Who Appointed Ali Sina?

Ali Sina of FFI is either a born non-Muslim or from Shia/Ahmedi background who has probably converted to pro-Zionist Christianity. He is a liar and a self-deceiver. He is being tormented inside because of the envious success of the final prophet of Islam. He has been appointed to eradicate Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth within the next 25 years started from 9/11. Since then the fool has been trying his level best! Let’s see what he can do.
I was born to Muslim parents, Shiite Twelvers. You say the Shiites are not real Muslims. The Shiites say Sunnis are not real Muslims. This is the nature of Islam. Muhammad said his followers will split in 73 sects. All but one will go to hell. But he did not make it clear what is the characteristic of the right sect. As the result Muslims have been divided in hundreds of sects and each, in accordance to what their prophet said, thinks others are heretics and will go to hell. It is as if he sowed the seed of discord among his followers by design. So, after Muslims butcher and subdue the non-Muslims, they will fall on each other and will tear one another apart like mad dogs, as they do in Iraq and Pakistan today. What a religion!
I am a Zionist and very proud of it. Zionist means one who thinks Jews have the right to have their own homeland. I agree with that. This makes me a Zionist. Any decent person must be a Zionist. Only hate mongers and criminals like Ahmadinejad, Hitler, neo Nazis and Muslims are against Zionism. I certainly don’t want to belong to that class.
Am I a liar and a deceiver? Well here is your chance to show that to the world. Read my book and write a rebuttal to it.
I have not been appointed by anyone. I am not that important for anyone to appoint me to anything. I have decided to eradicate Islam on my own initiative. I read the Quran and realized Islam is a lie in 1994. It took me a couple of years to admit it to myself. Had I had Understanding Muhammad to read, it would have taken me much less time. But I read The 23 Years Prophetic Career by Ali Dashti and it helped me a lot.
However, it was a Pakistani girl who appointed me to eradicate Islam. I met her after she had died. Her story was broadcast in a television documentary. She was 16 and was burned alive by her 35 year old husband. The reason he burned her was because this girl’s cousin and childhood playmate had come to see her. They had grown up with each other. When her husband learned about it, his ghira was injured and he thought the best way to save his “honor” was to burn her.
I saw her lying in the hospital bed. Her entire body was burned. She could not talk. She moaned like an injured animal. She looked at the camera and moaned. At that moment, I was absolutely sure that she was calling me. She was begging me to do something. She told me don’t let this happen to others. She died a few days after that. I gave her my word. I promised her to vindicate her death and not let her precious life go to waste. She was not the victim of an abusive husband. She was a victim of Islam. Her abusive husband was also a victim of Islam. The entire Pakistan and the whole Muslim world is victim of Islam. Now you know who actually appointed me. If there is an afterlife, I fancy meeting this girl in the other world, hug her, press her to my chest and tell her, my little girl, I heard you calling me. I hearkened. I did what I could. Are you happy now?
@Mazzy Ali
//How can you know that?//
Simply because I don't find many instances of this in recorded history.
//There's a hadith or sotry (can't remember which) of there being an age difference of only 10 years between one of the Prophet (pbuh)'s companions and his son.//
🙂 . You are basing an argument on an evidence which you yourself don't remember!!! What sort of logic is that? You can furnish the hadeeth and then we may check how much valid it is. Secondly and more importantly I am not talking of one off instances or exceptions, but a societal norm. Thirdly even if the story is true it doesn't mean that the mother was 10 year old, but that the father, in this case Mo's companion was 10 year old, his wife's age could have been anything, say 20 for example (assuming the companion is male, since you used 'his son'). Fourthly considering the story is true it is also possible that the son being referred to is not his natural son.
The other thing that you should seriously introspect is that the girl, Aisha, was not only a child of 6 but the daughter of his own beloved friend. What sort of feeling should an old man of 52 have for a 6 year old? Sexual or fatherly? What sort of feeling should you have for your friends daughter? Sexual or fatherly, even if the daughter is a mature lady of 20? What is the natural dispensation of a good, upright person regarding the family members of his friend who he calls his own brother?
How can you know that? There's a hadith or sotry (can't remember which) of there being an age difference of only 10 years between one of the Prophet (pbuh)'s companions and his son.
@Mazzy Ali,
//it was the norm to get married young.//
But it was never a norm to consummate a marriage with a child of 9.
LMAO. Clearly you're uneducated.
At the time of the Prophet (pbuh) it was the norm to get married young. Just like a few decades ago it was the norm to marry young, and to have lots of children, and Britain being a Christian country. It was the NORM.
Lol what the hell. Ali Sina claims to know about Islam. If he truly did then he would know that ALTHOUGH Shi'aa's are deemed 'not Muslim', it's the individuals relationship with Allaah that makes him a true Muslim. I'm a Sunni & I honestly believe this, & I know plenty of other people that believe this too.
Clearly Ali knows nothing of Islam but has decided to start a hate filled website either way.
Also, DON'T confused culture with religion. What if the girl chose to marry such a guy? If she didn't & it was FORCED — this is AGAINST Islam (& culture is the reason for her forced marriage). Was her childhood friend a male? She should know better than to free mix. However, I do condemn her husband, & clearly he did what he did for CULTURAL reasons i.e. losing face.
Is it really a problem to know who appointed Ali Sina?
Islamists, have you ever had a chance to think about the question in the reverse way on what ground basis, Muhammad was chosen as a prophet?
Dear Lavender,
Please do not involve Hinduism to absolve islam's mistake.
Muslims have committed lot of atrocities on Hindus.
Hinduism does not allow to commit any atrocities on ant one not even on enemies!!!!!
Hinduism is a dynamic religion,it is a way of life and islam is definitely NOT.
When Hindus have started to pay back muslims in their same coin,attocities on Hindus have stopped.
Muslims understand their own language,whenever they are given taste of their own medicine they holler.
Believe me muslims had free run for 1400yrs because we were a tolerant religion.But now when we are paying you back in same coin why this all hue and cry..????
Either become tolerant or expect same treatment from us what you did to us…..
Memorize a few verses of the Quran and hit them back with facts. Make them look as useful idiots who blindly support a dangerous creed that aims at their subjugation. The Islamophobia makes as much sense as Naziphobia of fascistphobia does. Ideologies of hate must be combated and eliminated. We can’t be silenced by personal attacks at our lives and our character.
Thank God for people like Ali Sina! They make tremendous sacrifices to their safety, to offer a shimmer of light in a cloud of darkness.
It is sad that we have the negative situation with Islam spreading everywhere today. It is so unnecessary. How many Muslims could have come out of that mindset, and been happy in the world, contributed to the world with their arts, music, science, medical knowledge? Instead, we have a situation where people are intentionally pushed backwards, kept ignorant by the worship of hatred. In that worship, they have made their own lives the most darkest – rather than those they assume they target.
Ali, you are well aware that in the West people do consider Islam to be extremely evil. There is no 'general' support or acceptance to it at all. It's forced on us to accept it. They may not speak up enough, but people really dislike Islam. What is your advice when we get attacked with the bigotry and Islamophone mantel each time we object to the core fundamental values (or lack thereof) in Islam, and our objection to having any of it infiltrated into our society and lives?
Hi, I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I've been following your blog for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information as well as enjoyed the way you've structured your site. I am attempting to run my own blog but I think its too general and I want to focus more on smaller topics. Being all things to all people is not all that its cracked up to be.
Tell him he has no status. He has only arguments that no Muslim have yet been able to answer.
Dear Ali Sina,
Ali Sina,
How would you answer to an anonymous person if he asks the following:
"What is the status of this man Ali Sina. Does he hold any qualifications for writing such a book. Until the qualification, authenticity and history of a writer are known there is no worth in reading a book or to rebuttal it. The literary status of Ali Sina is unknown within his own society. How does he expect others to read his book. Just being a convert doesen't mean that Ali Sina understood Islam very well. This seems cheap publicity. If he is really interested in understanding ISLAM then he can easily contact Dr. Tahir ul Qadri who is already in Canada. I know for sure he doesen't stand a chance."
I am ready to debate with anyone in writin. as long as he is not an annonymous person on the Internet.
I also have this problem when I mention to people about this site or when I raise an issue concerning Islam. They always say that you need to speak to people with qualification from the Alazar University. The problem with these qualified people is that they've all been brainwashed through their studies and unable to give one and independent opinion. They are also taught to use Taqiya.The best advice to give your friend is also to understand Islam through the eyes of the critic. And Dr Ali Sina is the finest critic that one can find and he gives proof with good reasons by using all the autthentic resources. Qualified people have also tried to refute him but did not succeed. Maybe your friend can contact Dr Tahir Ul Qadri and ask him to prove Dr Sina wrong.
Dear Ali Sina,
I tried to mail you at faithfreedom2atgmail.com but seems like you were not able to read it, so here i go again.
Firstly, I am so glad to know that people like You, David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi & folks at ABN are doing a tremendous job at uncovering the cultist and satanic life of Muhammad. I have lived 26 years of my life in Pakistan and know the breed Muhammad has generated personally. I loved the facts and analytic skills you used in "Understanding Muhammad". Again I want to honor everybody who is working hard to uncover the truth, because all truth comes from God; and indeed God is truth, and the truth will set us free.
I want you to address a concern raised by a Muslim when i referred him to your site; I am quoting him verbatim:
"What is the status of this man Ali Sina. Does he hold any qualifications for writing such a book. Until the qualification, authenticity and history of a writer are known there is no worth in reading a book or to rebuttal it. The literary status of Ali Sina is unknown within his own society. How does he expect others to read his book. Just being a convert doesen't mean that Ali Sina understood Islam very well. This seems cheap publicity. If he is really interested in understanding ISLAM then he can easily contact Dr. Tahir ul Qadri who is already in Canada. I know for sure he doesen't stand a chance."
Please reply back ASAP.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Surely you don't think I am so uneducated as to believe that do you? Zaik is a joker and a fake who has been soundly debunked. Please read this Mr. Rashad:
World’s Greatest Showman
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S_A9ERJWN0&sn… pls watch this mr John K.
"Islam has been lacking a centralized religious authority figure"
The problem with your hypothesis is that when Muslim authorities on Islam speak, it's in favor of violent Islam because that's what Islam's sources teach. The entire Arab Spring is the consequence of a Muslim reawakening and Sunni reassertion of Islamic power.
if the so called allah were to be so powerful, why would he urge through mohammed to spread or say a bundle of utterly insane verses; why does he waste time via indulging peace-loving muslims in jehad for killing all nonbelievers; he could simply have willed everyone to become a muslim; god's ways have to be simple; why all this process of dialog, confrontation, and killing, etc. all god needs to do was to snap his finger, or even less, so everyone wakes up with a circumcised penis and in bed with 5 wives one fine morning, or evening.why should he create woman and then go on to call them inferior, why should he create someone inferior, anyway;
Mr. Sina,
From what I've read, I believe that you do have sone knowledge of Islam (not at a great level, but it is there nonetheless) and that you are of an above average intelligence. Your writing is powerful, charismatic, and engaging. Your articles target a large section of the internet culture that – due to many recent acts of Violence starring "Muslims" – fear Islam, Muslims, and anything or anyone that might even show a resemblance. The problem is that if a Muslim commits a crime, immediately it is blamed on Islam as a whole. Every single era of a religion had some idiotic misguided leaders who promoted hatred, inequality, and even death. I'm only hoping that this era of Islam will come to an end soon.
Islam has been lacking a centralized religious authority figure or institution for decades, and that has opened the door for half educated immams and Sheikhs to start preaching what they themselves do not fully understand. Their audience are the poor, depressed, the illiterate, and the uneducated (that's over 60% of the Muslim world). With things starting to change in the Middle East, I hope that religious teachings do change with them (to the better, I pray).
I will not debate you in your beliefs, for i have my own and am not affected by yours. Nor do I care whether you are truthful about your origins, because in the end, your thoughts as a human being are more important than where you were born, or who your parents were.
I've read a couple of your articles, and even though the way you talk about Islam has offended me and angered me at times, I decided against closing this tab, but instead to write you.
I have a couple of main issues with your writing:
1. You sometimes tend to generalize, what a couple of figures believe or do, is what everyone else has to believe. (Bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Hamas, etc)
2. You blame Islam, instead of the Muslims. If you were truly that well read you would've known that suicide bombings are a HUGE sin. Not just because you kill yourself, but because of whom you target and kill. Same goes for honor killings, and many more
3. If your true intention was purely to educate the public, you would have a more proper and inoffensive way of writing. Any educated person would like to read the "other opinion" from time to time, so they may check themselves, rethink their stand on things, and increase their own knowledge.
4. One thing about this article though, you said that the only houses that Israel destroyed were those of terrorists, and that is not true. Last of which were only a couple of days ago when some palestinian houses were demolished in order to start the building of new settlements on Palestinian territories. However, I am not writing you to discuss the Political situation in Palestine and Israel. That is an entirely different issue.
I have ventured onto your website by pure chance, and I don't believe I will be coming again. Nothing personal, but I've gained very little true knowledge from my time here. I pray to Gad that he may guide you, your followers, and myself to his righteous path, and may he push our prejudice, bias, pride, fear and hatred to the side, and not have them cloud our judgment, our hearts or our minds.
Almost like a spam bot keeping you busy lately! 😉
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Mr.Tushar;1.There are many pairs of contradictive sura in Qran; i.e Q 2;62 stating There are 4 Gods ;Jews, Nassareens, Arabics and Shabi"ins God; but later Qran stated "Allah is the only God" ; 2.Another pair is Sura ash shaff 10, 11 n 12 . .:Heaven will be given to beliefers after-life but sura ath thaubah -111 stated heaven given in this worldly life as a payment to purchase muslims, which than made as merceneries of Allah.3.And the pair of your Q60;8 ;if you need the pairs you can contact me.4. So please be carefull before You becoming too faithfull( and be made as mercenary or soldier of "Arab belief "with-out your knowing-and with out any payment.),5. I gues that you are non Arabic Muslim who only trained to read "Arabic writing" without understand the meaning 6.Mr. Ali Sina doesnot hates, only reveals the facts as I do now. Thank you. Sincrely yours : IM ABAD Oct. 27th 2011
Answer 1: I expect a specific sect or interpretation but what do we have here. A confusing answer that is insufficient to be called an answer.
Answer 2: Hm, and how do you prove that these sects hold the truth? It’s even younger than the majority sunni. Tell me, what is the proof of good interpretation towards unbeliever? How do you interpret the hate speech, the animal name calling, the misogyny, the barbaric punishment, and the sword verse?
Answer 3. Er, why do you always use Ali in this one? To know Islam you have to know Muhammad.
You wrote, “A. ( Part 1 ) Quite hard to explain if you are an atheist (no offence meant) as there are many right answers to this question. Like faith has many meanings all right and can be very hard to explain”
It’s quite hard to grasp if you are believer, no offence too because you cannot think outside the box. There are no many right answers, Jakob because the truth is only one. I ask you an answer, not a possibility of answers.
You wrote, “'Alī ibn Ḥusayn, like his grandfather, cultivated land and palm date orchards. All the human qualities and attributes were collectively present in his personality.”
Hm, so Ali is the best example of muslims? What about Muhammad?
You wrote, “He was the complete specimen of tolerance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice”
Hm, I wonder as to why Iran is not tolerant? Ali is their paragon, right?
You wrote, “During the prayers he would get himself so absorbed that he did not have any attention towards anything except God.”
Err, that’s not a good quality from a humanity point of view. It’s just slavery and submission as if he could speak to god. Could he? If you want to value a person then look at his deed towards another human.
You wrote, “He traveled to Mecca, on foot, twenty times and continuously guided and conducted people through the attractive melody of the Qur'anic verses.''
That’s called preaching and teaching, again no tolerance and kindness to non believer.
You wrote, “He looked after and administrated hundreds of houses of the poor and hunger stricken.”
Too bad, you didn’t bring Muhammad to the picture and what he had done to people. He made them poor by attacking them, taking slaves and booty.
You wrote, “Daily a number of goats were slaughtered in his house and he distributed all their meat among the afflicted.”
Who’s the poor one here? Muslim or not? Animal lover will hate him. You know that goat is bad for your health, don’t you.
All your stories missed his view towards unbelievers and how he thought about the Islamic mission, the war, the conquest, the invasion to other countries, the slavery, the discrimination, the misogyny etc. One more important thing is that you forgot the big boss and his side kick, the sunnah and the quran.
Another miss was my questions towards the differing interpretation. Quite hard or can't do it?
If you don't think Islam is evil it is because you have not read the texts, or because you agree with it and are equally evil.
You talked about preferring to live in a barbarian country rather than in sleaze, so let's talk about Islam's sleaze. This first article is heavily documented and footnoted if you want to take some time to educate yourself:
Boys of the Taliban
These videos are also thorough. WARNING: Graphic content:
Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" Part 1 of 4
Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" Part 2 of 4
Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" Part 3 of 4
Ann Barnhardt "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" Part 4 of 4
No, you are a reflection of your religion that hates. Your religion has so much hate that Wafa Sultan wrote a book, A God Who Hates.
Did you ever do a word count on "hate" in the Quran?
Try it again on "love".
If you believe in your hateful religion you will accept that the Quran is only about hate. All it talks about is all the things Allah hates. No mention of human love, just a couple of references to things Allah loves.
You think anyone on this site hates Muslims? No one is going to waste their time hanging out listening to ignorant people like you and trying to help them if they don't have love in their hearts. This entire site is a labor of love. Dr. Sina has spent a lot of time researching your unholy books to present the information to help ungrateful people like you. You are dogs that bite the hand that feeds you.
I know you quite well because of the illiterate things you say. If you knew anything about the Quran, Hadiths, and Sira, you wouldn't say the things you say.
Osama bin Laden knows Islam. If you knew Islam, you would talk like Osama bin Laden.
Your ignorance or lies do not work on people who have read your books – books that you have not bothered to read.
You don't have enough knowledge to participate in a conversation. A conversation requires a common base of knowledge. Since your brain is full of opinions instead of facts, there is no common basis to start a conversation.
Q 1. Which one is right and why?
A:This depends on what sect you follow as I have said
My personal opinion is that someone should just call themselves a Muslim and read all of the hadiths and Quran Interpretations (Not just Islam other religions also)
2.Is there any good interpretation at all according to your opinion? Good to all sides, mark my words
Yes there are many I personalty like the shia/sal/zadi (not extremist branches) only disagree with a few things of the other sects but still regard them as Muslims
Following the example of Iman/Caliph Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Iman Hussein ibn Ali, Iman Zayn al-‘Ābidīn (Ali_ibn_Husayn) and Zayd_ibn_Ali (Zadi Iman)
Q33. God in general is omniscient so I assume that Allah also has that trait. He should have known from the start that many interpretations (even the silly and strange one) were going to happen sooner or later. Why didn’t he avoid this? Why didn’t he create some explanations about verses so that it only has one meaning? With this, we shouldn’t have deal with hadith, sirah or tafsirs to know the meaning of Quranic verses. He claimed that Islam is the final and perfect one so he should have an insurance to avoid similar things happened. Judaism and Christianity had been claimed to be interpreted differently thus creating different sects but Islam also couldn’t escape from that.
A. ( Part 1 ) Quite hard to explain if you are an atheist (no offence meant) as there are many right answers to this question. Like faith has many meanings all right and can be very hard to explain
''What was the “real intention” of your god? I mark the word “real” so don’t try to answer with fallacy like “Allah says in Quran …blah, blah, blah”. That’s not what I ask. I can read it my self and not bothering you if you think that kind of answer is sufficient''
A.(Part 2) Living like Imām al-Sajjad "the Prostrating Imām" Alī ibn Ḥusayn
''Alī ibn Ḥusayn, like his grandfather, cultivated land and palm date orchards. All the human qualities and attributes were collectively present in his personality. He was the complete specimen of tolerance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice. During the prayers he would get himself so absorbed that he did not have any attention towards anything except God. He traveled to Mecca, on foot, twenty times and continuously guided and conducted people through the attractive melody of the Qur'anic verses.''
He looked after and administrated hundreds of houses of the poor and hunger stricken. Daily a number of goats were slaughtered in his house and he distributed all their meat among the afflicted. He dressed the naked and the destitute ones and paid their debts and loans. But he himself took simple meals and put on simple dress.
When the nights would become dark and all the people went to sleep, ‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn would get up put the food in a sack and on his shoulder. He covered his face so that he is not recognized. Then he took that food to the houses of the inflicted and have-nots and gave it to them.
He administrated and looked after nearly a hundred guardians-less family in Medina; most of them comprised indigent, helpless and crippled, handicapped and paralytic ones. None of these families knew that ‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn was the one who managed and run their lives. But after his death, when the aids were discontinued they came to know that Ali ibn Husayn was their helper and friend.
Being one with God with pray, self sacrifice, piety, living a simple life style not ruled by money and power not have loose morals, commit corrupt acts, harm women or children, never harm or kill an innocent person
All I ask is do not assume all Muslims are violent because this is very far from the truth
Study Islam yourself rather then relying on someone else ''truth''
Regards Jakob
Jakob, I see you are here just to accuse and say subjective things so in order to fix this I have this for you.
Since you love differing interpretations without even giving any proof about the right one I suggest you try to answer these questions:
1. Which one is right and why?
2. Is there any good interpretation at all according to your opinion? Good to all sides, mark my words.
3. God in general is omniscient so I assume that Allah also has that trait. He should have known from the start that many interpretations (even the silly and strange one) were going to happen sooner or later. Why didn’t he avoid this? Why didn’t he create some explanations about verses so that it only has one meaning? With this, we shouldn’t have deal with hadith, sirah or tafsirs to know the meaning of Quranic verses. He claimed that Islam is the final and perfect one so he should have an insurance to avoid similar things happened. Judaism and Christianity had been claimed to be interpreted differently thus creating different sects but Islam also couldn’t escape from that. What was the “real intention” of your god? I mark the word “real” so don’t try to answer with fallacy like “Allah says in Quran …blah, blah, blah”. That’s not what I ask. I can read it my self and not bothering you if you think that kind of answer is sufficient (don’t imitate the auntie here).
Care to enlighten me? No circular logic. I haven’t seen any muslim here who doesn’t use it when answering questions so try to be the first one. Don’t imitate an object called book.
Tell that to Muhammad first. He set the example.
Dear, oh dear, It makes no relevant point to attack me using the Shiite or shia word. What kind of answer is this? Beside, most of this site’s source is from sunni. My country is majority sunni Islam with little sufi. Hadith told us the sunnah and that sunnah promote terrorism and discrimination. Do you think mere name that can be known by simple google searching and not solving the problem can answer my queries here?
Now, I know your level.
Irrelevant answer, Jakob. I talked about how the muslims can’t stand the authority of infidels and you answered it like this. I realize that Islamic mission is to Islamize the whole world, making sharia law as the law of earth, erasing irrelevant non Abrahamic religions and making the rest as subjugated religions. Muhammad said it himself.
You wrote, “I have no idea where you got that from but there is no need to panic at all there are many other things that you need to worry about in this world and someone being a Muslim is not one of them.”
It’s from your own religion. Hah? Sure, sure, there are other problems but muslim and Islamic terrorism (not limited to bombing) is global problem. In my country, it’s a national problem. Muslim extremists want to destroy nation’s culture, ideology, and law. It targets other religions too. Muslim in Europe is no different, it threaten the host nation with sharia law.
You wrote, “Cannot blame the Shia sect on a few (the same with Sunni sufi and sal sects)”
Do you understand my point? Surely even the “reverence” of Ali is odd enough from Islamic point of view, isn’t it? Also, look at the tradition they have. It’s so odd even when I see it using Islamic view. Sufi is worse. It strays farther from Islam with its mysticism. If Muhammad was a sufi he shouldn’t do what he did.
You wrote, ”What are your thoughts on Zayn al-‘Ābidīn?”
Irrelevant person here. Islam is all about Muhammad’s deed and saying, not his grandson.
Ah, this attitude is the same with your accusation, just saying things without proving it. If he’s like the Mason you should have no problem refuting his challenge. I suggest you start right now.
What ideology? What kind of tactic? Can you explain it here?
You wrote, “Proof is in what I have said on this site. Missing facts,history, not know what Jihad is, half quoting, putting own spin on the Quran and trying the say that is the only interpretations or there is no such thing as different interpretations (If he/she was really an ex 12er he/she would of cause know this is not true )”
Wow, quite accusations you have here, too bad not single one of them have reference and proof, just mere claim. The proof of Islam is also in what I have said in this site but the difference is that no muslims dare to answer me. Of course there are many interpretations but older one is closer to Muhammad. Do you really think that the real god want this? Yes or no?
