear without trace in future world ,note this.

  641. denialisnoproof says:

    muhammad himself was a rapist.

  642. denialisnoproof says:

    i call bullschit upon this . paradise is for muslims sickos.
    allah's jannat is a randikhana where muslim gandus can have non stop sex with perpetual sluts.
    and also muhammad told only requisite to go to allah's randi khana is to be muslim and rise his butt infront of him 5 times a day

  643. Sam Sudhi says:

    With the thirty men strength ,sex with a 9 year old would be great..he he .
    Idiot ! get lost .

  644. Slave of prophet says:

    ________paradise and being good is different_______
    Paradise is result of being good. As bow you will reap the same. If You do good you will be in paradise vice-versa. Allah laws are logical and easy to understand.
    ________without whose will leaf can not flutter_____
    No, you are wrong. If someone is raping a women it is not due to Allah will. But Allah has left us free. We will be responsible our good or bad deeds. Allah will award us result on day of judgment.

  645. Slave of prophet says:

    i am straight forward person. I do not play with words. Good Person and eternal hell both are contrary. If someone is good he can not be in hell. But Bad and eternal hell fire must give some logical sound. As per Islam goodness is judged by faith. Allah also says in holy Quran Muslim are best creature.

  646. vijay says:

    Hindus have their warriors exhuming the deads from Muslim graves and putting pork flesh in their mouth and burning them. This way they have avenged they feel attacks on their places of worship. Allah only knows that if it is Test of Muslims or a punishment to them.

  647. vijay says:

    Getting paradise and being good is different and getting Khalsi is different. All is owned by Allah, Allah is lord of All, to Allah all belong. without whose will leaf can not flutter. All bodies, all souls, all deeds are of Allah, how can a something belonging to Allah be Bad ?

  648. Slave of prophet says:

    Is per Islam who are true follower of prophet & Quran are good human being. There are many person who are attributed good human being like Buddha, Nanak, Gandhi, Mother Teressa etc. but according to Islamic point of view they were non-believer in prophet and not entitled to be called good human being.

  649. John says:

    This whole email is obviously a SHAM submitted by a MUSLIM. Anyone who says this "Why so many people get illumination and wisdom for reading Quran, and Is spite of showing the evils in Quran and Islam, they still say they got illumination from it?" — is a MUSLIM.
    "I have created havoc in my area against Islam, and disturbed their mind a lot." — this is a LIE. Anyone who can create havoc in his area against Islam, but thinks people get illuminated and wise by reading the Quran is actually a Muslim.

  650. Sam Sudhi says:

    Not all people would kill only muslims who's brains work retrograde .

  651. Loki says:

    100% ?

  652. Loki says:

    Muslim women(the few who were blessed with education) are now taking the mullahs to cleaners in open debates.
    Watch those dirty-bearded oldies getting humiliated in the public by their own womenfolk.

  653. Loki says:

    Stupidity, thy name is Agracean.

  654. Loki says:

    And you are a pathetic loser paid by some oily sheikh who is so petrified by a simple website that you spend half your day here, trying to defend a dead philosophy.

  655. Loki says:

    It's funny who's talking about evidence.
    Worshipers of an invisible monster and followers of one of the vilest men to walk on Earth, LOL

  656. vijay says:

    Convert, expel or third option i do not want to say you are your self intelligent. Do it ! As per you Holy Mecca is Shiva temple! Take it back. I am i doing Taqqiya now ? For me Allah is one who lead to salvation/Khalasi and is more to do with spirit. I am against the superemist ideology. Now you continue your fight.

  657. vijay says:

    As per Purush Sukta's(Both in Holy Rigveda and Holy Samveda) interpretation God pervades all, as per Vedanta, there is nothing else but God. Also read the Brahmsuta Bhshaya by Adi Sankara, which is work of Sage Vyas Ji.

    I am not fighting any one and only God i believe. Biggest infidel is human mind all humans have this trait. I am impressed by Slave guy that he is telling truth.

    If you Hindus are ruled by traitors of your own creed. Why should you blame Muslims. If you have guys then join RSS and bring Modi to rule the India. If you can convert Dr Zakir Naik to Sanatan Dharam go ahead. You have already lost Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Assam, UP, West Bengal, Kerala, you are in decline. Am I doing Taqqiya now ?

  658. vijay says:

    Can Allah SWT capable to destroy What Allah SWT created ? Is Allah bounded by any rule ? From Allah all come and go back to Allah. To Allah all belong. Allah is not him or her, male or female. Difference in interpretation here.

  659. FreeThinker says:

    Obama is a Muslims? Give me a break!
    What about George W. Bush? Is he a Muslim too?! Didn't he also say that Islam is a religion of peace and America's war is not against Islam?
    Which American or British leader has ever condemned Islam as an ideology? Which one never kissed Saudi arses (forgive my Arabic)?
    What is the most radical and most powerful Islamic country in the world? Who are the greatest sponsors of Islamic terrorism worldwide? Saudi Arabia! Who is one of the greatest American allies in the region, and gave full support to the US in the Gulf wars against Saddam Hussein? Who is the greatest oil producer in the world and USA's main supplier? And also where is Bin Laden originally from?
    A country where women can't even drive and are treated like crap, enslave their immigrants and are among the greatest violators of human rights in the world.
    And yet Uncle Sam calls Saudi Arabia "friends and allies". Disgusting hypocrates!
    At least Obama has a focus on renewable energies and reducing dependance on foreign oil. Without Western dependance on oil, which by the way is wrecking the planet, the Islamists would be powerless. Watch that documentary "Islam -what the west needs to know" and see the hipocrisy of Western politicians!

