Sheila Musaji and Fear of Freedom
This article is in response to Sheila Musaji’s answer to my email to her. You can read our previous interaction here.
Dear Ms. Musaji,
You start your response by addressing me, “Dear Ali Sina (whoever that might be).” What do you mean by whoever that might be? I am me. Who else do you think I am?
You wondered why my book is selling on Amazon at such exorbitant prices.
I have stopped selling my book because I am going to launch the sixth edition of it. Many vendors sell stuff on Amazon. Some of them take advantage of the scarcity of an item to sell it at exaggerated prices. But why would anyone buy my book at such price when I’ve offered to send the fourth edition in PDF for free to anyone who asks for it? The sixth edition is not yet printed so no one can buy it at any price. When it becomes available, it will have the retail price of $18.95 and probably it will sell for less.
You wrote,
“I would not provide you with my mailing address, any more than you would provide me with yours. Why would any sane person provide their mailing address to a total stranger who hides behind a pseudonymn? [sic] (Since you were so kind correcting my typos, I thought I should return the favor.)
Now come on! How many Muslims have been assassinated by apostates since the start of Islam? Can you name one? Apostates don’t kill Muslims. On the other hand millions of apostates were killed by Muslims since the time of Muhammad.
After Muhammad died, many left Islam. Abu Bakr waged a savage war against the apostates (War of Apostasy) and killed hundreds of thousands of them. Tabari says, he “burned them, stoned them to death, threw them into well or cast them off from cliffs, until he brought them back into submission.” He wrote a Muslim named Ilyas left Islam and fought against Muslims (for his freedom). When he was captured Abu Bakr ordered to ignite a fire in the middle of the mosque in Medina and threw the wretched man in the fire alive. (Tabari, v. 4, p. 1390 Persian ed.)
Also Bukhari reports a sahih hadith that says, “Some Zanadiqa were brought to `Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn `Abbas who said, “If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah’s Apostle forbade it, saying, ‘Do not punish anybody with Allah’s punishment (fire).’ I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah’s Apostle, ‘Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.‘” [Bukhari 9: 84: 57]
I am not afraid of you. I think you are a harmless misguided soul. I am afraid of your Muslim brethren. Anyway, this is just an excuse. I also offered to send my book to you in PDF.
You say “Ali Sina is a pseudonymn” [sic]. Ali Sina is part of my name. I don’t use my full name. But why should this matter? Many people adopt a nom de plume for their literary or artistic work. Marilyn Monroe’s real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. Larry King’s real name is Lawrence Harvey Zeiger. Does it matter? These are excuses. In logic they are called red herring.
I read a few of your articles. You write exclusively about people in the anti-jihad movement. You don’t refute them. You vilify them. You engage in ad hominem. All your articles are personal attacks. I haven’t seen once you refute what we say. You are a Muslim and this is how the brain of a Muslim works. Muslims ignore the criticism made against Islam. Instead they focus on the person criticizing Islam and try to discredit them. This is a pattern. Even if a Muslim tries to refute your argument, he or she cannot resist making an ad hominem remark about you. This is a logical fallacy, but to Muslims it all comes naturally. I bet you are not even aware of it. This is how you think. In your Islamic way of understanding, you think all you have to do to refute someone is to discredit him. You don’t realize this is a fallacy. To you and to your fellow Muslims it is normal. Your prophet reasoned in the same way. Istead of providing logical arguments he called his detractors deaf, dumb, blind, and with no understanding. He thought that will do. Muslims repead these stupid verses and think they are words of God.
You don’t have to fear me or any anti Islam activist dear Ms. Musaji. I am not known for eating Muslims. Anyone can see the claim that you are afraid of me is disingenuous.
You quoted me extensively, but you did not refute what I said nor did you say why you think those quotes are bad. Those are my views. I’d gladly debate with you or anyone to prove everything I said.
You wrote
“I strongly uphold freedom of faith, and am a signatory to a statement initiated by Muslims declaring our commitment to that freedom.”
Really? You strongly uphold freedom of faith? So are you ready to denounce Abu Bakr and Omar and even Muhammad who killed the apostates? Are you saying the reason all those millions of apostates that were killed since the time of Muhammad and are being killed to this day is due to Muslims’ misunderstanding of Islam? May I ask who you are that we should take your interpretation as valid and not that of, say, the renowned Muslim scholar Abul Ala Mawdudi? Mawdudi was one of the foremost scholars of the last century. In his book The Punishment of the Apostate according to Islamic Law, he wrote,
“To everyone acquainted with Islamic law it is no secret that according to Islam the punishment for a Muslim who turns to kufr (infidelity, blasphemy) is execution. Doubt about this matter first arose among Muslims during the final portion of the nineteenth century as a result of speculation. Otherwise, for the full twelve centuries prior to that time the total Muslim community remained unanimous about it. The whole of our religious literature clearly testifies that ambiguity about the matter of the apostate’s execution never existed among Muslims. The expositions of the Prophet, the Rightly-Guided Caliphs (Khulafa’-i Rashidun), the great Companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet, their Followers (Tabi’un), the leaders among the mujtahids and, following them, the doctors of the shari’ah of every century are available on record. All these collectively will assure you that from the time of the Prophet to the present day one injunction only has been continuously and uninterruptedly operative and that no room whatever remains to suggest that perhaps the punishment of the apostate is not execution.” (Mawdudi, 1 994 P. 10)
Mawdudi gives the proof from the Quran for the commandment to execute the apostate. He wrote:
“Here I wish briefly to offer proof that will quiet the doubt in the hearts of those who, for lack of sources of information, may think that perhaps the punishment of death did not exist in Islam but was added at a later time by the “mawlawis” (religious leaders) on their own.
God Most High declares in the Qur’an:
But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief — Lo! they have no binding oaths in order that they may desist. (9:11,12)[1]
The following is the occasion for the revelation of this verse: During the pilgrimage (hajj) in A.H. 9 God Most High ordered a proclamation of an immunity. By virtue of this proclamation all those who, up to that time, were fighting against God and His Apostle and were attempting to obstruct the way of God’s religion through all kinds of excesses and false covenants, were granted from that time a maximum respite of four months. During this period they were to ponder their own situation. If they wanted to accept Islam, they could accept it and they would be forgiven. If they wanted to leave the country, they could leave. Within this fixed period nothing would hinder them from leaving. Thereafter those remaining, who would neither accept Islam nor leave the country, would be dealt with by the sword. In this connection it was said: “If they repent and uphold the practice of prayer and almsgiving, then they are your brothers in religion. If after this, however, they break their covenant, then war should be waged against the leaders of kufr (infidelity). Here “covenant breaking” in no way can be construed to mean “breaking of political covenants”. Rather, the context clearly determines its meaning to be “confessing Islam and then renouncing it”. Thereafter the meaning of “fight the heads of disbelief” (9:11,12) can only mean that war should be waged against the leaders instigating apostasy.”
Modern Muslims feel embarrassed about this barbaric law and deny that the punishment of apostasy in Islam is death. They say such law is not in the Quran. But it is in the hadith.
