Ali Sina Debates a Palestinian over Israel
The following message was originally posted in and generated close to 1800 comments.
I think if you become muslims again you will be out of business – You are benefiting from this situation and making money. You are a punch of hypocrites and parasites. you only could surive on spreading hate.
The Palestinians are getting killed everyday and I want to hear one word of sympathy from you, but unfortunately you have lost it all. InshaAllah someday you will be displaced from where ever you are and your homes will be bulldozed (same like the palestinians homes) and then you would know how it feels.
Now you are protected because you support the enemies of the palestinians, but once you default you will not have the money to buy a lunch.
Hi Raef,
I can see you are really angry with us. I don’t blame you. I too felt the same way some years ago, until I read the Quran and found out the source of all evil in the Muslim world is that book.
I asked everyone I could and I got no answers, except insults and threats for merely asking questions. After two years of reading a lot of hadith it became clear to me that Islam is not a religion of God and it is the major factor in keeping Muslim countries down, in poverty, in dictatorship and in continuous war. So I started writing on the Internet and told others about my findings.
I have helped thousands of people to leave Islam. This is no exaggeration. However, I have left a door open. I am inviting anyone who can show I am mistaken and Islam is a true religion to refute my claims logically. I will publicly announce that Islam is true. My challenge has remained unmet for the last nine years.
Now you can continue insulting me and threaten me with hell fire and punishment in this world and the next, which I receive on daily basis and ignore, or you can start a debate and show my mistakes. I will publish your responses in, so everyone can read.
Now to answer your charges, let me assure you that we are not oblivious of the plight of the Palestinians. However, unlike Muslims we don’t think drowning the Jews in the sea is the solution. Israelis have always been ready to negotiate, but the Palestinians want nothing short of destruction of Israel. This does not seem to be a viable solution.
The reason Israel destroyed the houses of the Palestinian suicide bombers, was for deterrence. In those days Saddam Hussein and many Arabs used to pay a lot of money to the families of the suicide bombers. This made suicide bombing an attractive trade for one who wanted to help his poor family. He would kill the Israelis and go to heaven to bang celestial whores and his family would live a better life. Destroying their houses reduced the number of attacks. However, with the erection of the wall these suicide bombings have also been reduced in number.
I am also puzzled that you don’t see anything wrong in the act suicide bombing and killing Israeli civilians but think the destruction of a house made of brick and mortar is a major tragedy. There seem to be something skewed in your judgement.
What concerns me is why you are so worried about the Palestinians and not about other Muslims that are being butchered by fellow Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, etc?
There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms. This is not happening because Muslims hate the Jews gutturally. So the problem is Islam. The only solution to the problem of Israel-Palestine is that Palestinians leave Islam and accept all humans as equals.
I end my letter. The decision is yours. You can continue insulting and spewing hate, if that makes you feel better, or you can enter into a rational discussion. If you decide to show our error, let me know and I will gladly send you my book.
Ali Sina
Raef’s response requirs detailed explenation. So I respond to it paragraph by paragraph/
You are very conceited person, Islam doesn’t need you to endorse its authenticity. The large number of people who are converting to Islam, after it has been cursed enormously these days, is an evidence of its purity and — you are fabricating facts:
Hi Raef,
Thank you for responding. The question is not whether Islam needs my endorsement or not. The question is that millions of people believe what we say that Islam is not a religion of God, but a dangerous cult. As for those who convert to Islam, according to Radio Islam, four out of five of them leave it in the first four years. Many of them have joined and are actively warning others to stay away from Islam.
We are not deceitful, but very sincere. We believe that Islam is a lie. I am even offering $50,000 reward to anyone who can prove me wrong. I am publishing my debates with Muslims (unless they engage in insults) for the world to see. So there is no question about our sincerity.
You may argue that we are misguided, but you cannot say we are not sincere when we are open for debate.
That is why we invite Muslims to prove us wrong publicly. We have millions of visitors and we are doing a fantastic job in proving to the world that Muhammad was a charlatan and the source of all the evil in the Muslim world.
Don’t snob us and don’t hold your nose up. We are doing a tremendous damage to Islam. Muslims are eager to kill someone who makes a cartoon of Muhammad. Why is it that when we invite them to prove us wrong they shy away? Isn’t the damage that we are causing to Islam far greater? Of course it is, but killing people is easy for you, while responding to the charges logically is not.
1) The Palestinians never say that they want to drive the Israelis into the sea (even though it might be said by some Muslims, that doesn’t reflect what the Palestinians want. Actually the Jews drove the Palestinians into the desert and keep doing it. They are bringing Jews from all over the world claiming (fairy tales) that they have lived there 2000 years ago; I wonder where the Palestine have lived until yesterday.
I am glad that not all Muslims want to drive the Jews into the sea. But Ahmadinejad has wowed to nuke Israel out of the face of the earth. He is also building atomic bomb and his allies, Hamas and Hezbollah, are just around the Israeli borders to whom he supplies missiles. You don’t need to have all Muslims wanting your extinction. Only a few mad ones are enough. Not all the Germans were supporting Hitler, but nonetheless Hitler massacred six million Jews. For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go. Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily. But that is not what they want. They want revenge and are readily to kill themselves for that. Most Palestinians prefer being killed in a nuclear bomb if the Jews are also going to be killed than leave side by side with the Jews and share the land with them.
Palestinians are not homeless. After sixty years they are not refugees. Israelis built their country from scratch during these years, Palestinians could have done the same. But their leaders got the money from USA, filled their bank accounts and financed war with Israel instead.
Now the question is, if not in their ancestral land, where the Israelis should build their country. Where do you think they should go? Would Antarctica satisfy you or rather you’d prefer they are sent to Mars?
The Jews have historic right over Israel. There is a detailed history about them, and not just their own that traces them to that land for almost 3,500 years. Many ancient towns in Israel, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc, still have Hebrew names. In fact the Quranic stories narrated by Muhammad about Moses and the Israelites, confirm that the Jews called that part of land home at least 2000 years before Islam was invented.
The truth is that the Jews never deserted Israel completely. Many of them have been living there forever. But their land was under the domination of other powers, such as the Romans, the Caliphs of Islam and the Ottoman Empire.
As a matter of fact Jews had no intention of returning to Israel. After the enlightenment the Christian countries opened up to the Jews and the Jews strove to integrate in the society. Jewish intellectuals in Germany called Germany their new Zion.
However, hatred was brewing in the hearts of many Europeans who backed Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
After the horrors of the holocaust became known it was clear that Jews must have a homeland. Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan. The obvious place was their ancestral land. If you call this a myth, you are calling Muhammad a liar. They were not given Israel because their god had promised them that land, but because historically it was theirs.
Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries. Muslims treat the Jews as second class citizens, and even today the Jews in Europe fear for their lives. This time their enemy is Muslim immigrants.
I don’t have any ties with Jews, except a few friends with whom I chat on the Internet and exchange emails. I am a descendant of Muhammad from my mother side. There is no Jewish blood in me, as far as I know. Well, this is not entirely true, because many Jewish women were enslaved by Muslim men and their children were called Muslim. Before Muhammad Jews were intermarrying with Arabs for 2000 years and had become completely Arabized. So, really every Arab has Jewish blood in him, which makes their hatred of the Jews even more ironic.
I follow the Golden Rule. This is not something Muslims are familiar with. The principle behind the Golden Rule is, not to treat others the way you don’t want to be treated.
I put myself in the shoes of others and ask what if I was born in their place. How would I want to be treated if I were them? This is why I support the Jews and their rights to a homeland.
Jews can live anywhere and thousands of years living as second class citizens has thought them that life can be harsh. They learned that if they don’t strive hard they starve. People in the past were crueler than they are today. Everyone was like Muslims and we know how minorities fair in Islamic countries. So Jews went after science, knowledge and business and succeeded in life. Despite all the discrimination, thanks to their expertise, they were financially better off than the majority. However, their success also had its downside. The losers often felt envious and made the Jews scapegoats for their own miseries. They spread hate against the Jews, telling stories such as Jews want to take over the world, they invented the fable of the Elders of Zion, and other lies. Considering the lessons of history it is important that these people have a place that they can call home and be safe.
You ask what about the Palestinians. That is a fair question. But who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians. They are not people of the land. Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands. And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.
If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from. They actually did that but once in Jordan they plotted to overthrow the government of King Hussein until he butchered them by thousands and kicked them out of his country. You people can’t live in peace with anyone, not even with yourselves. You are a warrior people, or to put it bluntly, savages.
If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved. But you don’t want peace. Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who proposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.
The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs. It is rooted in the Quran and Muhammad’s injunction that Muslims should not take the Jews and Christians as friends and as rulers (awlia).
Some years ago, I met an Israeli and a Palestinian who were close friends, in Canada. One day jokingly I said to them, you are an odd couple! Aren’t you two supposed to be enemies to each other? They laughed and said, “We are not religious.” I thought that was the most eloquent response. Yes this hatred and war is about religion. It is about two gods that cannot get along. The Moon god Hubal, the al lah of the Moabites and the Arabs has been always in war with Yahweh the al lah of the Jews.
Now let us say all the Jews in Israel decide to convert to Islam. The problem will be solved overnight. They become Muslim brothers and everyone will live in peace ever after. We know that Muslims live in absolute harmony with each other. Look at them.

Palestinians lynching fewllo Palestinians

Palestinians lynching fewllo Palestinians

Palestinians lynching fewllo Palestinians

Palestinan children getting a lesson to become good Muslims
Okay, maybe not in practice, but at least in theory Muslims are brothers. Even if they kill each other, it is okay. No Muslim ever criticized Saddam Hussein for massacring hundreds of thousands of fellow Muslims or King Hussein of Jordan for massacring tens of thousands of Palestinians. These are family feuds, but woe if a Muslim is killed by a non-Muslim. Then the entire Muslim world is up in arms and wants revenge.
A more effective alternative is that Palestinians leave Islam and the hate that comes with it. This will end the cycle of violence. Then everyone in that land can live in harmony.
But what about the truth? Shouldn’t everyone follow the true path? Here is where we come in. That is why I invite Muslims to engage in debate and not in threats, insults and violence. If the truth is on your side, expound it for the world to see and answer our questions. If the truth is not on your side, what is the point of clinging to a false belief that caused so much hate and violence?
2) Israelis are ready to negotiate, with Whom? Yes indeed they have been negotiating with Abbas since 1990, and what we get? More land stolen and more people got killed and more people jailed.
But you are only seeing the responses of the Israelis to the Palestinians attacks. What about constant shelling of Israeli cities by Hamas and Hezbollah? Why are you so blind to the fact that all wars in the Middle East were started by Arab? Israelis responded to Arab aggression and won.
Muhammad did not respond to any attack but he was the aggressor. However, to justify his actions Muslims claim that all his raids were defensive. Let us assume they are right (which they are not). Why is it permissible for Muslims to fight defensive wars and it is not allowed for others to do the same?
This is what I call the lack of understanding of the Golden Rule. Muslims think it is their god given right to perpetrate all atrocities on others, but if their victims defend themselves they are the aggressors. This is mental illness as I have explained it in my book.
Palestinians kill Israeli civilians, and this is perfectly acceptable for Muslims and their shameless, brainless, leftist allies. But if Israelis kill the Palestinians terrorists or imprison them, they are oppressors.
It is no doubt that Palestinians and Israelis are evaluated by two different yardsticks. This is an insult to Muslims. Sadly they are so dim-witted that they do not understand.
We have a different expectation from humans than we have from animals. We don’t hold animals to the same standards as we hold humans. This alone shows that in the sub-conscious of all the people on Earth Muslims are not regarded as fully evolved humans. Muslims in general act like savages and we don’t expect a lot from them. By not holding Muslims to the same standard that we hold others, the world is tacitly acknowledging that Muslims are inferior people, a bit like animals and it is unfair to expect from them to behave like humans.
Hamas terrorists keep shelling Israeli populated towns and the world accepts this while if a Palestinian civilian is killed collaterally, Israelis are to be blamed, even though these civilians are deliberately places close to the shelling stations for the purpose of making them martyrs.
Muslims have no conscience. They commit any crime just to win. When the winning is the goal every heinous act is justifiable. They think their children will be sent to paradise so it is okay if they are killed. They know they cannot win this war militarily, so they are waging a war of propaganda through victimization game at the cost of sacrificing their own children. How despicable! How low you people have descended.
Under the influence of Islam, Muslims act like sub-humans. They are indoctrinated in such a way that they become brainless killing machines – zombies. But they are more dangerous because they have the intellect of humans and the psychology of a predator beast.
3) The muslims who are getting butchered in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq: when did they start getting butchered, You are the smart one I leave this to you Mr. Ali Sina , I have a 15 year daughter who can answer this question.
Muslims have been killing each other since the time of Muhammad. Muhammad burned a mosque with people inside it because someone told him these Muslims have invented their own version of Islam. Those poor Muslims had invited him to visit their mosque and “bless” it. So possibly they were not fully knowledgeable about Islam. Muhammad did not try to investigate the facts. He sent men to burn the mosque with people locked inside it.
Ali massacred four thousand Khavarej while they came to protest unarmed and Aisha and Ali locked horns in a war the left countless people dead.
Muslims killing each other is not new. Muhammad planned it this way. He told his followers that they will split in 72 sects, all of them, with the exception of one, will go to hell. However, since he never explained his religion logically, hundreds of sects were created each thinking others are heretics and hence deserving of their hate and liable to be killed. What insanity! Was Muhammad Satan’s perfect plan to destroy mankind?
I bet you did not teach these things to your 15 year old daughter, as no one taught you.
4) Israel doesn’t only steal and destroy the houses of suicide bombers. It steals from everywhere it is begger and a thief state that can’t stand on its own feet without being helped by criminals like its own. Who is helping Israel? I will leave this to your intelligence Mr. Ali
Israel is a country of 7.3 million people. Only Tehran has twice as many inhabitants. Despite that Israel has withstood all the attacks from Arabs. Yet it has produced more scientific Nobel prize winner than any country. Despite the fact that they are surrounded by mortal enemies and spent a lot of their income on defense, they are amongst the most prosperous countries of the world. They can survive, feed themselves and defend themselves without any help from anyone. But no country is invincible. Israel can be obliterated in a nuclear attack. That is why they have to do what they have to do. Israelis have nowhere to go. They have to fight to the end.
But why do stupid things? Why instead of this much hate, Muslims don’t realize that Islam is the source of their problems, leave this faith of hate and ask the Israelis to send their experts to make the Arab deserts bloom too?
There is a better solution and it is to leave the hatred aside. This is not possible as long as Muslims cling to a psychopath of the seventh century.
I want to see prosperity in Islamic countries and not so much death and misery. The first step is for Muslims to unclench their fists and accept the fact that we are all humans. Religions are man-made. We are all members of the same family of mankind. The wall that Muslims have erected between themselves and others is in their imagination. Let me echo Regan’s words and say, tear down that wall. The time for the unity of mankind has come.
5) There would be peace in Palestine when the Israelis start to consider themselves as humans and not as superhumans and chosen race. When they start to treat others the way they like to be treated. Why Israel has the right to amass all nuclear weapons and don’t give this privilege to others.
Israelis are living by the Golden Rule. The Palestinians residing in Israel are full citizens with equal rights. Not a single Islamic country has given their minorities equal rights.
The answer to the question, why Israel has the right to amass nuclear bombs and an Islamic country like Iran should not, is obvious. Israelis have never said they want to obliterate any country and will never do such thing. Ahmadinejad has said it many times and he will do it. That lunatic chimp thinks by causing chaos in the world he is precipitating the coming of his hidden imam.
A gun in the hand of a sane person is harmless, but it would be a big mistake to trust a crazy man with the same. Muslims cannot be trusted with nuclear bomb and they should not have it. It is as simple as that. When dealing with Muslims we are not dealing with sane people. We are dealing with brainless ideologues that worship an insane man and a demonic god. Such people are dangerous. Muslims are a threat to themselves and to others. When sane people follow an insane man they do insane things. Islam is mental illness. The only remedy for Muslims is to leave Islam and regain their sanity.
6) The Koran says “The most favored to God is the one who is most devout and does good deeds.” The most favored is not the one that belongs to the a certain ancestry or color or tribe ( Like the old and new testament, that says God give this to this tribe of Israel and gave the land of Palestine to the criminal polish and Russian Jews and of course he deprived the Palestinians as well as anyone who doesn’t believe that the Jewish race is a superior race (Zionism). Do you want me to believe in a nationalist god who treats his subjects unequally. This god is not worthy of worship.
There is a lot of disambiguation in Islam that needs to be clarified in order to understand it.
“Good deeds” in Islam does not mean the same as it does for others. The universal understanding of good deeds is adherence to the Golden Rule. But that is not what Muhammad understood and described. For him good deeds was doing what he had ordered and avoiding what he had prohibited. For example, a person who performs prayers five times a day, observes the fast, wages Jihad or gives money to others to wage jihad, shaves his pubic hair and hates the unbelievers is doing good deeds. If he raids the non-Muslims’ homes in the middle of the night, massacres unarmed men and takes their wives and daughters as slaves and rapes them, he is doing good deeds. One thing that appalled me, when I was reading the biography of Muhammad and his followers was the fact that they used to commit all sorts of heinous crimes, such as murder and rape and stand for prayer right after that. Evil deeds for Muslims is staying in bed in the morning and neglecting their prayer or passing wind during them, touching the Quran with the left hand and other silly thing like these. So watch out when Muslims talk about “good deeds.” Their good deeds can be very evil. Al wala’ wal bara’, which is the embodiment of everything that is evil, in Islam is the essence of faith. It means loving fellow Muslims and hating the non-Muslims.
Your above statement is the perfect example of the evil doctrine of al wala’ wal bara’. This hatred of non-Muslims and particularly the Jews has become so ingrained in your psyche that it has become your second nature.
This is a major hurdle that I face. It is not difficult for me to convince Muslims that Muhammad was a liar, but it is very difficult for me to make them accept others as fellow humans and particularly the Jews whose hatred has been mixed with the milk of their mothers.
No one believes that Jews are a superior race. In fact since 80% of them supported Obama, it is evident that the majority of them are quite foolish. Obama’s anti Semite sentiment was all documented and I wrote about it in June 2008. But the Jews overwhelmingly supported this buffoon and now they regret it. Jews have committed huge blunders throughout their history with catastrophic consequences. This may be their last. Even today still 20% of Jews would reelect Obama. That much for the myth of the superiority of the Jews! In fact this imbecile is a threat to all mankind. How can people be so stupid to put a buffoon like him in such a high place? We will pay dearly for these idiots’ mistake. Compared to this freak, Carter was a political genius. And we owe the fall of the Shah and the rise of Islamic terrorism to Carter. May God save mankind from this devil.
No my dear Raef, Jews are not superior to anyone and they are not smarter than others. However, thousands of years of living in captivity and as second class citizens has thought them that if they want to survive they have to go after science and excel in everything they do. So we have more Jewish scientists and entrepreneurs per capita than we have among other nations. Muslims can do the same if they leave the belief in the demon Muhammad.
Jews do not consider themselves to be superior. I never heard or read such thing from them. They think they are chosen to be a beacon of light to other nations. And frankly, in most cases such as in science, business and art, they have excelled. They think they are chosen to set an example and I think if Arabs follow their example they too will be able to make their deserts bloom and their countries havens of prosperity, democracy and peace.
Sure, a supremacist god is not worthy of worship. I agree 100%. But what about al lah of Muhammad? Isn’t he a supremacist? Let us see this hadith:
“Ali Ibn Abi Talib, said: Verily the Prophet said: God divided the earth in two halves and placed (me) in the better of the two, then He divided the half in three parts, and I was in the best of them, then He chose the Arabs from among the people, then He chose the Quraysh from among the Arabs, then He chose the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib from among the Banu Hashim, then he chose me from among the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib, and from them he chose me. [Ibn Sa’d, Abu Abd Allah Muhammad. Kitab al-Tabaqat, vol i. Translated in English by S. Moinul Haq, Kitab Bhavan, 1784, Kalan Mahal, Daraya Ganj, New Delhi, India, 1972, p1.2].
Muhammad is dead and his fetid corpse is devoured by worms, but thanks to this hadith Arabs think they are chosen and superior. This insanity has infected the countries that were conqured by Arabs and lost their language and identity and now think that they are Arabs too and hence superior.
Talk about pot calling the kettle black.
7) Ali, you are a misguided person and you don’t know the Palestinians we always have considered people are equal and we never treat others differently (it is against Islam to do so, we never claimed that we are chosen, the idea of racism is strange to us it came from the place you consider an oasis of FREEDOM)
I am glad that at least you say this and on a conscious level you believe that equality is better than considering yourself superior.
However, the following verses belie your claim.
O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. (Qur’an 5:51)
Ye People of the Book! Why do ye clothe Truth with falsehood and conceal the Truth while ye have knowledge? Surah 3.71
Can ye, o ye men of Faith, entertain the hope that they will believe in you? Seeing that a party of them heard the Word of God and perverted it knowingly after they understood it. Surah 2.75
The Quranic verses present Muslims as the only people chosen to carry the true word of God. According to the Quran, both the New and the Old Testaments are corrupted and thus their believers are following a false path. In the Quran, Mohammed charges the Jews with “falsehood” (Sura 3:71), distortion (4:46), and of being “corrupters of Scripture.”
It is a belief of Islam that the Jews and Christian leaders have altered their sacred books deliberately and hence they are all misguided. This doctrine is called tahrifi-lafzi, “the corruption of the text”.
The sura Fatiha, which Muslims recite every day as prayer is an affirmation of Muslims’ supremacy. In this sura Muslims are regarded as the guided ones, the Christians as gone astray and the Jews as despised by God. It is clear that Islam inculcates the superiority of Muslims.
Muhammad said that the unbelievers are najis (filthy). Muslims wash their cloths if in a rainy day they come in contact with an unbeliever. They do not drink from the same vessel that the filthy kuffar drink. Isn’t this religious apartheid? How can you say the idea of racism is strange to Muslims? Islam is a racist doctrine similar to Nazism. To claim Islam is not racist (on the bases of belief) is self delusion.
I will accept your claim if Muslims agree to give their daughters in marriage to Jews, Christians and other non-believers, without demanding them to convert to Islam. I will accept your claim if I see a non-Muslim is elected to the highest office in an Islamic country. This can’t happen because of the verse 5:51 prohibits Muslims from taking non-Muslims as their awlia (rulers). In fact living under the rule of non-Muslims for Muslims, is seen as “oppression,” which entitles them to wage jihad and end that “oppression.”
8) Do you have the courage to criticize Israel ? The moral state of Israel, you will be accused of being anti-Semite and you may be prosecuted in a court of law or got fired from your job.
Of course I have the courage to criticize Israel. I just said that the majority of the Jews are dumb for supporting Obama. When you don’t rely on others for your sustenance you become very bold. I don’t care who is offended by what I say, I speak the truth the way I see it and invite others to disprove me.
And I can freely criticize the state of Israel anytime I think they deserve it. I am on the record for calling Israel a terrorist state. That was after the Muhammad Al Dura’s incident. However, as it turned out, that was a hoax and a Palestinian propaganda to deceive the public. See this video.
After fabricating the Al Dura lie the Palestinian fill their children with hate and encourage them to become martyrs. See this video.
Like most people I was fooled. But I am glad that I said such thing because it shows that I am not biased towards the state of Israel or dependent on anyone. I support justice and fairness and not any particular group of people.
But when I see evidences like this of Palestinians fabricating news, it becomes clear that they are lying. Watch this one and see how a dead man comes to life. It’s hilarious.
Israelis do not aim to kill children. This is obviously not in their interest. However, such news is in the interest of Palestinians. So their fighters launch their rockets from hospitals and residential areas in the hope that when Israelis take them down, a few civilians and children are also killed, so they can use that as evidence of Israeli brutality.
I am not employed by the Jews for them to fire me. I am an independent thinker and receive no funding from any organization. Sometimes people send a few dollars as donation that goes towards the payment of our dedicated server, but often the rest of the expenses come out of my own pocket. Most of the work is done by volunteers. They don’t get a dime and even support it with their own money.
Of course they are the PROFFESIONAL BABY KILLERS ( Iam sure you agree with this ya Ali Sina – the scenes of Palestinian babies killed were all over the world unless you were not in this world last year )
Indeed these babies were suicide bombers and deserve to be burnt like the (people) who were burnt alive at the hands of Nazis??? !!!
9) The Israelis think that they are above the LAW they could do anything they want to and don’t want others to retaliate;
This is called projecting. It is Muslims who are baby killers. Even Muhammad justified killing children.
It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: “They are from them.” (Sahih Muslim 4322, see also Bukhari 52:256)
Yes I saw the pictures that circulate as chain mail among Muslims. I could also detect many of the dead children were victims of Saddam in Iraq falsely attributed to Israelis. How low you people can descend?