You wrote, “Islamic sites are bias Wikipedia is bias the only source is not bias is this site and others like it but that is of cause bias towards Islam.”
Hold on, you missed my point entirely. I didn’t say wikipedia is orignially biased, I just said that the authors are muslims themselves so bias is unavoidable. Also, wikipedia is free and anyone can edit it, including you and me. Some wiki users even protested about it and called it “Islamic fan page” which is far from neutrality. I can easily find poor article about Islam too (and in other religions). Do you read my posts about wikipedia? Do you understand it? Wikipedia doesn’t have moral compass, it doesn’t recognize good and evil. Take an example of polytheism which Allah curses so much. Do you think wikipedia will talk about it like Allah? Making it evil just like in the Quran?
We, humans are bias creature and that’s a fact. In real world, you cannot evade this but the problem is that what kind of bias do you have? To Islam, the barbaric system or to humanity? Humane value is bias too, you know.
The correct one is that Islamic sites are biased towards Muhammad and Allah as the right one no matter what happen and wikipedia sometimes neutral sometimes not about it. This site is bias towards human value and Islam is against it. The only neutrality belongs to internet site like wikipedia. You can bet that in real life, these wikipedians are not neutral at all. Only robot can do that.
You wrote, “You cannot argue if the only source of ''right information'' is from the person you are arguing with.”
So far you are not presenting any source or information to clear Muhammad while I have proven it about Islam. It’s just the source that matters and your logic. I see your reasoning is flawed and I saw that in your comparison about Christian terrorism.
You wrote, “I am not drinking the coolade and believing someone stating blatant wrong facts about history, Quran, Sunni, Shia, Muslims, Islamic Culture, Islamic countries, (Without looking at other countries), Muhammad ( peace be upon him) claiming to be a psychologist and all stating wrong facts about Islam”
I never accused you drinking anything so why did you even mention this irrelevant subject? If you have information that everyone here doesn’t know then present it. Clear Muhammad’s name and the danger of Islam with it. All you need to do is simple, refute Sina’s book using the same way.
You wrote, “If you what to believe this ''truth'' then so be it that is what freewill is, but I cannot believe this.”
All I see is the source. So far, the attitude of muslims are not helping it. You cannot believe this? You use belief to know something? I see that you are avoiding my questions about Islam and decided to pick my sentences, just like any muslims here. Why, Jakob?
You wrote, “May Allah have Mercy on all of you”
How can Allah be affected by your words? Are you aware that Allah chooses people as he wishes? If he decides to throw you to hell and gives me paradise, he can, can’t he? What is preventing him to do it? Can’t he lie?
You said ''You talk a lot of trash Jakob. You are an ignoramus that talks about Quran, Ahadith, and Sira BUT HAS NOT READ SQUAT!!!
You are nothing but a know-nothing idiot here spouting your idiotic PERSONAL OPINIONS!!!''
You know this because I do not agree with what you say Islam is ?
So much hate in your heart
Regards Jakob
It is quite funny is one comment you say I am thinking I am so good and know everything (never said I did if you read my comments) then you do the same thing you are accusing me or doing .
''You also have a poor sense of judgement (another consequence of low IQ?''
Claiming to be smart and knowing what they re talking about and knowing what they are talking about are totally different things I can say more to you but I will hold my tongue from sin
''Quran and Sunna are rock solid in their evil''
It must be evil because a few said it right ?
Regards Jakob
You said ''Specifically we are interested in educating illiterate Muslims like yourself who are unaware of what evil is in the Quran, Ahadith and Sira.
Again you say I am illiterate when you do not know me at all. That is no surprise though as I find what you and this site are doing is playing the blame game and is doing no good what so ever
Just another excuse to place blame on a religion of people
If a so called ''illiterate'' like me knows that a ''expert'' like you is missing facts,miss quoting ,missed history, taken out of context ect then any Muslim would stop to think and say hmm why are they going to so much trouble to slander Islam and anyone who doesn't agree with there view must have something wrong with them is illiterate or has a low IQ ect
No need to fear or hate Islam.
All I am saying is anyone who wants to know really about Islam (not the bigots who already hate Islam for what ever reason) Study it themselves.
Nothing wrong with saying that is there ?
Regards Jakob
You talk a lot of trash Jakob. You are an ignoramus that talks about Quran, Ahadith, and Sira BUT HAS NOT READ SQUAT!!!
You are nothing but a know-nothing idiot here spouting your idiotic PERSONAL OPINIONS!!!
You really make an idiot of yourself when you claim to know my emotional status. You know absolutely nothing about me and look foolish before the public when you are so wrong.
You also haven't read enough on this site to even understand the distinction (I know, nuance is difficult for low IQ Muslims) between Islam and Muslims. Start with the "About" tab. It explains a little about it. Muslims come in all varieties, but Quran and Sunna are rock solid in their evil. The closer someone gets to the Quran, the worse they become. You also have a poor sense of judgement (another consequence of low IQ?) on the proportion of killing done for Islam vs the killing that occurs in non-Muslim countries. Again, Islam is unique because it teaches killing. Every other religion says "Thou shalt not kill". Bahrain is Muslim on Muslim killing. Don't blame US.
You are the one with a bigot mentality because you base your paradigm on your own biased opinions rather than facts. And you expect people who know the facts to bow to your opinions.
We are not talking about people's acts that are in violation of their ideologies. We are talking about people's acts that are in compliance with their ideologies.
Specifically we are interested in educating illiterate Muslims like yourself who are unaware of what evil is in the Quran, Ahadith and Sira. If you think you know so much, read Dr. Sina's book. But I know you are afraid of it because you will not know what to do when you find out your are wrong.
These acts are not for Islam that is for power and politics nothing more.
Free will of people to do these acts (attaching god to ones own desires)
Learn the difference please
Sometimes people will use any excuse to invade a country
Every country, religion and race has its violent people history shows this.
Do not have a bigot mentality
Regards Jakob
Dear Ali Sina,In short I have idea to help Non Arabic Muslim this way: I . Establish clinics of Mental- Rehabilitation for Non Arab Muslim from the disease or VIRUS of Islam;i e The false hope of HEAVEN,The false FEAR of hell, SELF HYPNOTHISED to surrender to Allah only coused by doing five times dayly of shala or pray; By showing some KEY-SURA i e :At Taubah- 111; false HEAVEN can be proven, becouse heaven had been used to pay or purchase the SOUL of non muslim !– which then made the Non Arabic Muslims to become THE MERCENARIES OF ISLAM( Which in REALITY the body of the Arabic Muslims). II To waken up the Non Arabic Muslims from their false-DREAM of HEAVEN( promise from surah ash shaf -10 ) and make them realize that Arabic Muslims are THE REAL SON OF ALLAH; while THE NON ARABIC MUSLIMS are only THE STEP SON of ALLAH. III. To Awaken the non Arabic Muslims that Allah is only The Soul or the will of Mhamad,revealed from surah Ahzab -50( Allah give Mhmad the right to take the woman he wanted to choose as his wife); All my sugestions are in line with Mr Light of Trueth who wrote :" to rescue our Muslim brothers and sisters from THE CLUTCH of ISLAMS." IV. Other sugestion : Make Sue or CLASS ACTION to the World AMnesty Intrntnal, that Islam is PREDATOR to the the world HUMAMISME, V. Sugest You to urge Non ARABIC Government to take action as soon as psible to follow Tjikistan Govrnment who have successed to eliminate this evil chameleon religion from their Country. Awaiting your comment, sincerely yours Im Abad. Thank you. BTW I still know some other KEY surah ; if needed.
''You talk about going into study with a closed mind. We are not all beginners and amateurs like you, Jakob. Many of us have already completed advanced studies on Islam and are well aware of it's evil. Islam is defined by the Quran and Sira. What you, your family, your friends, or your imam say about Islam is irrelevant if it is not in the texts. ''
You assume I haven't as I have said anyone can claim to have any qualification or be anyone on the internet.
Robert Spencer said it so it must be true right ?
Have you even meet a Muslim ?
Again no surprise you are putting me, Islam and Muslims down yet again. Yet another ye ha trigger happy Muslim hater.
''Read the news Jakob. You can see on a daily basis the evil fruits of Islam. How many more people have to die because of your beautiful Religion of Peace [TM]?''
Read the news about other countries including yours and see the atrocities they commit in the name of there country and God.
How many civilians have to die for the corrupt and power hungry of those countries?
(Example Bahrain civilians being killed because those in power are allies with US and they do nothing but watch them being massacred. US selling weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill others with)
Your time will be better spent improving your own country rather then invading others and enforcing your views on others and putting them down
Regards Jakob
For those who do not know what Eshops tale, The Wolf & The Lamb is:
A wolf comes upon a lamb and, in order to justify taking its life, accuses it of various misdemeanours, all of which the lamb proves to be impossible.
Losing patience, it says the offences must have been committed by someone else in the family and that it does not propose to delay its meal by enquiring any further about the matter.
The morals drawn are that the tyrant can always find an excuse for his tyranny and that the unjust will not listen to the reasoning of the innocent
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wolf_and_the_Lam…
Regards Jakob
Maybe before looking down on others and saying there religion is false which is no surprise you are doing this by your country and job back ground
Pick up a Quran and read it not just any translated Quran but maybe the Arabic or The Koran Interpreted -Arthur John Arberry
Study Islamic studies (both Shia and Sunni) rather then claiming to be knowledgeable and claiming false qualifications.
Also as I have said I do not know you or really want to as I find you are very hateful person, but anyone can say they have any degree on the internet meaning they can lie so I cannot take you or ali's ''experience '' as nothing more then opinion to justify hating them for what ever reason.
Many other Muslims on here (Sunni and Shia) have said he has said wrong things.
Example saying what Palestinian did but not Israel, claiming Arabs cause all the wars, Arabs are just savages and contributed nothing to history Missing out a lot of historic things they did for medicine, architecture and agriculture ect.
Hitler was inspired by Islam even though he was inspired by Martin Luther's book and hated Jews due to being homeless and seeing Jewish people walk by and hold all of the money in Germany at that time (Not right what he did of cause)
I highly suggest you do not assume every Muslim is an illiterate person with no education as I could assume those hating Islam are just a bunch of trigger happy red necks going on about rag head Muslims somehow trying to take over the world fringe theory cranks
But of cause that would be wrong to assume all are.
Regards Jakob
Do Christian Palestinians fight against Jews?.
Do Sindhi of India fight against Pakistanis. You know during partition Sindh fully went to Pakistan. So all Sindhis(hindus) came to India and stayed in India with out any Sindhi State. They got assimilated in India.
But Palestinians still refugee in Jordan, Syria & other Muslim countries. Even Bangadishis who came to India after 1971 war got assimilated. There are no refugees in India today except Kashmiri Pandits. They will aslo get assimilated one day.
What happened to palestinian refugees after 60 years. Still they are used as bomb by the Muslim world. Not taken in to mainstream as Muslim brothers.
Allah is gracious but not Muslims.
Do Christian Palestinians fight against Jews?.
Do Sindhi of India fight against Pakistanis. You know during partition Sindh fully went to Pakistan. So all Sindhis(hindus) came to India and stayed in India with out any Sindhi State. They got assimilated in India.
But Palestinians still refugee in Jordan, Syria & other Muslim countries. Even Bangadishis who came to India after 1971 war got assimilated. There are no refugees in India today except Kashmiri Pandits. They will aslo get assimilated one day.
What happened to palestinian refugees after 60 years. Still they are used as bomb by the Muslim world. Not taken in to mainstream as Muslim brothers.
Rohit is right. Upper Class had hijacked the caste system in India. I would like to start a Vednata School for Tribal and Lowere caste of ORISSA so that they can understand the religion of Hinduism better and kick out the Christians.
But if they learn Veda and Vedanta they will not be exploited by the Business Caste who support BJP and RSS.
So it is a double edge knife to teach Vedanta to Tribal people of Orissa. Choice is yours.
Sorry. There is no Allah. That is the main fact you are missing. And yes, you don't know what jihad is. Where did you get your definition? Your imam? Wikipedia? Obviously you have done no statistical analysis on the Quran. 98% of verses on jihad are about war. The 2% that support the so-called Greater Jihad are weak, and even the reference to Muhammad that gave us the term Greater Jihad is considered unreliable. The Quran clearly tells us that struggle in the way of Allah is to smite the unbelievers.
I am looking forward to reading your study on the parallels with Freemasons. I expect to see it published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
Don't evaluate Islam by behavior unless it is based in Quran, Ahadith and Sira.
Watch the difference between people who do evil against their ideology and people who do evil because of their ideology.
Muslims do evil when they follow Muhammad and the Quran the same way Nazis did evil when they followed Hitler and Mein Kampf.
Muslims are evil only to the extent that they get into the Quran. Robert Spencer had this to say about moderate Muslims in a recent interview at FFI:
UMP: How many Muslims in the world, do you think, are “moderate Muslims”?
RS: It depends on how one defines “moderate.” If by it you mean those who are not engaged in violent jihad, then the number is huge. If you mean those who actively disapprove of violent jihad and Islamic supremacism in general, and are working against the jihad imperative, the number is minuscule. If you mean those Muslims who simply aren’t concerned with such matters, the number is considerable.
You talk about going into study with a closed mind. We are not all beginners and amateurs like you, Jakob. Many of us have already completed advanced studies on Islam and are well aware of it's evil. Islam is defined by the Quran and Sira. What you, your family, your friends, or your imam say about Islam is irrelevant if it is not in the texts.
Read the news Jakob. You can see on a daily basis the evil fruits of Islam. How many more people have to die because of your beautiful Religion of Peace [TM]?
Sing praises to Allah when you can't muster any facts to support your position.
Your statement on Masonry is another advertisement of your ignorance. You should be embarrassed to write such things where the public can see them. But that's okay. To your friends and family you are a hero of the verbal jihad.
You obviously don't even understand what you are reading on my CV, which makes it easier to understand why you don't know how to understand Islam. If you were literate about Islam you would know that the materials on this site are legitimate and accurate.
You have serious deficiencies in your ability to discern fact from opinion and you say that you "know" things without any basis of knowledge . And you clearly do not know the difference between an amateur and a professional, or the technical meaning of bias. If you were raised in a knowledge-based culture you would know about these things. That is the difference between the Jakob Amatuer Hour and academic standards of which you are woefully ignorant. Do you even have a college degree?
"Cannot blame the Shia sect on a few (the same with Sunni sufi and sal sects)"
Can't blame the Shia on a few? Sunni are 80% of Muslims. Regardless, the Shia/Sunni divide is not that wide as they agree on 80% of Islamic doctrine anyway.
"You do realise Muslims are not trying to take over the world."
Read the Quran Jakob. It doesn't do you any good to make statements that are un-Islamic.
I'm not talking about war. I'm talking about Iran's violence and hostility towards non-Muslims. The issue is that Iran is no friend to Jews and Christians because they follow Islam. Of course, that leads Iran to being a warlike country. They have specifically said that they want to destroy both little Satan (Israel) and big Satan (the US). This is about Islam, not politics. Iran has implied that it is fulfilling Shia prophecies, and the timeline laid out in their video causes some analysts to estimate that Iran has to begin the war to destroy Israel before the end of the year. You think they were audacious for wanting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador? That was nothing. In the film they call for the assassination of King Abdullah. This is the sick fruit of Islam.
Watch it here:
Studied the Masons have very similar ideology,ethics and use the same tactic in arguments.
Proof is in what I have said on this site. Missing facts,history, not know what Jihad is, half quoting, putting own spin on the Quran and trying the say that is the only interpretations or there is no such thing as different interpretations (If he/she was really an ex 12er he/she would of cause know this is not true )
Islamic sites are bias Wikipedia is bias the only source is not bias is this site and others like it but that is of cause bias towards Islam.
You cannot argue if the only source of ''right information'' is from the person you are arguing with.
I am not drinking the coolade and believing someone stating blatant wrong facts about history, Quran, Sunni, Shia, Muslims, Islamic Culture, Islamic countries, (Without looking at other countries), Muhammad ( peace be upon him) claiming to be a psychologist and all stating wrong facts about Islam
If you what to believe this ''truth'' then so be it that is what freewill is, but I cannot believe this.
May Allah have Mercy on all of you
Regards Jakob
Would rather not get into a debate about Iran US conflict
(not pro war of any sort )
Regards Jakob
Islam is defined by Quran and Sunna. Derogating critics gets you nowhere.
Internationally recognized Imams have raised the question of what to do about the problem of millions of Muslims converting out of Islam.
Re: Wali – Is that why the greatest Shia nation, Iran, is such good friends with the US?
That's because most Muslims don't believe Muhammad and the Quran.
You said '''It's shiite according to you and shiite has strayed off the path quite far from Islam ''
Shiite means 1 Muslim who follows the sect of Shia Islam
Shia's means more then one Muslim who follows the sect Shia Islam
They are also not all 12ers
Just thought I would clear that up as this comment states you do not know the difference
link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shia_Islam
Regards Jakob
''Muslim don't have the rights to convert according to Quran''
This is due to many reasons
One example is Spain when they killed all of the Moors and Jews and some Muslims and Jews converted and killed fellow Jews and Muslims for money and land (betraying there own people)
Again other religions had this rule at one stage in history
I do not believe people who wish to convert to what ever religion should be killed (Most Muslims believe this also)
Regards Jakob
All learn the difference between Islam and Culture.
Also read about Islam yourself rather then a one sided view that means not from hate sites and read about all sects of Islam Read about other religions, the history of Islam and culture.
Do not go into study with a closed mind (Do not assume Islam is evil because a few people a few say it is)
Regards Jakob
You say ''Logical conclusion is simple: Muslim cannot be under anyone except muslim. Muslims in Singapore, China, Europe, America etc should demand their own state because infidel state is not Islamic.''
You do realise Muslims are not trying to take over the world.
I have no idea where you got that from but there is no need to panic at all there are many other things that you need to worry about in this world and someone being a Muslim is not one of them.
''It's shiite according to you and shiite has strayed off the path quite far from Islam ''
Cannot blame the Shia sect on a few (the same with Sunni sufi and sal sects)
What are your thoughts on Zayn al-‘Ābidīn?
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_ibn_Husayn
Regards Jakob
Yes if you look in History there was forms of corruption by men of power (this is historic fact)
Even these days there is a lot of corruption as people worship money over there god and some think they are god themselves (Knower of everything)
Regards Jakob
Nice try but that won't work because:
1. It's shiite according to you and shiite has strayed off the path quite far from Islam
2. There is no concept of country in Muhammad's mind, just ummah, an Islamic society ruled by Caliph. I think this concept is pretty clear about leadership should be, no need to ponder on another verse.
3. Another meaning is that even in majority kafir's country, muslim shouldn't take them as authority.
No muslim is trying? Tell that to Muhammad when he conquered Arabia. Tell that to his earlier followers when they attacked middle eastern countries and wanted them to convert or war. I've posted the proof here.
This comment of yours show you haven't able to provide any solid proof and fact, just opinion.
Logical conclusion is simple:
Muslim cannot be under anyone except muslim. Muslims in Singapore, China, Europe, America etc should demand their own state because infidel state is not Islamic.
You say ''making muslims above them politically ''
This Means Muslims want to rule there own country.
'''Mission A: Creating boundary to humanity by making muslim as special grop, calling another group as inferior
Mission B: Creating superiority over others.''
No Muslims are not trying to take over the world no need to believe the media, lies,mass hysteria and paranoia about Islam.
This comment shows you have not studied Islam and have just gone to hate and crank sites about Islam
Regards Jakob
Ah, so if someone says negative with no proof you agree with him/her, nice judgment, eh.
Sorry, until this day no muslims can prove that. Care to answer my multiple posts here? You should know when a muslims say "giving proof" means "no proof" or "circular logic" or "insult". Show me the proof, a real one, start with my posts here.
Are you sure you are confident with that verse? I've dealt numerous problem in here. Why don't you finish that?
Why is it "one"? If it's absolute and eternal then why he needed human? If he cannot have son that means there is something he can't do, right? If there is none like him then why in many verses he's acting like human?
''Brother Ali SIna is a by product of Free Masonism.''
I also believe this to be true.
''He and few of his followers always asking people to prove him wrong with his lie and fabricated information. You can only deny Lie through truth. But as You can see when you would give him proof, He would say these are lies and again will give you some more lies in favor of him. Its a circle. The most important thing is He is giving reference from a source and and saying that Quran is False, But when you would see that reference then you will see that he is just using the first sentence , not the rest and zest. When you would show him this he would say that reference can not be accepted cause that source is islamic. It is like an example of that famous Eshops tale, The Wolf & The Lamb. But for you sister and all others Islam is simply nothing but just to beleive the following
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.''
Very true.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
Regards Jakob
You say ''Suppose you needed major surgery like brain surgery or open-heart surgery. Would you rather have it done by a professional surgeon or someone like yourself?
Does not scene not surprise about the comparison though .
I could use if you needed a brain surgery would you go to a doctor who knew what they were taking about or to someone you knew did not know what they were taking about when you are not a doctor.
You and Ali Sina are not professionals far from it (I am not claiming I am in any way but I know he is distorting a lot of facts about Islam and history)
''So don't come onto this site with your ignorance and act like you know more about Islam than me. Dr. Sina knows far more than I do, but my level of expertise is sufficient to deal with an ummi like you.''
I wonder what you would say if I said I was a former Mormon and said Mormons were evil,a cult, half quoted, missed historic facts,got a following of people who hated Mormons.
It must be true because I said it right ?
(Lazy people would not go into reading themselves and if they already had hatred in there heart they would blame them like this site is doing)
'' but my level of expertise is sufficient to deal with an ummi like you''
Hardly as your qualifications make you heavy bias (on the fact that if they are even true)
Not surprised that an US army man thinks he is superior then an ''ummi'' (Means unlettered or illiterate ) like myself and thinks they have the right to impose there ''truth'' on everyone and say I am illiterate because I do not take what you are saying as fact.
I highly suggest you do not make assumption about someone because I am not taking myself up and making false claims or stroking my ego.
''You are in deep denial and refusal to even look at the facts.''
Not facts, opinions learn the difference. Nice trying again trying to analyse me.
All I am saying to do is read about Islam (All sects) and the history of that area yourself don't take what Ali Sina says as fact without looking into it yourself.
Regards Jakob
Bottom line is either:
1. cannot befriend with people of the book
2. making muslims above them politically
Both of it are no good, added with the goal of Islam to make it win over other religions, well, it's not pretty either.
Mission A: Creating boundary to humanity by making muslim as special grop, calling another group as inferior
Mission B: Creating superiority over others.
Conclusion: Anyone who sided with them is unjust. Isn't this hate speech? Is this fair? You judge people just by their group.
''Millions are converting because of him''
Anyone can make that claim as anyone can pass anything off as fact on the internet.
I finds this very hard to believe as fact.
Also as I have said take the time and read about Islam (All sects ) and history for yourself rather then taking what Ali Sina says as clear fact.
You will find a lot is left out and the Quran is not just one interpretation
(If he was really an ex Muslim 12er he would know this)
One example of different interpretation is this :
Oh you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as your Wali; they are but Wali of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a Wali, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people." [Quran 5:51]
Sunnis interpret this verse to mean that a Muslim may not take a Christian or Jew as a “friend”, whereas Shi’as reject this and interpret the verse in a political sense to mean that Christians and Jews should not act as “authorities” over Muslim people.
Regards Jakob
You are wrong to think that Ali Sina did not help anyone. Millions of Muslim convert because of him. He is helping many people to comes out of the dark.
It is only your view to think that it is insulting. We have to say it clearly every time, on and on again, in every possible moment that Islam from Muhammad is very violent. It is written in Quran. Why can't you read.
Muslim don't have the rights to convert according to Quran. But free people have the rights to tell everybody to convert from the darkness.
We are not talking about the Muslim, Christian or Jews. We are talking about the teaching of Muhammad who is evil. Everybody has to leave what Muhammad told. It is very evil.
it is very simple Jakob. Why don't you understand.
I am well aware of the facts about Islam. You are in deep denial and refusal to even look at the facts.
Suppose you needed major surgery like brain surgery or open-heart surgery. Would you rather have it done by a professional surgeon or someone like yourself?
If you had questions about the procedure and wanted to know about what is wrong, why is the surgery necessary, what is the procedure, and what are the risks, would you ask a professional surgeon, or someone like yourself?
So don't come onto this site with your ignorance and act like you know more about Islam than me. Dr. Sina knows far more than I do, but my level of expertise is sufficient to deal with an ummi like you.
