The Miracle of Photoshop
10 December, 2010

The above miracle is create by a devout Muslim with the help of Photoshop. It is actually the Island of Molukini, which is the tip of a volcano in Hawaii. Here is the actual picture from Google Map.

Tags: miracles of allahmiracles of islammolokini island
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Strange discussion is going here. BTW images are cool.
Truly this is a miracle of Photoshop and I'm really very impressed to see in such work. If anyone will not see the real picture then he/she never understand that it is a fake picture.
And michael jackson?
Even one of the people I admire (Undertaker) was rumored as muslim, and he clearly isn't.
He would be a better prophet than the pighammed.
Oh, this picture make me laugh, because since my father works with marble and similar material, we found a stone with the islamic symbol. Altough we all are anti-islam, we kept that stone and we use it for the pans.
The real miracle was how Islam (7th century Photoshop) converted a pagan site (Kaaba and Black rock and Devil stones) to monotheism while keeping all the pagan rituals intact.
That is no small fleshy feat for Muhammad of Arabia has Yashua (Jew) and Abraham (Jew) retroactively converted to being Muslims and prophets of Arabian Islam!
Islam is desperate for validation, poor misguided souls!
They never fail to amaze and amuse me with stories like Neil Armstrong was converted to Islam after his trip to the moon and 9/11 was an inside job. Why Neil had no Muslim name ? Why the world super power needed to bomb its own world trade centres to find an excuse to attack the enemies. Just too amazing to be true !
And they really believe these are true stories because they came from the clerics and imans.
I see Homer Simpson in the semi circle. Homer Akbar.
Who lies more than Muslims taken collectively…
lol,Miracle of Photoshop
Muslim believe in muhammad like he was a god,then they say there is 1 god,?,so why believe in muhammad so much?,muhammad made so beautiful things,in heaven that any tom,dick,and harry would belive in it?
CAIR has been a heavy user recently.
Photoshop is badly needed nowadays. A lot of people and group need their "face" done, at least in a "photo". You can't advertise without it. 😉
Anyone interested in Muslim photoshopping should read this article, which is not about software or photos:
Photoshopped Mohammed…
bahahahaha LOL…. smart like the suicide bomber….
So Muslims added the start to the virginal shape of Allah's land. Hmmm how sweet. Lady Gaga, eat your heart out.