The solution is to stop fighting, accept the Jews as humans with the right to live in their ancestral homeland and you’ll find that Israelis are ready to accommodate you. But how can Israelis negotiate with you people when you elect Hamas as your leaders and Hamas’s goal is the destruction of Israel?
As a Muslim you are incapable of putting yourself in other person’s shoes. It is Muslims that think they have the divine right to do all sorts of crimes against non-Muslims, but no one should retaliate and if they defend themselves you call them oppressors. This is all in accordance with examples set by the narcissist Muhammad.
You fabricate lies about others to portray yourselves as victims and then you justify every heinous crime against them.
Show me one Islamic country that allows building churches, and conversion of Muslims to other faiths? Not one! And yet Muslims demand that non-Muslim countries bend backwards to accommodate their primitive religion. They want schools and airplanes to serve halal meat. They want cities and institutions to install Islamic toilets and give them a room to perform their prayers while at the same time they imprison the members of other faiths and execute them in Islamic countries.
10) Don’t their bible say an eye for an eye, and what they are doing is 1000 eyes for an eye by destroying and stealing the Palestinians.
Israelis are not stealing from Palestinians. These are lies. But to incite hate you need to fabricate lies, demonize and dehumanize your victim. This is what Hitler did. This is what Stalin did and this is what Muhammad did and what Muslims do. Jews are in fact paying the Palestinians subsidies to build their country. Palestinians could have done the same that Israelis did and make their lands a paradise. But instead they prefer to wage perpetual war.
Israelis are not killing Palestinian children. Their hospitals are open to anyone including Palestinians and in Israeli hospitals, whether you are a Jew or a Palestinian you get the same treatment. Millions of Arabs live in Israel and don’t feel any discrimination. What will happen to an Israeli if by mistake he ends up in Gaza? He will be cut into pieces in no time.

Palestinians ripping two Israelies who made a wrong turn and ended up in Ramala.

Paqlestinians feeling orgasmic after taking out the entrails of two Israelis who by mistake ended up in Ramala

Palestinans rejoyce after killing Israelis

Two Israelies caught in Gaza.
These pictures speak volumes. Do Israelis treat Arabs in Israel in this way? You people have a long way to go to become fully humans my friend. I cannot even call you animals because I am an animal lover and know of no animal that would do such thing to his own kind. You are monsters. You are the children of Satan and the embodiment of everything that is demonic. All that can change if you leave the demon that you worship.
How can there ever be peace in the Middle East if there is so much hate in you people? You fabricate lies and demonize the Israelis so you can justify all the crimes against them. This is what Muslims do all over the world. This was the modus operandi of Muhammad. It was that psychopath narcissist that set the standard for all his benighted followers.
There can be no peace with Muslims. Anyone who thinks one can have peace with Muslims, anywhere in the world, is deluding himself and will pay the consequences of his foolishness sooner or later.
The only road to peace is to wean Muslims from the web of lies of Islam. The disease is Islam. It is Islam that creates a barrier between Muslims and non-Muslims, inculcates in them the concept of us versus them and promotes religious apartheid. Once Islam is eliminated the world will be in peace.
Look at the brave Mosab Yusef, A.K.A Son of Hamas and listen to his wise words. This courageous man gets it. He left Islam and as the result has left the hatred of the Jews and non-believers behind. This is the example that you and all Muslims must follow. We will have peace in the world when Muslims start leaving Islam en-mass.
11) The Israelis are paranoid people, they need to go through psychiatric help they think everyone wants to hit them (because they know they have done something wrong) so they are neurotic and start retaliating against others
It is amazing that you see all the evil in Muslims projected in others. No my friend. Israelis are not paranoid. Six millions of them were gassed to death because of people like you who hated their guts. Today the president of Iran who denies the holocaust is promising to deliver one fetal one to the Jews. This is not paranoia. This is fact.
On the other hand you perfectly depict the state of the mind of Muslims. In my book, I have described the psychological makeup of Muhammad and through a vast body of evidence have shown that that man suffered from a series of mental illnesses, among them narcissistic, schizotypal and paranoid personality disorders. His insanity is inherited by his followers who also believe everyone is their enemy and hence they must take their revenge from their enemies. You should read my book. It will save you from Islam and only when you are free from the claws of this insane faith your people will have peace and prosperity. For 1400 years we lived in lies, in hate and in war. Isn’t it time to wake up?
12) Their claimed superiority complex is just a cover up for their inferiority complex that was indoctrinated in them in Christian Europe.
Yes dear Raef. You are right on the money. Superiority complex is a mask to hide one’s inferiority complex. This explains the arrogance of Muslims who despite their wretchedness dream of ruling the world. How pathetic.

Islamic invention
Why Jews should have inferiority complex when they have been the major contributors to the advancement of human civilization? In every imaginable field of science they have been the forerunners. What Muslims have achieved? Nothing! They look at their societies and see they are impoverished, backward, barbarians and they are filled with shame. Everything they consume (except the pitcher that they use to wash their derrieres) is an invention of kafris. Then instead of coming to their senses and realizing that Islam is the reason for their miseries, they blame others and cling to this filth faster and try to compensate their inferiority complex by making ridiculous claims that their religion is miraculous and that they will dominate the world. What a shame! They are one hundred times more numerous than the Jews and collectively have achieved less than one thousandth time what the Jews have achieved. “The rulers of the world!” Hah! How sad!

Muslims think with Islam they will get to rule the world.
It amazes me that you perfectly described what is wrong with Islam, but instead of finding a remedy for it, you project the illness of Islam on others. How can one go so astray?
Why the Jews should feel inferior when they have surpassed every other nation in every field of human endeavor?
I am baffled by this kind of thinking. What you said applies to the miserable Muslims and not to the Jews. The origin of this inferiority complex is to be found in the psychology of Muhammad who was mentally insane. Please read my book. I will send it to you for free if you ask for it. It will open your eyes. I am not asking you to read it with an open mind. Read it with close mind and reject everything I say. It still will do its work and by the time you finish it you’ll be a free man.
13) The Christians who, unfairly, killed the Jews and put them in gas chambers want to repent their shameful past (they have a guilt complex) so they support Israel and turning the Jews from oppressed to oppressors.
First of all let us adhere to honestly. It was not the Christians that gassed the Jews. Hitler was no Christian. In fact he was an admirer of Islam and lamented that the Germans were not Muslims because, according to him, Islam as a supremacist religion is more appropriate for the Germanic spirit which he thought is also supremacist.
Hitler got the idea of gassing the Jews from Sheikh Hassan al Banna the Mufti of Jerusalem who suggested the Turks’ final solution for the Armenian problem was to gas 1.5 millions of them. The suggestion was welcomed by Hitler who carried it out.

Muslims strive to finish what Hitler started

Islam and Nazism have a lot in common
Secondly, you are again making a lie to vilify and demonize the Jews and the Christians, accusing them of being the oppressors.
These lies fuel your hatred. As long as you cling to these lies you will be filled with rage and want revenge over something that is not real. There can be no peace with people like you.
I have the remedy. Stop believing in and fomenting lies. Cleanse your heart from hate and you’ll see no one is trying to oppress you or any Muslim. Those Muslims who have left Islam testify to this fact. Muslims don’t have enemies. They are the enemy to others and each other. Ideologies of hate, such as Nazism, communism and Islam need enemies to fire up their followers. Without hate they cannot survive.
But I know Muslims can’t wake up. They are diseased by Islam and can’t think straight. Their hatred will lead to a major disaster that will destroy millions of people and will probably wipe out hundreds of millions of Muslims. This is foolish. Stop believing in lies. Stop worshiping the devil Muhammad. Come back to your humanity. Stop dividing mankind. We are one people.
We are not born Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus or atheists. We are born humans. Muslims have abdicated their humanity and follow an insane criminal of the seventh century – a man who presented no evidence for his outlandish claims except the sword. Until you don’t abandon this insanity and this senseless hate, things are going to go from bad to worse until a major war wipe out a great portion of Mankind. Muslims will not survive this one. Don’t believe in your insane prophet. When the westerners realize that they have to act or more of their cities will be nuked, they will wipe out the Muslim word. Don’t underestimate the instinct of survival. When it comes to survival we are all animals. This insanity must stop. There is no sense to it.
14) (You have your religion and I have mine – it is very bad that someone start to falsify facts just to get few pennies – I am sure you are making a living in the west just because you are cursing Islam and the Palestinians.
I don’t fabricate facts. Catch my lies as I have caught yours and those of Muhammad if you are truthful.
No one pays me. I am doing this for the last 12 years at a great cost to myself. This is not my business. Often the donations are not enough to even pay for the cost of maintaining the site.
I am not doing this for money. This is costing me. This is my mission. Life is meaningless if there is no purpose to it. Destroying Islam and bringing Muslims back to the fold of humanity is the purpose of my life.
Eventually, my message will prevail because it is truth and I will live forever, after my body is reduced into ashes and my name is forgotten, in the lives of those whom I saved.
Whatever we do reverberates throughout the universe. You are free to sow evil, lies and hate, like Muhammad did and make the world a hell or you can sow goodness, truth and love and make the word better. I have chosen the latter path.
15) Do you know Marwa Al sharbini who was killed in Germany just because she wore a hairdress? Why don’t you write an article about her? I am sure you have no courage to do so.
Yes I heard of her. There are crazy people in every society. However, one thing that escapes you is that her assassin was sentenced to life in prison. This is a lot different from what happens in Islamic countries, particularly in your Palestine, where people pour into the streets and celebrate any time one of you kills some innocent persons. Are the murderers of the Copts in Egypt punished? In Iran it is the state itself that murders the Christians and the Baha’is. Why you Muslims think all the crimes that you perpetrate against the minorities among you is okay?
The killer of that Muslim woman had some anger problem and she taunted him. He made a comment about her stupid veil and she took him to the court and charged him with hate crime. She could not just let go. She wanted to destroy the man and take her sweet revenge. She had miscalculated because this guy had anger problem and snapped.
These laws in the west are stupid. They must be changed. Wearing the veil must be banned and not protected by law. Although I regret that man’s action I understand his rage.
The same stupid woman in her Islamic country would abuse the minorities but when in Germany she takes a German man to court and uses the German law to punish him for just making a remark against his veil. These things boil ever decent person’s blood.
Over 15,000 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by your coreligionists since 9/11 and you see nothing wrong in that. In fact you think they were justified. But when one angry person commits an act of insanity, you parade it all over the world. What is wrong with you people? Why you have so much double standards and no conscience? How can we share this planet with you? How can the Jews share that tiny land with people like you? You inhale lies and exhale hate. How can you live like that?
You raise and hide your terrorists, but take to the court someone who insults a woman that deserves nothing but insult, prosecute him and punish him. You have tens of thousands of terrorists and we have a few crazies. You promote hate in your schools, mosques and televisions and we prosecute our own people if they utter a word that may sound racially charged. You kill the minorities and burn their houses of worship in your countries and we allow you to spread your faith of hate freely in our lands and protect you with our laws. Can there be a comparison between you and us?
16) Say the truth even if it is against you and your kin, that is what the Koran has taught us.
No my friend. Please do not delude yourself. You don’t speak the truth and your Quran does not encourage you to do so. You speak lies, but to you they are truth because you have never bothered to probe them and see them from a different angle. The Quran is also sheer lies.
Truth must stand the test of reason. We have proven that the Quran is a lies and have challenged Muslims to disprove us.
Your hatred has blinded you. You can no longer distinguish truth even if it hits you in the head. But if you are sincere, I invite you to continue this debate. We will start with the Quran itself, because in your view that book is the origin of all truths. I will show you that it contains hundreds of fallacies and absurdities and a lot of filth.
Then we will move to Muhammad. I will prove to you that he was a mentally sick man, a criminal and a fiend. If you can prove me wrong, I will publicly acknowledge and announce Islam is true. Even if I don’t do it, people who read our debate will see your truth.
Yes my endorsement matters. Some Muslims have called me the number one enemy of Islam, which to me is a badge of honor. My testimony is worth a lot more than that of a dozen of priests converting to Islam. I have led thousands of people out of Islam.
How about I send you my book and you read it? Once you are done, write to me and tell me why you think I am mistaken. Let me tell you that all those who promised to prove me wrong, left Islam after reading my book or did not respond.
I look forward to hear from you.
Ali Sina
Pat Condell made this video. It is superb and I think everyone must watch it.
Son of Hamas leader follows Christ by saying his god is a gangster
[youtube Vl641IFO10g youtube]
To me Jihadists(Islamic militants) is their own way to spread their religion by forcing people, but as Christians have their missionaries to spread Christianity, Muslims should also imitate preaching and not killing innocent people as if they're doing competition with other religion. if they so much believe that there is God and there is going to be judgement after death so why cant they wait till then or they're not sure if Allah is God by that they're confused and afraid of being overtaken.…
an eye opener for all indians
To all Indians
I hate Islam and believe that it was the worst thing that happened to india however how many of us know that the owner of East India company was a jew Rothschild. Who was responsible for enslaving india to the white man and stealing our vedas and science and gold from temples.
He was the one to steal all the vedic knowledge than translate it and attribute it to the inventions of white man. search Google for "NEWTON THE CALCULUS THIEF" and THE INDIAN VIMANAS SHASTRA" or the ROTHSCHILD CONSPIRACY or "THE JEWESH HASBARA" to know the truth.
Madar Chod Islam Ko kosne se tera aur dunya ka kiya bhala hone wala hai, Gaando Islam aik civilization hai Chutiye
that's the problem with non Muslims quoting verses without context.
Agree with your comment on Obama, pointing out his rather useless stand on the issue. However I feel it wouldnt be right to criticize a single person's view on your site. Wouldnt want people to mistake your intentions of questioning religion as criticizing people.
Like you said, the site deals with debunking a false belief, not any person.
I dont disagree with the actual point, but I humbly suggest you to keep such comments under check. Admiring your good work 🙂
Makes me a little more glad to see someone taking a strong stand in the Israel Palestine issue. Modest as you are Mr.Sina, there are not many sites who could dare to say above quotes in an orderly manner. Forgive me for imposing requests but please do add more data and evidence to your site regarding this issue. I wish i could do what you did in this site (frankly im too scared). Yet I cannot bear to know that people kill each other for nothing more than religion.
If he is biased or is distorting facts, kindly mention at least one correction (logically, not emotionally) in what he said. Im unbiased and he seems logically backed up to me. Ali Sina has done his homework. Like it or not he makes sense. Simply denying it will get you nowhere. Explain where he made a mistake and we can analyse it 😛
This is what makes Islam so dangerous. Fighting and killing someone just because they are a disbeliever is pretty much what "Murder". The fact that you dont think killing a disbeliever in a fight is not murder in this day and age is proof of how islam corrupts you mind.
Dont reply with profanity please. Just think.
im readin.. sorry dont see it.. must be your illusion… blind belief forces you to deny logical fact thrown against it.
why the heck do you think we need to listen to Joseph Weitz and not simple peaceful humane logic?
18:29 and 6:164 were verses created by muhammed during his early days, when he didnt have an army.. look up the chronology if u want… since he had no army, he had to resort to impassiveness to keep his followers. When he got an army, he changed tactics and started telling war based verses. Think my friend, if muhammed really meant it, why would he attack, loot and kill so many "Civilians" (who died for no reason except that they stuck to their beliefs). A real prophet spreads peace (there are no real prophets.. Hard Truth of Life)
Do you really think he meant what he said above, if he ordered apostates to be killed, women and children to be murdered for not believing him?
If you dont want to be melodramatic, you've no place in islam. Its no free world to a muslim, its a world where he/she must submit his free will to a higher power(not actually god), and be controlled politically, living as a hapless slave to those who know the truth and keep them in darkness.
You are a man who thinks. You do not need the quran or islam to believe in God. Your instinct is enough
Satyameve jayate .. Ashamed that my beautiful language Tamil can be used in this way. Apologies to anyone who reads this. This man has no right to call himself a Tamilan or a Malayali. Kindly request not to mix up our proud people with misled people like this
to ali sina: you say that palestinians living in iraq have equal rights yet isnt it true they dont have the right to vote? theres a facebook page set up by israeli activist called "real democracy" and they claim that any palestinian that wants to vote just post your request on the page and one of the israeli citizen actvist will vote on your behalf. they are claiming to be world wide and stating people from all countries will vote on behalf of the palestinians if they so wish. what are your thoughts on this?
2) you stated in another article that the iraqi civilians have only been victims of terrorist attacks and never INTENTIONALLY from the u.s. army yet there are articles on how private american military contractors used to protect u.s. government officials in iraq opened fire on iraqi civillians for no reason. the most infamous group are of course BLACKWATER. what are your thoughts on this?
I wish I could accept that compliment at least partially. The truth is that even a dim light of a candle will shine bright in the pitch darkness. You compare my limited skills and dim light to the vast ignorance of Islam and you are impressed. That is not a fair comparison. Any child can throw a stone at you and win, provided you are at the bottom of a well and he is standing at its rim. Muslims have put themselves in the deep hole of Islam. Anyone can win them. This has to do with the relative vantage points and not with the strengths and skills.
your skills of articulation are magnificant, i've never seen someone walk the forefront of human intellect with such confidence and conviction.
Especially in an Islamic debate.
Keep it up
And you are fully fluent in classical Arabic, denialisnoproof?
I tell you what, the next time he does a conference, you go there and stand at the microphone in the questions and answers session, and pose this question to him for the whole world to see and prove him wrong.
No point coming to your Guru Swami Ji Sina's website and mustering a couple of backward Indian phrases swearing at him.
Be brave and deal with him head on intellectually for us all to see. (do you still need the Andrex toilet roll)
Hi ali what makes zakir naik lie so shamelessly and so confidently in front his stupid crowd?
I think because nobody knows arabic , he misinterpret the meanings of dahaha and noor.
Thank you Mr. Sina for your reply, I will keep spreading the truth and peace. You have been very motivational for me. Thank you and all your team for your brave and tiring efforts. And I will use as my website in forums.
Absolutely. The more you spread them the better. However, when you join a forum you can put as your website. This will increase the rank of the site and its Google Ranking
Mr. Sina… may I use your articles and the facts you provide in debates… I mean sometimes I just copy the part your article and paste it. I mean you are OK with that right… I just assumed that… 😛
It did not start with Muhammad or anybody else, it started with the Jewish arrogance and supremacy. These slave people think they are the chosen people and bearers of “universal morality” or that is to say their slave commandments. The whole religion is nothing but “thou shalt”. “If one day all the people rise against Iranians, I have a place to go.” So you would run like a coward? What is this? A real man would sooner die than abandon his property and run like a cowardly dog, or more accurately like a cowardly Jew.
I don’t give a hoot about Jewish text or any scripture that claims to be from God. I believe in human life and human rights. I believe Jews have a right to their own country. The world is hostile to Jews. This hostility started with Muhammad and later spread to others like Hitler and other hateful hatemongers like him. If one day all the people rise against Iranians, I have a place to go. I want the same for the Jews and for all the people in the world. Palestinians also have a place to go. They can go to their homeland, i.e Jordan and Egypt. They don’t want to go because they want to keep fighting against the Jews.
Moor, Stick to the Quran, because it superseded all other religious texts in the Muslims' eyes. No wonder, the Muslims cannot take away the blessed land Allah had provided for the Jews who were also given the knowledge of science n weaponry by Allah ( Quran : 10; 93 ) . The Compassionate, Wise n All-knowing God knew the Jews had suffered terribly at the hands of Hitler n his henchmen so He provided a blessed land with the best sustenance for them to settle n gave them the knowledge to defend themselves. All effort to destroy Israel will be futile as Allah had predicted that they will live till the Day of Resurrection.
Read all of the Jewish text and you will see why there are Jews also who do not agree with Israel
As Zionism is not Judaism as Zionism is mostly imperialism, nationalism mixed in with a few religious justifications
Read about the exile of the Jews and what a ''State of Israel'' is. As the Zionist state goes agaist Judaism and butchers the values of Judaism with its justification to steal and kill others and the way it treats those who are religious and those not wanting to serve in the army (jails them)
The quote you linked was retelling the Torah
Read the Tanakh (The Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings")—hence TaNaKh. The name "Miqra" (מקרא), meaning "that which is read", is an alternative Hebrew term for the Tanakh. The books of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) were relayed with an accompanying oral tradition passed on by each generation, called the Oral Tora)
I couldn't agree less.
All watch:……
[youtube zA5is7IcEqA youtube]
The Real Jewish people
Nur Masalha and other scholars describe several associations of modern Palestinians with Amalekites, including recommendations by rabbi Israel Hess to kill Palestinians, which are based on biblical verses such as 1 Samuel 15. Shulamit Aloni, a member of the Israeli Knesset indicated in 2003 that Jewish children in Israel were being taught in religious schools that Palestinians were Amalek, and that therefore total genocide was a religious obligation
The Simple Koran gives meaning to all this text. I like it either. It is said that the Koran was send down to Mohammad in 7 versions. Uthman had burned 6 versions. Why? The entire text of the Koran is false, because it wasn't written in Arabic. The first Koran was written in Aramaic Syriac. Now the text of the Koran is reanalyzed in this language.Things written in the Koran are false. For ex/ there is no such things like houris in Paradise, there no young boys like pearls.All it is about is grapes which are compared to pearls. Terrorists thinks that young boys and houris are waiting for them in the paradize and give their lives for this, but instead they will get grapes and fresh water.
Only Muslims dance and rejoice of killing another people. Only Muslims are constantly talking about Jihad to Kafirs. Only Muslims unanimously support the ugly politics of their respective countries toward Israel. Israel has to react and defense itself.
Muslims must shut up their mouth. Muhammad ordered to kill a hole Jewish tribe only because Jews rejected him as a prophet. A real maniac///
Please, tell what kind of translation do you mention?
= because some Muslims are terrorists this must mean Islam is a fascist ideology? =
The statistical analysis of the sacred text (Quran, Syra an AHadith) shows that more of 9% of islamic text is sharply antisemitic. Mein Kampf of Hitler contains 7% of antisemitic text.
A new brochure has been published. This is a great resource because it has facts that we have heard about, but have not had references for:
“Israeli-Arab Conflict” brochure…
"Report the truth not a one sided propaganda (One sided propaganda can be found in many articles on this site)" You can make any comment disagreeing with Sina about anything he says or supports if you are talking sense people will listen to you. I myself have have aruged with him about the Israel/palestine conflict and i have heard from him some israeli propaganda lies. But anyway their are loads of injustices in the world and many states founded on stupid ideas (like Israel for instance) but why the muslims just pick on this one issue? Why they not talk about Darfur, Black September or Saddam`s genocide of the kurds? Where`s the big protests in the west against these regimes and their thugish leaders from the muslims?
"This comment speaks for itself just another bigot who claims Islam and the Muslims are violent abuse woman and trying to take over the world." So what, is anyone forced to watched Condell`s videos? You don`t like it don`t watch it. I personally despise (for example) the terrorist apologist, dictator supporting scumbag George Galloway but do you hear anyone going on about him?
Condell also received criticism after links to his monologue, titled The Trouble with Islam, were circulated to commissioners in the California city of Berkeley's Peace and Justice Commission. Condell said in the video that Islam is "a religion of war", that "Muslim women in Britain who cover their faces are mentally ill", though in some parts of the world women have no choice but to cover their face, as they are "governed… by primitive pigs whose only achievement in life is to be born with a penis in one hand and a Qur'an in the other." Commissioner Elliot Cohen described Condell's comments as "insulting, degenerating and racist".
This comment speaks for itself just another bigot who claims Islam and the Muslims are violent abuse woman and trying to take over the world.
I see this is very pro Israel what about the torture of under ages and the Palestinian people the Son of Hamas even speaks about how Palestinians were tortured (I Do not agree with what he says about Islam)
Lets not forget the collar bombs, burning of Mosque, bombing of villages, threats to nuke Palestine, killing of woman and children, Slander of the Palestinian people and killing of civilians on both sides by extremist and many more acts which Israel commits which you conveniently left out to make Palestine look like the aggressor, to vilify Palestine and are not listing the acts that Israel commit
Report the truth not a one sided propaganda (One sided propaganda can be found in many articles on this site)
Just in time for Christmas, a new carol from Palestinian Authority TV.
'Boom out loud, oh voice of the machine gun… Oh AK-47, make sounds of joy,'
[youtube YN1cI13VOHM youtube]
"Engrave on the rifle butt the symbol of Fatah's Al-Asifa [unit]
My trigger makes sounds of joy to the Elder (Arafat)
while the rifle sounds aloud
Boom out loud, oh voice of the machine gun,
Yasser [Arafat] lives inside us
[Despite] the day (of his death) on Nov. 11,
the [Palestinian] cause has not died
He is present inside us as an idea and as light,
a fire burning in [our] chest
He [Arafat] taught the whole world how to revolt.