''You are the only one who is publicly embarrassing yourself when you make comments that show you are illiterate on Islam.''
Far from it as you missed the joke (to all the people thinking that Islam is taking over the world is a ridiculous claim).
This entire comment shows your ego and arrogant's
''Acting like they are superior. That would include you. ''
Never said that in any of my comments
''You certainly are ignorant and not in a position to make an evaluation in regards to my emotional status. You are making a blind assumption and assertion from your position of superiority. You don't have facts when talking about me,. I would say your comments are worthless and a waste of storage space on the server. ''
Never said I was superior in any way do no know where you got that from. (nice try trying to analyse me though)
''nor do you bring any facts to the table in the discussion about Islam''
Well I did as I pointed out that Ali missed historic facts, showed bias towards one religion, said Muslims were not killed in War Camps in WW2, half quoting trying to be an psychologist and apply psychology to Islam (failed at doing it as he is no psychologist ) and way out there things that anyone who studied history or Islam would know its not true )
''This is referring to professional qualifications and experience. There are many, many others on the site with more facts about Islam at their fingertips. Unfortunately their facts would not support your dhimmi attitude''
I find this very hard to believe as most are on the same lecel of those Neo Nazi sites.
''If you think you are more qualified, establish it.''
Missed my point anyone can half quote and say they have a qualification. Then when someone studied the same subject it would show they clearly did not have it. I unlike others do not have to make false claims
''I haven't seen anyone on this board with higher qualifications other than Dr. Sina. At Freedom Bulwark we had Wafa Sultan stop by once. That's about it. ''
I highly suggest you study Islam and History yourself rather then taking everything Ali says as fact. As no ones knows who he is, he could be anyone (not a dr) just another Muslim hater trying to blame Islam for every bad in the world
Regards Jakob
"Ego much ?"
Not ego, Jakob, just fact. I haven't seen anyone on this board with higher qualifications other than Dr. Sina. At Freedom Bulwark we had Wafa Sultan stop by once. That's about it.
I don't care about less knowledgeable people participating in discussion. In other fields of knowledge, I could be the person participating in the conversation with a lower level of knowledge. What I have no tolerance for is people who do not know what they are talking about acting like they are superior. That would include you.
This is referring to professional qualifications and experience. There are many, many others on the site with more facts about Islam at their fingertips. Unfortunately their facts would not support your dhimmi attitude.
"So much hatred and I could say your ''qualifications'' make you very bias (Most if no all miss facts and are one sided)"
You certainly are ignorant and not in a position to make an evaluation in regards to my emotional status. You are making a blind assumption and assertion from your position of superiority. You don't have facts when talking about me, nor do you bring any facts to the table in the discussion about Islam. I would say your comments are worthless and a waste of storage space on the server.
"I am I the only one who thinks of the cartoon pinky and the brain when I hear this comment? (implying Muslims are trying to take over the world)"
You are the only one who is publicly embarrassing yourself when you make comments that show you are illiterate on Islam.
"Anyone can say they have any qualification and are anyone on the internet"
If you think you are more qualified, establish it.
''You don't have a fraction of my qualifications.''
Ego much ?
''Just typical useful idiot used by Muslim propagandists''
So much hatred and I could say your ''qualifications'' make you very bias (Most if no all miss facts and are one sided)
I am I the only one who thinks of the cartoon pinky and the brain when I hear this comment? (implying Muslims are trying to take over the world)
Anyone can say they have any qualification and are anyone on the internet
Regards Jakob
Still didn’t answer my question. Why there is no fighting in other place? If this is about ideology there should be another incident. Why only in these places? The problem is the people.
You wrote, “Half true, yes politics played a part but they did hate each other. Look in history of other countries.”
Anything you dislike is called half true including proof in this site and sources from muslim themselves. You didn’t provide me the link to the teaching. Catholic and protestant in my country don't hate each other. Even if they want to they can't find support from their holy book.
Extremist in Islam means following Allah’s command to the extreme. Islam is about power and politic, beside religion. Muhammad was a head of state, finance, and political purpose. Your god is political too. He wanted to inherit the earth and subjugate all to Islamic ummah using any means necessary. War is just one of them.
Don’t assume they are wrong before checking their idol.
Yours is opinion since you got no refutation.
Sure, sure, look at other religions other than Islam and found out that only Islam was spread by violence from the very beginning by its very own prophet. Jesus didn’t, Buddha didn’t, nor did Paul. Moses? Defensive mostly over a tiny land. Confucianism? Nope. Daoism? Nope. Ahmadiyah? Nope. Bahai? Nope again. Hinduism? Too large to judge but nope again. There must be something wrong about Islamic ideology, not the people.
You wrote, “Proof by a person who is bias against Muslims and the site is made up of most posters saying all Muslims are all evil and not one of the over 1 billion of the men, women and children is innocent (Like the Crusades saying Muslims didn't have souls ect) That is extremist behaviour and very concerning to say the least.”
Oh, if you don’t like something you call it bias? Even if the people who made it were muslim scholars who spent the their entire life on Islam, to know its meaning and mission? All sources are legitimate and from muslim sources so deal with the sources first rather than attacking the messenger. All muslims are evil to the extent that they want to emulate Muhammad to the extreme. As long as they stay in hibernation, not knowing their own teaching, they will not be evil, but who knows the future?
Crusade has no connection to Jesus’ teaching. Since when did Jesus teach war and politic? Since when he told you that dying for god in war can erase sin? This is similar to Jihad concept in Islam and judging that Islam had entered Europe before that then …
You wrote, “The same thing was done to the Jewish people due to Hitler having a personal bias and hatred against Jews. He preached the Jews were the blame of all evil and said they were less then human. (Used a Marten Luther book who hated Jews in his last years to base his views on. (It would be wrong to assume all Lutherans were Nazis ect)”
Where did he get those hatreds? Surely something must have a cause from somewhere. Sorry, but Bible (NT) doesn’t teach to hate Jews in general, only warning to hypocrite Jews who disobeyed god. All you need is proof from the source. Supposed that Luther hate Jews, did he kill them? Did he want to teach that all Jews must be killed? Did he advise genocide to all Jews? Was there any link to Jesus on this one? If there was none then why call it Christian teaching?
Since Islam and Muhammad hates Jews a lot then why don’t you finish this first? This is direct link to the hatred in the muslim world, unlike Lutheran.
You wrote, “The same comments said about Muslims on this site”
Which comment? Mine? Quote it and prove it false. I always make accurate comment. It’s strange that you care so much about others but forgot that Islam also made hate comments in Quran too, based on faith.
You wrote, “Yet you all call Muslims bad and preaching hate.”
Islam preaches hate and muslims follow it. It’s that simple.
You wrote, “It would not matter what religion I was, I would still no agree with this blatant extremist behaviour.”
Judging from your post I can guess that you are muslim. It does matter because personal bias can ruin your judgment, like defending your beloved father. Extreme doesn’t equal to violence or hatred. Look it up in your dictionary.
You wrote, “Hate speech is hate speech no matter what it is about.”
And hating hate speech is not hate, merely self defense. Muhammad hated pagan but pagan didn’t, so if pagan started to hate him based on his selfish act that would be normal. Fair enough?
You quoted Peter. Do you think you really understand the meaning or all of us are Christians? I suggest you read again line by line to know that this verse is irrelevant. Compare it with your argument and give me similarity point by point.
Ad Hominem, any logical arugments to give or just logical fallacies?
Regards Jakob
You are missing my point entirely
Would not matter what I presented
A fanatic is a fanatic
Regards Jakob
"Islam if not just an Idea it is way of life and culture that is the first thing you need to understand." If you admit that the koran is not a divine book and you just want to practise the dogmas and rituals (like the prayers, fast, the hajj etc) then i (in principle) have no problem with that, indeed man needs ritual and dogma as these things satisfy us emotionally.
"Each sect follows it differently and has different interpretations of the Quran." If i say am going to kill and fight you their is no interpretation to that it is clear. What sect says jews and christians should not pay jizya?
"There is not just one book of sharia law as it is different in every country (none sharia in western)" Sharia is based on the koran and sunnah.
'' hia''
To correct myself Shia
Regards Jakob
First the extremist are bad I am not denying that but I find it wrong to assume all are like this.
Islam if not just an Idea it is way of life and culture that is the first thing you need to understand.
Each sect follows it differently and has different interpretations of the Quran.
Sects include:Shia sects,sunni sects, Zadi sect, sufi sect and the mix of extremist groups.
Each country is also very different due to this (Islam country Muslims and Western country Muslim)
There is not just one book of sharia law as it is different in every country (none sharia in western)
Regards Jakob
Hiter was inspired by Martin Luther's of the Lutherans book if you didn't know
(I do not think all Lutherans are evil)
Link to Martin Luther
''For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith.''
Every religion did this not just Islam, again look at history.
Very Lazy blaming Muhammad (peace be upon him) for every evil in the word.
Everyone knows this not to be true
Regards Jakob
Jakob it comes down to this, is islam a evil idea like nazism or is it a peacefull religion. Bring your proofs to support your view islam is a peacefull religion and we will discuss only islam from now on. As i only want to discuss islam with you , if you agree then we will start with your responding message.
"What about killing of unarmed innocent civilians in that fight for defending against ''unfreedom ideogies''?" Is that supported in the US constitution bring your proof.
"Invading countries is not freedom no mater who does it and what excuse they use" Freeing people from dictatorships is freedom. Unless the people want to be enslaved then the US or anyone else has no right to invade that country (unless they are first attacked in an unprovoked attack).
"Have you studied the history of the Sunni, Shia, Zadi, sufi and all the countries in that era ?(including the Pagan Christian and Jew)
I do not believe you have." Whats that got to do with whether islam is evil or not?
"No need to make threats as I have not resorted to doing this act and that is an evil act to do" If you think its your right to kill me becuse i am non-muslim then you are my enemy and i told you before i don`t love my enemies i hate them.
Hitler was inspired by Muhammad
Islam’s Influence on Nazism (From Understanding Muhammad 6th edition)
Muhammad’s notion of a super religion with undisputed authority was the inspiration for Hitler’s super race. Albert Speer, Hitler’s wartime Minister of Armaments and Munitions, records in his memoirs that Hitler regretted the fact that Muslims failed to penetrate beyond France into Central Europe, during the eighth century:
“Had the Arabs won the battle the world would have been Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. The Germanic peoples would have become heirs to that religion. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament. Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.
Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking, ‘You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'”
There is no doubt that Hitler admired Muhammad and found Islam appealing. He was attracted by the penchant for violence through which Islam expanded. There was also a common connection of Jew-hatred.
In 1940 the Nazi Germany produced a movie in the form of documentary called “The Eternal Jew” that served to dehumanize the Jews and prepare for Hitler’s “Final Solution.” The film compared the Jewish people to rats. Why rats? In three Quranic verses (2:63 – 65, 5:60, and 7:166), Muhammad compares Jews to pigs, apes, rats and lizards. The movie characterized the Jews as wandering cultural parasites and depicted them as finding pleasure in money and a hedonist lifestyle. The Quran 2:96 says Jews are the greediest of all humankind, who would like to live 1000 years.
Carl Jung, in an interview conducted in 1930s, referring to the rise of Nazism in Germany said, “We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god. That can be the historic future.”
Elements of Islamic militarism found their way into Hitler’s theology. Like Muhammad, Hitler believed that might is right. He preached that his, was a “master” religion, because it would “create mastery and avoid comforting lies.”
[youtube dVrFyZZSsDk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVrFyZZSsDk&feature=related youtube]
Not much difference to what this site says and using the same manipulation
Yet you all call Islam evil look no further then the mirror
Regards Jakob
"You don't get it Muslims are free, just because your country has its views does not give you the right to enforce it on another." Muslims have no right to force their their religion on anyone. Where in koran does it say give all unbelievers who do no harm to muslims full rights?
"Islam has no right to just like no other religion and country does." Im glad you admit that, but if you really believed it you not call yourself muslim.
"And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah; but if they desist, then surely Allah sees what they do." 8:39
If you criticize the US you get called a terrorist ect (example look what they are doing to Julian Assange) that is what I mean
Regards Jakob
You know why you cannot answer if you say yes then that would muslims deserve to be treated as they believe they have a right to treat others. But if you say no, then that would mean you are saying the muslims who kill in the name of their religion should not be punished in any way. In either case you lose the arugment as you know full well, and thats why you refused to answer.
You said ''No that is protecting the freedom of innocents. Freedom if neccesacy has to defended by force againt unfreedom ideogies. ''
What about killing of unarmed innocent civilians in that fight for defending against ''unfreedom ideogies''? (Men Woman and Children) Enforcing there views just like you say Islam is doing. Rather then sending in Special Forces to kill terrorist but sending in drones and taking out innocent people also in market places.
Invading countries is not freedom no mater who does it and what excuse they use
''I am not telling them to denouce their faith, just know if your faith teaches to kill and subdue unbelievers don`t complain if that happens to you. ''
Have you studied the history of the Sunni, Shia, Zadi, sufi and all the countries in that era ?(including the Pagan Christian and Jew)
I do not believe you have.
What are you preaching right now ? No need to make threats as I have not resorted to doing this act and that is an evil act to do
''don`t try to force your religion on us.''
Most are not enforcing Islam only the extremist are (That goes both ways) I find that very worrying you cannot tell the difference
Regards Jakob
"Did not say that I was pointing out you were saying that and basing on loose half truth a few " Which im not as i pointed out above you are just attacking a straw man
"All religions did these things not just Islam look in history and learn." So you admit muhammed did those things?
"Do you realise all religions and non religions committed those acts also in that era ?" I will say this only one last time are the people that did similar things to muhammed believed by anyone to be the best example to follow for all places and times?
You say ''so your point is atheists do evil therefore all atheists are evil
Did not say that I was pointing out you were saying that and basing on loose half truth a few
''Or because you know their`s nothing bad in their?''
No that is not the case you know very well what I mean
Regards Jakob
"Isn't that trying to enforce something on someone the same thing your saying Islam did and is doing right now?" No that is protecting the freedom of innocents. Freedom if neccesacy has to defended by force againt unfreedom ideogies.
"What gives you the right to tell them to denounce there faith just because you are an atheist?" I am not telling them to denouce their faith, just know if your faith teaches to kill and subdue unbelievers don`t complain if that happens to you.
"What gives you the right to tell them to denounce there faith just because you are an atheist? That does not mean everyone wants to or should be." Where did i say they should become atheists? I don`t care what you believe unless it includes killing me becuse i am a unbeliever.
"yet you are saying they should obey another countries ''freedom'' or face consequences" I did not say they had to obey other countries if the muslims want to practise islam then go to Dar al-Islam but don`t try to force your religion on us.
I can see no matter what I say you will find some way to justify hating 1 billion people.
Look at Neo Nazi sites and see if there is a differences to what they are saying and what this site is saying.
(This site is even backed by some who are trying to get Muslims deported from Europe, getting the Quran banned and other Extremist people who blame Islam for all to evil in the world. )
See I can stereotype to if I want to.
I don't really believe you have studied Islam as your ignorance shows this
Regards Jakob
You don't get it Muslims are free, just because your country has its views does not give you the right to enforce it on another.
Islam has no right to just like no other religion and country does.
Regards Jakob
You said ''but i want muslims to make their choice do they believe in muhammed or in freedom and equal rights. If the latter then leave that evil man and denouce his teachings but if the former then prepare to be treated how you deserve to be.''
Isn't that trying to enforce something on someone the same thing your saying Islam did and is doing right now? What gives you the right to tell them to denounce there faith just because you are an atheist? That does not mean everyone wants to or should be.
What are your thoughts on all of the wars and enforcing of there ideology. Are they not doing what you criticise Islam of trying to do (Islam is not trying to take over the world a common scare tactic to stir up hate against a peaceful people)
''then prepare to be treated how you deserve to be. '
Isn't that a little violent and blackmail? You say Islam is obey or die (7th century) yet you are saying they should obey another countries ''freedom'' or face consequences the same act you are accusing Islam of believing and doing (which only a few extremist believe not all)
Also look at all countries now not just Islam countries
''And if their is and its teachings are evil i will renounce atheism becuse i do not want to be associated with such an evil thing.''
Missed my point: Atheist have done a lot of evil things, remember that and read history.(Hopefully you do and not just continue to stir hate to Muslims)
Regards Jakob
"Missed my point again reread what I wrote." So your point is atheists do evil therefore all atheists are evil. Which is not what i say about muslims. This is what i ,say islam is evil therefore anyone that agrees with it is evil. So stop distorting what i say.
"Would rather not because I do not want to be accused of hating the ''free'' USA as there are many people who would disagree for obvious reasons (Not pro war)" Or because you know their`s nothing bad in their?
"That is your opinion not fact" Do i have to quote the verse again from YOUR holy book
"9:29, Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." This is your book not what i say about it.
"I do not stereotype an entire religion on a few" Neither do i, i "stereotype" a religion on what its text say not what its followers say about it.
Jakob i am going to fight and kill you. How are you going to give that statement a peacefull interpretation?
Missed my point Yes would be wrong and no would be wrong thus both answers would make me look bad.
No answer would be right
Regards Jakob
"If that is true then that person would be interpreting the Quran violently like other extremist groups in other religions" Your proof he is interpreting the koran wrongly?
"an everyday Muslim" What is a "everyday muslim"?
"I can link many other groups from religions/ none religions and use that same stereotype ." Where is the terrorist bahai?
"(If you said that didn't make scene" Where is the atheist bible?
" I could say the same the same thing about your stereotype logic)" No you can`t muslims follow a holy book but atheists don`t.
You said ''Allah nor the Last Day". You are not interepreting it you are denying it. ''
That is your opinion not fact
I do not stereotype an entire religion on a few
Regards Jakob
You said ''"Like assuming all Atheist were evil because or what some did would be wrong also." Is their an atheist bible or pope? And if their is does it/he preach violence to theists (simple becuse they are not atheists)?''
Missed my point again reread what I wrote.
Would rather not because I do not want to be accused of hating the ''free'' USA as there are many people who would disagree for obvious reasons (Not pro war)
Regards Jakob
You said ''I once had a debate with a canadian convert to islam, this person is a antisemite, he hates democracy ,his own country, says israel should be wiped of the map,and an islamic caliphate should be established and when i provided him with evidence that muhammed was a monster he agreed with it all and started defending those actions. Do i believe this man was an evil racist thug before he became muslim yes i do, but islam is a perfect religion for such people and thats why it attracts them.''
If that is true then that person would be interpreting the Quran violently like other extremist groups in other religions . Is a extremist Sunni and is in favour of the likes of AQ ideology and is not an everyday Muslim. Not all Muslims believe this as it would be wrong to assume that. AQ and other extremist groups do not speak for all of Islam
I have many examples of people wanting Muslim countries wiped off the map by Jews and Christians and atheist but I do not think all are like that which obviously they are not.
You cannot base your hatred on an entire religion on one person or an extremist group. (I could do the same but I do not)
''but islam is a perfect religion for such people and thats why it attracts them.''
I can link many other groups from religions/ none religions and use that same stereotype .
That is your opinion and is not fact as I could ague you yourself are attracted to this hate group because you are an atheist (If you said that didn't make scene I could say the same the same thing about your stereotype logic)
Regards Jakob
"Question not valid" Okay then answer this what in your view should happen to me and my followers?
"You cannot grasp what I am trying to say" What i am saying is this, islam has evil teachings and people that agree with those teachings are evil. Now the question is do you agree with those teachings?
"Have you ever meet any Muslims at all or are you just relying on hate sites and bias media inciting hatred on all Muslims?" Of course i have meet people that call themselves muslims who are good (though i have also meet muslims who are bad people), but i want muslims to make their choice do they believe in muhammed or in freedom and equal rights. If the latter then leave that evil man and denouce his teachings but if the former then prepare to be treated how you deserve to be.
"How would you act if someone was saying all atheist were all evil and making up lies about what they believed?" My responce to that is the same as below Is their an atheist bible or pope? And if their is and its teachings are evil i will renounce atheism becuse i do not want to be associated with such an evil thing.
"Read about the history in that era from all countries not just one and you will understand where I am coming from (also all religions/ non religions)" Does anyone call those people prophets whose examples should be followed in all places for all times?
"Then you will realise that there is evil people in all religions/ non religions and not just Islam" Obviouly their are evil people everywhere.
"It is by peoples free will to commit those acts not by any text" I once had a debate with a canadian convert to islam, this person is a antisemite, he hates democracy ,his own country, says israel should be wiped of the map,and an islamic caliphate should be established and when i provided him with evidence that muhammed was a monster he agreed with it all and started defending those actions. Do i believe this man was an evil racist thug before he became muslim yes i do, but islam is a perfect religion for such people and thats why it attracts them.
"Anyone can cherry pick to make out anything is violent." Okay give me some examples from say the united States Constitution and remember you said anything.
"Like assuming all Atheist were evil because or what some did would be wrong also." Is their an atheist bible or pope? And if their is does it/he preach violence to theists (simple becuse they are not atheists)?
"Missed my point: There are many interpretations just like all religious text" Now you could argue that when koran speaks about afterlife, resurection, judgment day etc it has some metaphorical meaning but you cannot metaphorically intrepret "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day". You are not interepreting it you are denying it.
"I could say by that quote all Jews or Christians are violent" If by christians and jews you mean those that that actually believe that`s a divine commandment then you would be right for calling them violent, what else should you call them?
"Bible /Hebrew Bible but I do not." well you should (in the cases where they stoned someone to death for idolatry).
Meaning one text many ways to interpret it
Link to Interpretation (In case you don't know what it means) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretation
Regards Jakob
You also say that Islam committed murders and rapes ect.
Do you realise all religions and non religions committed those acts also in that era ?
Regards Jakob
You said ''Islam does not drive from the word peace, even thought they it has the same root. It drived from surrender and submission, taslim. Islam means submission to the will of Muhammad. Allah was concocted by Muhammad. It was a took he used to fool people, and make him powerful.''
That is your opinion not fact. Know the difference
Regards Jakob
Read about the history in that era from all countries not just one and you will understand where I am coming from (also all religions/ non religions)
Then you will realise that there is evil people in all religions/ non religions and not just Islam. It is by peoples free will to commit those acts not by any text
Regards Jakob
To add here is a link to the veil
Regards Jakob
You said ''i should be killed, my property lotted, my wife raped and made a slave simple becuse i am a non-muslim, i am not going to stand their and take it i am going to oppress them''
All religions did these things not just Islam look in history and learn.
For example the covering of the face of women came from keeping ones face warm in the desert and a protest against the loose behaviour and morals of the other religions /non back in that era (such as walking around bare chested and orgy's ect ) Not to oppress women like most say but as a moral protest to not do that behaviour.
Regards Jakob
"a few saying" So you acknowlege your god said these things? ''
Half quoted: Missing what I said. I said some extremist do those things not all Muslims. You are putting words in my mouth (Ague with what I say do not put words in my mouth and try and say I said something I did not with half quotes )
Regards Jakob
Question not valid: Gave me a question which had no right answer. You are stating two extremes (Example a terrorist for one country or a terrorist of another country no matter what I answer It would not be a right answer)
Regards Jakob
"Debatable depending on which sect you follow." Their`s only one koran''
Missed my point: There are many interpretations just like all religious text
I could say by that quote all Jews or Christians are violent because of the Bible /Hebrew Bible but I do not. Anyone can cherry pick to make out anything is violent.
Like assuming all Atheist were evil because or what some did would be wrong also.
Regards Jakob
''Atheism is not a specific ideology- beyond its rejection of theism. Its like saying all atheists are muslims its just nonsense.''
Missed my point assuming all Muslins are mass killing or terrorist is nonsense seeing as every ideology, religion or group of any sort has its bad people not just one (Islam) as I was trying to point out. You cannot grasp what I am trying to say
Have you ever meet any Muslims at all or are you just relying on hate sites and bias media inciting hatred on all Muslims? (Maybe sponsor a Muslim and see what they are like rather then making up your mind so quickly)
How would you act if someone was saying all atheist were all evil and making up lies about what they believed?
Regards Jakob
"If a Muslim said this would you say they had no right to ?" I unlike the muslim have a good reason for hating the muslims as they believe its their divine right to subdue and kill non muslims just because they are non-muslims.
"Do you realise you just tried to rationalise hurting, killing,oppressing, slandering and incitement of hatred" Again do muslims believe 9:29 and 1:193 is the word of God?
Exaggeration of Islam and again comparing it to the Nazis." But do you agree i and my followers would deserve to be killed by the jews and blacks? Yes or no answer will do(though if you say no,i would like you to state the reasons so i can respond to them).
