Love Is Not Enough
I am not a Muslim, but an Agnostic. I believe in love. In my opinion fighting fire with fire, results in… more fire. However, your web page is very enlightening.
I have a personal request for you in regards to my own life. I believe that you may shed some light on my situation. I would appreciate it if you could make the time for a brief exchange of opinion.
I am a 30+ year old independent consulting engineer. I started a relationship with my banker, who is a wonderful Muslim woman. We mutually agreed that religion is a personal choice, and that we will respect each other’s choices.
The relationship is currently based on electronic communication.
The only contact we have had outside work has been one lunch break. Since then she is always busy: exams, family, etc. Her current commitment is to make a meeting happen next week, after an important banking exam.
She is actively involved in the Muslim community.
She describes her family as conservative.
She declares her love to me.
She also declares her love for her family.
She does not want to lose them, or me.
She has never been married.
As a person with intimate knowledge of Islam, and one who has an open mind, I would appreciate if you could share your wisdom with me.
I trust you also believe in love (as a feeling, and as a conscious decision that has to be made).
Kind regards
Hi Frank (name changed),
Love is overrated. You may love someone today and stop loving him/her the next day. All divorces happen between couples who were once madly in love with each other. Spouses who once were best friends become mortal enemies. Yes love is important. It is a sine qua non for a happy marriage, but it is not everything. There must be also compatibility.
As a non-Muslim you will never have compatibility with a Muslim partner for whom religion is important and is actively involved in it.
Marriage is not just for the benefit of the couple. In fact it is not about them at all. It is for the benefit of the children. Marriage is an institution we humans have devised to protect our future generations. It is a sacred institution made for the survival and the happiness of our species. If it were not for children we would never have invented the marriage. The fact that we fall in love and develop loyalty to our partner is nature’s way to ensure our future generations are protected and provided for. You don’t see this kind of marital love and relationship in most other mammals because their offspring does not need so much paternal care as human babies do. On the other hand most species of birds form monogamous relationships, some for life and some for the duration of hatching and fledgling of their chicks. Monogamy among mamals is rare. Only 3% of mamals are monogamous, in contrast 90% of birds are monogamous.
Some people think marriage is a religious institution – a relic of the past. This is not true. Marriage is an evolutionary imperative in humans. The ceremony itself is just a social contract but marital commitment is in our nature.
When you try to choose a life partner, think about your future children first. How their best interest will be served? They are the primary purpose of marriage. Of course you get love and companionship from marriage too. But this is not why marriage was instituted. Marriage was instituted for the benefit of children. Everything else is a bonus.
Children need a harmonious place to grow. When you marry a Muslim and you are not, your relationship will NOT be harmonious. The exhilaration of sexual attraction will die very soon. Honeymoon will be over in days. To live with someone for the rest of your life you need to be compatible together.
Yes religion is a personal matter, but that is only in your relationship with your co-workers and your neighbors, not with your spouse. How will you raise your children? If you teach them a set of values and she tells them something different the kids will be confused and disoriented. If the father and mother don’t respect each other’s opinions and beliefs, children cannot respect either one of them, or worse, they will take side. The mother has more emotional control over the children. So be prepared to be the outsider in your own home.
There will be also conflicts in other areas. If you can’t share your thoughts with your spouse because they will offend her you grow apart. Soon you will feel you are living with a stranger with whom you have little in common. Then both of you may find others to share your soul with and maybe other things. Infidelity happens when spouses have nothing to talk about. And I can assure you that you’ll have very little to talk about with a brain dead Muslim. Don’t deceive yourself. There are no bright Muslims. If they are, they will leave Islam.
Also this woman is not being truthful to you. She is a devout Muslim coming from a conservative Muslim family. She knows that as a Muslim woman she cannot marry a non-Muslim man. But she is hiding this fact from you for the time being until she has you on the hook. Then the mind games and manipulations begin and she will gradually try to corner you into accepting Islam. It will be of course just to please her parents and other silly excuses. It will be only a “formality” to keep the peace in her family and if you love her enough you should make that little sacrifice. Once you give in you lose your respect. Nature dictates that men must lead and women must follow. If you do anything that goes against this law of nature, you will lose your status and with it your respect. With words she may praise you but as a man you are finished. She is a woman after all and women don’t have a lot of respect for weak men. She perceives you as one who is willing to give up on his principles for her and that is a death sentence of a good relationship.
I am not suggesting that men should be obstinate. That is a turn off. In ordinary things, it is better to be accommodating. How to decorate the house, where to eat, where to go for vacation, etc., are things that you should give in, if she feels strongly about them. However, in matters of principle never give in no matter how she insists and threatens you. I can’t see anything more fundamental than one’s belief. Women will love you more if they find you stronger than them. Once again I must emphasize that obstinacy is not strength, it is camouflaging weakness.
It is up to you to decide what to do. But since you asked me I will give you my opinion, even though it may not be what you hoped to hear. I suggest you either stop meeting her or meet her and tell her what I told you. Tell her for the sake of the children you should both belong to the same faith. Tell her you are willing to convert to Islam if she reads my book and shows where I am wrong (I will send you a PDF file if you ask for it). This is a trick. It is intended to make her read my book. Once she reads it she will leave Islam. If that happens, then date her and see whether you are really compatible in other areas. If she refuses to read, say goodbye and thank me for saving you from a lot of unnecessary future pain. The chances that you will find happiness with a devout Muslim is very slim.
Muslims are like anyone else. They can be smart, charming, loving or just cranky and moody, etc. However, there is something very sinister in them. That is their belief in a psychopath. When people follow a psychopath they can do irrational things that are beyond your expectation. They can be also extremely ruthless and evil. Remember that Muslims have no understanding of the Golden Rule. That is a big disadvantage for you or for anyone dealing with them.
Help this woman to leave Islam or dump her. That is the bottom line.
BTW, I am not fighting fire with fire. I am fighting ignorance with rationality.
"The new game Now is muslim ladies trap white guys"
Oh the stupidity of the "white people" . . .. really can't you people come up with some plausible deception?
The new game Now is muslim ladies trap white guys, they know they r easily changeable in their religious views. I hv a muslim frnd she had married pakistani since she is a pakistani. now that guy divorced her. She is hunting down white guys cause her cousin has white guy and she uses him they way she wants. Nonmuslims shld be aware of this cult.
Only Indian Pakistani and Bangladeshi muslims are hindus previously (I mean most of them). It does not take much effort to be a non muslim on a conscious level. I believe you are either of these countries, most probably from India or Pakistan.
Be careful please. I am concerned about your safety. It is a hell out there for somebody who wants to leave Islam as a faith.
Why would god want to punish somebody over not following some prescribed rituals claimed to be belonging to certain faiths. Is not the good all loving and merciful and eternal and above all, just love people for what they are?
God knows.
I know it is defeatist, but just run off with your life. I know it will make yourself feel like a microbe for the time being, I know the good old male ego is playing, it is hurting and bruised, but in the long run, you will be happy. You marry a Catholic, Church of England, Lutheran, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain, agnostics, or become a gay and marries a man who is half Mongolian and half Icelandic, whatever remote the ethnically mixed the future partner possibly be, the chances are higher for you to have a loving, caring and a warm home.
Been there, done that.
I love and I am all up for inter racial, inter faith marriages. Muslims are just not there yet emotionally unfortunately.
4) _
This gentleman, who loves this Muslimah, is so nice and belongs to a typical Anglo Christian family, who is not much of church goers and he grew up on a high dose of politically corrected environment. He is up for a rough ride. __Looks sir, there are instances where inter religious marriages did work if both of the families super highly educated or live on a high moral place. Half of the Bollywood actors or actresses marriages are inter faith in recent days (since late 80’s ) and nobody bothers to know about the religion crap. And the kids are getting best of both worlds. It can be done, but it requires a hell lot of efforts. __If the lady belongs to Indian or Iranian community, then there is a very little chance, because Islam was imposed on them and they still kept their indigenous culture. They do tend to be lenient than Arab Muslims.__I wish I could take the name of Pakistan and Bangladesh but I can't. Maybe Turkey or Lebanon is a bit liberal. I know this for sure because my physio is a half French and half Indian and he is married to a Lebanese Muslima and nobody changed their religion. __
All they could say that all were written in their holy-book. Then I used to ask them with a dead-cow like stare “how do I know that your holy book is correct, what is your unbiased scientific source. I did not hear it on CNN or BBC?”
Normally after this they used to get so infuriated and angry that all they could summon energy to tell me that "I hope one day you will see the light"
Oh sorry, their favourite question is, do you know what will happen to you once you are answer was…depends on where I die, if I die now, maybe I will be burnt to ashes, if I am buried then my body organism will break down and eventually I will mix into the ground. If I die in space, I will be exploded into a disgusting thing and I will be orbiting the earth.
Next question will be, "and your soul", my answer was, "it will be turned off just like you turn off your computer, your car. More importantly, I am a soulless man and it does not require any salvation"
After this, normally they used to shut up.
I know this I have always had this problem, my work mates were nagging me to convert and if I start asking difficult yet simple questions like.
How do you know there is a god, have you seen him?
How do you know there is a river of honey in paradise, have you seen it?
If you go up, there is a space, and you will see space station, Venues, Neptune, Saturn so where the heck is your paradise?
1)_Well I had a Sunni Muslim girlfriend once, we were to be married and then we broke up after 7 years of relationship. She lost her virginity to a Buddhist guy and then, eventually arranged married to a Sunni guy and now lives in US.