  660. Sanatan Dharma says:

    According to eternal Dharma Three entity God, Soul, And Prakriti (Prikriti primordial form of matter) are eternal/uncreated. There was not a time when soul, Prakriti & God not exist. These three entity are coeval. The things which have a beginning must have to face its end. If soul is created it can not exist eternally in hell / heaven it must have to die. But it is general belief souls never dies. That means it has no beginning in other worlds it is uncreated. Rigveda mandal 10, sukta 129 states that like potter makes pot from clay, similarly God creates universe from non-alive matter prakriti which is uncreated eternal. Prakriti is unseen matter. From unseen matter, the whole universe is created in the visible form. Science also says that matter is never destroyed but changes its form. Suppose a paper is burnt, paper changes its form into ashes. Then ashes are crushed and thrown in air. At this moment, the paper changed into ashes becomes invisible but was never destroyed. Similarly the whole universe at the time of final destruction is turned into prakriti i.e., into unseen form.

  661. Slave of Prophet says:

    Dear holy verses of Quran 28:88 says
    "and do not invoke any god beside Allah. There is no god but He. All will perish but He. To Him belongs the command And to Him shall all of you return"
    Here all will perish means that all will perish before the day of judgement except Allah. The verse is not about After day of judgement. Because as per Quran non-believer will get eternal hell while believer in prophet & Allah will get eternal heaven.

  662. Sakat says:

    because of the protection of cow we produce highest milk throughout the world ,and must thank those seers who brought cow into the list of protected animals thousands of years back.Milk is foremost essential thing to new born or even to celebrate your birthday cake..Don't give prominence to its holiness ,because then their did not exist protected laws to control people ,that is why they brought Dharmic(Natural)law into existence ,so that people because fear of god abandon killing the primary animal .

  663. Sakat says:

    It seems two Muslims are fighting (taquiya) to fool infidels.

  664. vijay says:

    Brother, Hasbi Rabi Jallalallah , Ma Fi Qalbi Ghair Allah. As Allahh only is in my heart I can not be without kindness to any one. I am not Dr Naik, In past we had Jews with loads of knowledge like Ass with books on back. We too have become like that. Anyway this time I am giving you the reference, I hope you may interpret it in different way. 28:88. If I am not mistaken. If Allah created every thing, how can you saw that Allah is incapable to destroy them? That will undermine the omnipotence of my God.

  665. Sakat says:

    you said you are meditating upon biblical scriptures ,I am little confused wt do u mean by that. Because we know meditation is practical thing for example it goes with simple technique like concentration on your incoming and outgoing breath than to a more complex thing ( i am not mentioning here because of the oath we took while undergoing such discipline). Exactly in what way your meditation is different I am curious .The word meditation came into existence from eastern philosophy ,now after knowing its immense benefit to a spiritual seeker,the christian world began to claim " meditation" is the contribution of Jesus and they are having copyright over it.What is your valuable opinion.

  666. Agracean says:

    Hi Sakat, I'm not a Catholic and I'm not interested in their religious system, especially their religious teachings and ceremonies. I don't worship the pope or monks or nuns and their robes. I'm just a humble worshiper and follower of Christ. Yes, Jesus is the ultimate Truth.

  667. Slave of Prophet says:

    Quran is only proof in Islam to judge the truth. Opinion of people can not be taken as authority. Quran is highest authority.
    ______Then there will be nothing But Allah.______
    Where it is written in Quran?

  668. vijay says:

    I know that my own people may kill me for what i saw.

  669. vijay says:

    Brother what so ever is in universe is due to the will of my Master Allah SWT. Including Iblis. You know that had Allah SWT wanted all would be Muslims. Allah only causes diversity. Cause of pain and cause of happiness. At one time there was nothing but Allah SWT. Then there will be nothing But Allah. Allah Ho Baqi Min Kulle Fani. Even on Islam we have diverse opinion. Rest Allah knows the best.

  670. Slave of Prophet says:

    What is heheheh? Gandu ki tarah hehehhe karta rahta hai.
    Very soon Islam will be in every house of world as prophet predicted and Obama win confirms it. You people are jealous and not want people in Islam to be faithful to Islam.

  671. Slave of Prophet says:

    You are frustrated. In coming days you will get more frustration as win of Obama is win of Islam. Obama win proves Allah also wants Islam to be religion of whole world.

  672. denialisnoproof says:

    actually it was water from muhammad's penis that muslim drank hahahhahaahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahah

    go and drink some more prophetic piss

  673. denialisnoproof says:

    your prophet was a gandu and darpok.
    this faggy used to wear two armours and hide in the tent when rest of the muslims were fighting for him.
    this is the gandu muhammad. and you are a result of rape.
    ask your allah to throw star at me hahahaha.
    laila muhammad dallah hehehheheheheeh
    allah hu yuckbar

  674. Slave of Prophet says:

    Are u mad? How can common men defeat ghost or Jinn. It was only mercy of Allah on prophet. Prophet had miraculous / divine powers.

    Once Prophet Muhammad broke the moon into two!

    During the battle of Tabuk, water started sprinkling from prophet’s (SAW) fingers when Muslims ran out of water!

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made a dead girl alive!

    Prophet Muhammad flew to heavens riding on a flying donkey named Buraq to meet Allah (Shab e Miraj)

  675. Slave of Prophet says:

    Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity totally false religion. Islam is only true religion. Why are you calling holy to the scripture of Hindu. Quran nowhere says about it. We should stick to Quran only to judge the truth.

  676. denialisnoproof says:

    this proves one thing . the pakistan with the majority muslim population which got created with the hate of hindus see what has happened there. in india this rate is due to muslim b@stards

  677. denialisnoproof says:

    my source is a secular news paper.