"That is not true all religions /non have committed crimes does that mean by following those religions they are condoning bad actions ?" Yes if those religious teach it, but no if they don`t.
"Not a red herring you criticize Islam but in that era all groups did the same thing yet you call out one (Islam) but not the others." Okay you want me to critise the bible okay i will
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me." This is the 1st commandment you know what the punisment is for it? It is death by stoning (Deuteronomy 13:6-10). Now do i think anyone who believes that vile teaching is a divine commandment to be carried out, deserves themselves to be stoned to death? Yes i do.
"Debatable depending on which sect you follow." Their`s only one koran.
"If I said all Atheist were like Hitler because he was a Atheist I would never hear the end of it from all the atheist." Atheism is not a specific ideology- beyond its rejection of theism. Its like saying all theists are muslims its just nonsense.
"Stop saying Muhammed (peace be upon him) and the Muslims are like the Nazis when you are acting like one yourself It is a very weak argument." No its not koran said subjue the christians and jews and make them pay protection tax fact (you responded to that and i deal with that below). You also agreed people have the right to respond to violence and thugs.
"Because Muslims are not the monstrous Nazi terrorist you are trying to make out they are." Again do muslims believe 9:29 is from god?
''I already answered that its our duty to oppress people that want to harm us for no good reason''
If a Muslim said this would you say they had no right to ?
'' racist thug and his brainless followers.''
Do you realise you just tried to rationalise hurting, killing,oppressing, slandering and incitement of hatred on an entire religion based on only a small percentage of them when the rest are law abiding people and are guilty of no crime at all.
Then you call them Nazis yet doing Nazi behaviour yourself
Is that not behaviour of a brainwashed zealot?
Regards Jakob
You said ''lets say i invent a new religion and one of my teachings is this "kill all the blacks and jews on planet earth and build a new race without their ancestry to dirty our veins" Wouldn`t you say i, that teaching and any one that follows me is evil? ''
Exaggeration of Islam and again comparing it to the Nazis.
''You may not personally do it but you are by calling yourself a muslim you are condoning those acts done by your prophet and your muslim brothers.''
That is not true all religions /non have committed crimes does that mean by following those religions they are condoning bad actions ? (Flawed logic)
Do not be blinded by your hate
Regards Jakob
"Never said that Hitler was great don't know where you got that from." But you do about muhammed. ''
If I said all Atheist were like Hitler because he was a Atheist I would never hear the end of it from all the atheist.
Stop saying Muhammed (peace be upon him) and the Muslims are like the Nazis when you are acting like one yourself It is a very weak argument. Relating mass monstrous people and ideas and trying to pass Islam off as what you are saying it is. Didn't Hitler do that to the Jews ? (read what hatred is )
" Thats becuse we are not talking about that, we are talking about islam not what europe did or what christianity may or may not teach you are bringing up red herrings. ''
Not a red herring you criticize Islam but in that era all groups did the same thing yet you call out one (Islam) but not the others.
''Then why call yourself a muslim? '' Because Muslims are not the monstrous Nazi terrorist you are trying to make out they are.
''Read what the pagans did to the Muslims in that time not just one side." The verse makes it clear its not becuse of anything they may have done to harm the muslims its becuse they were unbelievers "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day".''
Debatable depending on which sect you follow.
Regards Jakob
"I argued that you are no better then the religion you were criticizing because you were guilty of the same acts you were saying Islam did." I already answered that its our duty to oppress people that want to harm us for no good reason. Lets say the jews and blacks come to oppress me and my followers would that be evil? No it would not, as they would be legitimately defending themselves from a racist thug and his brainless followers.
"You were saying Islam was evil and did savage acts but rather then arguing with facts you were vilifying Islam and saying they were all evil and inciting hatred" lets say i invent a new religion and one of my teachings is this "kill all the blacks and jews on planet earth and build a new race without their ancestry to dirty our veins" Wouldn`t you say i, that teaching and any one that follows me is evil?
"I do not hurt or oppress them at all so do not assume I do and put words in my mouth yet again. (I know many people from many religions)" You may not personally do it but you are by calling yourself a muslim you are condoning those acts done by your prophet and your muslim brothers.
"Never said that Hitler was great don't know where you got that from." But you do about muhammed.
"Also you are using present day ethics to say Islam is evil but at that time all of Europe had very similar ethics and you say nothing about what they did." Thats becuse we are not talking about that, we are talking about islam not what europe did or what christianity may or may not teach you are bringing up red herrings.
"I do not believe in killing or oppressing anyone. So do not assume I do." Then why call yourself a muslim?
"Read what the pagans did to the Muslims in that time not just one side." The verse makes it clear its not becuse of anything they may have done to harm the muslims its becuse they were unbelievers "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day".
"How do you define those deserving and those undeserving" The people who are deserving are the beasts and thugs who treat people who have done nothing to wrong them harshly and the deserving are those who treat us with kindness, and do nothing to harm us.
"What acts come under ''Do what thou will''?" Any as long as it does not contridict "as long as you harm
no undeserving person".
"Do you believe in right and wrong ?" Yes
"I was not criticizing Israel" Really? And also according to you people can not critise anyone or anything is that what your saying? ''
Did not say that do not put words in my mouth and distort the truth of what I said.
Missed my point:
You were saying Islam was evil and did savage acts but rather then arguing with facts you were vilifying Islam and saying they were all evil and inciting hatred
I argued that you are no better then the religion you were criticizing because you were guilty of the same acts you were saying Islam did.
''What about the atheists and polytheists what are they filth and worth less than pigs to you? How kind of you to include the christians and jews in your "brotherhood".''
I have no problems with any religion but some acts that they commit I do,
but that is an entire different subject .I do not hurt or oppress them at all so do not assume I do and put words in my mouth yet again. (I know many people from many religions)
Regards Jakob
''Do what thou will, as long as you harm no undeserving person".'
How do you define those deserving and those undeserving
What acts come under ''Do what thou will''?
Do you believe in right and wrong ? (God and Evil)
Regards Jakob
"Learn from history do not replete it." Yes lets learn from history and respond to islam by force, like we did to nazism and not lie and say hitler was a great guy and nazis are peace loving people.''
Never said that Hitler was great don't know where you got that from. There you go again calling Muslims Nazis
"It does matter if they are all lies. " Yes if they were lies, but what if it is the truth (which it is)?
Ok I will explain this so you understand: There are good Muslims and Bad like every other religion has bad people.
Most of Alis comments are bias.
If I wrote a book on Christians and I was bias towards them then cherry picked and twisted them it would read the same (There is violets in the Bible just like the Quran)
(I myself have been heavy oppressed by Christians but I do not believe all are like that )
Also you are using present day ethics to say Islam is evil but at that time all of Europe had very similar ethics and you say nothing about what they did.
I do not believe in killing or oppressing anyone. So do not assume I do.
" If someone smashes you in the face for no reason what do you do? You do not stand their and take it unless you are a cowardly dog you beat them back and subdue them. Likewise people who believe i should be killed, my property lotted, my wife raped and made a slave simple becuse i am a non-muslim, i am not going to stand their and take it i am going to oppress them.''
Read what the pagans did to the Muslims in that time not just one side.
If you say you have the right to defend yourself (Which you do) Muslims have that right also
Regards Jakob
"I don't know how you justify in what ever code you believe in" The moral code i believe in is this "Do what thou will, as long as you harm
no undeserving person".
The Muslims in the media who are terrorist are extremist, not everyday Muslims. Those extremist also kill other Muslims (if you didn't know) and also find some way to justify it. ( Allah's Will/ Gods Will)
Double standard to criticize Islam but if any other religion does the same thing nothing is said (bias)
It is not that hard to understand where I am coming from.
Regards Jakob
"Learn from history do not replete it." Yes lets learn from history and respond to islam by force, like we did to nazism and not lie and say hitler was a great guy and nazis are peace loving people.
"It does matter if they are all lies. " Yes if they were lies, but what if it is the truth (which it is)?
"Yet if I was a Muslim you all would say I was evil by default and you have never meet me or know anything about me what so ever." Do you believe in 9.29 when its says to fight and subdue the people of the book? And thats just on about your "brothers". Let alone the filthy atheists and polytheists. What do you expect me to call the people who believe in that except savage?
"a few saying" So you acknowlege your god said these things?
"You say Muslims are evil and Islam is based on evil yet what are you basing your ''logic'' on when making comments very close to Nazis yourself ?" If someone smashes you in the face for no reason what do you do? You do not stand their and take it unless you are a cowardly dog you beat them back and subdue them. Likewise people who believe i should be killed, my property lotted, my wife raped and made a slave simple becuse i am a non-muslim, i am not going to stand their and take it i am going to oppress them.
"I was not criticizing Israel" Really? And also according to you people can not critise anyone or anything is that what your saying?
"and think that is ok to say and not think anything bad about it." Why you do not think theirs anything wrong in calling me evil for saying islam is evil, but yet a muslim who believes in that filth is not evil double standard why?
"As I have stated I see all Muslims Christians and Jews as brothers" What about the atheists and polytheists what are they filth and worth less than pigs to you? How kind of you to include the christians and jews in your "brotherhood".
Haters are going to hate:
It would not matter what I said or how I argued you would find something to justify your own hatred.
''How else do you expect to be treated when you believe its your divine right to subdue the unbelievers?''
Killing and slandering of innocents goes not only against every religion but every ethical and moral code.
(The Ideology you are using is the same as the extremist Jihad, close to Nazism and Greater Good read about what they mean)
I don't know how you justify in what ever code you believe in but I do not pass judgement like that and do not think it is ok to hurt people and justify it. Some of your post show you do not understand Islam at all
Enough with comparing Islam with fascism
What Fascism means
Fascism link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism
Regards Jakob
"That is your own opinion just because you believe that does not mean it is true." Its not my opinion its fact and you know full what your koran says in regards to the unbelievers.
"As I stated opinion not fact (Not credable when most quotes are from other religions or are bias in some way or form)" Its fact here this verse from your own book gives the perfect definition of facism "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other." 48.29
"People can still be hated for that ideology as this site is a prime example of this." Can they stop believing in that ideolgy whether they want? Yes they can, how else do you expect to be treated when you believe its your divine right to subdue the unbelievers?
1)Islam is a facist ideology'' That is your own opinion just because you believe that does not mean it is true.
''2)Muslims the people that believe in it are fascists.'' As I stated opinion not fact (Not credable when most quotes are from other religions or are bias in some way or form)
''You missed my point muslims are not a race, but believers in an ideology.''
People can still be hated for that ideology as this site is a prime example of this.
Regards Jakob
I was not criticizing Israel I was saying they have committed the same crimes but Ali did not list them (Bias against Palestinians)
I was not stating half truths and twisting the facts to justify any bias belief system. (Using a form of manipulation)
I don't get how you can say that ''All Muslims are evil'' and think that is ok to say and not think anything bad about it.
As I have stated I see all Muslims Christians and Jews as brothers
Yet if I was a Muslim you all would say I was evil by default and you have never meet me or know anything about me what so ever. Very insulting being called a savage when the most on here are acting more savage then the religion you are all criticising and are using a God wills it mentality to justify to do it
What you are doing is that not evil? Comparing someone you have never meet saying they are less then human are are a savage because they are a Muslim, stating half truths and vilifying all of Islam and basing all of this on the actions of a few saying you have every right to and are telling the ''truth''
You say Muslims are evil and Islam is based on evil yet what are you basing your ''logic'' on when making comments very close to Nazis yourself ?
Learn from history do not replete it.
''It does not matter whether its biased or not what matters is are its claims about islam true or not.''
It does matter if they are all lies. Passing off there own opinion off as fact to justify there baseless hatred.
Regards Jakob
"You are missing my point you are saying all Muslims are evil because of a few" What i (as in me personally, i can`t speak for all anti-islam people) am actually saying is 1)Islam is a facist ideology 2)Muslims the people that believe in it are facists. Its not hard to understand.
"Jewish people are a race and a religion again you missed my point entirely." You missed my point muslims are not a race, but believers in an ideology.
You are missing my point you are saying all Muslims are evil because of a few
If any other religion said that we would never hear the end of it.
Jewish people are a race and a religion again you missed my point entirely.
Regards Jakob
"Hate speech is hate speech no matter what it is about." Didn`t you critise israel and say "Israel has threatened to nuke the Palestinians also." If that statement is true, is it hate speech or is it simple a fact?
"This is not an unbiased site at all" It does not matter whether its biased or not what matters is are its claims about islam true or not.
"Proof by a person who is bias against Muslims and the site is made up of most posters saying all Muslims are all evil and not one of the over 1 billion of the men, women and children is innocent" All muslims are evil not the children becuse i agree with richard dawkins when he says their`s no such thing as a muslim child or christian child its like saying marxist or nazi child. Were the nazis innocent?
"The same thing was done to the Jewish people due to Hitler having a personal bias and hatred against Jews." The jews are an ethic group not a religious one, their are even atheist and agnostic jews (notable example`s Baruch Spinoza, Albert Einstein, Carl sagan and Karl Marx) When was the last time you saw a "muslim atheist".
"The same comments said about Muslims on this site" Islam=belief system, muslim=believer in islam. Don`t you call us anti-islam people evil, aren`t you then talking hate speech (by your own logic)?
I will replete Look in history about how all religions were spread not just Islam
''Oh, that means Muhammad didn't do that eh? How about some proof. His earlier followers did that and so did he. The proof is in this site. I suggest you read before posting. ''
Proof by a person who is bias against Muslims and the site is made up of most posters saying all Muslims are all evil and not one of the over 1 billion of the men, women and children is innocent (Like the Crusades saying Muslims didn't have souls ect) That is extremist behaviour and very concerning to say the least.
The same thing was done to the Jewish people due to Hitler having a personal bias and hatred against Jews. He preached the Jews were the blame of all evil and said they were less then human. (Used a Marten Luther book who hated Jews in his last years to base his views on. (It would be wrong to assume all Lutherans were Nazis ect)
The same comments said about Muslims on this site
Yet you all call Muslims bad and preaching hate.
It would not matter what religion I was, I would still no agree with this blatant extremist behaviour.
Hate speech is hate speech no matter what it is about.
This is not an unbiased site at all
1 Peter 3:10;16
Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech…keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
Regards Jakob
''The Mafia also offered protection to the business owners in Chicago, provided they pay for their “protection”. If they failed to pay they were killed.''
vilify -to speak ill of; defame; slander. spread negative information about; "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews''
Regards Jakob
Look in all the other countries also.
Look at the ''civil countries'' that still have the death penalty, justify invading other countries killing unarmed civilians with drones and using the greater good as an excuse just as bad as the terrorist using there warped version of Jihad (No one can assign God to killing innocent people) and Justifying crimes and loose behaviour.
Regards Jakob
''They (other catholics or protestants) don't fight in another place''
Depends on where you live some still hold resentment towards each other claiming the other is not really Christians and will not go to heaven. But they are a small percentage not all of them. I am not going to assume all are like this because that would be wrong to do.
''Roman Catholic vs Protestant fighting is political and has to do with the nations itself (ex. Brit vs Irish''
Half true, yes politics played a part but they did hate each other. Look in history of other countries.
Most of the extremist Islam branches are not fighting for there religion but for politics and power.
Don't assume all are like that
Regards Jakob
I don't believe you are trying to help anyone you are playing the blame game.
I will not agree with your logic as I find it very flawed and insulting.
There is no need in every response to constantly say Islam is violent and throw insults.
You have no right to say to anyone what faith they believe in and tell them to leave there religion because of what you perceive it as.
''It’s like a disease. This disease must be eradicated. '' Where have we all heard that before ?
You compare the Muslims to Nazis ect but you your self are inciting hatred against the Muslims like the Germans did to the Jews (Comparing them less then dogs and are the blame for all the evil in the world ) Jews were not just Israelis they were a entire religion made up of lots of races including other Germans. (Also other Germans helped the Jews so it would be wrong to assume that all were evil if they were all evil none would have helped them.)
You are wrong to assume all Muslims are evil and hate Jews and Christians that is not true.
I am not saying all Christians and Jews hate Muslims I have met many who do. But I am not spreading that all Christians and Jews are evil and its there holy text that teach evil. I have stated I find that to be blaming a text not blaming a persons free will to do evil.
Islam is not the only race to have Terrorist look in history.
What are your thoughts on the gunman in Norway killing people and claiming he was cleansing the world of the evil Muslims?
Regards Jakob
When Is Islm is evil, I think anyone who is a human, not only Muslims, can expose the true face of Muhammad and his death cult Islam. Anyway, you have found the truth and left Islam. Congratulations.
Roman Catholic vs Protestant fighting is political and has to do with the nations itself (ex. Brit vs Irish). They (other catholics or protestants) don't fight in another place, you know so ideology plays no part in this one. Beside, when you look at the teaching you'll know this is irrelevant.
"All faiths at one stage force converted another faith that was not based on one religion it was done by the fanatic followers of each faith."
Oh, that means Muhammad didn't do that eh? How about some proof. His earlier followers did that and so did he. The proof is in this site. I suggest you read before posting.
"No one but God can deside this, last I checked you are just a man."
Too many assumption to begin with. You heavily rely on unproven statement, "Allah is god no matter what". You forgot that there is a possibility that Quran is man made. This is not neutral at all.
Yes, he is only man but with rational brain. To know that Allah is not god is simple, use your rational thinking, voila, Allah is the same with the rest of us.
Nothing fanatical to his comments as long as he got the evidence.
hi Munib,
I don't understand what you want. If you want to debate, then do it straight right now. Say something wrong about what Dr Sina has said. Give some evidence.
But you did not start it at all…You just said something hatred, killing, etc. Are you in good conditions ?
Do I advocating raid and rape of Muslims? Do I think Muslims should be slain wherever they are found? Do I believe the wives of Muslims should become sex slaves and their children slaves? Do I say that Muslims are najis and one should not befriend them? No! But Muhammad did and said all those things and you as a Muslims think he was the example to follow. So how in the hell do you compare me to Muslims? Your sacred book promotes hatred and violence and all you can say is that you interpret it differently. What about others who read it as is and understand it the way it is written? You have an amazing ability to deceive yourself. You are a great hypocrite who can worship a terrorist and still not be a terrorist, but what about those who are not as good as you in self-deception, who are more sincere and less hypocrites than you and take the teachings of Muhammad to heart literally?
Jakob, Alisina is right when he said that when muslims learn the truth they will leave Islam. If they don't leave Islam or if they still have faith because they have been brainwashed since their upbringing , their faith wiil be very nominal. And they won't be a savage nor can they be a terorist anymore. They won't hate either Jews , christians or any other faith. They will totally become meek. They won't emulate Muhammad's atrocities and his henchmen anymore. The only things that still with them is little prayer and fast with reluctancy. Then,they become distressful.
Like Alisina says Quran is full of error. If Allah is Omnisient. He can not make any error in His book. We human are fallible. Allah is not. But the fact Allah's book full with errors and ambiguities.So Allah is not Omnisient. When we die, if Angle shows up to ask us in grave why we doubt His book. You have reason to answer. Show God the points where he goofs in His book that has made you ignore it's teaching. If God is just. He will forgive you for your criticism. Because you have used your brain as His ultimate gift to you to distinguish right and wong,good and bad, commensense and nonsense.
You can interpret any evil book metaphorically and make it look benign. You would be only fooling yourself. A book of guidance coming from God must be clear and so is Islam when it comes to violence, even though it is not on other things, hence causing Muslims to make hundreds of sects.
How you can interpret metaphorically verses such as slay the believers wherever you find them or I will cast terror in the hearts of the unbelievers, of smite their heads from above their necks, or don’t take as your friends your brothers and fathers if they like disbelief to Islam?
You have to make your mind and stop this self-deception. You either agree with the evil teachings of Muhammad and with all the evil things that he did or you don’t. If you don’t, don’t try to interpret what he did differently. Leave that sick man and move on.
Anyone who upholds a doctrine that promotes hate is not innocent. You can argue that most Muslims are ignorant of what is in Islam. Then can one please innocence by virtue of ignorance? Let us say you were ignorant up to this day about Islam. But you are no longer. So what is your response? Are you going to leave this faith of hate or are you going to close your eyes and dig your feet deeper in it? If still not convinced I have plenty of material that would convince you.
We are not inciting hatred against Muslims. We are showing the world that Islam is evil and that Muslims do evil to the extent of their faith in Islam. The more religious they are the more dangerous they become. It’s like a disease. This disease must be eradicated.
It is not difficult to understand the intent of Muhammad. Just stop trying to fool yourself and pretending that he meant something else and you will understand him. That is why I say I understand the Quran better than Muslims. I don’t interpret it forcing myself to make it look different than what it says because what it says sounds evil. If it sounds evil it is because it is evil. The terrorists understand the Quran well and so do I. The rest of Muslims are either hypocrites or totally ignorant of their religion.
I debated with a Quran only Muslim who quoted a hadith that said Muhammad cut the extremities of a few Bedouins who apostatized and stole his camels. He then argued how could a messenger of God do such thing and therefor the hadith is false. This is a logical fallacy known as ad consequentiam.
No need to call Ritu a lier or imply those who are Muslims are insane for simply saying a Muslim quote it was not hateful or inciting hatred just stating what a Muslim believes
''But we know it doesn't. Muslims need to either decieve or force others to convert''.
All faiths at one stage force converted another faith that was not based on one religion it was done by the fanatic followers of each faith.
''Allah is not God. Allah is Satan and hence Muslims will not get any salvation but eternal damnation'' No one but God can deside this, last I checked you are just a man.
Yet you call all Muslims fanatics but you say these comments….pot calling the kettle black
Regards Jakob
Most of the comments you are writing and spreading are savage so I suggest before you judge all 1 billion Muslims you look at yourself and wonder if you are doing the same thing you are accusing the Muslims of doing.
Regards Jakob
Missing my entire point
Some take the Quran as literal others as a metaphor.
Pointless blaming an entire religion for all evil and thinking you are justified to do it for what ever reason even if they are innocent people that in it self is very dangerous ideology (no Muslim is innocent)
God wills it mentality (Crusades)
To justify what you are saying goes against everything religious and ethical I believe in so I find your logic extremely flawed and I will not agree with inciting hatred like a blind zealot on 1 billion people due to a small percentage of those that are bad like others on this site.
''The Quran can be interpreted in millions of ways but only one is true. My interpretation is the one Muhammad intended.''
Sarcasm or extreme ego I cannot tell?
Regards Jakob
Anyone can act like a savage, but only Muslims become savages when they follow their religion. This is not my opinion but can be demonstrated by facts. All we have to do is read the Quran and the books of history of Islam written by Muslims to see that savagery comes from Muhammad. You can’t say the same about Jesus, Buddha or any spiritual leader of the major religions.
Those who try to emulate Muhammad become dangerous as he was. This is not a matter of opinion. Just read the Quran and the books of history and see what Muhammad did. You obviously haven’t.
When Muslims learn the truth about Islam most of them will leave it. You say it is assumption. It is, but it is based on the fact that whether Muslim or not we are basically humans and abhor evil naturally. Also since I started writing about Islam I have helped thousands of Muslims to see the light and leave this faith of hate. Millions have left Islam in recent years thanks to other people’s efforts. The more truth is spread the more people will leave Islam.
The Quran can be interpreted in millions of ways but only one is true. My interpretation is the one Muhammad intended.
''Muslims have human right. But they are not acting like humans most of the time.''
Same could be said about Christian America and Jewish Israel with all of the things they get up to.
''When a person follows the footsteps of Muhammad and his teachings he violates the human rights of others. The history of Islam, since its inception, is the history of terror, violence, massacres, raids, plunders, rapes and all sorts of human rights abuses. These facts are recorded in Islamic books of history and are evident in the Quran. ''
Purely your opinion not fact.
''What makes us human is our humanity and Islam robs the humanity. Those who convert to Islam, to the extent that they practice it, are reduced into savages, not fit to be called humans.''
How do you know this have you meet every Muslim on the Earth I find this claim far-fetched and insulting and downgrading of a life.
''Alas most Muslims don't read them. But I did. All we need to eradicate Islam is to spread the truth and expose those facts.'' This an assumption.
''When my mother read the Quran she had a brilliant idea. She said don't write any articles agaisnt Islam. Just publish the Quran and expalin the context of why they were written.''
You are writing your own interpretation not ''The real interpretation of the Quran'' but what you believe it means.
As I have stated it has different interpretations based on what sect you belong to.