What I know, a Muslim girl is not allowed to marry someone who is Jews or Christian unless that fellow is converted to Islam. I am not sure why and how this banker lady is continuing the relationship when she belongs to a conservative Muslim family. __What is the catch here? Another converted to Islam and she gets promoted among her Mosque peers. I know it is for a fact, that if a muslim makes another non-muslim converts into Islam, the instigator gets some kind of divine or whatever blessings.
Can I ask you more simple question to feed my more simple mind.
If you know plate is hot why you jump on that and burn you bottoms.
Can I ask a very simple question. To feed my very simple mind. If you care.
Why do you muslims get jumpy like a cat on the hot tin roof, if anyon says anything that is not you muslims do not like to hear. I find it very crazy. It is not that you are an uneducated person.
For an illiterate, his or her religion is the source of everything, whatever right or wrong it is. However, for people like yourself. What it is there to be to get so jumpy about.
Just chill man, if you believe in something, believe, if you do not, do not believe. easy!
Maybe you guys should drink beer sometimes. It is so hot in Arabia.
and your point is……………………..
I wish I knew about this reward before I broke up with my muslim girlfriend. Not that we would have won the 50,000 but she would have left Islam. I have read your book and as you said, paraphrasing…Truth is like sunlight you only have to come out of the shell of your heart to bask in it.
And learn how to bitch about others belief, how to nose in others affairs thats all
You get your freedom from your slavery of mind.
I mean what should i get to become one of u. . . . .plz contact through my id
sir, i want 2 become an ex-m…….., help me n what would i get to become one of u. . .
Do you think you are so human scolding muslims?
Ever Islam denied existence of any other religion prior to revelation of Islam? Which religion have love and respect for all prophets and believe in all of them?
Its ridiculous to ask how to be non muslim. When you don't believe shahada you are not a muslim.
You bloody bustards (muslims) dn't know anything about GOD. . . .listen origin of every particle in this universe is not scientifically. . . .GOD has made universe, man, animals, stones etc etc. . . .,and u bustards (muslims) believe u r above all of them. . . ., ur religion has only reached 1450 years. . .but in the past u all r hindus. . . .reply me for few questions. . .do u know from where ur religion starts in this earth. . . .if u go to deep history u found that earth is running with different religions before the birth of ur PROPHET MOHD. . . .y ur emperors always convert people at many places, not other religions do that in past. . . .y u want ur seperate nation or state where u r in majority. . . .y u marry ur sisters,. . . . Y u cretesize other religions . . .y u don't give ur daughters to a nonmuslim, but in ur case u can marry anyone. . . .bloody bustards (muslims) u had made up ur islam as per ur comforts not for mankind, not for love. . . . .m ashamed to born to a muslim family . . .allah-hafiz
What better that not following a sociopath? Assuming there is a hell and heaven, Muhammad will take you to hell. So you save yourself from hell. You also gain your sanity and become a rational thinker, which means you can plan your life better. Do you see how the non-Muslims are better off? It is because of Islam that Muslims are kept back. You leave Islam and instead of wasting your life chasing a false prophet, you go after science, education and become a useful member of the society. You contribute to the world in a positive way and succeed in your life.
hey Mr. Sina plz tel me something about becoming an exmuslim. . . .if i became one of you, what would i get . . . m not kidding m serious Mr. Sina. . . .i want to do this for the sake of my love. . . . .plz help me
why you all people wasting your time trying to win a debate with Interesting? Its like talking to the wall. the best thing to do for this fella is to pray that his blind eyes will be opened. : ) Dear interesting i will say a prayer for you : )
“This manifestation of truth is actually ignore endless possibilities in universe.” There is no such “endless possibilities” when a candle flame is extinguished it stops giving of heat and stops producing light. It is exactly the same with ourselves. The only way things continue after death is through their effects and that’s it.
“(Please read question carefully)” I assume you refer to this part “in the universe separately.” No I or anything else does not exist separately, indeed it is logical impossible for anything to exist in the universe separately. This however does not mean things don’t exist it just means they don’t possess inherent existence.
“To start a relationship with GOD is based on different concepts of being, belief and your linking of actions to the purpose of life.” Your God is just an idea in your mind, it is a projection of your ego. You will notice you will project all your wants and desires onto this God, he is all loving, he is all powerful, he can even cares personally for you. This is why everyone has a different God who has different attributes. In other words “God” is just your inner ego, he is everything you want to be.
"your linking of actions to the purpose of life." We make our own purpose, you take actions to fulfil your goals. You are not driven by any God, but your own nature.
What I said don't tell is being told lol. This manifestation of truth is actually ignore endless possibilities in universe.
"I present an appearance therefore I exist"
I am 50% agree with you on this including your 25 % . Do you mind proving another 50% to tell me how you exist in universe?( Please read question carefully)
"Well when your in a personal relationship the person actually exists and is not just the invisible man (or women)."
Look at comment its about proving existence of a person and not about GOD. Image of GOD such as invisible man or women is purely imagination. To start a relationship with GOD is based on different concepts of being, belief and your linking of actions to the purpose of life.
“Don't tell me you came out of nothing and going to vanish.” See this video.
[youtube 4jmx181ODtQ youtube]
You think you are more permanent than a candle flame but you’re only dreaming.
“Ok Stupid now prove your existence in the world and in the universe separately. I say you don't exist.” You can say what you want, I present an appearance therefore I exist.
“No one as a person like act of unbelieving in a personal relationship.” Well when your in a personal relationship the person actually exists and is not just the invisible man (or women).
"Take a good look at your whole body and also, the sky at night and see all the twinkle twinkle little stars above that are twinklingat you and tell me if God is just an imaginary being" While you’re there look for the Andromeda galaxy, that’s on a direct collision course with ours, in others words its coming to kill us. Who created that I ask?
"Do you know that if our dear planet earth move just a bit nearer to the sun we'all die for sure." Do you know the sun is going to swell up and burn this whole planet to death? Okay this is 1 billion years or something in the future but still.
Dear Agracean,
As valid as your comments may be, dont you think it might just be slightly off topic?
This is not only aimed at you, but at all who have such a hard time staying on the topic of a forum post.
I saw a previous post of yours about Darwin, that prompted me to respond.
As a twig on the tree of evolutionary life, you are an ape and you are related to monkeys just as you are related to other species of plants and animals; such as fish, dinosaurs, pond algae and cucumbers.
Or have you found the word of god by decoding the twinkling of stars? If so, please twinkle back and ask him why he failed to tell us about penicillin or any other useful information 20,000 years ago?
Take a good look at your whole body and also, the sky at night and see all the twinkle twinkle little stars above that are twinklingat you and tell me if God is just an imaginary being, my dear Dr Ali Sina? How about the universe itself? Has it ever came across your mind Who maintain and sustain the perfect distance of our dear planet earth from the sun? Do you know that if our dear planet earth move just a bit nearer to the sun we'all die for sure. It's time for you to acknowledge His Lordship and to give thanks to our loving Creator God Who is also the Sustainer of the whole universe. 🙂
Ok Stupid now prove your existence in the world and in the universe separately. I say you don't exist.
Don't tell me that you exit because I said you exit. Or don't tell me you have this imagination till you death. Don't tell me you came out of nothing and going to vanish.
There is no evil in that statement. You are in this world being you is a relationship.
No one as a person like act of unbelieving in a personal relationship.
"For who GOD doesn't exist, For me they don't exist"
This is the essence of evil. God is an imaginary being. He does not exist anywhere outside your fantasies. With this believe you deny the life and human rights of people who don’t share your delusion.
"For who GOD doesn't exist, For me they don't exist"
No relationship stand without belief. Belief is a way beyond psychology.
It's fair for anyone to experience glimpse of truth behind submitting to Almighty's will. Its fair for me to smile.
One true love above greedy sh!ts.
Dear Frank,
Yes, my offer is still valid. I will give any person who can prove my claims in my book about Muhammad to be wrong $50,000 USD. Now, this is small but it is a good start for a new couple. And as for me, it does not pain me at all to lose this money because it is nothing compared to the eternal hellfire of Allah. So you would do me even a favor if you win. However, you won’t. This offer is over ten years old. I have won in every debate and every Muslim who has read my book has either left Islam or I never heard from them. These were people who promised to read the book and show me my errors. They were confident that they will easily prove me wrong. Many of them are not on my side and others are on their way. They will get there eventually.
Write back after reading the book.
What a response, phew.
Sorry, im not going to read everything.
Our relationship has been reduced to ‘friendship’ and this post was not part of the cause.
She still wants to stay in communication with me, so I suggested we study your book together, with the koran & hadith next to us as cross reference. We both have a tertiary academic background, and will approach this as such.
I hope your bounty and claim is still valid Mr Sina, because as an Agnostic I intend to defend the freedom of religios choice, and will make an academical effort to disprove your statements, based on fact. Besides love I also like money 🙂
I still believe all we need is love, and maybe I will write a thesis on it some time, give it to you to rationally disprove. Maybe I will also put a bounty to it like yours.
Or maybe, after the academical excercise I will agree with you. Must say that based on the subjectivity I see on this post I think it will be highly improbable.
If you hear from me again, it will be to negotiate the conditions and repercussions of rationally disproving your statements.
Mr Sina,
My wish for you, your followers and all humanity is love and peace.
With more love in the world, there will be less fanatics (Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, or crazy Christian sects) in the world.
Hello, islam is idolatry, and not sane, but controlling.