  678. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Where is your world ? Is your source only popping anti-Islamic news?

    Crimes in world See Muslims involvement !!! Is this prove anything against Muslims ?

  679. denialisnoproof says:

    i talked to jailer about getting them castrated. you will come to know of it soon

  680. denialisnoproof says:

    look at the percentage of total population .
    read news paper when i wake first thing i do is read news paper and invariably find atleast one bastard muslim name commiting a bastardly crime like their muhammad

  681. denialisnoproof says:

    heheheh/ you think i have never acted in reality?
    then i know that you are wrong.
    those bastards who's story i narrated are rotting in jail.
    more muslim eve teasers will go to jail.

  682. Sakat says:

    hie Julia ,why u resort to anger don't allow anger to occupy ,handle these people with smart thinking,their thinking begin with Alla,Mohamed, hadhit ,Sunna etc and ends int it, they are the residents of pond beyond that their jurisdiction won't go either or have any prominence in the intellectual world ,there is no necessity to answer them ,there is a say that dogs bark but it will not make difference to Elephant,turned the table against them ,they r simply animals how you handle your domesticated animals likes dog's and pig's ,likewise you can handle them ,remember they must take hundreds of life to reach your caliber what your now . O.K take care.

  683. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Again No assertion statistics please.

    So you think 88.1% population in UK's prison who are not Muslims are doing service to humanity and Muslims are doing crimes to humanity ?

  684. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    My psychic reading say you have 2 inch peener ! Lots of things you want to do but find incapable to do !! You try to manage your frustration this way virtually thinking !!!

    Your comments on this please ?

  685. denialisnoproof says:

    uk is majority christian population and also there is a huge athiest population as uk is considerably less orthodox than any european nations.
    even in india muslim b@stard constitute majority of jail population. just read any news paper and you will come to know that any henious crime will be committed by muslims . and indian secular schit news paper try to rub it off as just another stray incidence .
    but the truth is all criminal muslims are motivated by b@stard muhammad

  686. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Your source says 11.9% not 33%. 33% of the prisoners in a high-security prison ! You should ashamed of twisting statistics.

    Half of UK's Muslims are below 25 yrs of age ! And major representation of crime in UK is under 30 yrs of making over representation of community. Factor affecting is not just being Muslim !

    And No religion 34.7 % … Christians whooping 48.8% …Why they are making such numbers if they are not Muslims????

    So does this prove anything against Muslims ? OK go for world statistics coz only UK doesn't prove generalization about Muslims !!

    If I am not mistaken you have used Abid nickname B4!!

  687. denialisnoproof says:

    islam is idelogy of prostitution . I will explain it to you logically.
    nika is not marriage it sex,and muslims sons of wh0res pay money before marriage called mehr.
    a man can have four sex partners. he can have many slaves but he need not pay them mehr or prostitution money for sex. so he can just rape the slave girls.
    and all muslims are born from this kind of prostitution.
    and once man gets bored he gives talaq. if he wants have nika with the same women after talaq she needs to have nika ( prostitution ) with some one else . in short islam is religion of prostitution and all muslim women are wh0res

  688. Sakat says:

    Honest confession ,don't worry you people will be shortly skewed ,thanks to your Alla, Mohammed and the follower in general ,the world is gradually uniting ( the process is already begin) against the desert animals.Hitler was ignored initially because he was intelligent there was 50+50 chances of his being returning to civility,as far as you morons r concerned you are not intelligent and not counted no more in human species,small country like Israel is enough to maul you in to-to , you don't know what is the properties of Electromagnetic power or Internet ,you r burden to human society .Your status is not more then the mosquito's lurking from the widow during night time.

  689. Sam Sudhi says:

    For the first point what was Mohammed doing in the cave Hira ?

    He used to sit alone dreaming of having sex with young virgin girls and masturbate .
    The sex with a 40 year old who has children from earlier marriage will not be thrilling and satisfying after some time for a 25 year old..Since his wife being his boss ,Mohammed was scared to stray around .
    Regular masturbation gives severe back pain that is how he concluded the sperm is produced from the back bone of men .

  690. denialisnoproof says:

    neither i prescribe verbal solution for muslims.
    nuke is the way.

  691. denialisnoproof says:

    kill any muslim pig because he is only pig and keep his mother daughter and sisters as sex slaves

  692. denialisnoproof says:

    son of a muslims sl@t . i am a proof of islams bigotry . i will kill your f@cking family and have sex with your 9 year old hot daughter on the same day of your killing.
    muslim son of sl@t what about the b@stard slave of prophet who typed that it is ok to kill people who don't accept islam?

  693. vijay says:

    Holy Vedas have many versions, the name Elya is given to the God see if you could Holy Vedas http://quranhindi.com/allah1.htm , there are verses related to Sura Al Fateh also. Holy Vedas also state that Devo Nah Pratimah ie no one can make the idol of the God. Sacrifice to the God in the form of Animal is there in Holy Vedas but some Hindu brethren give a different meaning to it. Anyway after doing Dhikr many of our Sufis do not need much food to eat. Bodies need reduce. So eating meat not needed at all. With very less food life is spent. On Dushehra Hindu Warriors carry out sacrifice of Buffalo which depicts the Mahishasur killed by the mother Goddess. Like Islam has Shia, Ahle Sunnat, Ahle Kuran, Ahle Hadheeth, Sufis, likewise Hindu sorry Sanatan Dharma has many orders like Vedic, Vedantic, Shaiv, Shakt, Vaishnav, Saur, Ganpatya, Yogis, Smarts. List is big. In some meat is part of worship. Lakum Deen Kun Vale Ya Deen. There has been a history that Muslim intellectual have studied Indian Philosophies and some Hindus also have carried out in depth study of Islam and Sufism. With vicious infight such things will take back seat. If you hate Agniveer then their founder did not even like the name Hindu and hated Holy Puranas. Dr Naik has Ilm but much far from Amal.