Regards Jakob
Muslims have human right. But they are not acting like humans most of the time. When a person follows the footsteps of Muhammad and his teachings he violates the human rights of others. The history of Islam, since its inception, is the history of terror, violence, massacres, raids, plunders, rapes and all sorts of human rights abuses. These facts are recorded in Islamic books of history and are evident in the Quran.
What makes us human is our humanity and Islam robs the humanity. Those who convert to Islam, to the extent that they practice it, are reduced into savages, not fit to be called humans.
The evil comes from Muhammad and his teachings. Denial is futile. Facts are recorded in your own history books. Alas most Muslims don’t read them. But I did. All we need to eradicate Islam is to spread the truth and expose those facts.
When my mother read the Quran she had a brilliant idea. She said don’t write any articles agaisnt Islam. Just publish the Quran and expalin the context of why they were written.
Very good point preaching human rights and equality yet treating Islam and Muslims with no human rights, equality, calling them animals and less then human that is a double standard and is flawed logic
Yes always go to an unbiased source if you are reading about religions
Regards Jakob
Truly a sad story but how did you come to the conclusion that it was all of Islam and not an act by a Muslim extremist
How do you justify to your depiction of god in inciting hatred on over 1 billion Muslims not like the man who killed that girl and are innocents just like the girl killed?
Islam is not the only religion to kill each other.
One example is the Roman Catholic/ Protestant massacres in France England and Ireland
Regards Jakob
Islam sucks so bad!
LOL, I have to say the on the web dating or electronic dating has come a very long way since the days of easy chat rooms. Much more and a lot more individuals are turning to on the internet dating sites to display prospective dates.
When u die, u cannot find Allah who was created by Mo for his own benefits. U will find a very bright light with love of the true Supreme God.
Worse, they are killing and bombing each other goups in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Look the mayhem happening everyday in many ME countries. Religion of peace ????? They only know how to use guns, bombs, and rockets to settle disputes. Divine arrangement to cut down their populations ? Could be true.
What kind of idiotic wedsite that does not free comments.
Keep deluding yourself. To make Mohammed your moral example is pathetic indeed. It just shows that you really do not know the life of your so-called prophet. I hope you are not a pedophile if that is the case then peace be upon you, not your prophet who uttered satanic verses. Lavender you are blinded to the truth. Go read 2 Corinthians Chapter 4, 3-4.
Hi Tamara
You sound intelligent, however, I would like to challenge you to go read the Bible specifically the book of the prophet Amos chapter 9 vs 14 and 15. If you do not believe what you read in Amos you have a huge problem on your hands because you are on a collision course with God Almighty. When it comes to Israel you cannot only deal on the political level, you seriously have to consider the spiritual. Is it any coincidence at all that Israel has never lost any war with the Arabs. Israel won the 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 arab-israeli wars. Check the history. Dr Sina is doing a wonderful job thank you.
I meant to say you can't bear to know the truth.
You can't even spell, what is "illustionating". You must be as ignorant as the false religion and prophet you are following. I bet you, you have no peace in your heart. You are tormented daily and can bear to know the truth. Repent before it is too late. Please learn how to spell and then let us have an intelligent discussion.
It's the same with "to you your religion and vice versa", it only works one side..
There are layers of complexity here. First the context was that in this period Muhammad was weak, and he was defending himself from people pressuring him about his religion. So, in other words, he didn't want anyone compelling him.
Secondly, in saying that non-Muslims cannot compel Muslims, it does not mean that Muslims cannot compel non-Muslims. They will weasel out of this by saying that Christians and Jews are offered dhimmitude, but others are offered only compulsive conversion or compulsive death.
Thirdly, being from the weak Mecca Quran period, it is indeed abrogated by the later and stronger Medina Quran period sword verse. But since the Quran is the eternal word of God, both are true at the same time, and are used as appropriate to the condition of Muslims in any situation. Where they are weak, the Mecca Quran applies. Where they are strong, the Medina Quran applies.
Hubal is Baal in the English Bible.
A typical Muslim: A violent Killer and moron!
All you who are against Islam!
Islam means peace.It is not only a religion, a set of rituals but a complete code of life. The most logical and acceptable way of life for humanity.
First I would like to advise Mr.Sina to get educated with ethics. He shouild mind the way you comments and this is for all you who don’t know how to talks and comment. In Islam there is respect for everyone and every religion. Mr. Sina qoutes everything out of context and some people who don’t know anything about Islam believe him.
He considers himself embassador of humanity. He talks about human rights and equality. What kind of human right? the one that exists in europe where woman is a mere object of enjoyment, where dress has been striped off their bodies. where thousands of rapes are taking place everyday. where a woman is fucked in every hole in her body. where a woman is thrown shit in the mounth during sex. where there is no knwoledge of family life. where there is no relation and relatives. where materialism is the prevailing idealogy. where people get fucked by animals.
Very nice society and human rights. Are proud of such society? If you are than don’t you realise that, not muslims but you people are living in stone age.
Go to the authentic sources to get info about Islam.
I upto age of 18 was muslim because I was born to muslim family. Now I am muslim by choice as I have a comparative study of other religions. I realise how pure, logical and real it is. Please set out and seek the truth, May God help you all.
You are insane& ignorant. Obviously no matter how much you read the holy Quran, you will never understand a word, I bet your parents are very proud now.
I will look to sue you and see where you go.
You are a nobody looking for attention
You have to send me an email so I can reply to you and email it to you in pdf. [email protected]
where can i read “understanding muhammad” or download it free
Dear Tan Sugar,
You say "Thank you for showing us light" . what light brother? Is he able to show a more true scripture than Quaran? No he cant. What you do after death if you found that actually there is a God exist. Then you can do nothing, atheist Mr. Sina also will be helpless. So dont waste time? Search the true religion and submit your will to the God of that religion.
Best of Luck,
Ali Sina, My red salutes to you sir. All the way. Thank you for showing us light.
For all the muslims out there: Just ask yourself honestly : Do you really believe in the pack of bullshit that is said by the quran and muhammad??
If you do believe that your great religion of faith (??) is so powerful and strong, then why should it shatter just because someone questions its validity??
There is nothing concrete in Islam to prove that Islam and Muhammad are the true ones. If you do believe and know for certain that Islam is true, then instead of chatting shit why dont you prove Mr. Ali Sina wrong. Defy all the thing s that has been said in faithfreedom.org.
Bloody muslim asses are deceptive bunch of murderers and hooligans.
Hi Vishal,
The comment by Lavendar is more than 23 weeks ago. Almost 6 months back.
Let me assure you right now that I'm born to a Hindu family & not some fool. I used to buy this line about Sati too – that it was basically a reaction to the savage beasts conquering our ancestors. [Your statement "It was all thanks to the sex hungry arab turkish and afghan invaders" – reminded me of my own stance in the not-so-distant past].
I don't know if you consider Mahabharath as a myth or a real set of events in the past. Either way, it (Mahabharath) has a huge following among people that respect Sanathan Dharm.
Raja Pandu, brother of Raja Dritharashtra had 2 wives – one was Kunti, the other was Madri. Madri's children were Nakul & Sahadev. While we all know that Kunti mata lived as a widow & raised her 5 children, do you know what happened to Madri? I know no one FORCED Madri to act in a certain way – but still do you know what happened to her?
What is your opinion on the various Smritis – Vishnu Smriti, Brihaspati Smriti & Manu Smriti? As a Indian & a fellow human-being born to Hindu (Iyer) family, I would like to understand your thoughts & (if you'll permit me to do so) share my infantile absurdities (so you could help me, correct me & guide me towards a better understanding).
The fact U cant refute his arguments his stmts and only resort to threats proves what kind of sick intolerant violent freak u r. U all can abuse other religions call them as false faiths but when we do tht 2 U its a sin. And u get the right to threaten and kill us eh???
Regarding ur stmt- "Abuse of women and killing of girls happens in Hinduism-its basically an Indian uncivilised-ness, its NOT Islam." Can you prove in any of the religious books of texts of Hinduism where violence against women is justified. Ur religion openly justifies beating of wives by husbands. Ours does not. And if U r talkin about Sati- It was all thanks to the sex hungry arab turkish and afghan invaders tht women would self immolate or kill themselves after death of husband to save themselves from being raped by their conquerors. A British Muslim girl was beaten up by her father and brother cause she had a Hindu BF. I guess U need to read history abt abuse of women. Y was Mohhamed bin Qasim brutally punished to death. He had sent the 2 virgin princesses of Sindh as sex slave for Caliph and they fooled the Caliph that MBQ had violated them already. Enraged Caliph ordered MBQ to be b sewn in Oxen hide and brought to Baghdad
i remember six months ago when i saw some really annoying comments about muslims and muhammad on some youtube video comments,,i was deeply hurt,,”murderer”,”rapist” all could not be tolerated,,but slowly my views changed,,and the first step was reading the hadith about women sex slaves,,till that time i never knew about such a thing existed in islam,,then the truth about nine year old ayisha and so on …..
your site was really helpful,,because i dont beleive people of other relegions talking about islam and there were many fake allegations against islam also,, i was looking for a trustworthy site to see the faults of islam,,i got your website ,,and i dont follow islam anymore,,
the indian in me also felt unhappy with what muslim terrorists did to my country.
and am very happy that i came out of that terrorist group at my young age.so that i can live my life more meaningfully,,
many more will benefit from your detailed study and your work
Wishful thinking!
hi i am from south africa — Dr sina — great job
so according to you, your god has created me and you. So can I marry a muslima who is created by your god without any condition or is it prohibited by your god and why ?
Congratulations, one more "convert" is revealed.
I have started to believe in an impersonal god that is the single substance or principle underlying everything in the physical and non physical universes.
Dr Sina, PLEASE POST THE CHALENGE BOLDLY IN RED COLOUR ON FAITHFREEDOM.ORG and make a catagory titled "EVIDENCE THAT ISLAM IS FALSE" Under which there should be 2 sections. Section 1- "Answering claims that Islam is true" and 2- Mistakes in the Quran. See this site has tried to do it like this, so that it becomes easy to answer Islamic claims. http://www.islaminindia.org/evidence-that-islam-i…
I expected that you will boldly paste the challenge on alisina.org just like faithfreedom.org But instead I find that the so-called revamped faithfreedom.org also has removed the challenge from its homepage! The challenge should be easily accessible, there should a clear catagory "Evidence that Islam is false" answers to all Muslimc laims should be easily accessible, and important debates and articles should be listed prominently. Dr Sina you will now lose 90 % OF THE NEW AND CASUAL AUDIENCE IF YOU USE THE REVAMPED FAITHFREEDOM..ORG . PLEASE POST THE CHALLENGE BOLDLY AND IN RED COLOR here as well as on faithfreedom.org
It is just a waste of time to explain rational thinking to the Muslim zombies. Because they are still sticking to their own Islamic religious teachings. They are in the dream land of their own creation. If you look at all the Islamic countries of the world, there is no peace and prosperity, except chaos and poverty. Arab Saudi, with the vast wealth of petroleum, gas and haj income, together with its own Arabic Quran, but why it is still backward? Mecca and Medina were established more than 1,400 years ago, but why they are still backward cities in the world? After more than 1,400 years of receiving the so-called true religion from god, why the muslims are still living in the stone age civilization?
This nothing but a lot of hot-air propaganda. But I think u are referring to the God of yr own imagination, with those attributes, dear Ritu.
I guess a lot of so called "irrational" people may be taken away by repeated bangings of the same sound in their ears, and slowly get turned into it… it is a threat to mankind…
Didn't Muhammad forbid the help from Christians?
Very well said, smart guy.
I am afraid it is you who do not have proper knowledge of Islam. I have led thousands of Muslims learn the truth about Islam and leave it. Strong faith is not a substitute for knowlege.
For example, Islam does not drive from the word peace, even thought they it has the same root. It drived from surrender and submission, taslim. Islam means submission to the will of Muhammad. Allah was concocted by Muhammad. It was a took he used to fool people, and make him powerful.
Allah means the god al lah. It is a title not a name and it refers to Hubal which is denouced in the Bible as a false God.
Ritu, Muslims believe in many lies.
How on earth any sane person can believe that everyone is born a Muslim. If so believing in Islam must come naturally. But we know it doesn’t. Muslims need to either decieve or force others to convert.
Assuming salovation comes from God, Allah is not God. Allah is Satan and hence Muslims will not get any salvation but eternal damnation.
The Quran cannot be from God, because it is stupid book that only an ignorant illeterate man could have written.
A Muslim believes that every person is born "Muslim".
A Muslim believes that every person is born free from sin.
A Muslim believes that man must work out his salvation through the guidance of God.
The Quran was revealed from God on various occasions to answer questions, solve problems, settle disputes and to be man's best guide to the truth.
God has no father nor mother, no sons nor daughters. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered. None equal to Him. He is God of all mankind, not of a special tribe or race.
God is High and Supreme but He is very near to the pious thoughtful believers; He answers their prayers and helps them. He loves the people who love Him and forgives their sins. He gives them peace, happiness, knowledge and success.
God is the Loving and the Provider, the Generous and the Benevolent, the Rich and the Independent, the Forgiving and the Clement, the Patient and the Appreciative, the Unique and the Protector, the Judge and the Peace. God's attributes are mentioned in the Quran.
God creates in man the mind to understand, the soul and conscience to be good and righteous, the feelings and sentiments to be kind and humane. If we try to count His favours upon us, we cannot, because they are countless.
ALLAH – The word Allah in the Arabic language means God, or more accurately, The One and Only Eternal God, Creator of the Universe, Lord of all lords, King of all kings, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. The word Allah to mean God is also used by Arabic speaking Jews and Christians.
A Muslim believes in One God, Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and Mighty, Merciful and Compassionate, Creator and Provider.
Dear All
Would request you kindly DO NOT post your view untill and unless you don't have proper knowledge about ISLAM
ISLAM – Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema" peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.
Everything and every phenomenon in the world other than man is administered totally by God-made laws, ie. they are obedient to God and submissive to his laws, they are in the State of Islam. Man possesses the qualities of intelligence and choice, thus he is invited to submit to the good will of God and obey His law, ie, become a Muslim.
Submission to the good will of God, together with obedience to His beneficial Law, ie, becoming a Muslim, is the best safeguard for man's peace and harmony.
Islam dates back to the age of Adam (pbuh)vand its message has been conveyed to man by God's prophets and messengers, including Abrahim, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all)
Islam's message has been restored and enforced in the last stage of the religious evolution by God's last prophet and messenger, Muhammad (pbuh)
Dear Edred,
Please see my article The Illusion of Reforming Islam, where I have answered your question.
Dear Ali Sinar
Reading this website makes me wonder about your Mission:
Why dont you create a new,refined version of Islam, e.g. Edit the Koran by purging out the cruel negative verses but preserving the good, positive parts?
You could then start your own " Reformed Islam" & your certain to get followers. Would you consider this approach?
Also, it would encourage Muslims to appreciate & value the good in their newly revised Faith?
Your opinion on this please? Best Wishes.
Dear vnlckm,
I am not even concerned about how Muslims behave. I am discussing what Muhammad did and said.
I am not blaming God. I am saying Muhammad had no contact with God.
Ali Sina
Dear Mr Ali Sina,
Respectfully I say that I think you have made/ are making an all too common unfortunate mistake – blaming God/Allah for bestial behavior of some human beings (individual psychologies, mental/emotional health of family/backgrounds, etc.) environmental factors (traditions, cultural attitudes, biases, prejudices, etc) and education (narrow, limited, generations of repeated stupidities v.s. widely-read, traveled, etc.) have EVERYthing to do with how any person "of faith" behaves and this ranges from saintly to satanic. I fully appreciate the compassion in your heart regarding the terribly unfortunate victim of brutality and stupidity, but believe me it is EQUALLY stupid – I'm sorry to have to say – to conclude that Islam or any other faith which in it's essence is trying to CIVILIZE mankind, is to blame. There are many, many, many peaceful, ethical, mentally and emotionally healthy Moslems that this kind of prejudice unfairly offends. "You are throwing the baby (a set of guidelines for living that provides many people with order and inspiration so that they lead more righteous, constructive and healthy lives than they could otherwise) out with the bath water". You're reasons are emotional which I understand having been young once myself, but 'emotional reasoning' is just as UNhelpful for the world ultimately as people unlike yourself who are apathetic or callous. I hope this gives you something to consider. Respectfully…
(p.s. perhaps to help you feel not defensive I should mention that I am not Moslem, but on the otherhand I have studied comparative religion)
There is a way to prove that you have read it, you know and yet you didn't do it. It's simple, dude.
You published your “review” on Amazon and you did not refute any of the arguments I made in the book. You say you read the book. It is easy to verify that claim. Meet me on Gchat. I will quiz your knowledge of the book. In that way we all know whether you read it or not.
No one can remain a Muslim after reading my book unless he is an evil soul like Muhammad. You are an evil soul menj. My book will have no effect on your black heart. Nonetheelss, you have not read my book. You are the perosn who said I must be killed because I express my disagreement with Islam. Any person who thinks someone should be killed for expresseing his views is a devil worshipper.
I have meet many evil souls in these 13 years and you are the most diabolic one.
You read it?
Are you a muslim yourself if i may ask?
You are not using taqqiyah or kitman concept right now against us aren’t you?
Because that, my friend, would be low.
Still, i don’t think you read the book though. Look how you were judging Sina, not the book.
Aren’t book reviewers judge book not the author?
However, if you really read it. Please refute what you find in the book to Ali Sina. So all of us may revert back to Islam, say sorry and put an end to sites like these.
Looking forward to it.
I wrote the review, "Just Dan", and I assure you that I have read the book. Too bad that you simply shoot your gun without loading it.
From your link, All i can say is that the book reviewer(s) have not read the book.
Why he attacks Ali Sina not the book itself?
Ask yourself. If you were a book reviewer, would like to talk about the book or the writer?
Book reviewer my butt.
Besides, what does it expose about Sina anyway? Absolutely nothing. Just typical deny everything-confirm nothing way muslims do.
This delusional person has been exposed here: http://migg.in/alisina
It is clear Islam is a Monolithic religion irrelevant to Modern times. Mohammed and his teachings are childish to be acceptable to a Modern Educated Man.He seems to be insane. Sure his narration or running commentary of Hell and Heaven as well is hight of absurdity. 100 fold sex power /72 horis Girls with perennial virginity is the imagination of an insane ,luscious brain.
Agree with you 100%. Sexual molestation was alleged in case of Sai Baba and proven in case of Swami Nityananda. I do not deny that. If true, they were charlatans.
So now the bigger question is, WHY IS THE RULE DIFERRENT FOR MUHAMMAD?
Or, do you want me to list down the number of wives Muhammad maintained?
Do you want me to list down the names of the mistresses Muhammad maintained?
Do you want me to list down the circumstances in which a woman whose husband is killed the same day is raped in the night by your revered Muhammad?
Do you want me to tell you the age of Aisha when Muhammad had sex with her?
Babas fool and exploit innocent people for wealth, Muhammad used to attack and kill innocent people for wealth SO WHICH ONE IS BETTER?
From the book, "Thank God for the answers at last', by Dr A.K. Tebecis, under chapter 5 : Death and what do do about it. …..Blind belief in Biblical scriptures or others, does not give understanding or comfort to the spirits of the people who had just died. The following except of a spirit investigation recorded by Dr. AKT on Nov.22 1979 in Adelaide;- AKT…..How did u died. —-Spirit….I think I just went naturally in my sleep.___If u have died how can u listen to me now ? ____Spirit…..Er…I don't know. I am confused.___AKT…..U can see there is no death. Can't u ?__Spirit…Yes ____AKT….Do u believe in God ?___Spirit….Of course I am a practising Christian.___AKT….Did u meet Jesus ? ___Spirit….No, I didn't. I am confused.
Get the book from Mahikari Centers n read all about spirits.
Among the gentle people there are some extremist elements. Just like not all Americans are bad.
Sina Sir great job. Keep it up.. You are amazing and you are my hero. Sir you are my inspiration, you are the inspiration to millions and millions of people. I love you. Your slave for life Songadh Lion from India
lavender u seem to be sick. Get yourself treated quickly by a Jew doctor
didn’t you say “Because the muslim
Malay of Malaysia are a gentle race. If they r
like the Palestines n shoot rockets into
S’pore. They will be repulsed with bombs
from the F15s n 16s and other missiles.
Look at the peace now in Malaysia n S”pore.
Go n visit there n see for yrself Muslims n
non-muslims living peacefully.”?
Or were you being sarcastic?
That compulsion verse has its hidden meaning and context, it contradicts the sword verse.
In history, the word "Allah" was used by Pagan, Christian and Jew in Arabia. It's just a title.
Well done Allleeee i am 100% agree with your opinions, it is obvious who left Islam won’t have anything positive towards Islam. They are full of hatred bcoz they do not really embrace Islam as a way of life. I’ve met so many converts who embrace Islam as an inspirational experience . Well I guess Alisina is a born muslim in the beginning but he does not practice Islam and never make an effort to find the truth instead he too lame to understand what is Islam really about. Even the content of the bible are mostly fabricated just the purpose to twist and turn the mind of the human as to make it confusing. Anyway lets pray so that Allah will always protect our imaan and always in the right track. Masyaallah….
Thanks, Sanada. I’m trying to cope with it.
For Everin. Your story sucks!
Here’s a story that’s easy for you to relate:
Azalina Jailani was born a Malay as a muslim. Later, she converted to Christianity and changed her name to Lina Joy.
In accordance to Malaysian law, if you are born a Malay as Lina Joy did, that means you are a Muslim de facto and de jure.
(Let everyone know that Malay is a Race group in Asia. Like Chinese, like Indians, like Caucasians).
Therefore, a request of conversy from Islam means that you are no longer a Malay. No longer a member of your race group.
To make matters worse, Lina Joy was denied her Identity Card to be re-registered as Christian because the fact she no longer a muslim.
The government then denied her request on the grounds that the matter belongs to the Sharia Court.
In respect for the law, Lina was present in the Sharia Court but her defence was simple. “i am no longer bound to Islamic Laws; because i am no longer a muslim”.
After the court, her family disown her.
What happened next is a mystery. Some say she changed her name and moved to Singapore. But nobody really know for sure.
Here’s another story:
until recently the Malaysian Government banned the the Word Allah in Christian’s bibles. Saying that it is “misleading” because the word Allah is exclusively belongs to Muslims. (Allah is an Arabic word for God).
People then wonder, how are Chistians in Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Arab speaking countries? Must they refer to Allah as God
It is a marvel how one thinks that he/she knows so much when he/she knows so little?
Isn’t it grand that some people blindly refuse to see the truth even if it bites them in the butt-ocks?
PLEASE Dr SINA- POST THE 50,000 $ CHALLENGE IN BOLD HERE and also ask http://www.islam-watch.org to revert to the earlier edition of the site. The old sites of islam-watch.org and faithfreedom were FAR FAR USEFUL than the present ones. Alisina.org has partly offset the damage done by change in faithfreedom.org but it needs the CHALLENGE POSTED PROPERLY
Touche, commander, touche.
There is no golden rule in Islam. It depends on one ego, allah swt, so try to get used to it.
Good Grieve! The story about the sixteen-year old really sickens me!
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
So simple for even the most primitive level of human minds to grasp.
DR SINA PLEASE POST THE CHALLENGE HERE ON ALISINA.ORG in BOLD. Also, please please please dont waste an established and good site like http://www.faithfreedom.org by making it very difficult to navigae and leaving the casual audience away. Its good that you understood the need for alisina.org and launched it, but please REVERT TO THE EARLIER VERSION OF FAITHFREEDOM.ORG also.
Thanks for clearing that up, Charlee.
U got it wrong. They r exchanging refugees, who r not Malaysians. We have thousands of foreign refugees in detention from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran, Mynmar n others. As for migration of the elite class, mostly non Malay, they went to study n work In Australia, USA n Canada. Few come back.
I just read the news yesterday about Australia negotiating with Malaysia over asylum seekers. Why are Malaysians fleeing to Australia for asylum?
In the news today 16/05/2011, 1) a Suadi Arab diplomat was shot dead in Karachi. and 2) a Muslim mother in India strangled her 2 daugthers to death in honor killings because they married Hindu men. So much for the religion of peace !
Pakistan grabbed its independence in 1947 just after WW2, The British had no money nor time to do much before that. Over 90 % r Muslims n they are divided into 2 sects, always at war with one another. Then there r the tribal warlords in the north aligned to the Taliban, which is doing a lot of suicide bombings against the government troops. Violence always beget more violence. What can u expect from these wives beaters n killers. ? Honor killing any one ?