Dude RUN!!!!! Drop your socks & get the hell out of there before you find yourself in the middle muslim of HELL! (A scum bag by any other name is still a scum bag)!
“other ignorant self absorbed men such as yourself?” So what was you saying their? You know full well what you said.
“this implies that women caused the blood to be spilled.” It implies no such thing. The one’s that caused it where the one’s that enslaved people in the place. This is action and reaction. Hitler ended up dead in a hole hiding because of his own actions not because of the Jews or any one else he sent to concentration camps.
"No a lot of blood has been spilt over this it was just men’s blood. And women think it happened as usual by doing nothing."
this implies that women caused the blood to be spilled.
I didn't put words in your mouth.
" “aren't they fighting other ignorant self absorbed men such as yourself?” Nowhere did I did say women should be enslaved "
I didn't say you said it, i was saying when and who we fight.
LOL good one Amani 😀
Speaking of spilled blood, enlightened25 seems to have PMS on a daily basis.
I hate debates with narrow-minded sexist people who think they know everything. In fact, I can't believe I wasted my time reading that, and writing this.
We don't shy baby, we smart and badly patient. that time will come, and this blog is one of them as Mr. Sina said this is just the begining. just wait for it. we do not hate you baby we love you that's why we wanna help you to clean your brain from muhammad's and koran evil teaching. the course is simple to set you free. you should thank us and join us.
Get up from your blanket now, history is written, don't you want to be part of it. or you can just badger if it please you.
“Rationality and masculinity are exclusive to each other.” “The great man is not only the truest to himself, the most unforgetful, the one to whom errors and lies are most hateful and intolerable; he is also the most social, at the same time the most self-contained, and the most open man. The genius is altogether a higher form, not merely intellectually, but also morally. In his own person, the genius reveals the idea of mankind. He represents what man is; he is the subject whose object is the whole universe which he makes endure for all time.” – Sex and character, Otto Weininger. “What do you know of women anyway?” I know full well what women is. They are not concerned with truth or with what is ultimate, but are completely this worldly and are only concerned with “the here and now” and not immortality.
“The Masculine is the aggressive, the dominance-seeking,” Those things are not NECESSARILY bad. Like I said before it CAN have horrific consequences but on the other hand it is that which drives us to truth, or to anything at all for that matter. If it wasn’t for the masculine nothing much at all would get done. Funnily enough being against the feminine is horrific but demonising the masculine is perfectly okay. “You don't call a testosterone overdosed out-of-control male rapist who rape any and all women he finds and beats up any and all men he finds as rational!” No I would call him an out of control rapist who is feeding his ego.
QUOTED: “being feminine or masculine doesn't control the logical thinking mind.” The masculine is the rational. There is no bigger contradiction than “feminine thinking” the feminine doesn’t think because it is unconscious.
Wrong. The Masculine is not the rational. The Masculine is the aggressive, the dominance-seeking, the authoritarian, choleric.
Neither the Masculine nor Feminine are rational. You don't call a testosterone overdosed out-of-control male rapist who rape any and all women he finds and beats up any and all men he finds as rational! Rationality and masculinity are exclusive to each other.
enlightened25, you are young and stupid, inexperienced and ignorant but obstinate, so convinced that you are right, so convinced that you have seen it all.
But you have not.
What do you know of women anyway? Have you ever lived with them? Grow with them? Love them? Understand them? See them cry and see them die? You just don't know anything. You are young and stupid.
Continue on with your fucked up chauvinistic misogynist beliefs, and perhaps someday you'll find out someday how wrong your misconceptions are. Good luck, mister "superior man".
“and men are killed by a conquering army so shut your mouth because you are the one who do not know what you're talking about.” When did I say men are not killed in wars? I did not make such a absurd claim, you are making things up.
“Peacefully fought our way to get them. We did it once and we'll do it again.” You did not give a list of these women leaders. Or the woman Martin Luther King because you know such a women did not exist.
“aren't they fighting other ignorant self absorbed men such as yourself?” Nowhere did I did say women should be enslaved. You are making things up AGAIN. What I said is women should be more masculine and act as individuals not being dependent on anyone. This is a common misconception of Nietzsche the man of power is not the one who takes it, but the one who CREATES it.
"great now you admit that there was a fight?” Yes their was a fight. Sometimes reason does not work on people and you may have to resort to force. E.g. The Nazis.
“why are you blaming us for spilling blood?” I did not say women ever spilt blood so I don’t know where you are getting this from.
“The problem with your arguments is that you are giving unproven definitions to certain qualities by "masculine".” You cannot give unproven definitions it may be the case someone else uses different words but if you define your words it can’t be unproven. My definition of the “masculine” is the rational and conscious aspect of our personality while the “feminine” is the emotional and Unconscious.
“masculine and feminine are both feelings. That's why logic thinking and reason is neither.” This is where you are wrong. Rational thinking is the exact opposite of feelings. It is not motivated by emotions or the ego. Feelings are not necessary to make decisions or to think you are completely wrong about this.
“LOL I'm attracted to men, does that may me gay?” No it doesn’t make you gay. there is no one absolute “man” or “women”, only varying degrees of it in individuals. . It is common expressions we hear in everyday life such as “I am waiting for Mr right” or “such and such were not well suited to each other”. And even among friends one of them may find a person of the opposite sex absolutely beautiful while his friend does not see what his friend see’s. This seems to prove beyond a doubt sexual attraction happens on a individual level
“so physically i'm not a man but in mind i am?
can you be more funny?” Well I don’t know if your a “man” or not. But if you are you will have a masculine consciousness or mind.
Can't you stop hallucinating about Islam? Why you need some nosing expert all time in your very much basic kind of relationship?
Islam is going to stay forever Accept it or deny it.
"Men went to war to provide for and protect their women"
Men went to war to satisfy their inner masculine ego.
"In those days the women would be taken as captives by the conquering army"
and men are killed by a conquering army so shut your mouth because you are the one who do not know what you're talking about.
I've been in wars and so did my mother and father so don't speak to me about wars.
"These rights are granted by the state"
we earned those rights. Peacefully fought our way to get them. We did it once and we'll do it again.
men have to struggle and fight for your “freedom”.
Why do men have to struggle? who are they fighting for our freedom? aren't they fighting other ignorant self absorbed men such as yourself?
With our men we fought a peaceful war, we reasoned with them and slowly got our rights.
As for strangers who want to force their rules on us and suppress our freedom, these are conquerors, enemies not our men. We and our men will stand side by side and fight them as self defense (not just peacefully)
great now you admit that there was a fight?
men like to spill blood, it's a masculine trait like you're claiming, men you are the hunters then why are you blaming us for spilling blood?
Where is the logic?
Isn't that the "masculine" feelings/ego speaking?
"it sounds like you are the “man” of the house. "
LOL I'm attracted to men, does that may me gay?
"It is not a physical thing it, it is how you are in your mind"
so physically i'm not a man but in mind i am?
can you be more funny?
The problem with your arguments is that you are giving unproven definitions to certain qualities by "masculine".
masculine and feminine are both feelings. That's why logic thinking and reason is neither.
Well of course! It only takes a little effort to realize that Islam is evil and needs to be eradicated. Understanding men, women and their relationships is significantly more complex and [a lot of times] needs expert guidance.
that's what you're not getting. Logical thinking and reason are neither feminine nor masculine.
Have you ever watched "equilibrium" 2002 movie starring Christian Bale?
Watch it if you want to take a look about something that is not the same but close to your idea of future
This is more interesting that the problems of Mr Frank dumbo regarding Islam are very much little compared to problems of understanding femininity and masculinity.
ha…….pause 5 seconds…….. ha………pause 5 seconds…….ha
“I said that masculine (in females and males) does not include nurturing thus when we all evolve to only "masculine" we'll leave our offspring to die resulting human race extinction.” In the future if will evolve to only “masculine” we and our offspring will be a lot, lot stronger. In the next few decades we could quite possible transfer our consciousness to robots and our “offspring” will be fully programmed with all the abilities to fend for themselves from day 1 of their lives. That is even if we have "offspring" we could just keep transferring our consciousness to new and more advanced robots.
“women were left on their own to be independent in ancient times were all men went to war.” Men went to war to provide for and protect their women. In those days the women would be taken as captives by the conquering army so you don’t know what your talking about. “In modern times women in many countries such as mine are independent to work and provide by themselves.” These rights are granted by the state which protects them in modern times which could take them away at any moment. And what could women do to regain their rights? Absolutely nothing. As you yourself said you are “peaceful warriors” (a self contradiction if they ever was one) and are fighting a “cold war” in other words you do nothing while men have to struggle and fight for your “freedom”.
“Ours is a cold war and we're winning so far.
Like i said we are peaceful warriors. We got what we wanted without blood. That is evolution.” No a lot of blood has been spilt over this it was just men’s blood. And women think it happened as usual by doing nothing.
“When solving mathematical problems, the logic takes no masculine nor feminine aspect. Logic have no feelings.” That’s exactly right logic and reason has no “feelings” it just tells us what reality is. “feelings” come from the ego from the feminine, reason or the masculine just looks the cold hard facts of reality full in the face without blinking. “Feminine or Masculine only manifest in the way you walk, the way you dress and look, the way you talk, to whom you are attracted and how you socially interact. That's it. These are driven by hormones and psycho-socioculture.” You forget the most important one, the way you THINK.
“please, I'm only 25 and a successful engineer. My entire family including my 18 years old brother depend on me in providing a house and college education.” Yes it sounds like you are the “man” of the house.