  694. Scrutator says:

    Muslim prison population in the UK

    Just above 3% of the UK's population is muslim, yet 33% of people in UK's prisons are muslims!

    And these muslim prisoners go on to demand special treatment, like reserved praying spaces inside the prisons!

    Besides, UK's muslim population OUTSIDE the prisons continue with their demands for halal food in prisons, schools and hospitals!

    None of the other minorities in GB demand these kinds of special consideration!


  695. Julia says:


  696. denialisnoproof says:

    mawali choothiya randi ke aulad.
    is earth in the shape of ostrich egg ?
    you son of muslim bi@tch

  697. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    denialisnoproof is a proof of frustrated anti-Islamists.

  698. denialisnoproof says:

    there is difference between hell and destruction you son of muslima nikah biatch.
    we don't tell any one will go to hell.
    but i think muslim b@stards will definitely go to hell for supporting slave trade.
    here is a secret for you , you are not the son of ghazi . they didn't bring any women. they came here and had your ammi as a right hand possession . you are a product of rape so is every muslim pig

  699. Slave of prophet says:

    @Ali Sina
    Ban this rascal animal worshiper denialisnoproof. Where is your comment policy? He is writing non-sense stuff about prophet & Islam. denialisnoproof before commenting on Islam look the absurdities in your books.

    (Atharva VI.7-70-71) and such sinners as eat raw or cooked flesh or eggs go to destruction.”

    Is it meant World 99% people will go to hell?
    here is another one
    (Yajurveda ( 42-49).“Thou shalt not kill the horse; thou shalt not kill the cow; thou shalt not kill the sheep or goat; thou shalt not kill the bipeds;oh man! Protect the gregarious deer; kill not the milch or otherwise useful animals.”
    What we are to do with the herd of goat, cow etc?

  700. denialisnoproof says:

    no follow your prophets daughter in law f@cking hadith and allow your father to f@ck your wife muslim son of nasty wh0re.
    and let a 56 year old gandu to insert his rottgen halal tunne inside a 9 year old girls phuddi .
    son of a muslima nkiah wh0re

  701. Slave of prophet says:

    Brother you are true but these Hindu always criticize Muslims for meat eating. It is true for survival meat is necessary. But look at the absurdities in Hindu scriptures. Due to these absurdity found in their Scripture they always oppose Allah commands in Quran.

    (Rig Veda 7.56.17) Punish the killer of the cow and the man.
    (Rig-Veda 1/114/10) Vedas says to keep away from the killer of the cow
    Rig Veda 10/87/16) Those who kill the ‘Aghanya’, the cow which is not to be killed according to the Vedic edicts, their heads should be chopped off.
    (Yajur 16/3) says-enjoins strict non-violence of mankind and animals

  702. denialisnoproof says:

    slave of child raping prophet we will return everything with your own coin .just wait and watch me making your women as sex slaves

  703. denialisnoproof says:

    son of a muslim sl@t if islam do not allow idol worship then don't do it. why are you forcing your ba$tard belief on us?
    and you son of pakistani muslim mujra wh0re it is not braked.
    first learn proper usage of english.
    people are against zakir choothiya suvar because he says earth is in the shape of ostrich egg . stil that son of muslim sl@t is allowed teach b@stard religion of pisslam.

    you are theives nothing more nothing less.
    your ammi was made sex harem slave that is why you have sliced your lund and became muslim son of a wh0re

  704. Slave of prophet says:

    You Hindu are stick to outdated scriptures which deny meat eating. Look at the Absurdity of your books

    "Aghnyaa yajamaanasya pashoonpahi" Yajurveda 1.1

    “O human! animals are Aghnya – not to be killed. Protect the animals”

    If people follow such stupid teachings there will only animals and animals on earth. There will be no human. All eatables flora and fauna will be perished from earth because animals wont live anything for man to eat. Quran is only holy book to be followed now as prophet (SAW) said to us.

  705. Slave of prophet says:

    Idol worship not allowed in Islam. Islamic Ghazi looted the temple to stop Idol worship. They thought by destroying temple & looting jewellery of temple Idol worshiper would realized that Idol worship is wrong and can not do anything for them. So they braked & looted the jewellery of temple for enlightening the Idol worshipers. Aim of Islamic Ghazi was pious. Even today people are against Zakir Naik who is promoting Islam. So, there is law in Islam to punish the enemy or opposer of Islam.

  706. denialisnoproof says:

    to accept that earth is in the shape of ostrich egg in this era is greatest insult to human brain . they didn't oppose islam they just didn't give their land to desert cultist.
    from today onwards it is my duty to shed the blood of dirty muslims and rape their women,

  707. denialisnoproof says:

    who opposed whom?
    jews are living in india long before you muslim fagots came.
    the fact is you muslim schit eaters always lived of jiziya, these fags followed the sunna of rapist prophet.
    it was ghazni who destroyed somnath temple 17 times keep the count . i will pay every thing in every way like muhammad ghazni did.
    his conquest are recorded by his companions who recorded that he slave traded young girls.
    i swear to god i will do the same thing with your women like what your b@stard muhammad did with safiya
    every blood i will return you muslim son of a swine.

  708. Slave of prophet says:

    Our ancestors were Islamic Ghazi not thieves who were preaching Islam (Religion of Allah) all over the world and punishing the enemy of Islam. They punished the people who were against Islam. When Mohammed Gori attacked on Somnath temple of Gujrat (India) native people opposed Mohammed Gori, so Gori was compelled to shed their blood in the path of Allah & Islam. To fight with who are against Islam is a moral duty of true Muslim prescribed by Allah and prophet in holy Quran. But we should remember Whoever accepted Islam they were given highest respect by islam.