From Zayd ibn Aslam, Malik has reported that the Apostle of God declared: Whoever changes his religion should be executed. Malik said about this tradition: As far as we can understand this command of the prophet means that the person who leaves Islam to follow another way, but conceals his kufr and continues to manifest Islamic belief, as is the pattern of the Zindiqs and others like them, should be executed after his guilt has been established. He should not be asked to repent because the repentance of such persons cannot be trusted. But the person who has left Islam and publicly chooses to follow another way should be requested to repent. If he repents, good. Otherwise, he should be executed. [Tahawi, Kitab al-Siyar, Bahth Istitabat al-Murtadd; also Bayhaqi, Muwatta; al-Shafi’i, Kitab al-Umm.]
When we discuss about the subject of apostasy with Muslims they will always quote the verse 2:256: “There is no compulsion in religion.”
I’ll discuss what this verse means in a moment. But let us assume it gives people the freedom to believe or not to believe. Then how are you going to explain the following verses?
O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them…. (9:73)
O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you…. (9:123)
Say unto those of the wondering Arabs who were left behind: Ye will be called against a folk of mighty prowess to fight them until they surrender…. (48:16)[7]
There seems to be a contradiction. In one place the Quran says there is no compulsion in religion and in many other places, the same book says fight those who don’t believe until they surrender.
Here is where the doctrine of abrogated and abrogator comes into play. The later verses abrogate the earlier ones. The Suras 8 and 9 are among the later suras. They abrogate any seemingly tolerant verse.
However, Mawdudi clarifies the verse 2:256 and explains why it does not contradict the other verses that say kill those who leave Islam. He writes, “Then there is the criticism of contradiction, which for the most part will disappear automatically by carefully reading the above discussion. “There is no compulsion in religion” (la ikraha fi’d din: Qur’an 2:256) means that we do not compel anyone to come into our religion. And this is truly our practice. But we initially warn whoever would come and go back that this door is not open to come and go. Therefore anyone who comes should decide before coming that there is no going back. Otherwise he should kindly not come. Let someone explain what contradiction is finally to be found here. Without doubt, we deplore hypocrisy and want to see everyone in our community as a true believer. But if hypocrisy overtakes anyone who steps away from his community through the door he knows is no exit, the fault lies with himself. To extricate him from this condition, we cannot expose our order to anarchy. If he has such concern for righteousness that he does not want to remain a hypocrite but wants to be true to the object of his present belief, then why would he himself not come forward to receive the punishment of execution?”
Mawdudi’s explanation solves the problem of contradiction and it also makes it clear that Muslims can’t leave Islam. Islam is a one way road. No U turn is allowed.
It is true that there is no compulsion in accepting Islam. Non-believers have also the options to pay jizya or face death. With so many options, how can we talk about compulsion?
This is the truth about “no compulsion in religion.” You converted 40 years ago when you were young and inexperienced. We all did stupid things when we were young. Most of us gained wisdom as we aged. But once one converts to Islam the brain becomes numbed. Although others recover from their youthful follies a Muslim is trapped. But there is no reason to despair. My book can help. Whether you are old or young, when you learn the truth, you can no longer cling to lies.
I know the exact things that chain Muslims to Islam and I have broken those chains. I have removed the mist in the air. After reading my book you can see the truth about Muhammad. Suddenly everything will start making sense to you and for the first time you will say aha! Now I understand. When you read my book you don’t just learn more about Islam, you become an expert and can answer any question about it.
You said,
“I feel no need to defend that choice by in any way disparaging my former faith. In fact, to behave in such a manner would cheapen my choice.”
I don’t think you get it dear Ms. Musaji. We don’t disparage Islam to defend our choices. We attack Islam because it is evil, because it has kept our people in slavery, because it is bringing death and misery to millions. What part of this you don’t understand? Islam has reduced half of the people (women), into lower class beings; it violates the human rights of the minorities; it has kept a billion people in ignorance; it divides mankind and foments hate, war and destruction. What part of this you don’t understand? We don’t fight Islam because it is our ex religion. We fight it because we understand how evil it is. We know that if it is not stopped mankind will be destroyed. I don’t believe in any religion, but I would never say this about any religion. Only Islam is this diabolic. Instead of writing about freedom fighters and vilifying us, listen to us and hear what we say for Pete’s sake.
Your site is nothing but a museum of logical fallacies. You have written numerous articles maligning people in the anti-Jihad movement, which you accuse of “Islamophobia,” in an attempt to stifle genuine criticism of Islam. Islamophobia makes as much sense as Christianophobia, Hinduphobia, or even communist phobia. You can’t be phobic of an ideology. It is a lie like homophobia. It is another example of Islamic bullying to silence criticism of Islam. Islamophobia is a logical fallacy.
In fact your entire site is based on logical fallacies. Instead of refuting any of our arguments you attack our persons and try to portray Muslims as victims. Muslims are not victims. They are victimizers, not just where they are the majority, but also where they are the minority. Who is committing terrorism against non-Muslim in India, in Bali, in Philippines, in Nigeria, in Somali (before the secession) in Russia, in Europe and in America?
Your arguments are all ad hominem, appeal to pity, appeal to emotion, appeal to spite, and false dilemma such as when you equate Islam to a race and accuse the critics of Islam of being racist and anti-Muslim. You compare Muslims to blacks and Jews. That is a deception. Being anti-black or anti Semite is racism. But being anti-Islam, anti-Christianity or anti Judaism is not racism.
You can’t silence us with these fallacies. If you want us to stop, engage with us in a debate and prove us wrong. Can you do that? Of course you can’t. Reason has never been Islam’s forte. Muslims are good at logical fallacies, at violence, at hooliganism, at demonstrations, at car burning, at train and bus bombing, at building demolition and at other ingenious ways to kill humans. But they are not good at reasoning. You bring all the silly excuses to run away and not to engage in a debate. I offered you to read my book. You ignored my offer to send it to you in PDF and claimed you fear me. How ridiculous can you get and who do you think you can fool?
You say you are not afraid of the truth? Then read my book and prove me wrong. You are not afraid of debate? Continue this debate and keep publishing my response in your site.
You wrote,
“I do respond, and respond strongly to those individuals who malign the faith of others.”
Really? Good! What is your response to Muhammad who maligned the faith of the Jews and Christians and said, “And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away?” (Quran 9:30)
What is your response to him for maligning the religion of the pagans?
Ibn Ishaq says, “When the apostle openly displayed Islam as God ordered him, his people did not withdraw or turn against him, so far as I have heard, until he spoke disparagingly of their gods. When he did that they took great offence and revolted unanimously to treat him as an enemy.”[Sirat Rasoul Allâh p. 118]
Muslims continued the tradition of their prophet. Wherever they went they destroyed the temples of the vanquished and disparaged their faith. The disrespect of the faith of others and violation of their freedom of conscience continues to this day in all Muslim countries.
You have written many articles maligning the critics of Islam. Show us one where you have condemned your own brethren for disparaging other faiths. Show us where you have stood for the rights of the victims of Islam. Did you write any article sending it to an Egyptian media denouncing the Muslims for killing the Coptic Christians? Did you write anything for Pakistanis denouncing them for their blasphemy law? Of course not! Your goal is not to stop the barbarity of Islam. Your goal is to bambuzzle your own poeple so they lower their guards and not see Islam as a threat. There have been many fools and traitors like you in history. We Persians had Salman, may he rot in hell.