“And no i don't have flat breasts, nor i am fat nor look or act masculine nor ugly.” It is not necessary to have flat breasts or to be fat and ugly to be masculine. It is not a physical thing it, it is how you are in your mind. For example you can get “womanly men” with beards or feminine women who are physically stronger than average men but otherwise very “womanly”.
“I was able to give orders to "masculine workers" on site without using any "masculine tone". I don’t know what you mean by this “masculine tone” but to be a good leader you have to have strength of character and the ability to think and concentrate all of which are “masculine” qualities.
“Do you think maybe I want to make myself popluar with cows, goats and chickens?” People what ever they say do not do something for nothing. This is your will to power. You want to put your whole consciousness, your morality and ignorantly apply it to nature. You want everybody to be a vegetarian in other words you want everyone to be like you. There is nothing wrong in that but there is with hypocritical self-deception. Also we are not talking about cows, goats and chickens we are talking about women. Where the motivation is obvious to anyone as to why a man would protect women. “You don't understand that do you?” How are you not motivated by gain? You feel pleasure in protecting “animal rights” that is personal gain.
enlightened25 a simple question: are you happy?
I did not say babies should be left alone either.
I said that masculine (in females and males) does not include nurturing thus when we all evolve to only "masculine" we'll leave our offspring to die resulting human race extinction.
" Really what was this movement called? Who lead it? Was their a woman’s army? "
Ours is a cold war and we're winning so far.
Like i said we are peaceful warriors. We got what we wanted without blood. That is evolution.
As for movements and organizations for defending women's rights just google and you'll find plenty.
women were left on their own to be independent in ancient times when all men went to war.
In modern times women in many countries such as mine are independent to work and provide by themselves. Yet we look more feminine than ever.
Your theory is not working.
"So you are proud to be dependent on men?"
please, I'm only 25 and a successful engineer. My entire family including my 18 years old brother depend on me in providing a house and college education.
And no i don't have flat breasts, nor i am fat nor look or act masculine nor ugly.
I was able to give orders to "masculine workers" on site without using any "masculine tone".
Feminine or Masculine have nothing to do with my way of thinking. When solving mathematical problems, the logic takes no masculine nor feminine aspect. Logic have no feelings. Feminine or Masculine only manifest in the way you walk, the way you dress and look, the way you talk, to whom you are attracted and how you socially interact. That's it. These are driven by hormones and psycho-socioculture.
Logic, thinking, courage, endurance, surviving, providing, fighting….. are all in the brain and controlled by the brain.
I practice extreme sports and i know that courage does not come from any masculine or feminine side. The way I jump off heights, the way i laugh while jumping, the way i grab the rope, the way i dress while jumping are all feminine but my courage to do the jump is neutral.
You can't prove that courage is masculine. Courage comes in forms, it is a reaction to some kind of fear not the absence of fear.
like i said, one form of extreme courage is proven feminine which is childbirth when a women goes into this knowing what pain and life risk she'll put herself in.
““Why would men who have more rights then women would star a fight so women would have equal rights? where is the logic in that?” To please them of course. And probably to “capture” them as well. As a man giving “equality” to women will find himself very popular with woman kind.”
What a primitive mind! I am a vegan and fight for animal rights. Do you think maybe I want to make myself popluar with cows, goats and chickens? You don’t seem to understand ethics and morality. Some people are moved by their conscience and not for personal gain. You don’t understand that do you?
"It was screwed up minds who did this horror." The problem with these people was they had ultimate drive and purpose but also had gigantic egos. Ultimate purpose+Gigantic ego is going to result in a horror.
“being feminine or masculine doesn't control the logical thinking mind.” The masculine is the rational. There is no bigger contradiction than “feminine thinking” the feminine doesn’t think because it is unconscious.
“What is the ultimate enlightenment anyway?” Being aware of the oneness of all reality. That we do not begin and we do not end. The core delusional about reality is the delusion of inherent existence.
“why didn't we all evolve to human males with the ability to breed without women?” My theory is because women have been protected by men and sheltered to a large extent from the forces of natural selection, since they have not been challenged the feminine traits have remained. If women were left on their own to be independent they would probably develop more masculine traits. In the future we will be able to manipulate our genes and create stronger “females”. Or as Nietzsche said we will become Übermensch (above human, or “supermen“).
“My question is: who in the hell made courage, daring and drive masculine traits?” Probably “genetic males“. Though with good reason as these traits are mostly found in “genetic males”. In reality the “masculine” just means the conscious side of our personality. “Yes civilized men fight with women for her equality but the fight started by women.” Really what was this movement called? Who lead it? Was their a woman’s army? “Why would men who have more rights then women would star a fight so women would have equal rights? where is the logic in that?” To please them of course. And probably to “capture” them as well. As a man giving “equality” to women will find himself very popular with woman kind.
“We love and we are proud of who we are.” So you are proud to be dependent on men? To rely on someone else for your protection? That is madness.
Good night enlightened, got to catch some sleep.
and that is the problem that I talk about.
What did these "masculine men" do with beauty? they misused it, they destroyed it, they F***ed it up!
It wasn't beauty nor feminine who did this. And it wasn't masculine who did it either. It was screwed up minds who did this horror.
being feminine or masculine doesn't control the logical thinking mind. Both can say 1+1=2. they only control hormones and feelings.
What makes your way of thinking is how you were brought up, your education, the people you contact and the environment you live in.
What is the ultimate enlightenment anyway?
It does not matter who wrote it, its still a very wise teaching.
"feminine is not equal to being masculine"
Yes feminine is not identical to masculine or they'll be given the same name. But both are equally important to survive, to live life and to enjoy it.
You should be living and not just existing 😉
“Without the feminine side, humans will eat or kill each other and eventually face extinction.” No we would not we would become stronger because men know we have to create our own destiny that we are alone in this universe. If everyone become feminine we would very soon either starve, be enslaved or be eaten.
“I would like to see you as a baby, left in the forest to grow up on your own.” I did not say babies should be left alone because obviously they will die. But to grow up it must be taught how to provide for itself you don’t treat your 25 old son like a baby.
“These are the feminine sides not the masculine sides who dealt with these issues.” The feminine has have never dealt with those issues. Women had to be protected by men from tyrants, to provide schools for girls required men to do it. Women have their husbands next to them to support them through the pain of labour. Who then go out and provide for them and their child.
1- In English, "things" are referred to by "it". for example: the door is flat, it is also wooden.
In french (like in Arabic), every "thing" is given a "gender". the above phrase becomes: "la porte est plate, elle est aussi en bois."
"la" and "elle" are used for females making the door a female while in arabic the door "Al bab" is a male.
My question is: who in the hell made courage, daring and drive masculine traits?
is enduring pain a "masculine" trait?…
this is a Labor simulator which gives an idea to men about childbirth pain.
You'll find out that Women have a higher pain threshold than men
2-The equality that women enjoy was gained not through their own doing but was fought for by men.
Since when?
Yes civilized men fight with women for her equality but the fight started by women.
Why would men who have more rights then women would star a fight so women would have equal rights? where is the logic in that?
and don't tell me fighting is a masculine trait.
Fight is comes in feminine too and it is more fierce starting by a fight for life when giving birth.
3-"if women are ever to be become truly equal and independent from men, then they will need to have masculine personality traits and in turn become men (essentially)"
We seek equality with men but we don't seek to be identical to them. We love and we are proud of who we are.
Without the feminine side the world would be doomed. That's why we keep it.
You believe in evolution don't you? then let me ask you, if to survive in reality requires "masculine traits" and it's better for females to become masculine since masculine is more important than feminine then why didn't we all evolve to human males with the ability to breed without women?
“Life is short, why don't you live it? why don't enjoy beauty?” This is exactly the problem I am talking about. In men there exists that drive of ultimate purpose now I admit that can result in horrific consequences (think Muhammad, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein etc). But maybe just maybe it can lead him to the ultimate, to enlightenment, to breaking free from delusions, to the state of a perfect clear conscious understanding of reality.
"While these things might provide us with emotional support for avoiding suffering, they are useless for living in reality"
I would like to see you as a baby, left in the forest to grow up on your own. It takes a masculine side for a mother to leave her baby in the forest so he can be a real man. Would you survive then to tell me if nurturing is less important?
Reality check:
– Women are the ones who suffer birth pain. That is "real" pain
– Women are the ones who bleed 8.5 years of their lives. Let me see you handling periods over and over again!
-Women are the ones who had to deal with tyrant men since the dawn of history.
-Women are the ones who brought up and taught generations.
These are the feminine sides not the masculine sides who dealt with these issues.
Without the feminine side, humans will eat or kill each other and eventually face extinction.
So reality is this:
feminine and masculine sides are as just important in this reality to survive and to make life worth living.
Does it have to do something?
Life is short, why don't you live it? why don't enjoy beauty?
It's not what beauty does, it's what you do with beauty.
please, that is forgery attributed to Thomas not the Gospel of Thomas. Tomas was in India when this Gospel was written.
This is a Gnostic gospel not a christian gospel and these are not the words of Jesus.
“So the only rational way to understand you is psychologically.” Why are you concerned about me for? Just respond to my arguments like I do to yours. I don’t need to “psychologically understand you”. I remember that Mullah claiming you was mentally ill, does he need to understand you personally to rebut your arguments? Of course not he was engaging in character assassination in an attempt to avoid the arguments and destroy his opponent instead.