  709. Ulalalala says:

    U are stupid. Obama is the only president who treats the Muslims like brothers, esp the Muslim Brotherhood. He never condemn Islamic terrorism. He was forced to kill Osama, for if he didn't do it, he would be impeached for failing his duty.
    He could be impeached for failing to take immediate action to repulse the attack on the US Benghazi consulate to save the lives of 4 American officials' lives, despite repeated calls for help.

  710. Agracean says:

    Hi shyamuk, I hope that this testimony of an ex-witch will convince my dear Ms Dr Ali Sina and all stubborn atheist like him that evil spirit do exist. If he is still not convinced, then, I think that he should fly to Indonesia and check it out for himself the truth because there are many witch doctors there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z7AZh6xN7w&fe

  711. denialisnoproof says:

    thanks for letting us know that your muslim fathers were thieves like muhammad.

    kaba was indeed destroyed not for money , because until you started exploring oils you were beggars and lived like a ragshit eaters out of jaziya.
    do you know who is qurmoties were?
    i would never respect islam . i would indeed kill you fags and have your women as sex slaves ,ofcourse according your wh0re sharia law.

  712. Slave of prophet says:

    You seem to be a spoiled son of your mother. Have your religion not taught you to respect other religion? From which religion do you belong? I am sure you are a ignorant Hindu. Allah is protecting Kaaba. Do you know loot of Somnatha temple (Gujrat India) by Mohameed Gori and Gajani? Have anyone tried ever to loot / attack on Kaaba? No Because Allah is protector of Kaaba. It is proof only kaaba is most holy place of the universe.

  713. denialisnoproof says:

    allah is protecting your moms halal vagina.
    your allah's kaba was broken and used as toilet.

  714. Slave of prophet says:

    Age does not matter much for many person. Sex is depend on health and food habits. A 56 years old man also can do satisfy a women much batter than 20 years old young man and prophet was awarded strength of 30 men by Allah.

  715. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    I don't think any one will prescribe verbal solution for you lol

  716. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Give me statistics ! No assertion ! No ranting ! No pathetic plea !

  717. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    You are no longer Sikh. You insulted , underestimated your Guru making him ignorant stupid.

    Relationship with world includes actualization of life, understanding of facts and realization of nature of truth and life .Enlightenment is nothing but awareness about truth with sight and insight !

    According to you he failed to realize truth about Islam and never realized throughout his life time making him no guide!!! This doesn't make him Guru.

  718. denialisnoproof says:

    you want to secure a place in allah's eternal brothel of perpetual virgins.
    wow your conscious is too high . hehhehehhehehe
    ask your master muhammad to take off his 56 year old rotten penis from a vagina of a 9 year old girl.

  719. denialisnoproof says:

    muslims should be payed in their own coin . if at all there is a war i will throw that son of a biatch zakir naik from the top of burj al arab because gravity is just a theory not a fact according that SOB. And ill have his daughter as my sex slaves . i will destroy your kaba brothel

  720. denialisnoproof says:

    your god is a much worse fagg0t he burns people if someone didn't bother to acknowledge him
    your allah is a desperate wh0re craving for attention.
    idol is just a symbology they are not by themselves god you can never anhililate anything truly .
    your god is a pimp of muhammad . that is what he is.
    your vagina of kaba was destroyed and used as urinals for more than 20 years by qurmoties.
    go lick that urinals.

  721. thinkingIndian says:

    As if u urself r saying v intelligent things….

  722. thinkingIndian says:

    Check current police records in India, most rapes, crimes, gangs etc will invariably involve muslims. Majority of them are muslims, consistently, year after year. Us foolish peace-loving Indians live in denial that tragedy called Islam struck us 1500 years ago.

  723. vijay says:

    So taking dates during Iftar is grass eating. Did Hazrat Owais RA not took only barley bread for long and we was loved by Prophet PBUH. When did i said that I eat veg food only ? I have been with paramilitary , i have eaten those non veg items for survival techniques, you will vomit after thinking of it. I was only giving you boost and you started to fight with me. Anyway, for survival techniques all is Halal. You are really very intelligent and brave like Sultan Salahudeen Ayyubi as you are truth full, from your zeal, i could make out that you are equal to thousand of creatures. Did I ever wrote that I worship Idol ? does bowing head on ground in the direction of Holy Mecca/Qibla Sharief and saying Subhan Rabbial Ala is idol worshiping ? If yes then I am an idol worshiper. If reading Sana in the direction of Qibla, with both hands held on naval is idol worship, i am an idol worshiper. I am tought that once a person urinated in mosque, prophet PBUH was very gentle with him inspite of the Hazrat Umar RA being angry . That person latter confessed Islam. Try to be patient . Innalaha ma’as Sabirin. Great people like you are preaching Islam in a very nice fashion.

  724. thinkingIndian says:

    Hindus were certainly deceived by taqiyya, but v hav seen what Islam dus to the lands where it takes roots derfor v no longer giv it any importance. Also our own relligion was v naive in thinking that all relligions r but different paths of reaching the same God, V know now that is not tru with Catholicism & Islam.

  725. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Don't waste time over people who just ran away when they see defeat for their hate mongering ! You better try your luck with Islamic scholars.

    When Muslims are charged for crime against humanity I asked for statistics and analytics , this guy ran into cooko's nest !

  726. Slave of prophet says:

    You fool Hindu can not not understand anything. Your conscience is low that is why you worship Idols. You need to elevate to be Muslims. I am also fighting in the way of Islam. I am preaching Islam and persuading the non-believers here to accept Islam and secure heaven. It is a also service for Allah and prophet (SAW).