Yasser – symbol of freedom
Oh Elder, I swear by [your] uniform and your keffiya
Oh bullets of the defiant, [your] shot fights 100 [men]
He lived and died in an atmosphere of war,
he crossed the world from east to west
Mahmoud Abbas is on the same path
when it comes to [our] state and identity
We fired the rifle, we faced the storm
We responded to the cannon with a pistol
Using stones, we ignited a revolution and wrote [history], oh Fatah men
On the rifle butt, we have engraved [Fatah's] symbol
On the grip, we have engraved "Arafat"
On the top cover we have inscribed the history of the free
On the barrel – the name of the homeland
The flash-suppressor ignited and burst
Here it is, oh rifle sight
The state is only a few meters away
Oh action-spring, receive and shoot [bullets] continuously
Change the magazine – there are hundreds [of them]
Load it into the chamber
Oh AK-47, make sounds of joy and salute the Elder (Arafat)"
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 16, 2011]
Dear Mr. Ali Asini: Admire both your boldness and the great clarity and understanding that you bring to the table in the exposure of the Islamic way of life and its' roots deep into a satanically inspired religion and culture. Refrain not from what you do so well in liberating the Muslim people from the cult of lies and bondage.
Read your inserted article from World Net Daily on the other evil one, Obama. The problem for most of us in 2008 was that those of us who had a profound understanding of where this man child, a buffoon, but not without a disastrous agenda and ideology, despite the limited publicly available information, was that our message fell on deaf ears, as many were mesmerized by his so called "brilliant speeches", and the black folk of whom many were ready to stand in line for his freebees, most of which never came. Many of his entourage do not have an excuse this time around. He and his "policies" are nothing short of a complete disaster. Good riddens to bad rubbish.
Wake up and smell the roses, Jacob. Islam is what it is, a false, demonically inspired religion.
This is of course codwallop Herzl wrote “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries whilst denying it any employment in our own country.” Also note this was before palestine was even chosen and argentina was still been considered. If you read Herzl and other early zionist leaders it is clear they wanted their state without any non-jews in it. Because of course the dilemma is. What is the point of having a Jewish state if non-Jews are allowed to live in it with equal rights?
New data is in this Front Page Magazine article:
‘They Stole Our Land’ vs. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
The cornerstone argument in the Arab narrative against Israel is that the Zionists in the 19th and early 20th centuries came to the Land of Israel and stole Arab land. This is a very simple assertion, easy to visualize, seemingly logical and amenable to a brief presentation: after all, Zionists did come from Europe to what was then Palestine, and the Arabs were already living there. So obviously when the Jews came they took Arab land.
Although there exists voluminous evidence to the contrary in Arab and Turkish and British sources indicating the exact opposite, it is difficult to present this contrary evidence and explain its importance in as brief and simple a manner as is done with the Arab assertion. There are too many variables: Arab demographics, Jewish demographics, Zionist agrarian reclamation technology, land purchases, crown land vs. privately owned land, absentee landlords, etc. This imbalance puts the advocate on behalf of Zionism and Israel at a disadvantage, even though the evidence supporting the Israeli narrative and contradicting the Arab narrative is vast and thoroughly vetted. For an excellent compilation and analysis of this evidence, see Kenneth Stein, The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939 (University of North Carolina Press, 1984, reviewed here and here).
However, there is one testimony from an unimpeachable source stating that the Jews stole no land, but rather bought land in vast quantities from willing sellers who were the legal owners of the land that was sold. This unimpeachable source is so unarguably innocent of any pro-Israel or pro-Jewish or pro-Zionist sentiment that there can be no rational question regarding the veracity of his testimony. That source is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Hajj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini (1895 to 1974).
Read the rest here:…
Twisting and half quoting text
''Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36]. ''
Went to ''Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge."
To "Do not follow blindly
You cut the entire quote down this is what I was meaning
You missed the entire point of the quote and had no understanding of it what it meant
''Dr. Sina says that Muslim supremacists must be shamed and humiliated because that is the only way to break down their supremacism and get them to listen. He says that we should think of saving their lives instead of worrying about hurting their feelings. I have been uncomfortable with this approach because of the Christian teachings to be kind. So do I choose doctor's orders and administer the medication, or try to soothe and calm the angry souls who protest this site? ''
He is not God he is just using you as a number in his crusade against Muslims
He is not saving Muslims and he is assuming all Muslims who opposes his views is a Supremacist thus warrants abuse on them twisting there words, holy text and facts to serve what ever purpose he desires (like what the extremist sects do to justify abuse on innocents)
Muslims are not angry souls
What would you say if someone said untrue things about Christians and tried to pass them of as fact and claim to ''know all'' ?
This has been done before do not let your hatred for Extremist Muslim blind you from what Islam really is
This is not right and you would know that if you are a Christian
''Idle threats from your dead criminal death-cult leader are the least of my concerns. Go read "The Challenge" link I gave you and ask Dr. Sina for his book. You will feel much better after you join humanity''.
Half quote it means if you did this act it would be a sin in Gods eyes every holy text has these comments
The other Christian said your sect (Mormon) is a cult can I take that as fact with out first learning like the people on here ?
No need to shameless plug Ali Sina's book (hardly books)
Do not be a slave to just a man
Answer only to God as man is corruptible
Do not be lead astray to commit sins against another human (told to humiliate Muslims with the excuse of saving them after hurting them)
''Your words and behavior are supremacist in nature. ''
Says the person who is self per claiming to be better then me and assuming I do not know what I am talking about
Not supremacist just pointing out your arrogance,ego, no respect for a Muslims point of view and how you put people down (example the Christian arguing with you about the Mormon book and the Atheists on here
Do not bend the truth
Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]
I have clearly stated Muslims can be bad and what the extremist are doing is also bad said this in my posts read them again if you missed that
I will tell you what I do not agree with:
Taliban, AQ, killing in Bahrain, Extremist branch of Salafi in Saudi Arabia, Israel and Palestinian extremist Iran killing civilians and Sufi Muslims
US invading other countries and turning a blind eye to their allies committing the same act they accuse others of doing.
Believing they have the right to impose there views (meaning just as bad as other countries enforcing them )
Any monsterous act committed by anyone I do not condone be it from Muslim to Christian to Communist
Islam does not condone violence read the Laws of each country don't assume all are the same
"Yet if I said that to you I would be insulting you yet when you do it it is right do you even understand what I am saying ?"
Why would it be an insult? I listen to those with more knowledge and experience than me.
"You contradicted your self in the same sentence you said I claimed to be superior (never did) yet claim to be higher then me and know all about Muslims and Islam is that not claiming to be superior ?"
No contradiction. I also never claimed to be superior, but indictated your productions do not make it likely that you are in a more knowledgeable position. I also did not say you claim to be superior. Your words and behavior are supremacist in nature.
"Terrorism can be committed by anyone that also includes army"
Yes, but we prosecute it. Islam commends and commands it. Is there a particular reason you are not concerned with civilian deaths caused by the Taliban? It's up to 80% now, you know.
"Not every Muslims is a terrorist "
We haven't said they are. Pay attention.
"Do not follow blindly"
Yet notice all his comments are Quran quotes like he thinks that book has all the answers.
"No every Arab in Palestine is from Hamas"
And who said they are? Is there a reason you have developed this habit of putting words in people's mouths? Please improve the accuracy of your comments. Please note the video was produced by an Arab Christian. Also note the victims in the videos are Arab Palestinians.
"Post videos of Palestinians getting tortured by the Jews"
How many can you find? That is of ones that have not been proven to be faked by the Palestinians. But there are thousands of proud Muslims killing kafirs on video.
Yes, God is absolute, but the evidence is overwhelming that his name is not Allah. Allah is Muhammad's alter ego that he invented to justify his sociopathic behavior. Read the evidence. You are wasting your time with this hubris.
“When you have civilized men fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are.” – Ayn Rand
Presumably the Jew-loving Palestinian Arabs are staying at home and not out fighting.
"No every Arab in Palestine is from Hamas or supports Hamas." That is correct though in fairness not every Jew (and even Israeli jews) is a zionist or a supporter of every israeli policy. And i would like to see what hamas would do to any palestian arab from the gaza strip who publicly denouces hamas.
"Extremist come in all religions not just one".Well read the hamas racist manifesto… They have many quotes from the koran and the sayings of muhammed.
"So if I said I have studied Islam"
What are your qualifications? What is your degree? What is your professional experience? How many peer-reviewed scholarly journals have you been published in?
Due to the Muslim tendency to kill people they don't like, we don't know anything about Dr. Sina's education and professional practice, but if you read his book, you will see that it is done in accordance with professional scholarly standards, and it is of sufficient quality to serve as a Master's Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation.
"when you say you know more then anyone about Islam you are right"
Your words, not mine. Knowledge is like a mountain climb. From the bottom, the majority of the mass is hidden from view by the lower slopes; but when you start to climb, you can see more and more of the mountain and you realize how much further you have to climb.
Knowledge is the same. The less you know, the greater the tendency to think you know everything, but the more you learn, the more you realize how much you do not know, and how much more there is to learn. Muslims visiting this site are the most guilty of this and the loudest in demanding acknowledgement that they are right when they know the least.
Dr. Sina says that Muslim supremacists must be shamed and humiliated because that is the only way to break down their supremacism and get them to listen. He says that we should think of saving their lives instead of worrying about hurting their feelings. I have been uncomfortable with this approach because of the Christian teachings to be kind. So do I choose doctor's orders and administer the medication, or try to soothe and calm the angry souls who protest this site?
"If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter."
I am the first to admit when I don't know something, but so far Muslim challengers here, yourself included, have not been anyone of sufficient stature to be concerned about them knowing more than me.
"When you can take the pebbles from my hand, it will be time for you to go, Grasshopper."
If you don't know the context, Google is your friend.
"But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]"
Idle threats from your dead criminal death-cult leader are the least of my concerns. Go read "The Challenge" link I gave you and ask Dr. Sina for his book. You will feel much better after you join humanity.
''I have lived my life with this principle, but what am I supposed to do when the ignorant and uneducated Muslim supremacists come in here and act like they know everything? ''
Yet if I said that to you I would be insulting you yet when you do it it is right do you even understand what I am saying ?
''Insulting both your elders and professional superiors. From your tone and the factual errors you have produced thus far, I am not impressed with you. I have far more respect for someone who knows nothing and wants to learn than someone who comes in half-baked and acts superior. ''
You contradicted your self in the same sentence you said I claimed to be superior (never did) yet claim to be higher then me and know all about Muslims and Islam is that not claiming to be superior ?
Terrorism can be committed by anyone that also includes army
Kill squads in Afghanistan and Iraq calling them savages and not human and cutting off the fingers and raping civilians for example (should have been trial in the country they commit those crimes)
I see all people as the same as I believe this quote
Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, color, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]
That means everyone Muslim or none
Not every Muslims is a terrorist just like every Christian isn't a paedophile or a Jew loves money
"Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge."
So then where muhammed say everyone is equal or where did he encourage free thinking, doubt and skepticism? Also how can a slave (as that is what a muslim is, a slave of allah) question the words of the master? Especially when the punisment is not only death for apostasy but (they are told) eternal punisment in the hell fire?
"No need to let fear rule your life Muslims are not out to get or kill you in any way no need to exaggerate to try and make all Muslims look bad" Do the people of the book have to pay jizya for their protection? Did muhammed give the pagans four months (or the forbidden months) to convert to islam and those that had not should be killed? Does Koran say fight against the unbelievers until religion is only for allah?
Check the body count for each type of terrorist.
Who do you think you are coming in with these kinds of comments?
I don't know you and you don't know me, but you are making all kinds of ridiculous statements. For what reason? And what makes you presume to think that you can make the statements you make about me?
What do you think I am doing wrong that I shouldn't be able to sleep? Are you some kind of idiot or what?
What makes you think you are so smart that you can know whether or not I distinguish between violent and peaceful Muslims? Again it is your lazy ignorance that enables you do be so smug and self-assured in your baseless comments. Again, if you would spend some time actually reading the site instead of jumping into verbal jihad, you might actually give your brain some time to process some nuance so you could participate intelligently in the comments.
If you don't understand how the Quran's incitement to violence is on the same level of a gun's potential to kill, then you have not read the Quran, or you are a liar.
You can get an introduction to the evidence here. Click on each attribute for an introduction to the evidence. Ali Sina will award you $50,000 if you can disprove any item. He will also confess Islam is true and close the websites. Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the message. Sorry. Truth takes precedence over your intimidation:
Muhammad was:
a narcissist a misogynist a rapist
a pedophile a lecher a torturer
a mass murderer a cult leader an assassin
a terrorist a madman a looter…
The difference between Muslims criticizing non-Muslims and non-Muslims criticizing Islam is that when Muslims commit crimes against humanity, they do it in obedience to their holy books. When non-Muslims commit crimes, they do it in contradiction to their beliefs. The Quran is clearly a source of sociopathy in the world. Read Dr. Sina's book to see the evidence. He will send you a free copy if you do not want to buy it.
You are a bigot because of the prejudiced things you said about me.
"You and others on the other hand have stated a Muslims sin is bad other religions sin not as bad"
Your words not mine. Know your target before firing.
"stealth Jihad against none Muslims (Paranoia)"
Again showing your ignorance. Get the National Security briefing at There is a link for a free download at the bottom of the page if you don't want to buy it.
"(Following all of the bible not picking and choosing)"
Show me what verse I am violating. Is the one where Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy?
"you have bragged about how much you know but this is not true when proven wrong you name call the Muslim or who every you are having a disagreement with."
No one has been able to prove me wrong. No one has been able to prove Dr. Sina wrong. Again, $50,000 is waiting for you if you think you can do it.
In the military we have a saying that when there are two persons of differing ranks working together, the person of higher rank should never mention it, but the person of lower rank should never forget it.
I have lived my life with this principle, but what am I supposed to do when the ignorant and uneducated Muslim supremacists come in here and act like they know everything?
(Which gets back to your very first statement to me because I have often said the same thing that you said to me to Muslims who act like they know everything. Check the site. You will see the thought repeated several times, yet you come in with your arrogance and act like I am a stranger to the thought.)
If you were a high school teacher, would you let the kindergartners insult your level of knowledge and experience? If you were a PhD university professor, would you let the freshman students insult your level of knowledge and experience?
I don't know you, but as far as I know, you could be equally lower in stature and guilty of insulting both your elders and professional superiors. From your tone and the factual errors you have produced thus far, I am not impressed with you. I have far more respect for someone who knows nothing and wants to learn than someone who comes in half-baked and acts superior.
"alot more comments directed towards Muslims"
This site is dedicated to the love of Muslims to try to save them. It is against Islam, not Muslims. Do more reading and get some nuance.
"saying blame the Muslims they are evil"
Your words, not mine. I say Muhammad was evil. It is reflected in the Quran and contemporary Islam. Where do the terrorists get their inspiration? From the Quran. You will be a terrorist too if you learn and submit to your religion.
Muslims are not savages? Does that mean there are no savage Muslims? Look at the video I just added to this comments section. You can feel the love from Hamas.
Sin? There is only one without sin, Jesus Christ. But what sin do you accuse me of?
No every Arab in Palestine is from Hamas or supports Hamas.
Post videos of Palestinians getting tortured by the Jews and treating to blow up Palestine and Iran
Not just one side
Extremist come in all religions not just one
To say it is only Islam and anyone who disagrees is a liar shows there bias and is saying what they are saying is an absolute.
Only God is Absolute not one little man
Avoid suspicion and guesswork. Suspicion and guesswork might deplete your communal energy [49/12]
Do not try to impress people on account of self-proclaimed virtues [53/32
Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36].
So if I said I have studied Islam I am wrong and ignorant yet when you say you know more then anyone about Islam you are right. What you say is not backing that claim up
-Taqiyya do you know what this means ?
Taqiyya was developed to protect Shi'ites who were usually in minority and under pressure. In the Shi'a view, taqiyya is lawful in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby
All religions did this at one time, one example is Christians in the Roman era
Sunnis do not believe this
Know the sects please
Answer me this one question:
How do you justify what Ali Sina says in treating Muslims in a demeaning and humiliating way just because they are Muslims, do you think this is in any form right for Ali Sina to preach this, what would God think of this act ?
If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]
No need to let fear rule your life Muslims are not out to get or kill you in any way no need to exaggerate to try and make all Muslims look bad
Extremist could be though just like extremist Christians or Jews would kill a Muslims ect Norway and Palestine
Free will to commit crimes not religions
What ever helps you sleep at night Mr John K
If you dislike extremist or militant Muslims keep it to those Muslims not all of Islam (Real Muslims would not do those acts as what they do is not in any form Islam.)
I was very concerned with your comment that the Quran is on the same level as a gun, forced teaching of a bias ''Muslim book'' this is militant behaviour (Accuse Muslims of doing this yet wanting to do it yourself )
Also concerned of those on here praising Geert Wilders and his militant views (taxing woman wearing the hijab and trying to ban the Quran ect )
Other Muslims have pointed out he expects to not be silenced for his hate filled books but wants to get the Quran banned for being hateful
How would you act if a Muslim said this (of cause you would get annoyed just as a Muslim would)
Also an article playing down the Norway shooting
As a Christian why would you believe with
Ali Sina to humiliate a Muslim or to humiliate anyone that is contradicting your Holy text
This is very bad to do and not acting like a true Christian should be acting
(Following all of the bible not picking and choosing)
Those Muslims you are talking of never did say they know everything about Islam you are guilty of this though as you have bragged about how much you know but this is not true when proven wrong you name call the Muslim or who every you are having a disagreement with.
Again you excuse me and other Muslims of the same things and faults you are committing yourself
I am in no way a bigot I just stated:
Muslim are Muslim no matter the sect or race.
Jew a Jew no mater the sect or race.
Christian a Christian no mater the sect or race
You and others on the other hand have stated a Muslims sin is bad other religions sin not as bad, Muslims are going to hell, Muslims ''raging a stealth Jihad against none Muslims (Paranoia)
Should be expelled from other countries (sorry to disappoint you all the world is multicultural now not just one race or religion )
Islam should be destroyed, Mosques bulldozed, Muslims rounded up and alot more comments directed towards Muslims
So I am a bigot for saying no this is not right to do and you are ''right'' in saying blame the Muslims they are evil (Age old Christian hate for Muslims leave that back in the dark ages please and think )
Muslims are people also not just savages and if you read the rich history you would know this to be true
If you sin anyone it is a crime and insults God
You are right. The problem is that many of those who come here to argue with us believe in the Quran but have not read it. Many believe the Religion of Peace [TM] taqiyya and think Islam is good.
Donna Lee Bowen's presentation at an October 1981 BYU symposium on Islam, "Moroccan Women's Integration of Family and Religion", speaks of Muslim women who know absolutely nothing and evaluate issues with the simple litmus test of, "if it is good, it is Islamic; if it is not good, it is un-Islamic."
So if we treat them in a harsh and demeaning way to humiliate them as Dr. Sina says they need, we can create a bad impression to the ignorant, as JSOP above is a case in point.
An introduction to Hamas by an Arab Christian. The Russian "subtitles" are intrusive, but you get the idea.
[youtube 69rT5LiNq-I youtube]
"I suppose we should administer the medicine, but the times I have tried this I have not felt comfortable." We should not fell uncomfortable, i would rather put it straight to them what i think and to know whether these people are my enemies or not. People who believe Koran is a divine book want to kill and enslave us, we should have no pity for them.
Can Muslims be bad? Only to the extent that they obey the sociopathic teachings of the Quran. Are you one of them?
And you are saying that to me because?
Because what?
Because you have jumped into the middle of a situation about which you have absolutely no knowledge and full of your stereotypes, misconceptions, judging, jumping to conclusions, and bigotry.
If you had read my writings you would realize that I have been saying the same kinds of things about Muslim know-it-alls who know nothing and act like they know everything, which appears to be the same kind of defect that is afflicting your thinking.
You have no grounds to accuse me of hatred. But if you had left your lazy ways to the side for a moment and actually done some reading on this site., you would have known that:…
Furthermore, you have no grounds for accusing me of bigotry, but you are guilty of bigotry yourself in the manner you are addressing me. Yes, indeed, you are one sick puppy.
So you can keep your stereotyping and uninformed judgements to yourself.
It can include them also depending on the person
Some only disagree with some of the acts they do
That does not mean they will go out of there way to hurt them as that would be stereotyping and would go against there religion
Extremist say every none Muslim, Jew or Muslim of a different sect is evil but that is judging other brothers as evil and there word is an absolute and only God is absolute not man and this is very bad to do as only God can make the judgement
On the commit about them killing each other I find that wrong as they are killing there own kind (Sunni Shia Sal Sufi)
In the end the innocents suffer at the hands of extremist and others who hate Islam use the extremist to justify there personal hatred which they had before they commit the crimes to try and further there own
Can Muslims be bad ? -Yes as everyone has the struggle to commit good or evil acts and those who do either acts are judged by Allah (God)
"The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one family, brothers and sisters unto one another" Yes the believers are brothers to each other (well saying that muslims hate each other and are always killing each other), however this "brotherhood" does not include the non-muslims.
No need to pass blame from one guilty Muslim (of a crime) onto an innocent Muslim (Committed no crime)
All Christians are Christians, All Jews are Jews and all Muslims are Muslims
No need to incite hatred on one or more and try and divide and destroy them with lies rather then bring them closer together
We do not need any wars committed by Terrorist of all faith (Terrorism in not just limited to Islam).
I thought as a Mormon (Christian) you would know this to be true.
Just because a Muslim say this does not mean a Muslim is lying do not be blinded, this is wrong to do
Bad people come from every walk of life and religion and those acts are commit by the person free will to commit them nothing more
Talking about yourself again?
Be sure to tell your Muslim Brothers too.
Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge [12/76]
The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one family, brothers and sisters unto one another [49/10].
No need for hatred
Bigotry is a sickness and blinds
I agree, but getting Muslims to engage in critical thinking is not easy. They have 1400 years of cultural conditioning to believe what Islam tells them without questioning. Did our efforts change Jakob? We don't know because he just disappeared. Even if we didn't change him now, the memory of the things we said may stick with him. I do think that your approach of telling him to think about how he would feel if he were treated the same way they treat us is a good way to approach the problem. As far as I can see, there is insufficient data to determine what approach works best. Ali Sina says we need to humiliate them. If the "doctor knows best", I suppose we should administer the medicine, but the times I have tried this I have not felt comfortable.
I agree with everything you said in this post.
"So far, the only thing that appears to work is letting them suffer under full fury of sharia government for a good long while." The way it seems to me to defeat a ideology is though education, critical thinking and doubt. But the more important question is how do we make muslims doubt? I think that is to tell the truth about islam pure and simple. When i was talking on this site to Jakob, i asked him either to renouce those verses that promote hatred and violence or expect to be treated how you believe non-muslims should be treated. That i think is the best way to deal with these people as it shames them. That is what Israel should say to the palestians and i think (especially if they carried out the threat) it would make them leave this cult en masses.
The problem is that Palestinians are Muslims as much as, if not more than, they are Arabs. Have you read Ali Sina's book? He explains that Muhammad's mental disorders are not contagious, but that to the extent that Muslims absorb his symptoms as recorded in the Quran, they acquire the attributes of his mental disorders. So literally, Muslim Arabs are not rational, and breaking them of Islam is going to be as hard as it is anywhere else you find Muslims. So far, the only thing that appears to work is letting them suffer under full fury of sharia government for a good long while.
This is what i have been trying to say. If the palestian arabs were rational would they be voting in hamas? Obviously not, but they do not vote hamas becuse they are arabs its because they are muslims a important distinction that must be made. Also proposing things like a transfer to Jordan is not going to make the problem of islamic antisemitism go away. Islam is the enemy of the jewish people (and civilization) not arabs. So yes if Israel wants to win in the long term it must fight islam, look for friends amoung the palestian arabs and its neighbours and most importantly do not make "peace" deals with islamic terrorists who want to kill and enslave not just the jews but all non-muslims in that land.
I am glad that it is not me but you that are spelling out the problem. Yes the problme is Hamas and Fatah and Isalm. As long as the Palestinians follow these false doctrines there will be no peace. So giving up land for peace is nothing but delusion. It will not work, The only thing that will work is to lead Muslims out of Islam.
That's a great video straight from the horse's mouth.
I just found this great Facebook spoof video of the situation:
"If my memory is correct the occupation happened after the Arabs attacked Israel."
The word "occupation" is part of the semantic games that are played. Israel has legal title to all of the former Mandate for Palestine. They accepted the UN partition just because they were grateful to get a state started, but the UN partition is not legally binding. Give Peace a Chance offers legal briefing documents [click the link at the far right]:
Video summary here:
"Palestians have their homeland. It is called Jordan." Even though this is a lie lets assume israel gets every last arab out and moves them to Jordan, will that solve the conflict? Of course not what will happen if they overthrow the hashemite regime and hamas takes over the country? Can israel afford to have a war with a hamas lead jordan for decades? Anyone that proposes this nonsense is not only calling for the robbing and ethic cleansing of the arab palestians but is also deluding the jews by telling they will be "safer" if the palestians are moved to Jordan.