“Aren't caring, protecting and nurturing that considered to be feminine qualities just as important?” While these things might provide us with emotional support for avoiding suffering, they are useless for living in reality. They prevent women from having any stomach at all for hardship. In contrast, man is constantly exposed to hardship, worry, and stress, as they are an integral part of the competitive male world. Therefore, woman's strength is that she is expert at avoiding suffering, while the strength of man is that he can bear-up under it. With young children they are helpless and need to be provided for but as they grow older they must to be taught to be independent and be able to provide for themselves. Otherwise they will always be helpless children that cannot think for them selves. The same needs to happen with women she cannot eternally be dependent on men for her survival, they must be taught to be competitive, more courageous, and to be risk-takers. In other words we have to let them grow up.
I didn’t character assassinate you. You see it that way because this is a touchy issue for you, which further validates my point. Your claim that masculine qualities are superior is balderdash. Aren’t caring, protecting and nurturing that considered to be feminine qualities just as important? Why would you see masculine qualities as superior and feminine qualities inferior? There is no logical base in that distinction. So the only rational way to understand you is psychologically. I cannot psychoanalyze you from long distance, but this is the only explanation that I have. It appears to me you are trying to escape from a side of you that is disquieting you
Well I just deal with my opponents arguments in a rational straight forward manner. I don’t perform character assassinations on them, by pretending to be an armchair psychiatrist. I could not care less If Ali Sina has every mental illness known to man as that is irrelevant to any argument he might give. It is just pure ad hominem, well poisoning used by low life scum to destroy their opponent. I don’t need to resort to that level.
Sina’s behavior is pure reflection of some image he is combating to overcome and he is sticking labels elsewhere. Its normal for candle light realizations.
At the end if you manage this with task oriented response he will label you violent.
Enlighten more
Yes it would appear so, as no my actually bothers to respond to my arguments and instead thinks diagnosing me with mental illnesses and branding me a homosexual is an acceptable response. I wonder why? That reminds me of the prophet of Islam who instead of responding logically said the disbelievers have a disease in their hearts. In other words there is something wrong with them on the inside. Ali Sina’s behaviour is no different to Muhammad’s pure hooliganism that comes from the ego – the Unconscious, the irrational, the emotional, the feminine call it what you will.
"Understand woman, and you understand the highest.
Transcend woman, and you transcend the highest.
Reject woman, and you reject the highest – the ego!"
Seems you left behind pissed , hypocritical Golden Rule of egotism. Now you started enlightening others. lol
Okay refute logically argument 1)Masculine traits are superior in the real world as courage, daring and drive (and other masculine qualities) are very much needed to survive and succeed in the world. 2)The equality that women enjoy was gained not through their own doing but was fought for by men. 3)If women are ever to be become truly equal and independent from men, then they will need to have masculine personality traits and in turn become men (essentially). I want to see a logical response to all 3 of these arguments and don’t just dismiss them or try to diagnose me with mental illnesses again. Should not be to hard if they are "baseless accusations"
“Women are independent, unless in barbaric societies, their independence is taken away from them.” You can at least admit that the “equality” women enjoy is granted to them by men? Even the other person actually admitted that the equality they enjoy had been fought for – by men. And also the qualities to gain freedom are also masculine? Do you admit that at least? “I also explained Nietsche's complex of strength as a backlack to his constant illness and moribond health. He was an efiminate perosn.” You did not explain anything, you just attacked his person that man was a genius who understood perfectly what drives human nature.
“I see you are a lot like Nietzsche in your thining” Yes I think he was one of my past lives. “so it is natural for me to conclude that you may have the same psychological make up of the 19th century philosopher.” Translation – Its natural for me to try to diagnose anyone that disagrees with me as being mentally ill. As I think this a substitute to logically rebutting people’s arguments.
You did not prove anything for me to refute. You made statements that revealed some of your psychological traits. Traits are not the same as illness. Through your words I can understand your thoughts and maybe your personality. You can also understand my thoughts through my words without being a psychologist. You have revealed a lot about yourself already.
Women are independent, unless in barbaric societies, their independence is taken away from them.
I did not compare you to Hitler. I explained Hitler's aversion to Jews and its causes, I also explained Nietsche's complex of strength as a backlack to his constant illness and moribond health. He was an efiminate perosn.
I see you are a lot like Nietzsche in your thining, so it is natural for me to conclude that you may have the same psychological make up of the 19th century philosopher.
"But the person who hates one of them may have some unresolved psychological issues.” Yes being an armchair physiatrist again which you think your good at like the last person that tried to diagnose me. Instead of speculating about my mental health and playing the man instead of the ball just refute my arguments rationally. And even if it actually was the case I was mentally ill it does not mean for a moment I can’t speak the truth and make brilliant arguments. Perhaps you would do well to know the fallacy your using here it called Poisoning the well.
"By massacring the Jews, in is sick mind, he was getting rid of his own Jewishness." Oh yeah when did I say i wanted to put women in gas chambers? All I said was women should be independent and not have to rely on men for her protection. Men – real men should leave woman alone, let them learn to be independent and think for themselves – allow them to become men. This is truly horrific for some reason to you that warrants a comparison with one of the worst mass murderers to have ever lived.
“Every person has both masculine and feminine elements. Psychologically healthy people, embrace both sides of their personality. They are not ashamed of one or the other.” We can overcome our feminine side and let the masculine dominate. The feminine maybe provides ideal skills for avoiding suffering, but they are useless for living in reality. And the reality is no one or nothing cares about us there is no God up their, there is no isle of the blest and it is only by the action and reaction of the universe that anything gets done. You are living in a complete and utter fantasy world. “You will not become a homosexual if you embrace your feminine side. You will become a whole person if you do so.” No you won’t become “whole” the masculine is attracted to the feminine. If you embrace your feminine side you won’t be masculine any more. “On the contrary, masculine men are naturally attracted to women and femininity. In fact I don't find anything more apealing than the curves of a woman.” How can you be when you just admitted you have embraced your feminine side? You are not masculine at all everything you wrote shows you are a women.
“People often hate an aspect of themselves and express that hatred to others. Hitler hated his own Jewish side” I have seen no proof Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew, just speculation. Second being a Jew has nothing to with being of Jewish blood but having “Jewish traits” which incidentally are feminine traits – as the Jews have always been slaves. In what sense was otto weininger or Anton LaVey Jewish? In no way at all. “All that betrayed his own weakness. A strong man is very attentive of the weak.” Really? No the strong man creates power, he does not love weakness. Nature hates weakness, if you are weak you die. “All women are subtle in exaggerating their weaknesses, they are inventive when it comes to weakness in order to appear as utterly fragile ornaments who are hurt even by a speak of dust. Their existence is supposed to make men fell clumsy, and guilty on that score. Thus they defend themselves against the strong and “the law of the jungle”.”
There is nothing hateful, inferior or ugly in femininity. Nature expresses itself in both genders. Neither is better or worse. Neither one exists in function of the other, or can exist without the other. These two forces are complementary.
But the person who hates one of them may have some unresolved psychological issues. People often hate an aspect of themselves and express that hatred to others. Hitler hated his own Jewish side. To deny that part of himself he caused the holocaust. He hated the Jews because they did not see him as one of their own. His father was an illegitimate son of a Jew and that dis not qualify him to be a Jew. By massacring the Jews, in is sick mind, he was getting rid of his own Jewishness.
Nietzsche was an effeminate moribund weak man. He tried to hide that by wearing a thick moustache and based his entire philosophy on praising strength and degrading the weakness to the point that he thought a superior man should be merciless towards the weak. All that betrayed his own weakness. A strong man is very attentive of the weak.
We get 50% of our genes from our father and 50% from our mother. Every person has both masculine and feminine elements. Psychologically healthy people, embrace both sides. They are not ashamed of one or the other.
It appears to me that you may have some unresolved issues with your sexuality or maybe you are embarrassed of your feminine side that probably you think it overshadows your masculinity. You may think that by acknowledging it, you will be exposes as a homosexual. If that is the case let me put your mind at ease. You will not become a homosexual if you embrace your feminine side. You will become a whole person if you do so. Your dislike of femininity does not make you masculine. On the contrary, masculine men are naturally attracted to women and femininity. In fact I don't find anything more apealing than the curves of a woman.

Okay, not every woman. This beauty queen is the MP of East Vancouver. Yeap she is a lefty. And she is as smart as she is pretty.
“I'm not judging your popularity but your illogical thinking.” If you claim I am thinking emotionally then you have to point out where I was illogical. You actually have to provide evidence and give *reasons* and not just say it. “And you are the one who attacked me when you attacked women.” I am attacking the feminine, I judge everybody on a individual basis and not on gender, skin colour, religious or cultural background. I hate all women – of both sexes.
And what has "beauty" ever done? Nothing.
“Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." – The Gospel of Thomas.
My Issue is with the feminine not with "genetic women". Of course what we call the feminine is most present in "genetic women" yes it is a generalisation but it is true. In my view we are both feminine and masculine (to some extent) . But what is a politely correct lie is to say both these personality traits are "equal" they are not. Being feminine is not equal to being masculine the feminine makes life soft and easy, distracting attention away from the important, cold, hard realities of life. The feminine pretends nature is a place of gentleness and softness this is delusion we must be strong. We must be men we must face the cold hard facts of reality not live in a fantasy world. A feminine world will result in a society of spineless weaklings. We must go beyond such petty thinking, to a life of rationality and truth. We must become Supermen, taking male rationality to its ultimate conclusion and not stopping short.
