Monthly Archive: November 2010


Moon Split or Islamic Hoax?

Muslims believe that while Muhammad was in Mecca, Allah split the Moon as a miracle to the Meccans. This claim is made in the Quran. Surah 54 of the Quran is called “The Moon.”...


Speed of Light in Quran or Another Hoax?

Muslims are hard at work trying to find miracles in the Qur’an and each day they “find” something new. They gloat about it and pump themselves, spread the glad tiding across the Internet, publish...


Russian Babay Miracle or Skin Disease?

Hundreds of sites and newspapers reported: Koran phrases appear on Russian baby’s skin Allegedly, the words appear on the child’s arms, legs and stomach of the nine month old Ali – before fading away and...


Yamin Zakaria vs. Ali Sina

Mr. Yamin Zakaria is an outspken Islamic apologist who calls the Islamic terrorists, “freedom fighters”. His articles are carried by Media Monitor Network, Al Jazeerah,  Information Clearing House and a series of other publications.  He lives in...


What Is God?

Humans have tried to find an answer to the question of God since the dawn of their intelligence. They came with various answers, only to discard them later and find new ones. Gods manifested...


Which Religion Is Good?

Doubt Everything Find Your Own Light. A few months ago, in my community center I picked up a newspaper and read about a new Messiah called John de Ruiter, the hot shot guru from...


Women Before and After Islam

Contrary to what Muslims claim, Islam did not improve the status of women in Arabia. It actually denigrated them instead of elevating them. Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 648: Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas: I...

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Seven Layers of Heaven

Harun Yahya, had published the following article on his site.  After I clarified his error, he removed it.  However, there are still other Islamic sites that show this article. The Layers of the Atmosphere...


Jinns and Shooting Stars

Like his Bedouin contemporaries, Muhammad believed in shadowy beings and ghosts. These mythical creatures were known as Jinn. Muhammad spoke extensively about jinns.  He told his followers that jinns were made of fire. They...