"If they want another war they may lose even more and I for one will cheer for Israel." Well no they won`t have "won", the more terrority israel takes the more israeli resources it drains as well as the majority of people it rules over are non-jews. Why you think the war`s israel is involved in last no more than a few weeks?
"The Arabs have spread this lie and repeated it so much that many think it is a fact." I can give you the list of the destroyed arab towns if you want and i can refer you to the works of the israeli "new historians".
“if they lifted the occupation 40 years ago maybe they would have had peace with the palestian arabs ”
If my memory is correct the occupation happened after the Arabs attacked Israel. Arabs invaded Israel with the intent to complete what Hitler could not,. They lost. It is done, They lost. It is finished and the case is close. If they want another war they may lose even more and I for one will cheer for Israel. I never take the side of agressors.
“No first they should admit the injustice they did to these people and then secularise the palestian arabs”
Such an admission would be a lie. The Arabs have spread this lie and repeated it so much that many think it is a fact. Palestians have their homeland. It is called Jordan. They should go and leave with thier own people and call that country Palestine. Leave Isreal to its righful owners.
"They should stop this failed policy of land for peace." Israel does not lose anything by giving up the settlements which are doomed to fail in the worst possible way, and stopping this racist and messianic delusion will confront the religious and chauvinist forces which want to instate a theocracy for Jews. Though this may now be too late if they lifted the occupation 40 years ago maybe they would have had peace with the palestian arabs but now the degeneration of Palestinian Arab nationalism into the theocratic hell of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, its not going to happen.
"Peace will come only when the Palestinians leave their hatred of the Jews and agree to live with them as brothers." How can that come about in a jewish state? Or where the israelis try to lie about history. No first they should admit the injustice they did to these people and then secularise the palestian arabs then they can live in peace with them in a secular, multi ethic, democracy. If they do that the same will happen in the whole middle east and jews will be able to live anywhere in the region, with equal rights and maybe even be elected president in those countries.
"The problem is not Israel." So Israel expeling the native populution, carring out massacres on arabs ( such as the Deir Yassin massacre), and sacking and destroying arab towns has nothing to do with this?
"The Arabs attacked Israel with the intent to drive all of the Jews into the sea." Really it was the israelis who drove the arab palestians into the desert, do not cheapen yourself with the lie that the arab leaders asked them to leave.
"The Arabs attacked Israel with the intent to drive all of the Jews into the sea. Had they won would they have retuned an inch of the land?" Well they signed peace treaties did they not?
"So why should Israel return the land to them? They started the war and they lost." First why does Israel want that land? In the west bank theft of land continues to this moment a farmer whose great-grandfather worked the same olive grove can be evicted without notice to make room for a settlement or a road or a wall, and told that such a confiscation is justifiable because he is not a Jew. That is a scandal
Please watch this video…
The problem is not Israel. The problem is Islam and the fact that the Palestinians are stuck in this faith of hate. Israel is not occupying anybopdy’s land. The Arabs attacked Israel with the intent to drive all of the Jews into the sea. Had they won would they have retuned an inch of the land? Please be honest and answer this question.
But they lost. So why should Israel return the land to them? They started the war and they lost. The case is close. Israel has been foolish for returning any land to the Palestinians. They should stop this failed policy of land for peace. Peace will come only when the Palestinians leave their hatred of the Jews and agree to live with them as brothers. As long as they want to be masters there will be war.
I`ll just add here because i support the palestians doesn`t mean i support hamas (which i don`t), one should not insult and degrade people by even implying such a disgusting libel. I support the palestians in their struggle for their human,civil and political rights just like i support the berbers,kurds and the copts, i would support them regardless of wherever the israelis were jews or not.
Tragic, but his testimony will live on.
He verifies everything you have been telling us about Iran.
I don’t think Arabs will leave Islam as soon as Iranians throw their Islam away. They will have to go through the same experience that Iranians went through. But Iranians hate Islam and are ready to throw this monkey off their back.
In the following link you can hear an interview with a man who was part of the revolutionary guard. He dissented and escaped to Dubai. He says the youths don’t blame the regime anymore. They blame Islam for what has happened to Iran. He was assassinated after this interview…
It isn't over 'till the fat lady sings!
"Ali Sina thinks Iran will be the first nation to throw off Islam" Iran (or rather Iranians) have already thrown off islam, however the sunni world hates Iran anyway, indeed i would go so far as to say they hate Iran more than Israel and would secretly be celebrating if Israel bombs Iran. So i don`t think the sunni world will throw off islam anytime soon and before that happens a nuclear war will break out and our efforts will be too little, too late.
It's politics before professionalism.
There is a video in the Pat Condell link, where a Palestinian woman confronts Israeli’s celebrating the Gaza Flotilla boarding by IDF. They were congratulating the IDF,, This woman gets on the face of these people.
She could have interviewed them instead of giving them a piece of her mind.
That is certainly an interesting question. Some have speculated that Bush took the religion of peace line because he didn't want to go to war with the OIC, but I think it is because he trusted Grover Norquist.
The Arab Spring has certainly empowered Islamists, but it is also useful to look at Islam's internal problems as if we were managing the war from their side. Ali Sina thinks Iran will be the first nation to throw off Islam, and then others will follow. I think it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Just has people who have suffered under the Iranian Mullahs and the Taliban don't want it anymore, the Arab Spring countries are going to have to suffer under Sharia regimes before they get fed up with it enough to get rid of it.
On page 369 (554 in the Arabic) of the earliest Muslim biography of Muhammad, Muhammad says "kill any Jew who falls into your power":
It's a "charming" story of two brothers, Muhayyissa and Huwayyisa: (To avoid confusing the two brothers, keep in mind that the brother whose name begins with M is the Murderer in the story.)
Muhammad says that one day even the stones will help Muslims to kill Jews.
From Sahih al-Bukhari, the most canonical hadith collection:
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176:
Muhammad says the earth belongs to Muhammad and Allah, warns the Jews to accept Islam if they wish to be safe, and says he wants to deport them:
In Sahih Muslim, a canonical hadith collection:
In the earliest Muslim biography of Muhammad, pages 511-517 (758-766 in the Arabic) we learn how in Khaybar Muhammad ordered the torture of a man in order to get hold of a treasure, then beheaded the man, and how that night Muhammad took into his private tent for consummation of "marriage" the tortured man's widow, whose father and other male relatives Muhammad had just killed:
Sina sometimes exaggerates slightly, but only in a way that brings out the truth.
In core Islamic texts, Muhammad says your "lives and property" are not safe from him unless you become a Muslim
In Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the two most canonical hadith collections:
Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25:
Sahih Muslim, Book 031, Number 5917:
"Implementing any plans right now based on this hope is not feasible." Why not? If Bush instead of saying after 9-11 "islam is a religion of peace" he should have banned islam then and said openly we are at war with islam. How much progress could have been made in these 10 years? A lot let alone if it happened in 1979, islam may not have even survived this long. Now instead we could be seen the revival of the caliphate only this time with nuclear weapons. The longer we wait the danger gets bigger.
You're welcome. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed yours.
Your site also asked for recommendations, so I also sent them these links:
Concerning cell development, Ann Coulter has a good article here and mentions her book, Godless, the Church of Liberalism:
Here is a great interview with intellectual, mathematician, and polymath, David Berlinski. While personally an agnostic, his book is a welcome defense against the arrogance of atheists who think science supports their position:
Here's some nice quotes from Will Durant on the consequences of jettisoning religion and the folly of trying to force Genesis to fit a particular scientific view. I got them from Wikipedia:
"As to harmonizing the theory of evolution with the Biblical account of creation, I do not believe it can be done, and I do not see why it should be. The story of Genesis is beautiful, and profoundly significant as symbolism: there is no good reason to torture it into conformity with modern theory."
"Hence a certain tension between religion and society marks the higher stages of every civilization. Religion begins by offering magical aid to harassed and bewildered men; it culminates by giving to a people that unity of morals and belief which seems so favorable to statesmanship and art; it ends by fighting suicidally in the lost cause of the past. For as knowledge grows or alters continually, it clashes with mythology and theology, which change with geological leisureliness. Priestly control of arts and letters is then felt as a galling shackle or hateful barrier, and intellectual history takes on the character of a "conflict between science and religion." Institutions which were at first in the hands of the clergy, like law and punishment, education and morals, marriage and divorce, tend to escape from ecclesiastical control, and become secular, perhaps profane. The intellectual classes abandon the ancient theology and—after some hesitation—the moral code allied with it; literature and philosophy become anticlerical. The movement of liberation rises to an exuberant worship of reason, and falls to a paralyzing disillusionment with every dogma and every idea. Conduct, deprived of its religious supports, deteriorates into epicurean chaos; and life itself, shorn of consoling faith, becomes a burden alike to conscious poverty and to weary wealth. In the end a society and its religion tend to fall together, like body and soul, in a harmonious death. Meanwhile among the oppressed another myth arises, gives new form to human hope, new courage to human effort, and after centuries of chaos builds another civilization."……
Thanks John for referring me the links.
"Then Jews bought them. This should settle everything." What every single piece of land in palestine? When did the arabs agree to sell their land to the jews and leave?
"Palestine was barely populated. We have contless tales of travellers from the 19th century that say the land was desolated." Read this…
"Most of the Arabs came to work for the Jews and remained." This again is untrue the jewish immigration was over 10 times that of the arabs…
No I did not say they should punish for what their ancestors did. But I am putting things into perspective. Those lands were stollen from the Jews. Then Jews bought them. This should settle everything. Alaska belonged to the Russians. Americans bought it. The Russian can no longer claim it. When you sell your land you no longer own it.
That 7% was the land the Jews paid for. That was the comercial land. So their Arab owners were compensated. The rest belonged to no one. It was desert. Palestine was barely populated. We have contless tales of travellers from the 19th century that say the land was desolated.
Most of the Arabs came to work for the Jews and remained.
"First the Arabs stole the land from the Jews." Excuse me but what those arabs have to do with omar? Should people be punised for a crime that had nothing to do with them and what happened centuries before they was born?
"Then the Jews buy back their own ancestral lands from the descendants of the thieves." Well now you need again to see the history the jews owned by 1947 no more than 7% of Palestine's lands, and the jewish population only 1 year before israel declared independence, jews made up no more than 33% of the population. Now you tell me who is the thief and aggressor?
If you agree with Moshe Dayan then the matter is clear. Arabs conquered the lands that belonged to the Jews when Omar invaded those territories.
First the Arabs stole the land from the Jews. Then the Jews buy back their own ancestral lands from the descendants of the thieves. They make the desert bloom and build an advanced country. Now the Arabs want the lands back again. They don’t want even to pay for it. They want to drive the Jews to the sea and take over the lands for free.
Thanks. That's a good introductory resource. Of course the state of the art of scholarship is always changing.
I am glad that they discussed scientific method and scientific integrity.
Here's a nice presentation called "Finding Noah". It's very well done and includes recent information on the archaeology of Gobekli Tepe. It's an interactive presentation, so be sure to click through all the links so you don't miss anything.
There's also an interview on Israeli National Radio here:
John ,this site "" has information of archeological evidences and other predictions from the Bible.
There is a saying "every cloud has a silver lining", finally after electing Obama ,everyone came to know about Islam and their motto.This cloud will pass soon too and never in future they will elect a muslim president again.
"In fact, by conqueror's rights, Israel doesn't have to let anyone live in their country." Yeah but if israel thinks it can start doing what it likes i think america would have something to say. LIke when president Bush (senior) said to the israelis if you carry on like this i will ask congress to suspend your loan guarantees. And that lead to the nearest to a proper peace conference we ever had in madrid. As well as replacing the Likud government with a leftist Labor coalition led by Yitzhak Rabin, who as we know was assassinated a few years later by a facist jew.
"All the other victims of the jihad still live in their homelands." Well according to islam their, not their lands they are part of the islamic state – till the day of resurrection.
"If we just want to go with conqueror's rights, then Britain was the last conqueror, and they disposed of it the way they saw fit." Yeah if you believe might is right.
"We should also say Israel gets to keep all the land they conquered in the most recent Arab wars of conquest." No that is occupation and another fact about that is the more israel extends its territory the more non-jews it rules over.
That's precisely the point. The Jewish homeland was occupied by one conqueror after another. All the other victims of the jihad still live in their homelands. But the Jews were scattered and have no homeland. This is the legal doctrine of restitution for crime.
If we just want to go with conqueror's rights, then Britain was the last conqueror, and they disposed of it the way they saw fit.
We should also say Israel gets to keep all the land they conquered in the most recent Arab wars of conquest.
In fact, by conqueror's rights, Israel doesn't have to let anyone live in their country.
"Can you imagine what excuses they would come out with if islam was critised on tv in schools,universities,posters and billboards?"
Yet that is exactly what needs to be done. I have long advocated for Islam to be listed as an illegal subversive ideology like Communism in the US or Nazism in Germany and to be prosecuted under existing sedition laws and controlled like the Shinto Directive in Japan which prohibited that violent religion from any public display and only allowed it at home for private personal devotion. I also believe every Quran owner needs to be registered just like gun owners, and every copy of the Quran needs to have a warning label like cigarette packs, and every imam licensed by passing a class with a curriculum based on Understanding Muhammad and Bill Warner's Simple Koran (The Reconstructed Historical Koran), and said imams required to teach said classes in said mosques.
"They would have to make a choice between islam or humanity, everyone would know what islam teaches and muslims would not be tolerated."
We both want the same thing, but you have to be realistic on the time frame for this to happen. Implementing any plans right now based on this hope is not feasible. Ali Sina is working hard to collapse Islam internally before WWIII breaks out. He believes Islam will lose Iran first, and it will spread from there. We are literally racing against the clock to defeat Islam before the war. I don't know that Palestine can be turned around before then. I visit a lot of excellent counter-jihad sites, but they are all defensive in nature. Ali Sina is the only one with a solution to solve this problem instead of waging a defensive battle and just sitting back and waiting for World War to break out. That's why I spend most of my time here rather than on other sites. You have to admit we don't see any Muslims leaving Islam because of our help in the comments section, but Sanada believes we are doing good because of the silent readers who see our work. Occasionally you see a Muslim come here who says they left Islam because of reading Ali Sina, but I don't think it's because of us.
Well this happens in history people get conquered. well just take the example of palestine how many empires conquered that land? How many different people`s lived their? Then take away the claim of divine ownership then what`s special about the jews claim? NOTHING.
I am talking here on a wide scale attack on islam from a goverment, i am not talking about a internet site. Can you imagine what excuses they would come out with if islam was critised on tv in schools,universities,posters and billboards? They would have to make a choice between islam or humanity, everyone would know what islam teaches and muslims would not be tolerated. Isn`t this what israel should be doing any way if islam is the main threat to the jews today?
Arabs came from Saudi Arabia. They came to Israel as conquerors. If it were not for Muhammad's jihad, there would be no Arabs living outside of the Arabian peninsula other than immigrants.
How are you going to secularize Muslim Arabs? How many times have you seen a Muslim visitor to this site accept anything we have to say and leave Islam?
"They couldn't list the distinction on the list because it would be discriminatory to list just Arab Israelis" Now is this because they are arabs? The answer to that is no, it is because they are muslims their ethnicity has nothing to do with it. Now israel`s first job is to de islamize them maybe it could order a few million copies of ali`s book or maybe just revealing what`s taught in the koran and hadith. When it has done that it should reach out and work with all secularists in lebanon, syria, iran and egypt (and all the other arab and muslim countries), and make sure to do its upmost to make sure islamists do not come to power in those countries. If it does all that they it will have achieved many great things in one swoop it will make sure arabs have equal rights in israel,democracy for the entire middle east and the great evil of islam will be dead and most importantly it will help to kill the cancer of antisemitism. Now if israel does all that instead of doing stupid things that do nothing to help it, then i will accept it is a great humanistic country and a light to all nations.
Did i say anything about muslims? My view of solving this conflict permanentely is to secularise the palestian arabs. And not just them but for jews to do so in every country that they live in, this is my difference to you, you think zionism will solve the problem and jews if they are alone in their little country will be safe from harm till the end of time. This as far as am concered is nothing but a messianic delusion, the jews who warned that zionism would be a false Messiah for the Jews and an injustice to the Arabs, were right on these crucial points.
"It is their and the Arabs have been the usurpers – the occupiers." You really need to brush up on your history arabs lived in that for over a thousand years before the modern zionist movement another quote for you from Moshe Dayan "We came to this country which was already populated by Arabs, and we are establishing a Hebrew, that is a Jewish state here. In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs. Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you, because these geography books no longer exist; not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahalal arose in the place of Mahalul, Gevat — in the place of Jibta, Sarid — in the place of Haneifs and Kefar Yehoshua — in the place of Tell Shaman. There is no one place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."
"The only right they don't have is to right to outnumber them and extermiante them." In other words they are second class citizens, no lets not bother to promote peace and unity between arabs and jews, lets not bother to help secularise them lets just treat them like dogs as obviously that will solve the problem and jews can live in "peace" surrounded by people that hate their guts. This is an extremely stupid idea which zionism is. Do you really think the followers of the prophet will ever leave jews (in and outside israel) alone?
You make no sense. Muslims are 100 times more numerous than the Jews. Don’t ask the Jews to accommodate the Muslims to show their moral superiority. This will be idiocy. First ask the Muslims to accommodate the Jews. Let us first convince a Muslim state to allow a Jew to run for a political office. If you succeed then ask the Jews to do their part. Muslims are like snake. You can’t trust them in your home. It is not discrimination to keep the poisonous snakes out of your home.
Let us not pretend we are stupid and don’t know what the Palestinians will do to Israelis if they are given full citizenship. They will do what they plan to do in Europe but much faster. They can outnumber the Jews in Isreal in no time and them sujugate them.
Palestinians have the same human rights the Jews have in Israel, The only right they don’t have is to right to outnumber them and extermiante them. We know how the Arabs (Muslims) hate the Jews. So there can be no peaceful co-existance between the Jews and Muslims. Arabs have plenty of land. Leave Isreal to Isrealis. This is thier ancestral land. It is their and the Arabs have been the usurpers – the occupiers.
Israel is a democracy condell claims well then why if arabs have more rights than other arabs in the middle east they why they are denied full citizenship and can be (as the israeli goverment puts it) "transferred". If you are going to support the concept of a jewish state then don`t say things like this "Israelis are living by the Golden Rule. The Palestinians residing in Israel are full citizens with equal rights." which you don`t believe as you don`t think any non-jew has a right to live in israel and they are certainly not living by the golden perhaps they would like it if we expeled the jews from our countries? More honest way of putting it would be when Moshe Dayan said "We don't have a solution, and you will continue living like dogs, and whoever wants will go, and will see how this procedure will work out."
So israel can be a thug state? What difference is their between a jewish state and an islamic state? If you support israel then say you don`t mind if israel expels the arabs all in the name of keeping it purely jewish but if thats what you support don`t claim it`s a democracy don`t say arabs have equal rights say it openly israel i believe has the right to be racist and every code of morality can be broken to keep it as a jewish state. Is this supposed to be the state for the victims of the holucaust?
I just got thie video of Pat Condell…
Actually I once heard a sociology instructor say that the left/right divide is more like a circle than a spectrum because once you get far left and far right enough, there is not much difference in the totalitarianism and violence.
That is the whole point of the Right of Return contention in the peace process. Israel doesn't want the former residents returning because Israel would instantly become a Muslim state. You bet Muslims by the millions are waiting to immigrate to Israel and take it from the Jews. The entire presence of Jews in the Middle East, especially ones who are not subject to dhimmitude, is a huge festering sore that won't go away in the Muslim mind until Israel is destroyed.
I think the point is that Israel has the right to control its demographics. We have already seen what Muslim immigration is doing to Europe. Imagine what they would do to Israel if they had the chance.
Did you know the reason that Israel was recently added to the list of countries whose citizens are a risk to air travel? It is because of the increasing radicalization of Arab Israelis. They couldn't list the distinction on the list because it would be discriminatory to list just Arab Israelis, so all Israeli passport holders are subject to greater scrutiny.
Is it likely if israel said non-jews can become citizens then suddenly millions of non-jews would want to immigrate? If there should be a jewish homeland it should be a light unto the nations, zionism i think is a waste of judaism.
"the Left has lost its way." These people are not leftists they are far right wing facists.
If Israel was a big country, you may have had a point. But it is a tiny piece of land. It just can’t accomodate everyone. Israel is a safe haven for the Jews just in case. It shoudl be left that way. The world is a big place and I see no reason why anyone who is not married or related to a Jew has to go there to live.
"So, is it discriminatory to deny foreign Arabs citizenship?" Just on the grouds of him/her being a arab then yes it would be.
"Likewise in the US we limit immigration. I think Israel has the same right." Every country has the right to limit immigration obviouly if israel wanted it could have zero immigrants but thats not the issue im talking about.
"Is it any worse for Israel to define their national identity as Jewish than it is for the United States to define their identity as American?" Well america at least in principle does not distinguish between it citizens on the basis of their ethnic or religious backgroud, anyone is an american whether they are black, white, arab, jew, chinese or whatever. Israel on the other hand does indeed their is a debate in israel on whether it is a Jewish state or an Israeli state.
democratic socialism has nothing to do with any of those rouge regimes.
Assuming that person is a racist does that invalidate his arugments? Don`t the muslims say the same things about you especially sinse the Norway massacre? This is a fallacy "Guilt By Association" not a logical arugment.
"If Israel allows anyone to become a citizen, Muslims will take over that country in no time." When i say "anyone" i don`t mean literally anyone obviously they should not let in say a neo nazi thats just common sense. But anyone who is not a believer in a hatemongering ideology and agrees to the most basic moral principle of to do to others as they do to you then their is no moral or rational reason why that said non-jew should be denied citizenship.
"Anti-Zionism is a façade for anti-Semitism." Not at all zionism in the only meaningfull sense it is defined, is the idea that their should be a jewish state, now i think the concept is incompatible with concepts such as equality and democracy just like i think the same about the concepts of "islamic state", "christian state", "arab state" and so on. I am not going to be told by anyone that i am a hate mongerer for having that opinion.
"No good person should tolerate that kind of evil." Did i say that, did i any way imply it?
"Jews are not promoting jingoism." So what was the "freedom party" doing? What are the settlers doing robbing peoples land? What was they doing when they expelled over 700 thousand arabs in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War?
"That country is so small that they can only afford immigration for Jews and not for everyone else." This of course is not the case, lets say 10 thousand people immigrate to israel to ever year but not one is a non-jew this is obviously a discriminationery policy.
"Where would the Jews go if Another Hitler comes to power in any country?" They don`t have to go anywhere, i for one would fight against this evil nonsense and only a fool would think anti-semitism is a threat only to jews, it is a threat to the very survival of our species.
"Where would they go if Muslims become strong in Europe?" If anyones going anywhere its the muslims, we should not allow these thugs to bully anyone in our countries,we should not let them win and say okay lets get the jews to israel, you stay and start on the rest us. No im not going to have that, when they shout allah u akbah we need to let them know, no you`re not the strongest we are coming to kill and expel you.
I went through a similar phase in late high school and early university. I had radical friends distributing the Pentagon Papers and an off-campus alternative newspaper, and taking me to anti-war demonstrations, meetings of the Peace Center, and the Young People's Socialist League (YPSL). The latter was the final turn-off as I heard the members address each other as "comrad" like the communists.
So most people my age realized we were on the wrong side as we grew out of that as we started having children and raising families of our own. I think a lot of us also tended to just put the past behind us and forget about those days as we moved on with our lives. It all seemed like just a bad dream that was over when the Soviet Union collapsed.
But everything has been brought to the forefront again as we watch the Occupy movement and see that not everyone our age moved on as we see the same people, older now, showing up at the demonstrations. We also see Obama's past start to surface in spite of his spending millions of dollars to erase his past, and as the revelations come out, we learn that when communism became unpopular, it rebranded itself as "Community Organizing", and we learn about Obama's Community Organizing background and his communist mentors.
So, as I look back on all this and consider the things that have happened and the current status, I think that it has represented evil all along, but when we were young, we were told all the lies about its goodness much like stealth jihadists tell us the lies about the goodness of Islam. I saw the same phenomenon in South America when a woman who grew up in the Che era told us that back then it was all talk of love and peace for them too, but when the communists got power, they were murderous tyrants.
The truth is that Israel existed long before the holocaust and the prophet Isaiah prophesized mroe than 2000 years ago that all the Jews living in exile will one day return to their homeland and this prophecy came true on 14 May 1948.