  727. thinkingIndian says:

    Oh ya! U must b hiding a bomb or a gun so v come & u shoot us. Pls this online forum is enough. Y dou need face to face debate?

  728. thinkingIndian says:

    So u r an untrue Muslim becos u only use keyboard instead of strapping a bomb on ur waist..

  729. thinkingIndian says:

    Eating grass is better than drinking blood.

  730. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Is it OriginalBlackAfricanManagingAmerica ?

    America is acquired land most of the Europeans consider themselves as Americans where Canadians spend their life time thinking they might be Americans !!!

  731. thinkingIndian says:

    Many of ur Korans have also been burnt ur Allah dus not seem to mind it at all….The entire Afghanistan & Pakistan has become wasteland where u broke our temples.Remember..

  732. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Your mommy Julia is still in jail ! Why don't you come up with better language. Learn from some anti-Islamists how to manage frustration in better language !

  733. Slave of prophet says:

    Muslim give their life in the way of Allah. Fighting in the Allah's path is only true path to get salvation as per Islam. True Muslim never get killed but they do sacrifice of their lives in the path of Allah.

  734. Sakat says:

    Why you are killed when you call Alla ( frequent blast in your mosque's throughout the Muslim world during prayer time) ,doe's he need your Halal flesh to survive.

  735. Slave of prophet says:

    My lord Allah is not like your God sits in temple in form of Idol on which dog urinate. My lord can do anything. He is above the 7th sky. We have braked Idol of your demo Gods / Buddha idol also but your Idol God could not anything of us. That means your God is false God. Allah is only true God.

  736. shyamuk says:

    Dear Mr Agracean, When I say Ali Sina is a man of logic, this does not mean I am endorsing his way of thinking totally. Logical analysis has its own drawbacks and limitations specially if not backed by experience and can lead to bizzare conclusions. I am just saying that these so called logical and rational people rely only and only on proof. In this process they can miss many phenomenon which can not be prooved with the present means of science, so there is no use of asking them to believe.
    Belief also has its own fallacies, it may lead to false belief, delusions and illusions. So every seeker has to decide where and when to believe and where to shift to logic.

  737. Rainbow says:

    Were all the people who voted for Obama Muslims ?
    Stupid racist !

  738. denialisnoproof says:

    islam is the only true pimping religion

  739. denialisnoproof says:

    it is your duty to pimp your 9 year old sister to b@stard called muhammad.
    go drink some camel urine muslim son of nika sex

  740. denialisnoproof says:

    you pimp worshipping so of a Wh0re . will your mother be made revirgin in your allah's brothel?
    muslim fagg0t.
    islam is a bastard religion and we will repay every single attrocity you dirty schit eating mother F@ckers have done

  741. Slave of prophet says:

    You grass eater Idol worshiper Hindu have nothing concrete to trash Islam. Islam is only true religion, Religion made by Allah. BTW I will clear your all doubts regarding Islam because as a Muslim it is duty awarded by prophet to us to preach religion of Allah & prophet.

  742. vijay says:

    I think you too are equal to hundred of humans, i could see your great intellect.

  743. vijay says:

    sry maam!

  744. vijay says:

    Second Saluddeen in making! all the best.

  745. Slave of prophet says:

    @Challenge to All Fans of Ali Sina
    Islam is only true religion, I will prove this to all. If any body interested to debate with me, please come.

  746. Ulalalala says:

    Another 4 years of Obamacare for the Muslims as well. Oh yeah !

  747. Sakat says:

    sorry my above reply was in context of your subsequent (next)comment small correction ,thanqu

  748. Sakat says:

    nice poetry,very much soothing to hear,but where is the proof ,this world want practical proof .Buddha did not confined his words to theory ,he showed by practice what he meant .One more thing if Jesus was the ultimate reality ,then why nuns and pastors throngs Vipassana centers for 10 day meditation as well for more advance courses of 2 months or 6 months, I am not joking i am witness to it. Just see in U.K many churches are abandoned what made the followers so much lethargic.why Pontiff insist such courses to be conducted in Vatican.No i am dolphin of ocean curious to explore the whole ocean.let the knowledge comes from all the corner this is a basic eastern philosophy.

  749. Agracean says:

    Grow up, Abid!

  750. Agracean says:

    Hi vijay, the most important question is: who is your God?

  751. Agracean says:

    Dear Sakat, this bible verse is meant for Copernicus and you.

    Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

  752. Agracean says:

    Are you the frong in the well?

  753. Agracean says:

    Mdm vijay, I'm not sir but a kind, beautiful and intelligent Christian lady. 🙂

  754. Agracean says:

    Anyway, for such a rational and logical atheist like my dear Ms Dr Ali Sina, who yearns to know if evil spirit exist or not, I would strongly encourage him to read and study the entire bible, to find out more about this subject. If he is still not convinced and wanted proofs, it would be good if he could spend some money and visit Thailand. There are many evil monks there who could show him the proof he needed so much and then, a rational and logical atheist like him will finally humble himself before Jesus Christ and realized that he has been a fool for donkey years.

  755. Agracean says:

    Dear shyamuk, of course I know that my dear Ms Dr Ali Sina is a very rational and logical atheist who can only believe in proofs alone and not any testimonies or personal accounts, relating to the supernatural. This goes to show that he doesn't trust anyone, not even his wife, children, parents or best friend on planet earth at all, no matter how sincere or true all these good and kind human beings are. So, I can imagine that everytime, when his lovely wife is pregnant, he will send her to the clinic to do a DNA test, to prove that the baby belongs to him, because he cannot believe and accept only his lovely wife's words at all but only proof.