Yes you have written articles claiming Islam allows freedom of religion. Those articles are for the consumption of non-Muslims and to deceive them. You never call upon Muslims to be tolerant. You know that they will laugh at you if you do. First of all you are a convert and secondly you are a woman. Will Muslims listen to you and ignore their own scholars, and ignore the Quran and the hadith? They tolerate you for now. You serve their purpose. To borrow a term from Lenin, you are a useful idiot for them. They let you say what you want and pull the wool over the eyes of their targeted victims. You are a deceived woman and the best person to deceive the westerners.
I sent you an email and said if you ignore it I will publish it. You call that “a veil threat.” Why would you see publishing an email as a threat? You like to portray yourself as a victim don’t you? If you have truth on your side, you will never be afraid of a pen and will never think of it as a threat. You will see it as a threat only when you know it can destroy your house of cards.
You objected when I said please read my book and consult with your Muslim husband or an imam. You say I am patronizing and this shows my contempt for women and their ability to make their choices.
Well, not entirely true. I never said women are “deficient in intelligent”, or they have “faulty memory and comprehension.” In fact I don’t believe in that balderdash at all. Those are the words of Muhammad. But aren’t you a Muslims? Don’t you believe in Muhammad? Here is what he said about women.
“I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Sahih Bukhari 1:6:301
Now ponder on the reasoning of that brute. Who established that the evidence of two women is equal to witness of one man? Wasn’t Muhammad who said it? Here he deceives the benighted women listening to his charade with a circular reasoning.
In another place he said, “Woman is like a rib. When you attempt to straighten it, you would break it. And if you leave her alone crookedness will remain in her. [Sahih Muslim 8: 3466]
Elsewhere he said, “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” [ Bukhari 7: 62: 33]
In another place he said, “Many amongst men reached (the level of) perfection but none amongst the women reached this level except Asia, Pharaoh’s wife, and Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran.” [Bukhari 4: 55: 623]
In the above hadith he confused Mary the mother of Jesus with Miriam doubter of Imran (Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron).
There are plenty of other hadiths and verses from the Quran that are proof positive Muhammad was a misogynist who thought women are crooked, and not as smart as men.
I don’t believe in Muhammad, but you do. So why are you offended when I echo what your prophet said? Do you disagree with him? You either agree or you don’t. If you do, don’t complain when I address you the way your prophet did and if you don’t, why do you follow that man?
You said,
“Your assumption that I might be motivated either by some need to gain notoriety by engaging in a polemical debate with a person who has attained “some notoriety” or by greed in considering the possibility of financial gain as an incentive is offensive.”
No, no! You misunderstood me. I did not imply either of these things. I know you are just as “notorious” as me and perhaps even more. That is not what I said. I said don’t ignore me as most Muslims do saying I am nobody. I am nobody in real life, but in the anti-Islam movement I have a name. I did not say you’ll become famous by debating with me. Fortunately I am not a narcissist (at least I try not to be).
Also the financial reward is my outstanding offer to any person who can prove me wrong. I guess I would owe that much to the person who would save my soul and lead me to the right path. In your case I said I will give the money to you so you can donate it to the charity of your choice. I think I was very careful in my words so not to offend. You can even instruct me to pay the money to the charity of your choice and I publish the receipt.
I didn’t insult you and yet you get offended. Muhammad insulted you, but you don’t get offended. Something is wrong with this picture and I know what it is. It is your faith in Muhammad and your hatred of me that has blinded you. As the result you can’t distinguish right from wrong. You can’t recognize that I am a friend wanting to save you from this pit of darkness and the cesspool of ignorance that Muhammad has kept you in. I am your friend, not that psychopath.
I decline your offer. I have no time or interest in writing a rebuttal of your book.
Of course you decline. You fear the truth. You fear that my book may demolish your cocoon of lies and leave you unprotected and unprepared. You have spent 40 years in this dungeon of deception and coming out of it will be painful. The movie Shawshak Redemption portrays an old prisoner named Brooks Hatlen who after spending most of his life in prison, where he had gained some respect and importance as the Shawshank’s Librarian, gets paroled and is set free. Brooks can’t handle his freedom and shorthy after his release he hangs himself. The old Brooks represents the typical Muslim. Muslims are used to the prison of Islam. They may even have gained some standing and respect among fellow believers. They have nothing outside Islam and can’t imagine a life without it. That is your dilemma dear Ms. Musaji.
I don’t expect heroism from you. My mother once said, whatever you say about God sounds logical, but I can’t live without Him. I told her continue believing. I don’t want to shatter her world and I don’t want to shatter yours either. All I want is to show to the world that you are just a lost soul, surely deserving of our compassion, but not a beacon of light. Your articles are nothing but compilations of logical fallacies. They make you feel good, thinking you are contributing something to mankind, when in reality you walk in darkness. You can’t distinguish right from wrong and are fearful of trying to experience a reality that may shatter your weltanschauung. To write all that trash against us you must have browsed countless pages, but alas you did not pay attention to anything. All you cared was to copy passages that in your opinion prove we are bad. But they don’t. You simply did not understand them.
“I don’t believe that declining your “challenge” proves my insincerity,”
Sincerity is overrated. The road to hell is paved with sincerity. You are sincere alright! But so are those who strap bombs to themselves and blow up a bunch of innocent people. The followers of Jim Jones who drank his tainted Cool Aid and administered it to their children were also sincere. People of all faiths are sincere. But sincerity without understanding is a sure path to hell. You are sincere, but you lack understanding. Truth sparks when opposing ideas collide and you are afraid of that collision. You fear it may crush your ideas. You seek safety in your cocoon. You are sincere in your belief, but not to truth. One who cares about truth will not shy away from challenges to his or her ideas.
“the challenge itself provides even more evidence of your own insecurity.
You are wrong. The one who hides is insecure. I don’t show my face, because I am afraid of losing my life. I am not sure whether I will be able to live long if I go out. I am insecure in regards to my safety. If I had nothing to fear, why would I hide? But I am willing to debate with anyone. That is because I am not afraid losing my beliefs. If I am wrong I would love to be corrected. Do you see the difference?
You are afraid of losing your belief. Forty years is a lifetime. Your circle of friends, your social standing, your family and your entire life will be at stake. Finding the truth at this stage in your life will destroy you. So you are afraid to challenge your beliefs. That is fine with me. I want to help generation of the future. But it was necessary to poke into your bubble of self-righteousness and blast it so when people read your articles they can have a better understanding of who you are and where you come from.
There is something wrong with a worldview that promotes the idea that demonizing others somehow increases your own stature.
I could not agree more, but look who is talking? Isn’t this exactly what you do? You have a long list of people that you demonize but never respond to their arguments.
I am not demonizing Islam. Islam hardly needs demonization. I am exposing the truth. I dig the truth from the Sira, the hadith and the Quran and reaveal it to the world . I also invite anyone to show where I go wrong. This is the test of my sincerity. You failed that test. I am not afraid for my views to be challenged. You are.
I am ignoring your and publishing your email myself. Others can judge for themselves the meaning of your offer and of my rejection of that offer.
