Monthly Archive: May 2011


Science in the Quran

Dear Ali Sina, Your book, articles and debates that I follow in your site have forced me to be reluctant to observe Islamic rituals anymore. I suppose, there must be something wrong with this...


Islam is Fascism

Islam is a religion with a very political agenda. The ultimate goal of Islam is to rule the world. Islamic state is a fascistic state. Like fascism, Islam distains reason, encourages absolute loyalty to the state, it glorifies war, it is totalitarian, it is absolutist and it does not tolerate criticism.


Why Attack Only Islam?

What I look in people is their humanity. I look at their sense of justice, fairness, compassion, kindness, and empathy. Intellectualism challenges my mind, but what make me cry are simple acts of kindness. I want to promote goodness. I don’t give a damn about beliefs.


Martyrdom in Islam

To understand the concept of martyrdom in Islam we have to understand Muslims’ mindset. Muslims are taught that this life is worthless. It is only a testing ground. The real life is the one that follows in the afterlife – in the paradise.


Dealing with Rejection

How to deal with rejection? If you chase a woman who rejects you, you only make her despise you. Never try to win a woman’s heart by acting weak and desperate. Women interpret niceness as weakness and that is not a quality they look in their mate.


Reinterpreting the Quran

The Quran should be interpreted in any other way than its explicit meaning. A book that claims to be a book of guidance must be clear and without equivocation, leaving no room for interpretation and confusion. If it does, it is no longer a clear book of guidance. Ascribing esoteric meanings to the Quran that changes its meaning is distortion of its message. The so called “reformers of Islam” try to reinterpret it and twist its meaning to make it more palatable.