The book is Understanding Muhammad. The link on on the upper right side of every page:
Read the article, then send an email to Ali Sina at faithfreedom2 (at) gmail.com
Tell him you are a Muslim who would like to take advantage of his offer for a free copy of his book.
Best wishes in your studies,
@ John K,
Which is that book and how to get it.
its okk sir, pls take care.
What? Do you have a degree in psychology now? Who do you think you are to even dare to presume that you can think I am frustrated?
Did you also get a degree in mind-reading? You should get into a different line of work. You can make really a lot of money with that kind of ability.
You still don't get it. Maybe if I say it louder: THERE IS NO ALLAH. There. Now do you get it?
You haven't offered any serious questions for anyone to address.
Your comments are full of statements like, "you people think that you are learned persons", and "Who are Scholars", and "you people are only students of schools".
All of this only shows that you don't know your place, and you don't know how to give respect to people who know far more than you can ever hope to know. Your father would slap your face if you behaved like this to him.
Dr. Sina is open to debate, but his policy is that you have to read his book, Understanding Muhammad, before he will accept a debate. So if you are ready to debate him, ask him to send you his book.
That's nice to hear about a good environment established by the British. I don't know why Pakistan didn't turn out well after British rule.
After WWII, Roosevelt put pressure on Churchill for colonialism to be terminated. I'm sure that environment explains why in school we were taught that colonialism was bad, but after seeing how bad the Muslim nations have turned out, it makes me think that the only bad thing about it was that the colonial powers did not stay long enough to further civilize the colonies and break Islam.
When Moses took the the Israeli out of Egypt, running away from the pharoah, They settled in Israel as promised by God. This story of Moses is in the old bible, if I am not wrong.
Sorry about that. it was meant to be a joke, no offence meant. Madrassah as I know is the Islamic schools. Tq. Insha-ala.
@everin you are racist i think, you twisted YMM = Yak Macaco Macaque according to your understanding if you couldn't guess what is meaning of YMM then what will happen If I write a article and you read it ?
you will understand with your own mind and if some other person come then he will understand with his own mind,
so if some body want to learn what is truth behind YMM and what is correct understanding behind saying then the person should come to me to understand correct meaning and i wrote before this rule must be follow to learn otherwise it will create problems in society.
now other word is Mad-rassah (as you wrote), tell me the meaning of this word. ( If you don't know try to go to Kedah and ask there but don't try to twist it and don't try to change the subject.).
science can not develop panacea for building up characters in people but Imaan is panacea for Muslims.
Mob demonstrations, yes, but I never read of any bloody incident. An attempt was made to burn 2 churches years ago but they were slightly damaged. It was done in very early hour of the morning by 3 Muslim teenagers. They were arrested n charged in court. We r free to practice any religion over here as practiced in the UK. Thanks to the British Who had set up the institution of democracy government here. And thanks to our 1st Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, who gave S’pore Its independence, though some elements of his party urged him to captured it. He was a real gentleman of the British class educated as a lawyer in UK. He is a rare breed now.
Your reply show your frustration and it is also clear that either you are ali sina or ali sina is your boss, you and your boss ali sina are not able to digest truth. if he is not able to answer then he should shutdown this and do other works. all this websites articles and comments shows that you people are only students of schools,
There are many signs appear for whom who wants guidance but ignorant are only boaster.
Whenever Allah wants Allah will purify the world with Tawheed and will curse them who are planning to destroy it, definitely they will see the punishment,
it is time to learn and listen Allah's words before time come, because on that time they will only cry and no one listen them.
May Allah crush agents of Iblees (satan).
still i didn't get any answer of my questions, LOL
First of all, there is no Allah. Allah is Muhammad's invention so he could claim god approved of whatever it was he wanted at the time. So you can drop your nonsense about Allah guiding or not guiding. OK?
Do you have a real question? If you sincerely want to learn something, there are plenty of people standing ready to help. Do you think Dr. Sina has time to answer everyone's questions personally? He does pay special attention to Muslims needing help, but your comments show yourself to be an ignorant supremacist, so that is probably why he hasn't paid attention to you. But I shouldn't speak for him. He has recently said he is busy with his movie about Muhammad.
No, he doesn't send anyone after you. His volunteer staff members don't post often either as they are busy with their assignments and their own responsibilities. Those who post here do so for their own interests. Believe me, helping people who sincerely want help is considerably more rewarding than having to go to bat against idiotic things that are said by people like you.
You are also being lazy because you ask questions which are already addressed in other articles on this website, and the companion website, faithfreedom.org. Do your homework before you ask questions. That way Dr. Sina doesn't have to repeat himself by saying the same things over and over to different people, and you make yourself a more informed commenter. Best of all, read his book, Understanding Muhammad, if you are man enough. Then you will really understand Islam.
You are right. When you do not have a good understanding of history, there is no common basis for discussion. You come from a handicapped educational background, so most of the things you believe are factual are wrong.
If you had read Dr. Sina's articles, you would have seen that he has read the Quran in Arabic. Your example about a leap in the dark is a fallacy. Even when idioms are not used in the target language, the meaning of the idiom can be transferred. We only care about the meaning, not the poetical way in which the meaning is conveyed. Leap in the dark can be explained without making it sound like jumping in a dark place.
You don't need to explain language to a professional linguist. You people come here and think you are talking to high school students. You have no idea who you are talking to and who you are insulting.
No, no one here is ignorant. Your ignorant condition is called denial. You can't accept your religion is false, so you ignore everything that proves it is. Wake up stupid. No compulsion? Praise Allah or die, infidel.
I've seen a few reports of mob violence in Malaysia, but not many, so I'm sure you are a better judge of the situation there.
What about yourself? You said you are Chinese rather than Malay. How are you treated?
@everin is this your website ? worst has written on this website and i am giving reply only because there is comments section here to reply, which is already polluted.
Muslim can not be hopeless from his Lord but need patience,
@ John K
Whomever Allah guides (because they want guidance) then no one can misguide and whomever Allah misguides (because they do not want guidance) no one can guide
After read learn and understand i believe in Islam before and after that I read many ALI SINA’s, and faced many devils from humans and Jinns.
the people who are dead if they did good in their life, we hope they are enjoying peace and blessing of their lord,
Now come to main Topic
@everin and John K
The topic is “Who Appointed Ali Sina” and I asked some questions but as your culture whenever you have no answers you take U turn from the topic and switch on other subject,
and Where is Ali Sina ? I posted questions for him.
does he send his Hooligans first ?
and whenever I asked other questions on your comments you twisted the history too, so here is nothing to discuss but mastering on tongue twisting,
why did you not understand my simple questions which is in simple English ?
then how can you and Ali Sina understand Qura’an and Hadith which are in Arabic literature,
Did Ali sina learn Arabic ? (simple Arabic not literature)
Did you learn Arabic ? (simple Arabic not literature)
I give simple example : i say to you on time to reply you “leap in the dark” then what does it mean ?
are you jumping in dark place ?
this is a simple example, whenever you study either any subject you need to learn basics and update on higher level, in language learn alphabets first then words, then make sentences, then how to beautify your sentences with different words with same meanings and same words with different meanings, (not play words for practicing tongue)
So whoever master in this can explain exact meaning of the sentence or paragraph or book,
this rule must be follow to learn otherwise it will create problems in society like this websites and some of ignorants like you come to shout to support for fun,
If you also learn truth and come on true path it will good for you,
We can only advice to ignorants, there is no compulsion in Islam.
Not much, unlike Indonesia where mob justice can occur.
Tell that to all the dead victims of your Religion of Peace (TM).
This is the low and degraded mentality of Muslims. You have no real education and knowledge, so are you can use is braggadocio and supremacism. Islam will fall, and the bigger they are the harder they fall.
I always laugh at how ignorant Muslims come here and talk like they know more. If you were a real man you would read Ali Sina's book, Understanding Muhammad. But I know you won't read it because you are a coward. No Muslim can read it and remain a Muslim, and I bet you are too afraid to see if it's true or not.
Worldly lust and desires are the foundation of Islam. Allah was invented to justify Muhammad's murder, robbery, and rape.
Go back to yr madrassah learn about yr twisted history U said Pakistan has no religion. The muslims there will bomb u into pieces. Yr rule is to fight n kill those who disagree with u, just like they did in Pakistan. Shia killing Sunni n vice versa.
Who are Scholars ? you don’t no and unfortunately you didn’t see, On the time of Hardship Muslim must Patience and on the time of ease Muslims must thankful to their Lord, we don’t need fight and we don’t fight, we are teaching this to Muslims and also we are telling that not only some ignorant muslims fighting but also there are other sources which imposed on muslims to fight.
@evein and @ Johm K you people think that you are learned persons and have knowledge and this is hight of ignorance of any person, twisting words, twisting history part of your culture and this type of knowledge you call true knowledge, Jews and Christians twisted their own scriptures, then why not they would like to change other religions scriptures, TRY HARD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN YOU WILL NOT SUCCESS INSHA ALLAH. Jews are success right now in tricks but it is test for not only for Muslims but also Jews and other people of world, let see who will pass this test ? Those who are on truth and have patience or those who are tricky and merged in Worldly lust and desires.
Ymm, Hey learn better English to convey yr message. Yr message is not the same as what was written in the Quran n Hadith as mentioned by Alisina. Don’t give me yr mambo jumbo n lousy excuse like most of yr kind did. Anyway, might is right. Only stubborn fools never accept that n keep fighting at great loss of their lives. They are at the receiving end of bombs n missiles. China never went to war to take back Hong Kong n Macau, and also Taiwan. When u r weak don’t fight, stupid. Just lie low.
Wrong answer. Next contestant please.
PS – There are no Muslim scholars. Muslims only read Islamic texts.
I guess you don't read history very well either. The four powers governed occupation zones. When it was time to leave, the USSR didn't want to give up their zone.
Pakistan is a failed state because of the heavy hand of Islam that oppresses it.
I guess you didn't read the parts about "my kingdom is not of this world" and "go forth and preach the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people".
I guess you didn't read the part about wiping out three Jewish tribes to take over Mecca and Medina. Arabs came for jobs from Jews. Even back then Arabs were lazy and had no economy of their own. If they wanted to prosper, they had to work for Jews.
Right. What I am talking about is persecution of non-Muslims.
No, your understanding is incorrect. Bin Laden used an excuse of the US being in Saudi Arabia when we were there to help the Muslim nation of Kuwait to liberate themselves from the non-Muslim government of Saddam Hussein. Of course we went to liberate Bosnian Muslims. We are in the Chamberlain phase of history in appeasing Muslims everywhere. This will come to an end as Americans wake up to the ugliness that is Islam. Yes, Muhammad started this dirty game with his invention of a filthy religion of violence and death.
Your compliments are not undeserved. I've done a lot of reading at other Islam information sites, and yours is certainly one of the finest, and you have one of the finest minds I have found, as well as a golden heart of love for Muslim victims of Islam.
@everin so do you think America saved Bosnian ? cracking jokes ? there is also many news sites and article which says America and wester countries involve in to killing Bosnian Muslims. So where is truth ?
@ John K It was again you not correct understanding of international politics and game of weapon selling of capitalists, remember first Iran and Iraq WAR then move on next stage, you will find the truth who has started all this dirty game.
When You don't know be quit, There was war which was started by people of Mecca and Jews supported them, and when someone come to kill you then there is no choice to fight with them, either in you home land, for example you live in China so one land or community come to kill others what will they do ? Surely they will fight, pls go to school learn and understand rules society, culture, and specially your history is not so good, so focus on it. learning is good for ignorants only after that they come on level of scholars.
Read first History, After world war II friend nations united and merica came in power they fought against triangle of Rome, Berlin, Tokyo, after world war they British was not as power full as before so they divided other to rule over them, this is taught in schools in middle class students, pls go to school and learn, Pakistan is failed state because there is no religion on state, they are fighting what to do ? follow the rule of state or religion, there is conflict between the followers, so the problem is in followers not in rules.
Ym, Was it Saudi Arab which had came to save the Bosnian Muslims ? No ? Why it did not help ? Why u did not mentioned which power came to bombed the serbs n finally save the Bosnians from genocide. Was it the "great satan " as called by the Iranians ?
He was born in Saudi Arabia so were the many Jews whom he had slaughtered. SO MIGHT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR PROPHET. THE SAME PRINCIPLE CAN ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE ZOINISTS BECAUSE OF THEIR MIGHT. The more the palestinians fight, the more they die. STOP it for SU GOD's sake and don't cry baby. SU GOD is supreme GOD of all Gods.
2 silly mistakes here ; i. Germany was divided by Russia. 2, The muslim leader, Ali Jinnah tore big chunks of land from India to form Pakistans East n West through religious wars with the Hindu. Pakistan is now a failed state because of its religion. The shia n the sunni r killing each other , n the Taliban are bombing the govt, peolpe. Just today over 70 police cadets were killed by bombs of the Taliban.
Which bible ? please also tell what is promise land for Christians in bible ?
As far as i know Israel was the promised land for the Jews as stated in the bible. The British just did them a favour. Further more, it is pure suicidal to carry on any war with the Israeli who have advanced weaponry. So stop it n live in peace, everyone will win n no losers.
Thank you Atanu Dey for the undeserving compliment. Compliments feel good particularly when undeserving. It appeals to our narcissism. A little narcissism is not bad. 😉
Muhammad stole Mecca and Medina from the Jews. Give it back.
That doesn't agree with reports of violence in Malaysia.
You have a poor understanding of history and news reports. We have made life better in Iraq. In the eight years there, only 100,000 lives have been lost compared to 100,000 every year under Saddam. Then of the 100,000, most were killed by terrorists:
Who Died In Iraq
August 30, 2010: With only 50,000 American troops left in Iraq, and none of them committed to full time combat operations, one can get a sense of what the human cost of the seven year war was. Foreign forces lost 4,735 troops (93 percent American). Iraqi security forces lost about 6,000 police and soldiers. About 100,000 Iraqi civilians died, but over a third of these were members of terrorist groups (mostly Sunni, including al Qaeda). Another ten percent were members of various anti-terrorist militias. The U.S. tried to identify as many dead enemy fighters as it could, but those numbers are currently classified. Based on information that did leak out, it's clear that the terrorist groups lost over 30,000 people. Most of the civilians were killed by terrorists, most of the terrorist deaths were caused by American troops.
Israel is captured land for mischief and tricks by British and America, these are not my words but rabbis and rabbis say that Zionist are not Jews, do u want to know truth about Israel then ask Rabbis, they will tell you about Israel truth that there were no Israel land for Jews in Torah and they say that Israel is created by British after world war and many Jews Rabbis against it. British policy was divide and rule after destroying ottoman empire they divided Muslims land in may countries, they divided Germany also, They divided India also, this is international politics and worst game of capitalists to rule over the world,
Read more wicked deeds in "Islam Watch". I Think the Paki are getting revenged by the daily killings happening in their country. Voilence begets voilence. No one can escape The Law of Karma. Follow the news daily. Read my other reply down here.
Dear Mr Ali Sina,
I am the author the blog post Tushar misinterpreted.
Just wanted to say hello and pay my deep respects to you. Thanks for your indefatigable and brave work. You are an inspiration and a beacon of hope.
Sincere warm regards,
Atanu Dey
Its amazing only one girl pain disturbed you but millions Palestinians, Iraqis and Afghanis pain couldn’t disturb your mind ?
hundreds and thousands Hindu Indian Women burn alive every year for dowry that pain couldn’t disturb your mind ?
Hundreds and thousands women raped and killed in Western countries pain couldn’t disturb your mind ?
see this video
pain couldn’t disturb your mind ?
this only one and like there are thousands and millions cases that pain couldn’t disturb your mind ?
and by the way according to Jews, person only can be jew who born in Jew family no body convert to Jew like others religions, yes every person who call themselves Modernist and enemy of Islam can be ZIONIST.
No, Hakan, you have it backwards. Dr. Sina's rational and accurate critique of Islam and its false prophet has led him to dislike Islam, not the reverse as you have claimed.
You are wrong to say that Islam is to complex to know. Islam has deliberately scrambled its message because its evil is supposed to be a secret known only by the leaders, but the Hadith and Sira are the keys to unlock the Quran by putting the revelations in their historical context. When you do this, you will see that the Quran is only Muhammad inventing Allah to justify his criminal and sociopathic behavior.
You speak of enlightenment, but that is one characteristic in which you are sadly lacking. You speak of alleged evidence of which you have none. You only put your name before the public so people can laugh at your ignorance. I feel sorry for the pathetic person you have allowed yourself to become. Wake up and rejoin humanity.
No, they are pawns in the old game of Satan versus God and Good versus Evil.
Everything the Bible says about Satan, the Quran says about Allah, and what Islam says about the Mahdi, the Bible says about the Anti-Christ.
Islam is the Anti-Bible, the Anti-God, and the Anti-Good. Everything we know is evil and criminal is taught as good in the Quran.
Muslims are pawns trapped by this evil. It is our duty to liberate them and restore their humanity.
Yes. Judging by the Quran, it is evident that it teaches that all evil criminal behavior is acceptable, therefore the Quran, Islam, Allah and Muhammad are all evil.
That's what Muhammad says because he claimed his religion was a continuation of Judaism and Christianity, but those texts prove that Muhammad is a false prophet, so the only thing Muhammad could do was to say that Christianity and Judaism were corrupted. Unfortunately, the scientific evidence does not support Islam's lie.
He is Allah, the One and Only pagan moon god invented by Muhammad
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute epitome of Evil
He begetteth not Good, nor doth he allow Good to prevent him from begetting Evil.
Just believing whatever someone tells you is the height of naivetee and ignorance.
Then GOD has sent Muhammad to pronounceSay: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.So thats the legacy. And you will not find that Quran is been fabricated till now from any authentic source cause if you fabricate them in any way the mathematical beauty of Quran will be lost. Not only that Quran was been memorized by millions of peoples from the beginning till now. Cause Muslim has to pray five times a day by reciting Quran. and Quran will not be fabricated till the end. Now my question is, If you are a atheist then you can not answer what was before big bang, if you are a muslim, Chiristian, Jew or freemason, you can not answer. But the fact is that somebody has created and having in mind specific reason. Good. So that somebody wants to inform us guide us to fullfill his reason. Now you have to judge his way of communication and quality of communication. We knew that all religion is having book. Now you would judge all book, if you find any one of them is unique , sophisticates and worth for somebody who has created us, you can follow that to fullfill his reason.
The legacy started from Adam. Jews Beleive that Uzair is the last messenger. Christian beleive that Jesus is the last messenger and Muslims beleives that Muhammad is the las messenger. Now come to the point, When Jews fabricated Ujair as GODS son and put divinity on him in order to prove that Rabbis are the heir of Ujair and in that way they are divine so the can deviate themselves from common law and can not be countable. Then GOD has sent Jesus to purify them. You can go to the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First%20Council%20of… and you would find that just after Jesus's depart till this Council of Nicaea happened, Christians did not beleive the divinity of Jesus as son of GOD. I mean early Christians. After 300 years they started to change the beleive due to the fact to attract roman pagans and gave them freedom to do paganism to earn more gold for the Church. That means again they corrupted that.
ISlam says that from the time of ADAM, This is should be our beleive and thats why GOD has sent all of them Adam, NOah,Abraham, Jesus & MUhammad just to remind this and to guide them. The peoblem is that from time to time few people always like to bend these rules and tried to hide the truth of GOd'd omnipotency as well as they tried to fabricate them for their own interest. LIkIt was totally forbiddeen that Veda can not be read by others but Brahmans. SO Brahman can summon any law by referencing Veda and to support many political and worldly reason. LIke you can see, Now history supports that Ram was a king, But since he is been regarded by the Brahmans that he is an Avatar so all other King helped him to fight against another KING RABON. THis sort of thing. Jewism, Christianity & Islam is saying that from time to time in order to purify those fabrication, GOD has sent his messengers.
Dear Brother Rajesh, Again I would say to know more about Islam. Islam is saying that ISlam started from the time of ADAM(A). It is not the case that Islam started from Muhammad(Sm). From Adam to MUhammad, All of them were within Islam. By the way, ISLAM is simply to beleive the following
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
Just beleiveing these words you can say yourself that you are a muslim.
Dear Tamara,
Brother Ali SIna is a by product of Free Masonism. He and few of his followers always asking people to prove him wrong with his lie and fabricated information. You can only deny Lie through truth. But as You can see when you would give him proof, He would say these are lies and again will give you some more lies in favor of him. Its a circle. The most important thing is He is giving reference from a source and and saying that Quran is False, But when you would see that reference then you will see that he is just using the first sentence , not the rest and zest. When you would show him this he would say that reference can not be accepted cause that source is islamic. It is like an example of that famous Eshops tale, The Wolf & The Lamb. But for you sister and all others, Islam is simply nothing but just to beleive the following
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
Islam and muslims are just some stubborn pawns in a shadowy world of modern politricks
there r some things that confuses me about my belief in islam, some r pointed out by mr ali sina, i have no hesistation in believeing rationally in a creator of the universe but religeon is so confuseing at times, i also belive mr ali sina is very rationale but his emotional dislike of islam and the prophet muhammed is seriously effecting his critique of a vast subject that is islam.In this day and age of incredible amount of information it is very complicated for any honest person to align themselfs to impartiality, there is much scientific proof for the destruction of the world trade centres on 9/11 by elements whithin the then american administration that was heavilly influenced by zionism, there are historical references to sinister dealings of allied powers and bankers before the advent ww1, the bolshevic revolution and ww2, there are major flaws in the theory of evolution,the moon landings,the kennedy assasination,the ufo phenomena is interesting to say the least, there is so much more in the 20th and 21 century that has directed a for once an elightened world to a universal conflict than islam
I dont know who Muhammad was, but from people doing cruel thing based on his order they confirm me who really ths person was
Brilliant, thank you for your courage and outspokenness. It is very rear to see one such as you to speak and proclaim the truth so loud that the gates of hell are shaken and Mohammad is turning in his grave. Not like you I was born in a Christian Family in Iran. I know first hand the love and peace Islam offers.
Once more thank you for your hard work 🙂
Mohammad being a child Molester is a Fact, IN FACT it is a historical fact, and it is well defined in your Qur'an
Namaste mr.dumbo you are saying that Hinduism practise killing girls and abuse them and beat them and muslims in porkistan are so stupid that they are following this cult so would you plz enlight me by showing me that sholak (verse) in Holy Vedas, Bhagvad Geeta, or Upnishad, and if i found this told in Holy Vedas i would not take no time to leave my religion. So its a challenge show me the verse, and see me converted.
Mr. ali sina namaste i too believe Islam is a death cult and it should be ended and i hope you will meet that girl in next life as she had taken a new body according to her Karmas. and let me say this to alieee you idiot what you know about hinduism nothing thats why you are talking foolishly about it caste system is not mentioned in Vedas, Upnishad, Bhagvad Geeta or any other holy scripture. This cult caste system was made by higher people to had supermacy over poor, so caste system is not a part of Hinduism. and these Christian Missionaries are taking advantage of it and are converting forcibly poor people into christianity take example of Orissa. So my point is that it is also a misnomer that we believe in million Gods. it is told in Holy Vedas there is only one God. but the answer of the question why today Hindus are praying to million Gods is given by Vedanta. “As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.” and the gods whom Hindus are not that alimighty God but the great saints, yogis, and sanyasins. hope i am clear to you and everyone here.
Greeting my brother Ali Sina,
May the blind of Islam see a light of peace
May the dark cloud of Islam swept by wind of Love
May the the deaf of Islam hear the sound of harmony
An bless upon You, brother Ali Sina.
@John K these articles are difficult to access, hidden behind. They should be EASILY READABLE and POSTED PROMINENTLY so that everyone knows them. At the challenge when Muhammad is accused of being 12 different things, this line MUST BE ADDED that "IT IS NOT EASY FOR A MUSLIM TO SEE MUHAMMAD FOR WHO HE WAS. IT IS LIKE TELLING A CHILD THAT HIS FATHER IS A RAPIST MURDERER AND A THIEF. A CHILD WHO ADULATES HIS FATHER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT IT EVEN IF ALL THE PROOFS IN THE WORLD ARE SHOWN TO HIM. But a childs father can be a rapist, and so can Muhammad. "THESE LINES WILL HELP MUSLIMS IN SEEING MUHAMMADS TRUE FACE and also the non-Muslims will know how much Muslims love Muhammad.
Ithink tamara and alee are the same person
“Look at the example of Singapore. Didn they coexist with people with different religion and live in peace! And there are 1 million muslims in that country. ANy problems?”.