Things change. Fifty, forty and maybe even thirty years ago socialism was not the same as it is today. I too was somewhat a socialist when I was a university student. Not quite, but I shared many of their aspirations and ideals. But times have changed and now socialism represnts evil. It is anti human, anti liberty, anti woman, anti democracy, and anti anthing that is good.
See this video of Pat Condell. But there is another video he made showing how the Left has lost its way. I can’t find it.
He also has a very good video on the Palestinian lie
More on the bankrupcy of the Left by Pat Condell
Israel was born as a historic necessity. It was born because 6 million Jews were incinerated. They sought refuge all over the world, but there was no country that would accept that many immigrants. Of course no one knew what was going on in Germany. After the war and the discovery of holocaust the necessity for Jews to have a place where they can be safe became obvious.
Jews can live anywhere they wish, just as you and I can. But in the case the world raises against us for any reason, we have our homeland. Where would the Jews go if Another Hitler comes to power in any country? Where would they go if Muslims become strong in Europe? Even though still a tiny minority Muslims have already started persecuting the Jews in Europe. Jews must also have a home. This is obvious and denying these people to a homeland is evil and racism. No good person should tolerate that kind of evil.
Jews are not promoting jingoism. When disaster strikes, in anywhere in the world, Israelis are the first to lend assistance and they don’t ask what religion you are to help. They occupy a tiny piece of land, which is their ancestral land. Most of the Israelis are refugees from Islamic countries.
Israelis will not give citizenship to non-Jews. That country is so small that they can only afford immigration for Jews and not for everyone else. Their condition is very unique. If Israel allows anyone to become a citizen, Muslims will take over that country in no time. Muslims are taking over the entire Europe. How difficult would it be to outnumber the Jews in Israel?
Anti-Zionism is a façade for anti-Semitism. Old hatreds die hard but we must try to get rid of them. I suggest you watch the movie Schindler’s List. It is a moving picture. You may start seeing things differently.
I can understand your concerns, but I think there is some difficulty with definitions.
1) Every citizen of Israel votes, so Israel is a one-man, one-vote democracy. Arab Israelis are citizens too. They vote, hold government positions, and have equal rights with Jewish Israelis.
2) Jewish means both a religion and an ethnic group. It is not a race. Jews from black Africa and Arab countries as well as Europe all claim Judaism as their religion or ethnic group.
3) What Israel does do, and I think this is the source of your concern, is to limit the non-Jewish population. While many Arabs are Israeli citizens, many have only Permanent Residence status.
So, is it discriminatory to deny foreign Arabs citizenship? Likewise in the US we limit immigration. I think Israel has the same right. Is it any worse for Israel to define their national identity as Jewish than it is for the United States to define their identity as American?
But my main question to the zionists is this. How is a jewish state compatible with democracy? Why you and i cannot become israeli citizens unless of course we convert to orthodox judaism? What rational justification is their for this? Or why not someone like Geert Wilders who obviously has no hatred towards jews and would be as just a good a israeli citizen as any of his jewish counterparts? Strangely wilders said in his berlin speech "But there’s more. National identity binds an individual to a heritage, a tradition, a loyalty and a culture. National identity is also an inclusive identity. It treats everyone as equal, no matter what religion or race, whoever is willing to assimilate into the nation by share the fate and future of that people." But religion and race is exactly what israeli national identity is built upon.
"Only socialist would have been enough to see the true colors of this hate monger." Oh yeah i forget to mention the first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion was a socialist i guess he i guess he and all the other members of the Israeli Labor Party (which is a socialist party by the way) must be hate mongerers according to your "logic".
"The article you pointed to is written by a self proclaimed Socialist, anti-Zionist" I guess that makes bertrand russell a racist eh? "Hitler was a socialist." So, because a state calls itself "socialist" it does not mean it is north korea also calls itself is a democracy does that mean it is? "Einstein, like most jews was opposed to the creation of a Jewish state before the war. But he changed his view after the war." This is what he said in 1946 (after the war) "The State idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is connected with narrow-minded and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it." So it is okay to expel arabs and support thugs and terrorists like Menachem Begin, but it not okay to critise zionism? If that is your view then keep the title racist for yourself.
Don’t believe everything you read in the Internet. The article you pointed to is written by a self proclaimed Socialist, anti-Zionist, but very much racist. Only socialist would have been enough to see the true colors of this hate monger. Hitler was a socialist.
Einstein, like most jews was opposed to the creation of a Jewish state before the war. But he changed his view after the war.
Casual group shot of four men and two women standing on a brick pavement.
Albert Einstein, seen here with his wife Elsa Einstein and Zionist leaders, including future President of Israel Chaim Weizmann, his wife Dr. Vera Weizmann, Menahem Ussishkin, and Ben-Zion Mossinson on arrival in New York City in 1921.
Please see this link
In October of 1919, he wrote to physicist Paul Epstein:
Zionist cause is very close to my heart…. I am very confident of the happy development of the Jewish colony and am glad that there should be a tiny speck on this earth in which the members of our tribe should not be aliens….
One can be internationally minded, without renouncing interest in one’s tribal comrades.
"Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan." This is a lie einstein was not a zionist see this…
Also read this letter Einstein sent to the new york post condemning the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut)and warning against Zionist Facism
The lie that Einstein was a zionist is almost as outrageous as the lie that he converted to shia islam. Einstein did not support the creation of a jewish state but a binational state with equal rights for jews and arabs.
No when ever thought of that convert the jews and arabs to christianity problem solved. I don`t think so 1)Ali sina is more likely to convert to islam and 2)Even if it did happen it would not solve the conflict.
You are missing the etymology here. The word Jew is derived from the word Judah – son of Jacob/Israel, father of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Oh dear blur Grace. You are failing to speak with precision again. I already addressed this in another post, but I will put it up again for your benefit:
The reason genealogists call it a "family tree" is because as a branch grows out, new branches grow as offshoots.
So in the line of Shem – Eber – Jacob/Israel – Judah, all Jews are Israelis, all Israelis are Hebrews and all Hebrews are Semites. But conversely, not all Semites are Hebrews and not all Hebrews are Israelis and not all Israelis are Jews because other branches of the family have broken off.
My dear blur Mormon John K, please read your earlier comment carefully. You said that 'Hebrew and Jew are not the same', so that's why I called you blur Mormon and explain it clearly that the original name for the people we now call Jews was Hebrews. If you don't believe me, please feel free to ask my beloved Dr Ali Sina <3, your professional psychologist if I'm telling the truth. xD
When did i ever its true just because ali sina said it? Ali sina is not my prophet he`s just another human. I don`t agree with everything he says but when talks about islam and mohammed he is right not because he says it but because he brings good evidence to back his claims up.
are you blind or dumb ? I just showed you Ali sina forging word in koran did you see that ?? . How can you trust somebody who engages in forgery . If this act of forgery did not impact you then debating you will be waste of time becasue you are brain dead person
Ali according to the history of the jews their land was in Greece for over 2000 years until the Holocaust 1942, and in Spain in 1492 during the Edit of Expulsion but this was long ago today the jews and the Palestinians shoud come to some terms of agreement over the land for YHWH says in Zech.9:vs13-17 and both need to drop those religions and come back to YHWH the only Savior and Father..
Right. That's the main point.
.No i guess those killings are fine to you, as of course if the muslims are doing the killing its all good but if a non-muslim does the same to a muslim your all up in arms. Anyway about koran so ali sina made this up did he "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." (koran 8.12)?
John K. this is so true well between Adam and Noah YHWH gave us thousands of years then from Abraham more years to do it right, but we snuffed Him, and it is so hurtful for now the world has been in trouble until this day and we all must return to YHWH and soon the day that will burn like an oven is so near for His new kingdom to be established.
Black peoples descend from Ham through his marriage to Egyptus.
You prove your ignorance because you do not deal with Dr. Sina's texts.
Mr. K yes it is and it is the time when YHWH prophesied to Abraham that his descendant his seed will be afflicted for 400 years into captivity and again in the 4th kingdom the future, and we all know who they are the so called black people until this day, who are really Hebrew Israelis on this north corner of the earth that we were scattered to. Genesis 15:vs. 13-18 so by the time of Exodus 4:vs22,23 is when YHWH told the king then to let his people go his son and his first born 'Israel' Hebrews which are the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob there cannot be two first born sons
Mr. K yes it is and it is the time when YHWH prophesied to Abraham that his descendant his seed will be afflicted for 400 years into captivity and again in the 4th kingdom the future, and we all know who they are the so called black people until this day, who are really Hebrew Israelis on this north corner of the earth that we were scattered to. Genesis 15:vs. 13-18 so by the time of Exodus 4:vs22,23 is when YHWH told the king then to let his people go his son and his first born 'Israel' Hebrews which are the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob there cannot be two first born sons.
The reason genealogists call it a "family tree" is because as a branch grows out, new branches grow as offshoots.
So in the line of Shem – Eber – Jacob/Israel – Judah, all Jews are Israelis, all Israelis are Hebrews and all Hebrews are Semites. But conversely, not all Semites are Hebrews and not all Hebrews are Israelis and not all Israelis are Jews because other branches of the family have broken off.
Mr. K. If Abraham and Rebecka had Esau and Jacob the twins would'nt the descendants start from their linage of children who are Hebrews Shem and Eber were Hebrews and Judah who was the fourth son of Jacob was Hebrew, and also one of the 12 tribes of Israel a Hebrew tribal. They were all Hebrews. look it up 'Judah' you will see the tribe is Hebrew not jews, and so was Noah a Hebrew, so I can't understand why people try to make a difference in the lineages there is none other than the 12 sons of Jacob being the 12 tribes who were all Hebrew Israelites just like their grand pa and grand ma Abraham and Rebecka. Esau's children were considered Edom Israelis and Moab Israelis because he took many strange wives out of the tribe.
The Jews had to leave from Spain called the Edit of Expulsion in 1492 where they had to convert to Christianity or leave sanctioned by Queen Isabella.they were given a choice"
The jews came to the iberian peninsula with the arab invaders,supporting & providing aid to the muslim conquerors.It's only right that they were kicked out.
read below dummy how ali sina changes words in koran to make fun of ignorant people like you
Good grief Grace! That's the same thing I said, but I didn't take a block around the block to say it!
Why don`t you mention the Ethnic Cleansing of Jerusalem – 1948 or the Palestine Riots and Massacres of 1929 where the targets were not Zionists who had dispossessed Arabs of their lands, but for the most part Jewish communities of that had lived in Palestine for many hundreds of years. Where`s your condemnation of that?
You are SOB person . Why do you change the words in Koran ?? is that how you trick and deceive people . This is how you put the verse
1.Oh you who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Q.9:123)
O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
Is it the word Murder is the same as word fight ( combat) ?????
Yiou need somebody to whip yopr ass coward asss you are no scholar but CIA or mosad agent
This is how it reads
During May [1948] ideas about how to consolidate and give permanence to the Palestinian exile began to crystallize, and the destruction of villages was immediately perceived as a primary means of achieving this aim…[Even earlier,] On 10 April, Haganah units took Abu Shusha… The village was destroyed that night… Khulda was leveled by Jewish bulldozers on 20 April… Abu Zureiq was completely demolished… Al Mansi and An Naghnaghiya, to the southeast, were also leveled. . .By mid-1949, the majority of [the 350 depopulated Arab villages] were either completely or partly in ruins and uninhabitable." Benny Morris, "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949.
That Ben-Gurion's ultimate aim was to evacuate as much of the Arab population as possible from the Jewish state can hardly be doubted, if only from the variety of means he employed to achieve his purpose…most decisively, the destruction of whole villages and the eviction of their inhabitants…even [if] they had not participated in the war and had stayed in Israel hoping to live in peace and equality, as promised in the Declaration of Independence." Israeli author, Simha Flapan, "The Birth of Israel."
Joseph Weitz was the director of the Jewish National Land Fund…On December 19, 1940, he wrote: 'It must be clear that there is no room for both peoples in this country…The Zionist enterprise so far…has been fine and good in its own time, and could do with 'land buying' – but this will not bring about the State of Israel
Hi Lorraine, I'm really confused over your heritage and I wonder if you are sane or not. Anyway, you've got a long long way to go before you arrive at the ultimate conclusion of the Way, the Truth and the Life. G-d bless. 😉
My dear blur blur Mormon friend, John K, the original name for the people we now call Jews was Hebrews. The word "Hebrew" (in Hebrew, "Ivri") is first used in the Torah to describe Abraham (Gen. 14:13). The word is apparently derived from the name Eber, one of Abraham's ancestors. Another name used for the people is Children of Israel or Israelites, which refers to the fact that the people are descendants of Jacob, who was also called Israel. The word "Jew" (in Hebrew, "Yehudi") is derived from the name Judah, which was the name of one of Jacob's twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel, which was named after him. Likewise, the word Judaism literally means "Judah-ism," that is, the religion of the Yehudim. Other sources, however, say that the word "Yehudim" means "People of G-d," because the first three letters of "Yehudah" are the same as the first three letters of G-d's four-letter name. B)
Come on, Ms Lorraine, why do you say that 'm not able to substantiate what I said about Yeshua? Please take out your KJV Bible now and read the Gen 22 and pray to YHWH to help you understand what it means.
YHWH knew that Abraham trusted Him and Abraham knew that he serves a faithful G-d Who will surely keep His promise. So, Abraham knew that even if he sacrificed Issac as a burnt offering to G-d, G-d will raise him up from the grave because YHWH never fails in His promise. That's what faith is all about.
A, no being a jew would not work for me. In Malachi 1v1-3 YHWH expresses how much He hates Esau and many jews are the descendant of Esau being Amalochite Israelis and the ones that has never followed the ways of YHWH until this day and never will and as I said before not all Edomites or jews are complicit with this demonic dominion order in our society today. I would not want to be one for the fact that many will have to answer to the robbery that they establish but will fall Dan.11v14. Talk about persecution I think slavery has that beat by droves of miles for the captivity and persecution of the Hebrew Israelis is still going on today. Now you come on you know that jews do not consider themselves as Hebrews. Never are they described as such for I and you know who they are. This conversation is frivilous and I will move on the other post thanks and Peace, Praise YHWH.
A, well it seems like you are not able to substantiate what you are saying in your post about jc, therefore our conversation is useless for I do not care for fairy tales if you cannot show where YHWH is saying or representing it then it is idolatry. Another thing YHWH did not do this just out of an act of love for Abraham that was obvious, He did this to let Isaac know that He should never put anything over YHWH THE FATHER was YHWH's main purpose for He already knew that Abraham was faithful and loyal for that is why He made the first covenant with Abraham in the first place. You should get help in understanding the scriptures. I will move on to other post and I hope you find what you are looking for. Peace Praise YHWH.
It was you who raised the possiblity that america would suddenly turn into lunatics not me. Also what do you mean when you say "the decption of the Palestinians".
"Iran is made up of many ethic groups,"
That is why I favor a federation of united states of Iran. Each ethnic majority like the Azeris, the Arabs, the Kurds and the the Baluch must have their own state and be autonomous. Iran can have at least five states. People must be sovereign.
You assume that the entire world is mad and lunatic like Muslims. I agree that the Arabs have decieved the world to a great extent with their lies and victimization, But there are still a lot of decent people who can see the truth and are waking up. Europe is changing and many over there can see the decption of the Palestinians and their liberal allies.
America will not change. They were fooled when they voted for Obama but you can't fool everyone all the time.
Well if america changes Israel and the jews are doomed. Israel vs the world i think we can guess who is going to win that one. Iran is made up of many ethic groups, as is israel/palestine, its not a "persian state" where ethic minorities are ethnically cleansed or at least are second class citizens, well it may be but then it would be a apartheid state. This is the problem with Ethnic nationalism (which is what zionism is) its a racist idea imagine if america said it was a "white state". Why can`t their be such a thing as a "arab israeli" whose historical rights are respected just as much as a "jewish israeli"?
Who can guarantee that America won’t change? Today Europe is no longer safe for the Jews, not because of Europeans but because of Muslim immigrants.
Every nation has a country. I am an Iranian. I can live anywhere safely but that does not mean Iran has no reason to exist. Likewise Jews must have their country.
A part of the problem is the word Jew that defines both nationality and religion. This is confusing. I don’t care about the religion. I am taking about the people who have the right to a homeland.
If thats the case then any country where jews can live peacefully is a "jewish state" then their`s no real difference between Israel and say America.
That's not correct. The lost 10 were dispersed to the north countries and are probably interspersed among the European nations. Palestinians are Arab. Biblically speaking, that's descendents of Ishmael, though scientists list descendants of Ishmael as a small portion of today's Arabs.
Well, mostly the largest lesson of the OT is that when Israel was righteous, God blessed and protected them, and when they were wicked they received no divine help against their enemies.
I don't understand your point. Exodus is after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Hebrew and Jew are not the same. Hebrews are descendants of Eber and Jews are descendants of Judah.
Ms Lorraine, when you read the Torah or the Bible (OT & NT), please don't read blindly and without understanding. Please pray to G-d for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The OT and NT are interconnected and they are related. So, in order to understand why Yeshua HaMashiach is the Pesach Lamb, you have to read the OT again, especially the book of Genesis of G-d's covenant with His friend, Abraham, and how He love His friend so much that He stopped Abraham from sacrificing Issac on Mount Moriah and provided him a ram for the burnt offering. Do you think that this great test of faith is for fun? No, this is all about YHWH's love. He is showing us that He will send Yeshua HaMashiach, His only begotten Son, to be the Pesach Lamb, our sin bearer, and died on that old rugged cross which is the altar of sacrifice, so that through His shed blood, which is for the remission of our sins, we will be forgiven of our sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave for our justification and to give us eternal life.
My post got deleted.Was it offensive & if so,which part?
Come on, Mr Lorraine, how in the world can you not able to know if you are a Jew or not? Why do you have to keep denying the fact that you are a Jew when you confessed that you are the descendant from the Hebrew Israelis? Is it true that you are ashamed to be called a Jew because of the historical persecutions and genocide of the German Jews?
Oh, my dear Dr Ali Sina, I think that we should rightfully say that Israel is Jews' official homeland.
It is a state where Jews can live in peace without being persecuted.
What is a "Jewish state" this is something the Israelis have never properly defined.
This is the power of division it tears people apart and injustice against the rightful owners of the land. The last time I checked Iraq were considered Assyrian Arabic nationality and Iran is from the origin of Persians. Palestinians are from the 10 lost tribes among many others around the world. This division will end in the day of YHWH for we are all related cousins and brethren anyways.
John K and A, the scripture Daniel 11vs. 14 explains it all and I just wanted to say that the Palestinians are from the 10 lost tribes of Jacob, Selah. Our bretherns from being scattered to the four corners of the earth and others by YHWH for our transgressions and iniquities against YHWH Ephriam the Father remembers you and also one should read Malachi 1,2,3 and 4 in chapter 4 YHWH tells us to remember to do the law. He loves us all on this earth the Gentiles will be brought into the light Isaiah 49vs.6.
i agree but there are 2 nations of Israel Genesis 25v22-34 according to YHWH and according to Malachi 1v1-4 YHWH tells which one He is for and which He is not for or (hates) and will show soon. YHWH wants us all to turn back unto Him all the people of the earth Malachi 3v7.
A, listen to John K, immigrants are a different world in 1948 jews were given legal citizenship to be in Israel so ask yourself why did they need citizenship if they are the chosen people of YHWH 'red flag'? Jews were in Greece for 2000 years or more, the Greeks and Hebrew Israelites were in captivity after 161BCE Hebrew israelites is what walked to the promise land with Moses not jews there was no such thing but there was and is a Hebrew Israelite today but are never mention you should know why no one wants them to know who they are but this is part of the 'curse'. Also jews know who they are and are not persecuted until this day many of them are the riches people in the world and are allowed everywhere and I have no problem with that but claiming to be the chosen this is robbery and greed and pride. A, the nation of Israel is yet to come according to YHWH in Malachi 1 preferably 1v4. These today in Israel are robbers.Jews are Edom descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob a Hebrew Israelis the chosen's twin brother the covenant of 2 nations Genesis 25v22-34, but not all jews are complicit to this robbery.
A, I do that is why I read the OT YHWH prophesies through His prophets and servants all through the book Amos 3v7 no man had to tell me one can read it for themselves it is right there in the Book of Remembrance Genesis – Malachi, Malachi 3v16. I have to have substantiation 'truth' and the OT gives that consistently as YHWH does not change, Malachi 3v6 for what He tells us through the prophets is precise but the nt does not fulfill the OT and that is a red flag for me. It the nt says some things but many are contradicting the OT.
but I can tell you about many more sons of man of YHWH's who were persecuted and still are being persecuted until this day all through the four corners of the earth where we were scattered Deut. 4vs.23-33 where Moses prophesied our fate for becoming corrupted after he dies. Bird who was dragged to pieces behind a truck by 3 racits, and Emetiel who was cut up at 12 for smiling at a woman and his private parts were stuffed into his mouth and Troy Davis executed even though he had 7 recants now I can go on but you should get the picture by now or maybe you are stiff necked. Oh why do you insist on calling me a jew? The KJV of the OT is read by more people than jews just read it and look it up. Prause YHWH
A, This scripture is always mistaken to be jc I'm sorry but it is not for one in vs. 10 it speaks of the servant as 'seeing his seed' and 'having prolonged his days' now many of you christians believe that jc died and resurrected and has everlasting life, so 'prolong his days' means that you will eventually die from old age ok. Seeing his seed means when he learns himself and know who he is and these were not the case with jc. This is a son of man from the chosen people of YHWH from His son and first born Exodus 4v22,23 a descendant of Israel from Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and who He will raise from the seed of David a descendant from Abraham Isaac and Jacob along with the BRANCH to Sheppard the new Kingdom. By the way this is to come, the servant could be too young to know who he is or has not realized it yet but he will before in the day of YHWH and this servant is also in Isaiah 42vs.18-21 and 49 the servant is talking once he has learned who he is and 53 and 52 preferrably 52vs.10-15 where YHWH speaks on his servant's behalf through Isaiah vs.13 and many thinks that this too is jc continued…
where? give scripture please many other scriptures tells the exact names of persons places or angels or prophets or servants prophesied by YHWH, so where is this in the Book the OT? otherwise it is made up and idolatry.
cont. Then one example right off the top of my head is when Moses asked the Pharaoh to let his people go then Pharaoh ordered the people to make brick without straw. Well, today the International Bankers tells you to pay your light,gas, mortgage, food, etc. but they won't give people jobs lol they send jobs over to other countries claiming that its cheaper and yet people in the US are already working the same or harder jobs for less so that is a lie. Now, where does it say to accept Yeshus HaMashiach as the Pesach Lamb in the OT as I never saw Jesus mentioned or mary what is this? I have seen that YHWH talks about the new covenant of the servant the elect that will be from the seed of David and the BRANCH in the new Kingdom of THE LORD YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS in Jere.23v1-8 and Jere.33v14-16 and Jere.chapters 30 and 31 and many others but never what you posted. Oh, and christ and messiah only means anointed that's all 'look it up'. There has been many anointed ones in the OT Cyrus the Great, and In Numbers 22v28-31 where YHWH anointed a jack ass. Praise YHWH.
Agracean, I am a descendant from the Hebrew Israelis from the first and old convenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Yisrael) of the land from the rivers of Egypt to the rivers of Euphrates and is still in captivity until this day many of us are under the 'curse' the sword that YHWH warned if we did not do His ordinances the law and the Sabbath and did idols or images its all through the OT. Anyone who can read should be able to see that in the nt in Acts10 and 9 and in Timothy 4:4 it states that every creature is good to eat but one must know that YHWH does not change Malachi 3v6 so in Duet.14 YHWH tells us not to eat of the unclean things or animals, then in the nt in Romans 4v15 it says the Law is wrath and no longer needed NO! YHWH says through His prophets all through the Book of Remembrance so called OT do the law the commandments and the Sabbath for He changes NOT. There are many more contradictions in the nt from the OT. You have twisted your response so let me straighten you out The OT is a juxtapose which tells of things that has passed and things that are to come (future) in Isaiah 43vs.18-21 YHWH says the old is gone He's doing a new thing.
Hi Lorraine, if you have seriouslly read and study all the OT books, you'll realized that many verses in the OT point to the coming of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Pesach Lamb as prophecized by the OT prophets.
Hi Lorraine, I'm curious to know that since you're not a Jew, then, are you a Christian or Mormon? Which creature told you that YHWH change in the NT? Do you know what are the Old covenants in the OT before we talk about the new covenant that YHWH has established with human beings?
It seems like you have a good grasp of the OT laws but you perceived not that the old has passed and the new has come, just like the Jews. For many centuries, the Jews have sinned against YHWH by rejecting Yeshua HaMashiach as the Pesach Lamb and also, rejecting Christ as the culmination of the law . Besides that, they also rejected YHWH's new everlasting covenant with His people. Instead of accepting YHWH's new everlasting covenant with His people, they prefer to stick to the old covenant and remain as stiffneck people.