Will you also publish this response? Or if not, will you provide a link to this page in your site? That would prove your sincerity, but I am not holding my breath.
This debate continues here
Scumbag – you think Islam morals are better? Mo geezer killed anybody who disagreed. Killed for greed, money, wealth and power. And what do we see today? EXACTLY the same. Muslims are power-mad. THEY need control, exactly as their master did 1400 years ago. The Koran is a Criminals Handbook, a guide to murder, under the guise of a Religion. Give me a break – this is barbarism, ritual slaughter, terrorism, torture, rape, 'honour killings'. STOP THIS SHIT. Ban the Koran.
Search TROP – thereligionofpeace ( yeah, right….)
You have pain in your brain. It is clouding your judgement. Look at the facts – since 9/11 there have been over 23,000 Islamic attacks on innocent people. Result – over 100,000 deaths in those attacks, and approx 250,000 injured, with blindness, limbloss, degraded lifestyle. Yet you say other people are barbaric?
Search TROP , thereligionofpeace
As expected you miss everything what Ali Sina is saying?
Am I wrong to think that you must be a Muslim?
Only Muslims have very little up there.
You are typical of any Musims. All you can ever think is to kill any human being who don't believe in Islam.
it alway's happens its human nature. when we do big mistakes in our life we try to justify it by any means…same is the case with this lady…
She Said "I feel no need to defend that choice by in any way disparaging my former faith. In fact, to behave in such a manner would cheapen my choice.”
Seems She has choosen S**t from Cake & S**t and now she don't want to accept that mistek or don't want to cheapen her choice…..
i feel sad for her,,,,
This woman typifies the way Muslims think. There is simply no using logic with them. The Koran can be mesmerizing and SO instills fear in the reader that logic and common sense are quickly sacrificed. I wonder, though, how many Muslims, in their hearts, think it's all a bunch of bunk but are too afraid to admit it. Admitting it would, in many cases, mean death. And how many Muslim countries are successful?? Look at them! They're a mess! Does it take a genius to figure it out?? I am so grateful that I got out of Islam and took my son with me. I shudder when I think what could have become of me. Thank you, Ali, for articulating all that is wrong with the Koran. I read it years ago and simply cannot bring myself to read it again so I reference your books often.
The Koran is a hateful, Jew-hating, violence-filled book of horrors. I credit Muhammad with perpetrating the greatest hoax on society of all time and every time I go to the airport, I think to myself: Thanks Muslims for making us go through this nonsense. A peaceful religion hijacked by renegade Muslims? NO. These Muslims are just doing what the Koran encourages.
Thank you Ali for having the fortitude to do what you do. I would get weary of arguing with brainwashed Muslims but you are doing a great service and I hope your message is reaching
Islamic countries where it needs to be heard.
Why bother Mr Sina, maybe this way the Islam be reformed. I do not have much resepct for anybody who follows Islam diligently, but however, I still value them as a human being. Yes I know that, if given a chance, they will chop my head off in a second.
Christianity had it's dark ages, people stayed in it and reformed for what it is today. Hinduism had the horrendous tradition of sati, where the widow is burnt alive with the dead husband, but people reformed it.
Let's nature take it's own course and let it be reformed.
Oh really? So do you remember Hassan, the bright English Egyptian teacher who used to debate with me? He left Islam.
Had you stayed around and read my articles you too would have left Islam. It’s never too late. What was your username then? That is 14 years ago.
So anyone who goes against SIna – is evil, coward and so and so.
Wow! Is that what you call "freedom".
I remember you you SIna from the Yahoo! Groups days…. the ego is still going strong
"What is worse killing 6 million jews and other barbaric acts of the Christianity or consensual sex with the slaves?"
Let's say Christians have killed billions of people, would this make the murders and crimes perpetrated by Muhammad acceptable? This is like saying it's ok for me to murder because other people murder to. Non Muslims have committed genocides and war crimes, does this make the genocides of Muhammad any less horrible? No it does not. The history of humanity is written with blood. All of these must be discussed separately and condemned. And how on earth can you say the sex was consensual? How would you feel if someone beheaded all the men in your family and then raped your sister or wife and said it was 'consensual'? Muhammad allowed his soldiers to rape female slaves captured in wars, period. There's no point denying it. The Quran cleaely says "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee" 33:50
"Were are the proofs"
Read Ibn Ishaq's biogrophy, read about the conquest of Khyber, raids on merchant caravans, the extermination of the Banu Qurayza and about Muhammad's assassinations…
"Banu qurayza verdict was passed and executed by Jews themselves."
This is just ridiculous. Sa'd was the one who passed judgement, he said
"I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners." Muhammad became pleased and replied "O Sad! You have judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah."
(Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 280)
As I said I said in my previous post, the boys who had grown pubic hair were bundled in with the men and were beheaded. Boys usually grow pubic between ages 9-14, so Muhammad the 'Mercy to mankind' allowed young children to be beheaded, now why on earth would you even want to defend this hideous man?
"Institution of slavery was part of the economical system of the time .Prophet (SA) is not to be blamed for that ."
I thought a Muhammad's job was to show people the right way to live not to live like an animal like the Arabs did. Muhammad himself owned and sold slaves:
Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 351:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:
A man decided that a slave of his would be manumitted after his death and later on he was in need of money, so the Prophet took the slave and said, "Who will buy this slave from me?" Nu'aim bin 'Abdullah bought him for such and such price and the Prophet gave him the slave.
Tom sorrowsnake,
"Mohammed himself slaughtered thousands" were are the proofs?
"We don't worship people who started these wars…" neither we do!!!
Banu qurayza verdict was passed and executed by Jews themselves.
Institution of slavery was part of the economical system of the time .Prophet (SA) is not to be blamed for that . What is worse killing 6 million jews and other barbaric acts of the Christianity or consensual sex with the slaves?But today consensual sex with a married women is no longer a crime.Soon neither will be rape of any women including children in the west.
Dude Muhammad himself murdered thousands, we don't worship the people who started these wars and committed these atrocities yet you yourself worship a mass murder. Muhammad killed and banished several Jewish tribes, one of them was called Banu Qurayza whom he completely exterminated, he had all the men beheaded took the women and children as slaves. All the boys who had grown pubic hair were beheaded.
Abu Dawood Book 38 Number 4390
Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi:
I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.
Your allows to have sex with your female slaves in Islam so the women captured in wars were raped:
Qur'an (33:50) – "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 137:
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
We got female captives in the
war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with
them. So we asked Allah's Apostle about it and he said, "Do you really do that?" repeating the question thrice, "There is no soul that is destined to exist but will come into existence, till the Day of Resurrection."
to Slomo,
It was out of love that Hitler killed Jews?Was inquisition,colonialism,apartheid,Vietnam,Cambodia Extermination of Red Indians Aborigines,World War I and WWII, Golden bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki all were done out of profound love for their victims?
Is this BLACK WIDOW SPIDER type of love? May God save us!!!
You people at this site are in a advanced stage of I S LA MO P HO BI A and its seems it is beyond any treatment.Blind and deaf to any reasoning.
I know S.A. for over ten years. His first comments were intelligent. Since then he has gone astray. Now he believes in everything I abhore. He is anti Semite, racist and mysogynist. He thinks the white race is superior. He is Indian. And he also believes women should cover themselves and that they are less intelligent then men. You can say he is an atheist version of a fanatical Muslim.