Judging by your writings: You are a self absorbed sexist but hey it doesn't matter what I or the rest of the world think right?
you justify yourself by: "It's not about popularity, just the truth"
popularity or unpopularity does not mean that you have the truth. I'm not judging your popularity but your illogical thinking.
of course you'll say that i'm the one being illogical and I'm attacking you instead of refuting your claims but the truth is that you were refuted not just by me even if in your mind you think you were not proven wrong (that's just denial). And you are the one who attacked me when you attacked women.
LOL I think he is saying as a professor, a father and a married man, he is not having impure thoughts about his students.
below average, the average and the extraordinary is a way to scale beauty.
Even among beautiful women, there is a scale (beauty pageants).
Have you ever heard the term "History is written by winners"? I bet many women in the past achieved amazing discoveries but men shut them off or stole the credit.
enlightened25 you need to study history by yourself, no one has the time to teach you what you should have already learned at school.
Start by reading where you'll find plenty of famous women in leadership 4500 BCE to date.
To honor John's wife, I'll only name one out of many beautiful famous doctors:
RITA LEVI-MONTALCINI Italian neurologist who received Nobel Prize in 1986 for the discovery of Nerve growth factor (NGF).
“There are the below average, the average and the extraordinary but all are beautiful (speaking with pure thoughts here). Beauty cannot be hidden.” So what you are you saying now? That your female students are below average but make up for it by being pretty? Please clarify this.
“If you want to keep your way of thinking you might as well spend your life with snails not humans, at least they share your common interest since their sexuality fits your thoughts more than a human being fits them.” Like I said I am not here to make myself popular with women I am here to be honest. I could not give a toss what any herd thinks about me.
“These people, even though we think they are shallow have one common interest that’s why they form a group which you are not in.” I would call these groups “herds” these people cannot think on their own and need to belong to a group to have an identity. They want to be a part of the crowd. This is also a very feminine thing. Real men you notice are alone and do things for themselves and they care more about their goals than being popular with any herd. (Even the feminine herd).
“In my country, shallow women talk about hair, makeup, right shade of tan, shopping…. They occasionally talk about cute guys but rarely about sex. On the other hand, shallow men in my country talk about beer, cars, sports, boobs, hot chicks and getting laid.” Can you tell what makeup, hair lipstick tanning etc exist for men? Can you tell me how much concern women have for their appearance compared to men? They talk about fashion, men, children and other meaningless things. They have to keep with someone or something else. Men (genetic males) also talk about nonsense as well such as beer, sports, “hot chicks” and so on. But generally to a lot less extent than women. Also the more successful a man is the more masculine he will be.
“In some countries or in the past, these numbers are not that high due to repression of physically (not intellectually) dominant males.” So women cannot compete with men in strength? So unless is was for men protecting women you would say women would not have these achieved these high numbers? “Men did not give them freedom, intelligent and civilized men supported them but it was they who peacefully fought and took it and they deserve it.” In other words men had to instead of leaving women alone to provide and fight for herself, had to fight and die for her while she sat back and when the struggle that men had fought (and won) for women she then took her “freedom” peacefully? Do I have to say any more? I rest my case.
“The “hardly any” is baseless.” Not is not is not, just look at the history. “There are plenty of famous women in the history. Name them? “when men denied them freedom.” And the “equality” that women have did they themselves do it or do men give it them? Can you name me the leaders of this movement (if such thing every existed) who were women? Who was the Martin Luther King of this women’s movement? Also what are the qualities for emancipation from slavery? Are they masculine traits or feminine?
My students are beautiful too. No manly features like you claimed. There are the below average, the average and the extraordinary but all are beautiful (speaking with pure thoughts here). Beauty cannot be hidden.
If I say it’s just my country that has beautiful and smart women, I’d be lying because I also have met breathtaking foreigners.
Take it from an old man, get out of this shithole where you live and take a look at the real world. If you want to keep your way of thinking you might as well spend your life with snails not humans, at least they share your common interest since their sexuality fits your thoughts more than a human being fits them.
“If you ever happen to overhear a conversation of a group of women I bet you they will be talking about men, sex and babies”
You do live in a different world.
Listen son, there are shallow people (men and women) everywhere. In my country, shallow women talk about hair, makeup, right shade of tan, shopping…. They occasionally talk about cute guys but rarely about sex. On the other hand, shallow men in my country talk about beer, cars, sports, boobs, hot chicks and getting laid.
In reality, men think about sex more than women.
These people, even though we think they are shallow have one common interest that’s why they form a group which you are not in.
You only fit in a group that shares your common interest, that’s all.
A group with a deep common interest, of course has deep people but that doesn’t mean ugly people like you said.
I have good looking intelligent friends (males and females), I’m married to a beautiful neurologist doctor. She is beautiful on the inside and outside. My daughters are just like her and I’m proud of them.
Class 2011 in the engineering faculty where I teach:
– Mechanical department 47% females – 53% Males.
– Electrical department Power 40% females – 60% Males
– Electrical department Telecom and software 70% females – 30% Males (with good looking female in rank 1 and achieved highest score in the history of university)
the average of overall score achieved by students is higher than before and is increasing
Class 2011 in the science faculty:
– Chemistry class 49% females – 51% Males
– Biology class 80% females – 20% Males
Class 2011 in Med. school:
– Overall around 50%-50% (I’m serious)
“Then good for them, but what percent of mechanics for example are women? What percent of the top scientists are women? Hardly any.” And in those “women” that you do find they all have masculine personality traits and often will have “manly” features such as flat breasts, short hair and narrow waists.”
Man but you admit they exist. The “hardly any” is baseless. There are plenty of famous women in the history, and that was in ancient times when men denied them freedom.
I am a professor, I teach chemistry in three different universities: med faculty, engineering faculty and science faculty.
The numbers of female students are highly increasing. In some countries or in the past, these numbers are not that high due to repression of physically (not intellectually) dominant males.
Freedom today opened the doors to women. Men did not give them freedom, intelligent and civilized men supported them but it was they who peacefully fought and took it and they deserve it.
“In what world do you live? Because in my world there are successful doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, scientists, mathematicians, astronauts, politicians, leaders, officers, police, soldiers, lawyers, farmers, mechanics, taxi drivers… who are women” Then good for them, but what percent of mechanics for example are women? What percent of the top scientists are women? Hardly any. And in those “women” that you do find they all have masculine personality traits and often will have “manly” features such as flat breasts, short hair and narrow waists.
“and you’ll miss out on hanging out with those amazing people (not walking wombs you sick walking penis).” If you ever happen to overhear a conversation of a group of women I bet you they will be talking about men, sex and babies. Go to your local shopping mall and you will find it full of women’s cosmetics. All of which is used to make themselves look pretty and get a man.
“These are emotions talking not rational thinking.” If anything I said was emotionally based and not reason based then that will be due to the women in me, of course you have to be specific about which part of what I said was emotional. “You are reacting this way due to unsolved psychological issues (especially ones related to your mother).” I would say trying to diagnose people over the internet with mental illnesses is emotions talking and not reason. If you disagree with anything I say then challenge it rationally don’t attack me and engage in the fallacy of Poisoning the Well.
“If you value truth and reason like I do then yes”
What do you really value? Your inner Ego?
In what world do you live? Because in my world there are successful doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, scientists, mathematicians, astronauts, politicians, leaders, officers, police, soldiers, lawyers, farmers, mechanics, taxi drivers… who are women
Good luck living in a world without women because in the way you’re thinking you’ll never meet women (I mean real women to be friends with or to love, not paid prostitutes or sex robots) and you’ll miss out on hanging out with those amazing people (not walking wombs you sick walking penis).
You talk about women being emotional? What about your post here?
These are emotions talking not rational thinking. You are reacting this way due to unsolved psychological issues (especially ones related to your mother).
"I don’t need women I AM A MAN". Hope everything is normal as in sexual orientation.
I am not a feminist but I don't like women should be hated ("But the hell with them")
“We never say one person is superior to the other because he can play better music or solve mathematical problems better, or lift more weight.” Well actually we do say those people are superior. There are some differences between the races for example you are not going to find a black in the Olympic swimming pool or a white on the running track but these differences are relatively trivial compared to something of much greater importance – like intelligence (for which there is no evidence that 1 race is (genetically) superior to others). A genius is superior to your average person and a average person is superior to someone who is mentally retarded. Men are superior at rational thinking and at having drive, passion and purpose (which in general women don’t have at all) which are the only things that’s gets anything done. In your own article you said men are naturally the leaders and women followers, you honestly think followers are superior to leaders? Of course you will probably say no, now I mentioned it so you can keep up with the feminine herd. So yes if you value reason and truth and think progress is good then the masculine is superior.
“Even among men this difference exist.” Of course because some men are more masculine than others. For example male homosexuals are dominantly feminine and female homosexuals are masculine. Everybody has some feminine and masculine but it seems logical a genetic male can never be more than 50% feminine (and the same for women) the exceptions could be when there is a genetic difference (which could quite possible be the case in homosexuals). “You need a submissive sex robot.” Rather that than a “live” one. At least it won’t bitch at you and once you have had enough of it you can just turn it off. Quite an improvement I think to the current women we have.
“Men and women have different characteristics. For example men are stronger. Is this a cause for superiority?” That depends on what you value. “are more expressive with words and have higher intuitive power.” Intuition? Intuition is a emotion that’s all. I heard a saying about this a women’s intuition can make her put 2 and 2 together and come up with any answer that suits her. “Men are better in spacial thinking.” Concentration is necessary for rational thinking. “Do these differences define superiority?” If you value truth and reason like I do then yes. If you’re a women or trying to make yourself popular with the feminine herd (like you are) who values “emotions” and softness” and all the rest of the feminine nonsense then no.