Agracean, I did a typo on Isaiah 44 it is too a good scripture but I meant Isaiah 42:vs.8,9 where YHWH also says if something new happens He will tell us.
Agracean, yes I agree and as I have said before religions are not in the Torah or the Book of Remembrance so called Old Testament nowhere. Therefore religions are idolatry and YHWH does not accept them so it doesn't matter how much they go to that Wall and other religions for which they have been doing for over 2000 years and to no avail because they are wrong and idolatry. Until we all come back to YHWH Malachi 3v7,the only Savior no one else has His glory Isaiah 44:vs.8,9 and Isaiah 43:vs.3,11, we will be under the 'curse' and all in the world will be in the state it is in. As for the land of Israel in Malachi 1vs.1-5 is what YHWH has prophesied for those who are the robbers and the rest of Malachi 1 reads on to how we do not honor YHWH the way he says for us to do His law and sabbath for He does not change as you stated in your post about a 'new covenant' show me where YHWH in the Old Testament says this new covenant is law for I do not trust the NT book it's idolatry and it suppose to fit what is saying in the OT but it doesn't. Furthermore if YHWH said he changes not in Malachi 3v6 the book of the last prophet. So why would YHWH suddenly change in the NT are you calling YHWH a liar? The Old Testament justifies what has come to pass and what will come so where is this new covenant prophesied in the OT by YHWH to be placed in the NT? Also, you should remember in Daniel 12:vs.1-4 the angel Gabriel told Daniel to shut up the words and seal the book until the end of times which meant the future for knowledge has been increased and many of us today are running to and fro. Do the Law Commandments and Sabbath that's it. With the Leviticus yes it is a bit confusing but it is mostly of sacrifices of sins and ignorance of the law offerings of goodness, of prayer on bad situations clean and unclean things that are no longer done because a 3rd tabernacle must be build this is in Haggai chapter 2 it tells us about that. Peace.
John, seems like we are all brethren and cousins from the children of them to me and we need to all just get alone and share and be peaceful with one another, lol
Palestinians are mostly Arab. The Allied powers created 21 Arab nations and one Jewish nation. The Arabs/Muslims do not want any Jewish nation at all. The destruction of Israel is wanted by nearly all Palestinians except those who live under Israeli law who know they live better than they would in a Muslim state.
Immigrants are a different case. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land including the period of dispersion.
Hi Lorraine, you must read and study the Old Testament, especially the book of Isaiah carefully and attentively. Then, you'll know why the Jews are scattered all over the world and how Isaiah's prophecy came true when the nation of Israel was born in 1948 and the Jews came back to their beloved homeland, the land flowing with milk and honey.
This passage is from the witting Palestine over Israel and obviously is how many Palestinians feel and so some Palestinians do know who they are for YHWH is calling His Jewels now – 1) The Palestinians never say that they want to drive the Israelis into the sea (even though it might be said by some Muslims, that doesn’t reflect what the Palestinians want. Actually the Jews drove the Palestinians into the desert and keep doing it. They are bringing Jews from all over the world claiming (fairy tales) that they have lived there 2000 years ago; I wonder where the Palestine have lived until yesterday Peace
Hi Lorraine, may I know which creature in this troublesome world told you that the New Testament was man made written? I totally agree that YHWH is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let YHWH be the Truth and every man a liar.
Hi Lorraine, do you know that YHWH established covenants with human beings? Do you know what are YHWH's old and new covenants with us? Many Jews are too religious, in the sense that they have missed the bull eye and focus too much on the Old Testament leviticus laws and have not grasped the message of love in the Torah. YHWH is Love and He has already established His new covenant with all of Abraham's descendants and yet, they still act blur. Maybe I should call them blur kings and blur queens. :p
Yes, but a lot of Jews were migrated to Israel after the Holocaust and were given legal citizenship to be in Israel in 1948, so why did they have to be citizenized if they were already Israelis? The Jews were originally in Greece for more than 2000 years until their own did attack them with the Axis of Alliance 1942. Also during the Herzel Movement of 1897 many took placement in Israel. This is not to say that none were there but this is according to the date of time after 161BCE yes they established their dominion then during the Roman Empire and the Jewish Roman writing composing of the NT 200BCE converting to Christianity from Judaism.
Hi Lorraine, don't you know that those orthodox Jews and contemporary Jews follow Judaism. Have you ever visited Israel and the Western Wall? You'll see manyJews gather round there and bow their heads as they pray to Yahweh. But the good news is that more and more Jews are touched by the Spirit of Yeshua,to see and know that Yeshua, G-d's Moshiach, is indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life and many Jews received Yeshua as their Lord and Saviour and they are called the Messianic Jews. 🙂
The truth is that the land of Israel originally belongs to the descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob because Israel is the promised land which G-d gave to His friend, Abraham forever and ever. But the sad truth is the thief came to steal, to kill and to destroy. Do you now see the picture and realized who is this despicable thief? :@
continued and idol worship and do not know who they are yet but in the prophecy in Jere. 30v1-10 the true chosen people will return to Israel and the Jews are not the FATHER;s chosen people for which He has His covenant with Jacob it is the Hebrew Israelis His son and firstborn Exodus 4:vs.22,23 is Israel the Hebrew Israelites not Jews but the Hebrews and those who are not mentioned anymore since 161BCE for they have been robbed of their inheritage for now. As for whatever people are in religions they are all idolatry if they are not doing the Law the Commandments and the Sabbath regardless. So all religions are not of the FATHER YHWH Our RIGHTEOUSNESS Jere. 23v1-8 and Jere. 14-16 so pray the Day of YHWH is near Also, Deut.28v15-68 the 'curses' tells who are Israel vs.37 they will be called bywords this is not the Jews and if this criteria doesn't fit then its not Israel.
8He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
11He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Isaiah 53
1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
2For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Hi Lorraine, it's sad to know that in this 21st century, many religious and contemporary Jews have rejected Yeshua as G-d's Moshiach because they are spiritually blind and their heart are callous even though they seem to be very religious, just like those braindead zombies. If you read and study the Bible carefully, you'll realized that Yeshua is indeed G-d's Moshiach.
I think that you've forgotten to read the following description of Yeshua, G-d's Messiah, the Pesach Lamb, as prophecised by the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 53.
Agracen, yes I know this and why didn't you say what religion culture does the Jews follow I noticed you mentioned Muslim when you spoke of the Palestinians so what are the Jews? Everyone should know just as the Palestinians says that Israel is their land that the Jews stole for this is why there are these calamities and fights that you yourself must admit for this is why this column is writen Palestine over Israel for this same reason of the crimes that are happening between the Israeis and the Palestinians it is because of Daniel 11v14 states that the robbers will exalt to establish but will not prevail. The 10 Lost tribes the Palestinians and many other brethren scattered to the four corners of the earth are according to the prophecy in Deut. 30v1-3 they are under the 'curse' for their transgressions and iniquties
Yes, but the dispersion was not 100%. Survivors remained in Israel and others returned.
Hi Lorraine, do you know that the people living in Palestine are called Palestinians and most of them are Muslims while the people living in Israel are Jews and they are called Israeli?
Agracean I only read the Old Testament the Book of Remembrance Genesis through Malachi, because I know that the NT was man made written and my conclusions comes from YHWH not myself for He says that He Does Not Change Malachi 3v6 and in the NT they the Jewish or Roman writers mainly Esau has changed a bunch this is not acceptable for me. The Law the Commandments and the Sabbath was not to be changed said Moses through YHWH, you I respect your beliefs and it is ok choose what you will but I know not believe that if YHWH says He Changes Not then so be it I will not argue with the FATHER. YHWH BLESS
Agracean, not to argue not to offend, but when I read the KJV of the Book of Remembrance spoken of in Malachi 3v16 I had not found anything mentioning Jesus or the lamb or anything of the story of him and in Isaiah 42, and 43 YHWH specifically tells us that He will not give His glory to anyone and also that He is the Savior but his elect and servant is Israel His son Exodus 4:v22,23 from which he will raised the seed of David and the seed of Zadok from to Sheppard in the new kingdom Jere.23:v1-8 and Jere. 33v14-16 and it will all be called The Lord YHWH Our Righteousness. So this is what I read in the so called old testament the Book of Remembrance, and no I am not Jewish lol, I am a Hebrew Israelis from the descendants of the 10 lost tribes of the split of the north and the south of Judah Yhwhudah and Jerusalem Yhwhrusalem and the Kingdom of Israel. Also I see in Isaiah 42v19,20,21-25 how YHWH describes His servant this does not sound like Jesus not at all. YHWH BLESS
John K, anything after 161BCE is not talking about the Hebrew Israelis anymore after this time its always talking about the Jews do you have a date on these events that you posted because anything after 161BCE is when the Hebrews Israelis were in captivity and the Torah as you call it I call it the Book of Remembrance Malachi 3:v16,17 is where many captive who were prophets tell their experiences with YHWH The Strong One during these harsh times Daniel, and his companions Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego were there slave names and Ezekiel the priest. So I think I have done a bit of history. After the last defeated revolt of Shimon bar Kokhba in 135 the Roman Empire and Jewish Roman order began and so did Christianity becoming sanctioned…but I am always open to learn more. For I am not full of pride as in Isaiah 47v 10,11. YHWH BLESS
continue….for the servant knows who he is at this point. The Book of Remembrance either tells us what has come to pass or what is about to come and what the servant is saying is coming its very near. YHWH BLESS
Agracean, yes I agree and this I am aware of but what I wonder is do the people of Palestine realize that they are 'Israel?' From the 10 lost tribes many of us are and we do not know it. Because of our transgressions and iniquities we were scattered to the four corners of the earth to a strange land to serve them and worship their idolatry religions and the times are growing near because many are being called by The Strong One YHWH back unto Him and are beginning to know who they are 'Israel.' Exodus 4:vs. 22,23 YHWH's son His firstborn. And out of His son there will be a servant from the seed of David and from the seed of Zadok the high priest to Sheppard in the Day of YHWH THE KING THE FATHER. In the KJV of the Book of Remembrance the so called Old Testament in Jeremiah 23v1-8 and Jeremiah 33v14-16 the new kingdom will be call YHWH Our Righteousness. In Isaiah 49, 50 and 53 the servant is talking
John K, it was always 'Israel' since Exodus 4:vs.22,23 where YHWH THE KING says to Moses to tell the Pharaoh, to let go my son my firstborn 'Israel.' Those who are the descendants of Abraham who YHWH made the covenant with and his descendants are the chosen people of YHWH from which the seed of David and the seed of Zadok the high priest of YHWH will come from to be the servant the Arm of YHWH to Sheppard over us all in the new kingdom. Also, Jewish or whatever the religion the fact remains that until we all come back to YHWH THE STRONG ONE it will not matter Malachi 3v7 and YHWH does not change 3v6 so all of these made up religions are just what they are idolatry they won't matter in the day of YHWH.
The history of Israel goes back even further than 2000 BC. In fact, the selection of Israel as a special nation was part of God's plan from the beginning of time. God's choice of Israel as His "chosen people" did not lie in any special size, nature or attraction. Actually, the nation of Israel was the least in number among all the nations (Deuteronomy 7:6-8). Rather, God chose these people because of His love for them and His unconditional covenant with Abraham. This doesn't mean that God loved Israel more than other people, it was just that He intended to use Israel as His means to love and bless everyone. It was God's plan from the beginning to bring forth the Messiah through Israel to act as the savior for the entire world.
The history of Israel commences with God's covenant with Abraham in approximately 2000 B.C., "I will make you into a great nation" (Genesis 12:2). The name "Israel" (meaning either "one who fights victoriously with God" or "a prevailing prince with God") comes from the new name God gave Abraham's grandson Jacob, after Jacob withstood a spiritual struggle at Jabbok (Genesis 32:28). It is at this point that the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are often referred to as the "Children of Israel."
Non-Jewish Palestinians are primarily Arabs. The name is Israel is the new name of the 3rd Patriarch after it was changed in the Torah: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob -> Israel.
You need to read history too, not just the history in the Torah.
Large Jewish remnants lived in the Holy Land and survived to this day. Even in Ottoman times Jews outnumbered Arabs in Jerusalem. Mark Twain observed Palestine was virtually deserted in his tour of the Holy Land. Arabs began moving in in great numbers when Jewish settlers achieved prosperity and provided jobs for Arabs.
Read Genesis through Malachi and do the law the commandments and the sabbath nothing to it.
Ali I will agree that the JewS have and do very well in getting rich and acquiring many businesses and corporations and I personally have no problem with that I think its great but at some point the truth needs to be said. In 1948 the Jews were given rights to legal citizenship in Israel and many were migrated there especially from the tragic Holocaust.The Palestinians are 'Israel' and the name Palestine was fabricated to delude the masses so this needs to be stopped and the wars stopped. It's enough land for everyone I cannot understand why it has to be this way people wanting to be in charge like tyrants wrong is just wrong. This is what makes people so furious but if they would turn back unto YHWH Our Righteousness it will all be resolved. Leave Islam and all other religions behind!! Also there might be Jews in Iran or Iraq but Iran people are originally Persians and Iraq people are originally Arabs Assyrians. YHWH BLESS. Google YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS all and drop those religions and become spiritually in tune with peace and love and righteousness of the FATHER'S the only SAVIOR.
Ali Sina, in your post you mentioned that Jews are the original people of Israel and I have not seen anywhere in the Old Testament that this is so but YHWH The Creator has mentioned that Israel is His Son and His firstborn in Exodus 4:22,23 of the Hebrew Israelite. I also noticed that in your post you said that there are many monuments still standing in Israel that are Hebrew. If you notice the word Hebrew is not used at all anymore and these were the chosen people of YHWH GOD to guide the rest of the people into righteousness. But we the Hebrews because of our iniquities and our transgressions Hebrew Israelis were scattered to the four corners of the earth and sold to the Grecian as bondmen and bondwomen Deuteronomy 28:vs.15-67 for vs. 68 has already been fulfilled. Also in Isaiah 43:vs.27,28 'the curse' So if one does not fit this criteria then they are not Israel. Jews from what I gathered were in Greece or Rome for over 2000 years 'look it up' and they were of Turkish and Romanian and spoke Yevanic which is a Greek language. Then in 1942 The Axis Alliance, forming the Tripartite Pact brought on the Word War II of the Holocaust and this was done by their own the Greeks. After the last revolt of Shimon bar Kokhba 132BCE against the Roman Empire who was defeated in 135BCE the Jewish Romans began and then Southern Palestine which was territory of Judah was called Edomia and Jerusalem was called Aelia Capitolina and Israel then was called Palestine until this day. The beginning of the Jewish composing by Jewish Hellenistic groups of the NT began around 200BCE until 200AD. After 161BCE there was no mention of Hebrew Israelis anymore the Hebrews were all in captivity many of the prophets in the KJV were captives Ezekiel the priest, Daniel and his companions Shadrach Meshach and Abednigo these were their slave names. Israel was not talked about again until 1897 of the Hertzel Movement and again in 1948 when the Jews got legal rights to become citizens of Israel. Daniel 11:vs. 14 the robbers of Israel. The Jews had to leave from Spain called the Edit of Expulsion in 1492 where they had to convert to Christianity or leave sanctioned by Queen Isabella.they were given a choice. Where as the Hebrews were captives and enslaved until this day, and are Israel and so are the Palestinians they too are Israelis scattered to the four corners of the earth. Zech. 10.
Ms Lorraine, after reading all your above comments, I presume that you are a Jewish woman. Have you seriously read and study the Torah carefully? After reading all your above comments, I think that you need to get all the facts right before jumping into any conclusions. Maybe you should also grab hold of a KJV Bible and seriously read it through. I believe that by the grace of G-d, you'll be able to know and understand that fulfillment of G-d's promised Messiah, Yeshua, the Pesach Lamb and the new covenant through His shed blood. 🙂
All through the Old Testament there is no mention of Jesus or any of the NT ordinances these are man made ideologies and are false. There is no religion mentioned in the Old Testament either none it is the Spirituality of righteousness and peace and love and to do the Law which is your life of YHWH THE KING..ok done lol
ISRAEL is THE SON OF THE KING YHWH in EXODUS 4: VS. 22,23. There cannot be two first born sons. And We are All loved by YHWH All of mankind who loves Him so. YHWH BLESS. Yhwhuda (Judah) and Yhursalem (Jerusalem) this is why these names had been changed to help them with the pronunciation but more so that many will not know who they are.
YHWH and the Law is not a religion it is All of our lives said Moses in Deut., 32:v45-47. For in the scripture Zechariah chapter 10 it was prophesied that they Palestine, Ephraim would be in the state that they are in; but that if and when they come back unto YHWH the Law of the Commandments and do the Sabbath they will not be in turmoil any longer, but at last YHWH will deliver them in His Day of the Lord YHWH I Will Be Who I Will Be this is translated in the KJV the Old Testament as I AM THAT I AM in Exodus 3:v14, and Ephraim shall be blessed. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS go Google it.
Mr. Alisina, this is to the Palestinians or I should call them 'Israel' for that is who they are and they do not know it or if they do they are trying too hard and the wrong way to let it be known. They must go through YHWH Our Righteousness Jeremiah 23v1-8 and Jeremiah 33v14-16. (KJV) in the Old Testament and although this and many other books have been tampered with by the enemy Esau he still is very afraid of our Father THE KING YHWH and the resources that are blessed unto me are from YHWH through his anointed his prophet an elder. Also this is why the New Testament was fabricated by Esau and other religions because those that hate YHWH are afraid of Him and they will only go so far for they do know He is their Father EL, With Us Is the Strong One. As you have said that until they leave from the idolatry of Islam the fighting and the calamities will continue and many innocent and the young and old will die in vain.
To the comment in the written column 'Palestinian over Israel' about the Jews running the Palestinians into the desert according to Daniel 11v14 "And in those times there shall many stand up against the governor (king) because YHWH IS THE KING…of the south: also the robbers of the people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall FALL!!! Palestinians ARE ISRAEL they and many because of the 'curse' were scattered to the four corners of the earth but now YHWH is calling His Jewels back unto Him to do the Law the Commandments and the Sabbath as Mr. AliSina says Drop Islam and come back to the FATHER YHWH oh brethren. YHWH BLESS.
I am hoping that my opinions are not held in discrimination for I have the right to say what I think can help those who are seeking the truth and religions has always been to some degree or another political and not spiritual towards the sake of others. It only divides the masses of people from each other.
Mr. Sina my post is so long I could not get it in but the Golden Rule is great and it is like saying do unto those as you would like done to you or however it reads and yes YHWH will be YHWH he says in Isaiah 55v8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Also in Isa42v8,9 His name is YHWH and His glory He does not share 'no idols' Isa43v3,11,12 He tells us He is the Only Savior and this is why we are under His wrath we need to Malachi 3v7 Return to Him and 6 for He does not change His words that is why the NT is idolatry they, the descendants of Esau the darkness Malachi 1v1-4 have changed everything and deceived us away from YHWH's light. Google…YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Southern Palestine the territory of what's called now Judah then became known as Edomia after the again Babylonian conquest of 586BCE in the book of Obadiah and prophesied in 137 Psalms by the river of Babylon. Also in Amos 1 and Joel 3 when Esau sold us to the Grecians to remove Hebrew Israelites far from our boarders this is where Deut.28:vs 68 (ships) was fulfilled also 83 Psalms. The bottom line is this religions has corrupted our world and until we all not just Israelites All of us turn back unto YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and get away from these religions and do the Law of Moses the prophet got for us from YHWH we will all suffer and be 'cut off' and Jeremiah 8:vs.17 cockatrices serpents are on us "lies and deception" for this is a Spiritual War not about us and YHWH do love us but he has tired with our repentances Jeremiah 15:vs.6 and Malachi 3:vs.6,7 Return to HIM. YHWH BLESS. There is more..
Esau returns. This is when the Romans won the last revolt in 135BCE from Shimon bar Kokhba a Hebrew Israelite who tried to defeat the Roman Empire and lost and Esau's rule began they renamed then Jerusalem Capalia and Israel was called Palestine until this day and this is why we have this fight going on but they are both Israel it was divided by religion and politics as usual but until we all turn back to YHWH and drop all of the idolatries this will continue the 'curse' Deut. 28:vs.15-67 for vs.68 has already been fulfilled and 32 and 30 where first we got the blessings and then we inherited the curses which Moses prophesied in Deut.31:vs.29. Christianity the NT from since the 4th century was just an offshoot of Judaism from the 3rd century made from Jewish Roman Catholics writers from 200BCE to 200AD and Christ from 50AD to 400AD. The Jewish writings were composed in Palestine by Jewish Hellenistic groups.
to do the law and the commandments and the Sabbath and for all the rest of us too to live a humble and loving and righteous life but they one day decided not to do this after 5,to 6000 years of YHWH's patience He the Father got angry and the curse was on from the Babylonian conquest of Nebuchadnezzar to the first captivity in 606BCE of Daniel, (slave names) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Daniel's partners of dreams and visions given to them from the spirit of YHWH and they were the children of Judah or YHWUDAH in Israel and near the capital Jerusalem. In 161BCE Hebrew Israelites were not talked about anymore until 1897 during the Hertzel Movement of the Jews and again in 1948 when the Jews got legal rights to become citizens of Israel which is prophesied in Malachi 1 when YHWH through the prophet Malachi tells us that
The letter 'J' was not in existence until the 1700s is where most of the translations in the Book of Remembrance from Genesis through Malachi has been replaced. And the true name of YHWH is replaced. For the Hebrew language had only consonants when translated into English. Some Jews were ordered from Spain called the Edit of Expulsion first in 1492. Although what happened to the Jews after that in the Holocaust is to be recognized it was another historical human tragedy and it was put upon them by the Greeks from which they were prior to being called Jews known as Turkish and Romanian and spoke Yevanic which is a Greek language and resided in Greece for over 2000 years before they were persecuted by their own the Greeks from the Axis Alliance in World War II. So I can go on about things such as the Palestine’s 'are' Israelites and it is crazy that they fight one another but it is understandable because of the 'curse' when Moses told the Israelites YHWH's chosen that he made a covenant with since the fathers of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Yaacov, and is YHWH's son and first born Exodus, 4:22,23
Ali and others, the Middle East is nothing but Eden yes The Garden of Eden they used that Suez Canal to delude us 'cockatrices' but we are all from the land of Edenic and because we chose to do iniquities and transgressions and began to worship idols that provoked the Almighty we are now in a world wind of the Fathers' and all religions are idolatry are false, and they have been in effect for over 2000 years Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism Jehovah Witnesses Catholic, and the latest one Scientology and if I missed any those too are idolatry as long as they are religions which are ideologies of man and used to divide and conquer the masses on our earth, none of these religions has made any true differences in our world in all of this time nothing is going right but hate and indifferences and horrible crimes on others and never did YHWH condone these acts of abominations from
people judgment is His says YHWH THE KING, THE FATHER. Ali you said that the Old testament as well as the NT is a farce I agree with the NT being idolatry but could you elaborate on the Old Testament as being farce. I know that it is tampered with by the descendants of Esau, the Amalochites Edomites the descendents of Esau which makes this whole thing that is going on in the world not about us it is a spiritual war between the darkness and the light who is YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jeremiah 23:vs 1-8 (KJV) and Jeremiah 33:vs 14-16 is what the new kingdom will be called when the day of YHWH comes and today is any day now according to Daniel 11:vs 36-12:vs.10 the vision of the future is unfolding, and anything happening after 161 BCE from the invasion of the Babylonian conquest of Israel on the 'Hebrew Israelites' not Jews but Hebrew Israelite is to be question indeed. For many should know by now that the word Jew is an aberration and a transliteration in the OT and throughout the Book of Remembrance Malachi 3:17,18
Ali and others, the Middle East is nothing but Eden yes The Garden of Eden they used that Suez Canal to delude us 'cockatrices' but we are all from the land of Edenic and because we chose to do iniquities and transgressions and began to worship idols that provoked the Almighty we are now in a world wind of the Fathers' and all religions are idolatry are false, and they have been in effect for over 2000 years Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism Jehovah Witnesses Catholic, and the latest one Scientology and if I missed any those too are idolatry as long as they are religions which are idealolgies of man and used to divide and conquer the masses on our earth, none of these religions has made any true differences in our world in all of this time nothing is going right but hate and indifferences and horrible crimes on others and never did YHWH condone these acts of abominations from people judgment is His says YHWH THE KING, THE FATHER. Ali you said that the Old testament as well as the NT is a farce I agree with the NT being idolatry but could you elaborate on the Old Testament as being farce. cont..
Do you have copies of the ownership documents? I would like to see them.
Yes, but things started over from Noah and his 3 sons. Shem the father of Semitic nations, Ham of Africa, and Japeth Indo-European/Asian.
continued…also known as the preJulian Roman era calender, the Maccabees and the Hellenistic Pary the Edomites, Judea and Judas. The Jewish aristocracy of Jewish history and culture came into play.The truth will come to light.