SundriedAtheist, do you even know what you are talking about? Do you want to kill them with mega toxic pesticides? Are you so anti-semitic? Have you lost your sane mind? Do you still blame the Jews for everything? If the Christians and Muslims have implemented some of their barbaric laws, what is their fault? And btw, many Jews are leaving their religion today and are the most progressive in the world compared to others. They are the ones that have shown the modern light of humanity and human progress. We should learn something from these people.
I doubt that you have raed it you are just liar like your mentor Ali Sina
Thank you Zitouni, I did what you said and read the whole thing and realized something that I did not know.YOU ARE A FREAKING NUTS !!!!
poor ms musaji,since their own prophet insulting women saying that women are deficient in intelligent in islam why women in islam still holding and defand to that kind of religion and its teaching?why o why….?!since islam has double standard towards women why islam women still numb to that accusation made by muhammad?when we think by logic that accusation made by muhammad is un forgivable and humiliating towards women this is bias teaching made by muhammad….o women in islam art thou have brain?think about it dont spend your energy towards something that unworthy…..
You can read my debate with him in this link . Keep looking for Zitouni in that link until you read all my responses to him. He ran away like rabbit becuase I shut his mouth…
[You are afraid of losing your belief. Forty years is a lifetime. Your circle of friends, your social standing, your family and your entire life will be at stake. Finding the truth at this stage in your life will destroy you. ] Sina,
I am lucky I am free and unattached…………I am the master of myself, I am
the only one who decides for me………indeed, freedom worths millions !
Can you prove to us and tell us where he is going wrong??? It seems you know real islam .Please enlighten us.
Nevertheless, I stand by your previous statement that hatred is a useless emotion that is not worth the distraction. There are more important things to do with our time than hating. Perhaps hate serves a useful purpose as an initiator of action, but to constantly stir it up is a reduction of productivity and ultimately a factor contributing to dysfunction.
do people know that Ali Sina is ignorant about Islam and he has never studied in any university about Islam . Who car cares what this ignorant says about Islam. He thinks he has good argument against Islam while in reality his knwoledge is inferior than 10 yrs old kid
Good because you know you have nothing to say, just because the media says this and that news flash they lie and always take the opportunity to demonise america and think they are justified in telling these "holy lies" for the sake of their "religion". I disagreed with Bush on many things but where I admired him was in his strength to put down these terrorists and to not tolerate totalitarian ideology. I would vote for Rick Perry (despite his religious views) any day over the Socialist Barack Obama or that cowardly old fool Ron Paul.
"What was he wrong about? That Saddam Hussein and his crime family who butchered and terrorised millions of Iraqis committed genocide against the Kurds and waged a war with Iran (something America should have done instead but for very different reasons obviously)."
I rest my case.
"God knows that man was wrong about Iraq." What was he wrong about? That Saddam Hussein and his crime family who butchered and terrorised millions of Iraqis committed genocide against the Kurds and waged a war with Iran (something America should have done instead but for very different reasons obviously). And who was in control of Iraq’s oil and you say it was wrong to get rid of Saddam? No the world is much better without that man and his family in control of Iraq. I agree 100% with Hitchens on that and as he said its the people who would have wanted Saddam to remain in power who have the explaining to do not us that supported the overthrow of a psychopathic dictator. Here is the transcript of a debate he had over Iraq with that clown George Galloway who got owned…
"Don't take his word to be the end of all things." I don’t take his word on everything come on he was a socialist for decades so for sure he can be wrong, but the vast majority of what he says is logical.
"Everything that you say is straight out of "God is Not Great" or verbatim from Hitchens debates. Even this "I hate my enemies" is from one of his debates." First of all Hitchens did not invent that I myself first read it in the satanic bible which was published in 1969 -almost 40 years before God is not great was published. Second of all everything you know or believe in is from someone or somewhere else. How many people invent an original argument? Hardly any. If an argument is logical, I’ll take it even in the extraordinary unlikely event the person saying it invented it.
"some things are unclear (like the child who supposedly experienced reincarnation in that link Ali Sina sent you)" Well how do you think they match up the stories with a real person? The parents Interpret the stories which are then interpreted by the Researcher and this is what believers in Reincarnation are using to justify their belief. Even if their was something "unclear" going on as far as I know some aliens could have implanted those memories in his brain. That might sound Ludicrous but unlike reincarnation it is actually logically possible.
Musaji is a coward. Mind you, that is very common in Islam.
She has **nothing** to offer except attacks. Absolutely pathetic.
Sina Sir you are just wonderful. I love the way you write and argue, I mean explain your point of view. I never tire reading your articles debates interviews etc. There is so much passion in your writings and sayings. I dont personally think that you always come out a winner because you have the trump card. Your trump card is TRUTH. With truth on your side Sir it is natural and obvious that truth will win. Sir in your case it is truth and more than that it is your committment your devotion your zeal your total dedication to your cause that makes you a winner. Sir hats off to you. I salute you.I love you.
Dang Ali Sina….this is the best piece of writing from you that I have seen in the last 12 years. Awesome.
Enlightened do you have any views of your own? Everything that you say is straight out of "God is Not Great" or verbatim from Hitchen's debates. Even this "I hate my enemies" is from one of his debates.
I love Hitchens, and I'm an atheist too but seriously think for yourself man. It's the least anyone could take away from listening to the man. You're practically parroting everything he says like a fundamentalist would a religion. So much so that you ignore common sense and can't admit that some things are unclear (like the child who supposedly experienced reincarnation in that link Ali Sina sent you). God knows that man was wrong about Iraq. Don't take his word to be the end of all things.
this cartoon strip says it all:
Ali sina wrote "But being anti-Islam, anti-Christianity or anti Judaism is not racism". What is wrong with other religions other than Islam ? Only Islam applies hatred on humanity, Hinduism et all are not. Critics is allowed, but disagreement plus hatred is bad.
""Of course ideologies can be hated." Technically yes"
No. Technically no. If technically means being very precise, then no.
One can agree or disagree with ideas. We love or hate the effect it has on our psyche.
"Of course ideologies can be hated." Technically yes but my point is ideologies don`t exist except when people believe in them. If no one believed in Islam you could say koran is a vile book but it would be absurd to hate a book, at best you can say you hate the author of that book. After all Ideas are products of people`s minds they are part of them. So to me its seems absurd to say I hate what you believe but not you.
"Love the sinner, hate the sin is plain hypocrisy for ones who do not know as 100% sure that they will live forever." Translation:- Love the sinner, hate the sin is plain hypocrisy for rationalists but somehow makes sense when people believe in religious nonsense.
I hate osama bin laden less than irshad manji, zakir naik.
Love the sinner, hate the sin is plain hypocrisy for ones who do not know as 100% sure that they will live forever. For others it can make sense in various ways.
"Says who?"
A very good question indeed that I see the willingness to get to the bottom of everything!
"Hate your enemy with a whole heart"
I cannot agree more, but 'self-preservation' efforts would be better served by how accurately we identify the enemy and how fast we kill it which would also require our heart not to rule the head lest we skip anything.