"Yeah attack me instead of trying to refute me. "
You haven't proven anything that needs to be refuted. You made some baseless claims about the superiority of men over women, You gave no evidence for that. You might as well claim apples are superior to oranges. Can you prove that? Does such claim require any rebuttal? Men and women have different characteristics. For example men are stronger. Is this a cause for superiority? In that case mules must be superior to humans.
Even mentally men and women function differently. Wemen are more expressive with words and have higher intuitive power. Men are better in spacial thinking. Do these differences define superiority? The comparison is absurd. In certain areas men excell and in other areas women excell. Even among men this difference exist. One man can be better in certain things and the other is better in other things. We never say one person is superior to the other because he can play better music or solve mathematical problems better, or lift more weight.
The very comparison betwee men and women to determine who is better is asinine and unenlightened.
You need a submissive sex robot.
By the way I am not ugly, some women can’t keep their eyes off me. Once I even had one(a complete stranger)shouting in the street she loves me. But the hell with them I don’t need women I AM A MAN.
Yeah attack me instead of trying to refute me. Is that your feminine brain working again? “Get laid” Is that all you think about sex? You women try to present yourselves as “heavenly” and “divine” when in reality you are just walking wombs. You are completely materialistic and this worldly “Mohammed said women hath no soul, even in man it seems to be a fiction but in women it is a absolute certainty”. Women have to manipulate men to survive they are parasites men do not need women the real man is not dependent on anyone he invents his own purpose, his drive gets him anywhere. The feminine has never and will never do anything. The only reason women survived is because men needed them to bear their children. In the future we won’t even need to do that we will be able to manipulate our genes and create machines. We could even fulfil our sexual needs by creating “sex robots” that are completely submissive no need at all for you women.
Read this…it is wonderous and wonderful…and very thorough…in your electronic love affair, treat this as an aside that has some enlightening input:…
Most Interesting is Love as verb may not be enough but Love as noun is enough
Love in Islam
[youtube yyABvHJlW0I youtube]
Why don't you all haters join and come on global front ? Openly call people against Islam. Do agitations. Truth is truth why so shy baby ?
I haven't any revolution in history under the blanket lol
Mr. Sina didn't say want to annihilate muslim instead islam. islam is dangerous ideologi disguise as religion, who want to dominate the world with any cost. he believe that muslims barbarian act base on ignorances whom they follow as the best example is a psychopath MO. that's why he want to help muslims ignorance by tell them the truth of islam, before they hurt them self and others include you. if they know the truth of islam, muslims will eventually leave islam and islam will eradicated from face of the earth as history without bath bloodshed. your acquaintance muslim maybe a muslim moderate as you already know like Turkey's PM. Endorgan said The Term “Moderate Islam” Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam… ask yourself wheter your acquaintance if i can say your friend is a good muslim or not. it cannot be both. and if he is a muslim moderate Mr. Sina already elaborated this one in other occasion read this :… you praise your friend highly as good person, as many of us will do so, but you do not consider this dude danger by praising and follow the final messnger psychopath muhammad. please read Mr. Sina's book. Islamic lifestyle ( sharia law) doesn't suit you my friend trust me, if you are not one of them. try live in islamic country first for 1-2 years and then come here and talk about it.
Dear Frank( Referred to changed name)
How are feeling after consulting third party counselors? In real life you won't find third party counselors and stupid nosing elements all the time with you . So decide yourself, better to quit if you don't find yourself comfortable in the situation.
You have psychological disease that all peace, truth, and humanity is maintained and run by non-muslims lol
For someone who claims to have read Dr. Sina's work it's obvious you have not. First, Dr. Sina does not state anywhere that he wants to " annihilate Muslims from the face of the world". That's what you said.
He has repeatedly made his point clear. To save Muslims from the poison of Islam. He has done more for peaceful seeking intelligent Muslims than you have.
What lies has he told? Which people is he fooling? Be more specific. Your ad nauseum drivel is typical of what we have all seen here in countless debates. Ahhominum attacks instead of dealing with facts.
If your such good friends with Muslims, show them this site and help guide them toward peace, truth, and humanity.
Note: I also disagree with Dr Sina about that "children" are the purpose of marriage. Marriage is about sharing your life and grow old with someone you care about. Children grow up fast, become independent and go away. Children can be very important in many marriages, can hold a marriage together in some cases but are not the key of a successful happy marriage. Children make the happiness of an already happy marriage COMPLETE.
there are situations of sterility where the couple (if they don't adopt) can still have a happy successful marriage. While other couples, even with children, are facing failure.
If you guys don't mind, I'd like to share my opinion about this matter (a female point of view).
For a successful marriage, you basically need four components:
Love, compatibility, mutual respect and compromise.
1- You can't happily spend your life with someone you don't love. Here I must point out an important issue: Love is not the same as physical attraction.
So I disagree with Dr Sina on this " You may love someone today and stop loving him/her the next day". I agree with him if he was talking about physical love which I think he is since he said " The exhilaration of sexual attraction will die very soon. Honeymoon will be over in days".
Love, unlike physical attraction, needs lots of work and only grows in time. Love in marriage cannot grow without the other three components.
The definition of this Love that I'm talking about:
– when you love spending time with this other person.
– when you can't imagine life without him/her
– when you can be yourself with him/her
– when you love to share your feelings and dreams with him/her
– when your Love does not depend on or limited to a certain situation —> in sickness/health, rich/poor, agree/disagree on something…. because nothing stay the same, all changes and marriage survives these changes if Love is strong enough to survive.
I'm not talking fairytales, there are many couples (even in the poorest districts) who remained Faithfull and happy together till death of old age.
Another example of true love in a marriage: when a women doesn't leave her sterile husband or a man doesn't leave his sterile wife. I met many of those couples, they give up the dream of having children of their own blood because they love, respect and are faithful to the other partner. Most faithful couples who love children so much but can't have them they shared their pure love with orphans through adoption.
2- compatibility. Like Dr Sina perfectly described the situation, marriage cannot just on sex. first year maybe then what? The couple need to have something in common, a mutual interrest for the relationship to survive and for the love to grow. That's why friends or colleagues who fall in love have a more successful marriage than others.
3- Mutual respect and equality.
If one of the couples think that he/she is better or less than the other, this marriage is deemed to fail sooner or later.
" women don’t have a lot of respect for weak men"
So true!!!!!
But do not get confused guys, strong men do not mean violent or stubborn men.
Women like gentle sensitive (but not too sensitive) men who can think for themselves and aren't easily "manipulated".
If this Muslimah is manipulating Frank to become a Muslim then he'll definitely loose respect if he easily submits to Islam. But if she is truly honest about her "family excuse" than she'd think he's so sweet for doing such thing for her but this will go away after marriage especially when she tries to force her belief on you or your children.
4- compromise.
Stubbornness can be destructive. Couples are equal partners so they must agree on responsibilities and help each other. They both have independent minds, even though they have too much in common, no living human can agree on everything with another. There is always something that you don't agree on from the simplest thing like what type of movie to watch to the most complicated thing like having children and what to teach them….
This is when compromise steps in.
5- three additional important components before marriage:
Honesty, knowing each other's way of thinking and agreeing on the vital issues before stepping into marriage such as children, family/friends boundaries, religion, education and work. (be aware, Muslims can be dishonest and masters of manipulation so don't be surprise if things change after marriage)
The problem with couple from different religions is that they don't talk about everything until they start facing related problems after marriage. If Frank truly cares about this woman than he must know everything about her and her beliefs (you Truly love her when you love everything about her). After you do that, you should start talking about every aspect in her belief and your way of thinking in order to avoid future problems. If you thinks her belief is dangerous then save her if you can or step away to avoid your fall. You both have different backgrounds so maybe her or her family act or think in a way that you can't morally or logically accept. Besides her Muslim family will be too nosy in your lives before and after marriage.
So my advice to you Frank: you too read Dr Sina's book.
There is only one thing in your entire ignorant drivel that is worthy of response –
"As for me, I am determined by your vitriolic hate-filled attacks to learn more about Islam and Muslims, as some of the most genuinely peaceful and honourable of my acquaintances are practicing Muslims, whom I feel priviledged to call friends. These good, decent, and intelligent people profess the greatest respect for The Final Messenger and accord him the highest praise."
Good! That is exactly what the aim of this website is – to make both muslims and non-muslims read the Quran and Sunnah. And while you are at it, make sure to study the history of Islam too.
Good Luck 🙂
Dr. Sina has said the truth. If you can't take it then don't visit this site.
You better be expertise in accusing theory lol
If accusing (with proof) is going to make life better for all humans, and if there is a solid basis for accusations then the right thing to do is to ACCUSE (with proof).
You are so lame in defending your self . Lose your temper now and often that clearly visible in your comments. How can you defend any thing? yeh !
You better be expertise in accusing theory lol
Don't be pathetic. None of your drivels are removed. The software automatically holds for approval comments containing certain obscene words. This did not apply to your messages and none of them were removed. You are only showing the pathetic mind of a Muslim. Why would I want to remove that evidence?
You can be certain of whatever you want. You are even certain that a pedophile thug can be a prophet of God.
I was not a scholar of Islam and did not write articles or give speeches prior to reading the Quran in 1994. I have said this many times. I defended this lie like all Muslims do – with ignorance and bravado, not with facts and scholarship. My audience were the folk around me, people I met at work or in social gatherings. I was not a scholar of Islam until I left it.