– Muslims in Singapore are freely to change their religion including Islam. So there are chances that between the 1 million muslims in singapore that you claim, nearly half of them are only named muslim but does not live their lives as muslims.
and for your information, there are only 15% of muslims in Singapore. That means majority of 85% are non-muslims.
Have you ever thought if Singapore claims to be islamic country and the country leader is also a muslim, will they ever live in peace like that?
Muslims in Singapore are only minorities compare to non-muslim. that’s why they wouldn’t dare to cause any trouble.
does giving the permission to kill people that want to leave Islam is also call peace in Islam? Does ruinning ex-muslims life called peace? If Islam is trully a religion of peace, then muslim should prove it. Don’t just go around spreading words that Islam is peaceful. Give a clear and solid prove to the world.
Your term of peace anly apply to your muslim people,but not to others that are not under the same belief as you. In your eyes, non muslims are ‘haram’.
When non-muslims give their oppinion about Islam, you go around making demonstrations saying non-muslim hate Islam. But when you muslims go around mocking other religions, you say because you are rightious.
Open your eyes and heart!!.
Surely Dr. Sina cannot answer each one of many questions that readers will have as they explore Islam.
I recommend that you get Bill Warner's, "A Simple Koran". It places all the Suras in context of the unfolding of Muhammad's life through integration with the Hadith and Sira.
If you read the Quran in this manner, you will be able to understand each and every Sura because each one was written in response to something that was happening in Muhammad's life and the situation he was facing. Reading in this way also makes it very clear that the Quran was written for Muhammad's convenience, not as revelation from a real God.
That's true. Though Geert Wilders is an agnostic, he respects our Judeo-Christian heritage as the foundation of Western Civilization and bemoans the fact that the churches are emptying out and the mosques are filling up.
That having been said, Dr. Sina, Kamal Saleem, and others report that Muslims in Muslim countries are leaving Islam in great numbers. While we have concern for Islam's outward strivings for conquest, the hope is that they cannot sustain outreach while they are crumbling from within.
How sorry to see you prefer a violent religion with no spiritual content than to be an atheist with loving humanitarian values or a member of a religion with real spiritual content and goodness.
Nalaik means Useless..But I am sure Zakir Naik won't like you to piggy back his fame and come to limelight by inviting you to a debate. Just keep yourself to the virtual world – Tuna
Islam zinda hota hai har karbala ke baad.
Islam is reborn after each Karbala,
If there is one faith which can be followed then it is Islam,
I would prefer to be atheist than to follow any other religion than Islam.
Also, Islam's first creed is "There is no God" – i.e remove any idea of God and then come back to one and single God "except God – Allah"
Ali Sina – what happened to that Pakistani girl could even have happened to a Hindu family girl in India, as we both belong to a similar culture, attitudes like this are present in almost any culture given some conditions
DR SINA PLEASE REPLY. Please post that article "From Belief to Enlightenment- The treacherous and Ardous Path" and please please FOR GODs sake always write this line IT IS NOT EASY FOR A MUSLIM TO SEE MUHAMMAD FOR WHO HE WAS. IT IS LIKE TELLING A CHILD THAT HIS FATHER IS A RAPIST MURDERER AND A THIEF. A CHILD WHO ADULATES HIS FATHER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT IT EVEN IF ALL THE PROOFS IN THE WORLD ARE SHOWN TO HIM. But a childs father can be a rapist, and so can Muhammad. THESE LINES WILL HELP MUSLIMS IN SEEING MUHAMMADS TRUE FACE. I myself used to adulate my father blindly, but after I read these lines, I could see many of his faults and shortcomings.
OK haha. But sir, please see my post about Quran 60:8 above. The muslim apologist is trying to say that Muslims show kindness to non-Muslims as for those unbelievers who do not fight against you nor drive you out of your homelands. He is trying to say that Islam is so nice to unbelievers too, then why hate them? Please reply!
DR SINA PLEASE REPLY. PLEASE PLEASE POST THAT TESTIMONIAL OF LEAVING ISLAM "From Belief to Enlightenment" and write this line TELLING A CHILD THAT HIS FATHER- that is why Muslims write so many 'rebuttals' and twist all logic to defend Muhammad.
That innocent girl died,and no justice for her?The evil guy got away for good?What can be far-fetch and untrue if one day all man will be resurrected and be judge by God?
The innocent must be crying for Eternal justice,otherwise Islamic wicked deeds continue on,and they will not be punished after death?
This article is a written as sarcasm. It makes fun of the Muslim Jumlana who demanded my site should be banned and I should be arrested. I read it last year.
Thank you!
Hi Ali Sina,
I recently came across a blog here of Atanu Dey appealing for the Government of India to ban http://www.faithfreedom.org and to arrest you. http://www.deeshaa.org/2010/02/18/government-of-i…
Sir, can you post an article as a reply to him?
Hello Ali Sina, a Muslim apologist is trying to convert Hindus in a facebook page called 'Islam and Hinduism initiative'. He just posted this sura–
As for such [of the unbelievers] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, Allah does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full Justice: for, verily, God loves those who are Just. (Quran 60:8)
What is your reply for this, Sir?
Dr ALI SINA, please post that article "Why I left Islam" the full story (FROM BELIEF TO ENLIGHTENMENT THE ARDOUS PATH) BOLDLY AND PROMINENTLY BOTH ON FAITHFREEDOM.ORG and Also here on ALISINA.ORG That article is a must read, let Muslims try to refute it. Secondly while attacking Muhammad, PLEASE WRITE- IT IS NOT EASY FOR A MUSLIM TO SEE MUHAMMAD FOR WHO HE WAS. IT IS LIKE TELLING A CHILD THAT HIS FATHER IS A RAPIST MURDERER AND A THIEF. A CHILD WHO ADULATES HIS FATHER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT IT EVEN IF ALL THE PROOFS IN THE WORLD ARE SHOWN TO HIM. But a childs father can be a rapist, and so can Muhammad. THESE LINES WILL HELP MUSLIMS IN SEEING MUHAMMADS TRUE FACE. I myself used to adulate my father blindly, but after I read these lines, I could see many of his faults and shortcomings. PLEASE PLEASE POST THAT ARTICLE ON ALISINA.ORG and FAITHFREEDOM.ORG and these lines about Muhammad (telling a child that his father…)
WORSHIPING GOD IN THE FORM OF AN IDOL OR SYMBOL = WORSHIPING GOD ONLY. If someone makes posters of me and worships me in the form of posters, it is worshiping me and not "lifeless posters". God, if he is indeed benevolent and merciful, will know that by worshiping Him in the form if idols and symbols, He alone is being worshiped, mud and clay is not being worshiped. However, if there is anything like HELL, those who call a benevolent and merciful God as JEALOUS will go in it. If there is any kind person, and he is called JEALOUS, he will get angry. Likewise GOD WILL BE ANGRY FOR BEING CALLED JEALOUS and will throw into Hell all those who call him JEALOUS.
FOR ALL THOSE MUSLIMS CLAIMING THAT GOD IS ONE AND JEALOUS and that worshipping God in the form of an idol or a symbol = worshipping someone else other than God, answer these questions.
1- If God is the supreme creator, then HOW WAS GOD BORN?(Dont go off telling that God cannot be created or destroyed. God can destroy himself if he wants. How did this ALL POWERFUL power come into being? On its own? )
2- WHY DID GOD NOT REVEAL how he came into existence in either the Old Testament or the Quran if they are supposed to be words of God?
3- What will happen to humans who lived for Lakhs of Years (hundreds of thousands of years) BEFORE JESUS AND MUHAMMAD? Why did God not bother about these people for lakhs and lakhs of years and suddenly bother for only 2000 years about Jesus and Muhammad being the only way to reach Him?
This argument only shows the extent of Muslims’ deceptiveness.
Here are ten different translations of this verse. All translators except Rhashed Khalifa have translated it as the earth being spread, an expanse, stretched out. The verse 2:22 says the earth is like a bed (mehad).
Muslims denounce Khalifa as an impostor who claimed to be a messenger. They assassinated him. Khalifa was indeed a charlatan. But when the aim is to deceive people even the lies of Khalifa will do. Khalifa’s translation is the most deceptive translation of the Quran. He, not only changed the meaning of the Quran, but also its original Arabic text.
And after that He spread the earth,
Yusuf Ali
And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);
And after that He spread the earth;
And the earth, He expanded it after that.
Sher Ali
And the earth, along with it, HE has spread forth.
He made the earth egg-shaped.
and the earth-after that He spread it out,
and the earth after that He did stretch out.
And afterwards stretched forth the earth, –
After this he stretched out the earth,
Dahaha means spread, like spreading a carpet. Egg in Arabic is Baiza. Furthermore the earth is not egg shaped, it is a sphere like an orange.
The polytheists needed protection from whom? It was of course from Muslims. The Sura is clear. After conquering Mecca Muhammad gave four months time to all the Arabs to either convert to Islam or be killed. This verse says that if someone surrenders and converts don’t kill him. The reason for the “protection” is also stated in the same verse – “so that they may hear the words of Allah.” Where the allowed not to accept Islam? Of course not! If they did not convert they were to be put to sword. A similar “protection” is offered to the people of Book in Q. 9:29. They were to be protected from Muslims if they paid jizyah with willing submission and being subdued. The Mafia also offered protection to the business owners in Chicago, provided they pay for their “protection”. If they failed to pay they were killed.
Also, there are many Muslim apologists who are trying to relate the Arabic word 'dahaha' to a round earth(or egg-shaped earth). One such relation can be seen in answeringchristianity.com. So, what is your answer to them? Also, I have many such doubts about Islam which I want to share with you e.g. there are many good verses in Islam too. So, how should I do that?
Hi Ali Sina,
I came across a verse in Qur’an 9:6 which talks about giving protection to polytheists. What is your answer for that? Please reply.
“And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.” [Qur’an 9:6 ]
Mr munib, is it true that Muhammad bin Abdullah and his allah taught you to behave like this? It's really sad that Islam has turned you into Candy Ass O! LOL.
That is what Muslims do, they are terrorist and want everybody dead, they want everybody except Muslims, suffer till the end of time.
This is a myth, most people are leaving all types of religion, a report shows that we will have almost 1 billion educated people who identify themselves as people atheist and agnostics. I'll publish this report soon on Freedom Bulwark.
Another ignorant and pathetic Muslim has come to pay us a visit. I wonder how many Muslims would write this kind of thing if they knew how bad they look to Westerners.
Nothing is being interpreted. Dr. Sina writes what the Quran says. Period.
You show what a sickly religion Islam is when you threaten to kill someone. Who would ever want to be a part of a religion that is so weak that it cannot survive by any strength of its own ideas. Islam can only survive by threatening anyone who doesn't like it. How pathetic and sick.
What filthy language you use. Who could ever believe that a holy religion from a holy God could produce such pathetic people who use such sick and degraded language?
I'm glad you came here to visit. It's good to occasionally see living proof of how depraved Islam is.
I would just like to say that the land (palestine) belongs to the jews as the jews walked the face of the earth before the musims! so is it not obvious, the jews have a right to fight for their right. Lets not forget moses came before mohamed! Leave the jews alone, LETS START ON THE MUSLIMS!
Did you know that when a muslim gets ready to pray and accidently farts, he must re-wash his elbows again!?!? Why not wash the offending area? why wash every other body part? That is the extent of the muslim mind, pathetic, laughable and dumb!
No point in trying to get answers from them, its like telling a dog not to pee up a tree, impossible!
Keep up the intelligent arguments Mr. Sina.
Islam is not Just for Arabs The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race, nationality or linguistic background. Taking a look at the Muslim World, from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind — not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam.
Hi Ali sina, i think you have a good art to write stories, lets debate take the verses of Quran and i will let you know what basically there is written, and what ever comes to your mind you post that.say Even if you interpret walai-kum-salaam as walai kum that makes different sense and meaning so guess how much wrongly you have mis-interpreting Quran. and what you mean By Ali and Sina who gave you Sina. what ever you said against Prophet Mohammad(saw) you will come to meet your doom soon, you will unfortunately die in Rest room i would prey and note i will one day kill you by accessing near to you and you wont even guess that. F++k you Candy Ass.
The Arabs own such a big chunk of the land in the Middle East. They don't need Israel. This is obviously an issue only because of Islam.
So, the Arabs can have their homeland, Saudi Arabia, the Chinese can have China, Irish, Ireland and almost every race and people and so on but the Jews can't call Israel, their homeland? It is historically and biblically, their homeland. Why fight over this tiny piece of land if it wasn't politically and religiously instigated?
I think you overestimate the power of his teachings and the effect of humiliating him in one debate.
For rational people, every time he opens his mouth, he makes a fool of himself and Islam.
If he was defeated in a debate, only the viewers would be affected by it.
Sir, Mr.Naik is spreading Islam all over the world with his false teachings..This is obviously going to increasing the number of Muslim followers worldwide and if there is no possibility of you having a debate with Mr.Naik and proving him wrong, then who is going to stop him??
Hi Elle,
I can tell your letter is well intentioned, but your thoughts reflect a serious misunderstanding of both the nature of evil and the nature of Islamic doctrine. The Quran teaches that the earlier peaceful verses are abrogated by the violent later verses, but Muslims are allowed to use the peaceful ones when they are in the minority. When their population increases, they are expected to use violence for the final conquest, even if they don't like it, as the Quran says. Islam carries a death penalty for changing the doctrine, so that's why reform efforts never get very far. You can get up to speed on this quickly with Steve Couglin's Pentagon briefing. You can see an abbreviated version of it at the 2010 FDI CPAC seminar:
On the nature of evil, Solzhenitsyn said:
“Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. Even within hearts overwhlemed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained; and even in the best of all hearts, there remains a small corner of evil.” – The Gulag Archipelago
So it is incumbent on each individual to manage the evil within his own self. Dr. Sina teaches that the Quran cultivates the dark side in each person who draws nearer to the teachings of the Quran. You will see this as you read it more. The best way to read the Quran is with Bill Warner's "An Abridged Koran" because it reconstructs the historical Quran. Even if you get a regular Quran with footnotes and commentaries, it will be difficult to untangle. Bill has done the work for you. You don't miss out on anything in the abridgement. It only removes repetitive material.
Be careful not to confuse negative remarks in the comments section with Dr. Sina's nature and tone. Read more on the site about Dr. Sina's core values. You will find this site is his labor of love to help Muslims. In a nutshell, I would say his core values are love and humanism, together with the Golden Rule.
i empathize with this young girl who was burned to death by her husband. in all cultures and religions there is a problem with domestic violence. inherent in our human connection appears to be a need to fulfill violence against one another. i am worried that your strong words are perpetuating this violence and enabling people who thrive off of hatred.
the best rejection of unnecessary death/torment/suffering is to encourage positive and respectful communication. i advise teaching islamic principles of goodness from within rather than bashing it from outside. perhaps recognizing that in the quran it says: to kill one person is like killing all of humanity; to save one person is to save all of humanity. furthermore it also says that your marriage is half your religion. if a husband is to hurt, harm or disrespect his wife, it is counted directly against him. this goes along the common sense that anger hurts most for the person who acts in anger. this idea transcends all religions, but is often included in each that i've heard.
i'm not an expert by any means. i was raised in america as a lutheran christian. i admire that you have the passion to change the world and i'm begging you for this young woman who suffered gravely to do so in a positive way. instead of looking down on others, emulate what you believe to be the right thing. bring up your ideologies. can you elaborate on your core values??
Lavender –
Brother/Sister in humanity,
Lavender, according to the science of aromatherapy is a good anti depressant. I think you should work as a positive member of humanity. Just go through the articles I am providing. You will get much knowledge about the history of Islam.
Why Aisha Likely Poisoned Muhammad, Not a Jewish Woman, Part 1 http://www.islam-watch.org/index.php?option=com_c…
Why Aisha Likely Poisoned Muhammad, Not a Jewish Woman, Part 2 http://www.islam-watch.org/index.php?option=com_c…
Just read the articles of Dr. Ali Sina from this site and from faithfreedom.org
Also read articles from Islam Watch website. YOUR EYES WILL DEFINITELY OPEN.
Last, but not the least do not forget to read Dr. Ali Sina's UNDERSTANDING MUHAMMAD – A psychobiography.
Welcome to humanity.
Welcome to faith without fear.
That's just the same number he posted above. I just added the joke about caller ID.
DO NOT POST PRIVATE DATA ON FFI or HERE! We are not responsible for identity theft.
It is rather humorous to read Muslim comments here. They all say Dr. Sina is so horrible, but all he is doing is repeating what their books say.
Dr. Zakir Nalaik
(caller ID enabled)
At FaithFreedom.org, the story of his early life and leaving Islam is told in his article, From Belief to Enlightenment. At that time he did not give up the belief in a God, but if you look at his more recent writings on this site, he is clearly an atheist at this time.
His writings reflect an utmost respect for Christianity, which I appreciate, but I am sure that he is not refraining from any one religion because of the desire to appear neutral.
This is a typical irrational Muslim comment.
You have not been able to give one single thing that Dr. Sina has done wrong.
You have lowered yourself to insulting him for no reason.
You speak as though there is some reason that we should believe Allah and Islam, but you have not given us any reason.
How do we know the Koran is the word of God? Because Muhammad said so. How do we know Muhammad was telling the truth? Because the Koran said so.
So you have only circular logic to prove something that is not provable, but this web site is full of plenty of things that have been definitely proved to be wrong in Islam.
Wake up. Islam is false. Muhammad was a false prophet.
You're right. Many arguments against Ali Sina are rooted from lack of knowledge about non-sugarcoated Islamic values. They really dont read Qur'an and Hadits in a real sense: read and question every part of it. Many read them by cherry picking and read them all with no single words left. At first, I too did not believe in what Mr Sina wrote in his book per se. While reading it, I had the Quran and hadist to compare, and found out that how abhorrent islamic values written in those two sources were. Mr.Sina has opened my eyes then on. You need to adjust your mind set about ISlam at neutral position, neither pros nor against it. Just be an open jar. I did read Mr.Sina's book and now could see. Only then you could see the absurdity of Islam. Those who against Mr.Sina indicate lack of good readings. They are not on par to debate with him here. Your school teachers should have taught you that to read critically you need to get the texts from different perspectives plus be open-minded.
No, Mr Ali Hossain, I believe that you must have something evil up your sleeve by encouraging my beloved Dr Ali Sina to call this imposter! Are you his accomplice? Oh, my dear Dr Ali Sina, please don't attempt to call this imposter and fall into his trap!
I fully agree with my smart hero, Dr Ali Sina and we share the thought that this comment is fishy and the imposter may be a radical Muslim in disguise!
This is obviously not Zakir Naik. Dr, Naik has been contacted many times in the past and he never returned any email. If he wants to contact me he has my email. Anyone can sign up with a fake name.
Mr.Ali Please contact Mr.Zakir Naik who has left his phone no. on above comment. I guarrantee you that you will meet the BEST STAND UP COMEDIAN ON EARTH. He speaks illogical but for him only he or Islam is the most logical thing in world. Every year in India he hold the COMEDY CIRCUS in the name of PEACE CONFERRENCE.
It should be understood that Dr. Ali Sina does not want other religions to be dragged here into unnecessary criticism and debate; and that is the reason he is not adopting/following any particular religion. Then he would be accused of being a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Sikh or a Jain and then the religion which he may follow will be criticised and attacked unnecessarily.
Whereas, in one of his debates earlier with a terrorist supporting Muslim from UK, the Muslim debater could not even debate politely about the Golden Rule. Arguing with the Muslims is like banging your head against an iron wall. Only your head may start bleeding and the iron wall will not move. What Dr. Ali Sina is doing is, he is trying to get the elephant run backwards in the reverse..
Ha Ha. May God bless his efforts.
o i feel sorry for u mr.ali bcoz jackass like u really exists today, i realize that wat allah is talking about the characteristics of the kafirs and the hypocrite matches with u. b thankful to allah who has given u time so that 1 day u accepts islam again, once death overcome to u then remember u have no more chance to get back to life, and remember every soul will taste death. remember u r not going to live for ever so still u have time for searching the truth.
Dear Dr. Ali Sina,
Well done for your job.
Please contact me for an insightful discussion on Islam.
Dr. Zakir Nalaik
You should be embarrassed to make such a fool of yourself publicly Allleeee.
When priests commit atrocities, they do it in violation of their religion. When Muslims commit atrocities, they do it in obedience to their religion.
Your comment is typically in the manner of arrogant and haughty Muslim supremacists because you are unable to talk intelligently and knowledgeably, so you can only resort to insults and bullying. We know your style. You are not the first Muslim idiot to post on these boards.
I haven't seen you contribute anything of substance to the discussion. My words stand.
Hello Allleee,
Your view on Hinduism or any other religion barring Islam is flawed. Unlike Islam, Hinduism is not a religion of hate and it has even evolved with passage of time and all views on spirituality and religious philosophies are permitted in Hinduism. Yes, there are wolves in sheep's clothing in every religion and the resultant impostors and their cults like Sai Baba, Nityananda,etc posing as spiritual gurus and cheating on their gullible Hindu followers who are willingly fooled. But Hinduism or other religions cannot be blamed for criminal acts of such kind of impostors.
But the case of Islam is entirely different from all other religions. When liars and deceivers emerge at times as spiritual teachers and establish cults misusing their religions, Islam is in itself is a most dangerous cult founded by an extremely evil and wicked monster named Muhammad, that reduces all its followers into brain dead zombies and cult members rendering them incapable to think and decide on their own and demanding total submission to the will and wishes of Muhammad and his alter ego Allah.
I agree with Soldier of Humanity. Kudos to my beloved Dr Ali Sina! 🙂
King of Humanity Dr. Ali Sina,
Great humanitarian work from you Sir. An excellent contribution to removing the ignorance of evil from this Earth. Sir, you must be spending so many hours of yours daily in front of the screen and reading books and researching to dig out the truth and show it to the world. Long countless hours in front of the screen doing the same type of job affects us physically and mentally – I can understand with the long hours I sit in front of the screen. It affects the blood circulation to the parts of the legs. The neck becomes stiff. I mean, I would request you to take some time off to pay attention to your health also. No amount of words will be adequate to describe the pains you are undergoing to see the Earth a better place. I appreciate.
Our prayers to God to give you a long life and make each and every action of yours successful. God will indeed reward you. May God also increase your tribe.
I can understand that you may be believing in God but are not following any particular faith as it would prove a liability in your great quest. God is in the heart.
God Bless.
Yours truly,
Soldier of Humanity.
Is love, peace, reasoning invented by that grand criminal muHamMad? Or are you the inventer of Love and Peace?
You fool, your IQ falls below 40 and you think you have the ability to argue?
Also, know your own religion. Islam doesn't mean peace. Islam means submission. Got it? A retarded guy like you cannot dupe us.
Have you gone to thereligionofpeace.com and seen the peace islam is spreading all over the world daily? You will understand how authentic the reporting in that site is when there is a news from your own country.
You have written that saints of other religion exploit people. There we have a choice. They are not forcing us to be exploited, just duping us. What islam will do? kill or dupe? BOTH.
Oh.. then what do call the sexual abuses about the priests all round the world on young children? BAPTISM! So bible teaching to be peodopiles! What do you call the Indian cults who exploit on innocents people for wealth, sexually abuse females and young children ? GURUS!! Sai BABA, Nityananda etc.Hinduism teaching how to exploit on people? Lists go on forever crimes committed by saints of other religion … With all this problems around world, Islam is bothering you and your so called Ali the“messenger’..Nonsensical and illogical reasoning. You are proving yourself to be more arrogant and ignorant dear JOHN. Ali’s attempt Matching bits and pieces of incomplete stories cannot cover the real truth. Islam being peace and Muhammed (p.u) messenger of the creator! The element the world is missing is education around the world! If you want to eradicate Islam, you must then eradicate every religion from the surface of this world! If that happens, only you and Ali will be around!Then both of you and/or maybe your followers can hug and kiss each other with your new profound peace!
I support israel because it is the right thing from humanistic viewpoint (and it is not subject to interpretation) that they need to have a home country where they can live without fear of persecution. I support this ONLY because of point 2 (and that too after period of holocaust) and not because of point 1. If you can assure that islam is a religion of peace and wouldn't discriminate against jews, then at that point only, we reach an ideal world where I wouldn't support the concept of zion anymore.
So, ideal situation and priorities are here:
1. Make muslims leave islam
2. Israel is given back.
You want jews not to follow their religion, their god ordained duty to found zion whereas muslims wouldn't even want to think in their wildest dreams of not following their own religion. What would you call that? hypocrisy?