"So you hate all the followers of religion (abrahamic especially) as much as their doctrine." Yes, all the major doctrines of your cult of guilt and orignal sin is to me everything that is evil, so yes I hate you. As far as I am concerned your spreading evil filth and want your cult to tell me for example to love my enemies, well I am not going to love you just because your mad rabbi says it. "Tell me,are all your friends militant atheists or how about your collegues at work?" Well I am not part of any "militant atheist club" but all of my friends are secular. "I can't imagine hating them,even though I hate Islam." Well why don`t you say to their face was your prophet a pedophile? Do you think I should be forced to pay Jizya? Questions along those lines and see if they are really your friends or not.
Thank you for the compliment. But why no other can? Everybody can do what I do an do it better. All it needs is a bit of stubornness. That is not a rare quality either. My cat is more stubborn then me.
Of course ideologies can be hated. Did you read about thuggees? Read the book on William Sleeman written by his grandson. It is available online. It boils your blood to see how the thugs murdered their victims in cold blood and considered it a holy act of devotion. I have never seen or known a thug but I can strongly hate the thuggee cult.
You are also right. There are evil people that I hate. Some people I hate so much that I feel disgusted seeing their pictures. Khamanei, Ah-nejad and also Obama are some of the people I hate.
So you hate all the followers of religion (abrahamic especially) as much as their doctrine.Tell me,are all your friends militant atheists or how about your collegues at work?Surely it's impossible to only surround yourself with people who share your precise worldviewI can only imagine this to be a very lonely way to live.
There's an Afghani family who owns a persian carpet shop (yes persian) on the corner of my office block.I usually chat with the brothers when I take my smoke break downstairs & I'm always keen on hearing their stories of how life has changed in Afghanistan.They're a great family & it makes me proud that they chose to seek a better life in my part of the world.I can't imagine hating them,even though I hate Islam.
Hate is a strong word . I hate OSAMA BIN LADEN – as his actions proved beyond doubt that he is a monster , willing to do anything against kufr, infidel and impose his demonic ideas on others. But , there are vast majority of moslems – by believing in ISLAM, they are following bad values,inhuman,primitive, cruel,evil,intolerant culture which is violent also. I cant say that i hate them. I oppose them and tell them that they are being inhuman and must come back to humanity . We have to tell the truth and convince them.This is a challenge and biggest herculean task. That is what Dr. ALI SINA is doing. SINA has indomitable spirit and conviction in truth and endless reservoir of patience , self confidence and faith in humanity . SINA has a mission – and he is perfectly suited to do that well. No other can do .
So you actually have hate for people then?
"However, hate and anger drain us of energy and make us less productive." Says who?
"It is a justice in divine platform where we know that we have eternal lives and will live on after this body is perished." Spritual pipe dream nonsense.
"My motto: Punish the sinner, hate the sin. All muslims are sinners." My motto: Hate your enemy with a whole heart, If a man smite you on one
cheek, smash him down! Smite him hip and thigh for self-preservation
is the highest law.
I agree with you.
I don't hate ignorant muslims. I hate all other kinds of muslims. But I consider ALL muslims guilty towards humanity and deserves very harsh punishments.
I definitely hate Musaji, Irshad Manji, Shabeer, Mohammed. If any muslim hasn't seen the light of logic, I can pardon them, not those willingly close their eyes.
I agree with you 100%.
Hate is an emotion as well as love. However, hate and anger drain us of energy and make us less productive. That's why we should not hate, not because of 'love the sinner hate the sin'. Humans are emotional beings. We can only agree or disagree with ideologies rationally, but love its effects on our minds, future and society.
'love the sinner hate the sin' is not justice in human platform. It is a justice in divine platform where we know that we have eternal lives and will live on after this body is perished.
My motto: Punish the sinner, hate the sin. All muslims are sinners.
Musaji is like the fox who got her tail cut, so no wonder she is ranting.
Outstanding as ever Dr. Sina sir.
Very good and informative.
There is a difference between Kamala and Musaji.
Kamala: Hindu –> Muslim (death)
Musaji: X (probably christian) –> Muslim –> anything except muslim –> ? –> ? (What a joke of brain cells in the name of religion)
You yourself is a BIG joke: Hindu –> Muslim –> Ex-muslim. Am I not right?
Kamala: Probably not a islam critic ATTACKER.
Musaji: Islam critic ATTACKER. She doesn't accept the challenge and cannot prove her position too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂
You have become a wimp I would say. Not even Man enough to hold a position.
A female Malayalam writer named Kamala who lived in the state of Kerala in south India coverted to Islam and changed her name to Kamala Surayya when she was 50 + years old and died as a Muslima several years after her conversion. When an old Hindu woman could convert to Islam, why can't this be possible for Ms.Musaji to leave Islam if she is really looking for truth?
Unlike Islam, other religions including Judaism and Christianity, Hinduism have evolved with passage of time and hence pose no threat to survival of humanity and these religions are not cults like Islam. So we need not to waste our time and enery in opposing religions except Islam.
I have become an agnostic!
"So really, it is the Jews we should be taking it out on." Well we should be "taking it out on" all jews, christians and muslims in fairness. We can lay extra blame on the jews for being the source of all this evil nonsense. In my view we need a revival of roman values that honored strength, bravery and nobility not the values of some tribe of slaves from the middle east. Too long have these people being in power, too long have we been poisoned by the teachings of the galilean mountaineer who tells us to love our enemies, too long have we been poisoned by hebrew utopianism and we are sick to death of the "equality" lie. Remember Christ said "salvation is of the jews".
Sheila may end up committing suicide like the old Brooks if she leaves Islam. It is just too Scary for her.
Brother Ali Sina, somewhere in your book "Understanding Muhammad" you mentioned how Abu Bakr found it difficult to turn away from and denounce Muhammad some where in the middle of their journey of Islam after he (Abu Bakr) realized that Muhammad was lying. You said this was because Abu baker had invested everything in that undertaking and had discarded his brain from the beginning, so it was to late and too much for him. I can see this is the same situation with madam Sheila. There is a lot at stake for her by leaving Islam. What of her children that she misled through out their lives, what of her many Islamic projects in America and probably throughout the World, what of the Muslim friends and dear ones, what of and what of and what of … … It is just too much for her and it is therefore better to bask in denial, at least. The children will find out on their own later. Too bad of a situation for her to handle rationally. I actually pity her.
As far as I am concerned she is just as guilty as any suicide bomber. She is part of the Islamic mob and is a blind follower of the muslim herd.
But Ideologies do not exist (except as ink on a piece of paper)unless people believe in them. You can`t hate ideas, you hate the people that believe in them. I want to see you hanged but I don`t hate you is nonsense, instead of engaging in self-deception I think people should be honest and admit they are capable of hate.
Sina has seen islam closely. He knows what Islam stands for. A single person cannot do everything. Don't you think he is doing a commendable job? What are u doing? Why don't u make it your mission to expose Christianity and Judaism? Do you think Sina alone should do this? Sina is doing his best and serving humanity. You should work with him so that the truth comes out and humanity can benefit from it.