If you have undertaken to learn about Islam you should read my book. Yes many scholars, even those critical of Islam don’t say the same things I say. I am not rehashing the same things everybody else says. I have a new perspective into Islam that few have. This perspective originates from me. It is seminal and in time it will be adopted by future scholars. It will become the prevalent school of scholarship of Islam. Sorry if I don’t sound modest, but this is the reality. Those who read my book agree.
One who cares about humanity cannot but hate Islam and all similar ideologies that divide mankind, like Nazis, fascism and communism. I hate all these. Anyone who tolerates these evil beliefs, or worse adheres to them is an enemy of humanity. You can’t love humanity and at the same time believe in doctrines that divined it.
You accuse me of lying. Go ahead and show my lies. I accused Muhammad of lying and have shown his lies. You know you can’t. All you can do is to slander, engage in adhominem and insult.
mr sina
why are my comments being removed from posting within a few minutes? other postings remain for days and weeks! Don't you appreciate logical rational reasonable interaction????? Are you only going to post comments which agree with your deviantly and dangerously warped cultist views? So much for freedom of speech and choice, so much for debate!
mr sina
you ask us to behave as scholars when posting comments, yet you are obviously no reputable scholar but reveal yourself to be only a small, insecure, vindictive, malicious, socio-psychopathic peddler and dealer in lies and insults.
I do not profess to be a scholar, but trust that I am a logical, rational, fairly decent human being who cares about the suffering caused to all innocent creatures including humans, Muslim or otherwise, at the hands of a few power and money mad megalomaniacs.
Reading your articles leads me to the unavoidable rational conclusion that you actually hate humanity as one cannot profess to care about humanity if one can even imagine, leave alone express, such vitriolic hatred of more than a billion humans of all cultures of the world, simply because they have chosen to live an Islamic lifestyle.
your purpose as you have clearly stated is to annihilate Muslims from the face of the world.
so far from being freedom of choice loving, you are a hater of all Muslim humans.
Since truth and reason cannot serve your purpose, you dispense with them and you choose instead to repeat your maliciously manufactured lies and peddle them as truth, no doubt aware that a lie spreads faster amongst common people than truth and such ignorant people who make up the masses need only to have a lie repeated often enough to accept it as true, because they are too lazy and ignorant to make the effort to educate themselves.
may I remind you however, that you may fool some of the people some of the time but cannot fool all the people all the time. I for one am not fooled by your dangerous peddling.
As for your claim that Islam poses the greatest threat to survival for humanity, surely you cannot be serious! The greatest thinkers and scientists have said that nuclear weapons of Israel alone can destroy all the world as we know it.
"madman"? ! filled with hatred for humanity! "deceitful"? stupid? dangerous?
yes the inescapable logical conclusion is that you mr sina , fit these descriptions better than any one of my acquaintance.
To the dispassionate, hitherto neutral observer your own vitriolic rhetoric provides the strongest proof against yourself.
as for your purpose to eradicate Muslims from the Earth, please note that history and social experience prove that megalomaniacs are themselves the weapon of their own destruction.
As for me, I am determined by your vitriolic hate-filled attacks to learn more about Islam and Muslims, as some of the most genuinely peaceful and honourable of my acquaintances are practicing Muslims, whom I feel priviledged to call friends. These good, decent, and intelligent people profess the greatest respect for The Final Messenger and accord him the highest praise.
Am I to understand that you, who have never had them as acquaintances are to be trusted with your judgement, and I who interact personally with them on a daily basis with mutual respect and courtesy and goodwill, am deceived by them because I am "too stupid"?!!!
Peace to those who accept Guidance
mr sina
you claim you "defended Islam passionately" until the 1990s.
please prove this by posting your writings in "defence" of Islam.
I am certain to a confidence level of > 99.99% that this is yet another manufactured lie masquerading as self proclaimed truth, so if you are truthful please produce the proof of your self proclaimed "defence" of Islam.
After reading your comments and those of some of those who support you, I have been so shocked at your allegations that I have undertaken to read more about Islam and its Final Messenger.
I have found nothing by reputable non-muslim scholars that supports your views.
I therefore conclude that your message of hatred for Muslims is typical of that of a deviant psychological, social or cultural psychopath.
one who claims to care for humanity cannot express such vitriolic hatred for humans who have accepted and practice an Islamic code of living.
Furthermore when you deliberately use insults and lies to try to defend your 'Islamophobic hatred", then you prove yourself to have no basis in fact or logic.
you claim you "defended Islam passionately" until the 1990s.
please prove this by posting your writings in "defence" of Islam.
I am certain to a confidence level of > 99.99% that this is yet another manufactured lie masquerading as self proclaimed truth, so if you are truthful please produce the proof of your self proclaimed "defence" of Islam.
In Anticipation
About 8,000 conservative Salafi Islamists filled the capital’s Habib Bourguiba Avenue, a focal point of the 2011 revolution that sparked uprisings across the Arab world.
Waving black flags, they shouted slogans demanding that Islamic law, or sharia, be defined as the main source of legislation in Tunisia’s new constitution.…
“I am not fighting fire with fire. I am fighting ignorance with rationality”
Take a bow Mr. Sina !! Hats off to you !!! I am sure, that with you around this world would be a better place to live in a few years !!! If a God exists, then he has decided to eradicate this evil cult by sending you amongst us .
he he he she is daughter of rss activist new convert to Islam.
Dear Mr Sina
there was a member in old forum thhuxley. do you know what happend to him. is he alright ???? i love his debates specially one on science in quran.
unless the muslim partner agrees to come out of Islam !
hahaha may be you can put that as challenge on the mainpage of…
The books sold on Amazon are the older editions, which I give for free. There are many vendors on Amazon. Don't buy from Amazon yet until the new edition is released and the price will be $18.95 which will probably sell for less.
I'd really love to hear from someone who has read the book and comes back to prove it wrong. There have been a few who read a few pages or maximum a chapter of it and tried to refute it. It was clear they had not read the book.
“YOU, Have forgotten that Marriage was invented before bobbies (Police) were invented.” “Marriage” was around a long time before the state. Nowadays marriage has become a business transaction – a form of prostitution – that is thanks to the insolent interference of the state. The wedding ring is a symbol of the males capture of the female. Men have to tame their wives and keep them on the chain (so to speak). Yes women are a bag of emotions but they cannot be blamed for this, in truth man has bred women just in the same way he has bred cattle. If they are ever to be “equal” to men they will need some genetic modification.
said: women have forgotten they depend on men for their protection.
YOU, Have forgotten that Marriage was invented before bobbies (Police) were invented.
Nowadays women depend on the police – to protect them from their husbands – when their MOUTHS run off in unstoppable histerical fits.
all I know is that they HAVE NOT read his book and therefore remained Muslims.
He heard no more from them except to put his book on sale for $1000-00
ali sina have u met a man who has read your book and remained muslim ????
“Nature dictates that men must lead and women must follow.” Amen to that. Also women are only attracted to “strong men” who have strength of character, courage, daring and confidence (or in other words masculine men) while they can manipulate those things. This is how they have survived, they know they cannot compete with men in terms of aggression and physical strength so they have to manipulate them. All women (or at least the vast majority of them) are like this not just Muslim women. In modern society women have forgotten they depend on men for their protection. This is thanks to the state monstrosity that grants them their “inalienable rights” and now they have the police and the courts to protect them and they don’t have much need for men anymore. This why all things like divorce, prostitution, promiscuity, open relationships and all the rest of it are rampart in the western world.
I think that you've forgotten the important truth that it is our loving Creator God and not human beings, first instituted marriage and that our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, were the first married couple on planet earth and God is their witness. And God blessed them and God said unto them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Please be informed of the fact that in a marriage, both husband and wife are more important than children and not vice versa because without a sperm, the egg cannot be fertilized or without an egg, the sperm will be a free thinker. So, the conclusion of this human procreation matter is that marriage has nothing to do with evolutionary imperative in human. It is first instituted by God in the garden of Eden and the first honourable married couple is Mr Adam and Ms Eve! 🙂
Dear Dr Ali Sina, that's really a nice picture of a lovely couple, which really captivates my heart. So romantic.
You said that 'Marriage is an institution we humans have devised to protect our future generations. It is a sacred institution made for the survival and the happiness of our species. If it were not for children we would never have invented the marriage.' 'Marriage is an evolutionary imperative in humans.
Can you imagine paying alimony to a woman that was set to destroy your life? As for the child support (if I had lost in court) I was going to request a receipt for every penny I paid.
My life has been ruined. I lost my job because I could not work and go to court whenever there was a hearing. Although I won full legal and physical custody I let her see her child. That would never have happened if she was in my shoes.
I am a good example. Run like you are running a marathon and don't look back. When doing so, set yourself on a survival mode. But if she reads Ali Sina's book, and leaves Islam, then you have a chance for having a happy life. My ex-wife breached all agreements we made before getting married. I trusted her and I got disappointed. We had a bitter fight in court (She was told that she was committing adultery by staying married to me). She was represented by attorneys from one of the biggest Islamic organization in North America. They had all the financial resources. I was scared to death. I thought that I was going to lose my child. If their wish was granted, I wasn't going to have visitation rights let alone custody. Also, I would have to pay her alimony & child support. The good thing is, I won everything in court (when I got her cornered, she was forced to accept my proposal, because she knew that the judge would have no mercy on her based on what she did, “child endangerment”) due to technicality.