  756. Rainbow says:

    Silly goose…

  757. Ulalalala says:

    I think they should be very shameful when muslims are slaughtering each other all over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

  758. Abid says:

    Ali Sina,

    I challenge you I will definitely defeat you easily…..On a condition that you write in favour of Islam and I will against it..

    HA HA HA

  759. vijay says:

    ਸੋਈ ਕਾਜੀ ਜਿਨਿ ਆਪੁ ਤਜਿਆ ਇਕੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਕੀਆ ਆਧਾਰੋ ॥ सोई काजी जिनि आपु तजिआ इकु नामु कीआ आधारो ॥ So▫ī kājī jin āp ṯaji▫ā ik nām kī▫ā āḏẖāro. He alone is a Qazi, who renounces selfishness and conceit, and makes the One Name his Support.
    ਹੈ ਭੀ ਹੋਸੀ ਜਾਇ ਨ ਜਾਸੀ ਸਚਾ ਸਿਰਜਣਹਾਰੋ ॥੩॥ है भी होसी जाइ न जासी सचा सिरजणहारो ॥३॥ Hai bẖī hosī jā▫e na jāsī sacẖā sirjaṇhāro. ||3|| The True Creator Lord is, and shall always be. He was not born; He shall not die. ||3||
    ਪੰਜ ਵਖਤ ਨਿਵਾਜ ਗੁਜਾਰਹਿ ਪੜਹਿ ਕਤੇਬ ਕੁਰਾਣਾ ॥ पंज वखत निवाज गुजारहि पड़हि कतेब कुराणा ॥ Panj vakẖaṯ nivāj gujārėh paṛėh kaṯeb kurāṇā. You may chant your prayers five times each day; you may read the Bible and the Koran.
    ਨਾਨਕੁ ਆਖੈ ਗੋਰ ਸਦੇਈ ਰਹਿਓ ਪੀਣਾ ਖਾਣਾ ॥੪॥੨੮॥ नानकु आखै गोर सदेई रहिओ पीणा खाणा ॥४॥२८॥ Nānak ākẖai gor saḏe▫ī rahi▫o pīṇā kẖāṇā. ||4||28|| Says Nanak, the grave is calling you, and now your food and drink are finished. ||4||28||(24) Good and evil are having source from same the same God, that is what Panenthiesm believes.

  760. vijay says:

    while he instructed Maulanas something like this. ਸਿਰੀਰਾਗੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਘਰੁ ੪ ॥ सिरीरागु महला १ घरु ४ ॥ Sirīrāg mėhlā 1 gẖar 4. Siree Raag, First Mehl, Fourth House:
    ਸੋਈ ਮਉਲਾ ਜਿਨਿ ਜਗੁ ਮਉਲਿਆ ਹਰਿਆ ਕੀਆ ਸੰਸਾਰੋ ॥ सोई मउला जिनि जगु मउलिआ हरिआ कीआ संसारो ॥ So▫ī ma▫ulā jin jag ma▫oli▫ā hari▫ā kī▫ā sansāro. He is the Master who has made the world bloom; He makes the Universe blossom forth, fresh and green.
    ਆਬ ਖਾਕੁ ਜਿਨਿ ਬੰਧਿ ਰਹਾਈ ਧੰਨੁ ਸਿਰਜਣਹਾਰੋ ॥੧॥ आब खाकु जिनि बंधि रहाई धंनु सिरजणहारो ॥१॥ Āb kẖāk jin banḏẖ rahā▫ī ḏẖan sirjaṇhāro. ||1|| He holds the water and the land in bondage. Hail to the Creator Lord! ||1||
    ਮਰਣਾ ਮੁਲਾ ਮਰਣਾ ॥ मरणा मुला मरणा ॥ Marṇā mulā marṇā. Death, O Mullah-death will come,
    ਭੀ ਕਰਤਾਰਹੁ ਡਰਣਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ भी करतारहु डरणा ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Bẖī karṯārahu darṇā. ||1|| rahā▫o. so live in the Fear of God the Creator. ||1||Pause||
    ਤਾ ਤੂ ਮੁਲਾ ਤਾ ਤੂ ਕਾਜੀ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਖੁਦਾਈ ॥ ता तू मुला ता तू काजी जाणहि नामु खुदाई ॥ Ŧā ṯū mulā ṯā ṯū kājī jāṇėh nām kẖuḏā▫ī. You are a Mullah, and you are a Qazi, only when you know the Naam, the Name of God.
    ਜੇ ਬਹੁਤੇਰਾ ਪੜਿਆ ਹੋਵਹਿ ਕੋ ਰਹੈ ਨ ਭਰੀਐ ਪਾਈ ॥੨॥ जे बहुतेरा पड़िआ होवहि को रहै न भरीऐ पाई ॥२॥ Je bahuṯerā paṛi▫ā hovėh ko rahai na bẖarī▫ai pā▫ī. ||2|| You may be very educated, but no one can remain when the measure of life is full. ||2||

  761. vijay says:

    There are two things, one is AllahSWT and another is Political ritualistic Islam. For latter what Guru Nanak Said is given here. He saw some people doing Sallat/prayer but not good with Humans.

    He stated. ਮਾਣਸ ਖਾਣੇ ਕਰਹਿ ਨਿਵਾਜ ॥
    माणस खाणे करहि निवाज ॥
    Māṇas kẖāṇe karahi nivāj.
    The man-eaters say their prayers.(471)

  762. knowTheEnemy says:

    "So all your gurus were in wrong impression about Islam and Muslims ?? "

    Yes, that is correct. Enlightened does not mean that one knows everything. Enlightened means one has realized his relationship with this world and the supreme consciousness and that s/he is at peace with that. So for example, had Guru Nanak come across Ali Sina and realized the truth about Islam, he wouldn't have been perturbed and would have looked for solution with a peaceful mind. That is what separates the enlightened ones from others.