I can hold a person’s hand if they stretch their hand. If they refuse to do that I can't grab them by their hair. Ms. Musaji explicitly stated that she is not going to read my book nor she is willing to debate with me. I think Johann's characterization of her is appropriate. Musaji, spiritually and intellectually, is as good as fossil. Like Brooks in my example, Musaji’d entire world is Islam. She can’t start all over again at this age. She has to continue and ignore any sign that she is misguided. Waking up for her will be extremely painful. Her whole world will crumble. Her relationship with her husband, her children, her friends, her status in the Muslim community, all depend on her faith. If she loses that she loses everything. She is not in the same position of Shakila, her friend or many other young people who have no ties with Islam and are beginning to build their social life. It is one thing to lose the affection of your parents and something else when you lose the affection of your spouse and children when you are in an age that you fear your old age is approaching.
I don’t blame Ms. Musaji and wish her well. I did not want to humiliate her. But this is war. I needed to expose her. The future of humanity is more important that the bobble of self-righteousness of one person.
First, you must have the proof (100% ) to show that your son not merely believes in bad things but committed grusome murders or some such things – then you will change your perspective . Musaji is believing in ISLAM, and it's diabolical ideology – but hopefully never committed a bad deed by herself .- If we come to know that she acted like a suicide bomber then – even the law cannot act until and unless there is evidence.
Of course Muslims can't do such thing. That means going against the Quran. I don't doubt the sincerity of many Muslims who wish to see a reformed Islam. But that is nothing but wishful thinking. It is simply not possible and that is what I would debate with anyone who believes Islam can be reformed.
Pandiest_observer ::: The CAIR and this group , the are not honest and they propagate lies, deception with dishonesty and without conscience. They resort to all sorts of manuevers , explanations, circuitous roots , evasions, misinterpretations and disinformation to evade the truth about ISLAM /QQUURRAAN /Mohammad . They have the power of petrodollars , MEDIA and some apologists from amongst nonmoslems.
You really do not need a high powered intellectual debate about ISLAM and it's diabolical ideology. It is there in QQUURRAAN, in SIRA , IN HADITHS , in the ISLAMIC reimes all over the world , in ISLAMIC history – if you care to find the truth ,facts. ISLAM has no case against the critics of ISLAM or anti-islamists and apostates . APOSTATES lived in ISLAM and they know ISLAM inside out.
Are you going to bring into this gamit – the extreme discrimination , inequality, contempt, cruelty shown by ISLAMIC countries ,islamic societies toward nonmoslems ( as kufrs,infidels) , propped up by ISLAMIC/QQUURRAANIC verses and rules , governance .
In other words are you going to demand ( and see the positive result ) that all negative laws, rules, that make nonmoslems as inferior to moslems in ISLAMIC countries , are they going to be scrapped and bring to new legislation to make uniform modern laws to all as equal ?
I appreciate your sensitivity and compassion for Mrs. Musaji ; however everything in this world has consequences , and punishment for ignorance is humiliation.
Ok, glad I could find another reference point from which the truth can be found, should all parties concerned participate.
I scanned through the messages you posted. I am aware of them. I am ready to debate the issue. Is Ms. Sheila Musaji willing to debate these posts that she has published on her site? Is someone with a recognizable name wiling to come forth and discuss them? And if yes, are they willing to publish that discussion on their site too?
Hit and run, hit and run, hit and run… This is not debate. I want someone with balls to come forth, stand their ground and defend their position while I shred them to pieces. They can shred me into pieces too, if they can. Musaji has already thrown the towel. Would you like to call on Zuhdi Yasser, Irshad Manji, Tarik Fatah, Tarik Ramadan or any other person who believes Islam is not the problem and is part of America to come and defend their position in a debate?
My position is clear: Islam cannot be reformed and to the extent that a Muslim follows it, he or she becomes a threat to others. Obviously this crowd disagrees with me. So why not discuss it and resolve the problem once and for all? Either they will show I am mistaken or I will show they are in error.
Don’t go and deceive people who don’t know Islam. Come and face me if you dare. Let us discuss this and let the world hear both sides of the argument.
I am waiting! I have been waiting for a long time. As we Persian say, the grass is growing beneath my feet, (meaning I have been waiting for a long time).
I have not had the time to go through the content so I apologise if said information is not relevant to the topic. Their titles inferred relevance to what is being discussed, hence why I have put them here.
enlightened25, I've read that Mr. Sina has helped in converting many people from Islam. This is not to say that they may not need further counseling afterward, or maybe they won't ;it depends on each individual's experience. But, there is no certainty that all of those who convert will be immoral within their hearts or deep in their mind. It is a matter of each person's outcome of the situation. As in a person being a rape victim, because they have been brutally attacked, or anyone for that matter whatever their case is does not mean that they will harm someone else later from their pains and misfortune. But there are cases when people do not get the proper mental help after a trauma it can be a greater possibility of them being damaged, I see your point here. But most people after suffering such a horrific occurrence are normally referred to getting mental and moral support.
"You have written many articles maligning the critics of Islam. Show us one where you have condemned your own brethren for disparaging other faiths. Show us where you have stood for the rights of the victims of Islam"
I provide the following links from the American Muslim website, only to provide a reference to Ali's above statement, to be discussed and debated as required:… 11…
You don’t have to love everyone. Surely I don’t love everyone and there are people that I would love to see hanged from cranes in the squares of Tehran. I don’t have to name them. You know who they are. But we are talking about hate. Hate is an emotion. I do hate evil and evil ideologies but I consider it a waste of energy to hate people. I seek justice but hate is not what I feel for these evil souls.
"And the challenge that Mr. Sina is giving to Ms.Musaji is a good one, hopefully enough to raise her spirits to question the many racist and sexist beliefs and the cruelty of the Islam religion of executing and persecuting those who want to convert from Islam" Well good luck with that but it is much harder than it sounds. Muslims morality is indoctrinated into them, because their morality comes from religion how are you ever going to convice them for example death for apostacy is wrong? Now yes it maybe easier to destroy their religious belief but what about their morality? Because of their religious indoctrination it seems to me their brain or rather the part that controls their morality will always be damaged.
"The Muslim person who told you that they thought you should be put to death seems to have some very personal issues" It does not matter if they have "personal issues" or not this person wants to kill me. Now I don`t know about you but I seek to destroy my mortal enemies, I certainly don`t love them that would be insane.
johann, This is not helping lets try to be compassionate here, and support Mr. Sina's efforts in reaching this woman, and helping her to come out of the troubles she maybe facing. With his challenge for her a positive outcome can happen, and she really seems to be a very strong and intelligent person equal to, or just as much as a man should be to get her to want more for herself and her readers to help others instead of ignoring to appease.
continued….And the challenge that Mr. Sina is giving to Ms.Musaji is a good one, hopefully enough to raise her spirits to question the many racist and sexist beliefs and the cruelty of the Islam religion of executing and persecuting those who want to convert from Islam, which shows practices of absolute and true hatred. And it is possibly why Ms. Musaji has time to dedicate to correcting typos, she may feel more useful this way, she feels too helpless to do what she needs to; to help to dispel the wrong doings of Islam to others instead of ignoring this; with amicably leaving the innocent ones to this fate.
enlightened25, With Mr. Sina being against the ways and rules that are in the beliefs of the Koran from legitimate proofs of their disruptive reasoning within this faith, and yet at the same time trying to reach those within this belief to deter them from harm is not hate, its actually a form of rescue. Mr. Sina is being a concerned person, reaching out, and is risking his own life to save others here. The Muslim person who told you that they thought you should be put to death seems to have some very personal issues of hating not only who they are, but what they are representing. They are using reversed hatred here against you instead of admitting the truth to themselves. This is hate of their own personal situation. Many of us have denial issues, and especially if one has been living in their ways for a long time. It is even more difficult to change something of this nature when it threatens their safety, and their life.