Religionwise, jerusalem is holy to both jews and muslims. Judaism came first. Problem solved, islam cannot claim a dime over there on the basis of religion over jews.
this world is not ideal.
Now, zionist ideology is not about taking over the world. Or is it? I have never seen a poster displaying "Judaisam will dominate the world". What about Islam?
Jews are not claiming Saudi Arabia for themselves. Israel has a significance and their claim has a basis at the very least which cannot be denied.
As I have understood from Wikipedia, Israel has been created due to 2 reasons –
1. Jewish holy duty to create zion, the jewish state, in the land of palestine.
2. mass immigrations to palestine due to wide-spread persecutions by nazis (without any basis).
Noteworthy, muslims have a very favourable view of jews based on their islamic religious beliefs and history.
if you have "ridden" yourself of blindness of faiths that's a very good thing – a commendable one.
Ali Sina may have prejudices and you may be right, but can you tell me if Israel issue is resolved today, muslims wouldn't have any issues with jews because the land is given back to palestinians? Does jewish holy books mention muslims transformed to apes and pigs or is it the other way?
Now, jews may be (because I don't know) doing injustice to palestinians.
But IF the situation is reversed, do you want us to think that muslims will treat jews with more judiciousness compared to what jews currently are showing towards palestinians (whatever be your story)?
Well, this is pure arrogance. Just as I expected. You don't have what it takes to discuss things objectively, so you turn to calling people names. Pure arrogance, nothing else.
Don't try to fill me up with your nonsense. You don't have a fraction of my qualifications. You are about as blind as they get. Just typical useful idiot used by Muslim propagandists. Trade in your alternate reality for facts.
It is a sensible and logical response from Mr.Ali Sina to Tamara's lop sided views about Jews and Palestinians.
I too was accused of being a Zionist by a leader of an Islamic group for advocating the right of Jews to the land known Israel. I'm proud to be a Zionist in the true sense of Zionism.
What about Jewish people who don't believe Israel belongs to the Jews? Are they Muslims at heart too? You're so narrow minded and have no knowledge whatsoever of history. And What about Christian Palestinians, and they are many? Where do they belong? Israel and Zionists are fighting them as well. Read, read, read everything, educate yourself before you let your blind hatred guide you to make wrong judgements. I have ridden myself of blindness by any faith long ago. Read
That's like asking the fox who should own the hen house.
Islam has no historical connection with Israel.
It doesn't matter. You are still a Muslim at heart if you believe Israel does not belong to the Jews.
Allleeee, you just don't like the message, so you insult the messenger. Islam has truly darkened your mind if you think I am negative and full of hatred. You have never met me, and you have no familiarity at all with what I am inside. The only thing you know is that you don't want to accept that your religion is a fraud.
You talk about Ali Sina doing a wonder job as if I was a computer and he wrote the program that is running inside me. Well, I am a person. I am not programmable. What Ali Sina has done a wonderful job at is placing your holy texts at our disposable so we can see the evil that they contain. I never would have had any idea that Islam is evil if people like Ali Sina did not show us Islam's texts. It's supposed to be a secret. Under Sharia, non-Muslims are not supposed to know what you teach. Well, the secret is out, so it is useless for people like you to come online to try to tell us something different.
Great unity in the Middle East, huh? Is that what you call the brutal multiple rape of Lara Logan? Is that peace, love, respect, humility and tolerance? What makes you think you can come here and tell lies like that and expect anyone to believe you? You only show the public what a fool you are.
Islam is a fraud perpetrated by the liar and criminal, Muhammad.
ali sina has more knowledge and experience of islam, islamic books and the prophet muhammed than you do. you cannot understand the palestinian issue without understanding islam. try reading his e-book about muhammed, that is a good start. there are several articles on faith freedom interational about palestinian issues to broaden your knowledge. good luck. i would suggest that perhaps you are the product of left-wing thinking that is pervading a lot of jew-hating universities.
Oh. I can hug a Jew. I have Jewish friends. But I can't hug or befriend a zionist. Jews are not all Zionists, you know. And not all Zionists are Jews too.
Dear John,__ You always sound too negative and full of hatred! Well Sinna must be doing wonder job! Anyway,Being a muslim has made me realise the purpose of being here more than anyone around me do. Islam has made me realise my relation with God and reasons for our existence here. I am grateful for our prophet(p.U). ____I believe in peace. I saw the unity between the christians brothers and muslims brothers in their struggle against the tyrant govts in middle east. I saw the beauty in it. Thats the world, humanity is seeking. UNITY! ____Islam taught me peace, love, respect, humility, tolerance,. The religion for peace and the guidance for everyone. I knowAli and you wont agree to this. Well thats your opinion with your eyes folded. I do not think I need to expalin any further. False will never be true. Creator knows the truth. Christianity is wonderful religion but truth been concealed by churches early days.(truth about christianity in bbc discovery in youtube please see with your folds open) I have seen many priests convert to Islam and preaching the beauty in it. Well when there is good, there is always evil trying to put it down. Truth always prevail. Islam is the truth. 🙂
Dear Ali Sina,
you are doing excellent work, I am proud of you. Muslims cannot tolerate other religions in their country whereas we let them propagate islam in our country. Take Zakir Naik for example, he considers it right to propagate islam in indian, but had some hindu tried to propagate hinduism in Saudi or Pakistan, he would have been shot by now.
Also, Dear Ali Sina, over a hundred years ago, an indian priest by the name of Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote a book called "Satyarth Prakash" which has 14 chapters, in which he criticized islam in chapter 14, please feel free to use those arguments as well as we all have one mission which is to rescue our muslim brothers and sisters from the clutches of islam
Read here: What Makes Islam So Successful
A good summary of the mafia crime syndicate that is Islam.
No Tamar, you lack objectivity. You are a product of your culture and you are shutting your mind to the truth that Dr. Sina is showing you. A test of whether you have really left Islam will be verified when you can hug a Jew.
You say these things because you are informed by your culture. Islam had no history in Palestine until they conquered it by force. Muhammad wasn't even educated enough to know the Jerusalem temple had already been destroyed when he claimed to have visited it.
Yes, you are right that one God is our creator. And every culture has a religion that calls him a different name. Because you were accidentally born into a Muslim family, you call God Allah.
But I am here to tell you that this accident of your birth has horrible consequences for you because Muhammad and his successors have deceived you into believing a horrible lie.
That's the truth. Simple truth. You cannot read the Koran and say that a real God wrote such sick depravity.
Dr. Sina has said that no Muslim can read his book, Understanding Muhammad, and remain a Muslim. Are you strong enough, are you man enough to take the challenge?
Well! the Palestinian Muslims are illegal occupiers of Jewish lands, Read the History of Islam and Muhammad via hadiths:
Mohammed expelled every Jew living in Medina, and Mecca. Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2999 p.802. He commanded to expel the polytheists. Abu Dawud vol.2 no.3023,3024,3026 p.860
Mohammed led a surprise attack on the Banu al-Mustaliq tribe while they were inattentive and their cattle were drinking water." Abu Dawud vol.2 no.227 p.727-728
Force Jews and Christians to walk on the narrowest part of the road. Abu Dawud vol.3 no.5186 p.1436
Alleged miracle of Mohammed telling which grave to dig up to get treasure. Also, it is OK for Muslims to dig up the graves of non-Muslims if they will get some benefit by it. Abu Dawud vol.2 no.3082 and footnote 2556 p.878
I agree. When my mind has been working on something, and I find an article by Ali about it, I find he has already covered the things I figured out, and he has gone on a few steps ahead of me. It is a pure pleasure to read his writings and see the intellect behind it.
Thanks for the tidbit on Hitler. I didn't realized he had moved into reincarnation.
Read the Book of Mormon. It will change your life.
How dare you have the cheek to lie like your liar prophet in broad daylight when you claimed that Muslims don't kill each other? Go and ask the founder of Islam, Mr Muhammad bin Abdullah, the evil atrocities he has committed while he was still alive on planet earth! I believe that your underwear will drop as you discovered the stubborn truth. LOL.
Isn't it obvious that there's no peace in the world as long as this evil religion exist on this planet earth? The peace that Muhammad bin Abdullah promised to a stupid fool like you is only false peace because he is a despicable tyrant. As long as you believe in all his lies, you'll enjoy his gift of false peace. But the day you came to the ultimate realization that he was a false prophet and his dead moon-god, Allah is satan, and you wanted to tear down his evil mask, the Quran states that this will be the day that you should have the courtesy to go and die, for the fear of exposng his true identity and meet him in planet hell, to receive your due punishment for being smart and intelligent!
Is Islam a beautiful religion? Are Muslims harmonious as per your stupid claim? According to Muhammad bin Abdullah, the beauty of Islam is to steal, to kill and to destroy every innocent human beings who don't buy his lies! I see no beauty in such a cult whose founder is a religious mafia and liar! For goodness sake, kindly read all the newspapers and magazines from all over the world and tell me if Muslims are harmonious creatures or plain troublemakers? All thanks to the Quran and hadiths for producing Osama bin Laden, suicide bombers, jihadists, barbarians etc.
Dear Mr/Ms Lavender,
I offer my heartfelt condolences to a braindead Muslim like you for failing to see through Allah's last prophet's evil mask. Yes, you are absolutely right to say that there is only one true living God in this whole universe but a stupid fool like you are too dumb to understand that you are actually worshipping Muhammad's dead moon-god, Allah and not the God of Ibrahim, Ishaq and Yaqub!
That is fight for freedom. I do not think you will like it if i remain in your house and seize all your rights/liberty and rule you. Thats the same concept. The tamils in Sri Lanka want their freedom, Catalans in Spain want their freedom, etc. Thats liberty and right of every human being. Their rights are seized. Israelis should listen to their plight and work out the problems. Thats the role of the good ruler. Well only their tanks, airplanes are speaking louder against the helpless people. The people affected happen to be muslims and You are putting blame on ISLAM? Look at the example of Singapore. Didn they coexist with people with different religion and live in peace! And there are 1 million muslims in that country. ANy problems? no. Prophet is messenger. He is same person who allowed his friends christians to worship in mosques when they came to visit him in medina. And he is man who fed poor jew people with his fingers when hungry. He(p.u) revealed the simple truth as Jesus, Adam, Noah(p.u t) etc. Submit to no one but to creator HIM. NO complication. Well i love my friends. They are all around world.
And if you see with veil, there is no truth..
"Conflicts are caused by greed."
I don't dispute that. But are all conflicts caused by greed? Doesn't hate caused due to racism religious differences, nationality, etc, have anything to do with it? The Palestinians bombard their children with hatred of the Jews, in schools, in the media, in homes, in mosques, and you want to tell me this has nothing to do with war? Muhammad said non-Muslims are worse creatures, they are filthy, do not associate with them, do not take them as friends, cast terror in their hearts and more, and none of that induces any hate in Muslims against the non-Muslims?
No! Nobody showed me the beauty of Islam. I am even offering $50,000 in rewards to anyone who can show me the beauty of Islam. It is over nine years and no one has been able to do it. Can you?
oh.. Next you will be saying world wars, holocaust, nazism, vietnam war, american civil wars, French revolution, French Indian war, Roman invasion of war, cambodia genocide, rwanda genocide, Sri lanka war, conflicts in caste systems in india where 'untouchables are forever untouchables', India and China civil wars, trojan wars, greek wars etc are caused by ISlam. 90%! Thats why too much for anyone to believe! Conflicts are caused by greed of humans dear ALI. Not any specific religion. Well there are blacksheeps in Islam hijacking with poor knowledge and giving wrong speeches. Well there are many other good messages by professional Islamic speakers. Anyway, I not following any clan. I am in right path and in Submission to no one else but our creator, HIM. Truth hurts, but that is Islam is peace.
Anyway, there are many great Islamic speakers who are in tour giving speeches to everyone. Why not, I might see you debating one of them in future?
Well, I am more at peace at my path.
Dear Ali Sina,
If you call yourself an ex-Muslim, here by I offer my heartfelt advanced condolences. For you did not look out for the Blessings by Allah. There is only ONE GOD, ALLAH. Maybe your parents did not show you the beauty of Islam, or maybe for the blind person that you are already proving yourself to be from your deceiving posts and website, you wouldnt have seen the beauty and simplicity of Islam anyway.
Have you seen how harmonious Muslims are? Have you actually read Islamic Hadiths and translated Quran, and felt the peace in your heart? I guess not.
Muslims do not kill each other. Jews are killing the Palestenians. Thousands of them. Children, babies, women, all innocent people. And you decided to go against a RELIGION just for ONE burning child, for a somewhat, uneducated man with no civilisedness in him.
Abuse of women does not exist in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be Upon Him) has said that men and women are EQUAL, and it is written in the Quran too. Google is free- check it out.
Abuse of women and killing of girls happen in Hinduism- its basically an Indian uncivilised-ness, its NOT Islam. Pakistan and India share many same personalities- and those who are uneducated happen to follow the same unwanted traditions.
Prophet Muhammad had said- whoever who raise their daughters well, will be guranteed Heaven. Read the Hadith,sir. If you know Quran verses and Hadith in and out, I suppose you know this one.
Prophet Muhammad is our teacher- a guide on earth, an example for the Muslims to live. He is also a human being, but a special one. He is pure – he is a Prophet. He is the last prophet and all of these is confirmed in the Quran so that no other fellows would come on this earth and claim himself to make new rules and regulations.
You guys are talking about logic- well, tell me about the logic of your own self? Can you fly like a bird, even if you attached a wing? No. Why? Because human beings CANNOT think more than what they could. There are many things which are beyond human being's thinking.
If you are a thinker,even putting aside religion,- whilst only considering philosophy- you would have understood what I am trying to say. Certain things in life, when you just follow the values and follow what is right- in the end you are right , rather than spending all your day questioning them and wasting your time.
Islam is a way of life. It does not teach you to hurt anyone. Heck, if you hurt anyone, you'll gain sins.
Mister Ali, you might probably start to rebutt everything I am saying, but Muslims are a peaceful religion and we are not thought to hurt anyone.But if you are open for a debate,yes we could debate! Which idiot told you that Muslims cannot debate?
I can tell the others here that, dont believe the media. I know hundreds of non-Muslims who love Islam for their peace and religion, who agree that the media is crap. It takes a generous heart to embrace the truth.
For example, Jihad is not killing people and blowing themselves up in a crowd. Jihad is determination. For example, studying in exams or standing for the truth. In a peaceful way. Well, the WTC was said to be blown up by Great Bush anyway.
Well, to know the truth, and feel the truth, you dont have to go far, asking your heart will suffice.
I hope that InshaAllah the truth will always prevail. I am not here to talk bad about the other religion- all religion have their good values. The only aspect is Jews killing the Muslims for a piece of land- What can you bring to death anyway? Nothing.
One day we all will meet in the Hereafter. That will be the day you will realise the truth. Don't wait till then guys..
I believe you guys will start on a replying spree now. Let me read it, am welcoming them!
I think you are just too blinded and too brain-washed by one side. If you were a real scholar and you based your answer on real evidence, I would have respected your view, but it is you who's still living in hatred for Arabs, I believe. In response to your accusations of Palestinians during the holocaust, google "Arabs who helped jews during the holocaust" and read something different for a change. You are the one who's filling your head with hatred. Read well before you make accusations. The right way to reach conclusions is to read stories from everybody's points of view, with objectivity, which is something I really think you lack!
Hi Tamara,
Well you have convinced me. From now on I am a Jew hater, and like my president Ahmadinejad I want to wipe out Israel off the map. I will deny the holocaust and all the six million innocent souls that were perished in the Nazi gas chambers with the support of the Muslims of Palestine and Al Husseini. However, I will conspire to bring another holocaust to them. I will deny all the crimes and terrorism perpetrated by the Palestinians. Portray them as victims even though it is clear that they are terrorists and victimizer. But who gives a damn about the truth? I will deny the unbounded hatred that Muslims have for the Jews and instead I'll lie to vilify, dehumanize and demonize the Jews to hopefully fool the world and Inshallah exterminate the Jews from the face of the Earth. Are you happy now dear Tamara? Will you read my articles now? Maybe, just maybe your eyes may open and you will realize that you have not changed at all. You left Islam and not hatred. You changed your shirt but your are the same person. I know so many Muslims who come out of Islam and join Marxism. What is the difference? They go from one doctrine of hate to another. You may or may not be a Marxist, but you have not left the hatred behind.
Jews belong to Israel and Israel belongs to the Jews. This is their ancestral land. The territory known as Israel was a deserted land. There are countless travelers’ narratives of the 19th century that prove that. Akka was such a filthy place and remote to everything that the Ottomans used it to exile the unwanted. Jews transformed that land into what it is .
The Palestinians are not the original people of that land. They are not the Philistines of the antiquity. They are Arabs. They have their own country. The smart ass British changed its name to Jordan and gave it to the Hashemi family. Jordan is Palestine and the Palestinians in Israel should go to their own home and leave Israel to its owner.
Now if the Palestinians were normal people and could live in peace with the Jews, then of course none of this would have mattered. In Canada, we come from many nationalities and we manage to live with each other in peace. Why the Palestinians can’t accept the Jews? It is because of Islam. Ideologies divide mankind, but Islam and Marxism, in all their shapes, shades and forms, are based on hate.
It makes no difference whether you left the belief in God or not. What really matters is that you leave the hatred behind. I am an atheist, but I have many Christian supporters. It is because I am not a fool to think atheism is the solution. It is not even better. Atheists perpetrated the most horrendous crimes in the last century. I am friend with anyone who promotes love, unity, coexistence, acceptance and brotherhood of mankind.
You are engaging in logical fallacies. Truth is truth. But do you know it? Everyone thinks he has the truth. How can we know who is right? That is why debate is important. I am open for debate. Do Muslims allow debate? Of course not! So how can they learn the truth.
“There is only one God” is a red herring. Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians and many others also believe in one God. We are not talking about whether there is one god or many. We are talking about whether Muhammad was a prophet of God or not.
Again you are engaging in a logical fallacy when you say the world is turning into materialism with wars, injustice, blasphemy, etc. We are not here defending materialism. We are attacking Islam because it is the main source of wars, injustice and blasphemy.
The wars of Islam are obvious. Over 90% of the world conflicts are caused by Islam. They even kill each other. The injustice of Islam is also obvious. Look how minorities in Muslim countries are treated. But what about blasphemy? Oh this one you did not expect but read my debate with Maulana Ajmal Qadri where I have shown that Muslims are blasphemers. http://alisina.org/maulana-ajmal-qadri-vs-ali-sin… Try to refute that.
I personally know Ali, he is one of the wisest person I’ve ever met. The stuff he post are not claims, but bare evidences. Everything comes from Qu’ranic or Hadith sources. Ali has been a shiit muslim. I was once converted to Sunni Islam. But came back to pantheism after few days. People will always support what they want to hear, because they have been influenced by that. They will not support, what they don’t want to hear. And in most cases, what they don’t want to hear, is the truth.
Hitler in Mien Kamph, described they they were killing non Germans so that they can go to heaven straightly or if they born again, they can born as pure German because there will only be one race i.e. Germans. But fortunately they failed.
This is something what everyone should know. Ali does not subscribe to Torah or any Abrahamic religions at all.
Dear John,
The truth is truth.. no matter how the wicked mind perceives it. There is ONE god who is everyone's creator. HE created you and mine and everyone! And truth is islam is not a clan my dear sir. Its submission to HIM. To our creator! Thats the truth. Simple truth. I seeing how world is slowing turning into materialistic world with wars, injustice, blasphemy etc.. Well why am i not surprised with ALI sinna creative comics. better works with kids with poor faith. Well I am seeing a hatred JOHN."God pull me down" haha. thats why i call hatred. Not islam.
I found out about Mr Sina today as I was browsing and searching for things worth reading. I was taken by his talk about Islam and Mohammed, as I, myself, am an atheist who refused to keep on followinf Islam once I reached the point of free thinking in my life. But, unfortunately, I was disappointed when I read his reply to this question. A Zionist, and proud of it? that was the only thing that turned me off, and I stopped reading. Then I decided to come back here and share my thoughts with Mr Sina, hoping he would convince me of why he's so proud of being a Zionist. If he was so touched and so affected by the Pakistani girl who was a victim of Islam, and I do agree with him on that, why isn't he affected by those who were victims of Zionism? Is it a crime to kill a girl in the name of honor and Islam and not a crime to kill the population of Palestine, occupy their land and terrorise them in the name of Zionism? It is true that everyone has right to have their own homeland, but why kill other people to establish your homeland? I hope Mr. Sina would reply.
Allleeee. You are showing the height of your Muslim depravity and barbarism to laugh in the face of a burned and suffering child. You should be ashamed to let the public see what a pathetic person you are. You should be ashamed before God that you have allowed Muhammad to turn you and your ancestors into savages.
We have no respect for your superior attitude and threats. God will pull you down.
Thanks for sharing this poignant story, Dr. Sina.
It's my feeling that arrogant muslims don't defend islam because they are afraid of admitting to themselves that they were living a lie all along! I think it is because as human beings we love our parents and our ancestors and no matter if we are criminal or normal persons, we will always be emotional about and love our parents and ancestors and their culture. Because their parents and ancestors lived and believed in islam that's why they can't let it go even after knowing it's a lie. We who are non-muslims are just fortunate to be not born into islam. I myself think that had I been a muslims, it would have been very difficult for me to admit the falsity of islam.
ALLLEEEE …. Human beings feel threatened by goons and mafias. Probably you are such a hypocrite that you would want to disagree to that also. You want to call the organized criminal ideology of Islam a success? Well, everybody has the right to call himself/herself right even though he/she is wrong and logically proven so in the strongest way by a 50000 dollar challenge.
"illusionating"? Do you read your own posts, Alleee?
Yes, I guarantee you that there is an afterlife, my dear hero, Dr Ali Sina, because we are created to last forever. So, please be comforted to know that if Jesus is wiliing, you'll surely get a chance to meet this young 16 yrs old girl when you expired due to old age, whether she's in hell or heaven, I do not know.
But my beloved hero, Dr Ali Sina, do you know that my beloved Lord Jesus is calling you right now, to come to Him when He saw you while He was hanging on the old rugged cross 2000 yrs ago? He did what He could to save your soul from eternal destruction. Are you happy to hearken to His Voice now and come to His presence and acknowledge His great love and sacrifice for the salvation of your precious soul? Jesus loves you. 🙂
BULLSHIT!! HAHA! ALI SINA is illustionating and must be the work of zionist! Nice try but please try harder SINNA!First of all, if you were really muslim in past please explain the creation of earth! was there a creator in first place? are we alone in this universe? if you are off the islam, then you must be the ones worshipping the beautiful craft made by humans! well, all the comics about the islam i read are pretty interesting on how you mind works? let me advise ya, dun mess with the creator! but admit it you zionists are really feeling threatened by islam and really intelliegent!
Well said, mr. Sina!
But does it matter WHO appointed you?
If mr. Sina wasn't telling the truth, we would've known by now. Everyone's desperately trying to prove him wrong and save Islam, but they can't!
If Quran really was the word of God, an Islamic scholar could refute all of Sina's claims in 2 minutes!
You can hate him for trying to ruin your perfect little picture of Islam, you can find 100 different ways to justify Muhammad's murders and rapes, but we're all human and DEEP DOWN IN YOUR HEART YOU KNOW that's not right.
You're just too scared to admit it. Admitting it would mean that all of the years you were living a LIE! And that's not a good feeling.
Mr. Sina, we couldn't be more proud of what you're doing! Ex-muslim or not!
Since you decided not to return, there is no point for me to respond. But if you read this, please know that what you learned in this site was the true knowledge about Islam. Everything else you were told so far, were lies. I too was lied to for all my life and had very similar views about Islam to yours. But unlike you I did not close the door of learning. Well I couldn’t because the truth came to me not by reading critical views about Islam, but by reading the Quran itself. I was one of those who did not read anything critical of Islam. Yep. That is right. Having shut all the doors of learning the truth to myself, I learned the truth from Quran itself. There is no other book as damning to Islam than the Quran.
This site gives the real knowledge of Islam. Unfortunately lies are more palatable than truth for the believer. Maybe this is not the time for you, but one of these days you will have to face the truth. If you don’t, your children will. Truth is out like the sun in the zenith. You can hide yourself in a cave but one day you will have to come out and will be affected by it. If reading my articles pain you, maybe you should dust off your Quran and read it for yourself. Try to read it in Arabic if you can. Also read the Sira and see how long it will take you to ake the passage from belief to enlightenment.
Thank you for stroking my ego with all those “above the average intelligence” comments and stuff.