  763. vijay says:

    Sir, Thanks for the correction, praise the lord.

  764. denialisnoproof says:

    your prophet was scared to schit when he first heard of an angel in the cave . he couldn't distinguish whether it was demon or angel. you call this idiot a powerful man?

  765. denialisnoproof says:

    you muzzies insult god by telling that he is a pimp of perpetual virgins in his eternal brothel.

  766. Sakat says:

    Because of Bible Copernicus afraid to disclose the fact, that "the earth is round" , carry on your meditation upon it .It is so worthy for meditation.. Mohammed had committed only one mistake he blindly copy pasted things from your lovely holy book ,and see how his disciples are struggling to defend their holy book.

  767. denialisnoproof says:

    yes you should know how kepler found out about planetary motion . then you will consider how powerful the human brain is and why it is important control our thoughts .not just bending over to a pimp god allah

  768. denialisnoproof says:

    I have an advise for you . try anything that tells about why to worship god.
    and stay away from anything that demands to worship god in a certain way.

  769. denialisnoproof says:

    Dharma is not religion .it is righteousness. dharma for a tiger is to kill other animal for food. but human beings have different dharma. but lord krishna advised people to rise above their dharma that is to overcome all human desires and be the master of ones senses . try reading bhagavadgita( song of god).

  770. Sakat says:

    oh… the FROG of the POND sorry for disturbing u………

  771. denialisnoproof says:

    your allah doesn't love non muslims biatchslap on your face.
    so do you think if someone do not like a person because of his religion is a biatch?

  772. denialisnoproof says:

    Muslims do that because they are brain dead goats . they were so much desperate for some book because jews and christians had some books and they claimed exclusive right to go to heaven.
    this desperateness was cashed in by muhammad and created a nonsense called islam

  773. Agracean says:

    Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

  774. denialisnoproof says:

    {alif lam meem , quran is clear, rest of the verse } = quran
    can't you see some inconsistency here.

  775. Agracean says:

    Eternal life and eternal death are real. It's not a game.

  776. denialisnoproof says:

    the person who is ignorant of islam is not essentially bereft of consciousness.those people were fighting rapists and murderers and slave traders and they knew what they are doing was right . so know you f@ck off back to your cave.

  777. Agracean says:

    Dear Mr Jonathan Harrel, I don't know why the word 'meditation' reminds me of you. The reason could be that I knew that you like meditation. As a friend who love and cares so much for you, I hope that you will find out more about the danger and adverse effect of deep meditation. If possible, don't practise meditation. Take care.

  778. Agracean says:

    Hi pran, only my beloved Ms Dr Ali Sina knew why I address him as such. I'm still waiting for his sweet response to my this sweet address. <3

  779. miladmeah says:

    so much so – that no one has yet bothered to publish it.
    THEY REFUSED ON GROUNDS OF – political correctness gone mad.

  780. Agracean says:

    Hi Sakat, I only meditate on biblical scriptures and I don't do meditation like Buddha or any famous guru or yogi. All these human beings are ignorant of the danger of it. That's why Buddha made know to his followers the reality of this demon mara, tempting him. Deep meditation and even yoga are dangerous activities. It opens the door for demonic oppression and many are unaware of it. No wonder the bible says that we, human beings, are made a little lower than the angels. It's so true. It's time for my dear Ms Dr Ali Sina to wake up to the reality that we are living in the physical and spiritual realm.

  781. pran says:

    you said it …wow..

  782. pran says:

    I can't understand why agracean call Ms.Dr.Ali Sina?????

  783. Rainbow says:

    Frankly, I shall not bother to search and go through the trouble of finding
    the source just to prove that I am right for a person like you whose
    opinion in me is not worthy and has no impact on my life in any way.

  784. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    If he did not know about the true nature of Islam coz you think he was not well awared man of facts !

    How can you expect right guidance from ignorant man according to you ?

    So all your gurus were in wrong impression about Islam and Muslims ??

    And you …the enlightened one called all your gurus stupid ignorant of actual facts ??? You seems real Guru Eh !

  785. Sakat says:

    don't study ,practice you will come phase to phase encounter with "Mara"! ,I repeat give a trial to meditation instead of reading the theory's putting high glasses on your eye's,it won't help.

  786. Sakat says:

    Don' t give much trouble to your mind ,I myself get confused were to hide ,this is my bonafide confession.

  787. Rainbow says:

    Only when they win. How does losing feel ?
    they are not even 50–50 chance
    it takes many losses to make one win, and sometimes
    you can never make it.

  788. knowTheEnemy says:

    "he lived alone for seven year, although every now and then he met with his companions"

    Can you please support that claim from a valid source?!

  789. Serpent says:

    Huh???I was referring to Ali Sina's absolute acceptance of Einstein's opinions without questioning them.He (Einstein) was after all only a theoretical physicist,which means his work is highly speculative involving equations and not experimental evidence.
    Ali Sina's very smart but I'm dissapointed that he's only skeptical of religion which is right about but dares not challenge the status quo
    Got it?

  790. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    When Dharma is necessary to survive, So everyone alive definitely have it ! isn't It ?

    I think you are confused crap categorizing religion on social, political , financial, physical aspects and Dharma on intellectual ,emotional , theological aspects !

  791. ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ says:

    Don't show stupid drama !

    Tell me how much percentage of crimes against humanity in world have Muslim involvement ?! Lets analyze actual reasons behind !

    Loser get on right track before calling people !