"We humans are all sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in a large scale." Because someone is born as human does not mean they are my brother or sister. Love like everything else has to be earned. Its impossible to love everyone, its a pipe dream if you do that you lessen your love for those that deserve it. Hatred just like love is an emotion necessary for our survival. If someone attacks you, you feel anger it is our natural survival instinct and you fight back. Or even the christian who turns his cheek will think to himself "God will punish them". We should hate (and indeed do) hate the killers, thieves, rapists and pedophiles. Do not say you would not hate some vile scumbag if they raped your teenage daughter, you would. I don`t know about you but If that happened to my daughter I would find the rapist and break every last bone in his body.
Ms Majusi is not even hijabbed. What sort of a muslim is she. Perhaps a progressive, Quran only type of the Irshad Manji variety(remember that lesbian from Caneda?)
BWT I have just uploaded a video of her being shelded by her lesbian/gay guests from being attacked by a gang of muslims at her new book launch. A muslim guy in the end spits at the cameraman, before they all walkout shouting Allahu Akbar. Absolutely hilarious.…
The world desperately need charismatic Atheist leaders to lead the sheep away from the shepherds hiding their knives in the one hand and offering fresh juicy leaves in the other.
Why this maniacal obsession about Islam. Christianity and Judaism are just as dangerous and poisonous as Islam is. Their actions are just as diabolic.
In fact Islam owes its existance to the founders of Christianity and Judaism. So really, it is the Jews we should be taking it out on. All the silly rituals and barbaric rules, human/animal rights abuse all stem from Jewish laws. Jews are suibhuman, less evolved primates who should be eliminated in a peaceful manner. Such as by spraying them with mega toxic pesticides like you try to eliminate locusts and other field posts.
If your son becomes a Monster (or a good Muslims) you still don't hate him. But you will allow him to be locked up for the protection of others. Your duty as a parent is to love your children. This does not mean you have to condone their evilness. Let the socity deal with your son according to the law. You don't hide or protect him, but also you don't have to hate him.
We humans are all sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in a large scale. Yes we have to stop the monsters among us, and if necessary eliminate them so they can no longer harm others. This does not mean we should hate them.
1)I am not a muslim. "It is a mental illness or nurtering that has made him that way." That reminds me of when people sometimes say "I believe in evil actions but not evil people". That`s baloney evil people exist. If your son is a monster how can you love him? What if he killed your wife and your other children would you still love him then? "AS FOR MUHAMMAD YOUR PROPHET he suffered from mental illness call SCHIZOPHRENIA-EPILEPSY" If Muhammad came to kill you and your family are you seriously suggesting you would not hate him and even make excuses for him "well he has a mental illness and is not responsible for his actions therefore he is not worthy of hate".
enlightened25 DO ALL MUSLIMS HAVE 1/2 A BRAIN? or it is just you!
If my son is a monster – he is still my son. It is a mental illness or nurtering that has made him that way.
and both these are linked (BBC. 19 sept 2011)
Oh but I do hate you, you are my enemy. People like you who try to tell me what to do, what to say and what to think with a threat of violence to back it up are my mortal enemies. Listen to me now I am no christian. I don`t turn my cheek to my enemies and love them, I seek to destroy them.
ENLIGHTENED 25: said: but I don`t hate you personally?
THIS IS PRECISELY THE LOGIC the Muslims do not understand – is what we are saying all along – YOU STILL DONT GET IT. I have spoken to you about this on youtube. You still come with the same ignorant s**t.
when will you learn – DO YOU WANT TO LEARN.
Ali sina is always best… He writes from the bottom of the heart.. I love him.. Because of him i lost faith in god but still i love him…
Well done (articulation) Dr. Sina.
Let us all have a moment of silence for Ms. Musaji. She got knived and ginsued to pieces by Mr. Sina.
"You're not a racist, you're a critique. You criticize those ideologies." I am not talking about ideologies obviously it is absurd to hate the Koran, it is just a book (though a vile one). I am talking about the people that believe in those ideologies. Do you hate Nazis and communists? If you don’t then you should. If I am asked do I hate Muslims? Then my honest answer is yes. I cannot say I hate everything you believe in, everything you value, everything you stand for, but I don’t hate you personally, that would be a lie as well as self-deception on my part. Once I had a Muslim saying I should be put to death. Should I love that beast? Hell no, that person is my mortal enemy and I should hate him and if I was given the chance and was able to do it, I would destroy him. I say openly to the Muslims if you don’t hate me then you should, because I am out to destroy everything that is sacred to you.
Racism is discrimination against Race. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, are not Race, they are a set of ideas, AKA, ideology.
Example of Racism? Let's say I hate you because you are a nigger. I know you don't choose to be one, you just happen to be one. I don't care, I still hate you, no reason, you're just different that's all! That's racism, and it's just petty hate, no thought, nothing more than that. Petty hate, and it's evil.
But Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Communism or whatever? People are not born that way, they just choose to embrace such ideologies. But then you study those ideologies and found them to be bad, and you oppose them? You're not a racist, you're a critique. You criticize those ideologies.
That's the difference, friend, between being a Racist and being a Critique.
Ali Sina criticizes Islam, he's a critique of Islam. And it's not petty unreasonable hate either.
He makes it clear that he's open to correction, if someone can prove his criticism wrong.
I look forward to it in fact. Doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon though.
Well what if my son becomes a monster? What if Muhammed was my son? In that case you must hate your son, if you don’t you are condoning everything he does.
I enjoyed reading this response, and wish you well.
That is absurd. If your son joins a cult you can hate that cult but it does not mean you hate your son.
"But being anti-Islam, anti-Christianity or anti Judaism is not racism." But it is hatred is it not? How can one say I hate everything you believe in, everything you value, everything you stand for, but I don`t hate you personally? It seems practically impossible to me.
Additional food for thought for Ms. Sheila Musaji:
Sheila Musaji also needs to answer NOT ONLY why she is HALF the value of 'ANY' muslim male anywhere in this world even if he be half her age, BUT why she is 'HALF' the value and not 'one third', 'one fifth', or an irrational number like square root of 2 times the value of a muslim male anywhere in the world !!!
Wow, rational Dr. Sina meets irrational Mrs. Masaji. I read this tale and feel tired for the poor disillusioned lady. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
"“I don’t believe that declining your “challenge” proves my insincerity,” – Ms. Musaji
"People of all faiths are sincere. But sincerity without understanding is a sure path to hell." – Ali Sina.
This reply from Ali Sina is the of the jewel of the rebuttal to everything about Ms. Musaji.
She also needs to answer why she thinks she is HALF the value of 'ANY' muslim man anywhere in this world even if he be half her age.