The Hebrew Israelites KJV are not talked about anymore after 161BCE for many of them were all in captivity until this day but then it was the Prince and Messiah Zerrubabbel Dan.9:v25 and priest Ezra 1v8 for Zerubbabel's slave name was Sheshbazzar Prince of Judah in Israel, and Ezra 2v1,2 the prophet Daniel and his parterners (slave names) Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and the prophet Ezekiel the priest and the book of Lamentations,and others you can find their books in the KJV of the Book of Remembrance Malachi 3v 16. Somehow the Hebrew Israelites' slave captivity of this time 161BCE and 586BCE of the Babylonian conquest is not mentioned as the Holocaust is often it seems like the beginning would connect to the end hmm. So, therefore anything after that time is going to refer to the aberrated term the Jews.
Juste, you mentioned caucasian so what are the Hebrew Israelite's race nationality to you. The last time I checked the whole human race came from Eden which is now being called the Middle East for all of this area and with the Suez Canal being used as a diversion is really the Garden of Eden from the Euphrates through south Africa to west Africa which Africa got it's name from a Roman General who became to be known as Scipio Africanus after learning the fighting tactics of Hannibal whom he defeated known as the General Hannibal the Great who was a Hittie or an Amorite of Carthage in north Africa of the second Punic war at Zama is what it was originally called. Hannibal the Great was also ruler of Spain known as the New Carhage when he and his father conqured Spain in 237 BC.
Mr. Sina my post is so long I could not get it in but the Golden Rule is great and it is like saying do unto those as you would like done to you or however it reads and yes YHWH will be YHWH he says in Isaiah 55v8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Also in Isa42v8,9 His name is YHWH and His glory He does not share 'no idols' Isa43v3,11,12 He tells us He is the Only Savior and this is why we are under His wrath we need to Malachi 3v7 Return to Him and 6 for He does not change His words that is why the NT is idolatry they, the descendants of Esau the darkness Malachi 1v1-4 have changed everything and deceived us away from YHWH's light. google..YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
you are so right and I have a great post but its long so I will only add that there is no Middle East either it was all The Garden of Eden and the Suez Canal was to delude us all my post will be too long to back this up so thank you for your post it is on point YHWH BLESS and all shoule google….YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Jeremiah, 23v1-8 and Jeremiah 33v14-16 will be the new kingdom to come from all of the deceptions and lies don't worry.
in Greece for over 2000 years before they were persecuted by their own the Greeks from the Axis Alliance in World War II. So I can go on about things such as the Palestine’s 'are' Israelites and it is crazy that they fight one another but it is understandable because of the 'curse' when Moses told the Israelites YHWH's chosen that he made a covenant with since the fathers of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Yaacov, and is YHWH's son and first born Exodus, 4:22,23 to do the law and the commandements and the sabbth and for all the rest of us too to live a humble and loving and righteous life but they one day decided not to do this after 5,to 6000 years of YHWH's patience He the Father got angry and the curse was on from the Babylonian conquest of Nebuchadnezzar to the first captivity in 606BCE of Daniel, (slave names) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Daniel's partners of dreams and visions given to them from the spirit of YHWH and they were the children of Judah or YHWUDAH in Israel and near the capital Jerusalem.
Israelites' not Jews but Hebrew Israelite is to be question indeed. For many should know by now that the word Jew is an aberration and a transliteration in the OT and throughout the Book of Remembrance Malachi 3:vs.17,18. The letter 'J' was not in existence until the 1700s is where most of the translations in the Book of Remembrance from Genesis through Malachi has been replaced. And the true name of YHWH is replaced. For the Hebrew language had only consonants when translated into English. Some Jews were ordered from Spain called the Edit of Expulsion first in 1492. Although what happened to the Jews after that in the Holocaust is to be recognized it was another historical human tragedy and it was put upon them by the Greeks from which they were prior to being called Jews known as Turkish and Romanian and spoke Yevanic which is a Greek language and resided
Ali you said that the Old testament as well as the NT is a farce I agree with the NT being idolatry but could you elaborate on the Old Testament as being farse. I know that it is tampered with by the descendants of Esau, the Amalochites Edomites which makes this whole thing that is going on in the world not about us it is a spiritual war between the darkness and the light who is YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jeremiah 23:vs 1-8 (KJV) and Jeremiah 33:vs 14-16 is what the new kingdom will be called when the day of YHWH comes and today is any day now according to Daniel 11:vs 36-12:vs.10 the vision of the future is unfolding, and anything happening after 161 BCE from the invasion of the Babylonian conquest of Israel on the 'Hebrew contine…
Ali and others, the Middle East is nothing but Eden yes The Garden of Eden they used that Suez Canal to delude us 'cocatrites' but we are all from the land of Edenic and because we chose to do iniquities and transgressions and began to worship idols that provoked the Almighty we are now in a worldwind of the Fathers' and all religions are idolatry are false, and they have been in effect for over 2000 years Isam, Christianity, Buddisim, Judaism Jehovah Witnesses Catholic, and the lastest one Scientology and if I missed any those too are idolarty as long as they are religions which are idealologies of man and used to divide and conquer the masses on our earth, none of these religions has made any true differences in our world in all of this time nothing is going right but hate and indifferences and horrible crimes on others and never did YHWH condome these acts of abominations from people judgment is His says YHWH THE KING, THE FATHER. continued….
Heavily in Media? They own the Media you nincompoop!!! Why don't you check Israels Human Rights abuses? or legitimate sexual slave trade? oh your Israeli, okay.
Another Bible basher who doesn't rea his Bible, well done!!!
In all you have written, you have not addressed the facts demonstrated in Dr. Sina's research.
You are not operating in a fact-based paradigm. You need to pull your head out of the sand and live in the sunshine.
A lot of post but no solid fact. 😉
Nothing new in that old article. Why don't you read mine in this site that talks about Islam? So far, no muslim can answer me. In fact, why don't you contact Morgan and see if he can answer my post about Islam here?
Not to be arrogant, but so far, I never have any satisfying answer about it. Not from scholars, not from muslims here, and of course not from Morgan.
Sorry, it was you who used insult to me not long ago while I am presenting fact (calling me fool without argument or reason, let alone refuting me point by point). Look at the mirror before judging others.
Anyone who got cornered is like that, including Muhammad.. Now, I see you haven't responded me on Christian terrorism. Care to answer it?
What’s the matter? Can’t you at least follow what I write here so that we can stay and discuss relevant things? Do you really read my post about “sane”? Do you understand that before you write “fool” just like other cornered believer in this site? What I meant is that the sources are very biased towards its belief and morality. It always positions itself as the right one. It will never view its founder or its “saint” beyond any critical point. This is fact and of course sane person view these sources as “subjective” and “bias”. Have you heard anything in these sources that actually critical towards itself? You obviously don’t understand anything here.
You didn’t answer the problems presented here. You just play like your brothers here, pointing your finger to others.
Quoting Wikipedia is ok to the extent that the sources and the writers are really neutral but neutrality poses new problem. It goes against humane value. Even evil can't be judged in wikipedia so using it as moral compass is wrong. There are so many articles about Islam written by muslims themselves so neutrality is not consistent in wikipedia.
Wikipedia's policy is neutrality therefore it doesn't recognize Muhammad or Allah as true or real. It only quotes history and source, like a machine. In here, neutrality means "Islam is false but presented in neutral tone". Anything that considers Islam as true but at the same time calls itself as neutral is not sane, according to wikipedia too, or in your language, a fool. Why is that? It's because neutrality doesn't consider unproven faith and belief as real. Who's the fool now?
You quoted Morgan and facebook? I read that long ago and found out that actually he didn’t bring anything new since last discussion. Tell me, what’s new in his so called rebuttal?
“Also I suggest you read this link disproving Ali Sina and showing Ali Sina’s bias and flawed logic it is a very good read.…
He did not publish the full text of the debate. You can read the full text here,…
It is long and it comes in many parts. So you have to ckick to the next page to read all the debate.
I do not need to say more as I and many others have pointed out Ali Sina and most of the posters on here are heavily bias towards blaming Islam for every evil ect . (Using half truth, manipulation to benefit ones gain.and missing a lot of facts)
When we show that we get abused,insulted or accused of doing something we are not. (read comments back to me and the insulting of the person disproving Ali )
I was linking the articles to show this but you did not get that (no surprise there though)
I do not care what any of you ''truth tellers'' think of me, nor if you remove my comments (As you said should be removed) which show you all as what you really are, extremist. I find you the same as other extremist (I am not the only one to think this)
If you all think this is right to do many god have mercy on all of you.
Regards Jakob
Easier to get it straight from YouTube:
You have posted a lot these last few days. The content of your comments is mostly based on hubris with little substance. You also post a few Wikipedia links that are not relevant to the subject, or are presented in an inappropriate manner.
In contrast, all of Dr. Sina's articles and his book are based on a solid foundation of facts from Islam's primary sources. Dr. Sina says no one can read his book, Understanding Muhammad, and remain a Muslim. Are you brave enough to try? You don't even have to buy a copy. If you ask, he will send you a copy in email. Once you stop ranting and see the facts presented in a logical, scholarly manner, you will stop your defense of Islam. Are you afraid to try?
I like Bill Warner's Simple Koran and Abridged Koran at the Center for the Study of Political Islam. It's a historically reconstructed Koran that has been reassembled in chronological order with contexts from the Ahadith and Sira. I also really like that it abandons the verse layout and uses modern conversational paragraphed English.
As far as accuracy in the translation, he says that you can't replicate the idioms, but you can give the meaning. He uses the example of "birds of a feather flock together". It takes a lot of explaining to show how it means what it means, but it is easy to give the meaning that birds of the same type travel together.
You say '' No sane person calls it neutral or doesn't have hate or love to certain thing. ''
Implying one is not sane because they do not believe in what they are saying and knows they are missing a lot of historic facts makes one look like they are nothing but a fool.
One example is Ali Sina forgets to mention this fact : Muslims were also killed by the Nazi's.
''The Ustaša authorities established numerous concentration camps in Croatia between 1941 and 1945. These camps were used to isolate and murder Serbs, Jews, Roma, Muslims [Bosniaks], and other non-Catholic minorities, as well as Croatian political and religious opponents of the regime."'
linking Wikipedia links due to they are the most neutral and avoiding linking from bias sites of any religion or group
Also I suggest you read this link disproving Ali Sina and showing Ali Sina's bias and flawed logic it is a very good read.…
Regards Jakob
All read :…
Regards Jakob
Nope, I'm opening the real face of Islam (hate) using proof. This is big difference and you didn't even refute the hatred of Islam.
Nazi? No, it's about Muhammad's moral code, deed, and purpose. His view towards others, his selfish act, his cruelty, his vengeance etc. All is documented. Nazi is comparable to muslims to certain extent. Hey, even muslims love Hitler so why can't I compare this common view to some extent? Hitler admired Islam too and worked with some muslim nations. He invaded his fellow Christian nations, didn't he?
The same way? That's your job to prove it, using Muhammad's life.
You missed the fact. Muslims do hate Christian as they hate polytheist because they are mushrikoon, associating god with others. In fact, Muhammad and Allah hated it so much and cursed multiple times. Don't tell me this is not hatred.
Bible and Jewish books is of course pro to the believers because it was made to be so and made by the believers themselves. What's the point of the teaching if it wasn't? Muhammad's history is one sided, it's written by the victors so it's undeniably pro Islam and vilify the enemy. No sane person calls it neutral or doesn't have hate or love to certain thing.
If one book was made to make people know and obey certain god, of course that book would have to pro to whatever the doctrine was, otherwise no one would listen.
Oh, that means Islam can be included to this one since it advocates a group of people to hate unbelievers and think that they are special above all. Have you read Quran or hadith? There are plenty of examples.
You wrote, “This is discrimination. Also is saying that Christians have the right to abuse and hurt someone (Which is not justified in the bible to do) That is double standards”
Nope, it’s not. It depends on fact. A Christian won’t be mad just because someone pisses on the crucifix or writes Da Vinci Code but a muslim will kill and create violence for that. No Biblical verse talks about that, just pure fact. Do some realities check not theory, including religious discrimination in Islam and muslim world.
You wrote, “Yes and calling for them to be bulldozed is extremist behaviour and is just like the violent branches of Islam you are basing all your facts on.”
Who’s destroying building in real world? Was it muslims or others? Who could destroy even other’s sect building? Who could actually bomb it with suicide bomber? Recently, there was another bomb in my country targeting a church. Like I said, mere comments have no power on this one because infidel’s mind is still sane.
You wrote, “That is not true the extremist branches are guilty of this but they are not all of Islam so that is false and is based on a very small percentage”
Funny, Muhammad himself destroyed polytheist’ gods and place of worship, even mosque made by hypocrite can be destroyed. What’s wrong with following their idol? There are plenty of examples of muslims destroying their own native culture because it’s unislamic, let alone bombing each other.
You wrote, “Have you ever heard to term Christian Extremist?
Christian extremist means following Jesus to the extreme, word by word, act by act and almost 100 %. Extremist in Jainism would be like Gandhi so extreme Christian would like Jesus. What was Jesus like? I’ve heard it (just few times) and found it wrong, just like any other political name.
Extreme doesn’t equal to evil or violence, you know. Have you check dictionary?
Quick tingling question: Why does Christian extremist lose its popularity compared to Islamic extremist? It’s a rare name and not everyone familiar with it.
Since you quoted Wikipedia then may I ask this? As usual, the anonymous wiki authors doesn't provide enough links, sources and scriptural sanctions about it:
What is the goal of Christian faith according to the New Testament and achieved in what way?
"Missed my point they claimed to be Christians just like the violent branches are doing."
No one miss yours coz it's an old excuse. All I see is no explanation as to why they really have connection with Jesus' teaching. Violent branch must have its root otherwise you can't call it a branch logically.
Claimed to be is different from proven to be. All you have to do is investigate their doctrine and act. The result is null, they have no connection with Jesus' teaching, unlike muslims.
Your proof please… This is missed by you. Proof talks, not mouth.
How can god's wish be debatable? This makes me lose respect of god because he is nothing but toy to human. But seriously, if this is debatable then you should debate about it. History tells us bad.
You are basing your argument on nothing here aka dead wrong.
Ask any knowledgeable muslim if he/she find what Allah has ordained or desire is “Debatable”.
As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience.
Propaganda is often biased, with facts selectively presented (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.
The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political, or other type of agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare.''
Regards Jakob
You are very one sided in your views, this article is proof of that as you leave out a lot of facts. For example you accuse Islam and arabs for all problems (racist much?) and only state what Palestinians did yet not Israel
''It is amazing how you flip flap and change your words as situation dictates. Didn’t you say earlier that the Bible does not preach violence and it is the fault of the Christians who misunderstand it? Truth for you Muslims is relative. It depends on situation. ''
Missed my point yet again reread.
''They can’t be equated. Islam should be equated with the cult of Jim Jones, David Koresh or even Nazism. Muhammad was a terrorist. He bragged that he became victorious with terror. No other religions founder did the evil things Muhammad did. ''
You just don't get it do you?
You can believe this but I will not. There is no need to say Islam is evil saying it in every post will not make it true.I will not believe this at all, as you will not believe what I have to say.(even though your posting and I showed how bias you are towards Islam)
''Crusades were inspired by Jihad. ''
Yes on the Muslim side. Greater good/Gods Will on the other (half correct and concerning you missed out historic fact yet again)
Missed my point to why I made this comment.(similar ideology as the Crusades back in that era)
Concerning ideology that is all.
I still hold the belief that you were not a Muslim as you leave out a lot of historic facts in most of your articles and distort a lot of facts to benefit your gain to fool those who are to lazy to read about Islam themselves. (Using manipulation)
As you stated you have a lot of people who have a neo Nazis Muslims are evil ideology, if they believe that of cause they would believe what you had to say because they already have hatred in there heart and need to blame someone.
Very bias towards only Islam closed minded
You say Islam has extremist views, if I someone wanted to see extremist views all someone needs to do is read the hatred on this site.
Regards Jakob
“You know this because I am not agreeing with your incitement of violences on 1 billion people yes?
I am not inciting violence on anyone. I am showing to the world and to this billion people that their faith is not from God so they should not hate those who do not believe in that lie and should not murder them and should not blow up themselves to kill others. I am saving one billion souls that are fed nothing but hate from their ignorance.
My accusation of Muhammad is not opinion. It is all documented and is based on the Islamic sources.
“”Yes. That is exactly what I say. The Bible does not teach violence. The Quran does. ”
Very flawed logic when there is just as much violence in there .”
It is amazing how you flip flap and change your words as situation dictates. Didn’t you say earlier that the Bible does not preach violence and it is the fault of the Christians who misunderstand it? Truth for you Muslims is relative. It depends on situation.
“ you say they are good and Muslim are evil. Read about the crusades and what both sides used to justify violence towards each other.”
There is no justification for war in the Bible. Crusades were inspired by Jihad.
“Another baseless accusation I was not attacking any other faith I was pointing out your bias towards Islam you say one is evil yet the other isn’t, even though that one did the exact same thing as the faith you are inciting hatred for.”
When Christians do evil they break go against their faith. But when Muslims follow their religion they do evil. You do your best to equate Islam with other religions. They can’t be equated. Islam should be equated with the cult of Jim Jones, David Koresh or even Nazism. Muhammad was a terrorist. He bragged that he became victorious with terror. No other religions founder did the evil things Muhammad did.
“I was very respectful to all faiths.”
No other faith is as evil as Islam, even though no faith should be respected. All faiths should be subject to scrutiny
You even said Muslims are evil for being Muslims what sort of logic is that but incitement of hatred
Anyone who believes in a book of hate such as the Quran and follows a terrorist like Muhammad is either ignorant or evil. The same I say about the Nazis.
Saying a religion is evil is not inciting hatred any more than saying Nazism is evil. Religion is an ideology. Why you Muslims can get your head around this. You want to see hatred, red the Quran and what it says about non-believers, Jews and Christians. Denouncing that hatred is not hatred.
“Also I find it very hard to believe you are a former Muslim 12er as you are missing a lot of facts and understanding. “
No I understand perfectly and that is why I am not calling myself a Muslim. It is you who needs understanding and once you do understand you too will leave Islam.
“You are also support by a lot of anti Muslim extremist that think anything is justified against Muslims”
Many of my supporters originally thought that way. After reading my articles almost all of them have changed their idea. Now, instead of blaming Muslims they know that Muslims are the victims of a lie.
Please go to "Islam watch".n see the Great Palestinian Lie by Pat Condell in viedoes.
You said ''This is fact. If you deny it is because you have not read the Quran and don’t know the biography of Muhammad. ''
You know this because I am not agreeing with your incitement of violences on 1 billion people yes ? Just because I do not agree with your opinion (And that is what it only is opinion not fact) you accuse me of a baseless accusation.
''Yes. That is exactly what I say. The Bible does not teach violence. The Quran does. ''
Very flawed logic when there is just as much violence in there yet you say they are good and Muslim are evil. Read about the crusades and what both sides used to justify violence towards each other.
''It is amazing. You can’t let got the Bible can you? Leave that book of fable alone. No Christian believes in that nonsense. I don’t give a damn what the Bible or any other religious book says. Take that discussion to a Christian site. You Muslims cannot defend Islam without attacking other faiths. For Pete sake, let go of the Bible. I am talking about the Quran. Can you defend this book of filth and terror that you worship without engaging in logical fallacies''
Another baseless accusation I was not attacking any other faith I was pointing out your bias towards Islam you say one is evil yet the other isn't, even though that one did the exact same thing as the faith you are inciting hatred for. I said this in many post if you even read any of them (I was very respectful to all faiths ).
You even said Muslims are evil for being Muslims what sort of logic is that but incitement of hatred.(Hitler did the same thing to the Jews)
I was making the point of all religions do bad things unlike you I do not incite hatred, lie, say they are evil, are not innocent and say an entire religion is evil.
Also I find it very hard to believe you are a former Muslim 12er as you are missing a lot of facts and understanding.
You are also support by a lot of anti Muslim extremist that think anything is justified against Muslims so this site is not better then a neo Nazis or anti Christian site.
Regards Jakob
“So your logic is if Christians commit crimes they are miss reading the Bible though if the Muslims commit the same crime they committed those acts because of the Quran?”
Yes. That is exactly what I say. The Bible does not teach violence. The Quran does. This is not bias. This is fact. If you deny it is because you have not read the Quran and don’t know the biography of Muhammad.
“You do realize that you are trying to imply 21st century ethics to the 7th century.”
There are two fallacies in this statement.
A) The seventh century morality was not as evil as the morality that Muhammad brought. Jesus lived 600 before Muhammad and Buddha.
B) If you agree that the morality of Muhammad was inferior to ours why do you follow him?
“You say this yet from the 7-10th century women did not have souls in the Bible and were not worth anything.”
It is amazing. You can’t let got the Bible can you? Leave that book of fable alone. No Christian believes in that nonsense. I don’t give a damn what the Bible or any other religious book says. Take that discussion to a Christian site. You Muslims cannot defend Islam without attacking other faiths. For Pete sake, let go of the Bible. I am talking about the Quran. Can you defend this book of filth and terror that you worship without engaging in logical fallacies?
''“I do not believe the bible is evil because of the this extremist group.”
Okay so we agree that the Bible does not preach violence and those who commit violence in the name of it are misunderstanding it. So far so good!
''However, the same does not apply to the Quran and Muslims. In fact the Muslims who commit atrocities are the ones who understand it better and practice it best. ''
So your logic is if Christians commit crimes they are miss reading the Bible though if the Muslims commit the same crime they committed those acts because of the Quran? (Not because they miss read the Quran)That does not make sense and points out your bias .
You do realise that you are trying to imply 21st century ethics to the 7th century and focusing on only the Muslims when all religions and none religions in that era commit those acts.
''Chop their heads from above their neck, you could say I am spreading hatred. I am not saying any of these things. You prophet did and all I do is tell the world what this man did and say.''
You say this yet from the 7-10th century women did not have souls in the Bible and were not worth anything (Until the Knights Templer) You say Muslims chopped off peoples heads yet what about Christians burning people at the stake from the early century to the 18th century?
Link to burning at the stake:
Also it would be wrong like you are doing to assume all Roman Catholics, atheist and Protestant were evil because of what Hitler did such as death by Guillotine (chopping off heads WW2 era)
Link to what Hitler did:
Yet you focus only on Islam
You are preaching hatred, you are assuming all Muslims are evil people which is wrong to do no mater what religion or code you follow
Regards Jakob
“I do not believe the bible is evil because of the this extremist group.”
Okay so we agree that the Bible does not preach violence and those who commit violence in the name of it are misunderstanding it. So far so good!
However, the same does not apply to the Quran and Muslims. In fact the Muslims who commit atrocities are the ones who understand it better and practice it best.
Now there are plenty of verses, hadiths and stories about Muhammad that show that man was evil incarnate. Let us not argue about the Bible because we both agree on that. Let us focus on the Quran and I will show you this book is evil.
“I know Hatred when I see it”
Obviously you don’t. If you could see it you would know that the Quran is a book of hate and anyone like me who denounces that book of evil is doing the right thing.
If I say slay the Muslims wherever you find them, or don’t take your father or brother as friend is they like Islam, or I will instill terror in the hearts of the Muslims, or lay in every stratagem and catch the Muslims and chop their heads from above their neck, you could say I am spreading hatred. I am not saying any of these things. You prophet did and all I do is tell the world what this man did and say.
You are not hating hatred ,you are spreading it, there is a big differences.
''The reason on hating Islam has been presented.'' Yes attaching Nazi on the end then saying they are Murderous monsters who are evil and other ridiculous things.
Regards Jakob
''KKK does not cite the Bible to justify their hatred and evil deeds''
The KKK have a picture of Jesus and have a sword in the Bible open to a quote and they do quote the Bible. History states this.
What about the Christian group in the USA celebrating the death of US soldiers ? They recite the bible while protesting at solders funerals and saying they will go to hell.
I do not believe the bible is evil because of the this extremist group.
''Obviously, like the great majority of Muslims you have neither read the Quran nor the Sira. I always say, the only thing that keeps Muslims in Islam is their ignorance of Islam''.
Do not make Assumptions you do not speak for me or for all of the Muslims in the world.
''Jacob, I think it is time that you open your eyes. You seem to be smarter for believing in your own charade.''
I know Hatred when I see it and I find your justification to incite hatred on over 1 billion people flawed (Muslims in your eyes do an act you do not like thus all are not innocent. Even if you have never meet them, they have not broken any laws (country state or sahara), killed anyone or hurt anyone at all )
Regards Jakob
Jacob, I think it is time that you open your eyes. You seem to be smarter for believing in your own charade. KKK does not cite the Bible to justify their hatred and evil deeds. Muslim terrorists cite the Quran and have plenty of examples of Muhammad to back what they do. Obviously, like the great majority of Muslims you have neither read the Quran nor the Sira. I always say, the only thing that keeps Muslims in Islam is their ignorance of Islam.
Also to add
Hate group: A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other designated sector of society.
Link to hate group:
Regards Jakob
Missed my point they claimed to be Christians just like the violent branches are doing.
'' KKK is racist group, not religious ideology, let alone has any connection with Christianity'' Yes that is true that is just like the violent branches of Islam no connection what so ever to most of the Muslims
I was using his logic I was not saying they were right at all or misquoting.
Regards Jakob
''Sling comments or making threat is empty words when done by other believers because the only religion that still discriminates people is Islam''
This is discrimination. Also is saying that Christians have the right to abuse and hurt someone (Which is not justified in the bible to do) That is double standards
'Bulldoze mosque? Yes and calling for them to be bulldozed is extremist behaviour and is just like the violent branches of Islam you are basing all your facts on.
'Does that really happen in real life? On the contrary, Muslims would love to destroy any building, statue, or artifact that go against Islam. '' That is not true the extremist branches are guilty of this but they are not all of Islam so that is false and is based on a very small percentage
''Nope, it is not lazy because Islam stands alone on this one. Evil doesn't discriminate? Sure and this case it uses Islam as a mask. It doesn't discriminate, remember? Even religion can be evil.''
Have you ever heard to term Christian Extremist ?
(Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith)
Link to Christian Terrorism
Regards Jakob
''Sling comments or making threat is empty words when done by other believers because the only religion that still discriminates people is Islam''
This is discrimination. Also is saying that Christians have the right to abuse and hurt someone (Which is not justified in the bible to do) That is double standards
'Bulldoze mosque? Yes and calling for them to be bulldozed is extremist behaviour and is just like the violent branches of Islam you are basing all your facts on.
'Does that really happen in real life? On the contrary, Muslims would love to destroy any building, statue, or artifact that go against Islam. '' That is not true the extremist branches are guilty of this but they are not all of Islam so that is false and is based on a very small percentage
''Nope, it is not lazy because Islam stands alone on this one. Evil doesn't discriminate? Sure and this case it uses Islam as a mask. It doesn't discriminate, remember? Even religion can be evil.''
Have you ever heard to term Christian Extremist ?
(Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith)
Link to Christian Terrorism
Regards Jakob
''I shouldn't read anything written by muslim too about Islam since it is heavily pro Islam.''
You missed my point. If a Muslim hated a Christian it would state half truth about the Bible and try to justify hating them.
''Shouldn't your logic turn out like this? Quran, hadith and sira are heavily pro Muhammad.''
I could say the Bible is pro Christian and the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) Pro Jewish using your logic. (Which I am not saying they are )
Regards Jakob
''The point is to achieve what Allah had ordained and desired''
Very debatable, as I stated.
Regards Jakob
A Muslim doing evil is the same as any other religion doing evil .
Regards Jakob
KKK is racist group, not religious ideology, let alone has any connection with Christianity. Surely Jesus was not white and westerner, wasn't he? In order to know the truth about it, you have to know the teaching, not the group. Muhammad's teaching is all over this site and I see you don't even bother to refute that.
You know what is "out of context" and "misquoting"? You are doing it now.
Oh, you quoted peaceful contradictory surah. You are surely aware that this period was canceled by Medinan surah which ordained subjugation to all people outside Islam. When you find contradiction you have to know the cause. What matters was his last command when he was in his strongest position. It would unmask everyone's personality. Hey, power ironically can make you "honest".
Strange argument you have here. Unbeliever is pagan? So, why the confusion? Quran has fixed name for that. It's called the polytheist aka the mushrikoon. Unbeliever is someone who doesn't believe in Islam in general. Are you mocking the scholars who translated it?
Hating hatred is not hate monger. The reason on hating Islam has been presented.
Sling comments or making threat is empty words when done by other believers because the only religion that still discriminates people is Islam. Bulldoze mosque? Does that really happen in real life? On the contrary, muslims would love to destroy any building, statue, or artifact that go against Islam.
Nope, it is not lazy because Islam stands alone on this one. Evil doesn't discriminate? Sure and this case it uses Islam as a mask. It doesn't discriminate, remember? Even religion can be evil.
I shouldn't read anything written by muslim too about Islam since it is heavily pro Islam. Shouldn't your logic turn out like this? Quran, hadith and sira are heavily pro Muhammad.
Jihad only has one meaning but the method varies. It includes holy war too. The point is to achieve what Allah had ordained and desired.
Jihad is very debatable has many meaning (no it does not mean holy war)
Jihad means struggle
Jihad in sunni and shia in quite different
Jihad in War is about defending ones self from enemies
Jihad against the soul: Struggling against the soul to yearn for the Religion, act upon those teachings, and call others to them. (Paraphrased)
Jihad against Shaytan: Struggling against Satan without doubts or desires.
Jihad used by terrorist is very different
They justify killing of innocents for Allah's will (same as the Christian killing for the greater good / God will) every Passive Muslim does not agree with this
link to wiki page on Jihad
Regards Jakob
If you are a Muslim you don’t become automatically evil. But if you follow Islam as prescribed by Muhammad you become evil.
Christians do also evil things, although not at all at the same level of Muslims, but when they do evil it is because they disregard the teachings of Jesus. Muslims become evil when they follow the teachings of Muhammad.
“ You are clearly interpreting the Quran as violent.”
Is there an interpretation of the Quran that is not violent? All of the interpretations and sects of Islam agree on jihad, even if they don’t agree on anything else. All of them are violent.
"''Unbelievers '' was direct towards the Pagans" Nonsense here is the verse in full "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." "The people of the book" are the christians and the jews not the pagans. Why even if was just the pagans it would not be okay to subdue them. And don`t say its only on about the unbelievers from arabia because they were killing the muslims. As the verse makes it clear as to the reason why they should be subdued "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day". This verse is enough to prove islam is a facist ideologie.
"Meaning it does not matter what they are if someone wants to do evil acts they will think of anything to justify it." What better way to justify their evil acts than by joining the religion that says they are divine commandments from God.
"What religion do you follow ?" I believe in rational thinking, so i don`t follow any religion.
"I find that rounding up everyone to be like the terrorist is backwards thinking" Why all nazis are facists but not all germans were nazis (though most of them were). Its not "backward thinking" its the truth.
That is not really true there are Christian extremist who do sling comments,make threats harass and think they are justified to hurt others.
Some even on your other site calling to bulldoze Mosques,abusing Muslim woman and making far from Christian comments about them.
I find it very lazy to blame all of Islam and not the peoples few will to do bad things.
Also very dangerous for anyone no matter what faith they are to incite hatred on anyone it contradicts most faiths does it not ?
Evil does not discriminate
Regards Jakob
I am not denying there are not bad Muslims out there but I personalty cannot grasp your logic of if you are a Muslim you are evil it seems backwards thinking but that is purely my opinion.
You say all these comments about Islam yet what about the Christians killing for the greater good?
I get if you were personality hurt by some bad ones but there is no need to say everyone is like that. Most Muslims are passive. You are only showing the extremist the (small percentage of Islam)
There is no need to justify hatred on an entire religion
There are many Interpretation and meanings depending on what sect you belong to:
Sunni, Shia, Zadi (5ers) ,salafi all with different interpretations of the Quran
You are clearly interpreting the Quran as violent.
The Bible could be interpreted to be violent also (badmouths the Jews)
Regards Jakob
It is good that at least you acknowledge that the translations of the Quran into English show a lot of hatred against the Jews. You think all the 24 translators of the Quran into English have had hatred against the Jews and they twisted the Quran and mistranslated it so it appears that the Quran badmouths the Jews. Really?
What about the translations in other languages? I can read the Quran in Persian, Italian and Spanish and I find the same crap. So all the translators have hatred of the Jews and have confabulated to misinterpret the Quran? I wonder why. Any explanations?
But the Arabic version is more violent. Obviously you can’t read in Arabic or are doing taqiyyah. I read the Quran in Arabic. The only translation that is closer to the original and is not trying to hide the violence in the Quran by sugarcoating the verses is the Persian translation. The reason is obvious. The Persian translation is for Muslims who need to understand the true Islam but the translations in other languages have to be softened and the words should be massaged so the real violence of the Quran does not become obvious.
Ideologies are not people. This is a fallacy that Muslims are trying to promote. A person who writes against ideologies of hate such as Nazism, communism and Islam is not a hate monger. In fact one can write against any ideology. Christianity has been the target of criticism for the last three centuries. No one accuses Bertrand Russell, Voltaire, Thomas Pane or Richard Dawkins as hate mongers because they have criticized Christianity. But Muslim will call anyone who criticizes their religion a hate monger, and an Islamophobe and all sorts of derogatory names. They can’t respond to reason and hence engage in ad-hominem.
Question : What religion do you follow ?
''All muslims are fascists'' I find that rounding up everyone to be like the terrorist is backwards thinking
''Unbelievers '' was direct towards the Pagans
I follow that the Christians are the followers of Jesus. Jews are the followers of Moses. Muslims followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) thus all are brothers.
[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
I have studied most of the religions and what I have stated before is this:
Evil is not any religion but the acts of man's freewill. Meaning it does not matter what they are if someone wants to do evil acts they will think of anything to justify it.
Regards Jakob
"Many have killed for Gods will and they were Christians does that mean you would denounce Christians ?" Yes if their religion teaches such things.
"That is your opinion its not fact but you are entitled to it." I can provide a great deal of evidence from the very islamic sources to back up my claim islam is a facist ideolgie.
"try every attempt to hurt people who are not the extremist" All muslims are facists, and if they are not muslim they should not call themselves a follower of a religion they know nothing about.
"What do you mean by this comment ?" We should treat people as they treat us, if you agree with your religion when it says the unbelievers should be forced to pay protection tax and "feel themselves subdued." Then i going to to do that to you, i don`t love my enemies i hate them.
hatemonger: a person who kindles hatred, enmity, or prejudice in others. (Hitler to Jews) it is not just limited to race
Better word would be hate speech
Regards Jakob
''No its not relevant unless he can prove the muslims do such thing becuse of Islam''. He is saying they are with out facts
''but that would not mean any of his claims about islam being a false religion and muhammed a rapist, looter, pedophile etc are false just becuse of that.''
Bias text.
For example I would not read Jewish text wrote by a Muslim if he had a personal bias towards Jews or read a Muslim text wrote by a christen if he had a personal bias towards Muslims.
Example: The Quran was translated from Arabic to English but the translator had personal hatred towards Jews and that was added to the English translation of the Quran. It was the 18th century translation
Regards Jakob
" If i prove the said people are racist because their religion teaches it, then i would rightly condemn such a disgusting religion.''
Many have killed for Gods will and they were Christians does that mean you would denounce Christians ? (fact if you didn't know: woman did not have rights in the 10th century before the knights templar renewed the old teaching of the bible)
''Islam is an idea and ideas do not have rights and people that believe in facist ideologies should be treated with the wrath they deserve.''
You saying Islam is a ''fascist ideologies''
That is your opinion its not fact but you are entitled to it. But when you try and paraphrase and try every attempt to hurt people who are not the extremist then I do not get your way of thinking
''should be treated with the wraith they deserve''
What do you mean by this comment ? I never said there was not bad people who used there religion to justify crimes or for there own personal hatred or gain but isn't that a bit extreme to take it out on innocent people not doing these acts I don't get the logic that's all.
Regards Jakob
"This site is hate mongering and stereotyping a entire religion" You can`t "hate monger" a idea, people consciously chose what they believe it is not like race where people cannot change it.
"I have meet many racist from all faiths but unlike Ali and you I don't take it out on an entire religion." If i prove the said people are racist because their religion teaches it, then i would rightly condemn such a disgusting religion.
"Preaching Human rights and equality yet not giving Islam human rights or equality" Islam is an idea and ideas do not have rights and people that believe in facist ideologies should be treated with the wrath they deserve.
"So its relevant for Ali to compare all 1 billion Muslims as Nazis not human and attach violent figures from past history to vilify all of Islam yet when I do the same thing to show you his logic is flawed its ''not relevant''" No its not relevant unless he can prove the muslims do such thing becuse of islam.
"Name calling without showing how I am wrong." where did i Name call? On what article has ali sina claimed, becuse some muslims are terrorists this must mean islam is a facist ideology? Even if he did say such thing, you would have only refuted that arugment (which is obviously a logical fallacy), but that would not mean any of his claims about islam being a false religion and muhammed a rapist, looter, pedophile etc are false just becuse of that.
''What he actually says is this is what islam does to people i.e turns them into hate mongering racists.''
This site is hate mongering and stereotyping a entire religion how do you justify that to your God ?
Regards Jakob
''Even if all christians were terrorists, its not relevant to the actual issue of whether christianity is a violent cult or not. '' So its relevant for Ali to compare all 1 billion Muslims as Nazis not human and attach violent figures from past history to vilify all of Islam yet when I do the same thing to show you his logic is flawed its ''not relevant''
''I have never heard ali sina make such a stupid claim.''
Name calling without showing how I am wrong.
''What he actually says is this is what islam does to people i.e turns them into hate mongering racists.''
I have meet many racist from all faiths but unlike Ali and you I don't take it out on an entire religion.It is a trait which is human not religion based
Preaching Human rights and equality yet not giving Islam human rights or equality
Double standards and very flawed logic
Regards Jakob
"Using your logic if I had a personal bias against christens I could say all christens must be like the KKK and that cult because those extremist branches are like that." Even if all christians were terrorists, its not relevant to the actual issue of whether christianity is a violent cult or not.
"You are stereotyping an entire religion and basing your logic and facts on a few extremist." I have never heard ali sina make such a stupid claim.
"By placing a picture of a extremist holding a love Hitler sign then saying all 1 billion of Muslims are like that and are not human is just wrong and is incitement of hatred and is fact less slander" What he actually says is this is what islam does to people i.e turns them into hate mongering racists.
Israel has threatened to nuke the Palestinians also. You are not including what the Jewish people did to the Palestinians and are telling a one sided story that is no surprise as you are openly bias against Islam for what ever reason that may be.
You forgot to mention what Israel did to the Palestinians. Example: torturing children, killing civilians, hiding behind children to shield from gun fire, bombing, stealing of land, running over people with tanks and the poisoning of Yasser Arafat ect
''Do Israelis treat Arabs in Israel in this way? You people have a long way to go to become fully humans my friend.'' Yes they do
What about the KKK and the Christen cult in the USA celebrateing the USA forces dying?
Using your logic if I had a personal bias against christens I could say all christens must be like the KKK and that cult because those extremist branches are like that.
You are stereotyping an entire religion and basing your logic and facts on a few extremist.
By placing a picture of a extremist holding a love Hitler sign then saying all 1 billion of Muslims are like that and are not human is just wrong and is incitement of hatred and is fact less slander
Every religion has extremist, not just Islam.
Regards Jakob
Raef must be claiming his $50,000 from ali sina after the debate thinking he won.
All Muslim countries invariably support Palestinians . Between them these Muslim countries must have killed more than 30 million kafirs during the 20th century alone. An equal number of abductions and rapes must have taken place. It is a continuing process . It is a wonder that Muslims feel so self righteous while always being engaged in unrighteous acts. I wish some one expose the double standards of these Muslim countries and a full report of their jihadi violence be published. This is needed not to convince the Muslims of their criminality ( they will never admit their holy crimes) but to awaken the rest to the morbid psychology of Mohammad and his followers.
Noted Bangladeshi writer Ms. Tasleema Nasreen has written about the atrocities of Monster Mohammad's rapacious followers in Bangladesh on Innocent Hindus in her Book Lajja. Muslim goons attacked her in a Book releasing function at Hyderabad. Instead of booking case against the Muslim Mob, the local police shamelessly booked a case against Ms.Tasleema for hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims . This is the psychology of monsters, They believe they can commit any crimes against Kafirs and still have a right to go Scot free. Anyone daring to complain should be punished . It is a pity that we Hindus are unable to defend Ms.Tasleema in our own country. The attackers of Ms.Tasleema are fanatical supporters of Palestine cause.
"There is thus no scope for Muslims and non-Muslims uniting as equals in the political, cultural, or social system in a Dar-ul-Islam where Muslims rule. Secular order in India thus is possible only when Muslims are not in power. Thondi, Rasathipuram and other places prove that the Muslim mind suffers from a dangerous duality? of seeking secularism when out of power and imposing a brutal demeaning theocracy for non-Muslims when in power" – Quoting Dr.Subramanya swamy
We in India have suffered 1000 years of most brutal Islamic rule and are still suffering wherever muslims happen to be in majority. Even if they are in majority in a single street they start flexing their Jihadi muscles. Any frank talk is fraught with brutal attacks from Mad Mohammd's monstrouos mobs.
In our own country we are falsely labelled as communal while the real culprits ( the 1400 year old criminal mindset of mohammad's followers) go about enjoying more than equal rights in waging jihad, lovejihad.
Well Mona, if anyone can find anything in the Quran to validate his own bias then what is the use of that book? Someone wants to have sex with a child; he can find verses to approve what he wants to do. Another person wants to beat his wife; there are verses that approve that too. Someone wants to become a terrorist; he can find plenty of verses. So how can such a book that confuses people be a clear book of guidance? A book of guidance must guide people to the right path not to validate their perversions.
I am sure you have not read the Quran. Very few Muslims have. And I am absolutely certain you have not read the Sira. If you read these books you’ll see all the evil in the Muslim world is inspired by Islam and Muhammad.
1.Oh you who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Q.9:123)
2.I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off. (Q.8:12)
3.Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him. (Q.3:85)
4.Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. (Q.9:5)
5.Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out. (Q.2:191)
6.Fight them on until there is no more dissension and religion becomes that of Allâh. (Q.8:39)
7.Fight them, and Allâh will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. (Q.9:14)
Mr Ali Sina, I'm sure you're a very smart man. You've lived longer than me and I'm sure you have also read thousands more books than me. For every issue, there are always 2 sides of the coins. So to you I can only say: [109:6] "To you is your belief, and to me is my belief." But continue writing. I love reading your articles.
To my fellow Muslims, stop being so melodramatic. This is a free world. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Why do you wish to force your opinion on others? Do you like it when people try to force their opinion on you? Have you not read this verses?
[18:29] "Proclaim: "This is the truth from your Lord," then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve."
[6:164] Say, "Shall I seek other than GOD as a lord, when He is the Lord of all things? Every soul is accountable for itself, and none bears the burden of another. Ultimately, you return to your Lord, then He informs you regarding all your disputes."
Dear Ali Sina, eventho I'm a Muslim but I agree with you wholeheartedly that Muslims are one very messed-up community. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe in "There is no God but Allah".
Like any literature book – divine or otherwise – how the person reading interpreted it depends on what they actually seek. Similar with Quran, if you wishes to seek revenge then you will find verses that allow you to seek revenge. If you're hell bent on proving it wrong, I'm sure you will find verses that prove you right. If a person wishes for inner peace & motivation, there are verses that provide that as well.
In my case this ayat holds the key: [4:79] "Anything good that happens to you is from GOD, and anything bad that happens to you is from you." The sorry state the Muslims are in now is no doubt due to themselves. If they want to be successful, they shd stop blaming others and start looking at themselves. But alas being human, it is alot easier to blame others than admit your own short comings.
Can anybody educate me on the subject of hygiene aspect Islam with Koranic and hadis text. Thanks.
Hi Rainbow,
What you said is preety much correct.
Arab is not a race, it is a cultural identity (like Persians, Chinese etc.)
I believe that there are only three races in the world (regardless the many sub-races). I believe Arabs, Israelites and Persians belong to Caucasian race.
And not all Arabs are muslims.
(continued) ….. The language was forced upon the people in the countries where muslims invaded; and poeple were killed for not speaking arabic or calling themselves "arab". They were brainwashed and made to repeat: "I am Arab. I am Muslim". The Arabic speakers of the Middle East are a very diverse group of people with different customs and dialects. They are a mixture of races from Europe, India and Africa. I think it is essential that the idea of the "arab race" is thoroughly deconstructed.
There is no such thing as an "arab race". It was an identity that was cleverly invented and imposed by Muhammad and his gang in order to create an Ummah. Language, race and identity are three separate entities. For eg, there are approx 60 countries in the world where English is the offical language, but only one of those countries' inhabitants call themselves 'English'. The Irish don't call themselves English, the Singaporians don't call themselves English, the Canadians and South Africans don't call themselves English. Just as Brazilians don't call themselves Portugese, or Mexicans; Spanish. So, who are the people these Arabic speaking people? They are not arabs, but Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians, Libyans, Egyptians, Saudis, Yemenites, Omanis, Iraqis (or Babylonians), Jordanians and Syrians. The Arabic language is a ministrone of local dialects, Old Syriac and Aramaic, as recently argued by Christoph Luxenberg . (continued below)
One more muslim – this time a Malayali one. Probably during the moplah attack Tipu sultan had this person's ancestral female relatives subjugated and enslaved – now these illegitimate nincompoops are shouting what they're taught to do always.
Ali Sina,
There are 2 languages in this comment. First one is malayalam – second one is tamil. I understand you already have a good person who was able to translate one of your books into tamil – and I don't think this guy will have trouble in using tamil language. He's basically used some invectives in the above comment.
He also wants to fix on a date for a debate – the part of the statement "debate pannuvom naal kuri alaippu vidu oru appanukku poranthu irunthaaaa" translates to "We will debate, fix a date & send an invite, if you were born to one father".
Using such terms is very common to the locality where I was born "Kasimedu" in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. My brethren which includes the daily-wage laborers & other such people are well conversant with the language used by this commentator.
I'm not sure if he is NOT A MUSLIM – because he doesn't say anything clear other than calling for a debate. When your opponent already uses invectives (like b-a-s…-r-d, etc) I think it should go to something like FFI's collection of Musilm responses.
These are the comments that proves time & again that you (Ali Sina) are doing a GREAT JOB. I honestly & sincerely hope that you succeed; and we (the poor under-privileged sections of Tamil society that I some-what relate to) are saved from the evil clutches of Islam.
Thanks a million, Dr. Sina for your efforts. You can add another feather to your cap – now you have a tamil-malayalam invective-using fool as well 🙂
Vande Mataram,
thallayaoli…. punda mone…………………….
thill iruntha vada punda mone… dai… debate pannuvom naal kuri alaippu vidu oru appanukku poranthu irunthaaaa………………………………………………
At least it makes me go to bed,content and fulfilled.And just for the record,"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.Isa 55:8.God will be God..and if you would like your niggling doubts esp.on disasters,injustice,poverty..u name it..answered,maybe it's time for you to post it to the right person.
'And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love' 1 Corinthians 13:13(Bible)
Hey,everything is worth a try right?What have you got to lose?All the best,Mr Sina.
Because deep in all men,'Someone' has placed eternity in their hearts that nothing can ever fill ever that void except for a spiritual fulfillment i.e God.A learned man like you are must have been aware that your golden rule is also written in Matthew 7:12(The Bible).Even more interesting.And I gave it a thought.I love the way you esteem humanity in all of your views.But I needed a superior force who also credits everthing to LOVE(ur golden rule stems from this main element), for me to channel my faith,my affection,my wants, and my all I'd say.And I find Jesus Christ, the said Messiah in the Bible fits my needs perfectly.I love the idea that there is a God who loves me so much that He could die for me on the cross.Sounds absurd and even awkward for mere specks like us.But I love it that I count that much.
Mr Sina,I may not know u personally but I see your reasonings are very sensible the topics of Islam.U seem to credit and base everything to the Golden Rule.'One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.'One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated'.Interesting.Because I needed to know what u tell yourself to sleep at night.And I truly accept your Golden Rule because ultimately we are human in all sense.It is just that though I'd like to convince myself that I am ultimately I AM and as long as I adhere to being 'GOOD', I'll be fine.Problem is, I can't.And I wondered why.
Israel has suffered enough the reason being there is no publisity or worldwide coverage of Israel side of true and historical stories to the media world. My schooling days I used to see Yaser Arafat's patriotic interviews and the dramas showcased by Palastinians on daily basis but none on Israel side stories publicised is local or western medias. If Israel want to change this, it has to invest heavily in media and tell its true stories to the world.
Islam is a demonic religion that makes parents sacrifice their own children for the sake of an evil criminal dead long ago.
I feel so sad for all the lives lost and mutilated, muslim and non-muslim alike, by this senseless hate in the name of an ancient falsehood.
A very good response mr. Sina!
Dr Ali Sina has logically and cogently demolished all the points put forward by the Palestinian. Bravo Ali Sina, I am one amongst your thousands and thousands of admirers ! Please keep up the good work, I'm sure that'll lead to an early demise of Islam !!
Oh, this old article again. This raef guy is rather "crazy", not to mention the idiocy..